Prime Movers Q3

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PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS WESTERN REGION - SAUDI ARABIA JEDDAH CHAPTER Chartered 1995 Registered Community Organization at the Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah, K.S.A.


Jeddah PriME MovErs V O L U M E

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J U L Y — S E P T E M B E R

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PSME - WRSA GET TOGETHER – 2012 By: Engr. Joel A. Santos

Vice President LEE I. BONIFACIO, ME Secretary VACANT Treasurer RUFINO I. SIENES, ME Auditor JOSEPH MAR D. ADRIAS, ME Press Relation Officer RODRIGO C. LOFAMIA, ME Membership Director DANIEL A. MAGAYANO, PME Technical Affairs Director ROEL ALFON G. BANAWIS, ME Plant Tours Director JEMUEL B. ESGUERA, ME External Affairs Director JEFFREY C. ESPERANZA, ME Internal Affairs Director JULIUS Q. GARCIA, ME Prof. Enhancement Director CRISOSTOMO C. ORTIZ, ME Sports Director

The PSME-WRSA Jeddah Chapter and the PSMEWRSA Toastmasters Club # 6899 held a ‘Get Together” activity at Al Katan Beach Resort in Shoiba last 14th of September, 2012. This is a yearly activity conducted by the chapter that coincides with the birthday celebration of our vice president, Engr. Jaime L. Leviste. Since the month of January, 2012, the PSME-WRSA Jeddah Chapter conducted numerous activities, having offered 8th Technical seminars as part of its continuing professional education program to uplift the technical knowhow of the general membership, to give updates on the latest product available in the market through

product presentation, com munication and leadership training through the PSMEWRSA Toastmasters Club, Sports activities and latest is the “Get Together”. This were made possible through the efforts of VP Engr. Jimmy,Pres. Engr. Nap & the PSME-WRSA Toastmasters.


Editors Note


President’s Message


3rd Quarter Highlights


Technical Corner


12-13 14-16

IÑIGO A. ERSANDO, ME Code of Ethics Director JOEL A. SANTOS, ME Information Technology Director ENRICO I. DELGADO, ME Yanbu/ Rabigh APU Coordinator RAINIER P. PATAWI, ME

Immediate Past President

PAST PRESIDENTS 2010 - Joselito L. Bentulan, PME

2002 - Juan U. Berbie, PME

2009 - Julio D. Caringal, PME

2001 - Dionesio A. Lora, Jr., PME

A Success Story w/ Technical Aspects

2008 - Froilan G. Miro, PME

2000 - Wilfredo R. Ruiz, PME

Health Corner

2007 - Joselito A. Arellano, PME

1999 - Filemon E. Agulo, PME

2006 - Willie C. Leoncio, PME

1998 - Danilo V.Gercio, PME

2005 - Ernesto C. Cala, PME

1997 - Rene C. Bernales, PM.E.

2004 - Wilfredo R. Ruiz, PME

1996 - Rene Y. Logarta, M.E.


Toastmasters Page 17-19 Guest Contributor/ A Click of Message Away


Sports page/ Jokes





“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and become more, you are a leader!” John Quincy Adams 6th U.S. President

Share your resources & article contribution to fulfill our theme. For any comment or suggestion, & contribution for our Newsletter contact the Editor - in - Chief or send e-mail at

Editor’s Note Time runs fast and I am now writing the third issue of the Jeddah PriME MovErs, the official Newsletter of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers, Western Region, Saudi Arabia, Jeddah Chapter (PSME –WRSA). The start of the third quarter saw the chapter successfully hurdled the challenges of its existence by conducting a well attended 2012 Mid-Year Convention and General Membership Assembly held at La Parilla Restaurant on July 13, 2012. The event featured three (3) seminars and product presentation namely: Exclusive Technical and Product Presentation on Fuji Elevators and Escalators by Engr. Syed Nassir Uddin, Practical Design for Power Systems for Industrial Applications by Engr. Nelson L. Baraga, PEE and Point of use (POU) Water Treatment

System by Engr. Ray B. Bautista. Since the start of the term of the current president of the PSME-WRSA, Jeddah Chapter, Napoleon M. Cepriaso, PME who has been a long time officer and board of director of the chapter since it was chartered in 1994, the general membership has been offered seminars related to electrical engineering. This is to enrich the knowledge of mechanical engineers to deal with electrical problems most especially encountered by engineers who are working in the factories and other industrial plants. As one senior mechanical engineer would often say, "You should know at least something of everything. Mechanical and electrical Engineering are like brothers in profession. They always go side by side with its other. As a token gesture due to a positive and popular demand from the seminar

This term of our chapter president Engr. Nap who finds even time to be active in toasmastering reminds us of the words from the 6th U.S. President, John Quincy Adams who said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and become more, you are a Leader! The editor wish to thank all those who contributed articles, ideas and insights that made the re-launching of the Jeddah PriME MovErs Newsletter successful. I humbly apologize if in some issues of the Newsletter some people or groups in the pictures or captions were not properly identified in their affiliations. It was not done intentionally.

Thank You!


