Period july 2012 - july 2013
“Further, to reach more” National campaign CILSA along with Free Wheelchair Mission Between July of 2012 and July of 2013 the NGO incorporated more than 1.400 orthopedic devices to the donations of their campaign “Further to reach more” in the provinces of : La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Catamarca, Chaco, Misiones, Corrientes, Río Negro, and La Pampa, thanks to the donations of the foreign organization Free Wheelchair Mission. For fifth consecutive year, CILSA still tours around our country with their “Farther to reach more” campaign, making donations of wheelchairs and orthopedic devices such as crutches, walkers, Canadian canes and tripods, to people with disabilities with low-incomes and from vulnerable regions of the inner country. Since 2009 CILSA has delivered, through its campaign, 3280 orthopedic devices in 13 provinces where the NGO has no institutional presence. However, what made the difference in this tour of the organization was the incorporation of a new vehicle, called “the CILSAmovil” (“el móvil
de CILSA”), that allowed the institutional team to reach remote areas, through winding roads and with difficult access, to compile information of the necessities of people with disabilities, making free deliveries of these devices with greater speed and comfort. Plus, the vehicle was established in the compiled places as a property of the NGO, where neighbors or locals could come and make orders of their needed orthopedic devices, showing proper documentation, and also allowed them to know the benefits that CILSA offers to people with disabilities all along and across the country.
La Rioja
174 orthopedic devices 28 wheelchairs the FWM For the first time, “Further to reach more” arrived to the province of La Rioja with 172 orthopedic devices that were given to people with motor disabilities of La Rioja Capital City, Chilecito and Aimogasta. The first big event was held in La Rioja Capital City, on Thursday July 12th at 11 am, in the “Commerce Meeting Room” (“Salón Comercio”), where more than 60 orthopedic devices were donated, such as crutches, tripods and walkers, to people with disabilities that don’t count with enough resources to acquire them. The event was attended by the Executive President of CILSA, Alejandra Alonso and Regional Director of CILSA Puerto Madryn, Guillermo Alonso. Also by the provincial authorities: the Director of Disability, Mercedes Juárez, the Undersecretary of Human and Family Development, Teresa Núñez and the Undersecretary of Territorial Development, Ricardo Herrera.
July 2012 Disability Directorate performed “Search in your heart” (“Busca en tu corazón”). Finally, the local singer Raúl Minio, performed a song of his own. The second encounter was held in the town of Chilecito on Saturday July 14th at 11 am, at the Sports Center “Jorge La Rosa” of the Independencia neighborhood. There arrived over 70 beneficiaries with disabilities from the towns of Chilecito, Vinchigasta and Nonogasta. Besides the already mentioned CILSA’s authorities, at the event were present the Mayor of Chilecito, Dr. Nicolás Lázaro Fonzalida, town´s Coordinator of the People with Disabilities Area, Maria Lorena Agner and Dr. Marcela Claudia Liemich. Finally, in Aimogasta was celebrated the delivery of over 30 orthopedic devices on Tuesday, July 17th at 11 am at the “Culture
After the delivery of orthopedic devices, special education teachers performed the song “Only you” (“Tan solo tú”) in sign language, then the choir of the Awareness Campaign of the
House” (“Casa de la Cultura”), with the support of the municipality of Aimogasta and CILSA’s authorities, who were present giving closure to the deliveries in the province of La Rioja. We give special thanks to Mr. Dulio Madera for the transportation of the long-awaited orthopedic devices in La Rioja. To the Barrionuevo family, for their collaboration with CILSA all along this action. To Mrs. María Mercedes Díaz for her support in the Aimogasta event, and to Lorena Agner and Jorge Calderón for the Chilecito encounter. And to the Mayors that joined us in the delivery of orthopedic devices events at their own jurisdictions.
