Reflections: A Journal of Psi Upsilon History – Psi Upsilon Foundation 2023

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Willard Fiske,

Psi 1851, Hamilton College

FIRST EDITOR OF THE DIAMOND By Chrisopher Lawrance Tang ESQ, Gamma Tau ‘01 (Georgia Tech) Leadership emerges not only from on high and authority but also from individuals with strong vision and willingness to do good works. Our history boasts publication of the first fraternity magazine in 1850, and yet that periodical did not begin the beloved Diamond that all Psi U’s know. The original publication by the Delta chapter lasted for only one year in 1850, but had a profound effect on young brother Willard Fiske, Psi 1851 (Hamilton), still in his undergraduate years.

rightfully boasted years of research. The first year of issues omitted attribution to Fiske. However, you can see Fiske’s fingerprints everywhere from opening with song lyrics through the regular feature of the oral history of the founders within the first year, though all brothers of the time knew of his involvement. That first year, much like the modern Diamond, the publication concerned itself with the past, present, and future of Psi U...documenting not only history but also current gatherings and providing resources for the membership. Though the magazine boasted the prodigious experience of these two men and quality content, its success held no guarantee. As early as the first issue Brother Bacon implores the reader that nine more subscriptions were needed to break even and if possible if brothers considered a year’s subscription for $1.00.

Almost thirty years later Brother Willard found himself the foremost scholar of Psi Upsilon in his day. He already composed multiple of our beloved songs and delivered an oral history of our founding at the convention of 1876. The Convention of 1877 invested him with the responsibility of editing the catalog of the current membership and he continued work on what would become his Bibliographica Psiupsilona. At that same convention, Brother Charles P. Bacon, Chi ‘82 (Cornell), editor and publisher of the Elmira Daily, recommended Brother Willard to cast the vote on behalf of the graduates.

Fortunately for all of us, the Diamond soon became an institution. A few short months later in May 1878, the national Convention hosted by the Upsilon chapter recognized the value of the Diamond and approved it as the official publication not only of a few chapters but of the fraternity as a whole. Although brother Willard remained a frequent contributor to the Diamond and the fraternity, his life soon began a new chapter. Within a year after publication, he took a sabbatical from Cornell to travel abroad and ultimately never resided in the United States permanently again. During those travels Fiske obtained the books he donated to Cornell, beginning the worldfamous Fiske Dante collection. His journeys led him to Jennie McGraw with their infamous romance and marriage. Daniel Willard Fiske passed away in 1905 leaving a sizable bequest to the fraternity and lies in rest alongside his wife Jennie Fisk at Cornell. The publications of Psi Upsilon like the Beacon, and Reflections continue the mission he began bringing the news of our society and keeping disparate brothers connected through print and the ever-changing landscape of media.

Over the course of the next year, brothers Bacon and Fiske conspired to bring about a new periodical to serve the brotherhood. Professor Fiske, no stranger to publication, began his post-college career as the secretary for the American Geographical Society and editor of the Syracuse Journal. Willard Fisk, Psi 1851, From 1857-61 he Hamilton College served as one of the editors of Chess Monthly. Now he held the position of professor and librarian at Cornell University where he aided and mentored the fledgling Xi chapter.

SOURCES •Convention records of 1877 and 1878 pdf#search=Convention%201878 • .pdf#search=Convention%201877 •First issue of the Diamond - The-Diamond-of-Psi-Upsilon_Feb_1878.pdf#search=Diamond%20February%201878 •The Passionate Collector: Willard Fiske, published by the University of Cornell Library

In February of 1878, the first issue of the Diamond arrived in the homes of brothers nationwide. The Diamond


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