Archive: Progression Year 3

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CHIEF EDITOR Andreas Yanuar Jacky Thiodore STUDENT COORDINATOR Felicia Chloe

Martin L. Katoppo, Dean Julia Tan, Executive Dean Erwin Widodo, Director Admin Ferry Gunawan, Department Chair FULL TIME FACULTY Alvar Mensana Andreas Yanuar Ayu Larasati David Hutama Dicky Tanumihardja Emanuel Agung Felia Srinaga Fernisia Richtia Ferry Gunawan Gregorius A. Gegana I Ketut Canadarma Jacky Thiodore Julia Dewi Raymond Gandayuwana Santoni Stanley Wangsadiharja Susinety Prakoso Undi Gunawan

ART DIRECTOR Felicia Chloe PROOF READER Inggrid Samrat PHOTOGRAPHY By Students PU UPH Photography Team TRANSLATOR Priscilla Hadisaputro COVER Randy Gunawan

VISITING FACULTY Adi Purnomo Adetania Pramanik Ahmad Djuhara Amir Sidharta

Ari Widio Ardy Hartono Ary Indra Asa Darmatriaji Avianti Armand Baskoro Junianto Bianpoen Carolina Djunaedi Dani Hermawan Dennis Indramawan Dimas Satria Elisa Sutanudjaja Endy Subijono Evytriana Tasman Finarya Legoh Firman Herwanto Glenn Hajadi Glenn Hartanto Hafiz Amirol Ida Zureidar Joe S. Willendra Lucia Helly Purwaningsih Monica Dewi Indrasari Realrich Sjarief Robin Hartanto Suwardana Winata M. Yusni Aziz Wendy Djuhara

Archive : Progression Year 3 © Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan 2018

All writings and printed materials in the publication may only be reproduced with the permission of the editor. opinions expressed in the article in this issue are those of authors and do not reflect thoseof authors and publisher. Authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all published data.

First published, July 2018 ISBN: 978-602-52441-4-8 ISBN: 978-602-52441-5-5 (ebk) Published by Publication Unit Architecture UPH


Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan UPH Tower, Lippo Karawaci Tangerang 15811, Banten Telp. 021 5470901 ext 1293, email:

Block Plan View of Mixed Use Building Project by Yudi Andrean and Nuriman S Ramadhan


TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial Table of Content Chairman Introduction Editor Introduction

i ii

STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR 3 - 2015 Studio Introduction Project 1 Terrace Housing Groundscape Modularity with BIM PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR A - 2015 Studio Introduction Project 1 The 1975’s Future House Mixed Used High Rise Building River Riparian Landscape Dngaesign PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR B - 2015 Studio Introduction Project 1 Diversion City as Airport Hub Greenway City as Airpot Hub Fisherman’s Pavillion


1 3 7 11 13 15 19 23 27 29 33 37

DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 3 - 2016 Studio Introduction Project 1 Cycle Intersected Focus Catophtric Anamorphosis Analogy of the Mango Tress DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 4 - 2016 Studio Introduction Project 1 Sensory Sensitive Landscape and Waterfront Design Diverse Use of Space Shophouses Design


41 43 47 51 55 57 61 65

CHAIRMAN INTRODUCTION UPH Architecture program is a platform for productive idea generator. Each semester the students creatively produce new ideas. Like a flame, ideas can dim overtime if not spread out immediately. Thus the UPH Architecture Department has committed to spread multiple and multitude of ideas produced by the students to the general public through Archive publications. This year’s Archive is different from years past publications. In this Archive we would like to show the process of every level of study by two different year. Archive: Progression Year 1 consists of designs by first year students and Archive: Progression Year 2 by second year students and so on until Progression Year 4. Each year’s results had its own character and dynamic. Not only were we satisfied with publishing four Archives, this year we also launched a digital archive platform with our domain In this platform, the general public could view the uploaded designs of each student’s process in every assignment. With this platform we hoped to share ideas that have been produced by the students and to be better acknowledged by their peers and the general public. As a flame on a candle, it can light up the darkness if spread out from wick to wick. Through Archive Architecture UPH, we hope to bring


inspiration to a wider architecture audience.

Ferry Gunawan 8i



EDITOR INTRODUCTION The architecture progression in an academ-

can be noticed in the stages of Studio and Final

ic environment almost never stops surprising


us. The same lecturers and curriculum when connecting with different students will bear

We have several stages for Studio. It is started

different fruits. Those fruits are unpredictable

from Studio Dasar Desain 1 and 2 on the first

and have become an academic nutrition for our

year, Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 1 and 2 on

educational institution. The largest academic

the second year, Studio Perancangan A and B

nutrition relies on the students who are unique

on the third year, and on the fourth year stu-

with their own thinking.

dents can choose which one as their final project either thesis or project.