San Juan
156 orthopedic devices 45 wheelchairs the FWM Also for the first time, CILSA arrived to the province of San Juan, with the “Further to reach more” campaign by donating 156 free orthopedic devices that were given to people with disabilities and without economic resources of the town of Rivadavia, Jáchal and San Juan Capital city. The first event took place in the town of Rivadavia, on Friday, July 20th at 11:30 am at the Culture Coordination Meeting Room of Rivadavia´s town hall. There, over 30 orthopedic devices were delivered, such as wheelchairs, crutches, tripods and walkers to local health institutions and people with disabilities. Attended to the event: the Mayor of Rivadavia, Prof. Ana Maria Lopez de Herrera and Oscar Ruz from the town’s Disability Area and CILSA partner, who accompanied the beneficiaries and their families that with great joy and excitement received their long-awaited orthopedic devices, to easily perform their daily tasks. The delivered products were wheelchairs of different sizes and shapes, canes, crutches, walkers, tripods and white canes.
July 2012 more than 40 people with disabilities received their long-awaited new orthopedic devices. We had the presence of the Mayor of Jáchal, the Architect Jorge Barifusa; the Provincial Deputy Pedro Horacio Espejo; the Social Action Director Sirley Pérez and the Vice-president of “Minas Argentinas”, Mario Hernández. As well as Dr. Roberto J. Juárez Fernández, Director of People with Disabilities of the Ministry for Human and Social Development and the Director of Social Programs of CILSA Disability Area, Laura Wierszylo, that especially attended to this and the next delivery at the Capital City of San Juan. Finally, there was a big event in the Capital City of San Juan on Tuesday, July 24th at 11 am at the Municipal Theater. There, 80 units were delivered to local institutions and beneficiaries. On behalf of Minister Daniel Molina, attended the Secretary of Social Development, Lic. Mónica Ramos; the Provincial Director of Disability, Dr. Roberto Juárez Fernandez, the Capital’s Mayor, Marcelo Lima; National Senator Marina Riofrio and Institutional Coordinator of CILSA, Laura Wierszylo.
In this event, the beneficiary Nicolás Cortés thanked on behalf of all the people who have been selected to receive their wheelchairs. The blind young man expressed with great emotion the joy of getting his own orthopedic device. In addition, the Mayor said that she’s working not only to deliver these devices, but also give them the necessary infrastructure for a good use on the streets of the city, and said: “We have to work on the accessibility in the province and in the department so nobody feels excluded”. Then, CILSA’s team traveled to the town of Jáchal, where the second meeting was held, on July 23rd at 11 am in the House of Culture, where
After the delivery, authorities, relatives, beneficiaries and the audience in general, enjoyed a show of folk dances performed by the “sembrando ilusiones” ballet composed by people with disabilities. At the end of the day, visually impaired sisters Natalia and Ángela Carbellotti dazzled the audience with their voices. We give special thanks to the cooperation of Minas Argentinas S.A. and Transportes Cruz Del Sur who facilitated the transportation of all devices from the province of Santa Fe to San Juan, and its distribution among the places of delivery (Jáchal, Rivadavia and Capital). Also to Mr. Juan Carlos Fonsalida for his support in organizing the meeting in Jáchal. To the Director of Human Development Marcela Carranza and to the Director of Disability of the province, Roberto Juárez for joining us all along the action in San Juan. And to the Mayors that honored us with their presence in the delivery of orthopedic devices events at their own jurisdictions.
San Luis
108 orthopedic devices 45 wheelchairs the FWM
July 2012
The first major event took place in San Luis Capital city, on Friday, July 27th at 12 pm at the National Retired and Pensioned Center. There, 60 orthopedic devices were delivered, such as wheelchairs, crutches, walkers and tripods, to local health institutions and people with disabilities. At the authority table were CILSA’s representatives, Mayor Enrique Ponce, Secretary of Social Development, Carlos Jacomet and Institutional Relations Director, José Havelka. Then, CILSA’s team traveled to the town of Concarán, where the second meeting was held, on Monday, July 30th at 11am at the town’s Culture Meeting Room. There, over 48 people with disabilities came along with their families to receive their new orthopedic devices. We had the presence of the Mayor of Concarán, Facundo Domínguez, the Social Action Secretary, Dr. Viviana García; Deputy Daniel Elías; the Director of Concarán Regional Hospital, Dr. Victor Alonso and Mayor of Villa Larca, Mr. Arnaldo Lastra. We give special thanks to Mr. Walter César Carrera, partner and contributor of CILSA, who supported us in this action by letting, all disabled people in his home province, have a better future. To José Havelka for his support in the ceremony held in San Luis Capital City. And to the Mayors that joined us with their presence in the delivery of orthopedic devices events at their own jurisdictions.
