C O N N E C T I N G .
I N S P I R I N G .
Celebrating Leaders: TOM SKIFFINGTON RE/MAX 440 Rising Star: FARZAD NEJAD Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach Preferred Partner Highlight: FIRST PARTNERS ABSTRACT Steve Wooldridge THRIVING IN TURBULENT TIMES Written by Wayne Salmans
M AY 2 0 2 0
Celebrating Celebrating25 25Years! Years! TheThe perfect perfect partner partner for for all all your your title title and and closing closing needs needs in Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania and and New New Jersey. Jersey.
FirstFirst Partners Partners Abstract Abstract Company Company waswas formed formed in 1995 in 1995 withwith a vision a vision of becoming of becoming the choice the choice of clients; of clients; I believed I believed thatthat I I really really could could do ado better a better job job for them. for them. Having Having soldsold real real estate estate for nearly for nearly 10 years 10 years prior, prior, I understood I understood the the challenges challenges andand the the frustrations frustrations thatthat clients clients would would endure, endure, andand always always strived strived to remove to remove those those f rom f rom the the closing closing process. process. Today, Today, the the culture culture of our of our company company is shown is shown in the in the staffstaff of people of people whowho come come to work to work every every tremendous tremendous dayday andand strive strive to make to make each each closing closing better better than than expected expected for all for parties all parties involved. involved. Someone Someone veryvery earlyearly in my in work my work life taught life taught me me by his by example his example andand these these words, words, “Your “Your greatness greatness as aas leader a leader won’t won’t come come from from gaining gaining power power (promotions, (promotions, titles titles or earnings), or earnings), but but instead instead collecting collecting the the hearts.” hearts.” — Stephen — Stephen A. Wooldridge, A. Wooldridge, President President
Join Join usus in in congratulating congratulating Steve Steve onon this this fantastic fantastic milestone! milestone! — The — The staffstaff at First at First Partners Partners Abstract Abstract Company Company
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1010 Rising Rising Star: Star: Farzad Farzad NejadNejad
Preferred Preferred Partner Partner Highlight: Highlight: First First Partners Partners Abstract Abstract
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24 24
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Publisher’s Publisher’s Note:Note: May Note May Note
Feature Feature CoverCover Story:Story: KevinKevin Steiger Steiger
ThermomeThermometer orter or ThermoThermostat?:stat?: Thriving Thriving In In Turbulent Turbulent TimesTimes
Celebrating Celebrating Leaders: Leaders: Tom SkiffTom Skiffington ington
If youIfare youinterested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating Realtors Realtors for certain for certain stories, stories, please please emailemail us at us Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER: Any articles Any articles includedincluded in this publication in this publication and/or opinions and/or opinions expressed expressed therein do therein not necessarily do not necessarily reflect the reflect views theofviews N2 Publishing of N2 Publishing but remain but solely remainthose solelyofthose of the author(s). the author(s). The paidThe advertisements paid advertisements contained contained within the within Bucks theCounty Bucks REAL County Producers REAL Producers magazine magazine are not endorsed are not endorsed or recommended or recommended by N2 Publishing by N2 Publishing or the publisher. or the publisher. Therefore, Therefore, neither N2 neither Publishing N2 Publishing nor the nor publisher the publisher may be may held be liable heldorliable responsible or responsible for business for business practices practices of theseofcompanies. these companies.
4 • May 4 • 2020 May 2020
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Tom Tom Goodwin Goodwin Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher
Heather Heather Pluard Pluard WriterWriter
Thato Thato Dadson Dadson Premiere Premiere 360 Tours 360 Tours Photographer Photographer
MattMatt Robnett Robnett PLUSH PLUSH Image Image Photographer Photographer
If you are If you interested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating REALTORS® REALTORS® for certain for certain stories,stories, pleaseplease email us email at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. us at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com.
Phone: Phone: 866.368.6653 866.368.6653 | Email: | Email: info@envmoldsolutions.com info@envmoldsolutions.com Proudly Proudly serving serving Residential, Residential, Commercial, Commercial, Industrial Industrial and and Institutional Institutional customers customers in Southeastern in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
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Please Please send send all all nominations nominations to to
Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com
Celebrating Leaders: Celebrating Leaders: TOM SKIFFINGTONTOM SKIFFINGTON RE/MAX 440 RE/MAX 440 Rising Star: Rising Star: FARZAD NEJAD FARZAD NEJAD Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Home Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach Services Fox & Roach Preferred Partner Highlight: Preferred Partner Highlight: FIRST PARTNERS ABSTRACT FIRST PARTNERS ABSTRACT Steve Wooldridge Steve Wooldridge THRIVING IN THRIVING IN TURBULENT TIMESTURBULENT TIMES Written by Wayne Salmans Written by Wayne Salmans
M AY 2 0 2 0
6 • May 6 • 2020 May 2020
M AY 2 0 2 0
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WeWe understand understand thethe pressure pressure to to have have a a smooth smooth process, process, deliver deliver results, results, and and getget thethe transaction transaction to to settlement. settlement. That’s That’s whywhy we make we make ourselves ourselves available available 24/724/7 to ensure to ensure every every detail detail is handled is handled properly properly fromfrom startstart to finish. to finish.
