what’s inside
Welcome to our second edition of Connections 2014. It is hard to believe that we are now halfway through the year and thoughts are beginning to turn to Christmas! It has been – and still is – a busy time at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice and we hope to bring you some highlights of what’s been happening here in this newsletter. We start with a story from one of our patients, Kate, and her family my thanks to them for sharing the highs and lows of their journey. It is always a privilege to hear from our patients about the difference that the Hospice makes to them and their families – and a reminder that our expression ‘… because every day is precious’ so accurately captures the essence of all that we do here. 2014 is an important year for us, as we celebrate our 35th anniversary. Anniversaries are always an opportune time to ‘take stock’ of where we have come from and look back at what has been achieved. There is much to celebrate, to be proud of and thankful for – but there is also much to do. Our expanded Hospice Care at Home team is just one way in which we are developing our services in response to feedback from our patients and their families, especially with regard to home-based care. This was strengthened in April when we welcomed the Hospice Home Support team into the PTH family. It’s brilliant how this volunteer-led service is working alongside our Community team, supporting patients and families in their own homes. Other key activities in the last few months include the opening of the Dove Lounge - our new Day Hospice. The feedback we have received about this new space is fantastic, see pages 6-7 to find out more. No copy of Connections would be complete without a preview of some of our forthcoming events. We have an exciting line-up and hope you can join us at some of them. Your thoughts may still be on the sun and warmth of summer, but we thought we should also enclose our 2014 Christmas card leaflet, as we know that these cards sell quickly and we don’t want our loyal supporters to miss out! All that remains is for me to thank you for your ongoing support and interest in Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. Happy reading!
Best wishes Sarah
A patient’s story
35 years of caring
Our new Day Hospice
Latest news - retail
Latest news – events
Improving our care
Events diary
Corporate news
Remembering loved ones
Make a donation
We rely on the support of the local community to keep our doors open. If you would like to make a donation, or just find out more about the Hospice, we would love to hear from you! Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Waverley Lane Farnham Surrey GU9 8BL
01252 729400 www.pth.org.uk PhyllisTuckwellHospice @PTHospice
Registered charity number: 264501
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A Patient’s Story It was only weeks after completing the Farnham half-marathon, in September 2013, that Kate, 61, felt an odd sensation in her hand. Having always been an active person, however, Kate simply dismissed it as an old sports injury. Two months later, when on the treadmill at her local gym, Kate realised that she was feeling unusually tired and unfit, but it wasn’t until her legs felt heavy whilst she was climbing the stairs one day that she took herself to the doctors. After a referral to a neurologist, Kate was diagnosed with fast-moving MND, a hereditary condition for which there is no cure. Kate, whose husband died in 2003, was living at home with her son Justin, 33, at the time. Her daughter Lyndsey, 32, visited every day, but as she and Justin both worked, Kate spent much of her day alone. “The illness progressed so quickly, I ended up living upstairs because I couldn’t get around the house anymore” Kate explained. “I was admitted to the Hospice in March 2014, and they’ve been absolutely fantastic. If I’d stayed at home, I don’t know what I would have done.” Kate’s illness has progressed rapidly, and she has become increasingly dependent on those around her, something which she has found hard to adjust to. “I’ve always travelled and been very active, so it’s taken quite a while to get used to asking people to do things for me” she says. Born in the UK, Kate moved to South Africa when she was 18, after her father’s business required him to relocate. Two years later the family was transferred to
Beirut, where Kate worked in engineering, “learnt to speak a little Arabic, some German, brushed up on my French, and had a ball!” Three years later she moved back to England, where she secured a job at EMI Records in London. It was here that Kate met her South African husband Grenville, who lured her back to South Africa, where they married and had two children. “Having to depend so much on people is hard,” she admits. “When you first talk about coming to the Hospice, you think it’s the end, and you expect everyone to be solemn and serious. But it’s not like that at all - you can have such a laugh! Having a bit of banter makes things easier, you don’t feel as though your independence has been taken away.” Since coming to the Hospice, Kate has found relief and relaxation in the neck and back massages, and hand massages, which she has been offered through the Dove Centre. She has also had Spiritual Healing sessions, and is hoping to arrange some counselling sessions too, with the Patient and Family Support Team. Kate is proud of the way her family have responded to the news of her illness, and speaks enthusiastically of the fundraising endeavours of both her son and her daughter. Justin, who took part in The New Forest 10 in July this year, will be running both the Farnham and
Basingstoke half marathons in the Autumn. And earlier this year Lyndsey raised over £1,000 by taking part in ‘Tough Mudder’, a military-style obstacle course in which participants are faced with 25 challenges over 12 miles. “Her t-shirt was white when she started,” Kate smiles, “and at the end it was completely brown – covered in mud!”
