Eye News Press Releases Jun/Jul 15

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APRIL / MAY 2015 • VOL 21 NO 6 • UK £10.00

Press Release section for all the latest new products, product developments and news from companies within the field.

THE BIMONTHLY REVIEW OF OPHTHALMOLOGY JUNE / JULY 2015 • VOL 22 NO 1 • UK £10.00 www.eyenews.uk.com

ISSN: 1368-8952


Heidelberg Engineering announces next generation SPECTRALIS OCT Module OCT2 brings next generation technology to the SPECTRALIS diagnostic imaging platform. Combining a high scan rate with TruTrack Active Eye Tracking provides unmatched image quality and significantly improved acquisition speed. New applications such as OCT angiography will build on the OCT2 module. Dr Kester Nahen, Heidelberg Engineering’s Managing Director, explained: “Increasing the scan rate of the OCT2 to 85,000Hz is an important achievement. I’m confident that our customers will be delighted with this even more powerful engine.” Dr Jörg Pintaske, of Heidelberg Engineering Marketing, highlighted the company’s commitment to sustainability and value: “Expandability is a major reason why professionals consider our products an excellent choice, from both clinical and economical perspectives.” For further information contact: Heidelberg Engineering Ltd T: +44 (0)1442 502 330 E: krysten.williams@heidelbergengineering.com www.heidelbergengineering.com

Evaluate ocular structures more clearly than ever before with Eye Cubed The Eye Cubed is the premier device for performing ultrasound examinations of the eye. The system features real-time imaging, advanced movie mode (using the fastest sampling rate available) and an internal memory for storing scans – all of which will advance and improve your diagnostic capabilities. The customised configuration of the A and B-Scan modes ensure the Eye Cubed meets all your needs for both posterior and anterior segments. The cornea, iris, ciliary body and intraocular lens can all be viewed with clarity. The superior image clarity and flexible measurements allow for thorough preoperative and postoperative assessment of ocular anatomy – essential in optimising premium IOL outcomes. The imaging from an Eye Cubed provides 25 frames-per-second and provides the highest signal-to-noise ratio, delivering more ultrasonic data per second than any other system. For further information contact: Haag-Streit UK T: +44 (0)1279 883807 E: eyecubed@haag-streit-uk.com www.haagstreituk.com/eyecubed

Growing sales team at Scope Ophthalmics The first quarter of 2015 has seen a substantial expansion of the Scope Ophthalmics sales team, with the appointment of seven new customer facing representatives. These representatives will provide support to health care professionals throughout the UK in hospitals, pharmacies and in general practice. Tom Freyne, Commercial Director of Scope Ophthalmics commented on the appointments. “At Scope Ophthalmics, we are committed to developing a dynamic team to meet the needs of our customers. The addition of seven new customer facing representatives’ means that we will enhance the service that we provide to healthcare professionals across the UK.” Scope Ophthalamics is an innovative and fast-growing eye care company offering dry eye and blepharitis products in the UK and Ireland. All of its products have had longterm success with patients worldwide. Key product focuses include preservative-free eye drops which contain the ingredient Sodium Hyaluronate. In 2014, Scope successfully launched BlephEx™ as the first and only clinician treatment for blepharitis. The company maintains a major focus on training, customer service, innovation and relationships with key opinion leaders. For further information contact: Scope Ophthalmics T: +44 (0)800 270 0253 E: info@scopeophthalmics.com www.scopeophthalmics.com

Expensive glass diagnostic examination lenses replaced with high quality disposable lenses Using revolutionary manufacturing technologies the lenses are of exceptional quality and at a very affordable cost. All lenses have a custom antireflection coating, ideal for use on all lasers. The unique advantages of the Sensor Medical Technology lenses include • Perfect optics every time • Single use, disposable • Single piece • No cleaning or disinfecting • Lower costs • Convenience

• Compliance with disease transmission control • Possible increase in patient volume. In addition to the sterile single use product line, Sensor Medical Technology have launched a range of reusable (non-sterile) bi – aspheric lenses • 20D / 28D / 60D / 78D / 90D. For further information contact: Carleton Optical T: +44 (0)1494 775811 E: carleton@carletonltd.com www.carletonltd.com

