PSU Master of Science in Financial Analysis Digital Book

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M S FA master of SCIENCE IN F I N A N C I A L A N A LY S I S AT P o r t l a n d S tat e

P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fA introduction

position your

ca re e r path i n p u b l i c ac c o u n t i n g, i n v e s tm e n t m a n ag e m e n t, o r c o r p o r at e f i n a n c i a l m a n ag e m e n t

Ta b l e o f



I n t r o d u c ti o n




p u b l i c ac c o u n ti n g


i n v e stm e n t ma n a g e m e n t


c o r p o r at e fi n a n c ia l

The Master of Science in Financial Analysis (MSFA) degree is an accelerated graduate business program that integrates coursework in finance and accounting. In as little as twelve months, you can earn a graduate degree focused on core functions that drive decision-making in today’s business world. This unique dual-focused program quickly prepares students for advanced careers in finance and accounting. Graduates of the MSFA program pursue a variety of paths including public accounting, investment management, or corporate financial management. The focus of the MSFA coursework is ideally suited for those interested in management-track careers in finance and accounting, with many graduates ultimately seeking CFO and partnership positions in their organizations.

ma n a g e m e n t


S u c c e ss


p o rt l a n d , o r e g o n


P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fA curriculum

the MSFA

C u rric u lu m Coursework in the Portland State MSFA program provides students with the technical skills required for successful careers in public accounting, investment management and corporate financial management. The degree consists of 52 credit hours and can be completed in as little as 12 months. The curriculum is grouped into three integrated sections, allowing you to specialize in a career track. 1 . The MSFA’s core curriculum (28

credits) exposes you to the technical skills necessary for career success. Moving beyond the numbers, it also exposes you to the “big picture” behind daily functions that influence business direction. The core curriculum is comprised of the following classes:

focused perspective by completing coursework in a specialized track in public accounting (page 4), investment management (page 6) or corporate financial management (page 8). (16 credits) 3 . Electives (8 credits) enable you to

• Executive Perspectives on Leadership

pursue your particular interests beyond your specialized tracks. Offerings include:

• Communications for Leaders

• Alliances & Acquisitions

• Foundations of Strategy

• Taxation

• Professional Ethics and the Public Interest

• Auditing

• Financial Statement Analysis

• Business Law

• Financial Management

• Econometrics

• Hedging and Risk Management

• Forensic Accounting

• Valuation and Analysis

• Government & Nonprofit Accounting

• Capstone Consulting Project

• New Venture Financing • Real Estate Finance


2 . In addition to the core curriculum,

• International Experience in France

students have the ability to gain a career

• Courses from other Specialization Tracks


P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fA p u b l i c ac c o u n t i n g

“Through the MSFA program, I was able to gain invaluable knowledge and experience which I use everyday in my career as an auditor and CPA. The program taught me to understand the big picture instead of focusing solely on the details.” - Kristin Osorio ’10, CPA at Hoffman, Stewart & Schmidt, P.C.


Acco u nti n g The Public Accounting Specialization is designed for students pursuing tax, assurance or advisory work in the Public Accounting industry. The MSFA program provides you with an ideal way to gain both depth and breadth of skills required for a successful public accounting career. RE Q UIRED COURSES IN SPECIALI Z ATION TRAC K

• Advanced Tax Topics • Professional Accounting Research • Advanced Auditing • Current Topics in Global Financial Accounting

If you are planning to sit for the Certified Public Accounting (CPA) exam, the MSFA program will fulfil the 5th year education requirement. In fact, PSU earned a Top 20 ranking of CPA first time pass rates for students with an advanced degree.



P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fA investment management


m a n ag e m e nt

The Investment Management Specialization is for students interested in careers in financial services such as: investment management, valuation, underwriting, and research. The curriculum is also aligned with the core topics that the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute recommends to become an effective investment professional. RE Q UIRED COURSES IN SPECIALI Z ATION TRAC K

• Economics & Sustainability of the Firm • Financial Institutions • Investments • Alternative Investments • Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management

“The MSFA program challenged me in nontraditional ways, which ultimately helped me become a more dynamic decision maker. This skill set not only advanced my career, but helped give me the confidence to start my own investment company.” - Adam Vetere ‘11, Managing Director & Principal at Clearwater Capital


• Portfolio Management – Issues & Performance Assessment

As a student you’ll be able to manage a six-figure investment fund while competing against other universities for the highest return. PSU students have previously ranked first with the DA Davidson Student Investment Program.


P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fA c o r p o r at e f i n a n c i a l m a n a g e m e n t

corporate financial

m a n ag e m e nt The Corporate Financial Management Specialization helps prepare students for careers in corporate financial management in a wide range of industries. Professionals in this field help companies with strategic and operational analyses which includes: developing financial plans, determining what projects to invest in, managing cash, product costing and financial reporting. RE Q UIRED COURSES IN SPECIALI Z ATION TRAC K

• Strategic Cost Management • Economics & Sustainability of the Firm • Financial Institutions • International Financial Management • Corporate Financial Strategies

The MSFA program develops the competencies required for successful careers in finance. In addition to gaining solid technical skills, the program builds your skills related to critical thinking, communication, stakeholder perspectives and ethical considerations.


