Archive: Progression Year 2

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CHIEF EDITOR Andreas Yanuar Jacky Thiodore STUDENT COORDINATOR Rexy Jonathan Christian Laurentius ART DIRECTOR Rexy Jonathan Christian Laurentius PROOF READER Lystia Regina PHOTOGRAPHY By Students PU UPH Photography Team TRANSLATOR Inggrid Samrat COVER Randy Gunawan

Martin L. Katoppo, Dean Julia Tan, Executive Dean Erwin Widodo, Director Admin Ferry Gunawan, Department Chair FULL TIME FACULTY Alvar Mensana Andreas Yanuar Ayu Larasati David Hutama Dicky Tanumihardja Emanuel Agung Felia Srinaga Fernisia Richtia Ferry Gunawan Gregorius A. Gegana I Ketut Canadarma Jacky Thiodore Julia Dewi Raymond Gandayuwana Santoni Stanley Wangsadiharja Susinety Prakoso Undi Gunawan VISITING FACULTY Adi Purnomo Adetania Pramanik Ahmad Djuhara Amir Sidharta

Ari Widio Ardy Hartono Ary Indra Asa Darmatriaji Avianti Armand Baskoro Junianto Bianpoen Carolina Djunaedi Dani Hermawan Dennis Indramawan Dimas Satria Elisa Sutanudjaja Endy Subijono Evytriana Tasman Finarya Legoh Firman Herwanto Glenn Hajadi Glenn Hartanto Hafiz Amirol Ida Zureidar Joe S. Willendra Lucia Helly Purwaningsih Monica Dewi Indrasari Realrich Sjarief Robin Hartanto Suwardana Winata M. Yusni Aziz Wendy Djuhara

Archive : Progression Year 2 Š Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan 2018 First published, July 2018 ISBN: 978-602-52441-2-4 ISBN: 978-602-52441-3-1 (ebk) All writings and printed materials in the publication may only be reproduced with the permission of the editor. opinions expressed in the article in this issue are those of authors and do not reflect thoseof authors and publisher. Authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all published data.

Published by Publication Unit Architecture UPH Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan UPH Tower, Lippo Karawaci Tangerang 15811, Banten

TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial Table of Contents Chairman Introduction i Editor Introduction iii STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR 1 Studio Introduction 1 Resting Place Lined Path - Amanda Lee 5 The Hanging Nest - Lina Puspitasari 6 Modular Square - Daris Mahanad 7 Dwelling for Disabilities Home for Wheel-chaired - Amanda Lee 11 Home for Manula - Jenifer Dora Natali 13 Bonsai Inspired Concept - Janice S. Alodia 15 STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR 2 Studio Introduction 17 Study Carrel Interactive Study Carrel - Lina Puspitasari 21 Learning Through System - Hansen Hartoyo 23 Stacking Carrel - Ariel Wibowo 25 Classroom Flowing Classroom - Lina Puspitasari 29 Unity in Diversity - Hansen Hartoyo 31 Connectivity Classroom - Ariel Wibowo 33 School Open-air School - Lina Puspitasari 37 Divide & Merge - Hansen Hartoyo 39 Layering School - Ariel Wibowo 41

STUDIO DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 1 Studio Introduction 43 Active Play Space Sabda Alam 47 Stage Space 48 Rumah Wisata Tunnel House - Felisa Dikwatama 51 Colaborated House - Jenny Alvionita 52 House of Client Ambivert House - Rexy Jonathan 55 Studium et Habitat - David Kristiawan 57 Pameran Friday Display 59 STUDIO DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 2 Studio Introduction 61 Gallery Leaf - Klaudia Tan 65 Triangle-D - Jenny Alvionita 67 Gallery & Artist’s Residence Fragmentation - Jascha Vladi 71 Anamnesis - John Lado 73

CHAIRMAN INTRODUCTION UPH Architecture program is a platform for productive idea generator. Each semester the students creatively produce new ideas. Like a flame, ideas can dim overtime if not spread out immediately. Thus the UPH Architecture Department has committed to spread multiple and multitude of ideas produced by the students to the general public through Archive publications. This year’s Archive is different from years past publications. In this Archive we would like to show the process of every level of study by two different year. Archive: Progression Year 1 consists of designs by first year students and Archive: Progression Year 2 by second year students and so on until Progression Year 4. Each year’s results had its own character and dynamic. Not only were we satisfied with publishing four Archives, this year we also launched a digital archive platform with our domain In this platform, the general public could view the uploaded designs of each student’s process in every assignment. With this platform we hoped to share ideas that have been produced by the students and to be better acknowledged by their peers and the general public. As a flame on a candle, it can light up the darkness if spread out from wick to wick. Through Archive Architecture UPH, we hope to bring


inspiration to a wider architecture audience.

Ferry Gunawan i


EDITOR INTRODUCTION The architecture progression in an academ-

can be noticed in the stages of Studio and Final

ic environment almost never stops surprising


us. The same lecturers and curriculum when connecting with different students will bear

We have several stages for Studio. It is started

different fruits. Those fruits are unpredictable

from Studio Dasar Desain 1 and 2 on the first

and have become an academic nutrition for our

year, Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 1 and 2 on

educational institution. The largest academic

the second year, Studio Perancangan A and B

nutrition relies on the students who are unique

on the third year, and on the fourth year stu-

with their own thinking.

dents can choose which one as their final project either thesis or project.

Students have their own luxury in exploring architecture. They have a luxury amount of time

The first changes occurred on studio nam-

to do mistakes and unlimited trial to achieve

ing from Studio Perancangan Arsitektur into

their goals and towards a higher achievement

Studio Desain Arsitektur. This one changes

where they feel satisfied. The second luxury is

intended to sharpen learning materials on ev-

their powerful energy level. They can pursue

ery stage and to keep the continuity of studio

their own design idea in an excellent physical

learning from the first until the final year.

condition, high enthusiasm, and wholeheartedly. Another student’s luxury is an opportunity

The other changes occurred on the third and

to manifest their project as a design process

fourth-year. Studio Perancangan A and B are

instead of a final product. Every edition of Ar-

changed into Studio Desain Arsitektur 4 and 5.

chive UPH Architecture has a purpose to show

Once the students pass through Studio Desain

architecture progression from how the students

Arsitektur 5, they are going to have their final

utilize their luxuries to turn their unique idea

project named Desain Berbasis Riset. This fi-

into masterpieces.

nal project comes in a new format as Desain Berbasis Riset that replaces the previous final

The theme of this archive is “progression”.

project (thesis or project).