Ms. Angeli Ros Alcovindas


Napoleon M. Cepriaso, PME

GUEST CONTIBUTORS *************************


Engr. Tas Grajo


Engr. Ace Glen B. Garcia


Engr. Jaime L. Leviste


attendees, a follow-up 8th Technical seminar was offered by the chapter on “Seminar Wokshop on Practical Design for Mechanical Engineers and Technicians with a bonus Electrical Safety seminar.




“Mechanical Engineers Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”






President’s Message Greetings to all! Welcome to this year’s third issue of PSME-WRSA’s quarterly issue of the Jeddah PriMe MovErs.


I was preparing this message when I got surprise “attack” from our brothers-in-profession who are inclined to disrupt our existence in Jeddah. The sad part is that, our efforts to help our distressed countrymen in the Philippines brought about by the recent flood there was undermined. Nevertheless, we are not bothered by this recurring action against our solid group as we firmly believe in our noble mission and in preserving the integrity of our profession. In spite of this “attack”, Our “Operation Habagat” went on successfully and our donation was sent to the concerned beneficiary in the Philippines (Ople Center),

thru CP Nildo Tan, Jr, FPME. Thanks to all those who supported this noble project and I highly commend the efforts of our newly-appointed External Affairs Director, Engr. Jemuel Esguerra. Our Mid-Year Convention held at La Parilla Restaurant last July 13th was a full success and allow me to express my sincere gratitude to all the attendees with my special appreciation to those who came from Jizan, Yanbu and Rabigh who travelled all the way just to participate in this event. Thanks to all your support and be assured that PSME-WRSA, Jeddah Chapter will abide in its commitment to serve the general membership to the best of its ability and resources. Thanks also to our generous sponsors: Gulf Elevators and Escalators Co., thru efforts of Engr. Roel Alfon Banawis; Fawaz Group (SKM Air Conditioning Co.) thru the efforts of the president, and the technical speakers: Engr. Syed Nasir Uddin of Gulf Elevators Co., on Fuji and Hitachi Elevators and Escalators Product and Technical Presentation; Engr. Nelson Baraga, PEE and past president of IIEE-WRCSA on Practical Design of Power Systems for Industrial Applications; and, Engr. Ray Bautista, president of Argo Navis Corporation on Point-of-Use (POU) Water Treatment Systems. Door prizes were drawn and all members had a chance to take home consolation and major prizes. The highlight was the first prize winner of one window air conditioning unit (courtesy of SKM), Engr. Gerry Renta Jr. I wish to personally thank the participation of Engr. Enrico Delgado (APU Director for Rabigh and Yanbu) and his delegation for their continued support to our beloved chapter. By the way, PSME-WRSA has supported the basketball tournament held in Rabigh upon the request of Engr. Delgado. We donated a trophy that was awarded to the champion team. Our hectic schedule did not prevent us from participating in sports events. We participated at the 6th KAMC Invitational Bowling Tournament which was held at Iceland Lanes last July 6th. The PSMEWRSA PriMEmovers bowling team has made it to 4th place in the team overall standing, with PP Engr. Julio Caringal garnering the 3rd highest point in the tournament. Let us congratulate the efforts of the PriMEmovers team captain, Engr. Rod Lofamia who’s got also a high score in the game. In the PPO (Philippine Professionals Org.) fun game bowling tournament at Iceland last July 20th, the PSME-WRSA PriMEmovers bowling team group 2 was the 2nd runner-up, while the group 1 was the 5th runner-up. We got also the 2nd place award for best in banner. Thanks to the efforts of Sports Director, Engr. Cris Ortiz “Mechanical Engineers Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”






President’s Message



Continued from pg. 3 and the participation of our muse, Engr. Liza Acosta. The game was full of fun although it was the first day of the holy month of Ramadan. A tennis clinic was held at the Trio Ranch last Aug. 9th with PP Engr. Julio Caringal as the mentor. The clinic was arranged by Engr. Chris Ortiz and Engr. Julius Garcia. All the participants were good tennis players in various classes, including PP Engr. Lito Bentulan. The highlight of the tennis clinic was a one-on-one match between the president and Engr. Chris who were both amateur in this game. By chance, the president won the game. The upcoming SPLBE in October, to coincide with the Hajj holidays, will be held in Riyadh and Al Khobar as per directive from the PRC in the implementation of EO 835 signed by the former president Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Thanks to the efforts of the officers and board of directors of PPO-WRSA (Philippine Professional Organization-Western Region of Saudi Arabia) of which PSMEWRSA is a pioneering member. Let us give whatever support and assistance to all our ME examinees who will go to Riyadh to take the exams. I personally wish them all the best of luck. I highly appreciate the efforts of the Jeddah Review Center under the management of PP Engr. Willy Ruiz, and the efforts of our Professional Enhancement Director, Engr. Julius Garcia, in facilitating the exam requirements in close coordination with the PPO-WRSA president, Engr. Yusoph Admain of IIEE-WRCSA. For everyone’s info, PSME-WRSA has extended its heartfelt condolence to the family of DILG Sec. Jesse M. Robredo. The recent plane crash in our country lead to his untimely demise. He is a great loss to our nation’s effort in implementing good governance in public service. As requested by IPP Engr. Rainier Patawi, our official condolence message was handed over by Ms. Susan Ople (president of Ople Center) while she was at the vigil with Atty. Leni Robredo in Naga City. Sec. Jesse is a fellow mechanical engineer. As scheduled, this year’s 8th technical seminar went on successfully at the New Jedaani Hospital lecture room last Aug. 31st. By popular demand last Mid-Year Convention, Engr. Nelson Baraga (past president of IIEE-WRCSA) has presented a detailed presentation and workshop on “Practical Design of Power Systems for Mechanical Engineers and Technicians”. A bonus presentation on “Electrical Safety for Home, Office and Workplace” was voluntarily offered by Engr. Edwin Apacionado, current president of IIEE-WRCSA. PSME-WRSA extend its appreciation to the efforts of our fellow engineers in the electrical engineering profession. Finally, I am again soliciting the support of everyone for the preparations to the upcoming Annual Convention planned on the last Friday of November or first Friday of December. We need to solicit more sponsors; hence, your help is highly appreciated and will be rewarded. Let us help each other to make this event a full success. God bless PSME-WRSA. Mabuhay po tayong lahat.

