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AG E N T O N F I R E Peter Lien eXp Realty MAKING A DIFFERENCE Jose Correa Keller Williams SUBURBAN SPOTLIGHT Stephanie Krawulski The Bob Kelley Team | Compass




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Suburban Suburban Spotlight: Spotlight: Stephanie Stephanie Krawulski Krawulski


Top ProTop Producerducer Cov- Cover Story: er Story: Rachel Rachel StreetStreet


AgentAgent on on Fire: Fire: PeterPeter Lien Lien

Making Making a a Difference: Difference: Jose Jose Correa Correa

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4 • November 4 • November 20232023

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6 • November 6 • November 20232023

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8 • November 8 • November 20232023

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12 • November 12 • November 20232023

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RACHEL RACHEL STREET STREET TheThe Street Street Group Group at Compass at Compass Supporting Supporting Better Better Outcomes Outcomes

WhileWhile therethere are no are guarantees no guarantees in life, inone life,ofone theofelethe elementsments that can thatboost can boost someone’s someone’s potential potential financial financial futurefuture is owning is owning real estate. real estate. It’s also It’s aalso factathat fact helped that helped to bring to bring Rachel Rachel Street Street to to the real theestate real estate profession. profession. As Team As Team Leader Leader with with The Street The Street Group Group with with Compass, Compass, Rachel Rachel is committed is committed to helping to helping thosethose around around her experience her experience betterbetter outcomes. outcomes. “I like“Ihelping like helping people people growgrow and build and build wealth. wealth. I I taught taught English English as a second as a second language language in South in South PhillyPhilly for several for several years,” years,” Rachel Rachel says.says. “Some “Some of myofstudents my students have have started started purchasing purchasing rentalrental properties properties through through time.time. It’s exciting It’s exciting to seetopeople see people change change their their financial financial picture picture through through real estate.” real estate.” Hitting Hitting the Right the Right NotesNotes

Before Before getting getting into real intoestate, real estate, Rachel Rachel was was on another on another path that pathtook that her tookfar heraway far away from from Philadelphia Philadelphia real estate. real estate. For three For three years,years, she lived she lived in in Italy Italy as sheaspursued she pursued her career her career as anas opera an opera singer. singer. In time, In time, sinussinus issuesissues forced forced Rachel Rachel to step to back step back from from the stage the stage and return and return to thetoStates the States for surgery for surgery and recuperation. and recuperation. That’sThat’s whenwhen she started she started on a new on a new path path that led thattoled where to where she isshe today. is today. “My father “My father was awas commercial a commercial mortgage mortgage broker. broker. I I started started working working in hisinoffice his office as anas administrative an administrative 14 • November 14 • November 20232023

@realproducers @realproducers

toptop producer producer cover cover story story WrittenWritten by: Dave by: Danielson Dave Danielson Photography Photography by: PLUSH by: PLUSH ImageImage Corp. Corp.

Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 15 • 15

assistant assistant during during the recession,” the recession,” Rachel Rachel says.says. “Then “Then I took I took classes classes to become to become an appraiser. an appraiser. I alsoI also got my gotreal my estate real estate license. license. We would We would occasionally occasionally broker broker the sale the sale of real of estate real estate between between clients.” clients.” Taking Taking New Steps New Steps

Around Around the same the same time,time, one of one theofclients the clients that that Rachel Rachel worked worked withwith at the atmortgage the mortgage brokerage brokerage had built had built a substantial a substantial portfoportfolio oflio rental of rental properties. properties. Rachel Rachel saw the saw the success success he had he and had was and further was further inspired inspired to to dive dive further further into real into estate real estate holdings holdings for for herself. herself. “I bought “I bought my first my house first house and rented and rented out out the extra the extra bedrooms. bedrooms. I wasI saving was saving up toup buy to buy my first my rental first rental property, property, and got anditgot under it under contract. contract. However, However, I closed I closed on it on December it December 23 and 23on and Christmas on Christmas Eve my Evedad mypassed dad passed away,” away,” Rachel Rachel says.says. “All at “All once at once I hadI two had mortgages two mortgages to pay to pay and no and job. no Ijob. transferred I transferred my license my license to a to a company company to keep to keep it active, it active, eveneven though though I I wasn’t wasn’t planning planning on actively on actively usingusing it.” it.”

I like I like helping helping people people grow grow and and build build wealth. wealth.

