Archive: Progression Year 4

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CHIEF EDITOR Andreas Yanuar Jacky Thiodore STUDENT COORDINATOR David Kristiawan ART DIRECTOR David Kristiawan PROOF READER Jenny Alvionita PHOTOGRAPHY By Students PU UPH Photography Team TRANSLATOR Jenny Alvionita COVER Randy Gunawan

Martin L. Katoppo, Dean Julia Tan, Executive Dean Erwin Widodo, Director Admin Ferry Gunawan, Department Chair FULL TIME FACULTY Alvar Mensana Andreas Yanuar Ayu Larasati David Hutama Dicky Tanumihardja Emanuel Agung Felia Srinaga Fernisia Richtia Ferry Gunawan Gregorius A. Gegana I Ketut Canadarma Jacky Thiodore Julia Dewi Raymond Gandayuwana Santoni Stanley Wangsadiharja Susinety Prakoso Undi Gunawan VISITING FACULTY Adi Purnomo Adetania Pramanik Ahmad Djuhara Amir Sidharta

Ari Widio Ardy Hartono Ary Indra Asa Darmatriaji Avianti Armand Baskoro Junianto Bianpoen Carolina Djunaedi Dani Hermawan Dennis Indramawan Dimas Satria Elisa Sutanudjaja Endy Subijono Evytriana Tasman Finarya Legoh Firman Herwanto Glenn Hajadi Glenn Hartanto Hafiz Amirol Ida Zureidar Joe S. Willendra Lucia Helly Purwaningsih Monica Dewi Indrasari Realrich Sjarief Robin Hartanto Suwardana Winata M. Yusni Aziz Wendy Djuhara

Archive : Progression Year 4 © Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan 2018

All writings and printed materials in the publication may only be reproduced with the permission of the editor. opinions expressed in the article in this issue are those of authors and do not reflect thoseof authors and publisher. Authors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all published data.

First published, July 2018 ISBN: 978-602-52441-6-2 ISBN: 978-602-52441-7-9 (ebk) Published by Publication Unit Architecture UPH Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan UPH Tower, Lippo Karawaci Tangerang 15811, Banten Telp. 021 5470901 ext 1293, email:

TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial Table of Contents Editor’s Introduction Faculty Introduction

Skripsi Introduction

Tugas Akhir Introduction

DA5 Introduction

DBR Introduction

CHAIRMAN INTRODUCTION UPH Architecture program is a platform for productive idea generator. Each semester the students creatively produce new ideas. Like a flame, ideas can dim overtime if not spread out immediately. Thus the UPH Architecture Department has committed to spread multiple and multitude of ideas produced by the students to the general public through Archive publications. This year’s Archive is different from years past publications. In this Archive we would like to show the process of every level of study by two different year. Archive: Progression Year 1 consists of designs by first year students and Archive: Progression Year 2 by second year students and so on until Progression Year 4. Each year’s results had its own character and dynamic. Not only were we satisfied with publishing four Archives, this year we also launched a digital archive platform with our domain In this platform, the general public could view the uploaded designs of each student’s process in every assignment. With this platform we hoped to share ideas that have been produced by the students and to be better acknowledged by their peers and the general public. As a flame on a candle, it can light up the darkness if spread out from wick to wick. Through Archive Architecture UPH, we hope to bring


inspiration to a wider architecture audience.

Ferry Gunawan



EDITOR INTRODUCTION The architecture progression in an academ-

can be noticed in the stages of Studio and Final

ic environment almost never stops surprising


us. The same lecturers and curriculum when connecting with different students will bear

We have several stages for Studio. It is started

different fruits. Those fruits are unpredictable

from Studio Dasar Desain 1 and 2 on the first

and have become an academic nutrition for our

year, Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 1 and 2 on

educational institution. The largest academic

the second year, Studio Perancangan A and B

nutrition relies on the students who are unique

on the third year, and on the fourth year stu-

with their own thinking.

dents can choose which one as their final project either thesis or project.

