Urology News Press Release Section Sept/Oct 2015

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V19(6) SEP/OCT 15

Urology News Press Release section for all the latest new products, product developments and news from companies within the field.

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ISSN: 1368-8960

news and product update

Smiles at the Alliance Medical Harley Street Clinic

Ugo Fix Gentle The Ugo Fix Gentle is a purpose-designed atraumatic catheter fixation device for urethral and suprapubic catheters, benefitting from a soft silicone re-adhesive gel pad. It fixates the catheter at the catheter bifurcation, and reduces the risk of trauma and pain caused by the catheter pulling or repeatedly rubbing on the bladder neck and urethra. The soft silicone technology means it’s easy to apply, easy to remove and gentle on the skin. It requires no skin preparation before application, and leaves no sticky residue. The Ugo Fix Gentle can be easily repositioned or reapplied over the same area of skin, and the revolving clip allows the catheter to move in natural unison with the body. “My wife has been using the Ugo Fix Gentle catheter clip for approximately two weeks. We

have found that there is no skin damage which she was getting with other products. She loves the rotating clip feature - it ensures the leg bag is always in the right position when it’s attached to her leg or when she’s laying on the bed.” Dave, Kent Optimum Medical provide an informative patient and carer user guide to accompany the Ugo Fix Gentle with more information about how to apply and care for the product for added security and peace of mind. Available on prescription (PIP Code: 394-9054) For further information contact: Optimum Medical T: +44 (0)8456 435479 F: +44 (0)1142 383826 E: ugo@optimummedical.co.uk www.ugofixgentle.co.uk

(L-R): Teni Olokun, Vicky Sage

This very busy Alliance Medical Clinic in the heart of London offers the most comprehensive of diagnostic services and they cater for leading consultants treating their private patients. Nothing but the best and most reliable equipment is acceptable. Urodynamics has long been an important part of their service and for this they have always relied on Genesis Medical. When it came to upgrade their equipment they once again chose Genesis Medical to provide the most state-of-the art system available in the market, the PicoSmart. They have limited space and wanted a compact unit. They wanted a system allowing for customising of reports so that different users could select the one they designed, all with just a few clicks. Ease of use and intuitive software were particularly important to Vicky and Teni. For further information contact: Genesis Medical Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8451 4100 E: jo@genmedhealth.com www.genmedhealth.com

SafetyCat Active SafetyCat Active is a new intermittent catheter provided by Teleflex, featuring a completely ‘no touch’ protective sheath that covers the full length of the catheter shaft. SafetyCat active is pre- coated with a lubricating gel and provided ready-to-use. It is now available on the drug tariff in three lengths (male, female and paediatric) with the Ergothan tip (our special tapered flexible tip) for all lengths, and Nelaton and Tiemann for the male length. SafetyCat Active offers all patient

groups a highly innovative ‘no touch’ product, meaning there is no need to make any contact with the catheter directly. For further information contact: Teleflex (quote ‘Urology News’ when calling) T: +44(0)1494 532761 E: info.uk@teleflex.com www.teleflex.com

Prostate Cancer Support Association Kent & Dantec Dynamics Ltd The PCSA Kent and Dantec Dynamics are working together to support NHS sites in Kent providing Cancer Services with diagnostic equipment for their clinics. On July 29th 2015, thanks to their hard work and fundraising efforts, the PCSA was able to present Kent & Canterbury Hospital with the market leading DanFlow 1000 urine flow rate system. PCSA Kent intends to continue to grow its support capabilities by adding further units into other NHS sites in Kent offering Cancer Services. For more information on the PCSA please visit http://pcsakent.org/

Dantec Dynamics is a leading supplier of Urodynamics equipment in the UK and are delighted its DanFlow series of urine flow rate measurement systems have been chosen by the PCSA.All the staff at Dantec are honoured to have been able to support the PCSA. For further information contact: Dantec Medical T: +44 (0)1275 375333 E: medical@dantecdynamics.com www.dantecmedical.com

Sponsored Distribution: Urology News would like to thank Karl Storz GMBH & Co. KG for sponsoring the distribution of the magazine to the Mediterranean Urological Society. Companies wishing to find out about international distribution for Urology News, should contact Nova McMillan – email: nova@pinpoint-scotland.com – Tel: +44 (0)131 557 4184.


