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SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT CORWIN JACKSON, CORE Inspection Group RISING STAR MINH NGUYEN RIVERA, KW Philly #WINwithMINH Photography credit: Rem Ruth Thomas, Captured Photography ington Ramsey

M AY 2 0 1 9

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09 09


WOBS WOBS March March Madness Madness EventEvent Pic Pic RecapRecap

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24 24

Top Top Producer: Producer: Jibri Jibri BondBond / Peters / Peters Gordon Gordon Realty Realty

Sponsor Sponsor Spotlight: Spotlight: Corwin Corwin Jackson Jackson / CORE / CORE Inspection Inspection Group Group

Rising Rising Star: Star: MinhMinh NguyenNguyenRivera Rivera / / KW Philly KW Philly

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4 • May 4 • 2019 May 2019





JoshJosh Buchter Buchter Publisher/Writer Publisher/Writer

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“I “I get get energy energy byby being being out out around around people. people. I knew I knew I could I could never never sitsit behind behind a desk.” a desk.” Check Check out Jibri out Bond Jibri Bond / Peters / Peters Gordon Gordon Realty's Realty's storystory on page on page 12. 12.

6 • May 6 • 2019 May 2019

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8 • May 8 • 2019 May 2019

publisher’s publisher’s notenote By Josh ByBuchter Josh Buchter

WHAT'S WHAT'S YOUR YOURSTORY? STORY? Everybody Everybody has has “A Story”. “A Story”. While While I never I never imagined imagined my story my story would would include include being being the the Publisher Publisher for Philadelphia for Philadelphia RealReal Producers Producers Magazine, Magazine, herehere we are! we are! The stories you read you will readpositively will positively impact impact your your life and lifeyour and your busi-busiI am blessed I am blessed and truly and truly appreciative appreciative for the foropportunity the opportunity to offer to offer The stories The Magazine The Magazine Events Events will knock will knock your your sockssocks off! off! Philadelphia's Philadelphia's most most successful, successful, elite Real elite Estate Real Estate Agents Agents a platform a platformness.ness. to shine! to shine! This special, This special, exclusive exclusive magazine magazine is delivered is delivered monthly, monthly, A quick A quick bit onbit meonI'm me-aI'm single a single 32 year 32 year old Entrepreneur old Entrepreneur livingliving in in free of free charge of charge and only and to only thetotop the500 topproducing 500 producing Real Estate Real Estate Old with City with aspirations aspirations of becoming of becoming moremore of a World of a World Traveler Traveler Agents Agents in Philadelphia in Philadelphia County County (based (based on last onyear’s last year’s MLS MLS TotalTotal Old City and Travel Vlogger. Vlogger. I’ve held I’ve various held various business business development development rolesroles Volume Volume Production). Production). EveryEvery issueissue of Philadelphia of Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers and Travel within the Philly the Philly Real Real Estate Estate Industry Industry sincesince 20102010 from from Credit Credit Magazine Magazine will include will include a TopaProducer Top Producer CoverCover Story,Story, a Rising a Rising Star Star within Repair to Property to Property Management Management to Title to Title Insurance. Insurance. In theInlast the last Feature Feature and aand Sponsor a Sponsor Spotlight Spotlight Article Article alongalong with with moremore interestinterest-Repair nine years I’ve fostered I’ve fostered relationships relationships with with thousands thousands of Real of Real ing and ingrelevant and relevant content content revolving revolving around around the Philly the Philly Real Estate Real Estate nine years Estate Agents Agents and Industry and Industry Professionals. Professionals. A Marketer A Marketer at heart, at heart, Scene. Scene. Stay tuned Stay tuned for details for details on a series on a series of topofnotch, top notch, quarterly, quarterly, Estate in 2016 in 2016 I started I started Wolf Wolf of Broad of Broad Street Street Real Real Estate Estate Events Events LLC LLC ”invite-only” ”invite-only” events events that are thatcomplementary are complementary for the fortop the500 top 500 the goal the of goal bringing of bringing the Philly the Philly Real Real Estate Estate Community Community closercloser Agents Agents and their and their teamteam members; members; all made all made possible possible by our byvalued our valued with with together. My Philly My Philly Real Real Estate Estate Industry Industry Happy Happy HoursHours drawdraw hun- hunPreferred Preferred Partners. Partners. MarkMark your your calendar calendar for the forPhiladelphia the Philadelphia Real Realtogether. of guests of guests consistently. consistently. WhileWhile I’ll continue I’ll continue to host to industry host industry Producers Producers Magazine Magazine Launch Launch PartyParty Thursday Thursday May 23, May2019 23, 2019 from from dredsdreds events, I’m most I’m most excited excited to “level to “level up” with up” with the introduction the introduction of of 6-9PM 6-9PM at Chima at Chima Steakhouse Steakhouse (1901(1901 JFK Blvd, JFK Blvd, Phila,Phila, PA 19103). PA 19103). events, Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Real Producers Producers Magazine Magazine and the andcorresponding the corresponding top top producer producer events! events! If youIfreceived you received a copy a copy of this ofmagazine, this magazine, congratcongratThereThere are soare many so many successful, successful, dynamic dynamic and fascinating and fascinating Real Real ulations! ulations! You are Youranked are ranked in theintop the500 topAgents 500 Agents in Philadelphia. in Philadelphia. Estate Estate Agents Agents in thisinamazing this amazing city who, city who, as a whole, as a whole, are doing are doing up the upgreat the great workwork and give and some give some thought thought to, “what’s to, “what’s your your BILLIONS BILLIONS of dollars of dollars in production in production everyevery year. year. I am intrigued I am intrigued by by KeepKeep story”? Maybe Maybe you’llyou’ll be thebenext the featured next featured CoverCover Story! Story! the story the story behind behind their their success success in real inestate. real estate. I wonder I wonder where where they theystory”? camecame from from and how and they how got theytheir got their start.start. I’m curious I’m curious aboutabout the lesthe lesSincerly, sons sons they learned they learned alongalong the way. the What way. What are their are their hobbies, hobbies, beliefs, beliefs, Sincerly, opinions? opinions? I want I want to know to know aboutabout the trials the trials and tribulations and tribulations they they Buchter Buchter encountered encountered and how and they how dealt they dealt with with failures. failures. Tips for Tipsup-andfor up-and- JoshJosh Publisher coming coming Agents Agents and advice and advice on balancing on balancing workwork and life andare lifealways are always Publisher Philadelphia Real Real Producers Producers Magazine Magazine interesting interesting and helpful. and helpful. We’llWe’ll be covering be covering thesethese topicstopics and aand whole a wholePhiladelphia @wolf_of_broad_street lot more lot more in each in each issueissue of Philadelphia of Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers Magazine. Magazine. @wolf_of_broad_street •9 •9


ABOUT ABOUTTHIS THISMAGAZINE MAGAZINE amazing amazing storystory that needs that needs to beto told be–told perhaps – perhaps they they We realize We realize that that RealReal Producers Producers overcame overcame extreme extreme obstacles, obstacles, they are theyan are exceptionan exceptionis a is new a new concept concept herehere in in al leader, al leader, have have the best the customer best customer service, service, or they or they Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and and some some of you of you give back give back to thetocommunity the community in a big in away. big way. The next The next maymay be wondering be wondering whatwhat it's it's step is step an is interview an interview with with us to us ensure to ensure it’s a it’s good a good fit. fit. all about. all about. ThatThat is why is why we have we have If it all If it works all works out, then out, then we put wethe putwheels the wheels in motion in motion created created a “FAQs a “FAQs About About ThisThis Magazine” Magazine” page. page. HereHere for our forwriter our writer to conduct to conduct an interview an interview and for andour for our we will we answer will answer the most the most commonly commonly asked asked questions questionsphotographers photographers to schedule to schedule a photo a photo shoot. shoot. around around the country the country regarding regarding our program. our program. My My Q: WHAT DOESDOES IT COST IT COST A REALTOR/TEAM A REALTOR/TEAM TO TO doordoor is always is always openopen to discuss to discuss anything anything regarding regarding Q: WHAT BE FEATURED? BE FEATURED? this this community community – this – this publication publication is 100 is 100 percent percent A: Zero, A: Zero, zilch,zilch, zippo,zippo, nada,nada, nil. Itnil. costs It costs nothing, nothing, my my designed designed to be toyour be your voice! voice!

friends, friends, so nominate so nominate away!away! We are Wenot areanot pay-to-play a pay-to-play model. model. We share We share real stories real stories of real ofproducers. real producers.