News and Product Update is provided as a service to readers and does not imply endorsement by Eye News. To feature your news here contact Justin Chater, T: +44 (0)131 557 4184, E: Justin@pinpoint-scotland.com 70 | JUN/JUL2015 | www.eyenews.uk.com


New from Carleton and UFSK– eyeForce surgical chair with e-drive – “the ease of pushing” UFSK have introduced the eyeForce surgical chair with an e-drive system that helps propel the chair effortlessly either forward or backward protecting hospital staff from back related injuries. The new lightweight chassis also makes the e-force easier to move around, even on uneven surfaces and over door sills. Coupled with an electrically controlled ELB braking system that employs a steering guide function enhanced control is vastly improved when the treatment couch is being handled just by one person. The entire system can support up to 250kg of extra weight and there are five individually programmable memory positions. Powerful and environmentally friendly batteries enable the chair to run for over 2,000 metres, or 35-40 operating cycles.

Introducing worlds first posterior swept source OCT Topcon are proudly introducing yet another addition to their family of OCTs with the first commercially available anterior and posterior swept source OCT Triton. Penetrating through cataract and haemorrhage, right through to sclera with added green autofluorescence and fluorescein angiography (Triton Plus only) in one instrument. With its 1050nm wavelength and the world’s fastest scanning speed of 100,000 A-Scans/second; high resolution fundus imagery; Pinpoint Registration™ between the fundus camera and the OCT with perfect visualisation of choroidal structures, the Triton OCT has the potential to revolutionise patient care beyond recognition. For further information contact: Topcon (GB) Ltd T: +44 (0)1635 551120 E: medical@topcon.co.uk www.topcon-medical.co.uk

For further information contact: Carleton Optical T: +44 (0)1494 775811 E: nick@carletonltd.com www.carletonltd.com

Manchester leads research for screening diabetic neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy is the subject of a major international ocular research project at the University of Manchester sponsored by Heidelberg Engineering. The study of patients with diabetic eye disease will show the value of early neuropathy screening, believes lead researcher, Dr Mitra Tavakoli, Optometrist and Research Fellow at the University’s Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes. “Early identification of neuropathy enables earlier treatment to control progression of this serious and life-limiting condition. Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) is an established diagnostic tool used in a variety of other clinical applications. This relatively novel eye test, using the Heidelberg HRT3 with Rostock Corneal Module, is fast and non-invasive, making it an ideal method to detect diabetic neuropathy early,” believes Dr Tavakoli. “It is possible that following the study, all people with diabetes mellitus could undergo regular screening for diabetic neuropathy alongside their retinopathy screening resulting in early treatment.” For further information contact: Heidelberg Engineering Ltd T: +44 (0)1442 502330 E: krysten.williams@heidelbergengineering.com www.heidelbergengineering.com

The BA 904 portable slit-lamp highquality examinations, anywhere

Tomey EM-4000 specular microscope

The BA 904 portable slit-lamp combines a robust, ergonomic design and Haag-Streit’s unsurpassed optical system. It provides the user with the unique ability to perform high-quality examinations, even when they practice in more than one consulting room. With an integrated rechargeable battery, the BA 904 can be used for hand-held operations to examine patients who cannot comfortably sit at a larger slit-lamp, (i.e. children and wheelchairbound patients), yet can also be reassembled for more traditional joystick or headrest operations. Whichever method is used, the quality of the examination is not compromised. The BA 904 is both safe and comfortable for the patient. It filters out hazardous radiation, which means less damage to the retina when using a diagnostic lens.

With the Tomey EM-4000 specular microscope, auto alignment and automatic analysis of the endothelium layer can be performed quickly and easily. Due to the low intensity light source needed for examination, the EM-4000 ensures maximum patient comfort. Auto-alignment/shot Integrated non contact pachymetry Integrated CCT calculation Wider photographic range Fast and automatic analysis Morphology and density diagrams LED light source Various display functions for a visual understanding of the condition of the endothelium.