Students have their own luxury in exploring architecture. They have a luxury amount of time

The first changes occurred on studio nam-

to do mistakes and unlimited trial to achieve

ing from Studio Perancangan Arsitektur into

their goals and towards a higher achievement

Studio Desain Arsitektur. This one changes

where they feel satisfied. The second luxury is

intended to sharpen learning materials on ev-

their powerful energy level. They can pursue

ery stage and to keep the continuity of studio

their own design idea in an excellent physical

learning from the first until the final year.

condition, high enthusiasm, and wholeheartedly. Another student’s luxury is an opportunity

The other changes occurred on the third and

to manifest their project as a design process

fourth-year. Studio Perancangan A and B are

instead of a final product. Every edition of Ar-

changed into Studio Desain Arsitektur 4 and 5.

chive UPH Architecture has a purpose to show

Once the students pass through Studio Desain

architecture progression from how the students

Arsitektur 5, they are going to have their final

utilize their luxuries to turn their unique idea

project named Desain Berbasis Riset. This fi-

into masterpieces.

nal project comes in a new format as Desain Berbasis Riset that replaces the previous final

The theme of this archive is “progression”.

project (thesis or project).

This theme is raised to mark out a curriculum transition which has been held since 2016 on

This Archive Progression contains the tran-

UPH Architecture Study Program. This curric-

sition of students’ works one year before the

ulum change is needed as an academic evalua-

changes (students of batch 2015) and one year

tion, also a response to the architectural con-

after the changes (students of batch 2016). Dif-

stitution that is already drafted at the moment

fer from the previous Archive, in this edition,

and soon will be realized. Significant change

their works will be published in four series of 10iii

books: Archive year 1, year 2, year 3 and year 4.

such as designing a study carrel, classroom and then the kindergarten itself. In 2016 academic

Archive year 1 contains the projects of Studio

calendar, the studio’s name has changed into

Dasar Desain 1 and 2 (SDD 1 & SDD 2). SDD

Studio Desain Arsitektur 1 but it still has the

1 aims to introduce the students about the de-

same goal. There are three projects on Studio

sign process, abstraction, form, and compo-

Desain Arsitektur 1. Active Play Space tends

sition so they can create a form iteration and

to train sensibility towards human motion and

composition. The evolution generates a shift-

understand the tectonic through an installation

ing learning process from manual to digital.

design. Rumah Wisata Nusantara tends to de-

The learning progress of SDD tries to gain the

velop student’s sensibility about character of

potential of both manual and digital simulta-

place. House of the Client tends to figure out


both needs and desires of the occupant. Studio Desain Arsitektur 2 still works on public activ-

Each studio has its unique brief. The brief in

ities within the function of an art gallery. On

SDD 1/ 2015 learns about form, scale, and

this project, students are expected to analyze an

proportion through the structure of human’s

artwork as a starting point to develop tectonic

head. SDD 2/ 2015 learns about a space

aspects and experience of space in the gallery.

through geometrical performance. SDD 1/ 2016 learns about statistic, organic, and kinetic

There is a significant change in third-year stu-

form. And the last is SDD 2/ 2016, students

dio’s structure. Beside Studio Perancangan Ar-

explore about the tangible and intangible thing

sitektur 3, the third-year has two other studios

which affects quality and flow of a space and

at the beginning of the year. They are Studio

tweaks users’ perception.

Perancangan Arsitektur A, it focuses on city issues and Studio Perancangan Arsitektur B, it fo-

On the second-year, the students are placed to

cuses on technology issues within architecture.

design a project considering ergonomic, varied

Every lecturer in those studios is responsible to

activities, private/public space program, tec-

offer a specific topic/brief. Later, students can

tonic, and site planning. Studio Perancangan

choose which topic that they are interested in

Arsitektur 1 carried them out by two projects:

and which studio that they are going into.

Resting Place and House for People with Disabilities. Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 2 shift-

Both of those studios stages have changed into

ed to public activities which is designing a kin-

Studio Desain Arsitektur 3 (DA 3) and Studio

dergarten. This Kindergarten project is directed

Desain Arsitektur 4 (DA 4). These changes give

within 3 exercises (from small to larger scale)

hierarchy and order applied into the course.


The students can only take the studio in a grad-

Nowadays there is no longer two options/

ual order and only have one brief for the whole

channels between thesis and project. As the fi-

studio. The main objectives in DA3 are able to

nal project, the students have to design based

design public function and consider their de-

on theoretical and practical research. This

sign according to urban issues. Through a proj-

would like to start doing a research on certain

ect called Building for Temporary Living Space,

issues (thesis) and outcoming with design solu-

the students can learn about how a vertical liv-

tions (project). The name of the final project

ing plays a role at Mangga Besar district, Jakar-

is changed into Desain Berbasis Riset for one

ta. Next, on Reinvention of Urban Public Life

semester. At seventh semester, Seminar class

project, Studio DA 4 goes further with learning

will no longer exist and replaced by another

about urban planning in a specific context. The

stage of studio that is Studio Desain Arsitek-

project planning is discussed within separate

tur 5. In DA5, the students are given a case

group during the first half semester. Later it is

about public space with some strict regulations.

continued by individual work that each student

The students must get closer and understand

designs a building with its specific functions.

the reality of the built environment field. The

While master planning the area, the students

dynamics changes could be seen from the stu-

analyze several issues from economics, social,

dents’ works when executing the brief: In Be-

political, climate, until infrastructure aspects.

tween Space.