16 • November 16 • November 20232023

@realproducers @realproducers

Building Building Momentum Momentum

Rachel Rachel moved moved into one intoof one herofproperties her properties whilewhile she fixed she fixed it up it and up and sold it. sold From it. From there,there, one thing one thing led toled another. to another.

businesses businesses … in turn, … in turn, helping helping themthem see opportunities see opportunities through through skilled skilled trades. trades.

Rachel also looks also looks forward forward to time to time “People “People started started asking asking me tome renovate to renovate theirtheir houses,” houses,” she remembers. she remembers. Rachel with with her two herAustralian two Australian cattlecattle She also She loves also loves working working on on “I started “I started a construction a construction company company and people and people askedasked me tome help to them help them dogs.dogs. her 1887 her 1887 homehome in Germantown. in Germantown. buy and buysell andtheir sell their homes. homes. It wasn’t It wasn’t my intention my intention but itbut grew.” it grew.” WhenWhen it comes it comes to giving to giving back,back, Today, Today, Rachel Rachel continues continues to grow to grow her business, her business, aidedaided by her bybilingual her bilingual one theofpowerful the powerful waysways that that (English (English and Spanish-speaking) and Spanish-speaking) services services and her andcommitment her commitment to helpto help- one of Rachel Rachel does does that is that through is through her her ing people ing people achieve achieve their their goals.goals. company—Hestia company—Hestia Construction Construction … including … including somesome free rehabs. free rehabs. Family Family Foundation Foundation Rachel Rachel also helps also helps to connect to connect AwayAway from from work,work, Rachel’s Rachel’s worldworld is made is made muchmuch richerricher by her byfamily, her family, people in need in need with with building building including including her son, her Kevin, son, Kevin, who works who works in theinphotography the photography business; business; and and people partners partners who sometimes who sometimes donate donate her son, her Jose son, Jose who is who in school. is in school. building building materials materials and handle and handle smaller smaller rehabrehab projects projects and and In herInfree her time, free time, one of one Rachel’s of Rachel’s primeprime passions passions is mentoring is mentoring kids and kids and somesome repairs. teaching teaching themthem aboutabout skilled skilled trades. trades. She even She even has had hasahad show a show on the on the repairs. DIY network DIY network calledcalled PhillyPhilly Revival, Revival, with with each each episode episode focusing focusing on the on the Rachel Rachel moves moves forward forward day by day day by day purchase, purchase, renovation renovation and sale and of sale a different of a different property. property. … in the … inprocess, the process, liftinglifting others others and following through through to help to her help her Through Through time,time, Rachel Rachel has worked has worked with with at-risk at-risk children children who are whoaging are aging and following clients clients reachreach betterbetter outcomes. outcomes. out ofout theoffoster the foster care system, care system, teaching teaching themthem how to how start to start theirtheir own own

Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 17 • 17

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18 • November 18 • November 20232023

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Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 19 • 19

Stephanie Stephanie Krawulski Krawulski

20 • November 20 • November 20232023

@realproducers @realproducers

suburban suburban spotlight spotlight WrittenWritten by: Jamie by: Jamie Taylor Taylor Photography Photography by: Kevin by: York KevinPhotography York Photography