UROLOGY NEWS • V19(6) • SEP/OCT 2015


news and product update

Introducing EMTEVA, the world’s first environmentally friendly catheter Intermittent self catheterisation (ISC) catheter for females only. This catheter is manufactured from corn starch and is 100% biodegradable. The Emteva has a unique closing mechanism so the patient can decide in her own time when she is ready to void. This also has an innovative grip handle to help patients with poor manual dexterity. The Emteva is available on prescription, comes in discreet packaging, and is delivered to the patient in lightweight bags of 30. Emteva is another innovative product from the Hunter Urology range. To receive your free sample or place an order please contact Hunter Urology. For further information contact: Hunter Urology T: +44 (0)1404 44088 E: enquiries@hunterurology.com www.hunterurology.com

Cambridge Emergency Urology

Deakin Centre Addenbrooke’s Hospital 27 February 2016 Course Director: Miss Suzanne Biers Aimed at all levels of trainees: Foundation Drs, Clinical Fellows, CT’s, ST1+Urology, Accident & Emergency, GP Trainees 1 day of Lectures to cover all aspects of Emergency Urology: Acute scrotum, urinary retention, haematuria, renal colic, urinary tract trauma & infection, imaging for emergency urology, paediatric emergencies, post-operative emergencies Take part in the Hands-on Catheter Workshops: East of England Delegate Fee: £55 External Delegate Fee: £105 For further information contact: Angela Gray PGMC T: +44 (0)1223 274452 (4452) E: ajg203@medschl.cam.ac.uk www.cam-pgmc.ac.uk

THE KARL STORZ – HAROLD HOPKINS “GOLDEN TELESCOPE” AWARD The KARL STORZ-Harold Hopkins ‘Golden’ Telescope award, which consists of a cheque for £1,000 and a ‘Golden’ HOPKINS II telescope, was presented to this year’s recipient, Mr Tony Riddick at the BAUS Annual Congress in Manchester. Mr Riddick is pictured holding the award accompanied by Mr Mark Speakman, BAUS President, and Mr Luke Gordon, Urology Business Manager, KARL STORZ Endoscopy (UK) Ltd. The criteria for the award, adjudicated by a committee from the BAUS Council members, is ‘a urologist within ten years of their first consultants appointment, who has made a significant and lasting contribution to urology’. The purpose of the award is to recognise excellence in young urologists. Any Full Member of BAUS may nominate an individual for this award. Nominations must be received by 31st January each year, and should include a one-page citation and the curriculum vitae of the nominee. For further information contact: KARL STORZ Endoscopy (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0)1753 503500 F: +44 (0)1753 578124 E: info-uk@karlstorz.com www.karlstorz.com

HYACYST® 40 PFS ADDED TO RANGE Syner-Med is pleased to announce the launch of Hyacyst® 40 PFS, a new 40mg/50ml Sodium Hyaluronate Pre-Filled Syringe. Hyacyst® 120 PFS (120mg/50ml Sodium Hyaluronate) is also available as a higher concentration option when increased replenishment of the GAG layer is required. The PFS pack includes a catheter adapter to enable Hyacyst® PFS to be used with a wide variety of available catheters and is more convenient for health care professionals and patients who are self-instilling at home. Hyacyst® (Sodium Hyaluronate) is now approved for prescribing in the Community on FP10 prescriptions. In a recent study (Gülpinar, 2014), Hyacyst® 120mg/50ml was proven to be as effective as combination treatment (Ialuril®) in reducing symptoms in patients with IC/PBS. For further information contact: Syner-Med (Pharmaceutical Products) Limited T: +44 (0)20 8655 6380 E: mail@syner-med.com www.syner-med.com


UROLOGY NEWS • V19(6) • SEP/OCT 2015


news and product update

A New PicoSmart at Spire Norwich Hospital

New - PeniMaster® PRO PeniMaster®PRO is a NEW Penile Traction System from Germany distributed by iMEDicare with an anatomically self-adapting connection device for comfortable but secure fixation to the glans of the penis in order to be able to elongate the penis in connection with pulling force generators or a Belt System for discrete usage. The product is suitable for men of any age with a circumcised or uncircumcised penis, and matches each glans and, thus, penis size up to 30mm flaccid glans diameter. Mechanism of Action: Tissue Expansion. Clinical Applications: Penile Lengthening (True Micropenis / Post Surgical / Dysmorphobia) - Peyronie’s Disease Management. For further information contact: iMEDicare Ltd T: +44 (0)1923 237 7795 E: contact@imedicare.co.uk www.imedicare.co.uk