Lyndsey enjoys a well-earned drink after the Tough Mudder challenge
When asked how she feels about the Hospice, Kate smiles. “The care they offer here is so wonderful; they get to know the tiniest of things, the things which you can and can’t do, and they pass that information on to each other. They’re like family. A mad, crazy family, but then that’s just like mine. It’s home from home!”
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Hospice Entrance - Th
en and Now
2014 marks 35 years since Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice first opened its doors to terminally ill patients and their families. Over those 35 years we have admitted around 13,000 patients and become a prominent and well-loved local charity. The Hospice first opened in 1979, after tireless work by its founding committee, led by Sir Edward Tuckwell, whose wife Phyllis died of cancer in 1970. It is one of the oldest hospices in South-East England; at the time of its inception, hospices were still a revolutionary idea in a world which knew very little about the specialist care needs of those
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who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and of those close to them. Thanks to the support of the local community, the Hospice has grown and developed since 1979, with the opening of a new Day Room in 1989, and new Day Hospice in 2000 - which you can read more about on pages 6 & 7. In 2007, Therapy and Education rooms were also built, allowing patients to receive specialist treatment in a purposebuilt environment, and enabling the training and collaboration of healthcare professionals. In its anniversary year, the Hospice continues to flourish, with the opening of our new Dove Lounge, and the expansion of our Hospice Care at Home team. Alongside this we have extended our services into home support, after joining with the well-loved local charity Hospice Home Support, which provides
volunteer help for terminally ill patients in their own homes assistance with shopping, ironing, or helping with their children thereby enabling them to stay at home, sometimes for much longer than would otherwise be possible. All of the services which the Hospice offers are free to patients and their families, but as the NHS covers less than 15% of our costs, we have to raise over ÂŁ15,000 a day to offer such an exceptional standard of clinical care and support. If you would like to donate to our 35th anniversary appeal, there is a donation form on the back page of this magazine. We are grateful for all donations, of any size, and would like to offer our thanks for any contribution which you are able to make towards the running of the Hospice.
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Patients and visitors can enjoy the sunshine in the beautiful Hospice gardens
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Introducing our “The transformation is incredible” says Karen McEvoy, Day Hospice Sister, as she surveys the new building. “It’s lighter, brighter and more modern; a much more functional space.” Karen is sitting in the new Dove Lounge, the home for our improved Day Hospice, which opened earlier this year. “The brief was to bring the garden inside,” she explains, looking over at the concertinaed glass doors which span one of the long walls of the new building. “And they definitely did that.” Providing patients with companionship and activities, as well as access to complementary therapy, physiotherapy, and Hospice chaplains and counsellors, the Day Hospice is an important facility for patients. Its nursing team works hard to keep patients out of hospital and living at home, where they want to be.
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It took nearly six months of building work, but the new Day Hospice is now finished and open to patients, its expansion made possible by a large government grant which was given to the Hospice through the NHS. Monies from Trust Funds then paid for the building to be redecorated and for new furniture to be bought. Karen points to a section of the ceiling mid-way along the width of the Dove Lounge, the main room in the Day Hospice. “That was where the old building ended,” she explains, indicating how the space has been nearly doubled by the extension. The new side wall of the Day Hospice now opens out onto the patio and gardens, and - as the doors are made of glass - light will still pour into the room even in the winter months, when it is too cold to leave the doors open. A large mural of leaves and flowers, painted by local artist Lindsey Southworth, stretches along the length of the opposite wall, reflecting the gardens outside and again contributing to the
feeling of the outside being brought inside. “Before the extension, the room was cosy, but it got so crowded. All the chairs were lined up around the edge; there was nowhere else to put them,” Karen says. With the additional space which the extension has created, Day Hospice patients are now able to sit in groups around the Dove Lounge, and can chat together much more easily. There is ample space for wheelchairs and oxygen cylinders, and specially designed chairs give patients the support they need. “It offers the patients so much more choice,” nods Karen. “And choosing the furniture and materials was a real collaborative effort – everyone had a say.” The kitchen area has also been enlarged. “It was very small before,” Karen remembers. “Just two or three people in there and you couldn’t move. We were falling over ourselves.” The old screen, which used to separate the kitchen from the
“The new Day Room is beautiful, and very calming in what could be a stressful environment.”