Doug Doug Lotrecchio Lotrecchio
President President Cell:Cell: (732) (732) 606-7066 606-7066 DougL@ihmtg.com DougL@ihmtg.com NMLSNMLS # 220286 # 220286
TankTank Removal Removal TankTank Abandonment Abandonment TankTank Installation Installation Soil Soil Remediation Remediation Water Water Pump-Outs Pump-Outs Emergency Emergency Service Service TankTank Locating Locating Soil Soil Testing Testing 8 • May 8 • 2020 May 2020
PADEP: PADEP: 1791 1791 | PAHIC: | PAHIC: PA093723 PA093723 NJDEP:NJDEP: US605044 US605044 | NJHIC: | NJHIC: 12VH06973300 12VH06973300
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MAY MAYNOTE NOTE publisher’s publisher’s notenote
I t g oI te sg oweist hwoiut th os u a ty isnagy itnhga tt ht ha et tl h ae stla co s tu pc loeu p o lf e oI fwasIlucky was lucky enough enough to have to have somesome of theoftop theREALTORS® top REALTORS® and and
take the taketime the time to discuss to discuss the current the current statestate of theofreal the real m o nm t hosn thhasv eh abveee n b eseonmseo omf et ho ef tm h oe sm t o co s tn fcuosni fnugs i naffiliates g affiliates market market and what and what systems systems and strategies and strategies they have they have put put a n d asnt d r asntgr e a ntgi m e et si mf e o sr tf h oe r tm h ae j omrai tj yo roi tf yt ho ef t hestate e estate
in place in place during during the stay the at stay home at home order.order. FromFrom everything everything from from ZoomZoom meetings, meetings, to virtual to virtual happyhappy hours, hours, to social to social mediamedia mar- mart h e tChO e VCI D O -V1 I9D p - 1a9n d pe am n di ce m i ni cs o i nmseo w maey w , sahy a , ps e hape keting, keting, therethere is always is always something something that can thatbe can done be done in theinreal the real o r f o r mf o . rTmh .e Tghoeo d g onoedwns eiw s st hi sa tt hwaet awree aarl e l aestate l l estate business! business! w o r lwdo’ sr l p do ’ sp u p loaptui ol ant. i oWne. h Waev eh aavl e l bael le n b ehei nt bhyi t b y
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we have we have certainly certainly witnessed witnessed an unprecedented an unprecedented and and e x c iet ixncgi t itnogs teoe sheoewhao w c oamcmoumnm i tuy noi tf yboufs ibnuessisn e sWhile s While change change in ourineveryday our everyday life, health life, health and family and family comes comes p r o fpersosfieosnsai losn ca al sn caadna p a td aapntd am n ad nm ag ae n atgoef itnodf i nserious d serious
all else. all else. I encourage I encourage everyevery singlesingle one ofone youofto you cherish to cherish w a yw s at y o si m t op ri m o vper ot vhee itrhbe ui rs ibnuessisn ewshsi lwe hbi leei nbge i nbefore g before
the time the time with with lovedloved ones,ones, even even if they if are theygetting are getting on your on your last last nerve. nerve. In a year In a year from from now or now tenoryears ten years from from now, now, we will welook will look back back and wonder and wonder how we howcould we could have have spentspent this time this time stuckstuck at at homehome differently. differently.
n o t nboeti nbge ianbgl ea b t ol ec toon dc u on c td ub cuts ibnuessisn easss uassu auls. u a l .
Tom Goodwin Tom Goodwin Owner/Publisher, Owner/Publisher, BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com (215) (215) 431-7475 431-7475
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers •9 •9
rising rising starstar Story by Story by Heather Heather PluardPluard
10 • May 10 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
“My transition “My transition into real intoestate real estate was was unanticipated unanticipated yet serendipitous,” yet serendipitous,” Far- Farzad smiles. zad smiles. “I was “Iawas music a music producer producer signed signed to a licensing to a licensing agency, agency, where where I I composed composed musical musical scores scores for televifor television shows, sion shows, movies, movies, and big andbrand big brand re- retailers. tailers. In myInlate my20s, late my 20s,girlfriend my girlfriend at theattime the time signed signed up forupanfor online an online real estate real estate class.class. WhenWhen I sawIwhat saw what she was shestudying, was studying, I wasIintrigued! was intrigued! So I decided So I decided to take to online take online courses courses myself. myself. I liked I liked whatwhat I wasIlearning was learning so much so much that Ithat practically I practically sat insat myin my roomroom and completed and completed the entire the entire course course in three in three months! months! I wasIready was ready to goto outgo out therethere and be and a real be aestate real estate agent.” agent.” Farzad Farzad got his gotlicense his license in 2019 in 2019 and and set upset interviews up interviews at three at three different different brokerages, brokerages, with with Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway New New HopeHope in hisintop hisspot. top spot. “I had“Ieshad established tablished relationships relationships with with a couple a couple of theofagents the agents who worked who worked there,there, so it so it felt right felt right from from the beginning,” the beginning,” Farzad Farzad explains. explains. “When “When I hadImy hadinterview my interview with with Marianne Marianne Dillion, Dillion, the office the office manager, manager, I realized I realized she was shethe wastype the type of leader of leader I could I could learnlearn from.” from.”
Forgoing Forgoing the opportunity the opportunity to join toajoin a team,team, Farzad Farzad set upset shop up shop as anas indian individualvidual agentagent and got andright got right to work. to work. It wasn’t It wasn’t long until long until this lone-wolf this lone-wolf entrepreneur entrepreneur had his hadfirst his million-dolfirst million-dollar deal. lar deal. “I wrote “I wrote a letter a letter to a specific to a specific neighborhood neighborhood in Doylestown in Doylestown stating stating that Ithat hadIahad buyer a buyer willing willing to make to make an offer an offer to purchase,” to purchase,” he says. he says. “Days“Days later,later, I received I received a phone a phone call from call from one one of theofowners the owners who received who received my letter, my letter, and Iand ended I ended up facilitating up facilitating that deal that deal from from start start to finish.” to finish.”
