PSU Master of Real Estate Development Digital Brochure

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MRED m a s t e r o f r e a l e s tat e development AT P o r t l a n d S tat e

P o rt l a n d s tat e m r e d introduction

po rtl an d

a n u r b a n l a b o r ato ry Known internationally for its commitment to sustainable development, community development, progressive land use policies, and livable communities, the Portland metropolitan region serves as your laboratory in the MRED program. Few cities provide such a barometer of tomorrow’s development trends as Portland. So, study real estate concepts in the classroom, and witness their practical application outside, all around you. Portland State’s MRED degree will kick start your career by providing you with a solid understanding of real estate fundamentals and sustainable urban development, direct application of theoretical knowledge to real world problems and the opportunity to connect with leaders in the local commercial real estate industry. Ta b l e o f


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I n t r o d u c ti o n curriculum F u n d a m e n ta l s C o m m u n it y Projects

As a joint degree offered by the School of Business Administration and the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, our MRED curriculum reflects the many disciplines that define the study and practice of real estate today: finance, demography, law, economics, marketing, architecture, among others, all brought to bear in courses on real estate fundamentals, project design and development, livable communities, and sustainability. The MRED degree offers a comprehensive real estate education that will equip you with the theoretical knowledge, skills and practical experiences to help you make valuable contributions towards creating and maintaining thriving urban communities. And Portland sets the standard.

success P o rt l a n d , O r e g o n


P o rt l a n d s tat e m r e d curriculum

The cu rriculum

Ta i lo r e d to Yo u r N e e d s The MRED program is geared towards the needs of the contemporary graduate student and can be completed in as little as 18 months on a full-time basis or 36 months for part-time students. Instruction in this program comes from a mixture of academic professors and real estate industry professionals. This approach allows you to enjoy the best of academic training mixed with the experience of seasoned real estate practitioners. The curriculum is based on three clusters that will provide you with a solid real estate foundation:

Fund a mentals

Communit y

P ro j ec t s

You can further specialize your degree through electives which will help customize your studies to suit your career objectives. Elective options range from sustainable development practices and green buildings to advanced real estate finance and investment analysis among a number of others. Training in development focused software (e.g. Argus) is also available.

Julia Freybote, Assistant Professor in Real Estate Finance, School of Business Administration Matthew Gebhardt, Assistant Professor in Urban Studies and Planning, Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning



P o rt l a n d s tat e M r e d

Angela Park Guo, MRED ‘14, Intern, Johnson Reid Associates

f u n d a m e n ta l s

t h e f u n d a m e n ta l s

F i n a n c e , M a r k e ts a n d L aw To be successful in real estate, like any profession, you need to understand the fundamentals of the business: finance, real estate economics, and real estate law. This cluster of courses provides you with the essential knowledge and tools required to solve real world problems. It all begins here. • RE 521: Real Estate Finance I • RE 522: Real Estate Finance II • RE 538: Real Estate Law • RE 548: Real Estate Market Analysis • RE 573: Housing Economics

Thanks to Portland State University’s MRED program, I have had access to the CFO of an established development company, the founder of a well-known green development firm, architects, and city planners who are willing to engage with students! The MRED program has expanded my networking connections by opening the door to a community of industry practitioners and real estate leaders. -Angela Park Guo, MRED ‘14



P o rt l a n d s tat e M r e d community

th e Comm u n ity

S u s ta i n a b l e U r b a n D e ve lo pm e nt Real estate development professionals need to design their projects to meet the challenges of demographic change, environmental sustainability, and equitable economic development and revitalization. This cluster in our MRED program trains you to understand the role of the real estate industry in the context of sustainable urban development. • USP 527: Downtown Revitalization • USP 569: Sustainable Cities and Regions • USP 596: Affordable Housing Finance • USP 611: America’s Changing Neighborhoods • USP 612: Community, Planning, and Ethics

Michael Gum, MRED ‘13, Compliance Specialist, Portland Development Commission

The opportunity to live, work, and continue my education in Portland where innovative and sustainable development is pervasive has provided me with invaluable development experience and tremendous professional opportunities within the real estate field. -Michael Gum, MRED ‘13



P o rt l a n d s tat e m r e d projects

Th e Proj e cts

S o lv i n g R e a l Wo rld P roj e cts

George McCleary, MRED ‘13, Principal Broker/Owner, McCleary Realty

In this cluster, you will simulate the team-building aspect of real estate development by working in small groups researching case studies, analyzing developments and designing projects. You will also have the opportunity to meet with and gain the wisdom of a variety of experienced local professionals. In the program capstone, you will build on the knowledge acquired from the other two clusters, by forming a small development team with other students in the program and working with local real estate professionals, industry sponsors, and a local client to produce a sustainable and financially sound development plan for a multi-block site in Portland or Seattle. You and your team will then present your findings before a panel of the business community. You have now completed the practical application of your classroom training and are ready for the next stage in your career as an industry professional. • USP 523: Real Estate Development I • USP 546: Real Estate Development II • USP 624: Project Design • RE 531: Executive Perspectives on Real Estate • RE 562: Real Estate Development Workshop