Q: WHO Q: WHO RECEIVES RECEIVES THIS THIS MAGAZINE? MAGAZINE? Q: WHO ARE THE ARE PREFERRED THE PREFERRED PARTNERS? PARTNERS? A: The A:top The500 topagents 500 agents in BRIGHT in BRIGHT MLS.MLS. We pulled We pulledQ: WHO A: Anyone A: Anyone listed listed as a “preferred as a “preferred partner” partner” in thein the the MLS the MLS numbers numbers (by volume) (by volume) for 2018 for 2018 in Philain Philaof theofmagazine the magazine is a part is a of part this ofcommunity. this community. delphia delphia County. County. We cut Wethe cutlist theoff list atoff #500, at #500, and and frontfront will have will have an adan in ad every in every issueissue of theofmagazine, the magazine, the distribution the distribution was born. was born. For this Foryear’s this year’s list, the list, the TheyThey attend our quarterly our quarterly events, events, and be and a part be a of part ourof our minimum minimum production production level level for our forgroup our group is on is pace on paceattend online online community. community. We don’t We don’t just find just these find these busibusifor 3.7 formillion 3.7 million in 2019 in 2019 total total volume. volume. The list Thewill list will nesses off the offstreet, the street, nor do nor wedowork we work with with all busiall busiresetreset at theatend theofend 2019 of 2019 for next for year next year and continue and continuenesses nesses nesses that approach that approach us. One us. or One many or many of youofhave you have to update to update annually. annually. recommended recommended everyevery singlesingle preferred preferred partner partner you you see in see this in publication. this publication. We won’t We won’t even even meet meet with with a a Q: WHAT Q: WHAT IS THE IS PROCESS THE PROCESS FOR FOR BEING BEING FEATURED FEATURED business business that has thatnot hasbeen not been vetted vetted by one byofone youofand you and IN THIS IN THIS MAGAZINE? MAGAZINE? “stamped “stamped for approval,” for approval,” in a sense. in a sense. Our goal Our is goal to is to A: It’sA:really It’s really simple simple – every – every feature feature you see youhas seefirst has first create a powerhouse a powerhouse network, network, not only not for onlythe forbest the best been been nominated. nominated. You can Younominate can nominate otherother realtors, realtors,create realtors realtors in the in area, the area, but the but best the affiliates, best affiliates, as well, as well, affiliates, affiliates, brokers, brokers, owners, owners, or even or even yourself! yourself! OfficeOffice wegrow can grow stronger stronger together. together. leaders leaders can also can nominate also nominate realtors. realtors. We will Weconwill con- so wesocan sidersider anyone anyone brought brought to ourtoattention, our attention, because because we we Q: HOW CAN CAN I RECOMMEND I RECOMMEND A PREFERRED A PREFERRED don’tdon’t knowknow everyone’s everyone’s story,story, so wesoneed we need your your help helpQ: HOW PARTNER? PARTNER? to learn to learn aboutabout them.them. A nomination A nomination currently currently lookslooks youIfhave you have a recommendation a recommendation for a for local a local like this: like you this:email you email us at us josh.buchter@realproducat josh.buchter@realproduc-A: If A: business that works that works with with top realtors, top realtors, please please with with the subject the subject line, “Nomination: line, “Nomination: business let uslet know! us know! SendSend an email an email to to (Name (Name of Nominee),” of Nominee),” and explain and explain why you whyare younomare inating inating themthem to beto featured. be featured. It could It could be they be have they have an an

10 • May 10 • 2019 May 2019

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toptop producer producer By Josh ByBuchter Josh Buchter

JIBRI JIBRIBOND BOND// PETERS PETERSGORDON GORDONREALTY REALTY "Do "Do what what you you say say you you are are going going toto do" do"

12 • May 12 • 2019 May 2019

Jibri Jibri Bond, Bond, Broker Broker at at Peters Peters Gordon Gordon Realty Realty (244(244 W. Girard W. Girard Ave), Ave), justjust celebrated celebrated his 20th his 20th yearyear working working in real in real estate. estate. For For nearly nearly halfhalf his life, his life, Jibri Jibri hashas served served his his clients’ clients’ realreal estate estate needs needs withwith the the utmost utmost honor, honor, integrity integrity andand dedication; dedication; all of allwhich of which he believes he believes theythey eacheach deserve. deserve. Jibri Jibri ranked ranked #102#102 in the in the TopTop 500500 Producing Producing Philadelphia Philadelphia County County Realtors Realtors for 2018 for 2018 withwith an impressive an impressive $11,421,333 $11,421,333 in total in total volume volume reported reported by Bright by Bright MLS*. MLS*. He does He does the majority the majority of hisofbusiness his business in in the Northwest the Northwest sections sections of Philadelphia, of Philadelphia, such such as Mt.asAiry, Mt. Airy, Germantown Germantown and West and West Oak Lane, Oak Lane, but isbut also is consistently also consistently activeactive in areas in areas of West of West Philly, Philly, Cheltenham, Cheltenham, Glenside Glenside and South and South Philly. Philly. Mr. Bond Mr. Bond is a is a hard hard working, working, faithful, faithful, family family man who man who is very is very deserving deserving of hisofsuccess. his success. NeverNever cutting cutting corners, corners, leading leading by example, by example, doingdoing things things the right the right way; way; Jibri Jibri has kept has kept his head his head downdown and put andinput theinwork the work nec- necessary essary to beto part be of part Philadelphia’s of Philadelphia’s mostmost elite Real elite Real Estate Estate Agents. Agents. Jibri,Jibri, now 42 now years 42 years old, was old,born was born and and raisedraised in Mt.inAiry. Mt. Airy. His parents His parents werewere both both company company as well. as well. Jibri Jibri didn’tdidn’t knowknow whatwhat he wanted he wanted to doto fordoa for a teachers teachers and instilled and instilled a strong a strong workwork career, career, but knew but knew it would it would involve involve interacting interacting with with people, people, stating; stating; ethicethic into Jibri into Jibri and his andtwo hisyounger two younger sib- sib-“I get“Ienergy get energy by being by being out around out around people. people. I knew I knew I could I could nevernever sit sit lings lings at a young at a young age, where age, where laziness laziness and andbehind behind a desk.” a desk.” idle time idle time was not wasallowed. not allowed. Growing Growing up, up, Jibri Jibri kept busy kept busy with with maintaining maintaining excepexcep-AfterAfter graduating graduating from from high school, high school, Jibri Jibri attended attended PennPenn StateState tionaltional grades, grades, hanging hanging out with out with friends friends University University MainMain Campus Campus where where he became he became a parta of part theofOmega the Omega and playing and playing sports. sports. Jibri Jibri has always has always been been Psi Phi PsiFraternity. Phi Fraternity. The thought The thought of hisoftime his time at Penn at Penn StateState brings brings an an an athlete. an athlete. Through Through elementary elementary and his and hisautomatic automatic smilesmile to Jibri’s to Jibri’s face, face, explaining explaining excitedly excitedly that, that, “I had“I had time time at Parkway at Parkway Northwest Northwest High High School, School, a ballaatball Penn at Penn State.State. I wasIalways was always activeactive with with community community events, events, Jibri Jibri played played tennis, tennis, soccer, soccer, and baseball. and baseball.homehome games, games, parties parties and step and shows. step shows. I made I made a lot of a lot lifelong of lifelong During During his time his time at Parkway, at Parkway, Jibri Jibri also also friends friends there,there, friends friends that Ithat willIknow will know until until one ofone us of is us sixisfeet six feet worked worked for a for flower a flower shop shop in Chestnut in Chestnut under. under. I enjoyed I enjoyed PennPenn StateState immensely.” immensely.” Mr. Bond Mr. Bond graduated graduated with with Hill, and Hill,for anda for commercial a commercial clean-out clean-out a Bachelor’s a Bachelor’s Degree Degree in Marketing in Marketing in 1998; in 1998; but not butbefore not before • 13 • 13

ing a ing career a career fair on fair campus on campus whichwhich wouldwould ultimately ultimately guideguide his his professional professional path path toward toward real estate. real estate.

up, taking up, taking no steps no steps backwards backwards and building and building on relationships on relationships that that have have been been yearsyears in theinmaking. the making.