new Day Hospice Dove Lounge, has been removed, instantly opening out the space and connecting it with the rest of the Day Hospice. In place of the screen now stands a worktopped area where patients and their carers can sit and chat over a cup of tea, or talk to those in the kitchen. The first Day Hospice, then just a single room, was opened in 1989, after two generous legacies provided the funding. In 2000, it was replaced by the Barbers Day Hospice, named after the Worshipful Company of Barber Surgeons, a London livery company whose connection with the Hospice can be traced right back to London Surgeon Sir Edward Tuckwell, husband of Phyllis and co-founder of the Hospice itself. As the Day Hospice has grown, so have the services which it provides. Now accessed through the Hospice’s main reception, the Day Hospice runs regular sessions from 10am – 3pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The Activities Room within Day Hospice – freshly furnished with
new storage areas - provides a separate space for art groups, reminiscence therapy and children’s counselling sessions, whilst the Linden Room can be used for private, family meetings and patient assessments. “It’s wonderful,” concludes Karen, looking around the Dove Lounge and out through the doors, into the garden. “The nurses and patients all agree – it’s a beautiful, positive space, and we already feel settled here.”
Local artist Lindsey Southworth paints the Day Ho spice mural
Volunteer artists encourage patients to explore their creative side
Patients enjoy a relaxed lunch
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Hospice’s new MAPLE room opens
Bringing our Care to You Hospice Care at Home (HCaH) is a nurse-led service which brings care and support to patients in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. It helps them to remain at home, if they wish, instead of having to stay in hospital or at the Hospice. Initially a six-month pilot scheme, HCaH first started in 2009, its aim to give patients more choice over where they wanted to live during their last few weeks. Over these six months, HCaH kept 60 people out of hospital and living in their own homes and, following this success, it was decided that the service should be established. As well as nursing care, HCaH also offers psychological and emotional support, and monitors patients’ symptoms. HCaH nurses understand how important it is for patients and their carers to see a familiar face at each visit. The team works closely with hospitals, district nurses and Community Clinical Nurse Specialists, and offers telephone support as well
as home visits, all of which help reduce unnecessary hospital admissions. Since introducing HCaH, we have received a great deal of positive feedback from patients and their families. “The HCaH team were our lifeline,” said one relative. “They made it possible for Mum to stay at home with care and dignity. They were either there in person or just on the end of the phone for support and guidance, which made us feel safe and reassured. They made it possible for me to care for Mum and also spend quality time with her and Dad. These words do not and could not give due praise to the gratitude we feel to the HCaH team.” We are delighted with the success of HCaH, and are striving to continue and extend it, in light of the patient need for this home-based care.
An innovative new room has recently been opened on the Hospice’s In-Patient ward, with the aim of improving the environment for patients with cognitive and sensory difficulties. Standing for Memory Assist for Patient’s LifE, the MAPLE room has been decorated in contrasting but relaxing colours, helping both patients with sight loss and those with heightened levels of anxiety, who will benefit from its relaxing environment. “We believe we are the first Hospice in the country to have such facilities,” says Theresa Hopwood, Lead Occupational Therapist at the Hospice. “This room will remove the stress caused by being in unfamiliar surroundings, for both the patient and the family.” The room has been fitted with equipment which enables the discrete monitoring of patients who may be inclined to wander, and are therefore at risk of falls. These movement detectors will sound a unique alarm tone to enable nurses to respond quickly. Nurses and Occupational Therapists at the Hospice have undertaken a great deal of research and planning in the development of this room, even down to the colour of the paint, towels, cutlery and bathroom fittings. The room also includes specially designed clock and day indicators to aid orientation, and improvements to lighting, which help create a tranquil and soothing atmosphere. We hope that this room will enable patients to retain as much independence as possible, whilst still ensuring their personal safety.
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New Volunteers join Hospice Following a fantastic recruitment drive in March, our Patient and Family Support Team (PAFS) are in the process of training 26 new volunteers. The new recruits hail from a variety of walks of life, including teaching, counselling and nursing, and although they will all have different titles and roles at the Hospice, all will be here to offer support to patients, carers and families. After their five-day training course, the new volunteers will join the established team of 20 who already work within PAFS, a boost which will enable the department to increase and extend the support
and services which it currently offers. At present, planned changes include increasing the frequency of the children’s counselling group Little Rays from four times a year to once every six weeks, and introducing a similar meeting for the current teenagers’ group Storm, with the addition of an online forum. There are also plans to introduce a coffee morning for carers and a group for lone parents, as well as developing a more flexible service for those wishing to return to the Hospice for evening or weekend remembrance services.
Make a Will Fortnight
Hospice signs charter to support those with Motor Neurone Disease
Making a Will is one of the most important things you can do, to ensure that your money and possessions go to those you wish, after your death.
