C O N N E C T I N G .
I N S P I R I N G .
FREEMAN Coldwell Banker Hearthside Realtors — Ottsville
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What’s What’s Your Your Story?Story?
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Meet the Meet the BucksBucks County County Real Real Producers Producers Team Team
AerialAerial Photography Photography
Scott Scott Freeman Freeman
09 09
Celebrating Celebrating Leaders: Leaders: Jerry Jerry Hill Hill
If youIfare youinterested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating Realtors Realtors for certain for certain stories, stories, please please emailemail us at us Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER: Any articles Any articles includedincluded in this publication in this publication and/or opinions and/or opinions expressed expressed therein do therein not necessarily do not necessarily reflect the reflect views theofviews The N2 of The Company N2 Company d/b/a Real d/b/a Producers Real Producers but but remain solely remainthose solelyofthose the author(s). of the author(s). The paidThe advertisements paid advertisements contained contained within the within Bucks theCounty Bucks Real County Producers Real Producers magazine magazine are not endorsed are not endorsed or recommended or recommended by The N2 by The N2 Company Company or the publisher. or the publisher. Therefore, Therefore, neither The neither N2 The Company N2 Company nor the nor publisher the publisher may be may held be liable heldorliable responsible or responsible for business for business practices practices of theseofcompanies. these companies.
4 • October 4 • October 20202020
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Tom Tom Goodwin Goodwin Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher
Heather Heather Pluard Pluard WriterWriter
Thato Thato Dadson Dadson Premiere Premiere 360 Tours 360 Tours Photographer Photographer
MattMatt Robnett Robnett PLUSH PLUSH Image Image
ChrisChris Menezes Menezes WriterWriter
Geneva Geneva Eilertson Eilertson
Marketing Marketing Coordinator Coordinator
Photographer Photographer
If you are If you interested are interested in contributing in contributing or nominating or nominating REALTORS® REALTORS® for certain for certain stories,stories, pleaseplease email us email at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com. us at Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com.
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Please Please send send all all nominations nominations to to Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com
6 • October 6 • October 20202020
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8 • October 8 • October 20202020
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What’s What’sYour Your
STORY? STORY? It never It never ceases ceases to amaze to amaze me tome seetohow see howgets the getsjob thedone job done is theisagent the agent who can whoadapt can adapt and and people people adaptadapt to certain to certain situations situations and andturn turn negative negative situations situations into positive into positive outcomes. outcomes.
The ones who make who make it their it their priority priority to help to help theirtheir adversity adversity in theinbusiness the business world.world. SinceSince The ones on every on every level.level. I wasIawas kid,aI kid, remember I remember hearing hearing people peopleclientclient say that sayreal thatestate real estate agents agents wouldwould be be
The main The main goal of goal Real of Producers Real Producers is to provide is to provide a bet-a bet-
obsolete in 10 years. in 10 years. I remember I remember hearing hearing Tom Goodwin Tom Goodwin obsolete ter and terstronger and stronger community community for the fortop-producing the top-producing Owner/Publisher Owner/Publisher that all that print all print wouldwould be dead be dead and gone and gone
real estate real estate agents agents and affiliates and affiliates in Bucks in Bucks County. County. I I
by now. by Well, now. Well, here we here are, wealive are, alive and well, and well, wantwant to hear to from hear from all of all you. of Iyou. encourage I encourage all feedback all feedback even thriving even thriving through through a pandemic. a pandemic.
and ideas and ideas for articles, for articles, features, features, and even and even events. events. This This platform platform is forisyou, for the you,real theestate real estate agent.agent.