This theme is raised to mark out a curriculum transition which has been held since 2016 on

This Archive Progression contains the tran-

UPH Architecture Study Program. This curric-

sition of students’ works one year before the

ulum change is needed as an academic evalua-

changes (students of batch 2015) and one year

tion, also a response to the architectural con-

after the changes (students of batch 2016). Dif-

stitution that is already drafted at the moment

fer from the previous Archive, in this edition,

and soon will be realized. Significant change

their works will be published in four series of iii

books: Archive year 1, year 2, year 3 and year 4.

such as designing a study carrel, classroom and then the kindergarten itself. In 2016 academic

Archive year 1 contains the projects of Studio

calendar, the studio’s name has changed into

Dasar Desain 1 and 2 (SDD 1 & SDD 2). SDD

Studio Desain Arsitektur 1 but it still has the

1 aims to introduce the students about the de-

same goal. There are three projects on Studio

sign process, abstraction, form, and compo-

Desain Arsitektur 1. Active Play Space tends

sition so they can create a form iteration and

to train sensibility towards human motion and

composition. The evolution generates a shift-

understand the tectonic through an installation

ing learning process from manual to digital.

design. Rumah Wisata Nusantara tends to de-

The learning progress of SDD tries to gain the

velop student’s sensibility about character of

potential of both manual and digital simulta-

place. House of the Client tends to figure out


both needs and desires of the occupant. Studio Desain Arsitektur 2 still works on public activ-

Each studio has its unique brief. The brief in

ities within the function of an art gallery. On

SDD 1/ 2015 learns about form, scale, and

this project, students are expected to analyze an

proportion through the structure of human’s

artwork as a starting point to develop tectonic

head. SDD 2/ 2015 learns about a space

aspects and experience of space in the gallery.

through geometrical performance. SDD 1/ 2016 learns about statistic, organic, and kinetic

There is a significant change in third-year stu-

form. And the last is SDD 2/ 2016, students

dio’s structure. Beside Studio Perancangan Ar-

explore about the tangible and intangible thing

sitektur 3, the third-year has two other studios

which affects quality and flow of a space and

at the beginning of the year. They are Peran-

tweaks users’ perception.

cangan Arsitektur A, it focuses on city issues and Studio Perancangan Arsitektur B, it focuses

On the second-year, the students are placed to

on technology issues within architecture. Every

design a project considering ergonomic, varied

lecturer in those studios is responsible to of-

activities, private/public space program, tec-

fer a specific topic/brief. Later, students can

tonic, and site planning. Studio Perancangan

choose which topic that they are interested in

Arsitektur 1 carried them out by two projects:

and which studio that they are going into.

Resting Place and House for People with Disabilities. Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 2 shift-

Both of those studios stages have changed into

ed to public activities which is designing a kin-

Studio Desain Arsitektur 3 (DA 3) and Studio

dergarten. This Kindergarten project is directed

Desain Arsitektur 4 (DA 4). These changes give

within 3 exercises (from small to larger scale)

hierarchy and order applied into the course. iv

The students can only take the studio in a grad-

Nowadays there is no longer two options/

ual order and only have one brief for the whole

channels between thesis and project. As the fi-

studio. The main objectives in DA3 are able to

nal project, the students have to design based

design public function and consider their de-

on theoretical and practical research. This

sign according to urban issues. Through a proj-

would like to start doing a research on certain

ect called Building for Temporary Living Space,

issues (thesis) and outcoming with design solu-

the students can learn about how a vertical liv-

tions (project). The name of the final project is

ing plays a role at Mangga Besar district, Jakar-

changed into Desain Berbasis Riset for one se-

ta. Next, on Reinvention of Urban Public Life

mester. At seventh semester, Seminar class will

project, Studio DA 4 goes further with learning

no longer exist and replaced by another stage

about urban planning in a specific context. The

of studio that is Desain Arsitektur 5. In DA5,

project planning is discussed within separate

the students are given a case about public space

group during the first half semester. Later it is

with some strict regulations. The students must

continued by individual work that each student

get closer and understand the reality of the

designs a building with its specific functions.

built environment field. The dynamics changes

While master planning the area, the students

could be seen from the students’ works when

analyze several issues from economics, social,

executing the brief: In Between Space.

political, climate, until infrastructure aspects. The building design must be specific and must

By reading every series of Archive, we can find

deal with the sustainable system, utility system,

out how curriculum changes affect through the

and other buildings’ performance.

work of two different students’ batches. We can also find further about how the progression

And so, changes on the fourth-year. Before-

of every single year has been made, before and

hand, students have two channels to go either

after curriculum changes happened.

thesis or project. On which channels is pursued by students in two semesters. The first semes-

The curriculum absolutely cannot guarantee

ter in thesis is set for students to do research

the quality of architectural progression because

question about certain issues, dig into theory

it’s just a platform. The coordinator and other

and observe case study. The next semester,

lecturers have a significant role undertaking this

they will evaluate their research object based on

case. The coordinator of every studio translates

the theoretical review they’ve done before. On

the goals our curriculum with their own ways.

project channel, as the first semester, students

The theme and brief in the studio are differ on

are going to research issues and propose their

every single academic year and it is interesting

concept design. Later they develop their design

progression. Every lecturer with their own spe-

in much elaborate consideration to the issues.

cific competency has colored the architectural progression in each studio. To be able to see the v

diversity, the students and lecturers have a tradition to visit the entire studios at the end of the year. The annual event that held and planned by student association is called as Friday Display (now has been changed as Final Display). Each studio is turned into an exhibition space and the people are entertained by some relaxing performances. Therefore, the whole studios might be able to summon and spread the design passion within various projects. Archive wants to show that passion as well. Unfortunately, considering the limitation of the medium, we cannot show all of them. Some projects we don’t have any chance to put into this Archive can be seen through another medium managed by Publication Unit Architecture UPH. We offer few videos for you that could easily be found on Youtube channel of Arsitektur UPH and Instagram account: pu_architectureuph. Besides that, we invite you to see a lot more UPH architecture students’ projects in our Online Archive at On that website, you may be able to see how the progress is and the final product of every student. All those surprises build up architecture progression in an academic environment never lose the creativity and show interesting works from years to years. This substance in university level has produced excitement for both students and lecturers to push forward future architecture. This kind of excitement that we want to share and transmit to our readers through these four



Andreas Yanuar and Jacky Thiodore vi

STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR 1 Coordinator : Susinety Prakoso Instructors : Susinety Prakoso, Dani Hemrawan, Ari Widio, Monica Indrasari, Carolina Djunaedi, Greg Gegana As a continuation of basic design studio, architecture design 1 sharpened student’s ability and skills on manipulating material and tectonic studies in the form of spatial movement and activities. In the beginning of the studio, the students were assigned to design a resting place, a place where a person was relatively fixed in place and space for a particular period of time. It was an exercise to enhance student’s awareness of a more complex issue related to body-movement, single activity, material and tectonic within a limited space. Then, the studio emphasized on the understanding of basic fundamental methods and principles of systems and order in architectural design. To meet these objectives, the students were asked to design a dwelling for people with disabilities. This assignment was designed to challenge students with a more complex and layered issues involved in architectural design, including concept development, problem solving, programming organization, material & tectonic, and physical and environmental context of a site investigation. Through this exercise, the students were given immediate experience of design process, developing their capacity to analyse and creatively manipulate architectural form and space. During the studio, students used and experienced variety modes of communicating their ideas, including collage, sketching, orthographic drawing and physical models.