The Hospice’s CEO Sarah Brocklebank and Medical Director Cate Seton-Jones have both signed the MND Charter – a document which outlines the needs and rights of those who suffer from MND. The Charter was drawn up by the Motor Neurone Disease Association, and its five points are:
From 8th-21st September, you can receive a professional consultation from one of our local solicitors, and a new or updated Will – free of charge. All we ask in return is that you make a donation to the Hospice.
• People with MND have the right to an early diagnosis and information • People with MND have the right to access quality care and treatments • People with MND have the right to be treated as individuals and with dignity and respect • People with MND have the right to maximise their quality of life • Carers of people with MND have the right to be valued, respected, listened to and well-supported
For more information and to see the list of participating solicitors, please visit www.pth.org.uk/ makeawillfortnight
Also present at the signing were Bob Hodgson from the Surrey branch of the MND Association, and Hospice MND patients Koula Rakitzis and Mark Samson. If you would like to support this initiative and sign the Charter, you can do so online at www.mndassociation.org/mndcharter, email campaigns@mndassociation.org, or phone 01604 611684.
(left to right) Mark Samson, Sarah Brocklebank, Cate Seton-Jones, Bob Hodgson, Catherine Fortescue, Koula Rakitzis.
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retail therapy
Get Festive with Phyllis 2014 brings a modern twist to our Christmas card range with exclusive designs from Hospice patient Linda Jackson and Farnham artist Charles Bone. Priced at only £3.75 for 10, they are available from PTH shops, at www.pth.org.uk/ our-shop, by calling 01252 729446 or returning the enclosed order form. And for those who like to stay organised, we also have three distinctive 2015 diaries for you to choose from!
17 shops and counting... This year we opened two new shops in Guildford, bringing the city’s total up to four and our total to 17! In February, a new Furniture and Home Store opened at 21/22 Tunsgate Square and, just three months later, a more traditional charity shop opened at 45 Woodbridge Hill, selling books, clothes, handbags, shoes and bric-a-brac. Thank you to everyone who has donated and bought items from our shops - we couldn’t raise the money we need without you!
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Phoenix Court revamp
Our thanks go to Qualcomm staff, who recently helped re-vamp our Phoenix Court shop in Guildford, clearing out and painting the upstairs storage area where staff and volunteers sort through donations. “Our day started with a visit to the Hospice,” said Qualcomm’s Vicki Hazell, “which made us realise the great work it does. We then moved on to clear and paint the stock room above the Phoenix Court shop, saving the Hospice in the region of £1,000. We felt honored to help such an amazing and worthwhile charity.” Qualcomm staff also raised over £400 for the Hospice by donating over 30 bags of clothes, bric-a-brac and accessories, as part of our Bag It and Give initiative, which encourages supporters to donate unwanted items. For more information on Bag It and Give please call 01252 710679. We were saddened to hear that Marie Siggery, volunteer manageress of the first ever PTH shop, died in May this year, aged 101. Marie volunteered at the shop for over 16 years, from 1986 - 2002. Last year, Marie celebrated her 100th birthday, and was invited by the Hospice to the Volunteer Long Service awards, where she was presented with a bouquet of flowers.
Remembering our loved ones Two different ways to remember someone special.
Hospice launches Memory Tree The Memory Tree is a beautiful metal sculpture which stands in a quiet area of the Hospice gardens. Along its branches curl 300 thin hooks, from which delicate leaves can be hung, each dedicated by family or friends to the memory of a loved one. For a donation of £100 or more, the leaf will be engraved with the name of their loved one and displayed on the Tree for 12 months, after which it will be placed in a presentation box and given to the person who bought it. Each month, a small ceremony will be held to place all newly-named leaves on the tree. The Hospice would like to thank Maureen Kayll, who donated the Tree in memory of her husband Jeremy. We hope that it will become a focal point for family and friends to remember those whom they have lost.
Plant a flower in our Memory Meadow If you happen to be passing the entrance to Guildford Cathedral, take a look across the road, and you will see a swathe of colourful flowers – the Memory Meadow. Donated to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice by Guildford Borough Council, this meadow of wildflowers, including poppies, cornflowers, marigolds and cosmos, is now in its second year, and stands as a living tribute to loved ones who have died. As well as a real meadow, the Hospice has also created a Memory Meadow on their website, where people can plant a virtual flower, and dedicate it to the memory of their loved one, adding a few words and a photograph if they wish. If you would like to plant a flower in the Hospice’s virtual Memory Meadow, and make a donation to support the Hospice’s vital work, please visit
If you would like to buy a leaf,
visit www.pth.org.uk/memory-tree, email fundraising@pth.org.uk or call 01252 729446
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an event-full summer We’ve hosted a plethora of fundraising events this summer, from keeping fit to eating cakes!
