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C O N N E C T I N G .


I N S P I R I N G .

Top Producer Cover Story


Keller Williams Philadelphia/The Condo Shop

Making a Difference

JONATHAN FINK Keller Williams Philadelphia Rising Star

JUSTIN KANE Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach Preferred Partner Highlight

REBECCA OLLER TCS Management Real Producers Around Town...


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06 06

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MeetMeet the the TeamTeam

Preferred Preferred Partners Partners

Publisher’s Publisher’s Note Note



24 24

Rising Rising Star: Star: Justin Justin KaneKane

Top Top Producer Producer CoverCover Story:Story: Matthew Matthew Milano Milano

Real Real Producers Producers Around Around Town... Town...




Making Making a a Difference: Difference: Jonathan Jonathan Fink Fink

Preferred Preferred Partner Partner Highlight: Highlight: Written byWritten Elizabeth by Elizabeth McCabe, N2 McCabe, Staff Writer N2 Staff Writer Rebecca Rebecca OllerOller

healthy healthy livingliving


Healthy Healthy Living: Living: FocusFocus on on Fitness Fitness this Fall this Fall


If youIfare youinterested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating Realtors Realtors for certain for certain stories, stories, please please emailemail us at us josh.buchter@realproducersmag.com. at josh.buchter@realproducersmag.com. DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER: Any articles Any articles includedincluded in this publication in this publication and/or opinions and/or opinions expressed expressed therein do therein not necessarily do not necessarily reflect the reflect views theofviews N2 Publishing of N2 Publishing but remain but solely remainthose solelyofthose the of the author(s). author(s). The paidThe advertisements paid advertisements contained contained within the within Philadelphia the Philadelphia REAL Producers REAL Producers magazine magazine are notfitness endorsed are notofendorsed or recommended or recommended byTake N2 Publishing bysteps N2 Publishing or the publisher. or the publisher. Therefore, Therefore, With the With change the change of seasons, of seasons, don’t leave don’t leave fitness out out your of schedule! your schedule! Take steps to make to make neither N2 neither Publishing N2 Publishing nor the nor publisher the publisher may be may held be liable heldorliable responsible or responsible for business for business practices practices of theseofcompanies. these companies.

fitnessfitness a priority a priority in yourinlife; yoursmall life; small steps steps today today can lead cantolead better to better healthhealth tomorrow! tomorrow!

Incorporate Incorporate the Outdoors the Outdoors in Fall Fitness in Fall Fitness

4 • October 4 • October 2019 2019

Go Outside Go Outside of Your of Comfort Your Comfort Zone Zone

As the leaves As thechange leaves their change beautiful their beautiful colors, make colors, make Fall is a Fall season is aof season change. of change. Darker days Darker anddays cooler andtemperatures cooler temperatures the mostthe of fall most foliage. of fall Go foliage. on a Go bikeonride a bike through ride through can encourage can encourage all of us all to change of us to up change our fitness up ourregimen, fitness regimen, even in even in a park, taking a park,intaking the crisp in the aircrisp and natural air and surnatural sur- small increments, small increments, which works whichbest works for best long-lasting for long-lasting results. Lift results. Lift roundings roundings – all without – all without leaving your leaving seat. your Tone seat. Toneweights weights to build to your build lean your muscle lean mass, muscle burning mass, burning more calories more calories at at your quads yourand quads calves andwhile calves boosting while boosting your energy your energy rest. Start rest. small Start and small increase and increase your weight yourand weight repsand to achieve reps to achieve the the level. According level. According to one study, to onebike study, riding bikedecreases riding decreases results you results want. you Orwant. sign up Or for signa up group for aclass. group Challenge class. Challenge yourselfyourself fatigue by fatigue a whopping by a whopping 65 percent 65 percent due to the duerelease to the release by building by building your core your strength core strength in Pilates, in or Pilates, take aorZumba take a class Zumba class of dopamine. of dopamine. and improve and improve your coordination your coordination and balance. and balance. You can You alsocan attempt also attempt an indoor ancycling indoor class cycling – you class can – you always cango always at your go own at your pace. own pace. If bike riding If bikeisn’t riding your isn’t thing, yourperhaps thing, perhaps walking walking is. is. MeanderMeander throughthrough a corn maze a corn with maze your with family yourorfamilyThink or Change Think Change – One Step – One at aStep Time at a Time



JoshJosh Buchter Buchter Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher

Butch Butch Serianni Serianni Ads Manager Ads Manager

Vernon Vernon Ray & Ray & Creative Creative MindMind Productions Productions Photographer Photographer

KatieKatie Kohler Kohler WriterWriter

MattMatt Robnett Robnett & PLUSH & PLUSH Image Image Corporation Corporation Photographer Photographer

If you are If you interested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating REALTORS® REALTORS® for certain for certain stories,stories, pleaseplease email us email at josh.buchter@realproducersmag.com. us at josh.buchter@realproducersmag.com.

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publisher’s publisher’s By Josh ByBuchter Josh Buchter

Welcome Welcome to the tosixth the sixth issueissue of Philadelphia of Philadelphia Real Real ambition ambition secured secured him ahim spota as spot a now as a successful, now successful, respected respected Producers Producers Magazine! Magazine! We hope We hope that you that enjoyed you enjoyed last last Real Real Estate Estate AgentAgent in Philadelphia in Philadelphia and the andSuburbs. the Suburbs. month’s month’s Real Real Producers Producers “Summer “Summer Sunset Sunset Happy Happy Hour” Hour” at Morgan’s at Morgan’s Pier. Pier. Stay Stay tunedtuned next next month month for a for nice a nice Additionally, Additionally, this issue this issue will feature will feature Rebecca Rebecca OllerOller (TCS(TCS eventevent recaprecap article article with with lots of lots pictures of pictures capturing capturing all all Management) Management) for our forPreferred our Preferred Partner Partner Highlight! Highlight! LearnLearn of the ofexcitement the excitement of the ofevening. the evening. KeepKeep an eye an on eyeyour on your moremore aboutabout TCS Management TCS Management and how and they how separate they separate them-thememailemail for details for details on the onnext the next exclusive, exclusive, “Top “Top 500”500” eventeventselves selves from from otherother property property management management companies. companies. coming coming to you to for youNovember! for November!

Lastly, Lastly, for fun, forwe fun,included we included a collage a collage we call we“Real call “Real Producers Producers Around Around Town”. Town”. ThereThere are dozens are dozens of photos of photos that I’ve thatcomI’ve compiledpiled in myinReal my Real Producers Producers journeys journeys around around PhillyPhilly over over the the Matthew Matthew Milano Milano with with KellerKeller Williams Williams Philadelphia Philadelphia The The past few pastmonths. few months. Are you Areinyou anyinofany theofphotos? the photos? If not,Ifwe not, we Condo Condo ShopShop givesgives us theusscoop the scoop on the onprojects the projects he’s workhe’s work- should should grab grab a coffee! a coffee! I’m having I’m having a great a great time time gradually gradually get- geting, his ing,love his for lovePhiladelphia, for Philadelphia, his growing his growing family family and how and how ting to ting know to know this city’s this city’s mostmost talented, talented, successful successful real estate real estate he has heachieved has achieved a great a great work-life work-life balance. balance. professionals! professionals! EnjoyEnjoy the magazine! the magazine! We have We have a jam-packed a jam-packed October October issueissue for you forhere. you here.