Engr. Napoleon M. Cepriaso, PME 2012 Chapter President “Mechanical Engineers Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”






Maintain integrity of the Mechanical

Engineering Profession 2. Promote excellence in the practice of the Profession 3. Develop among members high ideals of competence, ethical conduct, integrity and civic consciousness 4. Contribute to the enhancement of Science and Technology 5. Foster cordial, harmonious and promote fellowship and cooperation among Mechanical Engineers globally.


OATH OF MEMBERSHIP I, __________________________________ After having been accepted as a member of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME), Western Region, Saudi Arabia, Jeddah Chapter, do hereby solemnly swear, that I will defend the constitution and By-Laws of the Society, that I impose upon myself the aforementioned duties and obligations voluntarily and with out reservations and purpose of evasion. So help me God.

3RD Quarter Highlights - Mid - Year Convention 2012





“Mechanical Engineers Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”








A Tribute to Drs. Martin Fleishmann and Eugene Mallove By: Engr. Tas A. Grajo Life Member - PSME-WRSA, Jeddah Chapter

A few weeks ago (or is it months), Engr. Napoleon M. Cepriaso, the current President of PSME-WRSA, Jeddah Chapter wrote an article in the chapters newsletter (Jeddah PriME Movers) entitled “Invest Hard-Earned Money in Hard Money” citing Palladium and Platinum as a vehicle of investment. I agree fully on President’s Nap (as everyone calls him) on the idea. However, the value of these metals goes far beyond their investment potentials. These two(2) metals have already opened the golden gate of free energy, energy that could save planet earth from the destruction brought about by the use of fossil and nuclear fuels during the last century. When we are finally free from oil and nulear fuels, it is but proper to look back and recall the sacrifices and greatness of Drs. Eugene Mallove, Martin Fleishmann and Stanley Pons. Unfortunately, Dr. Fleishmann passed away last August 3, 2012 and Eugene Mallove, sometime in April 2004, with out seeing the fruits of their labors. On March 23,1989, Doctors Martin Fleishman and Stanley Pons announced at the University of Utah about their discovery of what is now popularly known as COLD FUSION. Simply put, the pair was able to produce nuclear reaction in a bottle at relatively low temperature (under ambient conditions) using Palladium and Platinum immersed in Deuterium (Hard Water). Their announcement was met with disdain and vitreous attack not only in the press but also from fellow scientist. Many arguments were put forward including: the measurement were flawed; if it is nuclear, the two scientist would have died due to radiation but they were still alive; the idea was all against what have been learned and taught in the last 50 years; and that, in order to create fusion would require the equivalent of the heat of the sun; that the concept violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (You can not get out much what you put in). Even the prestigious learning centers like the MIT and CALTECH submitted reports that contradicted the findings of PONS and Fleishmann. The bush (the father) administration commissioned a high level body to investigate the claim. Unfortunately, the body was composed of scientists who were apparently afraid to lose the

funding of an on-going experiment using HOT FUSION which has not produced even an iota of excess energy despite the massive investment and infrastructure that was put into the project. Fortunately for the world, a nuclear scientist and MIT’s communications director at the time got hold of the original experimental results and was aware of the shameful conduct of those tasked to do the investigation. He resigned in disgust and through his own initiative exposed the anomalous treatment given the two scientists and revealed to the world the true facts. He wrote articles in defense of cold fusion, the most famous of which was “Fire from Water”. This book became the basis of the film’The Saint”. Eugene Mallove’s work was cut short by his death. He was found murdered in April 2004 by the occupants of his mothers boarding house. The investigation, like many other investigations in the murder of advocates of free energy like Stanley Meyers did not provide the real motive for the murder. In spite of Mallove’s death, many scientist and laboratories around the world pursued the work of Fleishmann and Pons. Among these were prestigious laboratories as Los Alamos Laboratories, Spawar, and many others. Many experiments failed to replicate the results of Fleishmann and Pons experiment. At most, only 3 of 5 experiments showed nuclear reactions. The criticism therefore,