Real Real estateestate agents agents have have proven proven that that I would love to love hear to hear stories stories aboutabout REALTORS® REALTORS® technology technology didn’tdidn’t makemake themthem obso-obso- I would who thrived during during the pandemic, the pandemic, whether whether it be ait be a lete. It lete. only It gave only gave themthem moremore toolstools who thrived new agent new agent who really who really had ahad breakout a breakout year,year, a leader a leader and resources and resources to doto a better do a better job. job. who went aboveabove and beyond and beyond for their for their agents, agents, or or Real Real estateestate agents agents have have proven proven that that who went a personal a personal storystory that shows that shows strength strength and perand perthe crash the crash of 2008 of 2008 didn’tdidn’t makemake themthem even even severance in theinworst the worst of times. of times. TheseThese stories stories are are obsolete. obsolete. And real Andestate real estate agents agents have haveseverance meant to provide to provide encouragement, encouragement, knowledge knowledge and and proven proven that even that even a pandemic a pandemic won’twon’t meant motivation motivation from from the top theplayers top players in theingame. the game. Your Your slow slow downdown their their business. business. storystory deserves deserves to beto recognized. be recognized. TheseThese past seven past seven months months have have prov-proveveryone everyone a strong a strong and successful and successful last quarter! last quarter! en just enhow just valuable how valuable a reala estate real estate I wishI wish agentagent is. Inis. a market In a market where where homes homes Tom Goodwin, are being are being listedlisted and under and under contract contract Tom Goodwin, Owner/Publisher, BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers within within hours, hours, buyers buyers are realizing are realizing Owner/Publisher, Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com Tom.Goodwin@realproducersmag.com whatwhat type type of agent of agent is going is going to gettothe get the (215) 431-7475 job done. job done. And the Andtype the type of agent of agent who who(215) 431-7475
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3% of· 3% roofofcontract roof contract price price or $250, or $250, whichever whichever is greater is greater to you,topaid you, inpaid cash in cash Professional · Professional qualityquality exterior exterior dronedrone photosphotos – great – great for listings! for listings! Exact · Exact quotesquotes emailed emailed to youtoand youyour and client your client withinwithin 24 hours 24 hours – no in – no person in person appointments appointments required! required! Priority · Priority Scheduling Scheduling – Installs – Installs withinwithin 10 days 10 days · Free· upgrade Free upgrade to platinum to platinum Transferable Transferable Warranty Warranty (25yr (25yr labor labor - 50yr- material) 50yr material) Added · Added curb appeal curb appeal · We ·refer We refer our customers our customers who are whoplanning are planning to selltotheir sell home their home FREE· FREE ROOFROOF INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS FOR BUYERS FOR BUYERS AND SELLERS! AND SELLERS! Flexible · Flexible payment payment options: options: Financing, Financing, CreditCredit Cards,Cards, ApplePay, ApplePay, Cash/Check Cash/Check Discounts Discounts Zero· down, Zero down, pay atpay close at close options options · One· stop Oneshop stop shop for allfor exterior all exterior needs/repairs needs/repairs · 5 referrals · 5 referrals = two=76ers two 76ers club box clubseats! box seats!
10 • October 10 • October 20202020
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ATTENTION ATTENTIONNURSES NURSESAND ANDOTHER OTHERHOSPITAL HOSPITALWORKERS WORKERS We We greatly greatly appreciate appreciate allall you you have have done done and and continue continue toto dodo for for our our community. community.
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(267) (267)332-0197 332-0197 TKovack@USARoofMasters.com TKovack@USARoofMasters.com @usa_roof_masters @usa_roof_masters realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
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aerial aerial
12 • October 12 • October 20202020
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tips tipsfor forlistings listings By Premiere By Premiere 360 Tours 360 Tours
HOW HOW TOTO GET GET THE THE BEST BEST OUT OUT OFOF AERIAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY HaveHave you ever you ever found found yourself yourself trying trying to use todrone use drone photography photography for your for your listing listing and the andpictures the pictures still aren’t still aren’t coming coming out right? out right? HereHere are aare fewatips few and tipstools and tools to to get the getbest the use bestout useofout aerial of aerial photography photography and video. and video. The first The and firstmost and most important important thingthing is to is to checkcheck the weather. the weather. This This may seem may seem like alike a no brainer, no brainer, but there but there are several are several things things you you need need to consider. to consider. Will it Will be ait clear be a clear sunnysunny day? day? Will it Will be cloudy? it be cloudy? WhatWhat if it’s ifovercast? it’s overcast? All ofAll these of these are important are important factors. factors.