Berkshire Berkshire and raised and raised in Bucks in Bucks County, County, Hathaway Hathaway Home HomeBornBorn Farzad is theisfirst the real firstestate real estate agentagent in in Services Services FoxFox & & Farzad his family his family tree –tree but–not butthe notfirst the enfirst enRoach Roach New New Hope Hopetrepreneur. trepreneur. His father, His father, Mahmoud, Mahmoud, is is
a businessman a businessman who owns who owns the antique the antique rug store rug store “MRH “MRH Rug Gallery” Rug Gallery” in New in New FromFrom composing composing musical musical scores scores to helping to helping clients clients scorescore the home the home of their of their Hope,Hope, and his andmother, his mother, Toni Toni Ann, Ann, is is dreams, dreams, Farzad Farzad NejadNejad has created has created perfect perfect movements movements throughout throughout his profeshis profes- a talented a talented artistartist and humanitarian. and humanitarian. sionalsional career. career. Now,Now, instead instead of hisofmusic his music playing playing in theinbackground, the background, Farzad’s Farzad’s Both Both of Farzad’s of Farzad’s brothers brothers are also are also workwork is upfront is upfront and personal. and personal. AfterAfter just one justfull oneyear full year as a REALTOR®, as a REALTOR®, this this entrepreneurs. entrepreneurs. James James ownsowns “Philly “Philly Rising Rising Star has Starmore has more than than $2 million $2 million in sales in sales and big andambition. big ambition. Van Man,” Van Man,” a moving a moving company company that that
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 11 • 11
specializes specializes in in smallsmall moves. moves. BijanBijan is a music is a music producer producer who owns who owns a clothing a clothing line. line. It seems It seems the whole the whole fami-family embraces ly embraces Farzad’s Farzad’s favorite favorite quote, quote, by RA byfrom RA from the Law the of Law One: of One: “Do not “Dobe not afraid be afraid to choose, to choose, my friends. my friends. Do not Dofear not that fear which that which is called is called the failure the failure by man by of man your of your peoples, peoples, for there for there is no is truth no truth in in such such thingthing as failure.” as failure.” Even Even though though he wasn’t he wasn’t afraidafraid of failure, of failure, Farzad Farzad says becoming says becoming a REALTOR® a REALTOR® was awas littlea intimidatlittle intimidating ating first. at “I first. am“Ianam artist an artist at heart, at heart, and I and wasn’t I wasn’t sure sure how Ihow would I would incorporate incorporate that side thatof side myself of myself into this into this profession,” profession,” he says. he says. “Oddly “Oddly enough, enough, I’ve noticed I’ve noticed that athat realaestate real estate transaction transaction is a lot islike a lotbeing like being a a conductor conductor of a musical of a musical composition. composition. Contracts Contracts are are similar similar to musical to musical scores; scores; on paper, on paper, therethere are allare these all these 12 • May 12 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
Contracts Contracts are are similar similar to musical to musical scores; scores; on paper, on paper, there there are are all all these these intricate intricate details details involving involving timelines timelines andand specific specific tasks. tasks. Once Once you’ve you’ve completed completed writing writing it out, it out, youyou start start the the show, show, andand all the all the different different parties parties begin begin to play to play their their respective respective roles.” roles.” my clients my clients exceptional exceptional service service and offering and offering dependability, dependability, competence, competence, and care. and care. My My parents parents taught taught me invaluable me invaluable lessons lessons on how on to how to conduct conduct business business and treat and treat people. people. I’m also I’mforalso fortunatetunate to have to amazing have amazing mentors mentors at Berkshire at Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway New Hope, New Hope, including including Sue Podhor, Sue Podhor, Sharon Sharon Spadaccini, Spadaccini, Monique Monique Chiolo, Chiolo, Marianne Marianne Dillon, Dillon, Dee Dee DeeBowman, Dee Bowman, Frances Frances McNinch, McNinch, and John and John Clement. Clement. I holdI ahold great a great appreciation appreciation for allfor of all them!” of them!” As anAs agent, an agent, Farzad Farzad says it’s sayscrucial it’s crucial to beto be yourself. yourself. “Success “Success is being is being your your authentic authentic self and selfloving and loving whatwhat you do,” youhe do,” says. he says. “Music “Music is stillispart still of part myoflife. myOnce life. Once a week, a week, I get I get together together with with a music-writing a music-writing collective collective at at a local a local studio, studio, and we andcreate we create content content for our for our licensing licensing company. company. The same The same skillsskills I use I use whenwhen composing composing musicmusic comecome in handy in handy with with my real myestate real estate clients clients – I listen – I listen to needs to needs and and find practical find practical solutions solutions to any toproblem!” any problem!” To give To back give back to thetocommunity the community he serves, he serves, Farzad Farzad volunteers volunteers at Fisherman’s at Fisherman’s Mark Mark FoodFood DriveDrive Donation Donation Center, Center, https://fishermansmark. https://fishermansmark. org/donations/ org/donations/ and supports and supports Special Special BooksBooks For For Special Special Kids https://www.youtube.com/channel/ Kids https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC4E98HDsPXrf5kTKIgrSmtQ. UC4E98HDsPXrf5kTKIgrSmtQ.
intricate intricate details details involving involving timelines timelines and and specific specific tasks.tasks. OnceOnce you’ve you’ve completed completed writing writing it out,ityou out,start you start the show, the show, and all and all the different the different parties parties beginbegin to play totheir play their respective respective roles.roles. You have You to have conduct to conduct the the wholewhole showshow and make and make sure everyone sure everyone is is on time. on time. Before Before you know you know it, youit,take youatake a bow, shake bow, shake handshands and celebrate. and celebrate. ThenThen it’s it’s off tooff thetonext the show!” next show!” One day, OneFarzad day, Farzad hopeshopes his “next his “next show”show” is opening is opening a brokerage a brokerage himself. himself. He plans He plans to setto a high set a standard high standard for client for client service service and utilize and utilize state state of theofart the technology. art technology. “A “A recentrecent studystudy reveals reveals real estate real estate agents agents have an have inherent an inherent desiredesire to interact to interact with with otherother people people on anon emotional an emotional level,”level,” he says. he says. “I’m passionate “I’m passionate aboutabout givinggiving realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 13 • 13
preferred preferred partner partner highlight highlight PhotosPhotos By Thato By Thato Dadson Dadson
14 • May 14 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
Briefly Briefly describe describe exactly exactly whatwhat your your company company does/does/ the servicing the servicing it provides. it provides.
We are Weaare full-service a full-service title insurance title insurance agency agency that serves that serves Pennsylvania Pennsylvania and New and New Jersey Jersey that that handles handles primarily primarily residential residential purchases purchases and reand refinance finance transactions transactions as well as well as commercial as commercial salessales and refinances. and refinances. How How and why and did whyyou diddecide you decide on this onparticular this particular indus-industry? Briefly try? Briefly describe describe key factors key factors that led thatyou ledto you where to where you are younow are professionally. now professionally. What’s What’s your story? your story?
I got Imy gotBA myfrom BA from the University the University of Oklahoma of Oklahoma in Classics in Classics (no one (noknows one knows whatwhat Classics Classics means, means, but itbut is aitdegree is a degree that is that based is based moremore on a Euroon a European pean modelmodel of education of education whereby whereby you take you take a cross-section a cross-section of courses, of courses, two foreign two foreign languages, languages, and an and area an of area concentration of concentration — — for me forthat me was thatPhilosophical was Philosophical studies). studies). The The degree degree primarily primarily prepared prepared students students who who werewere planning planning on attending on attending higher higher educaeducation. tion. In myIncase, my case, I attended I attended graduate graduate school school at Vanderbilt at Vanderbilt University University thinking thinking I would I would go into go law. into Itlaw. wasn’t It wasn’t long before long before I knew I knew I I wouldwould nevernever be a lawyer, be a lawyer, but the butstudy the study was was helpful. helpful. AfterAfter Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt, I started I started working working in in the restaurant the restaurant business business (something (something I hadIdone had done whilewhile I wasIin was school in school and always and always enjoyed). enjoyed). AboutAbout eighteight yearsyears later,later, I totally I totally got out gotofout that of that business business and moved and moved back back from from NorthNorth Jersey Jersey to Bucks to Bucks County County where where I went I went to work to work for a for a smallsmall Century Century 21 Office 21 Office as a REALTOR®. as a REALTOR®. I I was much was much moremore interested interested in theinclosing the closing end end of theofbusiness, the business, so I did so Iwork did work both both as a REALas a REALTOR®TOR® and Closer and Closer until until aboutabout 1998 1998 whereby whereby I I left real leftestate real estate and focused and focused entirely entirely on the ontitle the title insurance insurance side. side. ThereThere was awas local a local title company title company that truly that truly did things, did things, in myinopinion, my opinion, far better far better than than the competition. the competition. TheyThey werewere reallyreally nice to nice people to people and nothing and nothing was ever was aever problem—nothing! a problem—nothing! I usedI used that title that company title company to sharpen to sharpen my own my skills own skills and and have have nevernever forgotten forgotten how they how approached they approached the the business. business. To this Today, this Iday, try to I try follow to follow their their model. model. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
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WhatWhat sets your sets your business business apartapart from from similar similar ones?ones?