“Mechanical Engineers Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”




Cont. from pg.5 (A Tribute) Continued and the wok has been branded as "Pathological Science”. However, more scientist came forward with findings that validated the work of Fleishmann and Pons. At the time of Mallove’s death, there were at least 17 laboratories and renowned scientist who confirmed or replicated the work of Fleishmann and Pons. (Los Alamos Laboratories, Spawar, etch.) Famous names in the scientific community also came out to confirm the cold fusion as real, among whom are: John Bockris, a world renowned chemist, Michael McKube of SRI, Edmund Storms, a retired senior scientist at Los Alamos Laboratories, Tom Valone and many more. Lately, the chief NASA scientist and one of the vocal scientists against cold fusion came out in support of its validity. Even MIT and CALTECH, the two universities who wrote derogatory remarks early on are now on board and are promoting cold fusion as a new science. However, to ease the burden of the dirty work done earlier, new names are being given to cold fusion. Some use Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reaction and E-CAT. The name may have changed but the fact remains that the process is a nuclear reaction with little or no radioactive by-product but produces enormous amount of heat that no chemical reaction is capable of producing. This story can fit 175-225 words.

If your newsletter is folded and Fast Forward to the Present:

mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, it’s a good idea to make it several companies are racing easy to read at a glance.


Temperature after initial pre-heating. He is using nickel and hydrogen nickel and hydrogen plus a secret catalyst to power his device. He has already delivered a one megawatt plant to suspected military buyer. On his heels, a Greek company called Defkalion Technologies, supposed to be a previous partner of Andrea Rossi’s is also conducting tests on their own device using Rossi’s technology except with out a catalyst. Francisco Piantelli, a retired professor at the University of Bologna is preparing his own invention, also based on hydrogen-nickel technology. At least ten individuals or companies are recently getting into the act including Brillouin Technologies with their Controlled Electron Capture Reactor and Power who claims to produce a new type of hydrogen which they call hydrino. All the above are based on the Fleishmann - Pons technology of producing high temperatures under ambient conditions. It is very unfortunate that Martin Fleishmann passed away last August 3, 2012 with out the recognition that he deserves. Had he lived a few more months or a year, products derived from his discovery would probably be in the market place and would have taken to his grave the world’s gratitude for his pioneering work. Rest in Peace Dr. Fleishmann and Dr. Mallove. I am sure special places in heaven have been reserved for you.

to refer your readers to any other forms of communication you’ve Aboutthat the Contributor: created for your organization.

You can also use this space to remind Engr. Tas A. Grajo was a very active member of Today, to be the readers to mark their calendars for a Jeddah Chapter when he was still PSME-WRSA, first in the market to introduce cold fusion de-event, such as a breakfast regular question and answer session is a in Jeddah. He has returned to the Philippines for vices thatA will change the world so radically that meeting for vendors every third good way to quickly capture the atgoodorand enjoying his retirement. He is an advosome liken it toof the discovery of fire or the in- of the month, Tuesday a biannual tention readers. You can either charity auction. cate of free energy from the works of Tesla and vention of the wheel. compile questionsTo thatdescribe you’ve re- the phenomethe succeeding generation of scientists mentioned non as a ceived new industrial a misIf space is available, this is a good since the last revolution edition or youwill be in art thisimage article. place days to insert a clip or His vast knowledge of an idea in can summarize generic quesnomer because whatsome we will see one of this the field of free energy is worth looking into for some other graphic. tions that areof frequently asked about is the elimination fossil fuels as the world’s your organization. further development to those who are interested. energy source. The devices that will come-out A listing of names and titles of manag- and easy will be non-polluting, safe, affordable ers in your organization is a good way His e-mail: to manufacture. to give your newsletter a personal or touch. If your organization is small, Very recently, Andrea Rossi, using his device you may want to list the names of all

called eCAT, claims to have produced heat at employees. around 1000 deg. C prices and can be sustained at that If you have any of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those here. You may want

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”





An evaporative cooler (also swamp cooler, desert cooler and wet air cooler) is a device that cools air through the evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling differs from typical air conditioning systems which use vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycles. Evaporative cooling works by employing water's large enthalpy of vaporization. The temperature of dry air can be dropped significantly through the phase transition of liquid water to water vapor (evaporation), which can cool air using much less energy than refrigeration. In extremely dry climates, evaporative cooling of air has the added benefit of conditioning the air with more moisture for the comfort of building occupants. Unlike closed-cycle refrigeration, evaporative cooling requires a water source, and must continually consume water to operate. In figure 1 you will see how the evaporative cooling works.