(L-R): Helen Cowell, Ralph Webb

For many years the hospital depended on Genesis Medical supporting their old Life-Tech urodynamic system. Good support is a most important consideration when choosing a urodynamic system and because of their experience they had no hesitation in buying a new PicoSmart from Genesis Medical. Mr Ralph Webb, Consultant Urologist, is delighted with the PicoSmart and commented that the software is even better than that of LifeTech. Helen Cowell, Staff Nurse, is delighted that the system is so intuitive and easy to learn. The PicoSmart has a large and growing number of users in the UK, who appreciate the system automatically generating test results in the format they have designed.

Gepan® instill has just been approved for drug tariff – another reason to choose the bladder instillation This development will make it easier for more patients to treat themselves at home, giving them freedom to manage their own condition and improve their quality of life. An innovative tip on the prefilled syringe means an adapter is not necessary in most cases; simply pop on the catheter and it’s ready to use. Gepan® instill is a non-viscous solution which flows into the bladder with minimal effort. The 0.2% chondroitin sulphate in it was shown in Madersbacher’s independent review (2013) to be the most effective GAG layer replenishment therapy for IC/PBS, radiation cystitis and recurrent bacterial cystitis. Garuder-Burmester (2009) concluded it was more effective than Tolterodine for OAB. And Nordling (2008) showed a positive rating from 82% of patient and 84% of doctors. For further information contact: Purple Orchid Pharma Ltd T: +44 (0)844 412 2420 E: info@purpleorchidpharma.com www.purpleorchirdpharma.com

For further information contact: Genesis Medical Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8451 4100 E: jo@genmedhealth.com www.genmedhealth.com

THE SURG-KARL STORZ “SILVER TELESCOPE” AWARD The SURG-KARL STORZ ‘Silver’ Telescope award was introduced to recognise commitment to and excellence in training and is awarded to a urologist who has made a considerable and lasting contribution to the training and development of trainees in the UK. The ‘Silver’ HOPKINS II telescope was presented to this year’s recipient, Mr Owen Hughes at the BAUS Annual Congress in Manchester by Mr. Richard Robinson, SURG chair. SURG members wishing to nominate an individual for future awards may do so through their regional SURG rep with the final decision being made by a panel of national SURG and BAUS representatives. For further information contact: KARL STORZ Endoscopy (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0)1753 503500 F: +44 (0)1753 578124 E: info-uk@karlstorz.com www.karlstorz.com


UROLOGY NEWS • V19(6) • SEP/OCT 2015 www.urologynews.uk.com

news and product update

UroNav* - Targeting higher precision and lower costs for prostate biopsies To overcome the limitations of current screening methods for prostate cancer, Invivo has developed UroNav, an image-guided stereotactic biopsy system that has the ability to improve the sensitivity and specificity of prostate biopsies. Ultrasound-only prostate biopsy (TRUS), commonly suffers from poor image resolution, and the biopsy needle often passes through tumor-free areas of the prostate – potentially missing the tumor entirely. UroNav is an image-guided stereotactic biopsy system used to detect prostate cancer within patients as an alternative to current blind or blind systematic biopsies. It uses multi- parametric magnetic resonance (mpMR) imaging, fused with live ultrasound (US) guidance in conjunction with electromagnetic (EM) tracking to plan, guide, and document prostate biopsies. By enabling earlier diagnosis, UroNav allows a broader array of treatment options, less complications for the patient, and a more cost-effective solution. *Not for distribution in the USA For further information contact: Invivo T: +44 0)7867 908926 E: alex.kypriotis@philips.com www.invivocorp.com/avs/UroNav.php

Quanta System - Cyber TM - Thulium:YAG laser Cyber TM (Thulium:YAG laser, 2 μm, 200W) brings its new contemporary design with improved features and double footswitch with instantaneous control of coagulation. It provides a high efficient cutting action with an effective coagulative effect thanks to a very low coagulation depth (0.1-0.2 mm). This is a unique laser system with versatile techniques for a BPH treatment of high effectivity (ThuLEP, ThuVEP, ThuVARP, ThuVAP). Benefits to surgeons include: high precision with extremely observable surgical effect, versatile techniques for effective procedures according to the size and morphology of the treated prostate, high-safety level thanks to high absorption in water and limited coagulation depth, clear surgical field with consistent power delivery, user friendly laser system. Benefits to patients include: ablation/vaporisation of target tissue not affecting the surrounding tissue area, low risk involved in haemostatic problems, catheterisation time reduction, hospitalisation time reduction, minor risks for patients with clotting problems. For further information contact: Quanta System S.p.A. T: +39 0331 376 797 F: +39 0331 367 815 E: mktg@quantasystem.com www.quantasystem.com