Take a look at a few of our finest…
Strictly Dancing
Saturday 17th May saw 50 ladies zumba their way to raising just under £1,000 for the Hospice. Fitsteps was held at Heath End School, in Farnham, and – despite it being a very hot day – the ladies taking part
danced for two hours solid! We would like to thank Kate, Tina and Natalie, from Farnham Zumba, for leading the lesson, and all those who took part, for their incredible energy and enthusiasm!
Guildford Cathedral Abseil On Saturday 24th May, 35 brave participants climbed the 249 steps to the top of Guildford Cathedral, before descending the 160ft to the ground – all in aid of the Hospice. The weather was kind – apart from a brief downpour in the afternoon! But that didn’t dampen the spirits of our plucky abseilers, who raised over £15,000 to support the Hospice. Thank you to all involved – what a spectacular event!
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On 30th May, the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing© couple Robin Windsor and Kristina Rihanoff headlined an energetic evening full of latin and ballroom classics, at the Lakeside Country Club, in Frimley Green. The evening was hosted by Dan Lobb, a former Strictly celebrity, with live music from Premier Cru. Robin and Kristina wowed the audience with the samba, rumba, jive and American smooth.
Also performing on the night were the University of Surrey’s Ballroom & Latin American Dance Club and the Strictly Learn to Dance Class 2014, novice dancers who performed their dance debut after just 10 weeks of lessons. The audience also joined in, as Angela’s School of Dancing led a ballroom lesson, which saw the dance floor packed. We would like to thank Bob Potter OBE, for kindly donating the use of his renowned venue for the sixth year running, and Paul from Paul Fitchett Images, for taking fantastic photos of the audience with our Strictly stars. Thanks also to Angela and Stephanie from Angela’s School of dance, for teaching a packed dance floor a few steps, and for guiding our ‘Learn to Dance Class’.
Hospice Golf Day
This year’s Hospice Golf Day was held on Tuesday 24th June, at North Hants Golf Club, who have recently named Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice as their Charity of the Year. It was a beautifully sunny day, and a great time was had by all. Our thanks go to North Hants Golf Club, and also to Wadham and Isherwood for sponsoring the event.
Tea @ 3 and a slice of cake!
Throughout May, we ran a competition asking people to bake us a Hospice-themed birthday cake, for our 35th anniversary. Congratulations to Sarah Griffiths, whose Memory Leaf cake was voted the winner! Following on from the competition, our annual Tea @ 3 tea party event ran throughout June. Thanks to everyone who baked us a birthday cake or held a tea party for the Hospice. We hope you had fun celebrating our anniversary!
Hospice Fete
Our annual summer fete was a great success, despite the early morning thunderstorms!! Luckily, the weather had cleared up by the time the fete started, and the emerging sun drew the crowds into Gostrey Meadow. The Hospice marquee, run by the Hospice’s fantastic volunteers and support groups, was packed with exciting stalls, including chocolate and toy tombolas, a bottle
tombola, a fabulous raffle, and cake and book stalls. There were games for the kids, including a coconut shy and hooka-duck, a delicious Thai BBQ, and crepe, candy floss and ice cream stalls, while Showshack provided entertainment for all. We are especially grateful to Wise & Co, Premier Panel Skills and Bell’s Solicitors for sponsoring the event again this year.
A very big thank you to... We would like to say a big thank you to all of the individuals and companies who have sponsored our events, including: Wadham & Isherwood, for sponsoring the Hospice Golf Day; Wise & Co, Premier Panel Skills and Bell’s Solicitors, for sponsoring the fete;
and Bob Potter OBE for allowing us to use his renowned venue, Lakeside, for our Strictly Dancing event. If you would like to find out more about sponsoring an event, please contact Georgi Robinson-Welch on 01252 729446 or email georgi.robinsonwelch@pth.org.uk
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Come and join the fun! Reindeer Runs
Come and run, walk, jog, hop or even dance this colourful new fun run! At every kilometre mark of the 5k route, you will be showered with multi-coloured powder paint, to celebrate the colour that the Hospice brings to the lives of its patients and their families. The run will be held on Saturday 6th September at Frimley Lodge Park. Whether you want to run in memory of a loved one, to inspire someone who is currently unwell or just to have fun - come and join the
Help us celebrate Hospice Care Week (6-12th October) by wearing a hat for the Hospice!
Light Up A Life Join us at the Hospice for our annual service of remembrance, a special and poignant evening where we light up the Hospice Christmas tree with lights that have been dedicated in memory of someone special.