207 orthopedic devices 49 wheelchairs September 2012 the FWM For the first time, CILSA’s motorhome arrived to the Province of Catamarca with 189 orthopedic devices, with the aim of improving the quality of life for low-incomes, motor disabled people. As part of the “Further, to reach more” campaign, the NGO CILSA toured around the province, along with representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días (IJSUD) ) and of the House of Catamarca in Buenos Aires (CATA). The first destination was the city of Pomán, at west of the capital city, where on September 12th over 35 orthopedic devices were distributed on three local institutions that doesn’t count with enough resources to acquired them: The Town Hall, the No. 13 Special School of Pomán and Sauijil Hospital. The next day, the CILSA’s team headed by its President Silvia Carranza, as well as the representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días (IJSUD)) and the Mayor of Pomán, Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez, approached “door to door” with wheelchairs, to the houses of 20 people with disabilities who are unable to mobilize. The tour was in the cities of: Pomán, Rincón, Saujil, Sijan and Villa Vil.
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Elder Ashton and his wife, Missionaries of humanitarian aid of SAS area; Gustavo Berta, Manager of Human Services; the Secretary of the House of Catamarca, Dr. Yanina Martínez; Health Minister, Noemí Villagra; the Provincial Director of Assistance to People with Disabilities, Mariela Vázquez, and the Provincial Director of Comprehensive Social Medicine, Verónica Villafañe. On Monday 17th there was a delivery event in Andalgalá, going house to house of 17 beneficiaries as well as the Town Hall. And the next day, an event in Santa María, where 7 people unable to mobilize, got their new wheelchairs. On Wednesday 19th an event was held at the Sports Center of Belén, where wheelchairs and orthopedic devices were donated to 39 beneficiaries and 3 health institutions. There, we had the presence of the Mayor of the city José Arnoldo Ávila, town’s authorities, CILSA’s coordinators, the Director of Social Action, Laura Baigorria and Dr. Ciro Aguirre, Office Advisor of the Ministry of Health.
The ceremony in the Capital City was on Friday, September 14th at 5 pm at the Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of San Fernando Del Valle de Catamarca. There, more than 50 beneficiaries attended with their families as well as representatives of 5 health institutions that also got their orthopedic devices, so anybody can have access to them in hospitals and nursing homes. We had the presence of the President of CILSA, Silvia Carranza; Mr. Luis Emilio Valdez, President of the Argentine Stake “La Rioja” of PAGE
The final destination of this solidarity tour was Antofagasta de la Sierra, where on Friday September 21st took place a “door to door” delivery of 20 orthopedic devices to 4 people with disabilities and two institutions: the Town hall and the Hospital. We give special thanks to the House of Catamarca in Buenos Aires (CATA) and its entire team that provided everything necessary to make sure that each “catamarqueño” in need could receive its wheelchair. And Mayors who joined us with their presence at the meetings held at their own jurisdictions. To Dr. Verónica Villafañe and her team who accompanied us in the preparation of the San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca event. To Dr. Ciro G. Aguirre, Catamarca’s Health Office Advisor, for his assistance throughout all the action in the province. To Laura Baigorria for gathering and calling the beneficiaries in the town of Belén. To Dr. Yanina Amaya, Director of Belen’s Nursing Home, for their help. And to Dr. Avelina Reynoso and Alberto Alejandro Paez collaborations in Antofagasta on behalf of Mayor Carlos Fabián.