Jonathan Jonathan Fink Fink (Keller (Keller Williams Williams Philadelphia) Philadelphia) is a Top is a500 Top 500Sincerely, Sincerely, Real Real Estate Estate Agent, Agent, a Cellist a Cellist and aand Pilot a Pilot who is who ‘Making is ‘Making a a Difference’. Difference’. Find Find out how! out how! Josh Josh Buchter Buchter Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher

Our Rising Our Rising Star, Star, Justin Justin KaneKane (Berkshire (Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway Philadelphia Philadelphia Real Producers Real Producers Magazine Magazine HomeServices HomeServices Fox &Fox Roach), & Roach), shares shares a story a story of hisofrocky his rocky C: 267-303-1175 C: 267-303-1175 transition transition into real intoestate real estate and how and his howrelentless his relentless hustlehustle and and E: josh.buchter@realproducersmag.com E: josh.buchter@realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com •9 •9


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TCSTCS INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS 107 107 S. 2nd S. 2nd St., Suite St., Suite 300 300 | Philadelphia, | Philadelphia, PA 19106 PA 19106 INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Tel: Tel: (855) (855) 653-8201 653-8201 | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol | l-bѴĹ fov_ Š|1vl]|ĺ1ol www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 11 • 11

rising rising starstar

Justin Justin Kane Kane Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway HomeServices HomeServices FoxFox & Roach & Roach

WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: Vernon By: Vernon Ray / Creative Ray / Creative Mind Productions Mind Productions

and maintained a positive attitude whilewhile instilland maintained a positive attitude instilling aning unwavering confidence in herinson. an unwavering confidence her Today, son. Today, KaneKane utilizes thosethose attributes to handle the “noes.” utilizes attributes to handle the “noes.” Instead of it being a crushing blow,blow, he works harder Instead of it being a crushing he works harder and smarter whilewhile always remaining focused on the and smarter always remaining focused on the mainmain objective - getting the deal objective - getting the closed. deal closed. And then, therethere are times, the “noes” soften and and And then, are times, the “noes” soften turn into word.word. turn another into another “No.”“No.”


Clients Clients hate hearing hate hearing it. it.

Clients love hearing it. it. Clients love hearing

Real Real estateestate agents agents especially especially despise despise it. it.

Real Real estateestate agents enjoyenjoy saying it. it. agents saying

Justin Justin KaneKane considers considers it a challenge it a challenge accepted. accepted.

Justin KaneKane considers it a challenge completed. Justin considers it a challenge completed.

The word The word “no” “no” brings brings out the outcompetitive the competitive best in best Kane, in Kane, a aAn entrepreneurial An entrepreneurial sightsight REALTOR® REALTOR® with with Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway Hathaway HomeServices HomeServices Fox Fox & Roach & Roach in Society in Society Hill. Hill. KaneKane was an was optician an optician for the forbetter the better part of part a deof a decade.cade. WhenWhen that market that market pivoted pivoted to online to online distribudistribuHe attributes He attributes his never-say-die his never-say-die attitude attitude to histomother. his mother. tion, tion, he felt heitfelt wasit time was time to possibly to possibly switch switch careers. careers. As a single As a single parent, parent, she possessed she possessed a strong a strong workwork ethic,ethic, He always He always wanted wanted to beto anbe entrepreneur an entrepreneur and “the and “the 12 • October 12 • October 2019 2019

That That next deal and follownext closed deal closed and followfreedom” drewdrew him to real He He freedom” him to estate. real estate. start,start, KaneKane has had ingrough his rough has had was intrigued at theatvarious ave- ave- ing his was intrigued the various successful clos- clos35 subsequent successful nues nues the career presented – helping the career presented – helping35 subsequent a year-and-a-half. ings in a year-and-a-half. buyers, sellers, and investors/develbuyers, sellers, and investors/devel-ings in opers. Also,Also, the freedom allows him him opers. the freedom allows singlesingle one ofone those dealsdeals “Every of those to work in some of theofwealthiest to work in some the wealthiest “Every – for – reasons not ofnot myofown fell – fell for reasons my–own neighborhoods as well some of theof the neighborhoods as as well as some said Kane. “It’s as if itaswas through,” said Kane. “It’s if it was mostmost downtrodden. EachEach presents downtrodden. presents through,” had Itohad prove it wasitsomething to prove was something it’s own challenges, keeping it’s unique own unique challenges, keeping a test.a Itest. I really wanted. We knew all theallthings I really wanted. We knew the things the job thefresh. job fresh. that weren’t coming to fruition were were an an that weren’t coming to fruition If we If could keep keep pushing through anomaly. we could pushing through “For a“For person who has in an in office a person whobeen has been an officeanomaly. turn around. I had Iinvested too much to to it would turn around. had invested too much for the the freedom of notof notit would forpast thedecade, past decade, the freedom throwthrow in theintowel. I had Itohad give a shot.” the towel. tomyself give myself a shot.” having to be to at be oneatlocation is sublime.” having one location is sublime.” somesome of theofbest the private best private and puband pubHowever, Kane’s start start in real However, Kane’s inestate real estate Properties lic schools lic schools nationwide nationwide alongalong with with Properties and persistence and persistence was anything but easy. was anything but easy. world-class world-class shops, shops, restaurants, restaurants, and recreation.” and recreation.” KaneKane credits credits a mentor a mentor who helped who helped guideguide him in him in parksparks During his first months in real During his eight first eight months in real real estate. real estate. In 2019, In 2019, he formed he formed The Kane The Kane Group. Group. estate, KaneKane had seven dealsdeals underunder In 2018, estate, had seven Finding opportunities opportunities in emerging in emerging In 2018, his first his full firstyear full year in real inestate, real estate, he closed he closed Finding contract. All seven shortly thereafter contract. All seven shortly thereafteralmost sub-markets of Center of Center City that City have that have almost $5 million $5 million in production in production and isand on is track on track to to sub-markets fell through. fell through. been been blighted blighted for years for years presents presents a a double double that in that 2019. in 2019. different different set ofset challenges of challenges than than the the WithWith a wife, two young children, and aand aKane’s a wife, two young children, picturesque MainMain Line.Line. Kane’s expertise expertise lies inlies sourcing in sourcing off-market off-market ac- ac- picturesque mortgage, KaneKane did not a single mortgage, didmake not make a single quisitions quisitions in suburban in suburban communities, communities, edge edge citiescities dollardollar from from his new It evenhisprofession. new profession. It even“There is such is such a vibrancy a vibrancy to this to this and town and town centers centers in Greater in Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia and the and the “There tuallytually reached a point wherewhere he conreached a point he con- Philadelphia historic city. Philadelphia city. Philadelphia is arguably is arguably Philadelphia metropolitan metropolitan area for areainvestors for investors and and historic sidered returning to histoformer careercareerdevelopers. sidered returning his former the hottest real estate real estate market market in thein the developers. A Main A Main Line native, Line native, he also he leverages also leverages the hottest if his ifnext deal fell his upcoming next upcoming dealthrough. fell through. his local country. Center Center City has Citybecome has become too too his local connections connections to help to friends help friends and families and families country. SomeSome friends and family expressed friends and family expressed purchase saturated. saturated. A vastApublic vast public transportatransportapurchase homes homes in theinarea. the area. their their doubts and concerns. He remained doubts and concerns. He remained tion system tion system offersoffers clients clients who work who work steadfast. He knew he would succeed steadfast. He knew he would succeed “The“The downtown the convenience the convenience to reside to reside MainMain Line Line is oneisof one theofnicest the nicest places places in thein the downtown and refused to throw in theintowel. and refused to throw the towel. country country to raise to raise a family. a family. We have We have at ouratdisposal our disposal www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 13 • 13