WhenWhen your your profession profession is also is your also your hobby, hobby, you you knowknow you’ve you’ve landed landed in theinright the right field –field and– and that’sthat’s unquestionably unquestionably a good a good feeling. feeling. Just ask Just ask Stephanie Stephanie Krawulski, Krawulski, Doylestown Doylestown resident resident and and agentagent at Compass at Compass (The (The Bob Kelley Bob Kelley Team), Team), who who readily readily admits admits that scrolling that scrolling through through online online photos photos of homes of homes and estates and estates and (even and (even better) better) embarking embarking on driving on driving tourstours to admire to admire properproperties around ties around towntown are two areof two heroffavorite her favorite pas- pastimes.times. SuchSuch fascination fascination with with all things all things real estate real estate is something is something Stephanie Stephanie recognized recognized within within herself herself from from a young a young age, though age, though she admits she admits that being that being a a REALTOR® REALTOR® was not wasthe notpath the path she initially she initially counted counted on on to bring to bring her closer her closer to hertopassion. her passion. Originally Originally majoring majoring in graphic in graphic design design in college, in college, Stephanie Stephanie had plans had plans to incorporate to incorporate interior interior decorating decorating studies studies into her into her coursework. coursework. Her end Hergoal end was goalto was build to build a career a career in theinhousing the housing industry industry in some in some capacity, capacity, though though that vision that vision temporarily temporarily yielded yielded to to Unsurprisingly, Unsurprisingly, finding finding her own her home own home makes makes a plotatwist. plot twist. “I didn’t “I didn’t follow follow through through with with any ofany that of and thatended and ended up upStephanie’s Stephanie’s list oflist all-time of all-time favorite favorite career career mem-memgoinggoing to school to school for dentistry,” for dentistry,” she explains. she explains. It wasn’t It wasn’t until until yearsyears ories,ories, and she andsays she the saysexperience the experience also benefited also benefited later,later, whenwhen she and sheher andhusband her husband embarked embarked on their on their own own her, as her, a newly as a newly licensed licensed agentagent at theattime, the time, because because homehome search, search, that the thatuniverse the universe wouldwould push push Stephanie Stephanie it doubled it doubled as anas introduction an introduction to thetobuying/selling the buying/selling toward toward her true her professional true professional calling. calling. “In 2015, “In 2015, [we] [we] process. process. “It was “Itawas good a good learning learning experience, experience, and I’m and I’m started started looking looking for a for house a house for ourselves, for ourselves, and with and with definitely definitely proudproud to know to know that Ithat got Iusgot this ushouse.” this house.” manymany months months of notoffinding not finding anything, anything, I thought I thought it would it would be easier be easier if I got if Ilicensed got licensed and became and became As Stephanie As Stephanie continued continued to grow to grow in herinREALTOR® her REALTOR® a REALTOR® a REALTOR® and did andthe didsearch the search on myonown... my own... role, role, she maintained she maintained her dentistry her dentistry job onjob the onside, the side, sincesince then,then, I haveI have absolutely absolutely been been in love in with love withthough though she was sheeventually was eventually able to able transition to transition to fullto fullall ofall it,”ofshe it,”shares. she shares. time time agentagent statusstatus – a move – a move she has shenever has never regretted. regretted.


Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 21 • 21

WhenWhen askedasked whatwhat her favorite her favorite aspect aspect of herofjob her job is today, is today, Stephanie Stephanie says schedule says schedule flexibility flexibility is a perk, is a perk, but being but being able to able help to others help others and and help loved help loved ones ones realize realize their their housing housing goalsgoals is herismost her most rewarding rewarding takeaway. takeaway. “Being “Being in theintransaction the transaction with with them,them, seeing seeing their their excitement, excitement, and knowing and knowing I [played] I [played] a big apart big in part finding in finding their their dream dream homehome makes makes me some happy!” so happy!” Stephanie Stephanie also enjoys also enjoys utilizing utilizing her her passion passion and talent and talent for interior for interior design design to bring to bring addedadded valuevalue to hertoclients. her clients. “I “I love being love being able to able help to ahelp buyer a buyer reallyreally envision envision a space, a space, as farasasfar moving as moving a wall, a wall, fittingfitting a couch a couch into ainto space, a space, paintpaint colors. colors. And IAnd loveI helping love helping sellers sellers prep prep their their househouse before before the sale,” the sale,” she says, she says, noting noting that that that that she often she often lendslends sellers sellers pieces pieces from from her own her own homehome décordécor or visits or visits thriftthrift stores stores to find todecorafind decorative items tive items that will thatserve will serve as statement as statement pieces pieces in herin her clients’ clients’ listings. listings. It’s anIt’s extra an extra service service Stephanie Stephanie is happy is happy to offer, to offer, and itand is in it is in line with line with her overall her overall philosophy philosophy for client for client care,care, which which she says she says is basic is basic but impactful. but impactful. “It’s super “It’s super simple simple and and sincere…being sincere…being as transparent as transparent and honest and honest as possias possible, keeping ble, keeping within within ethics, ethics, and just andalso just keeping also keeping it professional.” it professional.”

Being Being in in thethe That That M.O.M.O. fits infits well in with well with Stephanie’s Stephanie’s like-minded like-minded colleagues colleagues on the onBob the Kelley Bob Kelley transaction transaction with with Team, Team, which which is comprised is comprised of a lot of aoflot of hard hard workers workers who,who, in theinwords the words of Bob of Bob himself, “keep“keep it real.” it real.” Because Because the the them, them, seeing seeing their their himself, teamteam does does not worry not worry aboutabout measuring measuring themselves themselves against against otherother agents agents and and excitement, excitement, and and instead instead choose choose to focus to focus on the onclient, the client, they rest easy rest easy knowing knowing they they are placing are placing knowing knowing I [played] I [played] they theirtheir efforts efforts where where they they mostmost matter matter – – and that and with that with such such commitment commitment to their to their a big a big part part in in finding finding buyersbuyers and sellers, and sellers, steady steady business business will will naturally naturally follow. follow. their their dream dream home home Outside Outside of work, of work, Stephanie Stephanie enjoys enjoys spending spending time with time with her husband, her husband, Steven, Steven, her two heryoung two young makes makes meme soso happy! happy! sons,sons, GrantGrant and Crew, and Crew, and the andfamily’s the family’s English English