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14 • October 14 • October 20202020
@realproducers @realproducers
The next The thing next thing to paytoattention pay attention to is whether to is whether or notoritnot it A sunny A sunny day may day seem may seem like the likeoptimal the optimal time to time shoot, to shoot, will cloudy. be cloudy. Where Where this can thisaffect can affect your images your images is if is if and inand most in most casescases with with aerialaerial photography, photography, it is. The it is. The will be the clouds the clouds blockblock the light the of light theofsun thewhen sun when you’reyou’re readyready sun will sunmake will make very dramatic very dramatic shadows, shadows, the light the shining light shining fly. be Just mindful be mindful of theofclouds the clouds and you’ll and you’ll be OK. be OK. on a swimming on a swimming pool is pool beautiful, is beautiful, and everything and everything lookslooks to fly.toJust like it’s likealive it’s alive whenwhen the sun theissun out.isThe out.issue The issue is you’ll is you’ll have have to coordinate to coordinate your your time with time with the sun. the Any sun. good Any good photogphotog-An overcast An overcast day isday actually is actually a really a really good good time time to flyto fly rapher rapher knows knows that lighting that lighting will make will make or break or break your your image. image. your your drone. drone. This This is because is because the clouds the clouds create create a softa softIf youIftake you aerial take aerial photos photos of a house of a house at theatwrong the wrong time of time of box effect, box effect, whichwhich in turn in will turnhelp will with help with distributing distributing the day, theyou day,could you could end up end with up with the front the front of theofhouse the house look-look-light light evenly evenly in your in your picture. picture. The biggest The biggest downside downside ing really ing really dark.dark. Of course, Of course, you could you could do a little do a little photoshop photoshop of anof overcast an overcast day isday that is your that your pictures pictures will come will come workwork to brighten to brighten it up,itbut up,then but it then doesn’t it doesn’t look authentic. look authentic. out aout bit flat. a bitThis flat. This is when is when you can youbump can bump up your up your saturation saturation in theinimage the image to help to the helpcolors the colors become become vibrant like itlike wasitawas sunny a sunny day. day. HereHere are some are some toolstools I likeIto like usetotouse find tothe findbest the position best position for forvibrant the sun: the http://suncalc.net/ sun: http://suncalc.net/ and https://www.suncalc.org/ and https://www.suncalc.org/ . . So those So those are aare fewatips fewon tips how on to how take to better take better images images aerialaerial photography. photography. It’s very It’s very simple simple to use. to Type use. Type in theinaddress the address you want you want to seeto see with with and itand willitshow will show you when you when and where and where the sun thewill sunrise willand riseset. and set. Aerial photography photography is oneisofone myoffavorite my favorite waysways to to The tool Theistool so is handy so handy you can youeven can even checkcheck futurefuture dates.dates. It makes It makesAerial take photographs. I hope I hope thesethese tips will tipshelp will you help you planning planning your your aerialaerial shoots shoots a breeze. a breeze. It’s free It’s to free usetoand usethey and they take photographs. take some take some very very dynamic dynamic pictures! pictures! also have also have an app anfor appAndroid. for Android.
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TankTank Removal Removal TankTank Abandonment Abandonment TankTank Installation Installation Soil Soil Remediation Remediation Water Water Pump-Outs Pump-Outs Emergency Emergency Service Service TankTank Locating Locating Soil Soil Testing Testing
16 • October 16 • October 20202020
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DidDid youyou know know there there areare more more victims victims held held against against their their willwill today today than than ever ever before? before? That’s That’s whywhy N2 N2 Publishing, Publishing, thethe company company behind behind thisthis magazine, magazine, is is ȴQDQFLDOO\ FRPPLWWHG WR KHOSLQJ HQG KXPDQ WUDɝFNLQJ ȴQDQFLDOO\ FRPPLWWHG WR KHOSLQJ HQG KXPDQ WUDɝFNLQJ AndAnd through through their their advertising advertising partnerships, partnerships, thethe businesses businesses seen seen within within these these pages pages areare helping helping us break us break these these chains, chains, WRR /HDUQ PRUH DERXW RXU FDXVH E\ YLVLWLQJ n2gives.com. WRR /HDUQ PRUH DERXW RXU FDXVH E\ YLVLWLQJ n2gives.com. realproducersmag.com realproducersmag.com
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FREEMAN FREEMAN Coldwell ColdwellBanker BankerHearthside Hearthside Realtors Realtors——Ottsville Ottsville AnAn Architect Architect of of thethe American American Dream Dream
When When a door a door is in is front in front of you, of you, it may it may be be a little a little scary, scary, butbut open open that that door. door. YouYou never never know know what what it will it will lead lead to. to.