The building design must be specific and must deal with the sustainable system, utility system,

By reading every series of Archive, we can find

and other buildings’ performance.

out how curriculum changes affect through the work of two different students’ batches. We

And so, changes on the fourth-year. Before-

can also find further about how the progression

hand, students have two channels to go either

of every single year has been made, before and

thesis or project. On which channels is pursued

after curriculum changes happened.

by students in two semesters. The first semester in thesis is set for students to do research

The curriculum absolutely cannot guarantee

question about certain issues, dig into theory

the quality of architectural progression because

and observe case study. The next semester,

it’s just a platform. The coordinator and other

they will evaluate their research object based on

lecturers have a significant role undertaking this

the theoretical review they’ve done before. On

case. The coordinator of every studio translates

project channel, as the first semester, students

the goals our curriculum with their own ways.

are going to research issues and propose their

The theme and brief in the studio are differ on

concept design. Later they develop their design

every single academic year and it is interesting

in much elaborate consideration to the issues.

progression. Every lecturer with their own specific competency has colored the architectural 12 v

progression in each studio. To be able to see the diversity, the students and lecturers have a tradition to visit the entire studios at the end of the year. The annual event that held and planned by student association is called as Friday Display (now has been changed as Final Display). Each studio is turned into an exhibition space and the people are entertained by some relaxing performances. Therefore, the whole studios might be able to summon and spread the design passion within various projects. Archive wants to show that passion as well. Unfortunately, considering the limitation of the medium, we cannot show all of them. Some projects we don’t have any chance to put into this Archive can be seen through another medium managed by Publication Unit Architecture UPH. We offer few videos for you that could easily be found on Youtube channel of Arsitektur UPH and Instagram account: pu_architectureuph. Besides that, we invite you to see a lot more UPH architecture students’ projects in our Online Archive at On that website, you may be able to see how the progress is and the final product of every student. All those surprises build up architecture progression in an academic environment never lose the creativity and show interesting works from years to years. This substance in university level has produced excitement for both students and lecturers to push forward future architecture. This kind of excitement that we


want to share through these four Archives.

Andreas Yanuar and Jacky Thiodore

13 vi


STUDIO PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR 3 2015 Coordinator : Felia Srinaga Instructor :


Terrace Housing, Waduk Pluit Muara Baru by Felicia Kurniadi ( ), Stephani Benjamin ( ) Instructor : Glenn Hartanto Bunk House is located on the banks of Waduk Pluit. Represents the best urban life, combining the location, between nature, space and community. Design provides a wide range of public facilities to create activity space for residents as well as newcomers. The terrace unit aiming to expand the view and create gardens on balconies to maximise green areas and communal garden on the roof of the building that can be used as a place of social interaction and gardening. The house is located at the very bottom along the road, bordering with Waduk Pluit and continuity of Taman Waduk Pluit. The location of the flats is simultaneously be a landmark of the area, due to the high-rise buildings. Directly adjacent to Waduk Pluit, the major value is more than just a place to live because it gives a good view and can be made into a public place such as a water front recreation (bicycles and water observation bridge). The existence of the bridge connecting the housing with Taman Waduk Pluit to create public spaces.

“How to utilize the surrounding of Waduk pluit to increase the building’s performance?” “How to design vertical housing that represents the urban living in Muara Baru ?” 3

1 Amphitheater 2 Sports 3 Kids playground 4 Observation deck 5 Water sports


2 To market To waduk pluit park To groundscape To main street

Vehicle & pedestrian way Sidewalk Pedestrian way

1 Outdoor program

LEGEND 2 Bedroom


1 Bedroom

Circulation of the site



3 Floor plan of the terrace housing

LEGEND Corridor

4 Floor plan of the terrace housing

Lift Emergency exit

4 5


5 Maquette of the building


1 Rendering of the housings’s surrounding 2 Rendering of the kids playground 3 Maquette of the terrace





1 Rendering of the terrace housing in site



Groundscape, Muara Baru by Adrian Eka, Andhika pratama, Daryl D, Felicia Mirabel, Heryanto Wijaya, Lea Dara, Samuel Sebastian, Seulgi Yoon Suak ( ), Sujaya Hudaya ( ), Winda Faustina ( ) Instructor: M. Yusni Aziz The task was to create a masterplan according to social gentrification issued. Project area is about 3000sqm near by harbour located in North Jakarta. The site is assumed as an empty area. The idea for the development was to compose a good living area with many public places and turned the exisiting iconic fish market into potential economic trigger to become tourism area, which capable to support the goverment revitalization. The develpoment of Muara Baru the fringe area to grow uncontrobally. The pilot project is to control fringe development by creating infrastructure. The infrastructure will do the groundscape arrangement for the masterplan. Furthermore there will be various activities while providing the energy and connecting the people around.