my wife, I’m trying I’m trying to to a fewamiles few miles outside outside of theofhub. the Buyers hub. Buyersmy wife, something something to pass to pass are also arepouring also pouring in from in from New New York York buildbuild to teach to teach themthem City and CityWashington, and Washington, D.C., D.C., willing willing to to down,down, a craft whilewhile building building commute. commute. $500,000 $500,000 goes agoes lot farther a lot farthera craft a legacy. If you’re If you’re not not in Brewerytown in Brewerytown than it than does it does in Brookin Brook-a legacy. standing by your by your word,word, lyn. The lyn.development The development opportunity opportunity for forstanding and doing what’s what’s best for best for renovated renovated single-family, single-family, multi-family, multi-family,and doing the client, it’s going it’s going to to adaptive adaptive reusereuse and raw andland raw is land at ais at a the client, up toup you. to It you. must It must level level nevernever seen seen in thisingreat this great city.”city.” catchcatch comecome across across through through actions and sincerity.” and sincerity.” KaneKane is a strong is a strong believer believer in treating in treating actions clients clients and colleagues and colleagues with integrity, with integrity, honesty honesty and respect and respect throughout throughout each each Climbing Climbing hills hills transaction. transaction. Though Though his clientele his clientele ranges ranges from from friends friends and family and family to leading to leading re- re- KaneKane is an is avid an road avid road and mountain and mountain biker.biker. One of One hisof his gionalgional real estate real estate investors investors and developand developfavorite favorite spotsspots is Wissahickon is Wissahickon Park.Park. In real Inestate real estate and and ers, he ers, brings he brings an identically an identically consistent consistent on theonroad, the road, he’s prepared he’s prepared for uphill for uphill battles. battles. client-first client-first attitude attitude to every to every transaction. transaction. He isHe currently is currently working working on a deal on a on deal a legacy on a legacy prop-prop“Listen “Listen to what to what the clients the clients wantwant and and erty in erty oneinofone theofmost the most iconiciconic landmarks landmarks of theofcity. the city. whatwhat their their goalsgoals are. They are. They will tell will tell It consists It consists of three of three lots, spectacular lots, spectacular views, views, and aand a you. Try you.to Try make to make themthem happyhappy and get and getchallenging challenging process. process. KaneKane has been has been negotiating negotiating as as the deal the done,” deal done,” says Kane. says Kane. “Temper “Temper a duala agent dual agent for both for both buyers buyers and sellers and sellers for over for over a a each each clientclient to thetoindividual the individual transactransac-month. month. It’s required It’s required dailydaily emails, emails, phonephone calls calls and and tion. tion. TreatTreat themthem all with all with the same the same lev- levtextstexts to trytoand tryclose and close the deal. the deal. el of respect, el of respect, whether whether it’s a it’s hundred a hundred thousand thousand dollardollar transaction transaction or a ten or a ten “The“The deal has dealall has but allblown but blown up multiple up multiple times,” times,” million. million. At theAtend theofend theofday, the ifday, youif you he says. he says. ThenThen Kane’s Kane’s voicevoice rises.rises. He remembers He remembers are doing are doing it only it for onlymoney for money and taking and taking thosethose first months first months in real inestate real estate and his andnevhis nevadvantage advantage of people’s of people’s ignorance ignorance or or er-say-die-mentality. er-say-die-mentality. kindness, kindness, it becomes it becomes transparent.” transparent.” “I am“Istill amin still daily in daily conversations conversations with with both both parties parties Kane Kane stresses stresses the importance the importance of integrity. of integrity. tryingtrying to resurrect to resurrect a deala that deal we thatwere we were within within the the smallest smallest minutiae minutiae of having of having underunder contract.” contract.” “I would “I would preferprefer to make to make less money less money and do and it the do itright the right way. It way. makes It makes you you Kane’s Kane’s infectious infectious personality personality and positive and positive attitude attitude feel better. feel better. WhenWhen I lookI at look myatkids my and kids and are perhaps are perhaps his most his most positive positive traits.traits. It’s anIt’s energy an energy that can thatfuel canhim fueland himclients and clients through through sometimes sometimes the the mostmost arduous arduous processes. processes.

“Don’t let your get get “Don’t let emotions your emotions too high tooorlow. been my my too or high tooIt’s low. It’s been biggest learning curve.curve. Real estate biggest learning Real estate is a numbers game.game. Constantly is a numbers Constantly keepkeep learning. Education has has learning. Education nevernever beenbeen easiereasier to come by – by – to come whether it’s through a mentor, an an whether it’s through a mentor, experienced agentagent at your experienced at office, your office, books, podcasts alongalong with the books, podcasts with the Internet filled filled with information to to Internet with information help you successful. helpbe you be successful. “Every person you meet is a is a “Every person you meet potential client.client. Shelter is a is a potential Shelter necessity. Whether I’m helping necessity. Whether I’m helping someone find afind rental property or a or a someone a rental property developer build build a 50-unit multifamily developer a 50-unit multifamily building, therethere is a feeling of doing building, is a feeling of doing right in helping someone put a put roofa roof right in helping someone over their over head.” their head.”

“Always “Always be a source be a source of positivity of positivity no matter no matter how how dire circumstances dire circumstances get. And get. they And can theyget cancrazy get crazy in in this business.” this business.” Parting Parting words words

KaneKane enhances enhances clients’ clients’ experience experience through through his open his open availability, availability, responsiveness, responsiveness, and social and social mediamedia acumen. acumen. He uses He uses high-def high-def photographs photographs and video, and video, dronedrone vid- video, paid eo, publications, paid publications, socialsocial mediamedia and paid and marketpaid marketing. At ing. The AtKane The Kane Group, Group, he has heahas team a team that consists that consists of a buyers of a buyers agentagent and aand director a director of client of client services services who utilize who utilize their their broadbroad skillset skillset to benefit to benefit clients. clients. For new For agents, new agents, he offers he offers this advice this advice on theonindustry: the industry: 14 • October 14 • October 2019 2019

Real Producers Real Producers – Real – People Real People Favorite Favorite TV show: TV show: Chappelle Chappelle ShowShow Favorite Favorite movies: movies: Pulp Fiction, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Gladiator, Old School Old School Favorite Favorite restaurant restaurant in in Philadelphia: Philadelphia: Osteria Osteria Favorite Favorite bookbook or podcast: or podcast: Joe Joe Rogan Rogan Experience Experience Favorite Favorite sports sports team:team: Philadelphia Philadelphia 76ers,76ers, Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles Favorite Favorite spot spot in theinPhiladelphia the Philadelphia area:area: Wissahickon Wissahickon Park Park

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16 • October 16 • October 2019 2019


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toptop producer producer cover cover story story WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: PLUSH By: PLUSH ImageImage Corporation Corporation