Susinety Prakoso



Resting place


Lined Path by Amanda Lee ( Instructor : Dani Hermawan Rest means is an activity outside the daily

the ramp as the busiest access. Through mod-

routine, which is required high responsibili-

el experiments by hands, the progress of form

ties or on more practical definition, physically

making is most likely developed intuitively.

dropped their body into one point. In gener-

Started with a basic form of a piece of paper

al, it is a human nature to rest, as aiming for

then changed into form which shows line ex-

renewal or refreshment. This project includes

pression as adjusting with the site quality and

an installation built to create a space as a tran-

its function, cutted, gridded, and curved. Thats

sition dedicated to dean of students as user in

how the form was made. This installation al-

Universitas Pelita Harapan along with their dai-

lows air sneaks in from spaces between lami-

ly activity. Intending to give a pause (rest) to

nated glued timber. It suited two person maxi-

gain renewal physically and mentally, later to

mum to be inside.

improve study and learning. This project located on Building B 6th Floor, on UPH, to be more specific, its across

Design Quality Image 1| Section Model 2| Design qualities 3| Detail Model


Rest Issue


From the word, rest, its explained that rest is an activity outside the daily routine, which required high responsibility. Or, physically dropped their full 3| body weight into one point. In general, its a human nature to rest, as aiming for renewal or refreshment.


The Hanging Nest by Lina Puspitasari ( Instructor : Susinety Prakoso Basically, the meaning of ‘resting place’ is

human activity at Building D.

a space that can be used to relax, refresh one-

The design of this installation is consist

self, or recover strength. Based on literature

of two parts, namely the outside and the inside.

research, the optimal position of the body to

This is necesarry to keep user privacy by us-

rest is lie down on all our limbs on something

ing different texture of material of each part.

comfortable. The installation is located on the

The inside, serves to accommodate the user’s

edge of UPH reservoir near Building B, pre-

body in doing resting activities in hanging po-

cisely under a tree, so everyone can easily reach

sition. The material used for inner layer is rat-

out the site. The design inspiration was came

tan wood because it is lightweight and easily

from a bird’s nest which is an amazing natural

shaped yet strong. By using bamboo material

structure made by animal. Its curved shape can

on the outside, it is suitable with its function

be used comfortably for birds stay in its nest.

as a structure so it requires a strong material

In a human context, a half-sphere shape can be

to support the installation. Every bamboo el-

a private space as well as a personal space for

ements are sustained by concrete foundation.

user. They will feel enclosed by the space cre-

The joint between inside and outside using steel

ated around them so they can have privacy yet

pipe clamp so the rattan wood and bamboo can

rest comfortably. The orientation of this instal-

stick firmly. This installation is not only can be

lation faces the reservoir so that user can enjoy

used in this sit.

the natural view in front of them and also the Image 1| Model 2| Detail Joint Model 3| Detail Joint Model





Modular Square by Daris Mahanad Instructor : Ari Widio This resting place was designed for those

both as a chair that can be pulled out when-

who desires an area for public spaces which si-

ever needed. This function as a replacement

multaneously involve transition space for walk-

for the existing couch. For the facade, forming

ing from the outdoor area into indoor area. The

modular square using 3 materials; wood, glass,

project is held in Pelita Harapan University at

and aluminum grill. The wood material used

MYC (Mission Youth for Christ) room. MYC

for those 6 boxes where located in front of the

room is a quite place for students to read, study,

resting place facade. The 6 boxes have a various

and work in group without any noise, a suit-

different types of cubes, function both as lock-

able place for a resting place. This resting place

ers and shoe racks, so the people around the

located in front of the glass wall with square

resting place can see if the resting place is being

alumminium grill, and some couches at the oth-

used by the owner of the shoes. The aluminium

er side of this project. The resting place was

grill used for the whole structure of this resting

designed from the idea of the context, which

place, and also the glass material located on the

is the resting place and the surroundings must

top element of the resting place so the sunlight

be connected and also integrated with the site.

still can enter to it. The glass material was locat-

A modular square has a seat of two meters

ed between some of the aluminium grill to cre-

width, in which the users can choose rather they

ate visual similarity with the context of the site.

seat or sleep inside it. There is some space under the seat for users to put their belongings to keep it safe. There is also a box, which function

Image 1| Front view model 2| Back view model




Image 3| Scale with room model



Dwelling For Disabilities


Home for Wheel-chaired by Amanda Lee ( Instructor : Dani Hermawan A house designed to provide a better liv-

The design left the rooms all open and merge

ing quality for disabled person. Especially

into one, and they are all located in one door.

wheelchaired user to create space and living

No steps, all at. All of these surrondings makes

surrounding to make the user feels truly home.

the user compatible to live by herself without

To relieve some difficulties and complication as

no guardian.

the user get their equity among us, human. To

As it is frequently discussed, along with the

get the rights of living freely as an individual

technology issues, our nature are slowly creat-

human being.

ing a gap with human’s life. In order to bring

The point is to make the user feels barrier

back the relation, and to create more ‘alive’

free with all applied equipments. In order to

space, this house is specially designed with the

pour the intention all over the house, which is

water system, inviting the rain and wind to the

to live with no complication, the house itself

house, later to be proccessed to support main

contain no sided door but sliding door only for

life needs all over the house, pure clean water.

entrance use, and to keep the privacy still on

Also symbolized where life comes itself for the

the private area.

rest time. Image 1| Perspective model 2| Top view model 3| Night view model






Image 1| Scematic plan 2| Eco-water system 2|


Home for Manula by Jenifer Dora Natali ( Instructor : Greg Gegana Project designing homes for people has spe-

en and garden for natural atmosphere. Place-

cial needs by designing homes for elderly peo-

ment of space programs by arranging several

ple with physical and psychological setbacks,

zones, there is a public zone, service zone, semi

consequently undergoing a change of role

private zone, and private zone.

from self deeds, not from basic environmental

Overall material uses concrete, except sitting

stress. In designing, designers should design ac-

room with different impression because it is

cording to client’s needs and wants.

often used by clients and gathering place of its

Site is located on hook, Lavender Residence

relatives, the material is concrete and column

Silk complex with open area (front side) and

pole using H steel. Inter roof building with dif-

(side side) directly adjacent to neighboring

ferent height according to space requirement.

house shady atmosphere, many trees, trapezoi-

As the dining room is lower than the rooftops

dal site, total area 288m2, KLB 18.72 m2, KDB

of other buildings to impress a relaxing seat.