1 Block plan of the groundscape















1 Activity flow of the landscape 2 Diagram infrastructure of the landscape



1 Sectional detail of the groundscape 2 Rendering of the kids area




Rendering of the culinary area 4 Rendering of the promenade 5 Rendering of the groundscape




Modularity with Bim by Dhania Yasmin Instructors : David Hutama, Greg Gegana Abstract This unit of Architecture project A was about constructing modularity using BIM as the medium. We use that to create transition space (inside-outside & up-down) installation at Triennale UPH Architecture in Tjipta Niaga Kota Tua. We choose ‘SELENDANG’ as a concept. Using the BYO living synthetic rattan, we made an installation that was continuous from entrance in the first floor, up to the second floor through the stair that connected them. We were trying to accommodate the transition from outside the building to enter the exhibition by making an arch gate. The main door gate then turned into reception desk and seating for registration. Then after done going to the whole exhibition, in the second floor the installation was being put to lead people down, back to the main door. Therefore the in and out atmosphere in the exhibition became a unity. Using the Revit (BIM Software) we were able to create organic form that still have a system/modulation that could be easily documented for construction. The software also make it possible for members to work together as a team and make adjustments along the design process. So, the BIM helps member and contractor to realize the design concept with more efficiency






1 Ruang dan Waktu 2 Final Perspective 3 Maquette

main pedestrian entrance



PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR A 2015 Coordinator : Felia Srinaga Instructor : Asa Darmatriaji, Dani Hermawan, Ferry Gunawan, Greg Gegana, Heidy Amanda, I Ketut Canadarma


The 1975s Future House, Sefton Coast by Seulgi YS ( ) Instructor : Heidy Amanda & Asa Darmatriaji Future house studio primary interest in architectural design and research is coming from the basic understanding of matter-movement-form that is interlinked from one another. The idea of a shelter, that territorial of belongings, circumscribes its peculiarity from its individual identity, or in this case, an english alternative rock band formed in Wilmslow, Cheshire. The 1975 consist of four members with two albums so far. In the past, the band has maintained a purely black and white aesthetic with their music videos, album art, and live performance. Their songs were famous with their indie rock sound. But their newest album marks the group’s obvious aesthetic change – both a shift in color scheme, sound, and message. Their new aesthetic is a direct reflection of their new album with high-saturation colors such as pink, purple, blue, and green, and new style in music with funky beats, progressive tempos, and hymnal qualities. For Matthew Healy, the band leader, the best way to start is the way they did before – in venues they have loved and places that feel intimate enough to do a proper new show with people who really want to be there. The band also loves the beach, where they could sail and took some time off from their busy schedule. That is why Sefton Coast is the perfect site for their future house where they could rehearse, do a private concert, and even for their annual pop-up store dedicated for fans. Sefton Coast is only an hour drive from their hometown.

“How to design a future house for The 1975 band that describes them and satisfy their need, and where is the suitable location?” 15



1 For this project, I chose 2050 future scenario,

The first wing is for bedroom, the second wing

where humanity is at a cross roads and named

is for dining room, while the third wing is for

“world of contrast and paradoxes”. Hi-tect,

rehearsal room. Under each wing, the land-

intelligent buildings are revolutionizing the ur-

scape was designed as an amphitheater for an

ban landscape. In the design process, I chose

interaction between the band and their fans.

2 songs. The first song is called ‘Chocolate’, while the second song is called ‘UGH!’. These translations then became the design concept,



which was “nature wraps skin, skin wraps in-

2 songs that use to to dis-

dividual, individual wraps group”, with double

cover the potential of their

curvatures, multiple curvatures, arc, and truss.

into architecture tectonics.

With that concept, the landscape design was


the first step toward the building design. The

also brought to the building

soundwave to be translate

The continuous space was design, where the building

landscape was designed to show a connection

mass was ‘created from

with nature. This was achieved through creat-

the landscape’. Also in the building design, double

ing double curvature paths and multiple curva-

curvatures and multiple

tures entrances based on the site’s natural axis

curvatures were used on its

to separate different programs. With this tech-

façade, while arc and truss were used on its structure.

nique, visitors could experience a continuous

The building has three

space from the existing dune slacks towards

main wings. The first wing

the landscape design. The continuous space

is for bedroom, the second

was also brought to the building design, where

while the third wing is for

the building mass was ‘created from the land-

rehearsal room. Under each

scape’. Also in the building design, double cur-

signed as an amphitheater

wing is for dining room,

wing, the landscape was defor an interaction between

vatures and multiple curvatures were used on

the band and their fans.

its façade, while arc and truss were used on its structure. The building has three main wings.


semi-private rehearsal space

1 outdoor amphitheater

2 1 Rendering interior of the

living room

semi private rehearsal space 2 Rendering interior of the outdoor amphitheater 3 Rendering interior of the living room 4 Rendering exterior of the main pedestirans entrance

3 4


Mixed Use High Rise Building, Kuningan by Ivana Dea S Instructor : Greg Gegana This high rise building has three functions: commercial, office and apartment. The space program on the podium tries to answer the problem around the site, which is the lack of a place for people to move around together, the design also formed to one side, where the facade of the apartment is also formed by the balcony..

