SCANPAN . Amazing homemade soups.

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Soup Fantastic Homemade Soups




potato soup

1 tbsp. olive oil 1 kg potatoes 1 kg sweet potatoes 5 leeks (use the white part of the leek) 1 L vegetable stock 1 L water 3 cloves of garlic The juice of an organic lemon Salt and pepper butter-steamed leeks

The remainder of the 5 leeks (the green tops) 25 g butter A little water Salt and pepper butter-fried rye bread

4 slices rye without crust Butter Salt

potato soup

Peel both types of potato and cut them into smaller pieces. Rinse the leeks and cut the white part into rings. Peel and chop the garlic. Sauté all of the above in olive oil in a thick-based pan on medium heat for approx. 10 minutes, until tender. Pour in the water, stock and lemon juice, turn up the heat and bring the soup to the boil. Reduce the heat and let the soup simmer until the vegetables are completely soft, approx. 20 min. Blend the soup and season with salt and freshly ground pepper. butter-steamed leeks

Wash the green part of the leeks and chop into fine rings. Melt the butter in a pan. Once melted add a tbsp. of water. Add the leeks and put the lid on. Let the leeks steam for approx. 10 mins. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. butter-fried rye bread

Cut the rye slices into triangles. Melt the butter in a pan and fry the rye bread on a medium heat for approx. 10 min – turning occasionally. Add salt and pepper according to taste. Dry the triangles on a piece of kitchen roll. Serve. Pour the soup into bowls and arrange the buttersteamed leeks in the centre of each bowl of soup. Put a slice of fried rye on top, then a spoonful of creme fraiche and finally garnish with onion or fish roe. Finish with herbs on the top.


This saucepan series has been specially developed for ceramic and gas cookers. Robust – designed for the professional kitchen


Mussel Soup with Saffron Aioli SERVES 4 PREPARATION: APPROX. 1-2 HOURS


2 kg mussels 1 bottle of white wine 1.5 L water Whole peppercorns 2 x bay leaves Salt soup

1 x red chilli 3 cloves of garlic 2 cm fresh ginger 1 large onion 2-3 strands of saffron Olive oil 1/2 L cream Salt and pepper saffron aioli


Clean the mussels by rinsing them and removing the ‚beard‘. Discard any that do not close after a slight tap on the table. Put the mussels, salt, water and white wine in a pot together with the bay leaves and peppercorns. Put the lid on and cook until all the mussels are open, approx. 10 min. Discard any mussels that don’t open during cooking. soup

Chop the chilli, ginger, onions and garlic into cubes and sauté them in butter in a pan for approx. 10 min. Add the stock and reduce by approx. 1/3. Add the cream and heat for approx. 5 min. until almost boiling, while you season with salt and pepper. pancetta

Fry eight slices of pancetta in a hot pan until golden. Dry on a piece of kitchen roll. saffron aioli

Whisk the egg yolks with lemon juice, saffron and garlic. Whisk in the oil in a thin stream, until it develops a mayonnaise consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

1 clove of garlic (chopped)


6 x pasteurised egg whites (approx. 100 g)

Serve the soup in a soup bowl. In the centre of each bowl of soup place 2 tbsp. saffron aioli. Sprinkle with fried pancetta, add 3-4 mussels as garnish and finish with a sprinkle of dill.

The juice of an organic lemon Salt and pepper 2-3 strands of saffron 35 ml olive oil 70 ml rapeseed oil (a neutral oil) 8 slices pancetta dill


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cauliflower soup

2 kg cauliflower 2 leeks (sliced) 1 L vegetable stock 1 L cream The juice of an organic lemon

cauliflower soup

Wash the cauliflower and chop into smaller pieces and sauté in oil together with the leeks until they start to brown. Pour in the vegetable stock and cream so that the vegetables are just covered. Add the lemon juice and let it simmer on a medium heat for 15-20 min. covered with a lid. Pour in a little extra liquid if too much evaporates. Blend the soup until it is creamed. Season with salt and pepper.

Salt and pepper

cauliflower purée

Olive oil

Split the cauliflower into smaller florets. Cook ½ until soft in milk and cream, with a little added salt, for approx. 10 min. Pour away the liquid, but save some if the purée is too thick. Blend the cauliflower and season with butter, salt and pepper.

cauliflower purée with butterfried cauliflower florets

1 cauliflower 100 ml cream 100 ml milk Approx. 150 g butter Salt breadsticks

250 ml lukewarm water 1 tsp. Acacia honey 5 g yeast 1 tbsp. olive oil 300 g flour Salt

butter-fried cauliflower florets

Fry the other ½ of the cauliflower florets in a pan containing 50g of browned butter. Place to one side. breadsticks

Dissolve the yeast, honey and salt in lukewarm water. Then add olive oil, flour and salt. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic. Heat the oven to 220° for a fan oven (245° normal oven heat). Put the dough on a floured table and roll into a square, approx. 40 x 60 cm. Cut the dough into suitable strips (approx. 2-3 cm wide), put the strips on baking parchment and let them rise covered for 15 min. Brush or sprinkle with water and sprinkle sesame seeds over. Bake in the oven for approx. 7 min. Cool on a cooling rack. serve

Serve the soup in a soup bowl with a breadstick on the side, and garnish with cress. In a small bowl on the side, serve the cauliflower purée, and then place the small fried cauliflower florets on top.


