PSU Master of Business Administration Digital Brochure

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master of business a d m i n i s t r at i o n AT P o r t l a n d S tat e

P ortland state M B A introduction

C r e at i n g s o c i a l ly a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l ly r e s p o n s i b l e

b u si n e ss le ad e rs f o r to m o r r o w Portland State’s MBA is specifically designed to create leaders of the future—the future of our businesses, our city, our region and our planet. Ranked top of its class, it’s everything you want your MBA to be: rigorous and rooted in common sense and respected no matter where you go. Ta b l e o f



I n t r o d u c ti o n






i n n ovati o n


s u sta i n a b i l it y


S u c c e ss


p o rt l a n d , o r e g o n


a pp ly

Portland State’s MBA places vital importance on teaching you practical skills and knowledge—the kind of expertise you can use in the real world where it matters most. You’ll engage with professors prized for their knowledge and achievements inside and outside the classroom. You’ll have numerous opportunities to collaborate with innovators in the business community. You’ll be pushed. You’ll be challenged. In the end, you gain the knowledge and skills you need to be a strong, effective and conscientious business leader. Somebody who thinks big – and makes big happen.

PSU’s MBA combines a tough, traditional MBA core with an intense focus on:





P ortland state M B A curriculum

the MBA

C u rric u lu m C o u r s e w o r k i n t h e P o rt l a n d S tat e MBA p r o g r a m i s g r o u p e d i n t o f i v e i n t e g r at e d s e c t i o n s :

1 F o u n d ati o n s o f C o m p e titi v e n e ss

Provides you with a deepened understanding of the global and competitive challenges facing business today. The roles of innovation, creativity, global awareness, ethics, and sustainability are emphasized. 2 T h e Va l u e Ch a i n o f B u si n e ss

You gain the technical skills needed to analyze and systematically integrate different aspects of business operations, including accounting, information systems, finance, management, marketing, and operations. 3 App l i e d L e a d e r ship

Your leadership skills are assessed and developed through a series of leadership courses with continuous attention to managerial competencies, skills and 2

perspectives. You apply what you have learned in an intensive immersion experience midway through the program and in a team-based consulting project with a business before graduation. 4 I n t e r n ati o n a l Fi e l d S t u d y

The world is your classroom. Through an international experience you will earn credit towards your degree. You will gain deeper understanding into the global economic system and the impact of culture on the success of business.

O n e MBA , th r e e way s t o e a r n it Choose from three different cohorts, e a c h d e s i g n e d f o r a u n i q u e t y p e o f s t u d e n t;

f u l l - ti m e - 21 months to complete with day and evening classes. pa rt- ti m e o n - c a m p u s - can be completed in as

little as 28 months while attending evening classes. pa rt- ti m e o n l i n e - can be completed in as little

as 28 months online.

5 E l e c ti v e s

Offerings include courses in finance, entrepreneurship, international business, sustainability, marketing and supply chain management.


P ortland state M B A LEADERSHIP

learn to


U n d e r s ta n d w h at i t ta k e s t o b e c o m e a g r e at l e a d e r

At the beginning of the Portland State MBA program, you complete a leadership evaluation – a rigorous examination used in executive development around the world to assess managerial competence. You quickly learn your strengths and weaknesses. Over the course of the program, you develop your leadership competencies and build upon your natural strengths. You gain the ability to effectively manage ideas and people, influence outcomes, and create “wins” for you, your team, and your company. Midway through the program, you put your technical business skills and leadership competencies to the test. During an intensive two-day, off-campus leadership immersion, you work as part of an executive team, honing your skills while competing against other teams. Learn from the best

To be the best, you need to learn from the best. At Portland State, we’ve assembled a world-class faculty comprising the brightest minds in business—thinkers and doers who are prized both for their ability to engage students and for their achievements outside of the classroom. Our professors are experts in their fields. When they’re not teaching you, they’re running companies, conducting leading-edge research or speaking at industry events around the world.

The President of SolarWorld Industries America, Gordon Brinser MBA ’97, maintains close connections to Portland State from the manufacturing plant in Hillsboro, Oregon. SolarWorld is leading the nation in manufacturing crystalline silicon solar electric panels.

Good leaders are good stewards—of their employees, their companies and their communities. In the Portland State MBA program, a leadership coach will work with you one-on-one to enhance your leadership competencies.