“How to design a high rise building with different functions?� 19


LEGEND Barang Apartement Office Express

1 Typical and podium plan 2 Lift diagram


3 Core plan



1 1 Section of the building



2 3


1 Section of the building 2 Detail facade of the building 3 Interior perspective of the building 4 Interior perspective of the building


River Riparian Landscape Design, Ciliwung River by Dannel Reskala ( ) Instructor : Dani Hermawan The main idea of the building is to create a sustainable building through climate and site response that creates a better space for pedestrians in Jakarta to experience and to encourage a walking lifestyle to reduce the use of vehicle in the city. Vehicular access is created as small as possible to create larger pedestrian walkways around the building. The podium of the building will be a commercial area with a courtyard on the middle that acts as a green space that connects the pedestrian sidewalk with the public park. This courtyard gives a better experience for pedestrians to walk through the city. On top of the podium is a roof garden and sport facilities for the residents in the apartment. These programs are placed to reduce heat to the podium, let air flows through the gap between the podium and the tower, and to create more green spaces for the environment.

“What kinds of elements that affects the design of sustainable landscapes?” “How to apply sustainable landscape principles on Ciliwung Kampung Melayu’s and Bukit Duri’s riparian zones?” 23



1 Form making proccess of the building 2 Rendering exterior of the building






4 5

1 Rendering atmosphere from the balcony 2 Rendering atmosphere of the podium balcony 3 Atmosphere of the courtyard 4 Rendering atmosphere of the podium roof 5 Maquette of the building



PERANCANGAN ARSITEKTUR B 2015 Coordinator : Felia Srinaga Instructor : Denis Indramawan, Felia Srinaga, Firman Setia Herwanto, Julia Dewi, Wendy Djuhara


Diversion City as Airport Hub, Soekarno Hatta, by Ricki ( ), Winda Faustina ( ) Instructor : Felia Srinaga The project which is located around Soekarno Hatta airport, Cengkareng has a lot of potential to be involved in the coming ten years . Some of the infrastructure facilities that will be available in this area include : shopping mall, hotel and other commersial region. With the presence of 24 hours activities at the airport will make this area as the center of the activities for Jakarta’s citizens. Diversion City located around the entrance or exit gate of this airport, can be expected to be an area that can be ‘redirect’ for the immigrants or visitors, who would go to the airport as a container for the activities that will take place in the area.

“How to connect the activity between citizens, residential and tourist?” “Who will come and live in this area?” “What makes them interested to come to the area?” “When visitors come and where would they gather?” 29



Based on the user and needs that would be involve in the foreseeable future, Diversion city will need some infrastructure and facilites include: parking, offices building, terminal, mall, hotel and housing. This project is focused of housing and hotels that have a permanent residence for its


user and temporary for the user.

Site plan of Diversion City 2 Concept design





1 Rendering site plan of Diversion City and surroundings in Diversion City 2 Maquette of Diversion City


Greenway City as Airport Hub, Soekarno Hatta by Felicia Mirabel, Gerry ( ), Ingvania Kaeren ( ) , Leonardy ( ), Sandra Dewi ( ), Yudi Andrean Instructor: Denis Indramawan The concept for this masterplan is a region that are integrated as an airport support facilities which reflect the tropical elements of the city planning, in mass composition of open green space and connectivity between its spatial. This masterplan has 2 site facing each other seperated by roads. Site B lies in the area of trade and services, meanwhile Site A lies in the area of the airport. The expansive is 1.096,1 hectares, include: 1.

Kelurahan Belendung (261,9 hectares)


Kelurahan Jurumudi Baru ( 205,4 hectares)


Kelurahan Jurumudi (232,1 hectares)


Kelurahan Pajang (39,9 hectares)


Kelurahan Benda (356,7 hectares)

Not include the expansive of Soekarno-Hatta airport 1,969 hectares.