Figure 1. Evaporative Evaporative cooling is a physical phenomenon in which evaporation of a liquid, typically into surrounding air, cools an object or a liquid in contact with it. Latent heat, the amount of heat that is needed to evaporate the liquid, is drawn from the air. When considering water evaporating into air, the wet-bulb temperature which takes both temperature and humidity into account, as compared to the actual air temperature (dry-bulb temperature), is a measure of the potential for evaporative cooling. The greater the difference between the two temperatures, the greater the evaporative cooling effect. When the temperatures are the same, no net evaporation of water in air occurs, thus there is no cooling effect. The wet-bulb temperature is essentially the lowest temperature which can be attained by evaporative cooling at a given temperature and humidity. A simple example of natural evaporative cooling is perspiration, or sweat, secreted by the body, evaporation of which cools the body. The amount of heat transfer depends on the evaporation rate, however for each kilogram of water vaporized 2,257 kJ of energy (about 890 BTU per pound of pure water, at 95°F) are transferred. The evaporation rate depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, which is why sweat accumulates more on hot, humid days, as it does not evaporate fast enough.

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”




Many parts of the world address their hot weather problems by taking advantage of evaporative cooling solutions. Cooling towers are a good example of how evaporative cooling can provide relief to those suffering from the burden of heat. In Figure 2 you will see the cooling tower flow configuration.

Figure2. Cooling Tower Flow Configuration

Advantages of Evaporative Cooling Effects of Cooling Towers  Generally have lower initial first costs than refrigerated systems.  Less greenhouse gas production.  Lower running costs than refrigerated systems.  Lower energy usage  Allows flow through ventilation, with plenty of fresh air  No CFC's or HFC's (ie. no OZONE DEPLETION)  In dry areas, the higher humidity is beneficial The wet filter pads filter the air. As the hot air passes over the cooling coils, the air cools while the heat transfers to water. As the water evaporates in the tower, the removal of energy from the water leaves it at a colder temperature. The water returns back to the top of the tower to repeat the cycle, and the cold air moves downward in the tower creating a flow of cold air to the area that requires cooling. A blower then directs air flo

Conclusion: The cooling towers installed on the building that cools the chillers, AHUs, and FCUs connected in the system can have additional advantages by using its evaporative cooling effect. For example putting evaporative cooling towers in the basement not only saves money by using no or less HVAC equipments in the basement and less energy consumption but also it produces less pollution which will benefit the people, economy, and environment. This kind of design strategies can have significant contribution in designing our buildings and projects to become GREENER.

About the contributor: Engr. Ace Glenn B. Garcia was an ex- BOD of PSME-WRSA Jeddah Chapter. He is a LEED Associate and has good experience in green building technology. He left the Kingdom mid of this year to join a company in Dubai. However, he found a better opportunity in Hong Kong and is currently working in a design office with projects in the Middle East. “Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”


A Success Story w/ Technical Aspects


The New Dimension of Engineering Practice: A Challenging Experience By: Engr. Jaime L. Leviste, ME, BME

Vice President PSME-WRSA, Jeddah Chapter IP Area 8 Governor, Division C, District 79 Past President - PSME-WRSA Toastmasters Club # 6899

Having graduated in mechanical engineering and working under the research agency of the National Science Institute in the Philippines, the job was enjoyable and challenging for a new engineer in this field. At the height of the alluring overseas job opportunity then, two of our senior engineers, Philip and Ed, tried to apply for job overseas. However, they did not succeed in the interview given by a well-talented Egyptian mechanical engineer, Engr. Jalal Arafa (brother-in-law of Shk. Shali Al Jedaani, my current employer). Engr. Ed was my mentor in industrial plant engineering while Engr. Philip in electrical and electronics control system. Both of them encouraged me to try my luck as well, and gave me some important advice. To tell the truth, I was not interested to work overseas then since I was permanently employed and have lot of friends in the institute, mostly ladies. However, the challenging opportunity offered overseas has changed my career outlook somehow. One morning while looking for spare parts for our laboratory equipment, I had a chance to visit a recruitment agency. Luckily, after a long line of applicants and at last, it was my turn in the interview of a very strict but gentle Egyptian engineer. I listened carefully on all the questions and would asked again every time I can't understand what he wants. I was lucky enough that after two hours of writing and drawing the answers to every sheet of paper he provided, I passed and got hired…ho!ho!ho! I felt I have wings and flew up in the air. “Wow!”, I said to myself when the secretary advised me to prepare all the requirements for urgent departure. After a month-long processing on May 10, 1987, I arrived in Jeddah with my team of 6 Filipino technicians, namely: Bert (electro-mechanical technician), Rey (HVAC technician), George (master electrician), Rene (industrial technician) and Tany (master plumber). It was in the holy month of Ramadan that time. We worked diligently side by side being the owner’s inspectors at the construction stage of our hospital nearing completion. It was mid August 1988 when we started to position all the hospital equipments and before the end of September, luckily, the hospital was open to service. My knowledge and training in electromechanical and electronics control systems, helped a lot in learning a new dimension in the field of engineering practice, Bio-medical Engineering, a very challenging field of advanced studies. Learning the X-ray machine with Dr. Shekhawat, how its important parts work together and how its circuits communicate with each other was very interesting. The first medical equipment I repaired from the old Al Jedaani Hospital was the Olli ECG Monitor with defective mother board. Other than medical equipment, my team also started the first service center of all air conditioning and refrigeration system for Al Jedaani. As time goes by, we successfully handled the workload from the two(2) hospitals (old & new), one (1) polyclinic (Al Huda) and three (3) pharmacies.