187.2 m2, KDH 28.8 m2, GSB 50% from the

Pergola with H steel structure and transparent

scope of the tread 4.7 meters (circumference

glass. Landscape grass decorated Chinese stone

of the 9.4 meter dirt road).

client collection as a display and helps visual-

The client is an elderly man of a healthy, 72

ization for the client’s bedroom privacy zone.

year old businessman. Program space required

Wooden ornament is positioned vertically for

master bedroom with quiet atmosphere, main

sun shading. Floor material on the outside of

bathroom, home theater, carport, dining room,

the building there are 2 ie deck stone above the

sitting room for guest and for himself, maid

fish pond and deck wood around the courtyard.

room, maid bathroom, guest bathroom, kitchImage 1| Top view model 2| Side view model 3| Front view model








Image 1| Floor plan 2| Section A-A’ 3| Section B-B’ 4| South view



Bonsai Inspired Concept

by Janice S. Alodia ( Instructor : Monica Indrasari

A house for those who have special needs,

sidered and used as some kind of signage, so

has to be very detailed and particular in its de-

that the user knows her orientation in any time.

sign. This is a house that is designed for a client

Other than that, materials for the ground and

with total blindness, with certain level of per-

wall are used as well to differentiate the room.

ceiving light non-visually. The site is located in

The project itself is intuitive, with abstrac-

a quiet neighborhood of Lippo Karawaci, par-

tion and articulating certain object for the

ticularly at the hook. The house is designed to

form, and even program, for this design. The

give the user comfort and convenience, despite

whole design is inspired by Bonsai plant, partic-

not being able to see. The strategy is to give

ularly the form informal upright, which grows

simple and accessible room program. There-

naturally without disturbance and has branches

fore, areas are divided into three types, private,

only on the curved side. Like the form of the

common, and service area, with common and

Bonsai, the house has a unique curvy shape

private areas are layered together, leaving the

which determines the movement as well as the

service area alone, at the back of the site. The

placement of the rooms. The whole form of

main circulation or the axis of the program is

the house is designed to give the user more of

simply linear, across the longer side of the site.

a fluid movement, but in an organized matter.

Natural component like the sound of water, the feel of air, and certain light intensity is conImage 1| Model




Image 1| Floor plan 2| Section A-A’



STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR 2 Coordinator : Alvar Mensana Instructors : Carolina Djunaedi, Dicky Tanumihardja, Susinety Prakoso, Suwardana Winata, Yusni Aziz

PA2 will be constructing 3 projects (A Study Carrel [One] – A Classroom [Multiple] –

A School [Community]). These inter-related projects will require architectural investigation and analysis on the human physical behaviors and parameters, in regards to exchanges in teaching and learning process, within today’s social and technological mode of living. In addition, this studio will explore site strategies to engage programmatic requirements and contextual relationships with surrounding buildings and natural systems. The combined execution/implementation of the first 2 projects (Project 1 + Project 2) will be integrated into A Kindergarten (Education for Community) that located in an (enclosed) urban setting of Jakarta. The intent of the studio is to find more values behind the teaching and learning exchanges by doing an ontological analysis on what a school can be today. Does spatial configuration for One student can affect and influence the spatial configuration for a Multiple students? How does it affect the Community of the school? Does One represent the Multiple? Or do Multiple represent the One? Alvar Mensana



Study Carrel


Interactive Study Carrel by Lina Puspitasari ( Instructor : Carolina Djunaedi The idea of designing this study carrel comes

There are 5 boards that serve to accommo-

from a children’s game : “See-Saw”. The es-

date children’s activity, which is 1) multifuction

sence taken from the seesaw is the mechanism

shelf for books, shoes, or bags, 2) chairs with

of its movement, the element of the board, the

ergonomic fit, 3) multifuctional table for both

space formed by the motion of each element,

write and draw activity, 4) storage, 5) ladder for

and the joint of the game itself. The concept

motoric exercise. When he wants to play on

of this study carrel is to create a dynamic space

the floor, he can fold and lift unneeded boards.

that can stimulate the child to move actively as

When he wants to tak a nap, he can pull down

part of the learn process while they are playing.

the chairs, tables, shelf, and storage. The mate-

Each element of the seesaw is learning element

rials used for this study carrel is triplex because

that can be pulled up and down depend on chil-

it is strong and light, so the child does not feel

dren’s need. Example, when a child needs a ta-

heavy to pull it up and down. Iron pipes are

ble and chair for cognitive learning like reading

used as joints to make a movement like seesaw.

or writing, he can pull down the table boards

The wooden rod is used as the pivot for each

and chairs. When he doesn’t need it, he can put

element so the board can be moved.

it up back. Image 1| Model 2| Model 3| Model 4| Design idea










Image 1| Floor plan 2| Section A-A’ 3| Section B-B’ 4| Elevation A 5| Elevation B



Learning Through System by Hansen Hartoyo ( Instructor : Susinety Prakoso The goal of this project is to create study

friends, starting to understand and figure out

carrel/ prototype/ vessel for a specific age that

similarities and differences of things. This char-

can encourage student for various of activi-

acteristic becomes one of the considerations

ties. Target person for this project belongs to

of design concept. Basically, this study carrel

a kindergarten (age 3 to 6) and the limit size of

divided into 3 different activities, playing, study

the project is 1.5 m3. The carrel should accom-

and storage. The storage area is the area where

modate activities for one student to engage the

the student put their stuff, each of storage has

teaching and learning procedure such as writing

different colour, size, and function so they can

surface, seating surface, storage space, space

memorize and learn to know where to put their

for books, etc. The main concept is Learning

stuff. Study area is the area where the children

through the system. At an early age, it’s im-

doing basic education activities (drawing, read-

portant for children to be teached not only in

ing, writing, listening). In this area, student

cognitive but also in motoric aspect. The whole

must set up their own desk and seat when it’s

part of this study carrel is able to be mobilizing

time to study. When it’s time to play, children

so student can actively participated in learning

can set their desk and seat back, so the space

process (direct & indirect).

for them to play become larger. Material used

User for this specific carrel is children at age

to make this carrel is wood, plastic and glass

of 4-5 years old. At this age, children tends to

of patry with mixed colour, so the children can

do many physical movement, playing with their

diffentitate their storage area. Besde - left to right 1| Rendered 3D model 2| Rendered 3D model






Image 1| Exploded axonometric 2| Top view 3| Front view



Stacking Carrel by Ariel Wibowo ( Instructor : Greg Gegana This design used to study room and playing room for 4 years old children. By exploiting a modular design consisting of frames. This study room can be used by children to play and directly improve their cognitive abilities from the way they solve problems. Then used for attract their attention to the design, this design made colorfully to make them comfortable and like the way they learning or playing.