194 orthopedic devices 55 wheelchairs the FWM Already there’s more than 450 orthopedic devices delivered by CILSA in Misiones since the beginning of the “Further, to reach more” campaign in 2009. This year, were totaled 194 units reaching the towns of Aristóbulo del Valle , El Soberbio, Puerto Iguazú and Wanda. The first major event was in the city of Aristóbulo del Valle on Wednesday, October 24th at 10 am in the Parish Hall. There, over 80 orthopedic devices were delivered such as, wheelchairs, crutches, tripods and walkers to people with disabilities and to local health institutions as well as the neighboring towns of: Oberá, San Pedro, San Vicente, Campo Viera and 2 de Mayo . On behalf of Mayor Aníbal Eldor Hut, his Secretary of Government and Dr. Armando Parodi, attended along with representatives of CILSA. The next day, Thursday 25th, CILSA’s team went to the homes of 3 families in El Soberbio with wheelchairs that will improve the quality of life of the people with disabilities who so far could not move.
October 2012 Then on Saturday October 27th in the Integrated Community Centre of Puerto Iguazú, donations were given to 17 beneficiaries, and the Secretary of Social Action received wheelchairs and walkers for the nursing home. In this act we had the presence of the President of CILSA Silvia Carranza, Mayor Marcelo Horacio Sánchez, President of the Town Council Teodoro Sánchez, Secretary of Social Action Alejandro Alcaraz and Provincial Deputy Gilberto Gruber, among other local authorities. Carranza addressed to the presents, most of these people with disabilities, with a message of hope. “I know it’s not easy being in a wheelchair, but sometimes dreams came true, you can discover places, go to school, to work and even do sports. Actually you can live in dignity and free, which is CILSA’s main purpose and that the chair helps not to look outside through a window, but to come out and be a part of life”. Finally, we reached the town of Wanda, where more than 30 people with disabilities received a new orthopedic device to improve their mobility,
on Monday, October 29th at 5 pm at the town’s Sports Center. There, we had the support of the municipality and the presence of the Mayor of Wanda Jorge Froweim along with his colleague from Puerto Esperanza, Alfredo Gruber. After the ceremony, and giving closure to the whole action in the province of Misiones, those present enjoyed a show of the Municipal Dance School. We give special thanks to the carrier Petrovalle for the volunteering transportation of the orthopedic devices. To Mr. Marcos Rodríguez, for his collaboration at the events. To the Director of Social Action of Puerto Iguazú, and to Mr. Ricardo Rivero for his support to the NGO making this action in Misiones possible. And to Mayors who joined us with their presence at their own jurisdictions.
180 orthopedic devices 40 wheelchairs November 2012 the FWM In the province of Corrientes, again accompanied by Senator Eugenio Artaza and his team, CILSA arrived in November with 180 orthopedic devices that were distributed to beneficiaries in three major events in the towns of: Corrientes Capital City, Ituizangó and Paso de los Libres
both give closure to this great action the next day, in Paso de los Libres.
The first meeting was on November 20th at Club Regatas of Corrientes Capital City, where 60 people with disability coming from the city itself and from neighboring areas such as: San Roque, San Cosme, Concepción, General Paz, San Luis del Palmar and Saladas, approached with their families to receive the long awaited device, by the hand of CILSA and Senator Eugenio “Nito” Artaza, who was present with the Director of CILSA’s Communication Department, Valeria Garay.
We were joined in this delivery, by CILSA’s senior representatives such as: Oscar Odino, Regional Director of La Plata and Daniel Ravasio, Director of the Administration Department.
Finally, on November 23rd the final act was held in Paso de los Libres, where more than 60 orthopedic devices were delivered to local people with disabilities and also from Mercedes, Monte Caseros, Alvear and La Cruz.
We give special thanks to the work of Amelia Artaza and her team who tirelessly worked to make this solidarity action possible in her province.
Then we arrived to Ituizangó, which hosted a commemorative event on November 22nd, and 60 orthopedic devices were donated for the local people with disabilities and from Santo Tomé, Gobernador Virasoro and Apipé Island. In this event, in addition to Nito Artaza, always present along this action, we had the participation of the CILSA’s Regional Director, Daniel Ravassio, and
Río Negro
111 orthopedic devices 29 wheelchairs the FWM
May 2013
This time heading south, CILSA arrived to Río Negro in the first week of May 2013, and in 9 days performed 7 delivery events where over 100 people with disabilities received a wheelchair or a device that will help them improve their quality of life.
