Mooji Tribute - Random Quotes

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Relax and enjoy the spectacle of existence

No Ownership Mooji is the acknowledged author of quotes appearing here. I have no claim, copyright, ownership or rights of use to words or images and take none. This selection is prepared as a tribute, free of use, with all rights reverting back to Mooji. All Mooji’s works belong under his licens� ing and copyright. This small token of tribute was under� taken arising out the joy that Mooji has brought to me personallly through his clearing away of the veil of ‘I’. It is meant to be shared and serve the heart with joy. There are no commercial aspects to this. Please enjoy in love and bliss.

Thank You! Learn more about Mooji at:


This small book of personal favorite quotes from Mooji is dedicated to his clear and powerful teachings that have provided fresh discoveries in the inquiry ‘Who Am I’ . Without the pointers provided by Mooji, consciousness may have not awakened to ‘I Am That’.

All of this is the play of consciousness. You see from the ever perfect state.

Consciousness is the experiencer, that which is being experienced and the very function or act of experience

The is cannot be known. That which is beyond all and is not here now in the foreground. These are concepts that appear in consciousness. You are That. You cannot know That.

The idea of living life is a myth, there is no life and us, we are life Life is living us ďż˝ consciousness and life are one ďż˝ synonymous.

The question "Who am I?" I call it my piranha question. It eats up the questioner

Because you recognize and are confirmed in your real nature, you will not need to dominate others, nor cringe before them. This is compassion.

Your life is unfolding naturally. Leave it be! It does not need any help. Stay as neutral awareness.

The dream, the loop of existence only goes onward, not forward

what isďż˝ the birthplace of experience that which experience is experience

Some people say 'How can I get balance?' Forget about it, forget about it and be. And in your intuitive beingness everything comes to natural alignment by itself.

What remains? A nonspoken answer. It simply is ‘What is’ is perceived by what? What is cannot be known, not by knowledge, which is dualistic. There is nothing to make the statement ‘What is?’

Hand your existence over to existence. Mooji’s web site has a bounty of goodness with schedules, videos, dialogue and photo galleries. Please visit and enjoy.

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