P ortland state M B A

turning knowledge

i n n ovat i o n


What do steamboats, mini-steel mills and LCD screens have in common? They are disruptive innovations that fundamentally shifted industries and markets. In your first year in the MBA program, you will take Pioneering Innovation; a course focused on the inspiration and implementation of disruptive innovations. The course challenges you to deeply examine existing market problems and design a business idea to solve it. And, for some students, those business solutions have become entrepreneurial ventures. Throughout your program, you will have the opportunity to explore entrepreneurial ideas. The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship provides workshops, mentorships, and networking opportunities to support your budding business plan. And, at the end of your program, you can work with some of your fellow classmates in the Capstone Consulting Experience to bring your new venture’s concept to life. PSU s ta rt- u p w e e k e n d & E l e vat o r P i t c h C o m p e t i t i o n

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to be an entrepreneur, you can find out during Portland State’s Startup Weekend. Students, coaches, advisors and the business community come together to collaborate on ideas for 54 hours. In that time your team will do everything – develop and refine a concept, build the business model, contact customers, forecast revenues and expenses, develop prototypes and create your pitch. This weekend enables everyone to experience what it’s like to develop a new business and launch the most successful ideas. My Street Grocery is a community mobile grocer with a mission to increase fresh food access for all. The concept was born out the Pioneering Innovation course taught by Professor Charla Mathwick during the first term of the MBA program. My Street Grocery’s team includes Amelia Pape MBA‘11, Eric Johnson MBA ’99, Colin Gallison MBA’11, and two interns and is serving fresh healthy food to communities throughout the region.


Innovation is the key to every company’s survival. In our MBA program, you learn how to manage innovation from new idea to new product, and how to incorporate it into existing business processes. You even have the opportunity to originate and develop your own entrepreneurial venture through courses, workshops and mentoring, culminating in the capstone consulting project before graduation.


P ortland state M B A s u s ta i n a b i l i t y


so lutio n s I n t e g r at i n g s u s ta i n a b i l i t y i n t o b u s i n e s s

Today’s global professionals must work in new ways to sustain their organizations, their communities, and the world. Our MBA curriculum explores the complex social, environmental and economic issues that are transforming the business landscape. By the end of the program, you’ll graduate with a holistic view of business success, one that seeks to create long-term economic value, improve the health and vitality of social systems and eliminate harm to ecological systems. You will be challenged to become a new type of leader – a leader who understands both the analytical skills of business and possesses an enlightened sense of responsibility to steward our communities and natural environments. You will learn to approach business challenges with a conscience, while integrating sustainable strategic initiatives into business solutions. C HANGEMAKERS

At Portland State, you do more than just study sustainability. You engage directly with the community. Through field-based courses and internships, you go on location to learn first-hand from sustainable businesses on leading edge practices. Portland State is an Ashoka U Changemaker Campus, recognized for our commitment to social change and innovation. And the Net Impact Student Chapter provides invaluable leadership opportunities for students to network with the regional business leaders and serve the community.

Sustainability is good business. That’s why our MBA program integrates ethics, social responsibility and stewardship into its strong technical foundation. At Portland State, you graduate with a more holistic view of business success, one that seeks to create long-term economic value, improve the health of our communities and enhance the vitality of our natural environment.


After six months of research, these students gave award-winning advice to Portland Roasting, helping them improve sustainable business practices and winning first place honors at the prestigious oikos Global Case Writing Competition. Pictured with a Portland Roasting employee are Professor Scott Marshall, Brandon Arends MIM’10, Professor Mellie Pullman, Mark Langston MBA’10, and Greg Stokes MBA ’09.


P ortland state M B A

In Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Ecuadorian student Maria Lara Moran MBA ’12,wore the traditional abeya while meeting with PSU alumni throughout the region. She learned that doing business in the Middle East is about becoming friends and understanding the personal value behind the money.

study abroad

develop a

g lo bal pe rs pe ctive I n t e r n at i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e s t h at a r e r e l e va n t i n t h e r e a l wo r l d

A global economy demands a leader with a global mindset, a mindset that comes from a deep understanding of different cultures. Portland State doesn’t just offer study abroad opportunities, all PSU MBA students participate in an international experience. You gain firsthand experience with leading global businesses and entrepreneurs while earning credit towards your degree.



p o rt l a n d Chi n a Ni c a r a g u a th e Mi d d l e e a st


Global trips will focus on the following areas of specialization : • Ni c a r ag ua & I n d i a : Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship • F r a n c e & T h e Mi d d l e E a st : Finance & International Management • Chi n a & G e r m a n y: Marketing & Supply Chain Management • U n it e d Stat e s : Global Economic Systems and International Competencies



P ortland state M B A s u cc e s s


fo rwa rd

E v e ry t h i n g y o u n e e d f o r t h e r o a d a h e a d

Whether you are launching a new career or planning to move forward at your current company, Portland State offers invaluable training and connections to help you reach your goals. C a r e e r E x p l o r at i o n

Portland State has strong connections with the business community and an extensive graduate alumni network that will open doors as you build your professional connections. Through this network, executives from leading companies such as Blount International, Facebook, Hitachi Consulting, Intel, Nike, Microsoft, Webtrends and Xerox seek to hire Portland State MBA graduates. Career Training

Through a series of seminars, mock interviews, and one-on-one advising, you will gain the skills necessary to stand out as a strong, job-ready candidate. C a r e e r N e t wo r k i n g

Portland State has strong connections with the business community and an extensive graduate alumni network that will open doors as you build your professional connections. Through this network, executives from leading companies such as Nike, Intel, Hitachi Consulting, Webtrends, Blount International, Hanna Andersson, and adidas seek to hire Portland State MBA graduates.