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fun! To register, visit www.pth.org. uk or call 01252 729446. Advance registration is recommended to guarantee your place and t-shirt. Registration fees will be higher on the day. Whilst all ages are welcome, we recommend that participants are aged 5 or over as the event will be noisy and messy, and may be overwhelming for very young children. Thanks go to our lead sponsor Cain Adam Paint & Tools, and The Bin Cleaning Company and Allianz, for sponsoring this event.
Pay £1 to wear your coolest cap, silliest hat or trendiest trilby, and help raise much needed funds for us. Whether you are at work, school or doing the weekly shop, pop on a silly hat and parade around with pride! If you are a local school, you could even ask pupils to make their own hats, hold a fashion show and give the best design a prize!
Monday 1st December
Last year we held a Reindeer Run at 12 local schools, and over 2,500 children helped us to raise a fantastic total of £26,500! If you know of a school who might like to take part this year, please contact us. We will do all the work – all that is needed from the school is to arrange a date to complete the run in a lunchtime or PE lesson, and invite us in for launch assembly.We will provide everything else, including reindeer antlers, flashing noses and sponsor forms.
Elf Runs If you are looking for something new or need something for older children, an elf run is the perfect event to hold! This event works in the same way as the Reindeer run so it can fit in with your school calendar – and we will provide elf hats for every child taking part!
Silver Stars Skydive Day Fancy jumping out of a plane in aid of the Hospice? If a skydive is something you have always wanted to do then this is the perfect opportunity! To find out how to join us at one of our Hospice Skydive Days, call our Fundraising team on 01252 729446.
Join us at FIVE, in Farnborough, for our Midnight in Monte Carlo themed Christmas party! Enjoy a drink in the champagne bar whilst listening to the infectious rhythms of the live band, whose music will accompany your threecourse dinner. Let the Pyrotechnic Performers and Aerial Silk and Hoop Dancers entertain you with their incredible displays, before continuing the excitement by gambling at the casino, taking a spin on the waltzers or simply dancing the night away! This fabulous evening’s food and entertainment, including a disco and survivors’ breakfast, is just £35pp (over 18’s only, tables of 10 preferred). So why not kick off the festive season by getting your friends, family or colleagues
Last year our supporters raised over £140,000 by taking on challenge events, so why not join them and Get Fit for Phyllis? Whether you are a runner, walker, cyclist or adrenaline junkie, there’s something for everyone.
together for a fantastic Christmas party, whilst also supporting the Hospice. Visit www.pth.org.uk or call 01252 729446 to buy your tickets now. We are very grateful to Best Parties Ever for allowing us to hold these parties in aid of the Hospice and to Premier Panel Skills for their sponsorship of the event.
Book soon! Saturday 6th December – Tickets running out – book soon. Friday 5th December – New date just added.
Our 35th Anniversary Perhaps you could organise an event, take on a sponsored challenge, or speak to your school, church, or workplace about choosing us as their charity of the year?
Santa & Rudolph Fun Runs Pull on your Santa suit and join us in a festive fun run! Runs will take place in Hindhead and Aldershot,
We have places in the Virgin London Marathon 2015 & the Brighton Marathon 2015. Call 01252 729446 for an application form. Ever wanted to trek the Inca Trail, conquer Kilimanjaro, walk the Great Wall of China or pedal to Paris? To take on an adventure in 2015, call the Fundraising team on 01252 729446. If you would prefer to create your own sponsored challenge, from a charity bike ride to a sponsored swim, we can provide you with all the support you need – as well as a Get Fit for Phyllis t-shirt!
Picnic to Music in the Park 2015
To discuss a fundraising or awareness-raising idea, please call us on 01252 729446. We will support you all the way – providing resources, equipment and advice, whenever you need it!
on Sat 13th & Sun 14th December. We would love to see a record number of Santa & Rudolphs this year, so get your friends and family together and come along! Full Santa suit provided for every adult, and Rudolph antlers and flashing red nose given to every child. Call 01252 729446 to register.
Save the date – Saturday 11 & 12 July at King Georgi V Playing Fields, Farnborough. Tickets on sale from 1st November at www.pth.org.uk if you wish to buy them as a Christmas present for a loved one. See page 17 for more details.
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Events Diary September Hospice Plant Sales
1st Sunday of each month September – October, 10am-1pm Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
A Dash of Colour - 5k fun run
October Hospice Plant Sales
1st Sunday of each month September – October, 10am-1pm Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Pick up a bargain at the last of our monthly plant sales.
Saturday 6th, 11am Frimley Lodge Park, £16 Entry
November Christmas Fayre
Tuesday 18th 10am-4pm Entry: £3 The Performing Arts Centre. Event organised by our Frensham & Dockenfield Support Group and the venue kindly donated by Frensham Heights School.