MATTHEW MATTHEW MILANO MILANO Keller Keller Williams Williams Philadelphia/The Philadelphia/The Condo Condo Shop Shop In Philadelphia, In Philadelphia, the the rightright ingredients ingredients are are all around all around you.you. “I think “I think it gives it gives me anme advantage an advantage on being on being an an expert expert on different on different neighborhoods neighborhoods throughout throughout the city.” the city.” Farmers Farmers markets markets or theorItalian the Italian Market Market provide provide the produce the produce of theofseason. the season. Decades-old Decades-old family family He started in theinreal theestate real estate industry industry as a mortas a mortbutcher butcher shopsshops offer offer the freshest the freshest cuts. cuts. NeedNeed a a He started gage broker and considers and considers it a crucial it a crucial part of part of few secret few secret ingredients ingredients to make to make Sunday Sunday dinner dinnergage broker his career. It gave It him gavean him advantage an advantage in educatin educatcomplete? complete? WithWith the eclectic the eclectic rangerange of stores of stores in inhis career. ing clients aboutabout financing financing and how and to how puttodeals put deals Philadelphia, Philadelphia, there’s there’s no doubt no doubt you’llyou’ll find it. find it. ing clients together together for investors for investors and developers. and developers. WantWant to beto a successful be a successful REALTOR®? REALTOR®? That That “I had“Iahad lot of a lot strong of strong banking banking and finance and finance rela- relarecipe recipe is a bit is more a bit more complicated. complicated. tionships tionships that Ithat stillIhave still have today,” today,” says Milano. says Milano. “I nourished thosethose relationships.” relationships.” For some, For some, especially especially REALTOR® REALTOR® with Keller with Keller “I nourished Williams Williams Philadelphia/The Philadelphia/The Condo Condo Shop,Shop, the inthe inthe past theseven past seven yearsyears Milano Milano has been has been gredients gredients for success for success is all around is all around them.them. It’s the It’s theOver Over involved involved in theindevelopment the development of multiple of multiple new new qualities qualities they add theythat addwill thatultimately will ultimately determine determine construction construction townhome townhome projects projects thought thought out out long-term long-term success. success. the city. theThis city. has Thisgiven has given him vast himknowledge vast knowledge for for developers and investors. and investors. As a REALTOR® As a REALTOR® for Keller for Keller Williams Williams PhiladelPhiladel-developers phia/The phia/The Condo Condo Shop,Shop, Matthew Matthew Milano Milano reliesrelies “I love “Ifinding love finding dealsdeals that start that start out asout raw asland raw land on hisonwork his work ethic,ethic, knowledge, knowledge, and relationships and relationships old buildings that we thatdevelop we develop into small into small com-comto deliver to deliver results results for clients. for clients. It’s proved It’s proved to be to a be aor oldorbuildings munities munities within within a neighborhood,” a neighborhood,” says Milano. says Milano. reciperecipe for success. for success. “It’s really “It’s really a verya interesting very interesting and challenging and challenging process and also andvery also rewarding very rewarding once once we comwe comMilano, Milano, who was whoborn was born and raised and raised in Philadelin Philadel- process the final the product.” final product.” phia, phia, has seen has seen thingsthings change change from from “mom-and“mom-and-plete plete pop corner pop corner storesstores to commercial to commercial brands brands coming coming of Milano’s of Milano’s properties properties are inare Pennsport in Pennsport into the intocity.” the city.” He has Heintimate has intimate knowledge knowledge of of MostMost Dickinson Dickinson Square. Square. He lives He lives in Pennsport in Pennsport neighborhoods neighborhoods he serves he serves and the andchanges the changes that thatnear near with with his wife his and wifetwo andyoung two young daughters. daughters. occurred occurred over the overyears. the years. WantWant to make to make a potaofpot Sunday of Sunday gravy? gravy?

18 • October 18 • October 2019 2019

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and bankers. Milano spokespoke thoughtfully investors and bankers. Milano thoughtfully rooms, threethree investors rooms, cultivating relationships and credited themthem for for cultivating relationships and credited baths,baths, a widea wide- aboutabout growgrow his business. helping his business. open open floor floor plan, plan,helping one-car garage one-car garage someone truststrusts you and “When someone youyou andsay youyou sayare you are and beautiful and beautiful “When to deliver whatwhat you say on – on – to deliver youyou saywill youdeliver will deliver rooftop views.views. goinggoing rooftop will continue.” the relationship will continue.” AfterAfter 12 weeks, 12 weeks,the relationship seventy percent seventy percent one ofone theofbiggest joys of hisofrole a as a For Milano, the biggest joys his as role of theofcondos the condos For Milano, REALTOR® for Keller Williams Philadelphia The The REALTOR® for Keller Williams Philadelphia are sold. are sold. Condo ShopShop is working with with first-time homebuyers Condo is working first-time homebuyers a parta of their joy and whenwhen and being part of their joyexcitement and excitement Milano says says and being Milano into their new home. they move into their new home. the biggest the biggest they move challenges challenges “It makes me feel whenwhen I helpI help “It makes meaccomplished feel accomplished from from new new buy their dream homehome or their first home. someone buy their dream or their first home. construction construction someone first home, it’s one theofbiggest accomplishfirst home, it’sofone the biggest accomplishtownhome townhome TheirTheir for a for young person. It gives me the a young person. It gives mebest the feelbest feelprojects are: are: mentsments projects sure their experience is exceptional.” ing making sure their experience is exceptional.” construction construction ing making timelines, timelines, TeamTeam consists of Johnathan Silva,Silva, The Milano consists of Johnathan meeting the the The Milano meeting HoppHopp and Alexis Gettel. and Alexis Gettel. expectations expectations TylerTyler of buyers, of buyers, been been crucial the past years.years. It’s It’s “They’ve crucial the couple past couple and keeping and keeping “They’ve a big adifference. It wasItdifficult for me big difference. was difficult fortome to developers and andmademade developers the and hire personal assistant to to give upcontrol the control and ahire a personal assistant buyers happy. buyers happy. give up communicate with with my clients. It might take atake fewa few communicate my clients. It might until until you find person. You also youthe findright the right person. You need also need clients workwork with with Milano, they theytimestimes clients Milano, “I’ve seen comecome a “I’ve that seenneighborhood that neighborhood a WhenWhen all your teamteam happyhappy and motivated. It’s one to keep all your and motivated. It’s one a fewathings that make will notice few things that make to keep long way. has been lot of money long There way. There has abeen a lot of moneywill notice hurdles in real the biggest hurdles inestate.” real estate.” experience impeccable – The– The of theofbiggest experience impeccable invested in theininfrastructure, like parks invested the infrastructure, like parkstheir their Milano TeamTeam Difference. Milano and and Milano Difference. Milano and playgrounds for families. The neighand playgrounds for families. The neighMilano first first started in real he he When Milano started in estate, real estate, are personally invested in in When his team are personally invested borhood has really evolved into one borhood has really evolved intoofone of his team for a for good company, but there wasn’t a worked a good company, but there wasn’t a and take in finding the the worked clients and pride take pride in finding the most desirable areasareas of theofcity.” the most desirable the city.” clients opportunity for growth. Today, with with Keller of opportunity for growth. Today, Keller right right home.home. TheirTheir vast knowledge of of lot oflot vast knowledge Philadelphia Williams Philadelphia the Philadelphia real estate market the Philadelphia real estate market Williams One of those new construction projects, One of those new construction projects, Shop,Shop, The Condo matchmatch clients’ lifestyles with with the theThe Condo clients’ lifestyles Greenwich Place,Place, has 12has townhomes Greenwich 12 townhomes helpshelps is “treis “trelocation. Financing assistance location. Financing assistance therethere ranging from from $750,000 to $800,000. ranging $750,000 to $800,000. right right mendous mortgage experts assists clients mortgage experts assists clients mendous Formerly an oldanwarehouse, it is now Formerly old warehouse, it is now with with opporin finding a home in their budget. And Andopporin finding a home in their budget. the site 12 of stunning new construction theofsite 12 stunning new construction therethere is TheisMilano TeamTeam of course, The Milano townhomes whichwhich feature a private townhomes feature a private of course, touchtouch that helps makemake the the personal that helps gatedgated driveway, one-car garage, threethree personal driveway, one-car garage, buying experience special. buying experience special. outdoor spaces and an open floor floor plan planhomehome outdoor spaces and an open with custom finishes throughout.. with custom finishes throughout.. “I think you find a lot of what “I think youabout find about a lot of what people want want whenwhen you sit down and and people you sit down Brewerytown PlacePlace was another chal-chalBrewerytown was another interview. Find out doinitial that initial interview. Findhow out how lenging project to gettoapproval and and do that lenging project get approval they live their their needsneeds are. Ifare. If theyand livewhat and what movemove forward. forward. you can what what they want, youdeliver can deliver they want, they’llthey’ll have ahave good experience and and a good experience “We worked very closely with the “We worked very closely with the you toyou someone else. “else. “ recommend to someone community to gettothis and itand itrecommend community getdeal thisdone deal done has been very successful in providing has been very successful in providing MuchMuch of hisofbusiness comes from from re- rehis business comes new homes and condos in a community new homes and condos in a community ferrals. For Milano, it all it circles back back ferrals. For Milano, all circles that need this kind product.” that need this of kind of product.” to relationships. to relationships. Brewerytown PlacePlace is a 20-unit condocondo Brewerytown is a 20-unit He’s built decades-long He’s and builtnurtured and nurtured decades-long project has units ranging from from $400,000 project has units ranging $400,000 with clients, developers, relationships with clients, developers, to $500,000 and feature threethree bed- bed- relationships to $500,000 and feature 20 • October 20 • October 2019 2019