Image 1| Human scale rendered 2| Zoning diagram 3| Human scale rendered 4| Human scale rendered



Tempat penyimpanan Meja belajar Tempat bermain/bersantai Tempat melukis Tempat duduk




Top Model



Flowing Classroom by Lina Puspitasari ( Instructor : Carolina Djunaedi The concept of this classroom is the same

room is semi-outdoor so that children are free

as study carrel project that begins from the ab-

to move and explore in the classroom. The ma-

straction of seesaw game. The design intention

terial used for the wall is brick. The classrom

is to create learning spaces that can stimulate

doors is wooden with full-glass so the teachers

children to move actively. This classroom uses

can supervise her students in the classrom eas-

radial space organization with outdoor garden

ily. Roofing material for outdoor playgrounds

as its centre so the children can blend with na-

and certain spots are translucent material like

ture so as to support the pursuit to know the

glass so that it can create some skylight in the

environment. Beside that, this form can create

classroom. Furthermore, this skylight can also

a space without many corners. Therefore, the

support the entry of natural light for children

children can be triggered to keep moving be-

and create bright classroom.

cause there is no corner wall that can stop the child’s movement. The programming starts from the entrance and from the outhdoor playground then spread to the surrounding rooms as needed. Each Image 1| Model 2| Zoning diagram

Public Semi-private Private Transisi Service 1|






Image 1| Floor plan 2| Section A-A’ 3| Elevation B 4| Elevation A



Unity in Diversity by Hansen Hartoyo ( Instructor : Susinety Prakoso


This project is the continuation of the pre-

without disturbing each other. It makes a class

vious project (study carrel) in a larger configu-

can provides a place for several activities. This

ration (classroom). The education spatial have

classroom is divided into cognitive area (educa-

to accommodate 15 children and 2 teacher/su-

tional and creativity) and motoric area (playing

pervisor to exchange teaching and learning pro-

KONSEP area). Cognitive area is placed in the front of

cess. Concept for this spatial area is to develop

the class motoric area in kelanjutan the other Konsep dariand Classroom ini merupakan dariside study faccarrel sebelumnya yang me-

the motoric and cognitive aspect of children.

classroom pembagian ing open dilakukan space sodengan children can kelas playmenjadi eitherbeberapa inside area

nekankan pada pengembangan segi kognitif dan motorik anak. Penerapan konsep pada ,yang mana masing -masing area ini akan memiliki fokus pembelajarannya masing-masing. Tujuannya adalah agar anak dapat lebih fokus dan hubungan antara siswa dan guru dapat lebih intim. or outside classroom. There are no boundary

The classroom divided into 3 specific area such

between one space with other space because CLASSROOM

as educational area, creativity area, and playing

Mengangkat, menggeser, memindahkan elemen

area. Each of this area has their own learning

thisMotorik class has an open plan system. There is a

focus and divided into different type of space.

Bermain contour differences between one area to the

Thus, interaction that build up between teacher KONSEP and student becomes more intimate and learn-

Menaruh barang di tempatnya other that becomes a barrier.



Education area intended for formal learning

Ide d sep d area jaran

Konsep dari Classroom ini merupakan kelanjutan dari study carrel sebelumnya yang me-

pada pengembangan segi kognitif dan motorik anak. Penerapan konsep pada Bermain permainan puzzle, kubus kubuing focus of studentsnekankan become higher. activities such as drawing, writing, reading, lisclassroom dilakukan dengan pembagian kelas menjadi beberapa area ,yang mana masing -masing area ini akan memiliki fokus pembelajarannyaKognitif masing-masing.

san, dll


adalah agar anak dapat lebih fokus hubungan antara siswa dan guruthat dapat lebih intim. a lot of concentration. The education system, which would bedanused tening, etc require menyusun elemen-elemen , problem solv-


is articulated classroom. This type of education Creativity area intended for creativity and imagMengangkat, menggeser, memindahkan Motorik system divide a class into several group of stu-


dent in different place with different activities


Membaca, menulis, mewarnai, mengklasifikasikan benda berdasarkan perbedaan-


ination that relating to handicraft, art, or music


which is more informal. And the last area is


Menaruh barang di tempatnya



Pengelompokan area Image dibagi menjadi 3

Bermain permainan puzzle, kubus kubusan, dll


menyusun elemen-elemen , problem solving

1| 3D perspective layout Educational Area 2| Class scematic program Creativity Area

Membaca, menulis, mewarnai, mengklasifikasikan benda berdasarkan perbedaan-




Pengelompokan area dibagi menjadi 3

Program kelas yang digunakan adalah articulated classroom. Articulated classroom memberikan lebih Educational Area Kognitif banyak tempat untuk pembelajaran kelompok / individu dalam kegiatan yang berbeda secara bersamaan di sebuah ruangan tanpa terganggu Creativity Area oleh satu sama lain. Program Articulated Class membagi sebuah ruangan menjadi beberapa area dengan kegiatan yang berbeda-beda.


atap men

Playing Area




Tempat user untu nitif dengan men ini dapat di temp light agar ada kon

Playing Area


Program kelas yang digunakan adalah articulated classroom. Articulated classroom memberikan lebih banyak tempat untuk pembelajaran kelompok / individu dalam kegiatan yang berbeda secara bersamaan di sebuah ruangan tanpa terganggu oleh satu sama lain. Program Articulated Class membagi sebuah ruangan menjadi beberapa area dengan kegiatan yang berbeda-beda.


Tempat user untuk mendapatkan pembelajaran kognitif dengan mengeluarkan kreativitas mereka. Area ini dapat di tempati oleh 7 orang dengan atap skylight agar ada koneksi antara ruang dalam dan luar.

Area bermain anak sebagai tempat beristir eka dari pembelajaran kognitif. Area ini d untuk pembelajaran motorik salah satuny bermain kubus-kubusan atau membedaka tur-tekstur material disekitar.