I wanted I wanted to follow to follow a model a model that always that always put put the customer the customer at ease, at ease, created created a trust a trust between between the REALTOR®/attorney the REALTOR®/attorney or lender or lender clientclient whereby whereby they they not only not only enjoyed enjoyed our business our business together together but truly but truly did not didwant not want to use toany use any otherother company company ever ever again.again. The trust The trust and and understanding understanding of what of what is important is important to your to your customer customer is everything. is everything. WhatWhat do you domost you most wantwant the top-producing the top-producing REALTORS® REALTORS® to know to know aboutabout your your business? business?
Our company Our company believes believes that we thattruly we truly underunderstandstand how hard how hard it is for it isREALTORS® for REALTORS® to do to do their their job every job every day, and day,no and matter no matter the circumthe circumstance, stance, we will wealways will always makemake themthem look good look good in front in front of their of their customer. customer. We will Wealways will always “have“have their their back,”back,” so to so speak. to speak. WhatWhat do you do find you most find most fulfilling fulfilling aboutabout your your work? work?
That’s That’s easy.easy. Watching Watching people people growgrow underunder and around and around you. In you. myInopinmy opinion, aion, leader a leader reallyreally only only has one has one job and jobthat and is that to make is to make the people the people around around themthem better. better. It is the It isonly the only focusfocus I haveI have as President as President and and
16 • May 16 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
Tell about us about your your family family and what and what you all you enjoy all enjoyty justtytojust gettoupget and updo and something do something that that something something that never that never gets very gets very far far Tell us doing doing together. together. you look you forward look forward to! How to! How manymany people people out ofout myofsight. my sight. Having Having five kids five and kidsliving and living through through all ofall theofjoys, the joys, reallyreally WANT WANT to go to go work to work everyevery day? day? I I vacations, vacations, breakups, breakups, weddings, weddings, grandkids grandkids am soam fortunate so fortunate for having for having the opportuthe opportuWhatWhat significant significant changes changes have have you you trials,trials, andthe justdaily the daily interactions interactions that occur, that occur, has been has beennity to nity create to create something something that not thatonly not only seen seen take place take place in your in your profession profession and just a blessing a blessing in so in many so many ways. ways. You learn You learn from from your your givesgives me comfort me comfort but provides but provides jobs and jobs and through through the years? the years? kidshopefully and hopefully they learn they learn from from you. Iyou. am lucky I am luckyopportunities opportunities for others for others as well. as well. For For Way too Waymany too many to listtohere—but list here—but our our kids and to have experienced experienced all ofall those of those wonderful, wonderful, and atand at me, success me, success is being is being happyhappy with myself with myself business business has changed has changed and continues and continues to toto have ‘gut wrenching’ ‘gut wrenching’ experiences experiences with with my wife my wife and thankful and thankful for what for what I have. I have. ManyMany change change as people as people obtainobtain information information times,times, and family. My sister My sister prettypretty muchmuch makes makes sure that sure thatyearsyears ago, someone ago, someone muchmuch wiserwiser than than aboutabout real estate real estate in new inways new ways online. online. and family. myofsiblings my siblings and our andkids our get kidstogether get together at least at leastI toldIme, told“Stephen, me, “Stephen, learnlearn to be to happy be happy The Realtor The Realtor ® today ® today is very is different very different all ofall a yeara year to either to either shareshare a vacation, a vacation, a wedding, a wedding, a awith what with what you have you and haveNOT and NOT what what you you than 20 than years 20 years ago and agoI and believe I believe therethere once once graduation or some or some eventevent to bring to bring us allus together all together in indon’t don’t have.”have.” I’ve never I’ve never forgotten forgotten that! that! will be will more be more dramatic dramatic change change in thein the graduation one place. My parents My parents did this didand thisIand am so I am thankful so thankful next five nextyears. five years. The way TheRealtors way Realtors ® ® one place. forsister my sister in keeping in keeping the tradition the tradition goinggoing for allfor all WhatWhat work,work, the people the people they touch, they touch, and how and how for my do you dowant you want to beto be years.years. they reach they reach and interact and interact with their with their cli- cli- thesethese remembered remembered for? for? ents, ents, is all moving is all moving so quickly so quickly because because of of I would I would love to love be to remembered be remembered for for When When you aren’t you aren’t working, working, what’s what’s your your favorite favorite way way technology. technology. We need We need to continue to continue to find to find creating creating a company a company that lived that lived on much on much to spend time?time? new ways new ways to integrate to integrate Realtors Realtors ® into® into to spend longerlonger than Ithan did and I didgrows and grows each day each day Playing Playing golf! golf! our business our business processes. processes. The Title The Title Insur-Insurwith new withopportunities new opportunities for others. for others. For For ance Agent ance Agent and the andRealtor the Realtor ® truly ® truly have have a guyalike guyme liketome seetoothers see others growgrow and and would would you define you define success? success? to be to a team be a team and become and become a business a business How How find opportunities find opportunities in something in something I startI startGetting Getting up every up every day and daylooking and looking forward forward to going to going to toed is truly partner partner for each for other each other in theinday-to-day the day-to-day ed is truly a blessing a blessing that Ithat willInever will never seeingseeing your family, your family, or just orhaving just having the opportunithe opportuniworkplace workplace for true forsuccess true success to follow. to follow. work,work, take for take granted. for granted.