to continue to raise to raise his daughters his daughters tunity tunity for growth,” for growth,” and access and accessto continue in Pennsport whenwhen they reach they reach to education to education and mentorship. and mentorship. in Pennsport school-age. school-age. Milano Milano calls calls The Condo The Condo Shop’s Shop’s Principals Principals Gaurav Gaurav Gambhir Gambhir and and When When someone someone trusts trusts youyou Benjamin Benjamin OllerOller motivational, motivational, successful successful leaders. leaders. andand youyou say say youyou are are going to to going


“They…” “They…” said Milano said Milano before before deliver what youyou say say youyou willwill deliver what pausing pausing for a for beat. a beat. “We’ve “We’ve ac- accomplished complished so much so much as a small as a small deliver on –onthe relationship deliver – the relationship real estate real estate company. company. The Condo The Condo shop,shop, We’ve We’ve grown grown so much. so much. It’s It’s willwill continue. continue. amazing amazing to beto a part be a of part it and of it and “I think we have we have somesome good good pub- pubsee what see what we have we have grown grown into into “I think lic, private and charter and charter schools schools in in KW Philadelphia KW Philadelphia It motivates It motivates lic, private Philadelphia. Philadelphia. One of One theofbiggest the biggest you to you goto out goand outdo and better do better things things Philadelphia Philadelphia needsneeds to doto do everyevery day. day. is help is its help school its school system system grow.grow. We need our leaders our leaders to step to up step up “They“They have have not only not taught only taught me me We need and do and it.”do it.” aboutabout business business but they’ve but they’ve taught taught me about me about integrity integrity and the andimthe imSunday, Sunday, Milano Milano hostshosts a a portance portance of family,” of family,” Milano Milano said saidEveryEvery familyfamily dinner dinner with awith table a table filled filled aboutabout Gambhir Gambhir and Oller. and Oller. with made-from-scratch with made-from-scratch gravy,gravy, macaroni, turkey turkey meatballs meatballs and and Milano Milano attributes attributes his success his success macaroni, Philadelphia’s freshest freshest ingredients. ingredients. to histowork his work ethic,ethic, enjoying enjoying his his Philadelphia’s work,work, and establishing and establishing a worka work“When “When you have you have a strong a strong family family life balance. life balance. core around core around you ityou really it really helpshelps no matter whatwhat you do.” you do.” Milano, Milano, his wife his Catherine, wife Catherine, and andno matter three-year-old three-year-old daughter daughter MadeMadeline, recently line, recently welcomed welcomed a newa new Real Real Producers - Real People Producers - Real People addition addition – Ella–(10-weeks-old). Ella (10-weeks-old). Favorite Favorite restaurant: restaurant:


Melangrano Melangrano Milano Milano says his saysdaughters his daughters keep keep Team: Team: Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia Flyers him grounded, him grounded, makemake him smile him smile Athlete: Athlete: Bobby Clarke Bobby Clarke and inspire and inspire him to him continue to continue to to Movie: Movie: Flamingo Flamingo Kid Kid achieve achieve his goals. his goals. He enjoys He enjoys tak- tak-Book: Book: Kitchen Confidential Kitchen Confidential ing the ingpair the to pair Dickinson to Dickinson Square SquareTV Show: TV Show: SharkShark TankTank or Smith or Smith Playground Playground and plans and plans www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 21 • 21

22 • October 22 • October 2019 2019

MARCOS MARCOS 267-349-5429 267-349-5429 | M| ONICA MONICA 267-235-4667 267-235-4667 www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 23 • 23


24 • October 24 • October 2019 2019

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26 • October 26 • October 2019 2019

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making making a difference a difference WrittenWritten By: Katie By: Kohler Katie Kohler Photography Photography By: PLUSH By: PLUSH ImageImage Corporation Corporation


Keller KellerWilliams WilliamsPhiladelphia Philadelphia

28 • October 28 • October 2019 2019


source source of income of income for me. forIme. wasIfocused was focused on myoncareer my career as a cellist. as a cellist. t’s easy t’s easy for real forestate real estate agents agents to saytothey say care. they care. Proving Proving it takes it takes The crash The crash didn’tdidn’t affectaffect me that me much that much because because I hadIjust hadstarted. just started. I I muchmuch moremore work.work. KellerKeller Williams Williams REALTOR© REALTOR© Jonathan Jonathan Fink Fink have have a tonaofton success of success that suddenly that suddenly wentwent away.” away.” has ahas lifetime a lifetime of personal of personal and professional and professional experiences experiences that that didn’tdidn’t shows shows how much how much he cares. he cares. MusicMusic and real andestate real estate