18 • October 18 • October 20202020
@realproducers @realproducers
feature feature cover cover story story Story by Story Zach by Cohen Zach Cohen PhotosPhotos by Thato by Thato Dadson Dadson
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 19 • 19
second childchild was coming, was coming, I knew I knew it wasittime was time to doto do ScottScott has always has always had an had entrepreneurial an entrepreneurial spirit.spirit. He Hesecond something different different than than run two runbike two shops.” bike shops.” opened opened his first his business, first business, Freeman’s Freeman’s Bicycle Bicycle Shop,Shop,something whilewhile he was heonly was in only junior in junior high school, high school, and only and only one year one year out ofout high of school, high school, he had heopened had opened a second a second The Road The Road to Success to Success store.store. ScottScott ran those ran those bicycle bicycle shopsshops for 19for years 19 years Shortly Shortly after after joining joining LindaLinda in real inestate real estate in 2004, in 2004, until until another another door door presented presented itselfitself to him. to him. LindaLinda was asked was asked to help to expand help expand Coldwell Coldwell Banker Banker Hearthside Hearthside into Upper into Upper BucksBucks Country Country and the andLethe Le“I had“Iahad customer a customer at myatbicycle my bicycle shop shop that was that awas a high Valley. high Valley. ScottScott joinedjoined her, assisting her, assisting in theinopening the opening real estate real estate agentagent — Linda — Linda Emerson,” Emerson,” ScottScott rememrememof new of office new office locations locations in Ottsville in Ottsville and Hellertown. and Hellertown. bers.bers. “One“One day, she day,called she called and said and her saidassistant her assistant was moving, was moving, and ifand I was if I serious, was serious, I could I could comecome “I worked “I worked as herasassistant her assistant until until she kicked she kicked me out me out workwork with with her.” her.” of theofnest the to nest beto onbe myonown,” my own,” ScottScott smiles. smiles. ScottScott wasn’t wasn’t sure of sure what of what lied behind lied behind that door, that door, but but A year A year after after beginning beginning his real hisestate real estate career, career, ScottScott he decided he decided to head to head his own his advice. own advice. He accepted He accepted Lin- Linknewknew he was hein was it for in itthe forlong the haul. long haul. He sold He his sold his da’s offer, da’s offer, and so and began so began his real hisestate real estate career. career. bicycle bicycle business, business, and he and was heofficially was officially all in.all Since in. Since day one, day Scott one, Scott has focused has focused on providing on providing the same the same “I always “I always had an had interest an interest in business, in business, and my and my level level of service of service he provided he provided as theasowner the owner of Freeof Freeexperience experience in municipal in municipal planning planning gave gave me a me great a great man’sman’s Bicycle Bicycle Shop.Shop. He offers He offers intimate intimate knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge of land of use landand usedevelopment. and development. The two The two of Bucks of Bucks County County and focuses and focuses on the oncustomers’ the customers’ camecame together, together, I guess,” I guess,” ScottScott says.says. “When “When my my needsneeds and desires, and desires, rather rather than than his own. his own.
20 • October 20 • October 20202020
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 21 • 21
22 • October 22 • October 20202020
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Community Community Focused Focused
Scott’s Scott’s focusfocus in real inestate real estate is in upper is in upper BucksBucks Coun-CounAs a As Bucks a Bucks County County native, native, ScottScott has maintained has maintained a aty, a primarily ty, a primarily ruralrural location location whenwhen compared compared to to steady steady focusfocus on the onbetterment the betterment of hisofcommunity his community central central and lower and lower BucksBucks County. County. The rural The rural nature nature — and —not andjust notthrough just through real estate. real estate. ScottScott recalls recalls of hisofterritory his territory is a challenge, is a challenge, yet Scott yet Scott has found has found goinggoing to township to township meetings meetings with with his father, his father, and and tremendous tremendous success; success; in 2019, in 2019, he closed he closed 54 deals. 54 deals. hopeshopes to impart to impart the same the same sensesense of community of community on on his own his children. own children. “I care “I about care about my country, my country, my community, my community, and my and my clients clients that put thattheir put their trust trust in mein—me and —Iand don’t I don’t At 21,AtScott 21, Scott became became the youngest the youngest supervisor supervisor in thein thetake that take trust that trust lightly,” lightly,” ScottScott explains. explains. “I teach “I teach my my state state of Pennsylvania of Pennsylvania whenwhen he was heelected was elected to theto the kids we kidsare wepart are of part a community, of a community, and we andget weout getofout of Nockamixon Nockamixon Township Township BoardBoard of Supervisors, of Supervisors, where where it what it what we put weinto put it. into Whatever it. Whatever your your God-given God-given he served he served for nine for years. nine years. He