“How to connected 2 seperated sites with different programs?” “What kind of tropical concept approach that can be apply to both sites and still connected to each other?” SECTION GREENWAY



“How to handle the lack of proper pedestrian walk to give enough orientation for the user?” 33





1 NOTE DENSITAS PADAT solid density DENSITAS uniform MERATA density DENSITAS RENGGANG mild density

Section of the masterplan



BUDGET HOTEL budget hotel



convention center office



LUX HOTEL lux hotel

The both sites are not connected, consequently


becoming the two sites


with different programs. Program of the masterplan are made according to the density. 3 Maquette of the masterplan 4 Exterior rendering of the






The masterplan using the aetropolis concept that stands for airport, tropical and metropolis. While holding on to this concept hoping to create a plan that provide a service to people so they can get from one destinations to another, suitable for indonesia natural climate and, create a large city or urban area which has a significant economic, cultural center and an important hub for regional or international connections, commerce and communications.









1 Detail maquette of the building and open space in the masterplan 2 Perspective atmosphere of the masterplan 3 Exterior rendering of the masterplan



Fisherman's Pavillion by Anthoni Muliaman ( Instructor: Stanley Wangsadihardja dan Heidy Amanda Fisherman’s Pavillion is an architectural project which is based on abstraction of fisherman’s apparatus (tools). This project emerge to create a communal space for fisherman’s community. The genealogy of it’s architectonic form was originated from the detail structure of fisherman’s fishing net. Designer use a different operation techniques such as rotation and scaling to stimulate the transition between spaces. The come up idea aims to respond the ongoing issue is how do we create a communcal area for fishermans which engaged with their tools (apparatus) in its analogical design. Communcal area in here means providing the fishermans an gather area and place to do some social interactions while they’re fishing. The strategic design in creating this communal area is derived by chosing a unique or typical tools which being used by the fishermans (*on this case, the architect prefers to choose a fishing nets) and then being analyzed. The analysis result of its form and system brings some alternatives design. (*shown in the pictures) The concept of this fisherman’s pavilion is methapor. Metaphor concept uses “as if ” or “as well as” phrase in order to identify the correlation between a particular object within the design. The chosen object is fishing nets. Based on the analysis, the nets is dangled by two repetead systems; node and path. Node and path is being a design reference for the fisherman’s pavilion which has answered the previous question.


1 Diagram that shows the fuildity of its shape and form

Shape and Form The fisherman’s pavilion consists of three

third method applies rotatation to create

levels. The first level is used fishing boat dock.

“movement” impression as the final result of

The second level is used as a corridor aims to

the design.

access the communal area. The third level is used as a communal area where the fishermen

This rendered image is the final projection

are able to gather and interact to each others.

from those three applied methods. The harmonizations between the connections of the

The design interation process consists of three

nodes, different scales, and rotation turn as an

methods. The first method connects the nodes

appealing architectural form on the fisher-

that subsequently create a space. The second

man’s pavilion.

method applies any different scales towards each modul in order to create varieties. The



1 Side Elevation 2 Various renderings that emphasize rotatation to create “movement� impression



DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 3 2016 Coordinator : Alvar Mensana Instructor : Alvar Mensana, Amir Sidharta, Ari Widio, Dani Hermawan, Denis Indramawan , Felia Srinaga, Firman Setia Herwanto

Jakarta’s urban culture tends to keep on changing as a result of political decision, social, economical and technological stages of development in the city. To create an urban intervention in the city, we must adapt to its current economic & social conditions. As an active response to the accelerated transformations of contemporary lifestyle, this first term of the third year comprehensive design studio will be analyzing and investigating to think differently about “Building for Temporary Living Spaces�, Within 16 weeks long semester, students will be challenged to work in a team of two people, to discover the social, cultural, material and architectural issues specifically in designing a Hotel and its supporting programs. This single typology building needs to be carried from a strong concept to a level of rigorous thinking methodology and technical resolution. This studio will examine interrelated systems that are able to both modify the spatial structure of a building and articulate expectations of their performance design within site and its contextual history. Students are asked to demonstrate how their building explore and resolve issues of egress, codes, and life-safety, in regards to its user activities, interior inter-related programs and how they engages to its exterior building material enclosure. Can this facility be considered as a temporary living, or are we permanently in a movement (transiting) . . . ? Alvar Mensana


Cycle Intersected Focus, Mangga Besar by Janice A ( ), Melody ( ) Instructor : Ari Widio Temporary living space is a place that facilitates the needs and desires of the user activity that focuses on publicly with easy access. Describe the situation of activity or circulation in the location of a Mangga Besar. Square-shaped rigid element describes the site context, as elements that cannot be modified. While the finely shaped lines elem shows the flow of human activity. This illustrates how the flow of activity following the context and the shape of the site.