His persistence His persistence and dedication and dedication have have enabled enabled him to him achieve to achieve a a career career as a professional as a professional cellistcellist and become and become an airplane an airplane pilot.pilot. He He Jonathan Jonathan believes believes musicmusic and real andestate real estate are related. are related. Decades Decades of of is also is involved also involved in various in various charitable charitable endeavors. endeavors. musicmusic practice practice and performance and performance have have trained trained him to him concentrate. to concentrate. He applies He applies a laser a laser focusfocus and commitment and commitment to histowork his work as a REALas a REALFor his Forclient’s his client’s with with KellerKeller Williams Williams Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Jonathan Jonathan takestakes TOR© TOR© with with KellerKeller Williams Williams Philadelphia. Philadelphia. It’s been It’s been the key thefactor key factor the time the time to asktoquestions ask questions and listen and listen to clients’ to clients’ moti-motiin personal in personal success success and achieving and achieving clients’ clients’ goals.goals. vations vations for buying for buying or selling. or selling. He has Hepassion has passion that can’t that can’t be feigned be feigned whenwhen speaking speaking In theIncompetitive the competitive worldworld of professional of professional aboutabout the things the things he cares he cares about. about. musicians, musicians, persistence persistence is a must. is a must. Jonathan Jonathan playsplays in theinPhilly the Philly Pops Pops and the andHarrisburg the Harrisburg Hitting Hitting the right the right notesnotes Symphony. Symphony. At theAtHarristhe Harrisburg burg Symphony, Symphony, whichwhich Jonathan Jonathan moved moved to to is a regional is a regional orchesorchesPhiladelphia Philadelphia from from tra, atra, cello a cello opening opening Oregon Oregon in 1983 in 1983 to to can attract can attract over over studystudy the cello the cello sixty sixty applicants applicants at theatPhiladelthe Philadelfor anfor open an open phia College phia College position. position. of Performing of Performing Arts Arts (now(now “You “You have to have to University University of of learnlearn to deal to deal the Arts). the Arts). He He with rejection with rejection earned earned a BA a BA and keep and keep on on in music in music per- perfighting. fighting. A cer-A cerformance formance and and tain amount tain amount of of has been has been an an toughness toughness on theon the activeactive freelance freelance job isjob needed.” is needed.” cellistcellist in theinrethe region since gion since 1987.1987. Says Says Jonathan: Jonathan: “One“One of theofthings the things I I Jonathan Jonathan and his and his hear people hear people say about say about wife,wife, Marjorie, Marjorie, moved moved real estate real estate is ‘you is can’t ‘you can’t to Fishtown to Fishtown in 1996. in 1996. At At reallyreally fail atfail real atestate, real estate, you you the time, the time, both both werewere free- freecan just canquit.’ just quit.’ If youIfstick you stick at it, at it, lancelance musicians musicians and were and were look-lookyou’reyou’re eventually eventually goinggoing to doto okay. do okay. ing for inganfor area an that area offered that offered affordaffordIt’s more It’s more aboutabout persistence persistence and giving and giving a a ability ability and parking. and parking. In 2001, In 2001, Jonathan Jonathan damndamn than it than is about it is about anything anything else. else. worked worked as a recording as a recording engineer engineer at Curtis at Curtis MusicMusic School, School, but they but decided they decided to outsource to outsource the department. the department. It It Residential retailretail real estate real estate is an is extremely an extremely emotional emotional process. process. was at was theatsame the same time time he and hehis andwife his were wife were purchasing purchasing their their first first Residential Jonathan uses uses a highly a highly personalized personalized approach approach that focuses that focuses on on investment investment property property in Fishtown. in Fishtown. Jonathan Jonathan wanted wanted to pull tothe pull the Jonathan clients’ needs. needs. plug but plugMarjorie but Marjorie wanted wanted to move to move forward, forward, so they so did. theySpurred did. Spurred clients’ by hisbyfascination his fascination with with the buying the buying process, process, Jonathan Jonathan took took real real real estate agentagent who “gives who “gives a damn,” a damn,” like Jonathan, like Jonathan, sits down sits down estateestate classes classes at Temple at Temple University. University. In 2007 In 2007 he took he took a position a position as asA realAestate buyers buyers and sellers and sellers and asks and questions. asks questions. He wants He wants to know to know a realaestate real estate agentagent with with Theresa Theresa Stigale, Stigale, MilesMiles & Generalis, & Generalis, who who with with whatwhat is driving is driving the decision the decision to purchase to purchase or sell. or If sell. it’sIfa it’s purchase, a purchase, did mostly did mostly loft condo loft condo developments. developments. by spending by spending time time listening listening to your to your wants, wants, it cutsit down cuts down on needon needless visits to places to places that don’t that don’t fit into fit your into your criteria. criteria. It’s not It’sjust not just “We would “We would have have enormous enormous open open houses houses at theatloft thebuildings loft buildings and and less visits showing up and upopening and opening doors. doors. It’s about It’s about identifying identifying the main the main I learned I learned to work to work with with buyers. buyers. ThenThen the crash the crash happened,” happened,” said said showing motivations for buyers for buyers and sellers. and sellers. Jonathan Jonathan referring referring to 2008. to 2008. “At that “At time, that time, it wasitawas secondary a secondary motivations www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 29 • 29


YouYou have have to learn to learn to deal to deal withwith rejection rejection andand keep keep on on fighting. fighting. A certain A certain amount amount of of toughness toughness on on thethe jobjob is needed. is needed.


adelphia 76ers. 76ers. And yes, And sometimes yes, sometimes he even he even takestakes “Giving “Giving a damn a damn means means asking asking questions questions and trying and tryingadelphia for a for ridea in ride hisinplane. his plane. to really to really understand understand whatwhat you are youtrying are trying to accomto accom-themthem plish.plish. It’s not It’ssonot much so much aboutabout the houses, the houses, it’s more it’s more Jonathan Jonathan prides prides himself himself on efficiency. on efficiency. aboutabout the people the people and their and their relationships.” relationships.” “I’m pretty “I’m pretty efficient. efficient. I don’t I don’t wantwant to spend to spend a lot of a lot time of time with with people people who aren’t who aren’t looking looking to buy toor buy sell. or Isell. keepI keep a a calendar calendar and try andtotry time to time blockblock as best as as best I can.” as I can.” Jonathan Jonathan is a top-producing is a top-producing real estate real estate agentagent with with tight tight KellerKeller Williams Williams Philadelphia Philadelphia with total with sales total sales in thein the However, However, it’s not it’sall not funalland funairplanes. and airplanes. Jonathan Jonathan admits admits $10 - $10 $12 -million $12 million dollardollar range.range. His success His success is rooted is rooted in in growing a network a network is difficult is difficult and his andbiggest his biggest challenge. challenge. his knowledge his knowledge of all of aspects all aspects of theofhousing the housing markets, markets, growing a personalized a personalized approach approach and deep and deep network. network. He also He also “‘Where do you dolive?’ you live?’ is theiseasiest the easiest question question to asktoa ask per-a percredits credits two team two team members, members, agentagent Amanda Amanda Brendlen Brendlen “‘Where son.follow The follow up being up being ‘do you ‘doown youor own rent?’ or rent?’ ThenThen you you and new andagent/assistant new agent/assistant Rachael Rachael Korbel Korbel alongalong with awith ason. The are there. are there. You started You started a conversation a conversation aboutabout real estate.” real estate.” focusfocus to work to work with qualified with qualified prospects. prospects. An efficient An efficient top producer top producer

It’sonly not about only about growing growing a network, a network, but also butcultivating also cultivating Nearly Nearly all ofall Jonathan’s of Jonathan’s business business comes comes fromfrom It’s not it. Jonathan it. Jonathan staysstays in touch in touch with his withdatabase. his database. WhenWhen the the a network a network of referrals. of referrals. BuiltBuilt fromfrom the music the music time comes to buytoor buy sell, orhe sell, is top he isoftop mind. of mind. community, community, it now it now branches branches to alltoaspects all aspects of of time comes Jonathan’s Jonathan’s life. He life.treats He treats somesome members members of hisof his “I don’t give up. giveI up. keepI keep pounding pounding away.” away.” network network to tickets to tickets to thetoPhilly the Philly Pops Pops or the orPhilthe Phil-“I don’t 30 • October 30 • October 2019 2019