I recommend the MRED program to any student who wants every day to be career day. The real world application of concepts learned in the classroom from seasoned real estate professionals has brought my career to new heights. -George McCleary, MRED ‘13



P o rt l a n d s tat e M r e d success


A H i g h To u c h P ro g r a m Whether you are launching a new career in real estate or planning to move forward in your current company, Portland State offers invaluable training and connections to help you reach your goals. The Center for Real Estate at PSU is dedicated to preparing real estate students for a successful job search through connecting students with the community. Connect to Leaders

Build relationships with local hiring managers through opportunities such as: • Networking receptions • Mentorship programs • Guest lectures from industry experts • Development site tours • PSU’s Annual Real Estate Conference

• Involvement in real estate industry and trade organizations such as ULI, NAIOP, BOMA, CCIM and CREW • Interaction with the PSU Center for Real Estate’s Advisory Board members

E x p e r i e n c e R e a l E s tat e

As an MRED student, you study but also experience real estate. Augment your education with an internship to gain practical experience. Gain realistic insights from industry leaders in the Executive Perspectives course. Learn from both faculty and industry experts working in the field by studying and touring local Portland development projects. Complete a comprehensive career plan under the guidance of industry mentors. P l a n I n t e n t i o n a l ly

Position your career path with the assistance of the Center for Real Estate’s expertise in the industry. Access career visioning tools and industry panels to investigate employment options while learning to leverage your past experience.

Josh Schlesinger, Center for Real Estate Board Member, Managing Member, Schlesinger Investments LLC


Thanks to PSU’s deep and long-lasting connections with the Portland real estate community, local employers who have hired PSU real estate students include: Gerding Edlen Development, Umpqua Bank, Integra Real Estate Services, StanCorp Mortgage Investors and CBRE.


P o rt l a n d s tat e m r e d P o rt l a n d , o r e g o n

Th e setting P D X Q U I C K FAC T S M e t r o A r e a P o p u l ati o n


Portland experiences mild winters, averaging only 1-2 snow days per year, and warm, dry summers. Mi l d W e ath e r

Av e r a g e T e m p e r at u r e s

in July.

33.5º in January 79.5º

36.3” (less than Seattle, Houston or Atlanta). Av e r a g e R a i n fa l l

Bike-friendly Portland boasts the nation’s highest percentage of bicycle commuters—nearly 11 times the national average. G e tti n g A r o u n d

Forbes magazine ranked Portland the 2nd safest city in the United States. C o m f o rt Z o n e

Time Magazine called Portland “America’s new food Eden, a confluence of every fertile trend in contemporary gastronomy.” Portland’s focus on locally produced goods has positively affected the quality of dining in the city. From award-winning coffee roasters and wineries to quirky, delicious food carts, the Portland food scene has something for everyone. F o o d f o r T h o u g ht

Each summer, 12,000 people run 197 miles from Mt. Hood to the Pacific Ocean—for fun. Two weeks later, another 2,000 ride their bikes 500 miles across the entire state—for the same reason. M ov e r s a n d Sh a k e r s

B o o k s G a l o r e Portland is home to Powell’s City of Books, the world’s largest used and new bookstore. Occupying an entire city block, Powell’s offers more than one million titles on its shelves.


p o r t l a n d, oregon Portland’s growing creative class has influence well beyond city and region. Strong civic pride finds expression in city-owned vehicles on whose doors are emblazoned: “The City that Works.” Above all, Portland is young, dynamic, innovative, urban, outdoorsy, green, athletic, welcoming, and livable. It’s fun to live here! With its bike paths, coffee houses, food carts, craft brewpubs, bookstores, streetcar, creative food culture, and vibrant art scene, Portland lives up to its reputation. Portland State University, located in the heart of downtown Portland, is closely aligned with the values of the amazing city that surrounds it. The university’s motto is “Let Knowledge Serve the City,” which also serves as a guideline for the MRED. Portland, Portland State University, MRED. The perfect combination for a great learning experience.

Once you’ve decided that Portland State’s Master of real estate development is the right program for you, please apply online at and click on “Admissions.”


School of Business

Nohad a. toulan school of urban

A d m i n i s t r at i o n

studies and planning

6 3 1 S W H a r r i s o n S treet, Su ite 540

506 SW Mill Stre e t, Suite 350

P ort l a nd , OR 9 7 2 0 1

Portla n d, OR 97201

The School of Business Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

The Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning is a member of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.

Ad m i s s i o ns : 8 0 0 -8 7 9- 5088 mre d . p d x . e d u

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