The original saucepan series! A wonderful thick-based pan with perfect heat distribution



stock stock

Lobster stock (approx. 500 ml, can also be bought ready-made from a local fishmonger) 1 kg shells from Norwegian lobsters 1 kg fish bones, heads (ask your fishmonger) 1 bottle of white wine (e.g. Riesling) 2 L water 2 tbsp. tomato puree 1 onion (in small cubes) ½ tsp. smoked paprika Fresh thyme Oil soup

1 large onion 3 cloves of garlic Fresh thyme 1 tbsp. tomato puree 100 ml white wine 1/2 L cream Olive oil for sautéing The juice of an organic lemon Salt and pepper turbot

400 g turbot (or similar fish like brill, halibut or Victoriabars) 50 g butter Salt and pepper butter-fried bread

4 slices of bread Butter Salt Wood sorrel

Heat the oil in a large pan, and put the lobster shells in it. Crush the shells with a wooden spoon and fry for approx. 5 min until the shells are brown and burnished. Add the fish remains and paprika and fry for 2-3 min. Then add the other ingredients and let it simmer for at least 25 min. It is important to skim the foam regularly. Remove the saucepan from the heat and allow to stand for at least 10 mins. (but preferably a whole hour.) Sieve the stock twice. The first time through a fine sieve, and then through a cloth. soup

Peel and chop the onion, garlic and thyme before mincing and sautéing in olive oil. Add the white wine, tomato puree, lemon juice and fish stock and let the soup simmer on a high heat and without a lid for approx. 15 min. Reduce the soup by 1/3. Add the cream and season with salt and pepper. turbot

Remove the fish from the fridge around 30 min. before frying it. This retains the flavour and juices. Heat a pan to medium heat, dab the fish dry and fry the fish on the side where the bones were. Sprinkle with salt. Fry for a couple of min. Then dose the side of the fillets in plenty of the browned butter a couple of times, turn the fillets and then immediately remove from the pan. butter-fried bread

Melt the butter in a pan and fry the rye bread on a medium heat for 10 min – turning occasionally. Allow the bread to dry on a piece of kitchen roll or baking parchment. serve

Serve the soup in a deep soup bowl, and serve with two pieces of turbot. Place a slice of the toasted bread on the fish, and garnish with chilli sauce. Finish off with wood sorrel on the top.


sweet chilli sauce sweet chilli sauce

100 ml water 100 ml cane sugar 2 whole garlic bulbs

Heat the sugar and water, until the sugar is dissolved. Finely chop the chilli, ginger and garlic and put it together with the vinegar and soya in the sugar syrup. Stir well and allow to simmer for 20-30 min. Blend and put in hot glasses then refrigerate.

50 g fresh ginger 100 ml apple cider vinegar 2 x red chilli 100 ml soya PRO IQ SAUCEPAN 6 L

A wonderful aluminium pan with a steel finish, optimum base thickness – specially developed for induction



Chicken Soup SERVES 4-6 PREPARATION: APPROX. 3 HOURS If you are making both meat and dough balls, allow more time

soup soup

2 x chicken carcasses 4 x large veal bones (not required if you want a traditional chicken soup) Please note: the bones provide optimum flavour and this stock can also be used in the beetroot soup on page 12.

6 L water 1 small celery 4 carrots 1 leek 4 stalks of thyme Salt and 10 whole peppercorns soup greens

1 leek 2 carrots 1 small celery dough balls

60 g butter 100 g flour 200 ml water 2 eggs Salt and white pepper meat balls

250 g pork mince or chopped veal and bacon 1 egg 1.5 tbsp. flour 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion Salt and pepper

Wash the vegetables and chop them into smaller pieces. Place the chicken carcasses and bones in a large pan and cover with water. Add the vegetables together with the thyme and whole peppercorns. Allow to simmer for approx. 3 hours and regularly skim, so the soup is clear. Remove the meat and vegetables and skim one last time before sieving the soup through a cloth. soup greens

Wash and dice the vegetables. Put the vegetables in the soup and cook them until tender. The soup is ready to serve. If desired, make dough and meatballs to add to the soup. dough balls

Bring the butter and water to boil in a pan, add the flour and thoroughly whisk till you have an even dough. Whisk the salt and pepper into the dough, and remove the pan from the heat. Let the dough cool a little, and then whisk in the eggs, one at a time. Put the dough in a piping bag. Pipe the dough balls into a suitable size – alternatively shape the dough balls with a spoon. Put the dough balls in slightly salted water and let them simmer gently just below boiling point for 5-7 minutes. Remove the dough balls with a perforated spoon and cool them in ice water for a couple of minutes. Remove them and dry them off in a colander. Carefully heat the dough balls in the soup just before serving, WITHOUT boiling. meatballs

Mix all the ingredients together and leave them to stand for 30 minutes. Shape the mince into small balls with 2 teaspoons and cook them in slightly salted water for approx. 5 minutes. Remove with a skimmer and put aside for serving. Carefully heat the meatballs in the soup before serving, WITHOUT boiling. Serve with some delicious bread, such as the focaccia on page 15.