“How to design temporary living space with Function Follows Form approach in Mangga Besar?” “How to design temporary living space with Form Follows Function approach in Mangga Besar?” “What kind of method that can be apply to make a sustainable design in designing temporary living space?” 43



1st Floor plan

2nd Floor plan

Approach: Form Follows Function 1 1st floor plan of the building 2 2nd floor plan of the building 3 3rd floor plan of the building 4 Maquette in site of the building 5


Section of the building

4 Dwelling HUNIAN

3rd Floor plan Office OFFICE User circulation, USER CIRCULAITON , HOUSEKEEPING Housekeeping FACILITIES CIRCULATION Facilities circulation





Vertical circulation



Approach: Function Follows Form


1 Top view of maquette in the site 2



Maquette of the buidling



1 Maquette of the buidling 2 Maquette abstraction for the function follows form building 3


Maquette of the buidling



Catoptric Anamorphosis, Mangga Besar by Irene V ( ), Safarah A ( ) Instructor : This design seeks to maximize the land for open spaces, one of which open green space which is accessible for the public in the eastern part of the site. These green open spaces also serve to reduce the polluting vehicles. The private area of the building as much as possible not to experience the noise from passing vehicles. There’s also a private area to see the public space, in addition there is also a potential view leads to the river.

“What kinds of elements that affects the design of sustainable landscapes?” “How to apply sustainable landscape principles on Ciliwung Kampung Melayu’s and Bukit Duri’s riparian zones?” 47



C. 1


1 Site plan 2 Design process (top-bottom)


A. deciding the building level to respond the tree surrounding B. make axis as main circulation C. deciding number of floor needed D. land contour to give impression of outside and inside of the building E. curved at the theater area to give the welcoming vibes F. first building extended to cover from afternoon sunlight, second building was made open on 1 side to maximize the



view to theater area


Front office Receptionist House keeping Mechanical& Electrical Core Toilet Circulation Restaurant & cafetaria Parking area Hotel room Balcony Gym Swimming pool F&B storage

1st floor plan


3rd floor plan


2nd floor plan

4th floor plan




1st floor plan 2 2nd floor plan 3 3rd floor plan 4 4rt floor plan

Elongated section Public


Retrected section


Private 49



Longateds ection 6 Retrected section


1 Rendering interior of the building that show the art of anamorphosis 2 Rendering interior of the building that show the art of anamorphosis 3 Rendering exterior of the building




Analogy of the Mango Tree, Mangga Besar by John Steven ( ), Vega Rosalia ( ) Instructor : Felia Srinaga The concept of this building is Mango tree because the history of the site was formerly obtained from 1 large mango trees. So we want to restore historical vegetation of Mangga Besar. The first floor is described as Rod, the second floor as a fruit, the third floor as the twigs and the fourth floor as the leaves. The corridor room located on the 4th floor to get a view, and there is also a full area of glass to see the whole city of Mangga Besar from the top. Several buildings are set out to utilize wasted space, follows the presedent of the cullen hotel. In accordance with the concept of a mango tree, then the circulation is created like branching. The site is near the train station, so it has a lot of commercial district and noisy. Respond against the site to reduce noise is to postpone the building and it’s also to avoid pollution from the vehicle.

“How to apply mango tree’s analogy on designing the temporary living space?” “Why using mango tree for the concept?” “How to overcome the lack of vegetation on the site?” 51


Room type: Suite No of rooms: 7 Room area: 72m2 Target: 4-5 people Orientation: side

Room type: Deluxe No of rooms: 2 Room area: 48m2 Target: 2 people Orientation: side

Room type: Deluxe No of rooms: 1 Room area: 48m2 Target: 2 people Orientation: front

Room type: Standard No of rooms: 55 Room area: 24m2 Target: 2 people Orientation: front


There are a total of 65 rooms in this hotel with three types of room, Suite room, Deluxe room and Standard room with the estimated number of guests 120-140 persons. To response to the site that is near to the railway station, the rooms are made as if the railway carriage and corridor as the way to access the carriage. So from the 2

corridor branch they each enter their own carriage. To apply the theme of the transition, on the corridor is given a seat and painting for the transitioner before entering the room which is likened to the railway carriage.

1 Types of rooms 2 Floor plan of the building 3 Rendering exterior of the building




1 Maquette of the building 2 Maquette of the building 3



Maquette of the building



DESAIN ARSITEKTUR 4 2016 Coordinator : Alvar Mensana Instructor : Alvar Mensana, Amir Sidharta, Dani Hermawan, Denis Indramawan, Dicky, Firman Setia H, Suwardana Winata

The second term of the third year comprehensive design studio will explore the idea of both an urban & building design at the intersection of site research and its context relationship to other surrounding existing programs and local issues. The students will be asked to design a comprehensive Master Plan that includes multiple programs building within a larger urban context. In the beginning of the semester this particular project shall be researched and analyzed with focus on the topic of a “Reinvention of Urban Public Life”. A comprehensive site visit and documentation on the social, cultural, and economic interactions and neighboring existing conditions will be the driver of this semester’s design issue and problem solving strategy. The back-and-forth process between defining how does current Urban Condition can be generated and what an Urban Public Life is, will eventually help the students to propose with an architectural program / building types. The proposed program / building typology, that can be a single or multiple programs, big or small, one or multiple programs, depends on the students’ path of explorations and ability to advance independent critical thinking and making. This first-half of the semester students will be challenged to work together as a group, to explore the issues of orientation, building scales, activity pattern, topographic conditions, infrastructure, and climatic issues to help define a new urban public life, specifically in designing a Master Plan that will benefit and revitalize surrounding neighborhood. The second-half of the semester the studio will examine the interrelated building systems that are able to both modify the spatial environment within a building and articulate expectations of their performance design in regards to structure, thermal, acoustic, and sustainability. A thorough analysis and understanding of building envelope system and building utilities are part of the semester’s goal to be parallel with the advancement of technology electives classes. Alvar Mensana