Cheese&Wine Evening* Saturday 22nd, 7:30pm, £10 URC Church Hall, Kings Road, Fleet. Event kindly organised by our Fleet Hospice Support Group.
Make a Will Fortnight 8th – 21st Find participating solicitors at www.pth.org.uk
Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Inaugural Corporate Golf Day Weds 17th, West Surrey Golf Club, Milford. 4-ball Team Stableford
World Hospice Day
Saturday 12th Could you hold a fundraising event to mark this special day?
Hankley Common Golf Club Hospice Golf Day Tuesday 14th Hankley Comvmon Golf Club, Tilford. 4-ball Team Stableford.
The Silver Stars Skydive Day
Sunday 21st Start times: FM 9.30am HM 10.30am Start/finish at The Sands Recreation Ground, Farnham, GU10 1NE See www.farnhampilgrim.org.uk Contact: davidholfd@aol.com
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Saturday 22nd Princes Mead Shopping Centre, Farnborough Free entry to entertainment throughout the day. 11am Santa’s arrival. 4.30pm Christmas lights switch on and launch of the Hospice’s Tree of Memories. Santa’s Grotto opens from Sunday 23rd, 11am – 3:30pm every weekend until Christmas. All Grotto proceeds to the Hospice.
PTH Christmas Fayre
Friday 19th (+March 2015 date tbc) Minimum sponsorship level of £450.
Farnham Pilgrim Marathon (FM) and Half-Marathon (HM)**
Princes Mead Festivities*
Saturday 29th, 10am-3pm Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Free entry – Donations welcome
Get your friends together for a festive drink anytime throughout the Christmas season. At home, at work, at your local club – host a Wine@9party for the Hospice. Contact us for a free Wine@9 pack.
Co r Op porat po e for rtuni Spon t s eve all ma ies av orsh in H aila ip nts 012 – ple osp ble ic 5 a for 2 729 se ca e mo l 4 re i 46 l nfo
December Light Up A Life
Monday 1st – 6.30pm Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Free admission, everyone welcome
Midnight in Monte Carlo Christmas Party! Saturday 6th - FIVE, Farnborough Tickets: £35pp (includes 3 course meal, entertainment and survivor’s breakfast) Tables of 10. Thanks to Best Parties Ever we are able to organise this huge party in aid of the Hospice! Book with friends, family or hold your work Christmas party with us!
2015 Cinderella
10th December 2014 1st January 2015 The Harlington Centre, Fleet Road, Fleet, £16.50 - £25.50 Retiring collection at each performance for the Hospice. Contact: Box Office 01252 811009 to book your tickets now
Wear your Christmas Cardi!
Friday 12th (or a day of your choice!) Get sponsored to spend a day dressed as Santa! Whether at work, in the gym, going shopping or meeting up with friends – have some festive fun while supporting the Hospice. Registration: £10 (includes a full adult Santa Suit!)
Strictly Learn to Dance
Early 2015 Want to learn how to ballroom dance? This is perfect opportunity - with a Strictly twist! Register your interest - 01252 729446 or fundraising@pth.org.uk
Picnic to Music in the Park is back in Farnborough!
Saturday 11th July- Counterfeit Stones and Counterfeit Police Saturday 12th July- Magic of Motown A huge thank you to Rotary Club of Farnborough for organising this very special event. For tickets, please visit www.pth.org.uk
Take on a challenge of a lifetime for the Hospice in 2015… Virgin Money London Marathon & Brighton Marathon Missed out on your marathon place this year? We have places in the 2015 marathons.
Santa/Rudolph Fun Run -Hindhead Christmas Fayre*
(St Thomas on the Bourne)
Saturday 6th, 10am-12.30pm St Thomas on the Bourne, Farnham. Contact Mavis Golding on 01252 721320
Carols by Candlelight - Featuring Hart Voices* Sunday 7th, 6pm The Catholic Church of Our Lady, Fleet. Tickets: £10 (includes a glass of wine/mulled wine & mince pie) Event kindly organised by Hart Voices with the support of our Fleet Hospice Support Group
Saturday 13th – 11am, Devils Punch Bowl, Hindhead Adults: £12 - Child (U14): £5
Sunday 14th, 11am Queens Avenue, Aldershot Adults: £12, Child (U14): £5 Registration fee includes Santa suit for adults and reindeer antlers with a flashing red nose for children. Register from 1st October * This event is kindly being organised by supporters of the Hospice with permission from the Fundraising team. ** The Hospice will benefit from 100% of your sponsorship if you choose to take part in aid of us.