In 2010, In 2010, a good a good friendfriend from from Jibri’sJibri’s An employer An employer in attendance in attendance at theat the time time at Ryan at Ryan Homes, Homes, Tom Tom Peters, Peters, PennPenn StateState Career Career Fair was Fairone wasofone theof the presented presented an opportunity an opportunity that Jibri that Jibri regions regions mostmost well-respected well-respected homehomewouldwould not pass not up. passWhile up. While at Ryan at Ryan builders, builders, RyanRyan Homes Homes (an NVR, (an NVR, Inc. Inc. Homes, Homes, Tom Tom worked worked on the on constructhe construcCompany). Company). Jibri Jibri was intrigued was intrigued by by tion side tion of side theofbusiness the business whilewhile Jibri Jibri the information the information and opportunity and opportunity that that was sales. was sales. AfterAfter RyanRyan Homes, Homes, Tom Tom the company the company was presenting, was presenting, so heso he had become had become a successful a successful real estate real estate applied. applied. AfterAfter a three a three roundround interview interview investor. investor. Jibri, Jibri, a knowledgeable a knowledgeable and and process, process, Jibri Jibri was finally was finally hiredhired as as hungry hungry Real Real Estate Estate Agent, Agent, helped helped a sales a sales agentagent selling selling new construcnew constructo source to source land for landTom for Tom to build to build on on tion homes. tion homes. Referring Referring to histocurrent his current and properties and properties for Tom for Tom to buy, to hold, buy, hold, stance stance as a Top as aProducing Top Producing PhiladelPhiladelfix and fix flip. and When flip. When Tom Tom Peters Peters apapphia Realtor, phia Realtor, Jibri Jibri attributes attributes muchmuch proached proached Jibri Jibri to take to the takeposition the position of hisofwisdom his wisdom to thetomany the many lessons lessons as Broker as Broker of Peters of Peters Gordon Gordon Realty, Realty, it it learned learned at NVR. at NVR. “The“The training training and and was the wasright the right time time and place and place for Jibri for Jibri experiences experiences at Ryan at Ryan Homes Homes reallyreally to confidently to confidently take the takeposition. the position. “It’s “It’s set the setfoundation the foundation for me fortome doto this do this like alike hand-in-glove a hand-in-glove perfect perfect match match be- betype of type work of work because because we are wealways are always causecause he has heahas higha drive high drive like Ilike do. We I do.have We have the same the same workwork ethic,ethic, putting putting fires fires out inout this inbusiness”, this business”, Jibri Jibri says thankfully. says thankfully. Jibri Jibri also also strong strong customer customer service service skills...we skills...we are both are both that way. that way. It wasIt was foundfound the Ryan the Ryan Homes Homes training training programs programs to beto very be very valuable valuable in in samesame just a just good a good match. match. It’s been It’s been great great ever since”, ever since”, states states Jibri. Jibri. When When teaching teaching him how him to how read to read blueprints blueprints for homes for homes and site andplans, site plans, aboutabout his loyalty his loyalty to Peters to Peters Gordon Gordon Realty, Realty, Jibri Jibri admitted, admitted, “I “I how to how understand to understand real estate real estate financing financing and also and how also to how develop to developaskedasked get recruiter calls calls a lot.aBut, lot. where But, where I am is I am likeisfamily like family and I’m andnot I’m not professional professional salessales skills.skills. Jibri Jibri believes believes the first the step first in step serving in serving get recruiter anywhere.” anywhere.” his clients his clients is to let is to the letclient the client talk while talk while he simply he simply just listens. just listens. He Hegoinggoing believes believes that to that most to most effectively effectively assistassist a client, a client, “It’s kind “It’s of kind likeof like askedasked whatwhat separates separates Jibri Jibri BondBond from from otherother Real Real Estate Estate peeling peeling back back the layers the layers of anof onion an onion to gettotoget thetoroot the of root theofsituathe situa-WhenWhen Agents and what and what tips he tips would he would give up-and-coming give up-and-coming agents, agents, he he tion where tion where you find youout findwhat out what is important is important to thetoclient the client and what and whatAgents hadto this say: to say: product product or solution or solution can best can be best presented.” be presented.” In Jibri’s In Jibri’s eighteight yearsyearshad this with with RyanRyan Homes, Homes, he rose he the roseranks, the ranks, achieving achieving a sales a sales manager manager “Oh man, do what do what you say youyou sayare yougoing are going to do.toFor do.example, For example, If I If I role, role, MVPMVP awardaward in hisindivision, his division, and top andsales top sales rep for repthe forTrithe Tri- “Oh man, say I say am going I am going to calltomy callclient my client tomorrow tomorrow at 12pm, at 12pm, I call Imy callclimy cliStateState region. region. ent tomorrow ent tomorrow at 12pm. at 12pm. It sounds It sounds simple simple and sophomoric, and sophomoric, but it’s but it’s really really a matter a matter of standing of standing by your by your word. word. I’m very I’m very anal. anal. I’m very I’m very A fellow A fellow fraternity fraternity brother brother of Jibri’s of Jibri’s who attended who attended the University the University driven. driven. I’m very I’m very competitive. competitive. I likeIto like win toand winbe and thebebest. the best. You You of Pennsylvania, of Pennsylvania, Everett Everett Sands, Sands, planted planted the seed the seed of entrepreneurof entrepreneurif I am if running I am running a racea or race if I’m or ifplaying I’m playing Taboo Taboo with with friends friends ial expansion ial expansion and next and level next level success success into the intomind the mind of Jibri. of Jibri. Jibri Jibri know,know, at game night,night, anything anything like that, like that, I justIlike justto like beto competitive!” be competitive!” considers considers Everett Everett a mentor a mentor because, because, “He motivated “He motivated me tome underto under-at game standstand that everything that everything that Ithat am doing I am doing and giving and giving to this tocompany, this company, goes goes on toon say, to“Mainly, say, “Mainly, I really I really care about care about the process. the process. It’s It’s I can Ido can fordomyself. for myself. You’llYou’ll workwork harder, harder, but it’s buta it’s different a different type of type ofJibri Jibri not about the money. the money. I tell IAgents tell Agents in myinoffice; my office; if youifdo you a good do a good workwork because because you are youdoing are doing it forityourself.” for yourself.” In 2007, In 2007, Jibri Jibri wentwent not about job servicing your your clients, clients, answering answering the phone the phone calls,calls, responding responding into business into business with with Everett Everett and some and some partners partners who already who already had had job servicing to emails and text andmessages… text messages… you will yoube will successful be successful in real inestate real estate mortgage mortgage and title and companies title companies in place in place to open to open a realaestate real estate fran-fran-to emails sales.sales. But, itBut, comes it comes from from referrals. referrals. WhenWhen you do you a good do a good job, job, chisechise with with EXITEXIT Realty. Realty. WhileWhile beingbeing a Real a Real Estate Estate AgentAgent at EXIT at EXIT you close, you get youa get check, a check, they will theyrefer will refer you to you someone. to someone. That That Realty, Realty, Jibri Jibri took took Broker Broker classes, classes, was granted was granted his Broker his Broker license, license,you close, person will refer will refer you to you someone to someone else. else. But, you But,have you have to give to good give good and then and then subsequently subsequently became became the Broker the Broker for that for EXIT that EXIT Realty Realty person service and that and comes that comes whenwhen you care you about care about the clients. the clients. ThoseThose You’llYou’ll notice notice a recurring a recurring theme theme in Jibri’s in Jibri’s storystory of leveling of leveling service

MyMy short short term term goal goal is is to sell to sell 100100 homes homes in one in one year. year. TheThe most most I’veI’ve sold sold is 77 is 77 homes homes in one in one year. year. So So I would I would love love to sell to sell 100. 100. It’sIt’s coming." coming."