Sensory Sensitive Landscape and Waterfront Design, Waduk Kebon Melati by Janice Alodia ( ) Instructor : Dicky S Tanumihardja The waterfront program blend with the Plaza program, and both become the axis inside the site, either visually or circulation. Both of these objects also became a strong orientation point with the water element that connects. Landscaping is determined to be terminating the overall form and function of the building, as well as to fill the empty spaces. The landscape focuses on the formation of the spaces between the buildings. This is done to accommodate the high level of activity. The formation of these spaces is done by focusing on the urban experience: focusing on the sequence, sensory experience, and visual coherence. There is a vacant land in the site caused a transfer of function that made for kids activity such as sport or play. The open space can be accessed directly from the street outside the site, and from the podium with a staircase down into the open space.

“How to design a landscape with waterfront in Waduk kebon melati?” “How to utilize the water elements to connect the waterfront and the plaza area?” 57


Landscape Design

2 1

1 Detail sectional of the landscape 2 Rendering of the garden open space in the landscape 3 Rendering of the podium 4 Rendering of the garden


open space in the landscape 5 Detail sectional of the landscape












Waterfront Design Focus : water as a main element in creating urban sequence The waterfront and plaza, both are the main element of the overall landscape masterplan. All type of the building on the site connected to the plaza and the waterfront. Element that connect-


ed them are the water element that is also use for the orientation, related to the distance with the

Diagram that explains the

water. It also build experience on certain spot according to what kind of semsory that can be

lation and the water acess


of the waterfornt

activity, zoning, path, circu-

2 Waterfront section

2 59


















1 Block plan waterfront 2 Maquette of the waterfront in the site 3 Maquette of the waterfront



in the site

Diverse Use of Space,Waduk Kebon Melati by Melody ( ) Instructor : A wide range of functions within the design of the podium of this function to draw the public into Kebon Melati. Variations of this function is based on the needs of social and economic environment. This podium allows every person to explore every function and area in it. The podium is divided into 4 separate buildings by an access road. There is an Event space in this building. There is also a roof garden, a rooftop section with some zone area: passive engagement, active engagement and comfort/relaxation. There is a children’s play area, food park, resting area, garden, cycling, track. The cycling experience is quite unique as it is to increase and facilitate mobility. So that access becomes more fluid and smooth. Bike lanes can be directly using rooftop ramp from the ground.

“How to design public spaces based on the needs of social in Waduk Kebon Melati?” “What kind of area that should be there to attract people with different needs?” 61


1 Access, circulation and programming of the landscape 2 Maquette of the landscape on the site 3 Perspective atomosphere of the event space that is use for performance 4 Perspective atmosphere of the cycling track where people can experience


cycling to the rootop

1 3

4 63




1 Basement plan 2 Maquette of the landscape design 3 Roof garden plan 4 Floor 1 podium plan 5





Sectional vertically and horizontally of the landscape



Shophouses Design, Waduk Kebon Melati by Vega Rosalia ( ) Instructor : Kampung Kebon Melati in Central Jakarta could be said as ‘pinched village ‘ due to its location in the middle of downtown or central business district such as the Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, and Thamrin Residence. But there are restrictions established by the owner of the building immediate vicinity, so Kampung Kebon Melati got isolated. Whereas Kampung Kebon Melati has potential because of its strategic location. The design is well thought, a pedestrian path encircles the building, also there’s an open green space and public space

“How to apply a sustainable design on shophouses?” “How to improve shophouses quality without changing its original function ?” 65

1 Filtered unfresh air and replaced with fresh air that produced by the tree Rising existing view

2 Reproduce green open space in the shophouses area Long side of the building facing north and south Filtered excessive sunlight

Pedestrian path surround Space between building use as the building open green space

Shophouses is not covered Not looking dense Maximize surrounding view GAP

Visitors are invited to surround the building

Can be use a public space


1 Site plan and elevation of the shophouses 2 Explanation and solutions by design of the shophouses 3 Explanation and solutions by design of the shophouses 4 Exterior rendering of the








Circulation Public area Semi private area Private area Open green space

1 1st floor plan 2 2nd floor plan 3 3rd floor plan 4 4th floor plan 5 Exterior rendering of the shophouses showing the open green space between the building and the pedestrian path surround the building



1 Exterior rendering of the shophouses






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