Janet Nees MBA‘10 used her degree to leverage a successful career change from the education industry to an Expert Business Consultant position at Nike Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.


Thanks to Portland State’s deep connections with the business community, you also learn from the region’s top business leaders who come into the classroom as instructors and guest speakers. These executives come to our campus and provide our students with invaluable insight.


P ortland state M B a P o rt l a n d , o r e g o n

P D X Q U I C K FAC T S M e t r o A r e a P o p u l ati o n


Portland experiences mild winters, averaging only 1-2 snow days per year, and warm, dry summers.

Mi l d W e ath e r

Av e r a g e T e m p e r at u r e s

in July.

33.5º in January 79.5º

36.3” (less than Seattle, Houston or Atlanta).

Av e r a g e R a i n fa l l

Bike-friendly Portland boasts the nation’s highest percentage of bicycle commuters—nearly 11 times the national average.

surrounded by

o ppo rtu n it y

G e tti n g A r o u n d

C o m f o rt Z o n e Forbes magazine ranked Portland the 2nd safest city in the United States.

Time Magazine called Portland “America’s new food Eden, a confluence of every fertile trend in contemporary gastronomy.” Portland’s focus on locally produced goods has positively affected the quality of dining in the city. From award-winning coffee roasters and wineries to quirky, delicious food carts, the Portland food scene has something for everyone.

F o o d f o r T h o u g ht

Each summer, 12,000 people run 197 miles from Mt. Hood to the Pacific Ocean—for fun. Two weeks later, another 2,000 ride their bikes 500 miles across the entire state—for the same reason.

M ov e r s a n d S h a k e r s

B o o ks G a l o r e Portland is home to Powell’s City of Books, the world’s largest used and new bookstore. Occupying an entire city block, Powell’s offers more than one million titles on its shelves.


T h e MBA p r o g r a m a n d t h e P o rt l a n d c o m m u n i t y

Portland State’s MBA program is closely aligned with the values of the amazing city that surrounds it. Recognized internationally for its entrepreneurial business culture, progressive land use policies, and intense focus on sustainability, Portland has gained a reputation as a forward-thinking community. There is an atmosphere of civic engagement, and concerned citizens of all kinds promote causes as varied as protecting the environment and supporting locally owned businesses. Portland is also home to a growing “creative class” -- a group of professionals whose ideas and innovations have taken root in all of the region’s industries. Portland State’s campus is located in the center of downtown Portland—a progressive city prized for both its natural surroundings and cosmopolitan sensibilities. Livability and a healthy economy keep Portland consistently at the top of “Best Places” lists. With its bike paths, coffee shops, food carts, craft brewpubs, bookstores, restaurants, and vibrant arts scene, Portland lives up to its reputation.


P ortland state M B A a p p ly

a challenging

m ba

Portland State’s MBA seeks individuals who have demonstrated academic and professional achievement. We select applicants who are prepared to meet the demands of the program and become future business leaders with innovative spirit and commitment to social, economic and environmental stewardship. We consider “fit” to be extremely important and take a holistic approach to our admission decisions. Our students enter Portland State’s MBA with a rich array of professional experience. They come with a depth of expertise and knowledge holding careers as wide-ranging as Graphic Designer, Financial Analyst, High School Teacher and Director of Sustainable Programs. In addition, 32% of our full-time students come from countries as diverse as Germany, India, Kazakhstan, China and Ecuador.








Av e r a g e Y e a r s o f Wo r k Exp e r i e n c e

6 y e a r s

8 y e a r s

12 years

Av e r a g e a g e




av e r a g e g m at

61 5



% Male/female




% i n t e r n ati o n a l




Once you’ve decided that the Portland State MBA is the right program for you, please apply online at and click on “Admissions.”


Alison Knowles MBA‘11 and Ritz Yogo MBA‘10 brought their experiences from corporate careers at Newell Rubbermaid and Mitsubishi Corporation to Portland State’s MBA program.


Portland State University’s MBA program is ranked #1 in the world for small programs for its emphasis on social and environmental stewardship. Beyond Grey Pinstripes, The Global 100

PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Sc h o o l o f B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r at i o n

6 31 S W H a r r i s o n S treet, Su ite 540 P ort l a nd , O re g o n 9 7201 1 - 8 0 0 - 54 7- 8 8 8 7 x 8001 mb a . p d x . e d u

The School of Business Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Businesses.

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