14 • May 14 • 2019 May 2019 • 15 • 15

largest church church of 12,000+ of 12,000+ members, members, for ten foryears. ten years. It is here It is that herehe that he are things are things I do well. I do well. I answer I answer my phone. my phone. If I don’t, If I don’t, I call Iback. call back. I I largest is humbled by thebyopportunity the opportunity to serve to serve and give andback give back his time his and time and always always call back. call back. My voicemail My voicemail is never is never full. Itfull. is aItpet is apeeve pet peeve of of is humbled talents to thetochurch. the church. Jibri Jibri states, states, “I’m very “I’m thankful very thankful to thetoLord the Lord minemine for Agents for Agents to have to have their their voicemail voicemail full. Itfull. drives It drives me crazy. me crazy. talents for providing and opening and opening door door after after door door with with an abundance an abundance of of I know I know people people are busy are busy but no but one noisone so is busy so busy that you thatcan’t you can’t clearclearfor providing opportunity opportunity and growth and growth for my forfamily my family and I.” and When I.” When askedasked what’s what’s out your out your voicemail.” voicemail.” next professionally next professionally for 2019 for 2019 and beyond, and beyond, Jibri Jibri mentions, mentions, “My short “My short term term goal is goal to sell is to100 sellhomes 100 homes in oneinyear. one year. The most The most I’ve sold I’ve is sold 77. Mr. Bond Mr. Bond also encourages also encourages new Real new Real Estate Estate Agents Agents to shadow to shadow suc- sucSo I would love to love sellto100. sellIt’s 100.coming. It’s coming. One day Oneitday willitcome. will come. But, But, cessful cessful peers,peers, listenlisten to direction, to direction, take notes, take notes, and, “Seek and, “Seek to learn to learn So I would I’m going I’m going to need to need a good a good solid solid teamteam underunder me tome doto that.” do that.” and absorb and absorb knowledge knowledge without without beingbeing too prideful too prideful to asktoquestions ask questions whenwhen you don’t you don’t knowknow things.” things.” Additionally, Additionally, Jibri Jibri mentions, mentions, “I’ve “I’ve Volume Volume (Listings (Listings Sold Volume, Sold Volume, CoopCoop Volume, Volume, Double Double End End been been doingdoing real estate real estate a verya very long time long time and even and even I don’t I don’t knowknow *Total*Total Volume) reported reported to Bright to Bright MLS.MLS. This does This does not include not include any priany prieverything. everything. If I don’t If I don’t know,know, I’ll goI’ll and goask. and I’ll ask. ask I’llaask bank. a bank. I’ll ask I’ll askVolume) vate sales not reported not reported to thetoMLS. the MLS. a titlea company. title company. I’ll ask I’llsome ask some mentors. mentors. But, don’t But, don’t be afraid be afraid to notto notvate sales know.know. Nobody Nobody knows knows everything.” everything.” Jibri Jibri will be will thebefirst the to first admit to admit that being that being a Real a Real Estate Estate AgentAgent is notisan not easy an easy job and jobnot andeveryone not everyone is built is built for it,for adding it, adding that, that, “You’re “You’re not going not going to beto working be working eighteight hour hour days.days. You are Yougoing are going to beto working be working a lot more a lot more than than that. that. But, But, you have you have to paytotopay play.” to play.” WhenWhen askedasked aboutabout whatwhat keepskeeps him motivated, him motivated, Jibri Jibri proudly proudly states, states, “I have “I have a wifea and wifetwo anddaughters two daughters to provide to provide for. I’m for.just I’m just not anot lazya person. lazy person. Sometimes Sometimes my wife my tells wife me tellsI need me I need to slow to slow down.down. But, I’m But,just I’mnaturally just naturally driven driven to go,togo, go,go. go,My go.parents My parents and and my grandmother, my grandmother, who will whobe will 93,beare 93,like arethat like too. thatOur too.whole Our whole family family is likeisthat. like that. You have You have to just todo just You it.can’t You can’t sit atsit home at home and and not do not anything.” do anything.” Jibri Jibri and his andwife, his wife, Sacha, Sacha, just celebrated just celebrated their their 11th wedding 11th wedding anniversary. anniversary. TheyThey have have two daughters, two daughters, Zoe and Zoe and Tori, Tori, who are whoten areand tensix andyears six years old respectively. old respectively. Jibri Jibri consciously consciously strives strives for a for good a good life/work life/work balance balance and knows and knows whenwhen to fliptothe flip the switch switch from from workwork modemode to family to family mode.mode. Outside Outside of work of work and family and family time,time, Jibri’sJibri’s hobbies hobbies include include running running and photography. and photography. He’s done He’s done moremore than than a dozen a dozen half marathons half marathons in in Philly, Philly, Baltimore Baltimore and NYC, and NYC, alongalong with with participating participating in 10 in Broad 10 Broad Street Street Runs.Runs. He confidently He confidently says,says, “If I’m “Iftraining I’m training for a for race, a race, I’ll I’ll run 20-30 run 20-30 milesmiles per week. per week. Running Running is myisget-away. my get-away. Everybody Everybody needsneeds something something and running and running is mine. is mine. EvenEven if I’miftired I’m tired I’ll goI’ll forgoa for a run. It run. helps It helps to just toclear just clear my head, my head, listenlisten to music to music and keep and keep it rollit rolling. Iing. loveI to love runtodown run down Forbidden Forbidden Drive. Drive. It’s like It’smy likelittle my little sanctusanctuary. Itary. keeps It keeps me healthy. me healthy. My blood My blood pressure pressure is beyond is beyond perfect.” perfect.” Jibri Jibri laughingly laughingly addedadded that, that, “I’m trying “I’m trying to keep to keep it there it there and stay and stay in shape. in shape. I can’t I can’t be thebeold, theshort, old, short, fat guy.” fat guy.” AsideAside from from running, running, photography photography is another is another strong strong passion passion of Jibri’s. of Jibri’s. WhileWhile he does he does not have not have the time the time to freelance to freelance shooting shooting weddings weddings and other and other par- parties like tieshe like used he used to, Jibri to, Jibri prefers prefers to capture to capture shotsshots of hisoffriends his friends and family. and family. Jibri Jibri joyfully joyfully says,says, “It’s just “It’sfun. justIt’s fun.natural. It’s natural. Catching Catching life moments life moments and things and things like that.” like that.” Mr. Bond Mr. Bond is alsoisvery also involved very involved with with his church his church and faith. and faith. Jibri Jibri has has been been a trustee a trustee at Enon at Enon Tabernacle Tabernacle Baptist Baptist Church, Church, Philadelphia’s Philadelphia’s

16 • May 16 • 2019 May 2019

Philadelphia Philadelphia andand South South NewNew Jersey's Jersey's leading leading home home inspection inspection company. company. Proudly Proudly offering offering Home Home Inspections, Inspections, Radon Radon Testing, Testing, Termite Termite Inspections, Inspections, Mold Mold Testing Testing and and Sewer Sewer Scope Scope inspections. inspections. We have We have a fully a fully staffed staffed office office ready ready to assist to assist withwith youryour home home inspection inspection needs. needs. Core Inspection Core Inspection GroupGroup is by far is by thefar best thehome best home inspection inspection groupgroup in in the area. the Having area. Having worked worked in thein Real theEstate Real Estate industry industry for several for several years years now; Inow; haveI have had the had unique the unique opportunity opportunity to seetothe see good the good and the and bad. theCore bad. Inspection Core Inspection GroupGroup and their and owner, their owner, Corwin, Corwin, far surpasses far surpasses their competition. their competition.

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sponsor sponsor spotlight spotlight By Josh ByBuchter Josh Buchter