bulldog, bulldog, Douglas. Douglas. She isShe alsoisan also avid an gardener avid gardener and and her horticultural her horticultural claims claims to fame to fame are anare impressive an impressive greengreen house, house, homegrown homegrown vegetables, vegetables, and aand collection a collection of of over 200 overexotic 200 exotic plants. plants.

22 • November 22 • November 20232023

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Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 23 • 23

Nature Nature bike-riding, bike-riding, thrift-thrifting ating second-hand at second-hand stores, stores, decorating decorating her house, her house, and travel and travel are additional are additional waysways Stephanie Stephanie likes likes to spend to spend her time, her time, and and she enjoys she enjoys a crafting a crafting hobbyhobby as well, as well, whichwhich brings brings joy not joyonly not to only to her but heralso but to also some to some deserving deserving four-leggeds. four-leggeds. The cat Thecommunity cat community at Newhope at Newhope SPCASPCA are are grateful grateful recipients recipients of of blankets blankets that she thatcroshe crochets,chets, and this andinitiative this initiative is something is something Stephanie’s Stephanie’s boys boys love being love being involved involved with with as well, as well, as they as often they often accompany accompany mommom to deliver to deliver the hand-made the hand-made Whether Whether she’s she’s contemplatcontemplating houses ing houses for work for work or fun, or fun, Stephanie’s Stephanie’s mindmind is never is never far from far from her passion her passion for for real estate. real estate. And with And with such such commitment commitment - and-aand bonus a bonus talenttalent for creating for creating beautiful beautiful spaces spaces - there - there is no is doubt no doubt her skillset her skillset will continue will continue to meaningfully to meaningfully impact impact the respective the respective real estate real estate journeys journeys of others of others for years for years to come. to come.

It’sIt’s super super simple simple and and sincere…being sincere…being as as transparent transparent and and honest honest as as possible, possible, keeping keeping within within ethics, ethics, and and just just also also keeping keeping it professional. it professional. 24 • November 24 • November 20232023

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Jose Jose Correa Correa making making a difference a difference WrittenWritten by: Jamie by: Jamie Taylor Taylor Photography Photography by: Perspective by: Perspective MediaMedia

Keller KellerWilliams Williams JoseJose Correa Correa (Keller (Keller Williams) Williams) brings brings a a unique unique perspective perspective to the to real the real estate estate game. game. WithWith priorities priorities that that havehave beenbeen shaped shaped by his by experiences his experiences as an as an immigrant immigrant and and United United States States Army Army veteran, veteran, he approaches he approaches client client service service withwith principle principle and and compassion compassion and and places places a special a special focus focus on making on making homeownership homeownership dreams dreams come come truetrue for for the underrepresented the underrepresented among among us. us. Raised Raised in Colombia, in Colombia, Jose Jose was separated was separated from from his his mother mother whenwhen he just hewas justseven was seven yearsyears old, as old, sheas she migrated migrated to thetoUnited the United States States with with the hopes the hopes of of finding finding employment employment and laying and laying groundwork groundwork for anfor an eventual eventual path path to citizenship to citizenship and aand newa life newfor lifeher for her family. family. Jose Jose was left wasinleft theincare the of care hisofgrandparhis grandparents, ents, who provided who provided a verya very lovingloving and stable and stable home,home, until until his mother his mother was finally was finally able to able have to have him join him join her inher theinStates, the States, six years six years later.later. Within Within the time the time that she thathad shebeen had been away,away, his mother his mother had married, had married, and Jose and Jose gained gained a stepfather, a stepfather, who he who credits he credits as as beingbeing an amazing an amazing presence presence in hisinlife. his life.