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18 • May 18 • 2020 May 2020
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Did Did youyou know know there there are are more more victims victims heldheld against against their their will will today today than than everever before? before? That’s That’s whywhy N2 N2 Publishing, Publishing, the the company company behind behind thisthis magazine, magazine, is is ȴQDQFLDOO\ FRPPLWWHG WR KHOSLQJ HQG KXPDQ WUDɝFNLQJ ȴQDQFLDOO\ FRPPLWWHG WR KHOSLQJ HQG KXPDQ WUDɝFNLQJ AndAnd through through their their advertising advertising partnerships, partnerships, the the businesses businesses seen seen within within these these pages pages are are helping helping us us EUHDN WKHVH FKDLQV WRR /HDUQ PRUH DERXW RXU FDXVH EUHDN WKHVH FKDLQV WRR /HDUQ PRUH DERXW RXU FDXVH by visiting by visiting n2gives.com. n2gives.com. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
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feature cover story feature cover story
SSTTEEIIGGEERR K UKRUFRI SFSI S S OSTOHTEHBY E BY ’ S ’ ISN TI NETRENRAT N AT I O INOANLARL ERAELTA LT Y Y Story By Story Heather By Heather PluardPluard • Photos • Photos By Thato By Thato Dadson Dadson
feeding, and Kevin and Kevin grewgrew up admiring up admiring his father’s his father’s WithWith 18 years 18 years of real ofestate real estate experience experience and more and more feeding, strong workwork ethic.ethic. It’s a It’s trait a trait he’s taken he’s taken on ason hisas his than than $300$300 million million in career in career sales,sales, KevinKevin Steiger Steiger strong AfterAfter studying studying business business at theatUniversity the University of of has seen has seen a lot of a lot upsofand upsdowns and downs in theinindustry. the industry. “I “Iown.own. Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, KevinKevin became became a stockbroker. a stockbroker. am always am always amazed amazed at theatAmerican the American spiritspirit and the and the Nevada, “Myused dad used to say, to‘If say, you’re ‘If you’re in sales, in sales, you’llyou’ll al- aloptimism optimism that is that in the is infiber the fiber of ourofcommunities, our communities, “My dad waysways have have a job,’” a job,’” he smiles. he smiles. “But “But it wasit my wasmothmy motheven even in times in times of economic of economic upheaval,” upheaval,” he says. he says. er suggested who suggested I would I would be good be good in real in estate!” real estate!” “We’ve “We’ve been been through through toughtough timestimes before, before, includinclud- er who ing several ing several recessions, recessions, and we’ll and we’ll get through get through the the In 2002, In 2002, KevinKevin took his tookmom’s his mom’s advice advice and got andhis got his coronavirus coronavirus pandemic, pandemic, too.” too.” real estate real estate license license in Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania and New and New Jersey. Jersey. “I wanted “I wanted to be to mybeown my boss own and bosshave and have control, control, to to KevinKevin was raised was raised in Haddonfield in Haddonfield and and degree, degree, of how of my howefforts my efforts are reflected are reflected in myin my Moorestown, Moorestown, NJ. His NJ.family His family owned owned a business a business somesome compensation,” he says. he says. “I knew “I knew I could I could makemake a good a good that was that geared was geared toward toward vending vending and industrial and industrial compensation,”
20 • May 20 • 2020 May 2020
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 21 • 21
A client A client willwill telltell youyou everything everything youyou need need to to know know if you if you allow allow them them to. Ito.goI go intointo meetings meetings with with potential potential clients clients asking asking what what I can I can do do for for them. them. Then Then I listen. I listen.
22 • May 22 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
Real Real estate estate is a business is a business of of relationships relationships to Kevin, to Kevin, not just not ajust a series series of transactions. of transactions. “It comes “It comes fromfrom my days my days as a stockbroker as a stockbroker whenwhen I hadI ahad fiduciary a fiduciary responsiresponsibilitybility to mytoclients my clients and what and what was was appropriate appropriate for them,” for them,” he says. he says. “I want “I want my clients my clients to think to think of meof me for all forofall their of their real estate real estate needs. needs. No job Noisjob tooissmall.” too small.” This This mind-mindset has setlead has lead to a strong to a strong referral referral base base for Kevin for Kevin and aand wealth a wealth of of lifelong lifelong relationships. relationships. “What “What I enjoy I enjoy mostmost aboutabout my my business business is meeting is meeting interesting interesting people people in allin walks all walks of life,” of life,” he he says.says. “I have “I have represented represented celebricelebrities and tiesfirst and time first time homehome buyers. buyers. I I love client love client diversity, diversity, and Iand enjoy I enjoy the ability the ability to view to view and sell andasell wide a wide variety variety of properties, of properties, including including penthouses, penthouses, farms, farms, and condos. and condos. EvenEven though though I work I work with with so many so many diverse diverse clients, clients, I findI quite find quite oftenoften that they that they are all are dealing all dealing with with D’s: D’s: downsizing, downsizing, death, death, divorce, divorce, and and decluttering. EvenEven whenwhen we aren’t we aren’t owner owner of KSIR, of KSIR, Donald Donald Pearson, Pearson, has given has givendecluttering. living,living, and Iand haveI have always always enjoyed enjoyed “The “The dealing with with a pandemic, a pandemic, moving moving the tools and support and support we need we need to excel to excel in thein thedealing sales.sales. I like Iworking like working with with people people at at us theustools and transitioning and transitioning can be can a very be a very Philadelphia Metropolitan Metropolitan area.area. My focus My focus is is an important an important time in time their in their lives.”lives.” Philadelphia stressful time.”time.” BucksBucks County, County, but I but sell Iinsell Philadelphia in Philadelphia as well.” as well.”stressful KevinKevin beganbegan his career his career at Prudential at Prudential To his helpclients his clients accomplish accomplish top-producing a top-producing REALTOR®, REALTOR®, KevinKevin av- av- To help Fox &Fox Roach, & Roach, New New Hope,Hope, where where he he As a As