Successful Team! Darent Valley Hospital EndoSheath Technology

(L-R): Elaine Ritchie, Diane Pearce, Sophie Trent

When the hospital planned their new Urology Outpatients department they wanted cystoscopes that could cater for at least 12 patients in a list. Genesis Medical recommended that all they needed were two video cystoscopes and a Data Processing Unit. They follow the proven protocol for aseptically fitting and removing the sterile sheaths and within 5 minutes they are ready for the next patient. Up to 70 cystoscopies are performed per week with a total so far of over 4500 procedures. The savings for the trust are substantial. If they used standard cystoscopes they would have needed at least 15 instead of two. As they do not need a Washer Disinfector they save about £20 per cystoscopy. Perhaps best of all they keep full control within their department. For further information contact Genesis Medical Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8451 4100 E: jo@genmedhealth.com www.genmedhealth.com

News and Product Update is provided as a service to readers and does not imply endorsement by Urology News.

Introducing Multi-Gyn Multi-Gyn IntiSkin is a unique spray which delivers cooling and soothing relief when urinary disorders such as incontinence, cystitis and other conditions lead to inflammation or irritation of genital tissue. Multi-Gyn IntiSkin is a natural product based on a patented derivative of aloe vera called 2QR-complex, which blocks the binding sites of bacteria, preventing it from adhering to tissue where it could replicate and cause problems. Often during flare-ups of conditions such as cystitis, the vulva can develop rashes, inflammation, soreness or sensitivity. MultiGyn IntiSkin has a specially designed nozzle so that it delivers an equal droplet size mist from any angle, making it ideal to carry around and use whenever relief is desired. Also in the Multi-Gyn range are ActiGel – clinically proven to be as effective as antibiotics for treating Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). FloraPlus has 2QR plus prebiotics to effectively treat Thrush. For further information contact: Purple Orchid Pharma Ltd T: +44 (0)844 412 2420 E: info@purpleorchidpharma.com www.purpleorchirdpharma.com


UROLOGY NEWS • V19(6) • SEP/OCT 2015


APOPS advise patients where their nearest continence and pelvic floor specialists are located. Sharing ation on your practice helps women help themselves.

her information contact: C&G Medicare Ltd, (0)871 218 1233, ww.candgmedicare.com

news and product update

Urology Awareness Month Returns in September FoundationPack is marking its second Urology Awareness Month in Charriere The size Urology Length size September. We run this special campaign to raise awareness of urological 06Ch diseases of30cm all types, from30cancers to non-malignant conditions. We are inform the general public of the signs and symptoms of urology 08Ch looking to 30cm 30 disease so that they seek medical advice more quickly, hopefully improving 10Ch 30cm 30 outcomes for sufferers. Urology20cm Awareness Month is crucial to us educating people about the 08Ch 30 can pose to their quality of life, and it is for this 10Ch dangers that 20cmurology diseases 30 reason that we work so hard to champion the cause. 12Ch 20cm 30 The best way to help sufferers, however, is to improve treatment for 14Ch urology diseases, 20cm and that 30 is why we invest all the money we raise in UROMA14 01-48_URO Multi Doc master 20/02/2014 16:50 Page 46 professionals like you through vital research, training and education grants. 10Ch 40cm 30 We’re calling on urologists to help us raise awareness of urology 12Ch 40cm 30 14Ch






health throughout September. We are looking for TUF speakers; urology professionals who talk to patients and community groups about being aware of their urology health. You might also want to distribute TUF leaflets in your department or undertake a fundraising event for us. There are endless ways in which you can raise awareness of urology this September! If you would like more information about how you can get involved, visit theurologyfoundation.org For further information contact: Alastair Bayliss T: +44 (0)20 7713 9538 E: abayliss@theurologyfoundation.org www.theurologyfoundation.org

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UROLOGY NEWS • V19(6) • SEP/OCT 2015 www.urologynews.uk.com

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