Students have their own luxury in exploring architecture. They have a luxury amount of time

The first changes occurred on studio nam-

to do mistakes and unlimited trial to achieve

ing from Studio Perancangan Arsitektur into

their goals and towards a higher achievement

Studio Desain Arsitektur. This one changes

where they feel satisfied. The second luxury is

intended to sharpen learning materials on ev-

their powerful energy level. They can pursue

ery stage and to keep the continuity of studio

their own design idea in an excellent physical

learning from the first until the final year.

condition, high enthusiasm, and wholeheartedly. Another student’s luxury is an opportunity

The other changes occurred on the third and

to manifest their project as a design process

fourth-year. Studio Perancangan A and B are

instead of a final product. Every edition of Ar-

changed into Studio Desain Arsitektur 4 and 5.

chive UPH Architecture has a purpose to show

Once the students pass through Studio Desain

architecture progression from how the students

Arsitektur 5, they are going to have their final

utilize their luxuries to turn their unique idea

project named Desain Berbasis Riset. This fi-

into masterpieces.

nal project comes in a new format as Desain Berbasis Riset that replaces the previous final

The theme of this archive is “progression”.

project (thesis or project).

This theme is raised to mark out a curriculum transition which has been held since 2016 on

This Archive Progression contains the tran-

UPH Architecture Study Program. This curric-

sition of students’ works one year before the

ulum change is needed as an academic evalua-

changes (students of batch 2015) and one year

tion, also a response to the architectural con-

after the changes (students of batch 2016). Dif-

stitution that is already drafted at the moment

fer from the previous Archive, in this edition,

and soon will be realized. Significant change

their works will be published in four series of


books: Archive year 1, year 2, year 3 and year 4.

such as designing a study carrel, classroom and then the kindergarten itself. In 2016 academic

Archive year 1 contains the projects of Studio

calendar, the studio’s name has changed into

Dasar Desain 1 and 2 (SDD 1 & SDD 2). SDD

Studio Desain Arsitektur 1 but it still has the

1 aims to introduce the students about the de-

same goal. There are three projects on Studio

sign process, abstraction, form, and compo-

Desain Arsitektur 1. Active Play Space tends

sition so they can create a form iteration and

to train sensibility towards human motion and

composition. The evolution generates a shift-

understand the tectonic through an installation

ing learning process from manual to digital.

design. Rumah Wisata Nusantara tends to de-

The learning progress of SDD tries to gain the

velop student’s sensibility about character of

potential of both manual and digital simulta-

place. House of the Client tends to figure out


both needs and desires of the occupant. Studio Desain Arsitektur 2 still works on public activ-

Each studio has its unique brief. The brief in

ities within the function of an art gallery. On

SDD 1/ 2015 learns about form, scale, and

this project, students are expected to analyze an

proportion through the structure of human’s

artwork as a starting point to develop tectonic

head. SDD 2/ 2015 learns about a space

aspects and experience of space in the gallery.

through geometrical performance. SDD 1/ 2016 learns about statistic, organic, and kinetic

There is a significant change in third-year stu-

form. And the last is SDD 2/ 2016, students

dio’s structure. Beside Studio Perancangan Ar-

explore about the tangible and intangible thing

sitektur 3, the third-year has two other studios

which affects quality and flow of a space and

at the beginning of the year. They are Peran-

tweaks users’ perception.

cangan Arsitektur A, it focuses on city issues and Studio Perancangan Arsitektur B, it focuses

On the second-year, the students are placed to

on technology issues within architecture. Every

design a project considering ergonomic, varied

lecturer in those studios is responsible to of-

activities, private/public space program, tec-

fer a specific topic/brief. Later, students can

tonic, and site planning. Studio Perancangan

choose which topic that they are interested in

Arsitektur 1 carried them out by two projects:

and which studio that they are going into.

Resting Place and House for People with Disabilities. Studio Perancangan Arsitektur 2 shift-

Both of those studios stages have changed into

ed to public activities which is designing a kin-

Studio Desain Arsitektur 3 (DA 3) and Studio

dergarten. This Kindergarten project is directed

Desain Arsitektur 4 (DA 4). These changes give

within 3 exercises (from small to larger scale)

hierarchy and order applied into the course.