their their goals goals in every in every circumstance, circumstance, erages $20 million $20 million a year a year in sales. in sales. He uses He uses enjoyed enjoyed a successful a successful partnership partnership erages uses uses a management-by-oba management-by-obhis financial his financial background background to evaluate to evaluate market market KevinKevin with with Kimberly Kimberly Leemaster Leemaster for several for several jective jective method method and keeps and keeps themthem trends and how and how they they applyapply to individual to individual years.years. The two Themoved two moved to Kurfiss to Kurfiss trends moving, moving, one step one at step a time. at a time. WhenWhen situations, but the butkey theto key histoincredible his incredible Real Estate Real Estate together together in (YEAR). in (YEAR). situations, he isn’t he selling isn’t selling real estate, real estate, Kevin Kevin success lies in lies hisininterpersonal his interpersonal skills. skills. “Ask “Ask WhenWhen Kimberly Kimberly decided decided to go to into go into success enjoys swimming, swimming, hiking, hiking, yoga.yoga. He He questions,” he says. he says. “Always “Always put your put your clients’ clients’enjoys management management there,there, KevinKevin wentwent out outquestions,” also loves to travel to travel and isand looking is looking needsneeds first.first. TreatTreat others others as you aswould you would wantwant also loves on hisonown. his own. In 2006, In 2006, Sotheby’s Sotheby’s Inter-Interforward to new to adventures new adventures once once treated. be treated. It’s basic, It’s basic, good-human good-human stuff!” stuff!” forward national national Realty Realty selected selected Kurfiss Kurfiss to to to beto the coronavirus the coronavirus has run has its run course. its course. become become an affiliate an affiliate – creating – creating Kurfiss Kurfiss the meantime, he’ll stick he’ll stick to to Kevin’s Kevin’s best advice best advice is even is even moremore straightforstraightfor- In theInmeantime, Sotheby’s Sotheby’s International International Realty. Realty. his healthy lifestyle lifestyle and serious and serious ward.ward. “The“The mostmost successful successful attribute attribute a reala real his healthy out regime. out regime. “Success “Success to meto me agentagent needsneeds to have to have is theisability the ability to to workwork “I’m passionate “I’m passionate aboutabout the amazing the amazing estateestate is having is having a balanced a balanced life with life with no no to people,” to people,” he explains. he explains. “I already “I already knowknow reachreach and support and support of theofSotheby’s the Sotheby’s listenlisten regrets,” regrets,” he says. he says. “Real“Real estateestate has has I know. I know. The only The only way to way learn to learn something something BrandBrand and thankful and thankful for the forhard the hard whatwhat allowed me tome beto there be there for family for family new to listen. is to listen. A client A client will tell willyou telleveryyou every- allowed workwork and dedication and dedication from from our inour in- new is and friends as weasallwe getallthrough get through you need you need to know to know if youifallow you allow themthem to. I to. Iand friends househouse marketing marketing departments, departments, as as thingthing this pandemic this pandemic together. together. For that, For that, go meetings into meetings with with potential potential clients clients asking asking well as well theasentire the entire Kurfiss Kurfiss Sotheby’s Sotheby’sgo into I’m thankful.” I’m thankful.” I canIdo can fordothem. for them. ThenThen I listen.” I listen.” Realty Realty organization,” organization,” KevinKevin says. says. whatwhat
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 23 • 23
WrittenWritten By Wayne By Wayne Salmans Salmans
So, you So,need you need to decide to decide whichwhich you will yoube. willAre be.you Areayou a “freaker” “freaker” or a leader? or a leader? A freaker A freaker lookslooks at every at every random random The last Theweeks last weeks and months and months have have been been a bit like a bit likethermometer thermometer and freaks and freaks out atout theatnumbers—the the numbers—the highs,highs, ridingriding a goata through goat through a tornado a tornado whilewhile beingbeing the lows, the lows, the discrepancies. the discrepancies. A leader A leader decides decides to beto a therbe a therhanded handed a crying a crying baby...wild baby...wild doesn’t doesn’t even even beginbegin mostat mostat and set andthe settemperature. the temperature. to describe to describe it. And it. your And your people people need need you to you lead to lead themthem through through this storm. this storm. Yes, there Yes, there will be will struggles. be struggles. Yes, you Yes,should you should expect expect change. change. And yes, Andthere yes, there may be may outright be outright chaos. chaos. TheseThese cir- cirBeingBeing in charge in charge means means your your decisions decisions impact impactcumstances cumstances can be can viewed be viewed as negative as negative pressures, pressures, or you or you your your entire entire organization. organization. BeingBeing the head the head of of can join canthe joinsmall the small groupgroup of us of that us choose that choose to seetotrials see trials as as your your household household means means you’re you’re responsible responsible for fora catalyst a catalyst for progress. for progress. the welfare the welfare of your of your family. family. As a As leader a leader in any in any capacity, capacity, you have you have a choice a choice to make: to make: Will Will you you6 KEYS 6 KEYS TO BEING TO BEING THE THERMOSTAT THE THERMOSTAT be a thermometer be a thermometer or thermostat? or thermostat? 1. Look 1. Look for opportunities. for opportunities. Massive Massive wealth wealth was built was built during during the Great the Great Depression Depression by by A thermometer A thermometer simply simply tells tells you the youtemthe temthosethose few who few choose who choose to look to for lookand forfind andthe findopportunithe opportuniperature perature around around you, you, whereas whereas a thermostat a thermostat ties. What ties. What opportunities opportunities are being are being created? created? dictates dictates the temperature. the temperature. “The “The only constant only constant is change.” is change.” –Heraclitus –Heraclitus
24 • May 24 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
2. You 2.are Youaare self-fulfilling a self-fulfilling prophecy. prophecy. time time buyers buyers have have significant significant purchasing purchasing power. power.