“Finance is a science, but also an art. The MSFA helped me to master finance and prepare myself to effectively approach issues that I had never seen before. This ability to solve the unseen is what matters in my current job.” - Nhi Nguyen MSFA ’11, Project Analyst for Strategic Planning & Business Development at Legacy Health


P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fA



fo rwa rd

E v e ry t h i n g y o u n e e d f o r t h e r o a d a h e a d

Whether you are launching a new career or planning to move forward at your current company, Portland State offers invaluable training and connections to help you reach your goals. C a r e e r E x p l o r at i o n

Even before classes start, you will begin exploring career paths and developing your personalized strategic career plan. Through resources such as our career visioning tools and career panels, you can investigate career options while learning to leverage past experience for ultimate growth.

“When I moved from the Midwest to Portland, I knew little to nothing about the local business scene. The PSU MSFA program really helped connect me to the pulse of the downtown Portland business community.” - Kenneth Kleist MSFA ’10, CPA at Geffen Mesher & Company, P.C.

Career Training

Through a series of seminars, mock interviews, and one-on-one advising, you will gain the skills necessary to stand out as a strong, job-ready candidate. C a r e e r N e t wo r k i n g

Portland State has strong connections with the business community and an extensive graduate alumni network that will open doors as you build your professional connections. Through this network, executives from leading companies such as Bonneville Power Administration, Cambia Health Solutions, Columbia Sportswear, Daimler Trucks North America, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, Geffen Mesher, Grant Thornton, Intel, JPMorgan Chase, Kaiser Permanente, KPMG, Legacy Health, Moss Adams, Nike, Perkins & Co, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Tektronix and StanCorp Financial Group seek to hire Portland State graduates.

Thanks to Portland State’s deep connections with the business community, you also learn from the region’s top business leaders who come into the classroom as instructors and guest speakers. These executives come to our campus and provide our students with invaluable insight.



P o rt l a n d s tat e M s fa P o rt l a n d , o r e g o n

PD X Q U I C K FAC T S M e t r o A r e a P o p u l ati o n


Portland experiences mild winters, averaging only 1-2 snow days per year, and warm, dry summers. M i l d W e at h e r

Av e r a g e T e m p e r at u r e s

in July.

Surrounded by

o ppo rtu n it y

33.5º in January 79.5º

36.3” (less than Seattle, Houston or Atlanta). Av e r a g e Rai n fa l l

Bike-friendly Portland boasts the nation’s highest percentage of bicycle commuters—nearly 11 times the national average. G e tti n g A r o u n d

Forbes magazine ranked Portland the 2nd safest city in the United States. C o mf o rt Z o n e

Time Magazine called Portland “America’s new food Eden, a confluence of every fertile trend in contemporary gastronomy.” Portland’s focus on locally produced goods has positively affected the quality of dining in the city. From award-winning coffee roasters and wineries to quirky, delicious food carts, the Portland food scene has something for everyone. Food for Thought

Each summer, 12,000 people run 197 miles from Mt. Hood to the Pacific Ocean—for fun. Two weeks later, another 2,000 ride their bikes 500 miles across the entire state—for the same reason. M ov e r s a n d S h ak e r s

B o o ks Ga l o r e Portland is home to Powell’s City of Books, the world’s largest used and new bookstore. Occupying an entire city block, Powell’s offers more than one million titles on its shelves.

T h e M s fA p r o g r a m a n d t h e P o rt l a n d c o m m u n i t y

Portland State is closely aligned with the values of the amazing city that surrounds it. Recognized internationally for its entrepreneurial business culture, progressive land use policies, and intense focus on sustainability, Portland has gained a reputation as a forward-thinking community. There is an atmosphere of civic engagement, and concerned citizens of all kinds promote causes as varied as protecting the environment and supporting locally owned businesses. Portland is also home to a growing “creative class”—a group of professionals whose ideas and innovations have taken root in all of the region’s industries. Portland State’s campus is located in the center of downtown Portland—a progressive city prized for both its natural surroundings and cosmopolitan sensibilities. Livability and a healthy economy keep Portland consistently at the top of “Best Places” lists. With its bike paths, coffee shops, food carts, craft brewpubs, bookstores, restaurants, and vibrant arts scene, Portland lives up to its reputation.

Once you’ve decided that Portland State’s MS in Financial Analysis is the right program for you, please apply online at and click on “Admissions.”



PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r at i o n

6 3 1 S W H a r r i s o n S treet, Su ite 540 P ort l a nd , OR 9 7 2 0 1 8 0 0-8 7 9 -5 0 8 8 ms fa . p d x . e d u

Portland State University is one of only 173 business programs worldwide to be accredited in both general business and accounting by the AACSB-International.

The School of Business Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Businesses.

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