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”



A Success Story w/ Technical Aspects

Today, after more than 25 years, (feeling like it was only yesterday when we started the New Al Jedaani Hospital in Mahjar), proudly we could say, we are now serving the work load coming from two (2) hospitals (New Al Jedaani and Ibn Sina Medical Research Center), one (1) medical college (Ibn Sina National College of Medicine), eight (8) pharmacies, and three (3) medical store. In a new college building under construction in Al Jedaani Hospital in Al Safa, often times there is a need to attend to emergency calls. The latest call received was last July on the problem with their Getinge Autoclave and the newly-installed Daikin split AC unit for the Physiotherapy Department. Biomedical was a new dimension of engineering practice for me as it was not a course offered in college, while this is available in other countries. I always look for new breed of bio-medical engineers from our country. To date, De La Salle University - Manila opened this course in early stage. I am hoping to meet their graduates in the near future and be the new blood of OFWs in bio-medical engineering practice.

About the contributor: Engr. Jaime L. Leviste is the Supporting Services Head of New Al Jedaani Hospital for the past 25 years and a practicing mechanical engineer. His experience and expertise in bio-medical engineering has surpassed his mechanical engineering knowledge. He is currently the Vice President and acting Treasurer of PSME-WRSA Jeddah Chapter.


Operation Habagat A Community Service Project of the PSME-WRSA Jeddah Chapter to help the flood victims in the Philippines. Initiated by: Engr. Jemuel B. Esguerra External Affairs Director Handing over our cash donation to the Ople Center through Ms. Susan Ople is our very own PSME-WRSA Charter President, Nildo K. Tan, Jr., FPME.

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy�




Understanding Blood Pressure Readings

Blood pressure is typically recorded as two numbers, written as a ratio like this:

Systolic The top number, which is also the higher of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts).

Read as "117 over 76 millimeters of mercury"

Diastolic The bottom number, which is also the lower of the two numbers, measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood).

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy�




This chart reflects blood pressure categories defined by the American Heart Association.

Blood Pressure Category Normal

Systolic mm Hg (upper #)

Diastolic mm Hg (lower #)

less than 120


less than 80


120 – 139


80 – 89

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1

140 – 159


90 – 99

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2

160 or higher


100 or higher

Higher than 180


Higher than 110

Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency care needed)

* Your doctor should evaluate unusually low blood pressure readings. How is high blood pressure diagnosed? Your healthcare providers will want to get an accurate picture of your blood pressure and chart what happens over time. Starting at age 20, the American Heart Association recommends a blood pressure screening at your regular healthcare visit or once every 2 years, if your blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg. Your blood pressure rises with each heartbeat and falls when your heart relaxes between beats. While BP can change from minute to minute with changes in posture, exercise, stress or sleep, it should normally be less than 120/80 mm Hg (less than 120 systolic AND less than 80 diastolic) for an adult age 20 or over. .About one in three (33.5%) U.S. adults has high blood pressure. If your blood pressure reading is higher than normal, your doctor may take several readings over time and/or have you monitor your blood pressure at home before diagnosing you with high blood pressure.

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable”




A single high reading does not necessarily mean that you have high blood pressure. However, if readings stay at 140/90 mm Hg or above (systolic 140 or above OR diastolic 90 or above) over time, your doctor will likely want you to begin a treatment program. Such a program almost always includes lifestyle changes and often prescription medication for those with readings of 140/90 or higher.

If, while monitoring your blood pressure, you get a systolic reading of 180 mm Hg or higher OR a diastolic reading of 110 mm HG or higher, wait a couple of minutes and take it again. If the reading is still at or above that level, you should seek immediate emergency medical treatment for a hypertensive crisis.

Even if your blood pressure is normal, you should consider making lifestyle modifications to prevent the development of HBP and improve your heart health.

Which number is more important, top (systolic) or bottom (diastolic)? Typically more attention is given to the top number (the systolic blood pressure) as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease for people over 50 years old. In most people, systolic blood pressure rises steadily with age due to increasing stiffness of large arteries, long-term build-up of plaque, and increased incidence of cardiac and vascular disease.

About the contributor: Engr. Jimmy L. Leviste has long experience in biomedical engineering. He is currently the Vice President of PSME-WRSA, Jeddah Chapter and also the acting treasurer. He is an active member/ officer of the PSME-WRSA Toastmasters Club and has gained various awards and recognition in public speaking.

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy�










Club Officers Installation

PSME - WRSA Toastmasters Club #6899

PSME - WRSA Toastmasters Club # 6899

Area 16, Div. H, Dist. 79


The PSME-WRSA Toastmasters Club # 6899, Area 16, Division H, District 79 conducted its Club Officers Installation at Sultan Compound, Jeddah, K.S.A. through the efforts of our 2012 Club President, TM Edgar D. Hernandez, ACB - CL. The newly installed Club officers who will serve their full term were:

Speech Contest 1st Runner-Up, TM Daniah Adam with TM Dina Adam, TM Bobby Insomo, Club President of Freelance Toastmasters Club, Members of the PICPA Toastmasters Club led TM Ruth Joy Torre, TM Muffy Daknash and others whom we failed to mention, we thank you all for your presence during this event.