Corwin CorwinJackson Jackson// CORE COREInspection InspectionGroup Group Bringing Bringing Value Value toto thethe Home Home Inspection Inspection Experience Experience Leading Leading up toup theto2015 the 2015 launch launch of of Rod Woodson Rod Woodson was my wasguy. myI’m guy.a I’m Steelers a Steelers fan. Most fan. Most his CORE his CORE Inspection Inspection Group, Group, owner owner people people don’tdon’t knowknow that about that about me.” me.” Corwin Corwin Jackson Jackson recalls recalls his hesitation, his hesitation, stating, stating, “I was “I super was super nervous nervous aboutabout When When askedasked aboutabout his mentors, his mentors, Corwin Corwin immediimmedistarting starting my own my company. own company. I wasI was atelyately thought thought of hisofFather, his Father, stating, stating, “My Dad “My died Dad died scared scared to death to death aboutabout it. But, it. IBut, I whenwhen I wasIreally was really young. young. I wasIeighteen. was eighteen. It’s soIt’s so figured figured I guess I guess I’ll just I’lljump just jump and grow and grow funny, funny, man,man, because because I think I think whenwhen you’re you’re eighteen eighteen my wings my wings on the onway the down”. way down”. Born Born you think you think you know you know everything. everything. But, just But,looking just looking and raised and raised in Philadelphia, in Philadelphia, Corwin Corwin back back over over thosethose yearsyears and the andstuff the stuff that he that passed he passed Jackson, Jackson, who just whocelebrated just celebrated his his alongalong werewere just really just really meaningful meaningful conversations. conversations. 40th 40th Birthday Birthday in March, in March, says,says, “it’s “it’s The conversations The conversations that Ithat didn’t I didn’t understand understand then,then, beenbeen a long a long journey”. journey”. His parents His parents I definitely I definitely understand understand now.”now.” Corwin Corwin mentioned mentioned raised raised him and himhis andtwo hisolder two older brothers brothers that he that and hehis andfamily his family reallyreally wish wish Marvin Marvin was here was here in theinLogan the Logan area area of theofCity. the City. His His to seetohis seegrandkids, his grandkids, so that so he that could he could instillinstill somesome Mother, Mother, Roslyn, Roslyn, worked worked at theatFederal the Federal of those of those values values onto onto them.them. Corwin Corwin later later explained explained Reserve Reserve BankBank and his andFather, his Father, Marvin Marvinaboutabout his father his father that, that, “he worked “he worked his nine his to nine five toas five as Jackson, Jackson, was awas retired a retired ArmyArmy Veteran Veterana prison a prison guard. guard. But, he But, was heawas hustler, a hustler, FromFrom and guard and guard at Graterford at Graterford Prison. Prison. selling selling Christmas Christmas treestrees and purple and purple sneakers, sneakers, to to

organizing organizing dinners, dinners, and even and even establishing establishing a vana van “What’s “What’s interesting interesting is [based is [based on their on theirshuttle shuttle company company running running routes routes of families of families from from occupations] occupations] you’dyou’d thinkthink my Mom my Mom the inner the inner city to city Graterford to Graterford to seetotheir see their lovedloved ones;ones; was really was really easy going easy going and my andDad mywas Dad washe taught he taught us how us to how grind. to grind. A lot Aoflot entrepreneurs of entrepreneurs strict.strict. But itBut wasitactually was actually the other the other and small and small business business owners owners in myinfamily my family werewere influ-influway around. way around. My Dad Mywould Dad would throwthrow us us encedenced by mybyFather, my Father, Marvin Marvin Jackson.” Jackson.” the car thekeys car at keys fifteen at fifteen yearsyears old and old and to work.” to work.” Corwin Corwin didn’tdidn’t wantwant to to tell ustell to us take to the takecar theand cargo. andThings go. Things AfterAfter settlesettle and was andalways was always good good at finding at finding graduating graduating high school high school in 1997, in 1997, Corwin Corwin joinedjoined werewere different different back back then.then. My Mom My Mom was was opportunities to level to level up; eventually up; eventually the Marine the Marine CorpsCorps where where he spent he spent time time in Europe, in Europe, opportunities supersuper religious religious and still andis. still The is.strict The strict specifically landing a position a position in logistics in logistics where where specifically in Kosovo in Kosovo and Barcelona. and Barcelona. WhenWhen askedasked landing and stern and stern side came side came from from her, but her,my but my whatwhat he worked for various for various regional regional distridistrihe took he took awayaway from from his time his time in theinmilitary, the military, he worked Dad would Dad would let hisletboys his boys run wild run and wild and Corwin bution centers. centers. Corwin said that, said that, “The“The Marine Marine CorpsCorps instilled instilled an an bution do what do what we were we were goinggoing to do”, toCorwin do”, Corwinattention attention to detail. to detail. Following Following the plan the all plan the allway the way nostalgically nostalgically explains. explains. During During his time his timethrough. “During my time my time working working for various for various through. You don’t You don’t deviate deviate from from that plan that and planyou and you “During at Northeast at Northeast High High School, School, Corwin Corwin watchwatch logistics companies, companies, I started I started buy- buyeveryevery singlesingle detail.” detail.” AfterAfter the Marine the Marine Corps, Corps,logistics kept very kept busy very busy with with sports; sports; primarprimar- at twenty ing houses, fixingfixing themthem and renting and renting at twenty two years two years old, Corwin old, Corwin foundfound workwork as a as a ing houses, ily football, ily football, basketball basketball and boxing. and boxing. At Atsecurity out toout tenants. to tenants. So, that So, love that for love for security guard. guard. The challenge, The challenge, Corwin Corwin admits, admits, is is themthem one point, one point, his aspiration his aspiration was to was be to anbe an “You “You real estate was always was always there.there. That That go in go [tointhe [toMarine the Marine Corps] Corps] and you andlearn you learn so so real estate NFL Cornerback, NFL Cornerback, recalling recalling in laughter, in laughter,muchmuch passion was there. was there. I justIwasn’t just wasn’t sure sure stuff.stuff. But, aBut, lot of a lot it you of itcan’t you can’t translate translate to theto thepassion “I felt“Ilike feltDeion like Deion Sanders Sanders was awas little a little corporate how to how evolve to evolve that into that ainto fullatime full time corporate world. world. So, you So,kind you of kind find ofyourself find yourself stuckstuck slow.slow. I thought I thought I hadIahad stepa on step him. on him. tryingtrying Corwin Corwin said. said. He continued, He continued, “As I “As I to puttothe putskills the skills and traits and traits that you thatlearned you learned job,” job,”

18 • May 18 • 2019 May 2019

answer. TheyThey are going to getto get an answer. are going engineering degree to gettothrough it.” So, two twoget anget engineering degree get through it.”after So, after was buying properties and then hiringhiring was buying properties and then homehome inspection scheduled inspection scheduled as anas apprentice in theinhome inspection field,field,their their an apprentice the home inspection homehome inspectors, I didn’t feel like inspectors, I didn’t feelIlike I yearsyears away.away. We are reviewed Wethe aremost the most reviewed wouldwould eventually set off tooff start CORE Corwin eventually set to start CORE right right was getting a lot of value [from[from the the Corwin was getting a lot of value homehome inspection company in thein the inspection company Group. Inspection Group. inspector], you know? So, that inspector], you know? So, bethat be- Inspection city. Right now we over over 200 200 city. Right nowhave we have camecame a professional avenue for me a professional avenue fortome to 5-Star reviews. We get reviews 5-Star reviews. Wethese get these reviews askedasked whatwhat separates CORE Inspection separates CORE Inspection explore. That That sparked a lightbulb like likeWhenWhen explore. sparked a lightbulb we care. It’s important to us to us because we care. It’s important from from otherother homehome inspection companies, Group inspection companies, because you would not believe.” It gotItCorwin you would not believe.” got CorwinGroup that our are educated on what thatclients our clients are educated on what with with a smile, had this say: Corwin, a smile, hadto this to say: thinking, “Wow, therethere is a void thinking, “Wow, is a here. void here.Corwin, type of house they are We We type of house theybuying. are buying. How How manymany investors or homebuyinvestors or homebuydon’tdon’t just give the scary truths, just them give them the scary truths, we recognize that our are really only only “While we recognize thatclients our clients are really ers are like me? wantwant“While ersout arethere out there like They me? They themthem on how gettothe butadvise we advise on to how get the us forusa for couple of hours during the homebuya couple of hours during the homebuy- but we to gettoa get home inspection done.done. But, But, with with a home inspection resolved.” resolved.” we try make that home inspection ing process, wetotry to make that home inspection issuesissues they’re looking for someone thor-thor- ing process, they’re looking for someone an exceptional experience for them. We are an exceptional experience for them. Wenot are not ough,ough, someone comprehensive, where someone comprehensive, where Inspection Group now has CORE Inspection Group nowfour has four guyawith a truck and aand phone. We are fully guy with a truck a phone. Weaare a fully CORE once once you get report youthat get inspection that inspection report just ajust homehome inspectors with with two two full time inspectors WhenWhen people call they’re goinggoing to to full time staffed people call they’re back back you don’t feel like an an staffed you don’t feelyou likeneed you need • 19 • 19


A big A thank big thank youyou to our to our referral referral partners. partners. We can’t We can’t do this do this without without them. them. We We recognize recognize thatthat the the home home inspection inspection is one is one of many of many steps steps thatthat youryour clients clients will will taketake towards towards home home ownership. ownership. We work We work hardhard to ensure to ensure thatthat theythey havehave an exceptional an exceptional experience experience withwith us! Give us! Give us 10% us 10% of your of your trust… trust… we’llwe’ll earnearn the the rest!” rest!”