28 • November 28 • November 20232023

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AfterAfter completing completing high school, high school, Jose Jose beganbegan to chart to chart his his future, future, and he and ultimately he ultimately decided decided to join tothe joinmilitary, the military, seeing seeing it as not it asonly not aonly vocation a vocation but also but aalso waya to way give to give back back to thetocountry the country that had thatprovided had provided his family his family hope hope for a for brighter a brighter future, future, and he and says he the saystakeaways the takeaways from from his time his time in service in service werewere life-changing. life-changing. “It helped “It helped me me growgrow and helped and helped me become me become a man, a man, and everything and everything I I do now do has nowsomething has something to doto with do with my military my military career career – – my integrity my integrity and respect and respect for others.” for others.” Jose Jose lovedloved military military life solife much, so much, he intended he intended to make to make a long-term a long-term profession profession out ofout it -ofthat it - is that until is until fate dealt fate dealt him an him unexpected an unexpected hand.hand. Suffering Suffering an injury an injury during during deployment deployment in Iraq, in Iraq, he found he found himself himself back back home,home, on on disability, disability, and faced and faced with with having having to reassess to reassess his goals his goals – something – something he says he he says was heill-prepared was ill-prepared to“Ido. never “I never had ahad plana to plan beto a civilian. be a civilian. My dream My dream was to was continue to continue my military my military career.” career.” A bout A bout with with deep deep depression depression followed, followed, and Jose and Jose recounts recounts his struggle his struggle in finding in finding someone someone to talk toto talk who to who couldcould identify identify with with whatwhat he was hegoing was going through. through. “It was “It was a hard a hard moment moment because because I am the I amfirst the generation first generation of of legal legal immigrants immigrants that was thatin was myinfamily. my family. BeingBeing the first the first [to serve] [to serve] in theinmilitary, the military, I didn’t I didn’t have have anyone anyone to talk to talk to who to would who would understand.” understand.” Jose Jose eventually eventually foundfound a therapist a therapist who helped who helped him him start start the process the process of inner of inner healing, healing, and, over and, over the next the next five years, five years, he began he began to make to make steady steady progress. progress. During During this time, this time, he went he went to work to work as a union as a union painter, painter, a job ahejob he enjoyed. enjoyed. “I loved “I loved it. It brought it. It brought somesome kind of kind military of military sense, sense, in that in Ithat wasn’t I wasn’t doingdoing the same the same thingthing everyevery day. day. It helped It helped with with the depression,” the depression,” he recalls. he recalls. Despite Despite beingbeing invested invested in that in venture, that venture, Jose Jose knewknew that, that, because because of hisofold hisinjuries, old injuries, the physical the physical requirements requirements of theofjob thewere job were not sustainable, not sustainable, and he and began he began to pursue to pursue new opportunities. new opportunities. Enrolling Enrolling in Lasalle in Lasalle University, University, he he undertook undertook studies studies in business in business and marketing, and marketing, working working toward toward dual degrees, dual degrees, and his andmotivation his motivation for applying for applying himself himself to such to such an ambitious an ambitious pursuit pursuit was his wasdesire his desire to to honorhonor the many the many sacrifices sacrifices his mother his mother and stepfather and stepfather had made had made for him. for him. “Watching “Watching themthem as immigrants as immigrants with with little little English, English, [I saw[Ihow] saw how] they had theyto had adapt to adapt to every to every situation situation and saw andhow saw hard how hard they worked. they worked. [They[They wouldwould say], say], “We didn’t “We didn’t bringbring you here you here to doto what do what we do. weWe do. We [brought] [brought] you here you here to doto better... do better... ‘ Though ‘ Though I hadImade had made my mother my mother proudproud with with my military my military career, career, I felt Ilike feltIlike I had failed had failed her, because her, because I didn’t I didn’t get the geteducation the education she she had brought had brought me here me here for. I for. wanted I wanted her toher know to know all she all she wentwent through through wasn’t wasn’t in vain,” in vain,” Jose Jose says,says, adding adding that he that he takestakes pridepride in theinfact thethat fact his thatmom his mom cleaned cleaned bathrooms bathrooms

Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 29 • 29

“feel “feel good”good” aspect of helping aspect of helping and did andjobs did that jobs most that most people people didn’tdidn’t wantwant others realize their their housing others realize housing to do,toalldo, inall anin effort an effort to create to create opportuniopportunigoals.goals. As many of these initialinitial As many of these ties for tiesher forloved her loved ones.ones. clients werewere Spanish-speaking, clients Spanish-speaking, with with a limited undera limited underWhileWhile in school, in school, Jose Jose foundfound workwork as as somesome standing of English, Jose Jose standing of English, a financial a financial planner, planner, and though and though he he that, that, in addition to to realized in addition enjoyed enjoyed the people the people aspect aspect of theofrole the role realized having foundfound a passion for the having a passion for the and working and working with with numbers, numbers, he felt he felt he had his his industry, healso had found also found unfulfilled unfulfilled overall. overall. “I felt“Ilike feltIlike wasn’t I wasn’t industry, “That’s important to meto me “That’s important helping helping anyone. anyone. I wasIhelping was helping people people get getniche.niche. to thetoHispanic to back give back the Hispanic moremore money money or getorricher, get richer, but there but there was wasto give and minorities. I’m I’m community and minorities. no real noconnection real connection there,” there,” he explains. he explains. community but legal, so I so I an immigrant but legal, Jose Jose was eventually was eventually offered offered another another job joban immigrant have have to struggle. I know to struggle. I know in corporate in corporate America, America, and though and though the the didn’tdidn’t this country can give this country can you give you position position included included a 401K, a 401K, stockstock options, options,whatwhat the language, learnlearn you learn the language, and other and other lucrative lucrative perks, perks, he still hefelt stillafelt a if youiflearn works, makemake howeconomy the economy works, sensesense of dissatisfaction. of dissatisfaction. “I found “I found myself myselfhow the I’m soI’m thankful for for friends... so thankful at a fork at a in fork theinroad, the road, where where I [thought], I [thought],friends... he says, adding this country,” he says, adding ‘I have ‘I have everything everything that Ithat think I think a lot of a lot of this country,” is he proud to beto able that is proud be to able to people people comecome to this tocountry this country to get.’ to Iget.’ I that he help others who are help others whoalso are proud also proud wentwent to college to college and was andworking was working at a top at a top here but who be here but may who still may still 500 company 500 company in a nice in a office, nice office, yet I yet didn’t I didn’tto beto language barriers. language barriers. feel good. feel good. I didn’t I didn’t feel like feelI’d like done I’d done whatwhathave have I wasIsupposed was supposed to do,” tohe do,” says he of says hisof his Determined to make his his Determined to make search search for a for truea calling. true calling. offerings even even moremore bene-beneofferings to these clients, Jose Jose to these clients, EnterEnter divinedivine intervention, intervention, in theinform the form of officialficial challenged himself to find challenged himself toan find an a pal awith pal with a plan. a plan. “A good “A good friendfriend of mine, of mine, investor, insurance agent,agent, and and investor, insurance he just hecame just came out with out with this crazy this crazy idea that idea that to work with with who also lender to work who also we should we should be REALTORS®. be REALTORS®. I saidI ‘no,’ said ‘no,’ lender Spanish. “I didn’t wantwant Spanish. “I didn’t but he but bothered he bothered me allme summer,” all summer,” Jose Jose spokespoke to feel [clients] tocomfortable feel comfortable recalls, recalls, noting noting that he that finally he finally askedasked his his [clients] with with me, and whenwhen they they me,then and then friendfriend whatwhat he needed he needed to doto todo gettohim getto him to else, else, be back to, to, go somewhere be back leaveleave the subject the subject alone,alone, with with his friend his friend go somewhere understand whatwhat I’m I’m ‘I don’t understand replying replying that he that would he would drop drop the matter the matter if ‘Iif don’t signing,” he shares. signing,” he shares. Jose Jose just took just took the real theestate real estate exam.exam. beganbegan to seetoasee rapid a rapid His friend’s His friend’s persistence persistence won out, wonand out, and Jose Jose increase in business from from increase in business Jose Jose sat for satthe fortest, the passing test, passing with with his community, thanks, within his community, thanks, flyingflying colors. colors. He started He started working working as a as a within to this primarily, tostrategy this strategy REALTOR® REALTOR® in a side-hustle in a side-hustle capacity, capacity, primarily, word of mouth, but his and to word of mouth, but his keeping keeping his day hisjob dayfor jobthe fortime the time being.being. and to star was by by staralso was aided also aided Ironically, Ironically, the friend the friend who had whourged had urged him himrisingrising roguerogue marketing efforts marketing efforts into the intohousing the housing industry, industry, and who and had who had somesome his mom. “I knew where his mom. “I knew where himself himself gotten gotten licensed, licensed, decided decided to leave to leavefrom from wentwent to Spanish my mom to Spanish the world the world of real ofestate, real estate, and Jose and Jose recalls recallsmy mom restaurants, and ifand I saw restaurants, if Imy saw my almost almost quitting quitting with with him. him. business cardscards there,there, I knew business I knew was there,” he laughs. my mom was there,” he laughs. Because Because he had heahad saleapending sale pending for his for his my mom cousin cousin at theattime, the time, Jose’sJose’s plan was planto was to AfterAfter purchasing his own purchasing his own complete complete that deal that and dealthen and then transitransithrough a VA aloan, through VA loan, tion out tionofout theofREALTOR® the REALTOR® role. role. In theIn the homehome realized veterans werewere realized veterans interim, interim, he gotheanother got another sale, sale, and then and then Jose Jose demographic that that another demographic another, another, and he and became he became hooked hooked on the on the another 30 • November 30 • November 20232023