Climb Kilimanjaro Conquer the highest mountain in Africa! 17-27 September 2015 Trek the Great Wall of China A once in a lifetime trek along the incredible Great Wall of China 16-24 October 2015 Trek the Inca Trail 14-23 May 2015 Trek along the REAL Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Cycle London to Paris Ride to Paris for the Finale of the Tour de France! (Other trip dates available on request.)
For a challenges information pack or further information for any event - fundraising@pth.org.uk or 01252 729446
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Corporate Partnerships PTH’s Corporate Partnerships Fundraiser Georgi Robinson-Welch tells us more about her new role, and what fuels her commitment to the Hospice. My first contact with the Hospice came five years ago, when my husband passed away, aged 39. Wanting to give something back in return for the wonderful care we had received, I began fundraising, starting with a skydive and a two-week trek around Iceland. I also volunteered in the Fundraising dept, and was soon offered a job as a Community Fundraiser, my focus to engage with schools.
• Tour of the Hospice • Sponsor an event • Give as you Earn • Staff fundraising • Take part in a challenge • Attend one of our events • Give a Gift in Kind • Electric Pennies • Employers match Employees fundraising
• Creative Style hairdressers held a no make-up and hair-do day, raising £290 and making it onto the front page of the Farnham Herald! They also have one of our ‘Donation Stations’, helping keep our shops topped up. • Andrew Lodge Estate Agents made us their official partner charity, and raised over £750 for us at their 21st birthday celebrations
Lots of companies have been fundraising for us this year - here’s a taster of what they’ve been getting up to: • Waitrose have given us over £2,000 this year through their Community Matters scheme – keep popping those green tokens in!
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Now, working with companies, I have a different audience but the same aim - to promote the amazing work of the Hospice, increase awareness and raise funds. I absolutely love my job and feel very privileged to work for such an important organisation.
• Gold sponsors for our Dash of Colour event, Cane Adam Paint and Tools will be supporting us with the event promotion, as well as entering their own team. • Curves Fitness have raised over £1,000 through coffee mornings and events • Staff from the local Halifax branches held a “Big Lunch” family fun day, raising over £800 - which was then employer-matched to £1,600! • Alexander Dennis staff in Guildford raised £1,915 through a variety of events, which has been employermatched to £3,830!
• Staff from Barons Mini, Whiteoaks and Vale Furnishers took part in our Silver Stars Skydive, raising an amazing £9,000!
• Brandtastic raised over £1,600 from a very muddy cycle across the South Downs Way. • Hogs Back Brewery sold a Hospice beer, Golden Boot, during the World Cup. Watch this space for more
exciting initiatives. • Papa Johns invited us to the launch of their new Farnham shop, donating 20p for every pizza sold and raising £300!
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to our local business community, for the energy and enthusiasm they have put into raising money for the Hospice. I am keen to get more companies involved – so if you would like to know more about our Corporate Partnerships please do get in touch!
Email: georgi.robinsonwelch@pth.org.uk
Help support us in our 35th year What your money can do...
£35 could pay
£35 could
for two hours’ care from a Hospice Care at Home nurse, providing clinical care and emotional support to patients in their own homes.
pay for two hourly sessions with a Counsellor, helping patients come to terms with their illness, or offering family members a place to talk through their grief.
£35 could pay
for a session with an Occupational Therapist - helping patients to manage everyday activities, develop coping strategies, and access specialised equipment.
£35 could pay for
£35 could cover the total cost of all
care provided through our Day Hospice for an hour, providing patients with access to Hospice treatment and therapies, in a welcoming, social environment.
two hourly sessions with a Complementary Therapist, providing natural relief from pain, through treatments such as massage, aromatherapy or reflexology.
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I would like to make a donation to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Your details Title:
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Make a gift I would like to support Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice with a donation of £
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I/We enclose a cheque payable to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
Regular donation I would like to make a regular donation to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice £3
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Name(s) of Account Holder(s):
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Service User Number 293738
Please pay Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society. Signature:
This is not part of the instructions to your Bank/Building Society: you are covered under the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme and you should refer to your Direct Debit confirmation letter for details of the Guarantee.
Gift Aid declaration - Make your gift worth even more and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Make your donation worth more with Gift Aid – at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK taxpayer, and would like to increase your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you, please complete and sign this declaration. I would like the charity to treat all donations I have made for the 4 years prior to the date of this declaration, and all donations in the future until further notice as Gift Aid donations. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax
Signature: Date:
Please complete and return this form to: Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice FREEPOST SCE49 18 Waverley Lane FARNHAM GU9 8BR Under the terms of the Data Protection Act, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice would like to retain your name and address for administrative purposes and to inform you of its fundraising and other activities. We hope you will want to remain in touch with our work. Please send me information by email and/or text.
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