A wonderful thick-based steel pan of a high quality, with optimum heat distribution, which is easy to clean


Beetroot Soup with beef brisket SERVES 4-6 (GENEROUS PORTIONS) PREPARATION: APPROX. 1 HOUR Preparation time applies to the soup, but can be started the day before

beetroot soup soup

2 onions 2 parsnips 450 g potatoes 400 g beetroot 1 L chicken stock (see recipe page 11) 1 L water 1 x red chilli Olive oil Salt and pepper braised brisket

800 g beef brisket 350 ml red wine 350 ml water Salt and pepper Olive oil brine for beetroot balls and red onions

6 x star anise (whole) 200 ml vinegar 200 ml water 200 ml cane sugar pickled beetroot balls

4-6 beetroots ½ of the above brine anise-pickled red onions

4-6 red onions ½ of the above brine

Heat the oil in a large pan and sauté the chopped onion and chilli. Peel, chop and add the potatoes, parsnips and beetroot and fry for 5-10 min. Add the stock and water, so it covers the vegetables. Cook under a lid for 30 min. or until the beets are tender. Blend the soup until smooth and season with salt and pepper. Let the soup stand and simmer on a low heat while you prepare the remainder. braised brisket

Can be made the day before. Heat the oil in a pan and brown the breast. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the red wine into the pan and cover the meat. Allow the meat to simmer for approx. 1.5 hours on a low heat. Turn the meat after an hour and cook until tender. Check with a roasting thermometer. It should be 80° in the middle. Remove the foam if necessary. When the meat has finished cooking, remove from the pan and allow the meat to draw in the stock for 1.5 hours. Cut the meat into strips and add to the soup or serve on plates with the brisket in the centre. beetroot balls and anise-pickled red onions

Wash and peel the beetroot, dice or make small balls with a melon baller and put in a sterilised pickle jar. If you use mini beetroot, simply peel. Wash and chop the onion into small wedges and put them in a sterilised pickle jar. Heat the star anise, vinegar, water and sugar in a pan and bring to the boil quickly. Pour ½ of the warm brine in each jar, seal and allow to pickle for 1 day or until the soup is ready to serve. serve

Serve the soup in a soup bowl, add the brisket and re-heat if cold. Take the small pickled beetroot and place them randomly in the soup. Place the anise-pickled red onions on the brisket and finish off with chervil. Serve with bread. See the bread recipes on page 15.



Classic steel pan with internal measurements and an optimum base with aluminium core



Bread for Soup 1 L cold water 100 g yeast 300 g durum flour 1.2 kg white flour 3 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. salt

Stir the yeast into cold water and add to the rest of the ingredients. Stir the dough with a fork or cooking spoon, it should have a sticky consistency. Leave the dough to rise for 1 hour in the fridge. Sprinkle durum flour on the table and pour the dough onto the flour. Knead the dough together with some of the durum flour. The durum flour makes the sticky dough easy to work with. Split into baking tins, such as mini pans, muffin shapes or shape the dough into one large bread in a pan. Bake the bread in the oven at approx. 230° for approx. 12 min ( in small shapes). The baking time depends on how much dough you are baking.

Focaccia Bread with Rosemary 50 g yeast 1 L cold water 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. salt 2 tbsp. olive oil Approx. 500 g durum flour Approx. 1 kg flour Fresh rosemary

Dissolve the yeast in cold water, add the rest of the ingre­dients and knead the dough well. Make sure you knead the dough for as long as possible as this makes it more elastic. Allow the dough to rise under a cover in the fridge for 1 day. Carefully pour out the raised dough into a 39 x 27 cm roasting pan and leave to rise for another 30 minutes. Pour the olive oil over the dough’s surface, then using the handle of a wooden spoon, make deep holes in the dough and sprinkle with rosemary and sea salt. Bake in the oven at 185° for approx. 30 min. – preferably with 100 ml water. at the bottom of the oven. Allow the bread to cool on a rack, before breaking or cutting into suitable pieces. You can also bake the bread as small rolls in e.g. mini pan or in a larger muffin tin. This would reduce the oven time.

Together with a wonderful Danish chef, we have conjured up an exciting selection of gorgeous Nordic soups – including two perfect breads as accompaniment. René Stenholt is a professional chef, who for the last 25 years has cooked from the heart. His lifelong passion for cooking means he believes that everything he does should as far as possible be homemade. His priority is always good taste, but also finds room for innovative thinking and creations.

© Copyright SCANPAN Marketing Denmark / 001784

Gastronomic enthusiast

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