Javier Giménez, the Director of CEN 28, Gricelda de Scarbotti, Dr. Aquiles Rivera Paredes, Commissioner Jorge Cañupan and the President of CONIAR and representatives of the Hospital of Ramos Mexía, which also received a wheelchair for their patients.
The first destination was the town of Carmen de Patagones, belonging to the Province of Buenos Aires, but closely linked to Río Negro, for its proximity to Viedma. The delivery event of these orthopedic devices was on Monday, May 6th at the Nº 501 Special School. There, beneficiaries approached with their families along with representatives of health institutions who received a wheelchair, for the benefit not only of one person but of an entire community that will be able to access it whenever they need. After the event, the presents gave a show of Body language called “A world of colors”.
As solidarity does not rest, on the weekend a delivery event took place at Luis Beltran’s Special School No. 20. There, 28 orthopedic devices were given to local beneficiaries and from the neighboring town of Lamarque. Attended to this event, Mrs. Adriana Curuchet; the Director of the Nº 20 Special School, Patricia Rogel; the Municipal Secretary of Luis Beltran, Raúl Chávez; the Ministry of Social Development, Norma Gorioran and Council member and Director of the Hospital, Cristina Crespo.
The next day, in the city of Viedma were delivered 25 wheelchairs, which were destined for 21 peoples with disabilities and 4 local health institutions. The event was attended by the Director of “Mutual VIVIR”, Argentino Méndez, and the Director of the Association of Sheltered Workshops who donated the space for this meeting.
The following week, the team of “Farther to reach more” arrived to Choele Choel, where 23 wheelchairs and orthopedic devices were delivered for people with disabilities, local health institutions and from the town of Chimpay. The event took place on Monday 13th at 10am at the San Antonio de Padua Nursing Home. We were joined in this event by: The mayor
Then, in San Antonio Oeste (SAO) and Sierra Grande there was a door to door delivery where CILSA’s team went to the homes of 5 people with motor disabilities, knowing the situation of each one and handing out the long-awaited wheelchairs. On Thursday 9th, CILSA’s team reached Ministro Ramos Mexía. At 11 am gathered at the CEN No. 28 meeting room, 10 beneficiaries with their families and friends to celebrate the delivery of their long-awaited orthopedic devices. Also participated in the meeting, the Mayor Eduardo PAGE
of Choele Choel, Daniel Rubén Belloso, the Mayor of Chimpay, Gerardo Omar Bravo, the Director of the Home that gave us the space to perform the event, Katy Ramelo and the Director of the Hospital of Choele Choel who received a wheelchair for his patients, Dr. Gustavo Altamiranda. The last delivery event was in Río Colorado, where 20 orthopedic devices, such as wheelchairs, tripods, walkers and Canadian canes, were given to 11 people with disabilities and 3 health institutions. This event took place on Tuesday, 14th at 4 pm at the “Próspero Tognelli” Home. And was attended by: Anabela Miranda, Director of Special School No. 9, Mariano Quiroga, Director of the Hospital of Río Colorado, Marcelo Casalla, Secretary of the Municipal Government; Fernando Melón, Director of “Prospero Tognelli” Home and Feliciano Carrazco, Licensed in Social Work. Of course, CILSA appreciates the support of all those who made possible for these people to receive their wheelchairs or orthopedic devices in Río Negro, that will without a doubt improve their quality of life and give them autonomy and freedom.