1 WET AREA -0.10

2 TOILET -0.05











±0.00 UP DN





<KOGNITIF> -0.30


































Image 1| Floor plan 2| Section A-A’ 3| Section B-B’

Connectivity Classroom by Ariel Wibowo ( Instructor : Greg Gegana The classroom program for children aged 4 years requires a lot of space. The reason is in this period children are very active in interacting with their friends that have the same age. The design of the class is deliberately designed from interconnected and open hexagonal forms with the aim that teachers can easily supervise and the children can play freely with their friends. Image 1| Environmental perspective 2| Model 3| Model






public semi-private private 2|

Image 1| Axonometric exploded 2| Zoning diagram





Open-air Kindergarten by Lina Puspitasari ( Instructor : Carolina Djunaedi The design of the kindergarten school is

are nets that surround the trees so that children

started with the abstraction of seesaw game

feel as if they are floating and blending with

where the movement of its board can create

the nature.

a quality of space. It can stimulate a child to

The indoor classroom walls are made of

move actively because the different forms of

bricks with blackboard finishing so children can

mass. Children will have a wide range of room

freely create doodles. In addition, the facade of

experiences so they will not get bored and ex-

the building facing the landscape is a wooden

cited about going to school. Each classroom is

grille with a pivot system so that children can

design to have both indoor and outdoor area

turn the grille to train the motoric skill. The

to make an interaction between classroom and

grille can also serve as a writing board when

landscape. Toddler and Playgroup classes are

the teachers need to write or explain something

located on the ground floor for easy access.

in the outdoor playground. The layout of the

The landform of Playgroup A is not flat to de-

table and chairs of each child can arranged ac-

velop children’s motoric skill. Meanwhile, the

cording to the children’s need so that the teach-

classroom of Playgroup B is located at a play-

er can flexibly set the position of teaching and

ground that is more extreme but safe. There

learning activites of children. Below Model







Image 1| 1st floor plan 2| 2nd floor plan 3| Section A-A’ 4| Section B-B’ 5| Elevation A 6| Elevation B



Divide & Merge by Hansen Hartoyo ( instructor Susinety Prakoso The project is about creating a school for

ering contextual building around site that has

kid that located in Menteng, Centre Jakarta.

majority of first or second storey building. The

The site is located within the residential area of

composition of this mass helps the building

Gondangdia Menteng, it attached to an existing

to have a good air flow circulation with a large

school of complex (elementary school). This

open space in the middle of the school. The

project is the continuation from the previous

first floor is designed for academic (children at

project (study carrel and classroom). Program

the age of 3-5 years old), administrative, and

of this school arranged based on three aspect:

several service area and the second floor is for

activities, user, and public/private. The compo-

more private administrative room and several

sition mass of this school adapting characteris-

classroom (children at the age of 6 years old).

tic building around contexts that are mostly cu-

This school divide into two zones, public area

bical. Orientation of building is centre building

which located at the east side and private area

orientation, so there’s a relation between inner

which located at middle to west area. The ori-

and outer space.

entation of this school is centre-building orien-

The Kindergarten school contain academ-

tation, facing inside into playground area which

ic, administrative, and services area with linear

will become a centre place that supported for

circulation. This school has two floor, consid-

many different activities. Image 1| Model












PLAYGROUP (1) +0.15

WC.10 +0

KELAS TK A (2) +0.15




SHARED ZONE +0.15 ±0.00

DROP OFF +0.05

TAMAN -0.05










TAMAN -0.05

































+3.25 +3.15

TK B (1)




TK B (2)





+3.25 +3.15 DOWN












2| B



TK B (2) +3.30



PLAYGROUND (2) +0.15




DROP OFF +0.05




WC +3.25


WC +3.25

Image 1| 1st floor plan 2| 2nd floor plan 3| Section A-A’ 4| Section B-B’

WC +3.25









Layering School by Ariel Wibowo ( Instructor : Greg Gegana The school design has layering properties, which are suitable for being able to easily maintain room temperature in any class or other supporting room in a school. Bearing in mind this holy utility for a special education for children who are still in the stage of self-seeking and self-evolution. So the designer provides a green open space like a garden in every class, in the hope that children can play and explore the environment around them, with greatly improve the motor nerves of children to be more active and interact with their friends.




Image 1| Site plan 2| Model


STUDIO DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 1 Coordinator : Ferry Gunawan Instructors : Ferry Gunawan, Greg Gegana, Susinety Prakoso, Carolina Djunaedi, Yusni Azis, Adetania Pramanik

DA 1 course was conducted for the first time in August through December 2016 for second year students. The course was the continuation from the first year studios and it was designed to help students with ergonomics and the complex studies of dwelling. The course was divided into three separate projects namely Active Play Space, Rumah Nusantara and A House for the Client. Active Play Space aims to help the students to learn ergonomics, scale and proportion. The project was team-based of 10-12 students. They were asked to identify what it means to be Active, Play and Space. The end product was a volume within 2.5 meters by 2.5 meters by 2.5 meters with materials of their choosing. The scale was 1 : 1 and the maximum budget was set to be around 1.5-2 million Rupiahs and the project lasted for the first month of the semester and reviewed after. Rumah Nusantara was derived from a competition from the Ministry of Tourism to promote new areas of tourisms i.e.: Lake Toba, Tanjung Kelayang, Mandalika, Wakatobi, Morotai Island, Thousand Island Archipelago and the Old City, Tanjung Lesung, Borobudur, Bromo Tengger Semeru, and Labuan Bajo. The project was a small dwelling with an area of 36m2 with a maximum possible development up to 54m2 and consisting of one bathroom, one kitchen, two bedrooms with a maximum of two users/tourists. This second project lasted for the second month of the semester and was presented as a Mid-Term project. The final project started after the Mid-term and it was called A House for the Client. The students were challenged to choose from a set of six clients and a choice from two different sites. This project aims to help and challenge the students to think creatively but at the same time, the clients and the site options limit their options. Intentionally, this project was trying to simulate an actual project in the profession and industry.

Ferry Gunawan



Active Play Space


Sabda Alam by Karisya, Pasha, Jenny, Daisy, Christian Instructor : Carolina Djunaedi Sabda Alam is an active play space that is made to interact with components in nature and the exploration of the human ergonomy in movements of climbing and swinging. The structure is made with an effort of staying true to material; the bamboo. It creates verticality and dynamics in space, taken from movement(s) in nature, giving a sense of lightness and flexibility for the users. Depicted from the very space we call nature - always moving in the breeze, with deep roots strong enough to hold against the storm. Image 1 | Play space model 1:1 2 | Bamboo joint detail 3 | Bamboo punching hole





Stage Space by Jeremiah Tiono, Jordan Ancel, Amanda Khalim, Lystia Regina, Hilary Valencia Instructor : Susinety Prakoso Active Play Space is a creating space, de-

their seats. Just like JumboTron, this installation

signed to provide the active or physical activi-

is designed to provide 360’ view which not as

ties. The main objective of this installation is to

same as the usual stage that only can provide

create an effective space where we can do some

180’ view. This installation is designed to have

required activities, which called as performance

a heavy mass impression above a lightweight,

play. Performance play can be consists of sev-

so the structures is hided and covered by stripe

eral kinds of activities such as singing, acoustic

plywood that arranged repeatedly. In order to

band, and drama which from these activities,

embodies lightweight impression, the cavity

singing is being the main focus of this project.

skin of the installation is used as the air circu-

The concept of this installation is a JumboTron.

lation so that when the wind on the open space

JumboTron is a large-screen television, typical-

is coming though inside, the installation isn’t

ly used in sport stadiums to show the close up

going to wobble and keep itself steady.

shots of the event - so the surroundings people can get the view from every different sides of Image 1 | Play space model 1:1




Rumah Nusantara


Tunnel House by Felisa Dikwatama ( Instructor : Yusni Aziz The house is designed for a vacation house

the back door. The house is divided into two

that are located in Labuan Bajo, Flores, East

zones, public and the other half is private, this

Nusa Tenggara. Labuan Bajo is known as a

concept is taken from the zoning of Mbaru

fishing town and surrounded with islands.