The students can only take the studio in a grad-

Nowadays there is no longer two options/

ual order and only have one brief for the whole

channels between thesis and project. As the fi-

studio. The main objectives in DA3 are able to

nal project, the students have to design based

design public function and consider their de-

on theoretical and practical research. This

sign according to urban issues. Through a proj-

would like to start doing a research on certain

ect called Building for Temporary Living Space,

issues (thesis) and outcoming with design solu-

the students can learn about how a vertical liv-

tions (project). The name of the final project is

ing plays a role at Mangga Besar district, Jakar-

changed into Desain Berbasis Riset for one se-

ta. Next, on Reinvention of Urban Public Life

mester. At seventh semester, Seminar class will

project, Studio DA 4 goes further with learning

no longer exist and replaced by another stage

about urban planning in a specific context. The

of studio that is Desain Arsitektur 5. In DA5,

project planning is discussed within separate

the students are given a case about public space

group during the first half semester. Later it is

with some strict regulations. The students must

continued by individual work that each student

get closer and understand the reality of the

designs a building with its specific functions.

built environment field. The dynamics changes

While master planning the area, the students

could be seen from the students’ works when

analyze several issues from economics, social,

executing the brief: In Between Space.

political, climate, until infrastructure aspects. The building design must be specific and must

By reading every series of Archive, we can find

deal with the sustainable system, utility system,

out how curriculum changes affect through the

and other buildings’ performance.

work of two different students’ batches. We can also find further about how the progression

And so, changes on the fourth-year. Before-

of every single year has been made, before and

hand, students have two channels to go either

after curriculum changes happened.

thesis or project. On which channels is pursued by students in two semesters. The first semes-

The curriculum absolutely cannot guarantee

ter in thesis is set for students to do research

the quality of architectural progression because

question about certain issues, dig into theory

it’s just a platform. The coordinator and other

and observe case study. The next semester,

lecturers have a significant role undertaking this

they will evaluate their research object based on

case. The coordinator of every studio translates

the theoretical review they’ve done before. On

the goals our curriculum with their own ways.

project channel, as the first semester, students

The theme and brief in the studio are differ on

are going to research issues and propose their

every single academic year and it is interesting

concept design. Later they develop their design

progression. Every lecturer with their own spe-

in much elaborate consideration to the issues.

cific competency has colored the architectural progression in each studio. To be able to see the


diversity, the students and lecturers have a tradition to visit the entire studios at the end of the year. The annual event that held and planned by student association is called as Friday Display (now has been changed as Final Display). Each studio is turned into an exhibition space and the people are entertained by some relaxing performances. Therefore, the whole studios might be able to summon and spread the design passion within various projects. Archive wants to show that passion as well. Unfortunately, considering the limitation of the medium, we cannot show all of them. Some projects we don’t have any chance to put into this Archive can be seen through another medium managed by Publication Unit Architecture UPH. We offer few videos for you that could easily be found on Youtube channel of Arsitektur UPH and Instagram account: pu_architectureuph. Besides that, we invite you to see a lot more UPH architecture students’ projects in our Online Archive at On that website, you may be able to see how the progress is and the final product of every student. All those surprises build up architecture progression in an academic environment never lose the creativity and show interesting works from years to years. This substance in university level has produced excitement for both students and lecturers to push forward future architecture. This kind of excitement that we want to share and transmit to our readers through these four



Andreas Yanuar and Jacky Thiodore


SKRIPSI Instructors: Undi Gunawan Setiadi Sopandi Susinety Prakoso

Instructor: Susinety Prakoso

Instructor: Susinety Prakoso

Instructor: Setiadi Sopandi


Instructor: Realrich Sjarief

Instructor: Denis Indramawan

Instructor: I Ketut Canadarma


Instructor: Glenn Hartanto

Instructor: Glenn Hartanto

Instructor: Suwardana Winata


Instructor: Santoni

Instructor: Santoni

Instructor: Susinety Prakoso

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