As forAswhat’s for what’s next with next with Corwin Corwin moremore in training. in training. ManyMany of Corwin’s of Corwin’s makemake the buyers the buyers comfortable comfortable so they so are theynot arefearful not fearful Jackson Jackson and CORE and CORE Inspection Inspection Group, Group, loyal loyal real estate real estate referral referral partners partners who who of anything of anything that we thatare wetalking are talking about.” about.” expansion expansion into the intoSouth the South Jersey Jersey mar- marwouldwould call the calloffice the office and say, and“We say, “We on is hisonradar. his radar. Corwin Corwin sees asees huge a huge wantwant Corwin!”, Corwin!”, are now are open now open to trustto trustAs a successful As a successful businessman, businessman, Corwin Corwin wouldwould give this give thisket isket opportunity in taking in taking the initiative the initiative ing his ingwhole his whole Through Through strategic strategic advice advice to other to other entrepreneurs entrepreneurs and small and small business business opportunity getbusiness his business into New into New Jersey. Jersey. brandbrand cohesion, cohesion, Corwin Corwin addedadded that, that, owners: owners: “Systems, “Systems, systems, systems, systems. systems. Don’tDon’t wait to wait to to gettohis Additionally, he is he noticing is noticing that four that four “What “What clients clients appreciate appreciate now is now when is when start start delegating delegating thingsthings out. Buy out.back Buy your back time your by time by Additionally, out ofout tenofclients ten clients are choosing are choosing to addto add they schedule they schedule their their homehome inspection inspectionputting putting systems systems and people and people in place in place that you thatare yougoing are going a sewer scopescope to thetohome the home inspection. inspection. with with CORE CORE Inspection Inspection Group, Group, regardregardto trust, to trust, because because that’sthat’s what’s what’s important; important; time.time. RightRighta sewer So now So he now is he dedicated is dedicated to offering to offering the the less of less who of shows who shows up, that up, inspector that inspectornow, now, I haveI ahave 3 year a 3 old yearand oldan and 8 year an 8 old. yearSo, old.burnout So, burnout best sewer best sewer scopescope service, service, reminding reminding is going is going to show to show up driving up driving the same the samehappens happens fast iffast youifare youtrying are trying to wear to wear all hats.” all hats.” Corwin Corwin that, that, “If your “If your sewersewer line fails line and fails and CORE CORE Inspection Inspection Group Group trucktruck and and and his andwife, his wife, Sharmane, Sharmane, have been have been married married for three for threefolks folks they have they have to doto a dig-up, do a dig-up, that could that could wearing wearing the same the same colorcolor uniform. uniform. We Weyears.years. TheirTheir threethree year old yearson, oldChamp, son, Champ, and eight and eight year year cost you cost$8,000-$13,000 you $8,000-$13,000 to to are going are going to communicate to communicate things things in in old son, oldAaron, son, Aaron, keep keep themthem on their on their toes. toes. Corwin Corwin likes likeseasilyeasily resolve, whichwhich can be can more be more expensive expensive the same the same tone.tone. That That tone tone is going is going to to to travel to travel with his withfamily his family and take andadvantage take advantage of opporof oppor-resolve, in some casescases than athan roofing a roofing system.” system.” tunities tunities to indulge to indulge in hisinnewest his newest hobby; hobby; scubascuba diving! diving!in some 20 • May 20 • 2019 May 2019

explaining explaining that, that, “These “These transactions transactions Corwin Corwin elaborated, elaborated, “We have “We have the the are personal for me. forThe me.Real The Real Estate Estate technology technology to puttoaput camera a camera into that into that are personal Agents that we thatwork we work with with also care also care sewersewer line and linetell andyou tellexactly you exactly what’s what’sAgents their their clients.” clients.” 85% of 85% CORE of CORE In- Ingoinggoing on with on with it. If it’s it. Ifshifted, it’s shifted, if youif you aboutabout spection Groups Groups business business comes comes from from have have a blockage a blockage starting starting to take to place, take place,spection Estate Estate AgentAgent referral referral partners. partners. if it’s ifa complete it’s a complete failure. failure. If thatIfline thatisline isReal Real Corwin regularly regularly supports supports his referhis referdetached, detached, we can werecord can record and upload and upload Corwin ral partners by both by both sponsoring sponsoring and and videos.” videos.” Another Another feature feature that CORE that CORE ral partners presenting at their at their homehome buyerbuyer semi-semiInspection Inspection GroupGroup is now is offering now offering is is presenting “My hat “Mygoes hat goes off tooff Real to Real Estate Estate pre-listing pre-listing homehome inspection inspection reports. reports. nars.nars. Agents, People People thinkthink Agents Agents have have The idea The is, idea instead is, instead of a buyer of a buyer getting gettingAgents, an easy job; particularly job; particularly now with now with a home a home inspection inspection done done and finding and finding an easy mediamedia and HGTV. and HGTV. It’s really It’s really not an not easy an easy job. job. ence.ence. skeletons skeletons in theincloset, the closet, the seller/ the seller/ socialsocial And that’s it. Athank big thank you to And that’s it. A big you to have have really, really, really, really, reallyreally strong strong people people skills”, skills”, listinglisting agentagent should should get a get pre-listing a pre-listing TheyThey our referral partners. We can’t do this our referral partners. We can’t do this Corwin Corwin totally totally respects. respects. If Corwin If Corwin couldcould without homehome inspection inspection done done so that sothey that they whichwhich without We recognize that the them.them. We recognize that the extend extend one message one message to thetoPhiladelphia the Philadelphia Real Real Estate Estatehomehome may stay may in stay theindriver's the driver's seat to seat prevent to prevent inspection of many inspection is oneisofone many stepssteps Community, it would it would be: “Abe: big“ATHANK big THANK YOU!YOU! Be- Be- that your any snags any snags that may that cause may cause the deal the to deal to Community, that your clients will towards take towards clients will take they are theypushing are pushing us upus onup the onlist theoflist becoming of becoming fall through; fall through; whilewhile at theatsame the same time time causecause ownership. We work homehome ownership. We work hard hard to to theofmost the most preferred preferred homehome inspection inspection compacompa-ensure increasing increasing confident confident marketability. marketability. one ofone ensure that have they have an exceptional that they an exceptional nies in nies theincity. the Icity. want I want themthem to know to know that we thatdon’t we don’t experience experience us! Give usof 10% of with with us! Give us 10% take lightly. that lightly. We are Weworking are working hard hard to find toways find waysyour your Corwin Corwin Jackson Jackson lovesloves his job hisand jobthe and thetake that trust… the rest!” trust… we’ll we’ll earn earn the rest!” to bring to bring moremore valuevalue to thetohome the home inspection inspection experiexperireal estate real estate agents agents that he that works he works with,with, • 21 • 21


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TCSTCS MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SERVICES 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 Tel: Tel: (215) (215) 383-1439 383-1439 | Fax: | Fax: (215) (215) 827-5224 827-5224 | Email: | Email: 22 • May 22 • 2019 May 2019