Club Officers for 2012

The above club officers will serve their full term from July, 2012 - June, 2013. Highlight of the event was the awarding of “Best Performers for the Year”. Special awards were given to TM Joel A. Santos,CC - “Best Speaker of the Year” & TM Edgar D. Hernandez, ACBCL - “Best Evaluator of the Year”.

District 79 LGM DTM Joey I. Villanueva said that instead of delivering an inspirational message, he is more inspired to grace the occasion knowing that the PSMEWRSA Toastmasters club is doing well in achieving its Club DCP goals. He also narrated his feelings, when together with Outgoing District 79 Governor Khaled Matlagaitu, and other District leaders , they received the award for “District 79 as the District # 01 in the whole world from Toastmasters International during the recent International Convention in Orlando, Florida. He further encouraged every club to work for the “Power of One” by bringing one guest every business meeting thereby ensuring the growth of new clubs. As he well said, “By the Power of One, in Toastmasters, opportunity never ends”.

The said event was hosted by no less than Area 16 Governor Greg Gulmatico who also serve as the installing officer. Prominent personalities of Toastmasters in District 79 lead by LGM Joey I. Villanueva, IPDG Gov. Tess Villanueva, PDG Governor Danny Abenes and TM Mila Abenes, Division H Gov. Ilyas Momin, Div. H ADGET Glen Sibag, Past Area 24 Gov. DTM Glen Orlina, Jr., Area 24 Gov. Dennis I. Oppus, Area Gov. Johnygene Padillo.

Immediate Past Division G Governor Tess Villanueva expressed her message of thanks to those who unselfishly supported her during her term. She gave her insights about the quality of speeches being delivered in each club and said,” Quality may differ from others viewpoint” but as long as every member is satisfied with his/her achievement it is a welcome development because it is in Toastmasters, “Where Leaders Are Made!”

Toastmasters from other clubs who were present during the said event was led by District 79 International

The event was successful and we thank all those who supported us. Truly in toastmasters, we are one family.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

TM Edgar D. Hernandez, ACB-CL - President TM Joel A. Santos, CC - VP Education TM Adodou Hassan, ACB-CL - VP Membership TM Mahamat Y. Zeni, ACB-CL - Secretary TM Greg Gulmatico, CC-ALB, Treasurer TM Sultan Salem, CC-CL - VP Public Relation TM Edwin Advincula,CC—Sgt. At Arms

“Excellence through Determination and Hardwork”








PSME-WRSA Toastmasters Club # 6899 Area 16, Division H, District 79 INSTALLATION OF CLUB OFFICERS @ Sultan Compound, Jeddah, K.S.A. 30 August, 2012

“Excellence through Determination and Hardwork”

By: TM Joel A. Santos, CC









through Determination and Hardwork”

PSME-WRSA Toastmasters Club # 6899 Area 16, Division H, District 79 Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the Month

BUSINESS MEETINGS @ New Al Jedaani Hospital Lecture Room # 330 Jeddah, K.S.A.

By: TM Joel A. Santos, CC VP Education PSME-WRSA TC












A Click of Message Away By: Ms. Angeli Ros Alcovindas Studies show there are over 2 million Filipinos working overseas. About 53% of them are male, while 47% of them are female. Assuming half of the male OFWs are working fathers and breadwinner firstborns, it sums up more than 1 million Filipino fathers work away from their family. Likewise, a 47% rate of female OFWs is tantamount to roughly 900,000 kids who may grow up with out seeing their mothers because of their parents work abroad.

These are just rough estimates; nevertheless, the numbers are astounding . Parents are left with the option of accepting work from multinational companies and agencies with bases outside the Philippines to fend off the needs of their family. Mother– son relationships are sacrificed; father - daughter bonding are counted out; Marital stability are challenged. How are we supposed to maintain a strong family relationship amid time and distance constraints? Here comes the importance of having a virtual space where the families living away from one another can meet. There are now several social networking sites and chat sites where one can interact with a loved one regardless of distance. Facebook, Twitter and Skype are just among hundreds of them. In just a click of a mouse, a father who wants to see his four year old daughter off for school may say, “hi” and “goodluck to her. In the same way, a son whose been wanting to chat and share petty kilig stories with his mom can do so in the most convenient and cheapest way possible. In what ways can social networking sites, e-mails and other communication platforms on the worldwide web help bridge the gap between families living away from one another? First, it makes overseas living bearable for working moms and dads. They can talk to their spouses anytime - from simple, "Hello honey, good morning!” to