that you thatshould you should ALREADY ALREADY be doing-esbe doing-esThereThere is massive is massive evidence evidence to support to supportHomeowners Homeowners who don’t who don’t wantwant to selltoshould sell should get with get with pecially pecially during during FLU season FLU season whichwhich kills kills the belief the belief that what that what you think you think you will you will our preferred our preferred lender lender to doto a refinance do a refinance or maybe or maybe far more far more people people and isand responsible is responsible for for find isfind exactly is exactly whatwhat you find. you find. Believe Believeeven even a cashout a cashout to paytooff pay debt.” off debt.” dropping dropping workwork productivity.” productivity.” you will youfind willways find ways to thrive to thrive or believe or believe this isthis theisend. the You end.get Youtoget choose to choose the the“Our“Our agents agents are empowered are empowered to educate to educate clients clients on on “Put “Put out hand out hand sanitizer sanitizer for others for others outcome outcome of each of each adventure. adventure. the best the options best options for now for and nowthe andfuture.” the future.” for convenience, for convenience, but don’t but don’t turn turn into into Chicken Chicken LittleLittle running running around around telling telling Nick Nick GoodGood – The–Good The Good HomeHome TeamTeam 3. Set3.the Settone. the tone. everyone everyone the sky theissky falling. is falling. Staff Staff MoreMore than than ever, ever, it is necessary it is necessary that that “Talk“Talk members on my onteams my teams are not arealnot alaboutabout the opportunity the opportunity vs. the vs.outcry. the outcry. Help Help members you set youthe settone the tone for your for your team.team. The The people to puttoout putmore out more BS about BS about this this people understand understand whatwhat they can theyleverage can leverage for a for a lowedlowed words words you use, you the use,energy the energy you bring, you bring,greatgreat to fear to monger. fear monger. The media The media is doing is doing deal!”deal!” and what and what you choose you choose to focus to focus on will on will plenty plenty of that.” of that.” have have a profound a profound effecteffect on the onsuccess the success“Keep“Keep doubled doubled downdown on your on your foundational foundational or failure or failure of your of your team.team. Be intentional Be intentional “Just“Just focusfocus on what on what we dowe control do control in in business business practice.” practice.” and communicate and communicate with with clarity. clarity. general general versus versus actingacting like it’s likedifferent it’s different just because a newa label new label was invented was invented “Spread “Spread care and carecompassion and compassion by being by being helpful helpful at at just because 4. Keep 4. Keep calm calm and carry and carry on. on. for something.” open open houses houses providing providing handhand sanitizer, sanitizer, and wiping and wiping for something.” In our Incurrent our current environment, environment, sticking sticking downdown sign-in sign-in surfaces.” surfaces.” to thetofundamentals the fundamentals is more is more importimport“And“And by the byway, the way, the FED the FED is probais probaant than ant than ever.ever. This This is notisthe nottime the time “And“And bly going bly going to drop to drop another another 1/2 point 1/2 point talk about talk about rates.rates. Money Money is almost is almost free free to slow to slow downdown on lead on generation lead generation or orrightright again.again. This This is going is going to beto a feeding be a feeding now.”now.” stop stop exercising. exercising. This This is theistime the time to to Alyssa frenzy frenzy for those for those who are whoinare theinright the right Alyssa Hellman Hellman – Compass – Compass SouthSouth Consulting Consulting double double down. down. position position and not andhiding not hiding in their in their an- anti-germ bubbles.” bubbles.” “Double “Double downdown on managing on managing distractions distractions during during ti-germ 5. Focus, 5. Focus, then then refocus. refocus. business business development development hours.” hours.” Jeff Dousharm Jeff Dousharm Nothing Nothing is gained is gained by focusing by focusing on on – No –Coast No Coast Business Business Advisors Advisors whatwhat you can’t you can’t control. control. Without Without fail, fail,“Make “Make it a COVID-19-free it a COVID-19-free zone zone from from 8-12.8-12. SeriousSeriousyou will youfind will that find winners that winners focusfocus on on ly, noly, discussing no discussing it, noit, reading no reading aboutabout it, noit, tweeting no tweeting“Control “Control whatwhat you can youcontrol. can control. ThereThere whatwhat they they can control. can control. WhatWhat is withis withaboutabout it. Build it. Build the bunker the bunker around around you required you required to to is NOisNEED NO NEED to panic.” to panic.” in your in your control? control? WhatWhat is your is your next next advance advance your your goalsgoals proactively. proactively. And enlist And enlist support support rightright decision? decision? from from thosethose around around you.”you.” “We’ve “We’ve lived lived through through Y2K,Y2K, Swine Swine Flu Flu in 2008, in 2008, SARS.” SARS.” 6. Thrive 6. Thrive where where others others just survive. just survive. “What “What I’m not I’mdoing not doing is canceling is canceling or pulling or pulling back back on on You have You have survived survived all the allother the other stuff stuff my activities. my activities. WhatWhat I’m not I’mdoing not doing is buying is buying extraextra “Head “Head down,down, focusfocus on CAPACITY on CAPACITY and and that’sthat’s been been thrown thrown at youatover you over the the supplies supplies of anything. of anything. WhatWhat I’m not I’mdoing not doing is looking is lookingrelationships. relationships. This This is a spectacular is a spectacular last two lastdecades. two decades. It’s your It’s your time time to to at anyone at anyone who sneezes who sneezes with with suspicion.” suspicion.” opportunity opportunity to take to more take more ground ground thrive, thrive, to lead to with lead with purpose, purpose, to create to create whilewhile your your competition competition freaks freaks out. out. the world the world you want. you want. CHOOSE CHOOSE TO BE TO BE“In 1939 “In 1939 the British the British government government was in was prepain prepa- Step Step up your up your game;game; personally, personally, as a as a THE THE THERMOMETER. THERMOMETER. ration ration for WWII. for WWII. No one Nocould one could have have predicted predicted teamteam or asor anas organization.” an organization.” the horrors the horrors that were that were to come. to come. But in But allinofall that of that Bill Hart Bill Hart – Building – Building Champions, Champions, Inc. Inc. ADVICE ADVICE ON THRIVING ON THRIVING IN THE IN THE camecame the popular the popular phrase, phrase, KeepKeep CalmCalm and Carry and Carry NEXTNEXT SEVERAL SEVERAL MONTHS MONTHS On. IfOn. theIfBritish, the British, in theinface the of face WWII, of WWII, werewere able ableWAYNE WAYNE SALMANS SALMANS is an is author, an author, “I am“Ipreparing am preparing our agents. our agents. I am prepI am prepto Keep to Keep CalmCalm and Carry and Carry On, IOn, think I think we should we should en- enspeaker speaker and business and business coach. coach. In theIn the ping my pingagents my agents as if we as ifare weentering are entering a a deavor deavor to dotothe dosame the same and do andour dopart our to part stop to stop the the past decade, past decade, he has hecoached has coached and and recession—we recession—we need need to make to make sure we sure weunnecessary unnecessary fear.”fear.” trained trained over over 5,0005,000 entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, take our takelead our generation lead generation to a whole to a whole Brandon awarded awarded 30 Under 30 Under 30 by30 REALTOR® by REALTOR® Brandon Green Green – Brandon – Brandon Green Green Ventures Ventures new level.” new level.” Magazine, Magazine, and ranked and ranked one of one theoftop the top coaches coaches in theinworld. the world. His passion His passion is is “One“One thingthing wouldwould be: Stop be: Stop talking talking aboutabout things things as if as if “Let’s“Let’s showshow buyers buyers and sellers and sellers why why this isthis to help to real helpestate real estate business business owners owners specific is specific to this tovirus.” this virus.” now is now that is perfect that perfect stormstorm to take to take build,build, growgrow and scale and scale their their business, business, advantage advantage of this ofvolatile this volatile market. market. “The “The and with and fewer with fewer bruises. bruises. wholewhole CDC/WHO CDC/WHO protocol protocol is about is about washing washing fasterfaster Interest Interest ratesrates are stupid are stupid low, so low, firstso first-your hands, www.TheHeroNation.com your hands, sanitizing, sanitizing, not touching not touching your face. your Things face. Thingswww.TheHeroNation.com realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 25 • 25