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TCSTCS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Tel: Tel: (855) (855) 653-8201 653-8201 | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol • 23 • 23

rising rising starstar By Josh ByBuchter Josh Buchter



Nguyen-Rivera Nguyen-Rivera// KW KWPhilly Philly 24 • May 24 • 2019 May 2019


hen asked hen asked what what separates separates MinhMinh Nguyen-Rivera Nguyen-Rivera (KW (KW Philly) Philly) from from the the crowdcrowd of other of other top Real top Estate Real Estate Agents Agents in theincity, thehe city, laughingly he laughingly said, “I’m said,probably “I’m probably the best the best dancer. dancer. I haven’t I haven’t seen anyone seen anyone else dance else dance on roofon rooftops.”tops.” MinhMinh is an overall is an overall sharp,sharp, witty,witty, fashionable fashionable and and friendly friendly person. person. At 28At years 28 years old, Minh old, Minh Nguyen-Rivera Nguyen-Rivera has seen has aseen lot and a lothas andachieved has achieved incredible incredible success. success. Through Through focus,focus, hustlehustle and drive, and drive, MinhMinh ranked ranked #673#673 in Philadelphia in Philadelphia Real Estate Real Estate Agents Agents and did andover did $2.8 over $2.8 million million dollars dollars in production in production volume volume reported reported on theon the MLS MLS for 2018. for 2018. MinhMinh is theisperfect the perfect “Rising “Rising Star”Star” for the forpremier the premier edi- edition of tion Philadelphia of Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers Magazine Magazine as heas he encapsulates encapsulates so much so much energy energy for Philadelphia for Philadelphia Real Real Estate, Estate, and life andinlife general. in general. MinhMinh was born was born in Dong in Dong Nai, Vietnam, Nai, Vietnam, whichwhich is an is an agricultural agricultural area 2area hours 2 hours northnorth of Saigon. of Saigon. His parents, His parents, like Minh, like Minh, are entrepreneurs. are entrepreneurs. His mom His mom was awas famous a famous hair stylist hair stylist and owned and owned her own herhair ownsalon hair salon in Vietnam; in Vietnam; eventually, eventually, alongalong with her withhusband, her husband, leveling leveling up to up to establish establish a niceafamily nice family home,home, a hotel, a hotel, a restaurant, a restaurant, cafe and cafeeven and an even orchard. an orchard. MinhMinh was four wasyears four years old old whenwhen he and hehis andfamily his family moved moved awayaway from from Vietnam Vietnam to pursue to pursue moremore opportunities opportunities in theinUnited the United States. States. WhenWhen thinking thinking back to back histotoddler his toddler yearsyears and the andbig the big move,move, MinhMinh explains explains that, “I that, was“Ivery was young. very young. I wasIawas a child.child. Four Four or fiveoryears five years old. My old.mother My mother was able wasto able to get a get visaathrough visa through the American the American Homecoming Homecoming Act, Act, whichwhich was legislation was legislation passed passed in 1987 in 1987 by thebyUnited the United StatesStates Congress. Congress. It came It came aboutabout because because therethere were were a lot of a lot kids ofwho kids were who were born born from from American American military military men by men Vietnamese by Vietnamese women women during during the Vietnam the Vietnam war. war. An estimated An estimated 60,000 60,000 kids were kids were born born from from American American fathers. fathers. TheyThey were were considered considered Emerasians Emerasians and we’d and we’d have to have prove to prove our lineage our lineage to gettothe getVisa. the Visa. WhenWhen I wasI was a young a young child,child, my mother my mother and my andfamily my family calledcalled me me the golden the golden child.child. I had Igolden had golden blonde blonde hair. Now hair. INow haveI have silversilver hair. But, hair.IBut, had Igolden had golden blonde blonde hair as hair a baby as a baby and and I think I think my Grandfather my Grandfather was awas blonde. a blonde. So I was So Iawas piece a piece of evidence of evidence that my thatparents my parents brought brought to thetoEmbassy the Embassy in in orderorder to gettothis getVisa this to Visa come to come to thetoUnited the United States. States. We We were were in theinPhilippines the Philippines for about for about 9 months 9 months in a transiin a transition camp tion camp beforebefore the 1991 the Mount 1991 Mount Pinatubo Pinatubo eruptions, eruptions, at which at which point,point, we had wetohad evacuate to evacuate the Philippines. the Philippines. ThenThen we were we were in Pittsburg in Pittsburg briefly, briefly, and eventually and eventually moved moved to Philadelphia. to Philadelphia. So, I grew So, I grew up here. up here. I would I would consider consider Philadelphia Philadelphia my home.” my home.” • 25 • 25

MinhMinh has two hasyounger two younger sisters, sisters, TrinhTrinh and Lan. and Trinh Lan. Trinh is in her is inlast heryear last of year herofDoctorate her Doctorate program program at at Temple Temple University University for Physical for Physical Therapy. Therapy. Lan got Lan got her Masters her Masters degree degree last year last in year Psychology in Psychology with with a a concentration concentration in Addiction in Addiction Therapy/Rehabilitative Therapy/Rehabilitative Treatment Treatment from from PCOMM. PCOMM. MinhMinh continues, continues, “Here“Here (in America) (in America) we started we started off off like every like every immigrant immigrant family, family, working working in nailinsalons nail salons and house and house cleaning. cleaning. Eventually, Eventually, we were we were able to able pick to pick up rental up rental properties properties in Southwest in Southwest Philadelphia. Philadelphia. I’ve I’ve worked worked at myatfamily’s my family’s nail salons nail salons and different and different typestypes of oddofjobs oddas jobs myasfamily my family was economically was economically developdeveloping their ing their portfolio portfolio in theinUnited the United StatesStates and across and across the the world. world. I’ve been I’ve been a landlord a landlord sincesince I wasI18.” was 18.” MinhMinh grew grew up in up Southwest in Southwest Philadelphia Philadelphia and went and went to to the narratives of theofpiece. the piece. It wasItjust wasajust totala transformation total transformation to be to be Catholic Catholic school school his whole his whole life from life from second second gradegrade to thetoend theofend high of high the narratives International Business Business and Law, and Law, and then and going then going to dance to dance classes classes and and school school wherewhere he graduated he graduated with Honors with Honors from from Monsignor Monsignor Bonner Bonner International balancing a really a really busy busy schedule. schedule. I would I would have rehearsals have rehearsals reallyreally late late in 2007. in 2007. MinhMinh then studied then studied International International Business Business and Law andwith Law with balancing at night...I’d have business have business classes classes and collegiate and collegiate mockmock trial as trial well. as well. a minor a minor in Dance in Dance at Temple at Temple University. University. He also Hestudied also studied abroad abroad at at at night...I’d I wasIreally was really busy busy as a college as a college student. student. So, I found So, I found that dance that dance kind of kind of Temple Temple University/Tokyo University/Tokyo U. Minh U. Minh fell infell love inwith love dancing with dancing earlyearly into into balanced balanced me and meleveled and leveled me out.” me out.” his college his college career. career. Growing up, Minh up, Minh wanted wanted to be to a doctor, be a doctor, jokingjoking that, “If that, you “Ifare youanare an MihnMihn reflects, reflects, “In high “In school high school I tookI some took some dancedance classes, classes, theatre theatre Growing American American you have you three have three choices; choices; you can youbecan anbe engineer, an engineer, a a classes, classes, and tried and tried out for out a play. for a But, play.itBut, wasn’t it wasn’t until my untilFreshman my Freshman AsianAsian doctor or a lawyer.” or a lawyer.” It wasItatwas college at college orientation orientation that Minh that Minh decided decided year of year college of college that my thatfriend my friend wanted wanted to take toAfrican take African Dance. Dance. I had I had doctor to switch to switch his major his major from from Medicine Medicine to International to International Business Business and and an elective, an elective, so I took so I African took African DanceDance too. Itoo. loved I loved it so much. it so much. The The whichwhich wouldwould further further allowallow him tohim explore to explore entrepreneurial entrepreneurial following following semester semester I tookI Movement took Movement Improv. Improv. Then,Then, the following the following Law, Law, MinhMinh graduated graduated from from Temple Temple University University in 2012 in 2012 and built and built semester semester I tookI atook lot of a lot Modern of Modern BalletBallet and itand wasitvery was hard very to hard getto get lanes.lanes. his growing portfolio portfolio of rental of rental properties, properties, securing securing him ahim levela level into the intoprogram. the program. But, IBut, tookI classes took classes and kept and doing kept doing it. Eventually it. Eventually on hisongrowing of financial security security and freedom and freedom that would that would allowallow him tohim focus to focus on on people people saw that sawIthat had Iraw hadtalent, raw talent, that Ithat had Inatural had natural movement movement abil- abil- of financial making a positive a positive impact impact on theonworld. the world. MinhMinh has been has been heavily heavily activeactive ity, that ity,Ithat could I could learnlearn choreography, choreography, that Ithat understood, I understood, you know, you know, making with “Boat with “Boat People People SOS”,SOS”, now known now known as as VietLEAD, VietLEAD, a newaVietnamese new Vietnamese commucommunity-based nity-based organization organization that focuses that focuses on intergenerational on intergenerational building building through through leadership leadership development, development, community community engagement, engagement, culture culture & arts, & and arts,health and health promotion promotion MihnMihn has been has been a rolea role modelmodel to over to 600 overstudents 600 students through through this organization. this organization. In 2015, In 2015, MinhMinh Nguyen-Rivera Nguyen-Rivera became became a licensed a licensed Real Estate Real Estate AgentAgent and was andawas a shining shining youngyoung star atstar theatLong the Long & Foster & Foster Old City OldOffice City Office for a few for ayears. few years. On July On July 16, 2018, 16, 2018, MinhMinh became became an Agent an Agent with with KW Philly. KW Philly. Incredible Incredible officeoffice producproduction numbers tion numbers aside,aside, MinhMinh is happy is happy with with his move his move for the forfact thethat, fact “The that, “The officeoffice is justisamazing just amazing with 300+ with 300+ agents. agents. We We have two haveluxury two luxury offices. offices. We’reWe’re one ofone of the most the most versatile versatile groups groups of realofestate real estate 26 • May 26 • 2019 May 2019