Making a difference Making a difference

Jonathan Jonathan makes makes a difference a difference supporting supporting organizations organizations that reflect that reflect his love his of love flying, of flying, musicmusic and family. and family. WhenWhen Jonathan Jonathan was awas child a child his father his father built built modelmodel airplanes airplanes that flew. that flew. Jonathan Jonathan was more was more fascinated fascinated with with real airplanes real airplanes and becoming and becoming a pilot a pilot turned turned into into an item an item on hisonbucket his bucket list. He list.started He started working working towards towards his pilot his pilot license license in 1988. in 1988. He shelved He shelved it after it after a while a while due to due costs to costs and inand theinnineties the nineties returned returned to it with to it with his his wife’swife’s encouragement. encouragement. Today, Today, he is he an is Instrument an Instrument RatedRated Private Private Pilot Pilot with with over over 1,3001,300 hourshours of flight of flight time.time. He He ownsowns a restored a restored 1960 1960 Beechcraft Beechcraft Bonanza, Bonanza, whichwhich is is hangared hangared at theatPhiladelphia the Philadelphia Northeast Northeast Airport. Airport. “I’m a“I’m concentration a concentration junkie,” junkie,” said Jonathan. said Jonathan. “I don’t “I don’t thinkthink aboutabout anything anything else when else when I’m flying. I’m flying. I don’t I don’t thinkthink aboutabout my problems. my problems. I get to I get concentrate to concentrate on this onthing. this thing. ThereThere is a part is a of part it where of it where you are youcontrolling are controlling this big this big machine machine and it’s anda it’s thrill. a thrill. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. You’re You’re part of part this of this wholewhole network network up there.” up there.” Jonathan Jonathan volunteers volunteers for Angel for Angel FlightFlight East and EastPatient and Patient Airlift Airlift Services, Services, whichwhich provides provides transportation transportation for peofor people who ple need who need medical medical services. services. He recently He recently signed signed up up for his forfirst his dog firstrescue dog rescue flight,flight, whichwhich resulted resulted in a barrage in a barrage of social of social mediamedia likes.likes. “It’s a“It’s good a good excuse excuse to goto flying. go flying. Mission-oriented Mission-oriented flyingflying Dance Dance major. major. Ben has BenAutism, has Autism, and the andfamily the family is involved is involved with with the local the local is fun,istoo. fun,Itoo. enjoy I enjoy it, said it, Jonathan. said Jonathan. Center Center for Autism for Autism Research. Research. Ben attends Ben attends Drexel Drexel University University and Jonathan and Jonathan is active is active with with the Drexel the Drexel Autism Autism Support Support Program. Program. Jonathan Jonathan and his andwife his have wife have two children, two children, Ben and Ben and Hannah. Hannah. Hannah Hannah is attending is attending Roosevelt Roosevelt University, University, The The Jonathan is a board is a board member member and avid and supporter avid supporter of Project of Project 440. 440. TheirTheir pro- proChicago Chicago College College of Performing of Performing Arts Arts as a Music as a Music Theater TheaterJonathan gramsgrams use music use music to engage, to engage, educate educate and inspire and inspire youngyoung people, people, providing providing themthem with with the career the career and life andskills life skills they need they need to develop to develop into tomorrow’s into tomorrow’s civic-minded, civic-minded, entrepreneurial entrepreneurial leaders. leaders. “That“That organization organization speaks speaks to me,” to he me,” said heof said Project of Project 440. “I’ve 440. used “I’ve my usedskills my skills as a musician as a musician to go to ongo and ondo and other do other things,” things,” said Jonathan. said Jonathan. “Part“Part of it is, ofIit is, I spentspent a good a good deal of deal myoflife mynot lifehaving not having very much. very much. It feels It feels nice to nice be to able beto able do to do something something for someone for someone else. Ielse. enjoy I enjoy beingbeing generous. generous. I like Itolike be to able beto able help.” to help.”

Real Producers Real Producers – Real – People Real People Real Producers Real Producers Favorite Favorite restaurant: restaurant: Suraya Suraya – Reach – Reach Achievements Achievements Sports Sports team:team: Philadelphia Philadelphia 76ers76ers • Past • Member Past Member of theofAgent the Agent Athlete: Athlete: Charles Charles Barkley Barkley Leadership Leadership Council Council TV show: TV show: Battlestar Battlestar Galactica Galactica • Gold • Gold Award Award Winner Winner for the forlast the last (the new (the version) new version) five years five years Movie: Movie: 2001:2001: A Space A Space Odyssey Odyssey • Five • Star FiveReal Star Estate Real Estate AgentAgent Podcast Podcast or book: or book: The ONE The ONE ThingThing Vacation Vacation destination: destination: My roof My deck roof deck PlacePlace I would I would love to love fly:toChicago fly: Chicago www.realproducersmag.com www.realproducersmag.com • 31 • 31

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preferred preferred partner partner highlight highlight WrittenWritten By: By: Katie Kohler Katie Kohler

Photography Photography By: By: Vernon Vernon Ray / Ray / Creative Creative Mind Mind Productions Productions


TC TC S SMM a na anga egm em e ne tn t TCS Management TCS Management Services Services focuses focuses on the onmanagement the management of homes, of homes, condos, condos, and and townhomes townhomes throughout throughout the country the country with with corporate corporate offices offices in Philadelphia in Philadelphia and and New New York.York. TCS Management TCS Management has ahas keen a keen focusfocus on operational on operational excellence. excellence. TheirTheir successful successful management management teamsteams are extremely are extremely experienced experienced in their in their fields.fields. Aligning Aligning key operating key operating managers managers with with strong strong partnerships partnerships ensures ensures customers customers always always receive receive best-in-class best-in-class services. services. A keyAmember key member of theofTCS the Management TCS Management TeamTeam is President is President Rebecca Rebecca Oller.Oller. She started She started with with the company the company in itsin infant its infant stages stages and has andbeen has been instrumental instrumental in itsin its rapidrapid growth growth and success. and success. Today, Today, she isshe Partner is Partner (along (along with with her brother, her brother, Benjamin Benjamin Oller.Oller. and Gaurav and Gaurav Gambhir) Gambhir) and President and President of theofcompany. the company. In herInrole, her role, OllerOller oversees oversees dailydaily operations operations of theofcompany. the company.

34 • October 34 • October 2019 2019

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Rebecca Rebecca (Becca (Becca as I as I know know her)her) has has been been the the shinning shinning lightlight in in the the success success of TCS of TCS Management. Management. Her Her matriarchal matriarchal nature nature has has nurtured nurtured the the firmfirm to ato a mature mature wellwell established established professional professional property property management management company. company. I I could could not not be more be more proud proud to work to work side-by-side side-by-side withwith my sister my sister at the at the helm. helm.

and experience and experience that that meets meets or exceeds or exceeds thosethose standards. standards. WhatWhat part of part your of your role role do you doenjoy you enjoy the most? the most?

Walking Walking in theindoor the door in in the morning! the morning! We have We have a fabulously a fabulously engaged engaged teamteam of professionals of professionals at at TCS who TCS are whoenergetare energetic, enthusiastic ic, enthusiastic and and completed completed dedicated dedicated to to our mutual our mutual success success and and the satisfaction the satisfaction of ourof our clients. clients. It’s a It’s unique, a unique, supportive supportive and happy and happy environment. environment. I celebrate I celebrate it every it every singlesingle day. day. WhatWhat are clients are clients cur- currentlyrently looking looking for? for?

Our clients Our clients are smart. are smart. TheyThey decided decided to invest to invest in income-producing in income-producing real estate real estate but know but know - Rebecca's - Rebecca's brother, brother, Ben Oller, Ben Oller, that itthat is not it isanot governa governPrincipal Principal of TCS of Management TCS Management mentment bond.bond. Accordingly, Accordingly, they want they want a managing a managing agentagent they can theytrust can trust implicitly. An agent An agent who communiwho communirent from inconsistent inconsistent paying paying tenants. tenants. Family Family dinners dinnersimplicitly. OllerOller took took somesome time time to talk toto talk Real to Real rent from frequently, frequently, approaches approaches their their were were frequently frequently interrupted interrupted whenwhen pipespipes burst,burst, or or catescates Producers Producers Magazine. Magazine. opportunities opportunities and challenges and challenges with with the roof theleaked roof leaked at properties. at properties. I watched I watched and listened and listened diligence, professionalism professionalism and mostly, and mostly, my parents identified identified the problems the problems and found and found the the diligence, WhatWhat attracted attracted you to you real toestate? real estate? as myasparents common sense. sense. At TCS At our TCSmission our mission solutions - the essence - the essence of property of property management. management. By By common Real estate, Real estate, especially especially property property man-man- solutions statement statement is, “keep is, “keep it simple it simple and do and it do it the Itime wasIinwas college in college I had Ipurchased had purchased my own myrentown rentagement agement is in my is inblood. my blood. I remember I remember the time right.” right.” That That simple simple approach approach seems seems to to al properties. My college My college roommates roommates were were both my both my trips with trips my withmom my mom and dad andtodad show to show al properties. resonate with with our clients. our clients. friends and my andtenants, my tenants, not annot ideal an ideal combination. combination. resonate potential potential tenants tenants spacespace or to or collect to collect friends