For further information contact: Haag-Streit UK T: +44 (0)1279 883807 E: ba904@haag-streit-uk.com www.haagstreituk.com/ba904

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For further information contact: Mainline Instruments Medical Sales T: +44 (0)121 4586800 E: sales@main-line.co.uk www.main-line.co.uk


New range of Ophthalmic Test Strips launched for use in the UK and the EU Mitron Medical launches the new range of I-DEW Ophthalmic Test Strips including; I-DEW Flo (Fluorescein Strips), I-DEW Tear Strips (Schirmer Strips), I-DEW Green (Lissamine Green) and I-DEW Rose (Rose Bengal). The I-Dew test strips meet all current regulatory requirements and are CE marked as a class 1 medical device. The strips are manufactured to a stringent high quality standard, meeting US FDA cGMP requirements. I-DEW ophthalmic test strips offer the optimum performance with improved staining time, concentration and fluorescents. All strips are produced using the highest grade quality paper available. Due to the high standard of the new manufacturing process, utilising a fully automated production line with no human touch, I-Dew strips now offer an improved shelf life of five years. The strips are available in individually sealed sterile blister sleeves and are packaged in boxes of 100 strips. For more information contact: Mitron Medical Ltd Tel: +44 (0)1438 740823 Email: sales@mitronmedical.co.uk www.mitronmedical.co.uk

Heine Omega 500 indirect ophthalmoscope with DV1 digital video camera 1280 X 960 Imaging. Capable of capturing high-resolution video or still shots of examinations. Perfect for sharing the examiner’s view with a wider audience and for educating patients. Simple operation. Digital imaging without any additional adjustments. Simply start recording and the image as seen through OMEGA 500 will be displayed on the screen. Comfortable and balanced fit. The OMEGA 500 headband distributes the low weight of the compact camera and optics perfectly and ensures a comfortable fit. For further information contact: Carleton Optical T: +44 (0)1494 775811 E: nick@carletonltd.com www.carletonltd.com

HEYEX PACS facilitates shared care in the community The trend of High Street optometrists embracing multi-modal imaging technology was clearly seen from the success of SPECTRALIS at the recent Optrafair exhibition in Birmingham. Opticians are being encouraged to become primary care providers – by managing and monitoring hospital patients in a community setting. “We are urging optometrists to make contact with their local ophthalmology departments to find out what they can provide in terms of community services, to reduce the strain on over-burdened clinics,” said Kenny Boyle, Heidelberg Engineering UK National Accounts Manager. “High Street opticians need to have a superior diagnostic ability to review patient data and images and refer into the health service with confidence,” he added. The soon to be released, HEYEX PACS (Heidelberg Eye Explorer) is an image management and device integration software system which facilitates shared care. This one central application provides the facility to share and access data and images. For further information contact: Heidelberg Engineering Ltd T: +44 (0)1442 502330 E: krysten.williams@heidelbergengineering.com www.heidelbergengineering.com

Rare opportunity to acquire prominent personal number plate The cherished number plate ‘2 EYE‘ belonging to the late John Scott FRC Ophth is for sale and currently held on retention. The number plate has been in the same ownership for over 40 years and would be a perfect gift for anyone desiring to give their car personality. The number plate is for sale for £75,000 ono. For further information contact: Rachel Godfroy T: +44 (0)1223 262025 E: rachelgodfroy@gmail.com

The MAIA: a new generation of microperimetry The MAIA is the ideal tool for detecting and monitoring retinal functional changes and observing the effectiveness of treatment, over time. It features a confocal line scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO), real-time eyetracker and 4-2 threshold fundus perimetry (microperimetry). Operating with a minimum pupil diameter of 2.5mm, the MAIA assesses the function of the macular by providing accurate measurements of macular sensitivity, fixation stability and the site of fixation. Highly-automated and simple-to-use, the MAIA measures 36 points over a 10° area to evaluate the function of the macular. ‘Fast Test’ mode performs the assessment in under three minutes per eye. The 25MHz eye-tracking technology automatically identifies the eye and stability of the fixation. The MAIA is proven to have over 90% sensitivity in the detection of early and intermediate age-related macular degeneration (AMD). For further information contact: Haag-Streit UK T: +44 (0)1279 883807 E: maia@haag-streit-uk.com www.haagstreituk.com/maia

