Guilford Press Social Psychology 2010

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Guilford Press


Social Psychology The Social Psychology of Power Ana Guinote, University College London, UK Theresa K. Vescio, The Pennsylvania State University, USA (Eds.) “This volume takes theory and research on power a huge step forward. Coverage ranges from basic mechanisms and conceptual issues to consequences of power. It spans multiple levels of analysis, looking at how power is implicated in social perception, social interaction, and intergroup relations. This book synthesizes research in the field to date and will define the study of power in social psychology for years to come.” - Miles Hewstone, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK “Guinote and Vescio have assembled a distinguished collection of scholars to offer a current and comprehensive analysis. The volume sheds new light on a traditionally central topic in psychology. The quality of the chapters is excellent, and collectively the volume provides new theoretical perspectives and insights. This well-structured volume will make a significant and lasting contribution.” - John F. Dovidio, Department of Psychology, Yale University, USA Addressing an issue of central concern in social life, this authoritative book examines how having or lacking power influences the way individuals and groups think, feel, and act. Leading international experts comprehensively review classic and contemporary research with an eye toward bridging gaps across theories and levels of analysis. Compelling topics include the evolutionary bases of power; its effects on physiological processes, cognitive abilities, and health; what sorts of people are given power; when, how, and whom power corrupts; and power dynamics in gender, social class, and ethnic relations. The integrative concluding chapter presents a cogent agenda for future research. The book will be of use for social and personality psychologists and will also serve as a supplemental text in courses in the psychology of prejudice, psychology of gender, and psychology of ethnic and racial minorities. Contents A. Guinote, T.K. Vescio, Introduction: Power in Social Psychology. Part 1. Concepts, Theoretical Perspectives, and Basic Mechanisms. J.R. Overbeck, Concepts and Historical Perspectives on Power. C. Boehm, J.C. Flack, The Emergence of Simple and Complex Power Structures through Social Niche Construction. J.J. Rivers, R.A. Josephs, Dominance and Health: The Role of Social Rank in Physiology and Illness. D.G. Winter, Power in the Person: Exploring the Motivational Underground of Power. A. Guinote, The Situated Focus Theory of Power. Part 2. Power in Interaction: The Negotiation of a Shared Reality. D. Keltner, D. Gruenfeld, A. Galinsky, M.W. Kraus, Paradoxes of Power: Dynamics of the Acquisition, Experience, and Social Regulation of Social Power. D.B. Bugental, Paradoxical Power Manifestations: Power Assertion by the Subjectively Powerless. A.M. Russell, S.T. Fiske, Power and Social Perception. R. Spears, R. Greenwood, S. de Lemus, J. Sweetman, Legitimacy, Social Identity, and Power. F.J. Flynn, Power as Charismatic Leadership: A Significant Opportunity (and a Modest Proposal) for Social Psychology Research. Part 3. Power in Intergroup Relations. A.C. Kay, J.C. Banfield, K. Laurin, The System Justification Motive and the Maintenance of Social Power. P.J. Henry, F. Pratto, Power and Racism. T.K. Vescio, K.A. Schlenker, J.G. Lenes, Power and Sexism. K. Deaux, N. Bikmen, Immigration and Power. H.E. Bullock, B. Lott, Social Class and Power. T.K. Vescio, A. Guinote, Power: New Understandings and Future Directions. May 2010: 6x9: 468pp Hb: 978-1-60623-619-2: £41.00

Social Psychological Foundations of Clinical Psychology James E. Maddux & June Price Tangney George Mason University, USA (Eds.) “Maddux and Tangney … bring together leading social and clinical psychologists. … The result is a cutting-edge presentation of theory, research, and practice that demonstrates the mutual benefit of integrating the most innovative work from both disciplines. Scientific advances in understanding self-regulation, attachment, emotion, judgment processes, and behavior change flow seamlessly between the laboratory and clinic. I consider this book a necessity for any clinical graduate student who aspires to the mantle of a scientist-practitioner. At the same time, social psychologists … will find much to treasure.” - Jefferson A. Singer, Department of Psychology, Connecticut College, USA “There is a rich interplay between social and clinical psychology, and this volume mines it to great depths. The volume is sufficiently comprehensive to stand alone as a timely, high-quality survey of either social or clinical psychology. But it does even more, providing a convincing synthesis of these two vibrant fields.” - Thomas Joiner, Distinguished Research Professor and Bright-Burton Professor of Psychology, Florida State University, USA Uniquely integrative and authoritative, this volume explores how advances in social psychology can deepen understanding and improve treatment of clinical problems. The role of basic psychological processes in mental health and disorder is examined by leading experts in social, clinical, and counseling psychology. Chapters present cutting-edge research on self and identity, self-regulation, interpersonal processes, social cognition, and emotion. The volume identifies specific ways that social psychology concepts, findings, and research methods can inform clinical assessment and diagnosis, as well as the development of effective treatments. Compelling topics include the social psychology of help seeking, therapeutic change, and the therapist–client relationship. Contents 1. Introduction. J.E. Maddux, Social Psychological Foundations of Clinical Psychology: History and Orienting Principles. 2. Psychological Health and Psychological Problems. Self and Identity. M.R. Leary, E.B. Tate, The Role of Self-awareness and Self-evaluation in Dysfunctional Patterns of Thought, Emotion, and Behavior. D.P. McAdams, J.M. Adler, Autobiographical Memory and the Construction of a Narrative Identity: Theory, Research, and Clinical Implications. P.W. Corrigan, J.E. Larson, S.A. Kuwabara, Social Psychology of the Stigma of Mental Illness: Public and Self-stigma Models. Self-regulation. C.E. Doerr, R.F. Baumeister, Self-regulatory Strength and Psychological Adjustment: Implications of the Limited Resource Model of Self-regulation. T.J. Strauman, M.C. McCrudden, N.P. Jones, Self-regulation and Psychopathology: Toward an Integrative Perspective. G. Oettingen, P.M. Gollwitzer, Strategies of Setting and Implementing Goals: Mental Contrasting and Implementation Intentions. C.S. Dweck, E.S. Elliott-Moskwa, Self-theories: The Roots of Defensiveness. Interpersonal Processes. H.S. Shorey, Attachment Theory as a Social Developmental Psychopathology Framework for the Practice of Psychotherapy. B. Lakey, Social Support: Basic Research and New Strategies for Intervention. P. Dijkstra, F.X. Gibbons, A.P. Buunk, Social Comparison Theory. D.M. Sloan, Selfdisclosure and Psychological Well-being. Social Cognition and Emotion. S. Lyubomirsky, R. Dickerhoof, A Construal Approach to Increasing Happiness. J. Price Tangney, P. Salovey, Emotions of the Imperiled Ego: Shame, Guilt, Jealousy, and Envy. J. Riskind, L.B. Alloy, B.M. Iacoviello, Social Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression and Anxiety. 3. Social

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