WhatWhat is theisbest the compliment best compliment you can you can WhatWhat are the are the receive receive from from a client? a client? biggest biggest challenges? challenges?

can finally relax!relax! Thank Thank you. you. Managing Managing clients’ clients’ I can Ifinally expectations expectations and and are some are some current current trends trends in thein the exceeding exceeding them.them. I I WhatWhat Philadelphia Philadelphia real estate real estate market? market? workwork hard hard to ensure to ensure We specialize We specialize in single-family in single-family rentalrental that our thatclients our clients management. management. The trend The trend we see weissee - is have have a realistic a realistic buy, buy. buy, Single-family buy. Single-family rentalrental understanding understanding of our of ourbuy, buy, homes homes have have become become increasingly increasingly services, services, capabilities, capabilities, important for workforce for workforce housing housing in in achievable achievable goalsgoals and andimportant Philadelphia and many and many otherother urbanurban objectives. objectives. OnceOnce Philadelphia markets. Working Working people, people, especialespecialwe have we have a shared a shared markets. ly those ly those with with families, families, can’t can’t afford afford baseline baseline with with our our the of cost new of construction new construction or gutor gut clients, clients, our entire our entire the cost rehabilitations rehabilitations in gentrifying in gentrifying city city teamteam works works tirelessly tirelessly neighborhoods yet they yet want they want ade- adeto ensure to ensure that we that we neighborhoods quate quate space space for their for their family, family, proximiproximideliver deliver the outcome the outcome 36 • October 36 • October 2019 2019

to work and services including transportation. ty to ty work and services including publicpublic transportation. It’s a It’s a market thatalways has always existed. in recent nicheniche market that has existed. But inBut recent timestimes it’s it’s investors as tenant demand continues foundfound moremore favorfavor with with investors as tenant demand continues to increase. to increase. WhatWhat do you dopredict you predict for the forPhiladelphia the Philadelphia real estate real estate market market over over the course the course of theofnext the next year?year?

Philadelphia Philadelphia is a lively, is a lively, vibrant, vibrant, well-located, well-located, diverse diverse city. city. Our college Our college graduates graduates are finding are finding local local jobs and, jobs increasingly, and, increasingly, they are theyplanting are planting their their rootsroots here.here. Empty Empty nesters nesters are moving are moving into the intocity. the Our city.local Our local companies companies are experiencing are experiencing growth. growth. WhileWhile cyclescycles are part are of part real ofestate, real estate, Philadelphia Philadelphia is poised is poised for for continued continued growth growth and new and real newestate real estate opportunities. opportunities.

Real Producers Real Producers – Real – People Real People Favorite Favorite TV shows: TV shows: Friends, Friends, Schitt’s Schitt’s CreekCreek and anything and anything on Bravo on Bravo Favorite Favorite movies: movies: Love Love Actually, Actually, Anchorman, Anchorman, CrazyCrazy Stupid Stupid Love Love Favorite Favorite restaurant restaurant in in Philadelphia: Philadelphia: “Too “Too manymany to to choose choose from!”from!” Favorite Favorite book:book: The HandThe Handmaid’s maid’s Tale and Tale“Iand just“Ifinished just finished Michelle Michelle Obama’s Obama’s Becoming.” Becoming.” Favorite Favorite sports sports team:team: Philadelphia Philadelphia Eagles Eagles Favorite Favorite spot spot in Philadelin Philadelphia:phia: Walking Walking the trails the trails in in Fairmount Fairmount Park Park

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40 • October 40 • October 2019 2019

healthy healthy living living WrittenWritten by Elizabeth by Elizabeth McCabe, McCabe, N2 Staff N2Writer Staff Writer



WithWith the the change change of seasons, of seasons, don’t don’t leave leave fitness fitness out out of your of your schedule! schedule! TakeTake steps steps to make to make fitness fitness a priority a priority in your in your life;life; small small steps steps today today cancan leadlead to better to better health health tomorrow! tomorrow!

Incorporate Incorporate the Outdoors the Outdoors in FallinFitness Fall Fitness

Go Outside Go Outside of Your of Your Comfort Comfort ZoneZone

As the Asleaves the leaves change change their their beautiful beautiful colors, colors, makemake Fall isFall a season is a season of change. of change. Darker Darker days days and cooler and cooler temperatures temperatures the most the most of falloffoliage. fall foliage. Go onGo a bike on a ride bike through ride through can encourage can encourage all ofall us of to us change to change up our upfitness our fitness regimen, regimen, even even in in a park, a park, taking taking in theincrisp the crisp air and airnatural and natural sur- sursmallsmall increments, increments, whichwhich works works best for bestlong-lasting for long-lasting results. results. Lift Lift roundings roundings – all without – all without leaving leaving your your seat. seat. ToneTone weights weights to build to build your your lean muscle lean muscle mass,mass, burning burning moremore calories calories at at your your quadsquads and calves and calves whilewhile boosting boosting your your energy energy rest. rest. StartStart smallsmall and increase and increase your your weight weight and reps and to reps achieve to achieve the the level.level. According According to one tostudy, one study, bike riding bike riding decreases decreasesresults results you want. you want. Or sign Or up sign forupa for group a group class.class. Challenge Challenge yourself yourself fatigue fatigue by a whopping by a whopping 65 percent 65 percent due to due thetorelease the release by building by building your your core strength core strength in Pilates, in Pilates, or take or atake Zumba a Zumba classclass of dopamine. of dopamine. and improve and improve your your coordination coordination and balance. and balance. You can Youalso can attempt also attempt an indoor an indoor cycling cycling classclass – you–can youalways can always go at go your at your own pace. own pace. If bike If riding bike riding isn’t your isn’t your thing,thing, perhaps perhaps walking walking is. is. Meander Meander through through a corn a corn mazemaze with with your your family family or orThinkThink Change Change – One– Step One Step at a Time at a Time a four-legged a four-legged friend. friend. Pick apples Pick apples straight straight from from the the SmallSmall stepssteps add up add over up over time.time. StartStart by increasing by increasing your your number number orchard orchard or grab or grab your your own pumpkin own pumpkin from from the field the field of steps of steps each each day today yield to yield long-term long-term results. results. UsingUsing a pedometer a pedometer this year. this year. Or take Or atake stroll a stroll downdown a nature a nature trail. trail. WithWithcan be can motivation be motivation enough enough to increase to increase your your steps.steps. Beyond Beyond that, that, everyevery step you steptake, you take, you will youimpact will impact your your health, health, you might you might start start increasing increasing the amount the amount of weight of weight you undertake you undertake in in reducing reducing your your risk of risk developing of developing TypeType 2 diabetes 2 diabetes as as resistance resistance training. training. well as well heart as heart disease disease whilewhile lowering lowering bloodblood pres-pressure.sure. No wonder No wonder the American the American HeartHeart Association Association Making Making changes changes in your in your health health this fall thismeans fall means you will yoube will ahead be ahead considers considers walking walking the “simplest the “simplest positive positive change change you you of theofgame. the game. By incorporating By incorporating fitness fitness into your into your schedule schedule now, now, you you can make can make to effectively to effectively improve improve your your heartheart health.” health.”will be will thanking be thanking yourself yourself whenwhen the holidays the holidays roll around. roll around. StartStart todaytoday – you’ll – you’ll be glad be you gladdid! you did!

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