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Launching LENSAR® Streamline The LENSAR® Laser with Streamline is the first cataract laser system to enable automation of your LACS procedure planning and execution with the introduction of five new applications, including wireless integration with preoperative topographers, iris registration, cataract density imaging, automatic fragmentation patterns and arcuate incision planning. Let us show you how you can Streamline your laser-assisted cataract procedures. And NOW LENSAR is going mobile. If you would like to be informed of the developments simply email us your details to surgical@topcon.co.uk For further information contact: Topcon GB Ltd T: +44 (0)1635 551120 E: surgical@topcon.co.uk www.topcon-medical.co.uk

Tomey Casia OCT With the CASIA SS-1000 fourier domain OCT, you can take high speed and high resolution images in a variety of clinical situations. Due to the swept source technology, three dimensional data can be captured at a speed of 0.3 to 2.4 seconds with minimal motion artefact. Featuring: • High scanning speed: 30,000 A-scans/sec • 130,800 A-scans • Topo/pachymetry map in 0.3 seconds • Corneal curvature, anterior chamber angle analysis, bleb segment analysis, measurement of corneal thickness, and anterior chamber depth can all be performed with various applications • Free adjustable display in 2D and 3D • Individual correction based on the cornea power • Total high resolution scanning time only 2.4 seconds • Accurate anterior chamber angle analysis.

Clinitas offers NEW multi-dose preservative free option Altacor, the makers of the popular Clinitas dry-eye drops, has launched a multi-dose option of their exclusive 0.4% sodium hyaluronate. The innovative multidose bottle, with its ‘dual air’ technology, enables the product to be preservativefree and can be used for up to three months. This system accurately controls drop delivery and filters incoming air keeping contents sterile. The bottle also has a soft silicone ophthalmic tip giving the patient more confidence when applying the drop. The product has Drug Tariff approval, NHS Price: £6.99. For further information and samples contact: Altacor Ltd T: +44 (0)1223 421411 www.altacoreyeproducts.com

SD Healthcare acquires ophthalmic manufacturer Surgitrac Instruments

For further information contact: Mainline Instruments Medical Sales T: +44 (0)121 4586800 E: sales@main-line.co.uk www.main-line.co.uk

The Octopus 900 – the official successor to the original Haag-Streit Goldmann perimeter The Octopus 900 is the only perimeter of its kind which allows four methods of visual field assessment, in one instrument. It allows detection and follow-up of a range of ophthalmic conditions using standard white/white, blue/ yellow, flicker and kinetic perimetry. As the natural successor to the Haag-Streit Goldmann perimeter, the Octopus 900 provides optimum conditions for fast and reliable results. Used in conjunction with the powerful EyeSuite software, the instrument allows for comprehensive analysis of visual fields. The Octopus 900 has a true Goldmann-sized shaped cupola, which covers the entire 90º visual field area, allowing accurate manual and automated Goldmann perimetry. Its astounding productivity allows the instrument to perform full threshold and suprathreshold testing in just over two minutes per eye, and screenings in under one minute.

Leading ophthalmic distributor SD Healthcare Limited looks to Surgitrac Instruments Hong Kong to strengthen its portfolio. The recent acquisition sees SD Healthcare boost its ambitions to become the leading independent supplier of ophthalmic instruments and procedure packs to the UK and worldwide. Managing Director Paul Chad said: “We’ve been at the forefront of ophthalmic supply since the early 1990s. We realised early on that ophthalmology was advancing and our ability to globally source, innovative products kept us ahead of the game. We have so far, achieved both sustainable growth and survived a major recession. “The purchase of ophthalmic micro-surgical manufacturing specialist Surgitrac Instruments means that we can further improve our offerings; without compromising the quality and continuity of service we provide to our customers.”

For further information contact: Haag-Streit UK T: +44 (0)1279 883807 E: octopus@haag-streit-uk.com www.haagstreituk.com/octopus900

For further information contact: SD Healthcare E: rachel.c@sdhealthcare.com www.sdhealthcare.com

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