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couldcould benefit from from his expertise, and he expanded his his benefit his expertise, and he expanded focusfocus to include a newa niche: helping veterans closeclose to to to include new niche: helping veterans homelessness. “That“That became my secondary mission, homelessness. became my secondary mission, and knowing that I’m by two that are and knowing thatdriven I’m driven byfactors two factors that are dear dear to mytoheart mademade me fall love real estate,” my heart meinfall in with love with real estate,” he shares. he shares. WhenWhen he’s not at work, Jose Jose makes it a priority to to he’shard not hard at work, makes it a priority spendspend quality time time with with his wife 17 of years, Vivianna, quality his of wife 17 years, Vivianna, the couple’s son, Anthony, and family dog Grizzly. “I “I the couple’s son, Anthony, and family dog Grizzly. grewgrew up with a lot of love myinlife, spent a lot of up with a lot of in love mybut life,I but I spent a lot of time time awayaway from from people I love,I love, so I don’t negotiate my my people so I don’t negotiate time time [with] the people in myinfamily,” he says [with] the people my family,” he firmly says firmly (and (and follows that statement up with the joking admisfollows that statement up with the joking admission that he always reserves Sundays for his sion though that though he always reserves Sundays for his nearest and dearest, his wife’s honey-do list somenearest and dearest, his wife’s honey-do list sometimestimes has him he’d rather be at be work). hasthinking him thinking he’d rather at work).

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Peter 34 • November 34 • November 20232023

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agent agent on fire on fire WrittenWritten by: Dave by: Danielson Dave Danielson Photography Photography by: PLUSH by: PLUSH ImageImage Corp. Corp.

eXpeXp Realty Realty Leading Leading by Example by Example

True True leaders leaders in anyinwalk any walk of lifeofare lifethose are those who clear who clear the path the path aheadahead and bring and bring others others alongalong with with themthem on the onjourney. the journey. That’sThat’s a truth a truth that definitely that definitely describes describes PeterPeter Lien.Lien. As a As REALTOR® a REALTOR® with with the GameChangers the GameChangers Group Group with with eXp Realty, eXp Realty, PeterPeter is someone is someone who,who, without without a doubt, a doubt, leadsleads by example. by example. MadeMade for This for This

PeterPeter has known has known that he that made he made the right the right choice choice getting getting into the intobusiness the business fromfrom the the beginning, beginning, afterafter first earning first earning his license his license in 2018. in 2018. “There “There are many are many elements elements of real ofestate real estate that Ithat enjoy. I enjoy. One of One them of them is theisflexibility the flexibility of of

Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers • 35 • 35

In 2021, I quitImy quitday myjob, daybecause job, because I wasIin was a in a the job the…job deciding … deciding how my howday myisday going is going to beto strucbe struc-In 2021, position position where where things things werewere goinggoing well where well where tured,” tured,” PeterPeter says.says. it made it made sensesense for me fortome goto into go real intoestate real estate full-time.” full-time.” “But that’s “But that’s just the juststart. the start. I really I really like having like having the opporthe opportunitytunity to change to change people’s people’s lives through lives through real estate.” real estate.” Elevating Elevating His Experience His Experience