vision workwork as well their do of a lot of vision asfor well for their eight eight agents from from coursework, through real realdo a lot has taken agents coursework, through professionals professionals that I’ve thatever I’ve seen. ever seen. The The has taken and help find who and people help people find they who they examexam bootcamp/study prep,prep, to licensure and and futurefuture bootcamp/study to licensure fact that factyou’re that you’re surrounded surrounded by that by that estateestate to become.” to become.” onboarding. He has ten “Minhtees” company onboarding. Heanother has another ten “Minhtees”want want type of type energy, of energy, that level that of level experience of experiencecompany aboutabout to take examinations. MinhMinh the works totheir take their examinations. and by and those by those people people that have that the havesame the samein theinworks is a master at lever#WINwithMinh is a master at leveralign himself with passionate and ambitious likes to align himself with passionate and ambitious #WINwithMinh passion passion as you; asthat you;to that metoisme so inspiris so inspir-likes to socialsocial mediamedia to build business. to build business. who possess mental fortitude, and are individuals who possess mental fortitude, and are agingaging ing and ingI and can’tI can’t wait to wait work to work with them. with them.individuals tonaofton referrals organically He agets of referrals organically to making the changes necessary to learn and and He gets to making the changes necessary to learn We’llWe’ll continue continue to build to build and impact and impact open open socialsocial mediamedia and sees through and his sees his success. In conversations with prospective achieve success. In conversations with prospective through Philadelphia, Philadelphia, to transform to transform it intoitainto citya cityachieve to beto a validation for prospecprofiles be a validation for prospec“Minhions”, he will after after you get “Minhions”, hesay, will“Hey, say, “Hey, youlicensed, get licensed, profiles of theof21st theCentury.” 21st Century.” that get to him tive clients thatreferred get referred to him you can anywhere you want. If youIfwant to stay yougocan go anywhere you want. you want to stay tive clients friends and associates. He He by their friends and associates. you want to grow with us, you to be to with you want to grow with us,want you want be with by their A bigAfactor big factor that played that played in to Minh’s in to Minh’s here,here, people who want to take encourages people who want to take we are you. youifwant to go to go encourages the best, wehere are for here forBut, you.ifBut, you want jumpjump to KW toPhilly KW Philly was the wasprofit the profit sharesharethe best, of theofgreat, free marketing advantage the great, free marketing I wantI want you toyou be to free and out there, beand freefly and flyliberate and liberate advantage model. model. This incentivized This incentivized MinhMinh to re-to re- out there, is social media, to beto intitool which is social media, be intiyourself, and find that isthat going to fulfill you you tool which yourself, andthe findplace the place is going to fulfill cruit cruit and help and people help people get licensed. get licensed. WithWith He explains that, that, “I’m not He explains “I’msellnot sellLuckily, they all decided to stay KW.” the most. Luckily, they all decided toat stay at KW.” mate.mate. MinhMinh and his andrecruits, his recruits, the journey the journey be- be- the most. ing something. I’m not you to ing something. I’mtelling not telling you to gins as gins anas aspiring, an aspiring, prospective prospective agent,agent, I’m literally telling buyproduct. this product. I’m literally telling has an “impact system” in place full offull videos, has an “impact system” in place of videos, buy this or a “Minhtee”, or a “Minhtee”, who is who coached is coached by by MinhMinh am,Ithis what I believe, you Iwho am,isthis is what I believe, examexam procedures, screen shareshare training simulation procedures, screen training you who MinhMinh Nguyen-Rivera, Nguyen-Rivera, the “Minhtor”… the “Minhtor”… simulation thesethese are my and principals, arevalues my values and principals, sessions, and more that he is continuing to develop for for sessions, and more that he is continuing to develop and eventually, and eventually, once once licensed, licensed, you you join me!” MinhMinh lovesloves to conand come join me!” to constreamlined training and onboarding of hisofrecruits. streamlined training and onboarding his recruits. and come become become a “Minhion”. a “Minhion”. In all In seriousness, all seriousness, nect with awesome, intelligent people nect with awesome, intelligent people addedadded that, “I really want want themthem to seetowhat their their that, “I really see what MinhMinh says simply says simply that, “We that, are “Weallare just all justMinhMinh socialsocial mediamedia and has through andfriends has friends Star (their “why”) is. Because if youifhave Star (their “why”) is. Because you ahave a through working working together together to do to something do something awe- awe-NorthNorth in touch with with worldwide. he keeps in touch worldwide. Star that guiding you, then else iselse ishe keeps Staristhat is guiding you, everything then everything some.” some.” In theInlast thefour lastmonths, four months, MinhMinh NorthNorth building toward whatever that ultimate visionvision is. Weis. We building toward whatever that ultimate • 27 • 27

MinhMinh has traveled has traveled to andtolived and lived in differin different cities ent cities around around the globe, the globe, but hebut loves he loves coming coming back home back home to Philadelphia. to Philadelphia. He He likes the likesuniversities the universities and health and health care care systems, systems, the beautiful the beautiful architecture, architecture, the the food culture food culture and restaurant and restaurant scene,scene, new new development, development, and especially and especially new parks new parks and piers and piers popping popping up. He’s up.also He’saalso big fan a big fan of Philadelphia of Philadelphia nightlife, nightlife, art, shopping, art, shopping, theatre, theatre, First First Fridays, Fridays, The Art TheMuseum, Art Museum, greengreen spaces, spaces, the Navy the Navy Yard Yard and the and the fact that factthe thatcity theiscity so bike-friendly. is so bike-friendly. MinhMinh is actively is actively involved involved with making with making the city thebetter city better for allfor citizens. all citizens. “Our “Our city city is such is asuch vortex a vortex of so of many so many subcultures subcultures and subcommunities and subcommunities and our andjob ourisjob to is to get everyone get everyone to thetomost the most prosperous prosperous level that levelwe that can, weso can, that sowe that don’t we don’t have have 26% poverty. 26% poverty. So weSo don’t we don’t have an have opioid an opioid epidemic”, epidemic”, says Minh. says Minh. He also Heexplains also explains that he that loves he loves the Philly the Philly LGBTQ LGBTQ Com-Community munity but admits but admits that, “We that, have “We our have our issues.” issues.” MinhMinh is on is theonboard the board of Liberty of Liberty City, aCity, LGBTQ a LGBTQ Political Political Action Action CommitCommittee, whose tee, whose job isjob to vet is tocity vetcouncil city council can- candidates, didates, judicial judicial candidates candidates and mayoral and mayoral candidates candidates for the forprimary the primary election election and and also general also general elections. elections. MinhMinh encourages encourages everyone everyone to gettoout getand outvote and on vote May on May 21st for 21st the forprimary the primary election, election, as “These as “These elections elections reallyreally meanmean something something as faras far as how as our howcity ourwill citydevelop.” will develop.”

a timeline to a timeline near you. nearNext you. Next time time As forAs what’s for what’s aheadahead for Mr. forMinh Mr. Minh ing toing youMinh see Minh at an at event, an event, in theinstreet the street Nguyen-Rivera, Nguyen-Rivera, he hasheahas 2019 a 2019 goal goal you see or across or across from from you atyou theatclosing the closing table,table, of $8of million $8 million in total in volume total volume producproducbe sure be to sure congratulate to congratulate MinhMinh on being on being tion and tionhe and hopes he hopes everyone everyone out there out there Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers Magazine’s Magazine’s will hold will him holdaccountable him accountable for that. for that. Philadelphia first “Rising Star”!Star”! Look Look out for out the fornext the #WinWITHnext #WinWITH- first “Rising MinhMinh Rooftop Rooftop DanceDance Challenge Challenge com- com-

28 • May 28 • 2019 May 2019

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