Niang itself. The faรงade of the house is tak-

This vacation house is placed on top of the

en from the main structure of Mbaru Niang

hill which surrounded with a very beautiful

which are the repetition of bamboo. The house

view of islands nearby. The house is designed

includes two bedrooms, a bathroom and a pan-

with a mix concept of modern and traditional

try with an open courtyard in the center of the

design. The main concept is a tunnel that are

house. The courtyard helps the cross ventila-

combine with the traditional house of Labuan

tion to keep the air moving around the house

bajo which are called Mbaru Niang. Mbaru is

since the weather in Labuan Bajo is quite hot

a house, Niang means tall and circle, this tra-

and the level of humidity is quite high. The

ditional house looks like a cone with a timber

orientation of the house is placed with a bed-

structure and 95% of the structure is only tied

rooms facing north to avoid the sun during the

with a rattan.

day and also to admire the beautiful view of

The Tunnel House are represented with a

Labuan Bajo.

circular circulation around the house, and completed with two ends which are the front and Image 1 | Model 2 | Model




Colaborated House by Jenny Alvionita ( instructor Carolina Djunaedi The design of this house as Desain Arsi-

The design of this tourism house is in-

tektur 1 project is located in Kepulauan Seribu,

fluenced by many aspects which are not less

Jakarta, to be exact in one of tourists destina-

competitive in its importance. Every aspect is

tions, Pramuka Island. This island is being the

competing to win what concept will be trig-

research of site analysis because this island

gered. This tourism house finally designed in

provides so many facilities, such as hospital,

accordance with the rules of Bugis Traditional

educational places, sport venues, culinary, etc.

House and Kebaya Traditional House. An ex-

Besides, climatic and weather condition on an

ample of rule that must be obeyed from Bugis

island is definitely different from the urban’s,

society is a traditional house that every count

the discuss is starting to study about the ori-

of the foundation has meaning, foundation ar-

entation, the sunlight capacity, wind speed,

rangement affect the zoning rules of the room,

the tide across the sea. Those things are being

roofs varying levels also represent room func-

matters to be considered in order to design a


sustainable, ergonomic, and comfortable home

In the other hand, the concept taken from

living during holiday. Site conditions and ac-

the Kebaya community more to the social life-

commodated facilities are being the important

style, where the wide and lifted a few centime-

things which could affect the society life style

ters terrace from the ground has the meaning

and social behavior in Kepulauan Seribu. The

of welcoming guests humbly and doors which

main consideration in this design aims to make

can be arranged to form a space between out-

the guests house are able to feel the sensation,

siders and insiders. This tourism house is de-

feel free to enjoy and experience the space of

signed in storied, in order to show the levels

the surroundings underneath the roof of this

that visitors can actually experience.

house. Image 1 | Model 2 | Front view model





House of Client


Ambivert House by Rexy Jonathan ( Instructor : Susinety Prakoso House of the client – was specifically de-

I used a simple clean look onto it with white

signed for Mr. Dicky as an architecture lecturer

coated concrete as a façade. Contrary to the

and his wife. Both of them have different per-

front, I made the back of the building to ful-

sonality and needs, but as a family, they have

ly open with a large opening on almost every

similarities such as gather in a room merely to

room. This open space is used as a main room

talk or discuss something or even watch TV.

for the family to gather or simply as a living

Although he has introvert personality, means

room. I gave very attention to this living room,

he preferred to stay home to recover his mood

so I distinguished the level of it to be lower

and not a talk-too-much person, but inside the

a few meters from the other room. It gives a

family he like to share stories and even is a very

spacious feeling as the floor to roof height is

open minded person.

doubled than the other room. I used flat slab

From this certain perspective, I develop

and column as main structure to replace the use

my design concept to adapt with Mr. Dicky

of beams, so the form of the building could be

personality, needs, and interests. I made the

more various and flexible.

house with less aperture on the façade of the building to represent the introvert personality, Image 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Section model 4 | Model











Image 1 | 1st floor plan 2 | 2nd floor plan 3 | 3rd floor plan 4 | Side elevation 5 | Side section 6 | Front elevation 7 | Back Section



Studium et Habitat by David Kristiawan ( Instructor : Susinety Prakoso Dwellings of a designer may differ from oth-

couple. The first floor, typical for house design,

er fields of profession. Unlike most profession,

consist of a foyer, living room, dining room as

workplace for a designer is flexible, it could be

well as a kitchen while master, guest and kids

anywhere from offices to homes, depending on

bedrooms are located on the second floor.

the individual’s preferences. This house design

For a pair of designers that tinkers daily with

is centered on the needs of Mrs. Inggrid Dian-

heavy machinery a basement is the most suited

ita, a jewelry designer and a lecturer. Designed

to contain such activities. Designed half-sub-

to create a comfortable working environment

merge underground, to ward off unwanted

on her own home as well to fully support all of

noises leaking to neighbors ears, as well as to

her daily needs.

prevent accidental fire to spread quickly across

This house in designed to function normal-

the house. A 3m x 6m room, this studio-base-

ly as a living quarters for Mrs. Inggrid and her

ment distinguish this house from your typical

husband, that also doubles as a studio for the

residence. Image 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Section model









Image 1 | 1st floor plan 2 | 2nd floor plan 3 | Basement floor plan 4 | 3rd floor plan 5 | Side section



Friday Display

STUDIO DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 2 Coordinator : Ferry Gunawan Instructors : Ferry Gunawan, Greg Gegana, Jacky Thiodore, Carolina Djunaedi, Yusni Azis, Adetania Pramanik