He has Hecontinued has continued gaining gaining ground ground day by day day. by In day. In 2022,2022, he amassed he amassed nearly nearly $10 million $10 million in sales in sales PeterPeter feels feels grateful grateful to have to have had significant had significant firsthand firsthand volume. volume. Through Through September September 2023,2023, PeterPeter has has experience experience as anas investor. an investor. accounted accounted for $4.6 for $4.6 million million in sales in sales volume. volume. “It’s rewarding “It’s rewarding to teach to teach others others how to how analyze to analyze As heAs says, he says, “One“One of theofthings the things that drives that drives me inme in properties properties and build and build financial financial freedom freedom through through real real whatwhat I do isI do theisfact thethat fact Ithat know I know firsthand firsthand the the estateestate for themselves,” for themselves,” he explains. he explains. power power real estate real estate has tohas change to change people’s people’s lives lives for the forbetter the better … the…idea the of idea passive of passive income income and and “I like“Ihelping like helping teachteach others others to build to build long-term long-term helping helping others others learnlearn that aspect, that aspect, as well.” as well.” wealth wealth and create and create a legacy a legacy to pass to on. passI on. truly I truly believe believe no matter no matter whatwhat you do you indo life, inreal life,estate real estate investing investing Peter’s worldworld is made is made muchmuch richerricher by hisbyfriends his friends should should be a part be a of part theofequation the equation to help to you helpreach you reach Peter’s and family, including including his fiancé, his fiancé, YifanYifan Wu. Wu. your your financial financial goals,goals, create create moremore time time for yourself for yourselfand family, and your and your family, family, and use andituse as aittool as ato tool help to dictate help dictate how you howwant you want your your life tolife be.” to be.” He also He credits also credits his friends, his friends, DhanDhan Thomas Thomas and and Abhishek Abhishek PatelPatel who pushed who pushed him to him keep to keep grow-growing,father, and father, Tuong, Tuong, for always for always beingbeing therethere PeterPeter had ahad close a close look at look theatoverall the overall real estate real estate ing, and he needs he needs industry industry whenwhen he was hegrowing was growing up. That’s up. That’s because because whenwhen his father his father owned owned several several properties. properties. “My dad “Myhas dadbeen has been a great a great support support sincesince the the beginning of myofcareer,” my career,” PeterPeter says. says. “He has “Heahas lot a lot “That’s “That’s where where the seed the first seedgot firstplanted got planted within within me me beginning of experience in theinindustry, the industry, and has andshared has shared that that aboutabout the importance the importance of having of having another another source source of of of experience with with me tome give tome giveconfidence me confidence as well.” as well.” income income in lifeinthrough life through real estate,” real estate,” PeterPeter remembers. remembers.

Firsthand Firsthand Experience Experience

Getting Getting His Start His Start

Active Active Pursuits Pursuits

AwayAway from from work,work, PeterPeter likes likes to stay to active, stay active, with with As heAs came he came of age, ofPeter age, Peter graduated graduated from from of hisoffavorite his favorite pursuits pursuits including including biking, biking, Temple Temple University University in 2013 in 2013 with with a degree a degree in Risk in Risk somesome fishing, dancing dancing and hanging and hanging out with out with friends. friends. Management Management and Insurance and Insurance and started and started his career his careerfishing, at Liberty at Liberty Mutual, Mutual, underwriting underwriting commercial commercial insur-insurance ance for other for other companies. companies. Another Another favorite favorite activity activity for Peter for Peter is traveling. is traveling. “I really “I really enjoyenjoy getting getting awayaway and exploring and exploring new new destinations and immersing and immersing myself myself in different in different “While “While I wasIexcited was excited to follow to follow that path that path to gain to gain destinations cultures,” he says. he says. “I like“Iseeing like seeing the way the people way people somesome experience experience in theinindustry, the industry, I knew I knew I always I always cultures,” in other in other places places live, exploring live, exploring their their foods,foods, and and wanted wanted to invest to invest my earnings. my earnings. Real Real estateestate was was learning learning how they how interact they interact with with each each other.” other.” clearly clearly at theattop theoftop myoflist.” my list.” it comes it comes to reaching to reaching out and outhelping and helping his his In 2015, In 2015, PeterPeter purchased purchased his first his property. first property. FromFrom WhenWhen community, community, PeterPeter is a supporter is a supporter of PSPCA of PSPCA and and there,there, he kept he building kept building forward. forward. its efforts its efforts to beto a powerful be a powerful advocate advocate for animals. for animals. “After“After buying buying my first my home, first home, I realized I realized it wasn’t it wasn’t as as WithWith his genuine, his genuine, honest honest and hardworking and hardworking difficult difficult as people as people are sometimes are sometimes led toled believe. to believe. The The nature, PeterPeter does does his best his to best maintain to maintain a healthy a healthy biggest biggest hurdle hurdle is always is always getting getting the confidence the confidence to to nature, balance balance between between workwork and free and time. free time. start start but once but once you do, youthe do,possibilities the possibilities are limitless, are limitless, he remembers.” he remembers.” Whether Whether it’s init’s lifeinorlife business, or business, PeterPeter Lien proLien proa powerful a powerful example example of what of what it means it means to help to help “I invested “I invested moremore over over the next the few nextyears few years and loved and lovedvidesvides others others reachreach their their goalsgoals in life. it so much it so much so I decided so I decided to gettomy getreal myestate real estate license. license.

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