TOM TOM Skiffington Skiffington celebrating celebrating leaders leaders
Story by Story Chris by Menezes Chris Menezes PhotosPhotos by Thato by Thato Dadson Dadson
RE/MAX RE/MAX440 440– –Perkasie Perkasie
26 • May 26 • 2020 May 2020
@realproducers @realproducers
Cementing Cementing a Legacy a Legacy
ince 1988, ince 1988, Tom Tom Skiffington Skiffington has lived has lived and breathed and breathed Pennsylvania Pennsylvania real estate. real estate. It’s the It’sonly the thing only thing he ever he ever wanted wanted to do,toand do,to and saytohe say has hedone has done it well it would well would be anbe understatement. an understatement. FromFrom the moment the moment he entered he entered the the business, business, he’s given he’s given his all. hisWithin all. Within four years four years of starting of starting as anas individual an individual agentagent with with ERA ERA Real Real Estate, Estate, Tom Tom opened opened his first his RE/MAX first RE/MAX officeoffice in 1992 in 1992 and has andsince has since been been a a pioneer pioneer in theinlocal the local industry, industry, opening opening numerous numerous offices offices throughout throughout the area. the area. A longstanding A longstanding Top-Producing Top-Producing REALTOR® REALTOR® with with a career a career production production over half overahalf billion, a billion, Tom has Tomwon has numerous won numerous awards awards and recognitions, and recognitions, including including RE/MAX RE/MAX Hall of Hall Fame, of Fame, Lifetime Lifetime Achievement Achievement Award, Award, Manager Manager of theofYear, the Year, Broker Broker Owner Owner of theofYear, the Year, and even and even Citizen Citizen of theofYear, the Year, in addition in addition to many to many others. others. He has Heweathered has weathered manymany ups and upsdowns and downs and excelled and excelled through through themthem all. He all.even He even won REALTOR® won REALTOR® of theofYear the Year in 2008, in 2008, one ofone theofworse the worse timestimes to be to in be thein the business, business, whilewhile helping helping others others to doto thedosame, the same, teaching teaching courses courses on short on short sales,sales, forecloforeclosuressures and bankruptcy. and bankruptcy.
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 27 • 27
Tom dedicates himself to working with his team members on a daily basis, to bring success to all his sellers, buyers, and agents. He is passionate about educating agents and clients about real estate, the local market, the pitfalls and the promise. He has continued his own education throughout the years and has received nearly every designation and certification out there. “This is the largest investment of most buyers and sellers. They deserve a full-time REALTOR® that is knowledgeable,” he says.
The one thing that drives Tom to do everything he does today is seeing others succeed. “I truly enjoy helping others be successful, inspiring them to be better agents and people. I take great pleasure when I see someone accomplish their goals, when they can provide a better life for themselves and their families,” he says. Tom firmly believes that you get what you put into real estate. He encourages all of his agents to work hard, to put their clients first, and to be ethical in all that they do. “If you simply do those things, your sales will flow,” he says. Tom is a past President of the Bucks County Association of RE-
Today, as the President and CEO of RE/MAX 440 and RE/MAX Central, he leads over 200 agents, spanning 12 offices through Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia and Lehigh Counties. Tom’s brokerages offer one-stop shopping for real estate services in residential, commercial, referral, relocation, appraisals, and property management. To efficiently meet all of their clients’ needs through the real estate process, they offer additional services, like title, mortgage, and insurance services, at each office.
I truly enjoy helping others be successful, inspiring them to be better agents and people. I take great pleasure when I see someone accomplish their goals, when they can provide a better life for themselves and their families.
28 • May 2020
ALTORS®, and actively supports WHY WHY GOOSEHEAD GOOSEHEAD FOR FOR ALL YOUR ALL YOUR INSURANCE INSURANCE NEEDS? NEEDS? several community organizations, including many affordable housing initiatives. He is a huge advocate for giving back to the communities that will he lives andyou “We“We will shop shop you withwith overover 35 “A” 35 “A” rated rated works in.carriers carriers to find to find the the bestbest possible possible fit for fit for
SAVE SAVE TIME, TIME, SAVE SAVE MONEY MONEY youryour needs needs and and budget!” budget!”
When it all comes down to it, Tom defines his own success by having a happy family. He and his wife Gina have three kids—Christian, Gianna, and Sophia. Tom enjoys spending his free time with them, traveling together and watching movies. He loves the water and enjoys boating and riding jet skies as well.
As Tom continues building his business across the area, further cementing his legacy as a local real estate legend, he will continEric Eric Frain: Frain: Agency Agency Owner Owner ue to help countless people not Eric.Frain@goosehead.com Eric.Frain@goosehead.com only achieve their goals and findDirect: Direct: 267-405-3957 267-405-3957 267-760-3389 267-760-3389 success, but to leave a legacy ofCell:Cell: Servicing Servicing PA and PA and NJ NJ their own. realproducersmag.com 30 • May 30 • 2020 May 2020
Bucks County Real Producers @realproducers @realproducers • 29
High High Quality Quality Real Real Estate Estate
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 31 • 31
PRESIDENT/TITLE AGENT Since 1992, Nicole's diverse background in the real estate and mortgage industry has helped her to expand her abilities into the title industry in 2005. Nicole's experience and knowledge is among the top in her industry. TITLE AGENT/NJ SALES MANAGER Marge comes with over 40 years of extensive experience in the real estate/mortgage industry and brings with her a wealth of knowledge that sets her above the rest and enables her to give superior service to our clientele.
TITLE AGENT/SALES, CLOSER Brittany has been in the title industry since 2008, which includes conducting well over 2,000 closings during the course of her career to date. Also experienced with underwriting review of title, her rich experience in the business is a very valuable asset. SETTLEMENT AGENT, SALES The newest asset to the family business, Tom has brought raw talent to the table...the closing table, that is. His natural ability to conduct a closing is seen and acknowledged by many.
Rachel's experience stems back in 2009, learning all aspects of the business. She is also well versed in conducting settlements, processing recordings, and dealing with post closing requirements
215.579.8800 EXT 201