a serious “ Here’s something we need to get fixed.” They can hitched an e-mail, drop a post on a wall or ping an alert via Viber, Yahoo Messenger or BBM. Second, digital communication platforms on the internet provides cheap and convenient media. Nowadays, computer literate kids as early as five years old can talk to their parents or any loved one in another country through Skype or Facebook chat. Mothers and fathers can also keep track of their children’s whereabouts, events and happenings through photos and notes uploaded on a social media, most especially on blogsites. It’s high tech parenting through a third medium; Internet. Lastly, it sustains necessary interaction between parents and children, as well as husbands and wives. Sociology, states children need a parent’s affection and care for their holistic growth and development. Furthermore, touch and time are vital in maintaining strong relationships. Through the internet, OFW families can more easily breakthrough theories of time and relationships and maintain their bond amid distance. Anything is possible for those who has willpower to make time for their lovedones. And social media help them make it possible. As cliché as it may seem, blood is indeed thicker than water. Thousands of miles away of oceans can not separate hearts that are bound to be called a “family”. Everyone is just a click of message away. About the Contributor: Ms. Angeli Ros Alcovindas is a 23-year old AB Broadcast Journalism graduate from De La Salle University Dasmariñas, currently working at Solar News as a news researcher. She is a graphics and 3D animation enthusiast and is taking a serious study in this field.

“Excellence through Determination and Hardwork”

VOLUME 12, ISSSUE 3 .The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME-WRSA) Jeddah Chapter do not only focus on providing technical seminars for the general membership but also in promoting sports activity to help members maintain their health and as a way of fostering stronger bonds between officers and members. The chapter participated in three (3) major sport events namely:



First, the group participated in the KAMC Bowling tournament held at Iceland Bowling Lanes on July 6, 2012. Second, the group participated in the PPO Bowling games held at the same venue, Iceland Bowling Lanes on July 20, 2012.

PAGE 19 Third, the group conducted a Tennis Clinic through the mentorship of PP Julius D. Caringal at Trio Ranch on August 9, 2012. On the pictures below, you can witness how our mechanical engineers perform in the game. The sports activity is being done to make us physically and mentally active.











“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”




PPO GAMES - July 20, 2012

PPO GAMES - July 20, 2012




TENNIS CLINIC - August 9, 2012 .

TENNIS CLINIC - August 9, 2012

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”





Engr. Julius & Engr. Chris

Engr. Chris Ortiz

Engr. Lito Bentulan


Conducted by: PP Julio D. Caringal @ Trio Ranch - 9th August, 2012


Engr. Chris & Engr. Nap

Engr. Nap & Engr. Julius

Engr. Julio Caringal

Engr. Miller Narvas

Engr. Julius Garcia

Engr. Dioscoro Timtiman

. “Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”





POLISH YOUR ENGLISH Difference between COMPLETE & FINISHED People say there is no difference between COMPLETE & FINISHED. But there is! When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE. And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are ………. COMPLETELY FINISHED! ENGLISH IS A WONDERFUL LANGUAGE, ISN’T IT?

Clever Engineer By: Napoleon M. Cepriaso, PME

A mathematician and an engineer are sitting next to each other on along flight. The mathematician leans over to the engineer and asks if he would like to play a fun game. The engineer just wanted to take a nap, so he politely declined and rolled over to the window to catch a few winks. The mathematician persists and explains that the game is real easy and lots of fun. He explains,” I ask you a question and if you don’t know the answer, you pay me $5. Then, you ask me a question and if I don’t know the answer, I’ll pay you $5.” Again, the engineer politely declines and tries to get asleep. The mathematician now somewhat agitated says,” Okay, if you don’t know the answer, you pay me $5, and if I don’t know the answer, I’ll pay you $50! This catches the engineer’s attention and he sees no end to this torment unless he plays. So he agreed to the game. The mathematician asked the first question. What’s the distance from the earth to the moon? .

The engineer doesn't say a word but reaches into his wallet, pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it to the mathematician. Now, it’s the engineer’s turn. He asked the mathematician. What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down on four? The mathematician looked at him with a puzzled look. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all of his references. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the net and the Library of Congress. Frustrated, he sends e-mail to his coworkers all to no avail. After about an hour, he wakes the engineer and hands him $50. The engineer politely takes the $50 and turns away to try to get back to sleep. The mathematician then hits the engineer, saying,” What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down on four? The engineer calmly pulls out his wallet, hands the mathematician five bucks, and goes back to sleep.

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”





LAUGH WITH ME!!! Straight from my Mailbox (Adopted) By: Engr. Joel A. Santos


I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years and I have nothing to show for it. These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today and that was the last straw. Last week, you came home and didn't even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favourite meal and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in two minutes and went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore. You don’t want S..?..X or anything that connects us as husband and wife. Either your cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore. Whatever the case, I’m gone. Your EX-Husband P.S. Don’t try to find me. Your sister and I are moving away to West Virginia together. Have a great Life!

Dear Ex-Husband, Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you and I have been married for seven years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining and griping. Too bad that doesn't work. I did notice when you got a haircut last week, but the first thing that came to my mind is ,” YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL”! Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn't comment. And when you cooked my favourite meal , you must have gotten me confuse with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork seven years ago. About those new silk boxers, I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them and I prayed it was only a coincidence that my sister has just borrowed $50 from me this morning. After all of this, I still love you and felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job and bought us two tickets to Jamaica. But when I got home, you were gone. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you’ve always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care. Signed: Your Ex-Wife, Rich as Hell and Free! P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem!

“Mechanical Engineering Towards Economic Priorities in Renewable and Sustainable Energy”

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