then He then transitioned transitioned to theto the talents talents are, it’s are,nice it’s to nice offer to offer them,them, and itand makes it makes your your Planning Planning Commission Commission for Haycock for Haycock Township, Township, where where community community a better a better place.” place.” he served he served for eleven for eleven years.years. He isHe currently is currently a Palia Palisadessades School School BoardBoard Director Director (eight(eight yearsyears running). running).At home, At home, ScottScott and his andwife his of wife 24of years, 24 years, Lynn,Lynn, In real Inestate, real estate, ScottScott is on is the onBoard the Board of Directors of Directors and and have have two children. two children. Madelyn Madelyn is a sophomore is a sophomore at Penn at Penn serves serves on the onLegislative the Legislative Committee Committee for the forPennthe Penn- State,State, and Gabe and Gabe is a sophomore is a sophomore in high in school. high school. As As sylvania sylvania Association Association of REALTORS®. of REALTORS®. ScottScott lookslooks into the intofuture, the future, he aspires he aspires to continue to continue livingliving a lifearooted life rooted in family in family and community and community values. values. “Being “Being involved involved with with and serving and serving on local on local and state and state real estate real estate boards boards also provides also provides me with me with greatgreat “[I want “[I want to beto remembered] be remembered] for caring for caring aboutabout people people insight insight and knowledge and knowledge that is that ever-changing is ever-changing in in and our andcommunity,” our community,” ScottScott concludes. concludes. “I am“Iblessed am blessed today’s today’s real estate real estate world,” world,” ScottScott says.says. to livetoinlive theingreatest the greatest country country on Earth on Earth and to and beto be able to able usetomy useexpertise my expertise to help to people help people achieve achieve their their dreams dreams and goals.” and goals.”
[I want [I want to be to be remembered] remembered] forfor caring caring about about people people and and ourour community community ... ... I am I am blessed blessed to live to live in the in the greatest greatest country country on on Earth Earth and and to be to be able able to use to use mymy expertise expertise to help to help people people achieve achieve their their dreams dreams and and goals. goals.
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BucksBucks County County Real Producers Real Producers • 23 • 23
celebrating celebrating leaders leaders Story by Story Heather by Heather PluardPluard PhotosPhotos by Thato by Thato Dadson Dadson
Hill Hill HomeStarr HomeStarr Realty Realty
Abraham Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln, Walt Walt Disney, Disney, and Cyndi and Cyndi Lauper Lauper all have all have something something in common in common with with Homestarr Homestarr Realty’s Realty’s founder, founder, JerryJerry Hill. They Hill. They all experienced all experienced bankruptcy. bankruptcy. And more And more importantly, importantly, each each of them of them rose to rose greater to greater success success after after their their initialinitial setbacks. setbacks. “Before “Before I became I became a REALTOR®, a REALTOR®, I owned I owned a small a small dry-cleandry-cleaning company, ing company, and, unfortunately, and, unfortunately, I went I went bankrupt,” bankrupt,” JerryJerry says.says. “I ended “I ended up selling up selling my house, my house, my car, myand car,all and ofall myof my assetsassets to clear to clear the debt the against debt against the business the business - eventually - eventually selling selling it, too. it,Itoo. fought I fought through through the process the process and survived and survived without without any damage any damage to mytocredit, my credit, and Iand learned I learned a lot from a lot from that experience.” that experience.” As luck As would luck would have have it, theit,process the process also gave also Jerry gave Jerry a newa businew business idea. ness idea. “When “When I hadItohad selltomy sellhouse, my house, I interviewed I interviewed manymany agents, agents, and one andofone them of them suggested suggested I giveIreal giveestate real estate a try,”a try,” JerryJerry says. says. “I liked “I liked the idea the of idea making of making people people happyhappy by helpby helping them ing them find the findright the right home.home. Real estate Real estate is all is about all about relationrelationships.ships. As agents, As agents, we are weselling are selling our ability our ability to serve to serve clients.” clients.” In 2003, In 2003, JerryJerry obtained obtained his license his license and went and went to work to work for a for a national national real estate real estate franchise franchise company. company. He started He started with with the the basicsbasics and quickly and quickly became became a topaproducer top producer for the forcompathe company. “Iny. handled “I handled a lot of a lot floor of floor time,time, did multiple did multiple open open houses, houses, networked networked with with agents, agents, built built relationships, relationships, and generated and generated leads.leads. WhenWhen new ownership new ownership took took over over the office the office a fewayears few years later,later, I left Itoleft start to start my own my business own business so I could so I could run things run things the way the Iway wanted I wanted to. I’m to.an I’m entrepreneur an entrepreneur at heart.” at heart.”