As a continuation of DA 1, the aim of DA 2 is to introduce Tectonics and Materials to the students as a main theme. The project is Gallery and Artist’s Residence but the content of studio focuses on the four main Materials (Concrete, Glass, Wood and Steel). Each student can choose between the following arts : painting, sculpture, jewelry, ceramic and CAD/CAM as their main subject throughout the semester From each selection, students will explore their selected “art” to be developed from each main Materials. This exercise was done in four weeks to develop their tectonic sense while at the same time discovering new possibilities within each material. The second four-week was done with exercises regarding the mini programs : Entry, Gallery, Façade and Workshop areas. Mid-term exam was done to judge their understanding regarding their chosen art subject with the fully developed programs but contained in maximum volume 8m x 15m x 10m. After the midterm we introduced three different sites which were surveyed the following week. The programs were expanded accordingly with input from the respective lecturers all the way through the Final Exam. This took place within the last 8 weeks of semester. Ferry Gunawan






Leaf by Klaudia Tan ( Instructor : Ferry Gunawan The word ‘leaf ’ is chosen as the keyword

the back. These masses locating are shown to

that represents the main idea of this simple

resemble a leaf shape flow from the stem to it

painting gallery. ‘Leaf ’ itself is extracted from

ends, which the part connected to the stem is

the similarities of Zaha Hadid’s painting es-

wider than the part at the ends. The gallery is

sences, such as flow, lightweight, fragment, and

divided to sections of rooms to attain the idea

dynamic. At the end, the word ‘leaf ’ is inspiring

of fragments. The curves on the mass that are

the design process of this gallery mass shape,

leaf-alike make it looks more dynamic.

plan, and its facade.

The shape of this gallery is more tapered at

To attain the main idea of ‘leaf ’, the mate-

the sides that have more openings, so with this

rial used in this gallery matters. How the timber

kind of shape makes the wind blows stronger

used as the main material of the upper floor of

inside the building. A little bit of green area also

the gallery is seen heavier than the lower floor

placed at the center of this building as a natu-

which uses clear glass as its façade material,

ral temperature cooler. On the first floor there

represents the idea of a lightweight mass. The

are gallery, restroom, and workshop. Another

top view of the gallery resembles two sheets

gallery and roof garden located on the second

of leaves that have different size, the bigger


leaf on the front side and the smaller leaf at Image 1 | Model 2 | Top view model





Triangle-D by Jenny Alvionita ( Instructor : Jacky Thiodore Triangle-D Jewelry Gallery and Workshop is

tools that can be provided in a workshop. (b)

Desain Arsitektur 2’s project which its concept

In this building there are two main parts, gal-

was derived from the exploration and shape

lery on the ground floor and workshop on the

analysis of the 91 Triangle Necklace. The mas-

first floor. On the public space, there is a luxury

terpiece (91 Triangle Necklace) of renowned

display area to welcome the people that enter

jewelry artist (a), Jane Adam was chosen as an

the building through the entrance. There is a

object research and study. The necklace form-

receptionist area, sofas and service area. The

ing materials are made from stainless steel and

mezzanine first floor is committed as a private

was formed into triangular shapes in every

area in order to keep the privacy of the artist in

components. They are connected with a rigid

her office - considering that jewelry stuffs are

ring chain, so that the overall visual form shows

necessary to be secured and kept safely on the

the accentuate of its slow transformation from

workshop, so that only selected person are al-

outside to inside - and this is the tectonic con-

lowed to access this area, including the owner,

cept on this project. Besides gallery, there is

trusted-professional workers, and clients.

also a jewelry workshop which research the design process about what kind of stuffs and

Image 1 | Model 2 | Front view model 3 | Building zoning



Public Semi-private Private Service 3|


Top Model



Gallery & Artist's Resident


Fragmentation by Jascha Vladi ( Instructor : Jacky Thiodore The Fragmentation Concept or the idea

different buildings. The gallery is divided into 2

of fragmented that are applied to the build-

sections which are the permanent gallery on the

ing comes from one of the works of a street

second floor and the temporary gallery is on

art painter, Indieguerillas, the artwork called

the third floor which are used for special events.

Big Leap (Lompatan Besar) and also originat-

The Gallery displays artworks such as paintings

ed from Japanese Sculpturist, Hsu Tung Han.

and sculptures that are displayed separately.

Both of these artworks illustrates the incredible

The Workshop are also divided into 2 sections.

technology developments and also the life in

The location of the workshop is on the first

the social media realm. Keeping the close ones

floor, so it makes the easier access of loading

away and staying close with the far ones. Cre-

and unloading. Circulation of the movements

ating individualistic attitudes that will cause to

of people starts from going to the second floor

split-up in the real world because of excessive

which are the main gallery, then moving to the

desire for existence in cyberspace. The media

first floor which are the restaurant and a court-

also has a positive side that allows human to

yard. The 3 parts of the building are connected

interact without limited space and time.

by the bridge. According to the main concept,

This Fragmentation interpreted on the

the courtyard is placed in the middle of the

building mass and also the double skin façade.

building, which are the public space that works

The Building Mass divided into 3 section that

for connecting 3 parts of the building. The ma-

are based on the axis of the street around the

terial of the double skin façade are made of

site and the movement of rising and setting

piece of wooden block that are arranged like a

of the sun. The Building consists of a gallery,

collection of pixels. The timber façade cover all

workshop, artist’s residence, a public space that

parts of the building. The fragmented façade

are completed with a restaurant and a courtyard

gives the effects of sunlight entering the glass

where each space is separated into every part of

wall of the building.





Image 1 | 1st floor plan 2 | 2nd floor plan 3 | Front section 4 | Model



Sinousity by Hilary Valencia ( Instructor : Greg Gegana Sculpture gallery and residence with sinuosity concept is located in kemang, jakarta. It

artist’s accommodation for living and the workshop needed for production.

is not only targetted for students and workers

Sinuosity means a curved model. As we

near the area, but also art enthusiasts around

can see, the building’s wall is curved, giving

jakarta. This building consisted of 2 masses.

movement impression to the visitors as they

First one is the public area, which is the gallery

walk along the gallery. The building facade is

and its public facility. The other one is more

white solid surface, representating the material

private, it is the residence and workshop com-

mostly used in sculpting: clay. The architecture

bined. The gallery is designed to facilitate an

itself does not boast, intended for visitors to

exhibition for sculptor’s artwork, along with the

appreciate artworks in detail. Image 1 | Model 2 | Model








4 7

5° 47.3




4° 13.4

3 .6 94

9° PARK -0.05

23 .7 1°

11 .23 °

31 .1 1°


TOILET ±0.00

BAR ±0.00 DN



° .39 62


LOBBY ±0.00

2 A110


9° 31.2

23.63 °

2 A111


CAFE ±0.00




1 A109 A116

OFFICE ±0.00


1 3218



3218 2








A106 A115






1 A110


DENAH LANTAI 1 1 : 100


Drg. No.


dinding dak






1 : 100





21/04/2017 13:05:25




atap kaca










1 : 25

Level 0





21/04/2017 14:41:27

Image 1 | 1st floor plan 2 | Section A 3 | Structure axonometric



Drg. No.












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