24 • October 24 • October 20202020
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JerryJerry opened opened Homestarr Homestarr Realty Realty in 2006 in 2006 with with one guidone guiding principle. ing principle. Agents Agents are the areones the ones who build who build a brokerage, a brokerage, so they so should they should have have the “lion the “lion share” share” of theofcommission. the commission. It’s a It’s premise a premise that has thatled hastoled tremendous to tremendous growth growth and and success. success. Today, Today, Homestarr Homestarr Realty Realty has more has more than than 280 280 agents agents and locations and locations in Warrington, in Warrington, Southampton, Southampton, Ben- Bensalem, salem, Montgomeryville, Montgomeryville, NE Philadelphia, NE Philadelphia, New New Hope,Hope, Cherry Cherry Hill NJ, Hilland NJ,Vineland, and Vineland, NJ. NJ. “A lot“Aoflot agents of agents are attracted are attracted to Homestarr to Homestarr because because of of our 90/10 our 90/10 commission commission split,split, but they but stay they because stay because they they realize realize we are we100% are 100% dedicated dedicated to helping to helping themthem growgrow their their business,” business,” JerryJerry says.says. “At Homestarr “At Homestarr Realty, Realty, we we workwork exceptionally exceptionally hard hard to support to support our agents’ our agents’ busi-businesses nesses and help and them help them achieve achieve their their goals.goals. And we Andwant we want themthem to keep to keep moremore of that of income that income in their in their own pockets. own pockets. That’sThat’s why agents why agents here here earn earn all ofall theofcommission the commission once once their their 10% paid 10% to paid Homestarr to Homestarr reaches reaches $12,000. $12,000. We know We know that agents that agents are the arebusiness”. the business”. Treating Treating agents agents as individuals as individuals is another is another hallmark hallmark of of Homestarr Homestarr Realty. Realty. “We don’t “We don’t believe believe in micro-managing in micro-managing people people and enforcing and enforcing production production numbers numbers or quotas,” or quotas,” JerryJerry says.says. “We give “We agents give agents flexibility flexibility and empower and empower themthem to make to make smartsmart business business decisions. decisions. Two heads Two heads are are betterbetter than than one! We’re one! We’re here here for our foragents our agents whenwhen they they need need help dealing help dealing with with an emotional an emotional clientclient or handling or handling a sticky a sticky situation. situation. I haveI have an open-door an open-door policy, policy, and I’m and I’m always always available available by phone, by phone, text, text, or email. or email. We also We have also have a a greatgreat network network of friendly of friendly agents agents who are whohappy are happy to share to share tips and tipsadvice and advice from from their their wealth wealth of expertise.” of expertise.” EvenEven though though the focus the focus is on is individual on individual agents, agents, HomeHomestarrstarr Realty Realty offersoffers all the allperks the perks of a large of a large company. company. In addition In addition to broker to broker support, support, it hasittraining has training classes, classes, mentoring mentoring classes, classes, officeoffice support, support, and residual and residual income income through through agentagent recruitment. recruitment. “Homestarr “Homestarr REALTORS® REALTORS® makemake additional additional income income for every for every new agent new agent they rethey recruit,” cruit,” JerryJerry explains. explains. “When “When agents agents help the helpcompany the company grow,grow, it’s a it’s ‘win-win-win’ a ‘win-win-win’ for allfor parties all parties involved.” involved.” WithWith his dry-cleaning his dry-cleaning days days long behind long behind him, him, JerryJerry is is happyhappy to have to have built built a truea family true family business. business. His wife His of wife of 28-years, 28-years, Denise, Denise, obtained obtained her license her license this year this year and and joinedjoined the company. the company. TheirTheir oldestoldest son, Joseph, son, Joseph, is also is also an agent an agent for Homestarr for Homestarr Realty, Realty, and their and their youngest youngest son, Thomas, son, Thomas, will follow will follow suit after suit after graduating graduating from from college. college. “We are “Wenot areinnot theinsales the sales business,” business,” JerryJerry says.says. “We are “Weinare theinservice the service industry. industry. Our success Our success is is basedbased on our onability our ability to serve to serve our clients.” our clients.” Abe, Abe, Walt,Walt, and Cyndi and Cyndi wouldwould be proud! be proud!
26 • October 26 • October 20202020
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