La Pampa
72 orthopedic devices 5 wheelchairs the FWM As part of the “Further, to reach more” National Campaign, CILSA delivered 72 orthopedic devices to people with disabilities in the province of La Pampa. The last June 10th and 11th, 2 deliveries of orthopedic devices events, took place in the towns of Santa Rosa and General Pico respectively, in which the NGO delivered wheelchairs and items that had been ordered two months ago. The first meeting was in the city of Santa Rosa, at the Special Engine School No. 1, with the great support of its director Mónica Soncini, and the presence of the Director of Disability, Rodrigo Giraudo. There came 55 beneficiaries and 3 local health institutions as well as from the neighboring towns of Toay, Catriló, Luan Toro, 25 de Mayo, Telén and Santa Teresa. They received 25 wheelchairs
Jun 2013 and 34 orthopedic devices, of which 31 were white canes for the big community of blind people of the place. After the event those present, enjoyed a musical show by local singer Silvia Zobzuk. The next day, CILSA’s team traveled to General Pico. The event took place in the A.P.A.P Day Center, who voluntarily gave their facilities so 11 people with disabilities and 2 institutions can receive their needed orthopedic devices to be able to mobilize. Attended to the event, government authorities, the Mayor, Juan José Reinone and the President of A.P.A.P, Susana Martín, sharing this important moment with beneficiaries, their families and some CILSA partners. We thank the Provincial Directorate of Disability and their staff, for the creation of these important events.
113 elementos ortopedicos 18 sillas de ruedas the FWM For 5th consecutive year, since the beginning of the “Further, to reach more” National Campaign, CILSA goes back to Chaco to deliver free orthopedic devices to people with disabilities. This year, there were more than 130 devices added to the 536 that the NGO has delivered in the province since 2009. On this trip, CILSA had the support and companionship of Elder William Ashton and his wife Robin of the Human Services area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (IJSUD) and the President of CILSA, Silvia Carranza, who toured the region along CILSA’s team making effective donations. The action opened on Monday, July 1st in Las Breñas, with a great event in the IJSUD Church, and there, gathered: the president of CILSA, Silvia Carranza, representatives of the Church: Elder William and Robin Ashton, the Branch President Carlos Castaño, and Quorum President Pablo Portillo; Mayors of Las Breñas, Charata and General Pinedo, and Provincial Deputy Livio Gutiérrez. There, 40 people with disabilities receive the donations as well as 4 local health institutions and from the neighboring town of Villa Ángela, General Pinedo and Charata.
July 2013
Superior Rosa Vallejos, who gave the place to perform the meeting, along with children and adolescents that lived there. As closure of this touching event, local religious served chocolate and soft drinks. Meanwhile, CILSA gave backpacks and toys to the kids that lived there and to the participants of the event. The next day, the town of Pampa del Indio received the team. On Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd “door to door” deliveries were held, where the team of the “Farther” campaign and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, knocked the doors of 17 families and 2 local health institutions. There 19 orthopedic devices were given, thanks to the support of Mariana Magdalón, President of the Municipal Council and Ivana Gómez, Secretary of Human Rights, who gathered information about the needs of local people with disabilities. These wheelchairs donated to people with disabilities, in a socially vulnerable situation, living in a place where you can see how much they need, can improve the quality of life, not only to those receiving the device, but also their
That same day, in the evening, the great committee of the Church of Jesus Christ and the NGO CILSA traveled to Roque Sáenz Peña, and made based on the Don Orione Cottolengo, where 10 people with disabilities received their orthopedic devices. Besides IJSUD and CILSA’s authorities, attended to this event: the local Undersecretary of Social Policies, Marisa Araceli, who supported the action by gathering information of local needs, and the director of the Cottolengo, Mother PAGE
families, providing the ability to mobilize them. Then, the “Farther to reach more” Campaign got into the “Impenetrable Chaqueño”, where wheelchairs were delivered “door to door” as well. The first destinations were Fuerte Esperanza and Comandancia Frías, where on Friday 5th were delivered 9 wheelchairs to people with disabilities, with the company and support of Isabel Duarte, former mayor of the region. Once in Misión Nueva Pompeya, there was a delivery event for 12 beneficiaries in the “Monster” shop, hired for the occasion, where 10 wheelchairs and 2 orthopedic devices were delivered, thanks to the support of Mayor Vicente González. Finally, on Monday 8th in the town of Castelli, as a closure of this great action, a delivery event took place at the “Caidin” Day Center, with 10 beneficiaries and 5 local health institutions that received their orthopedic devices. Attended to this event, Provincial Deputies: Livio Gutiérrez and Leo Julán, and the President of “Caidin”, Viterba Scheffier.
Life story
Blas Marcelo Muñoz 19 years Blas lives in the town of Castelli, in the province of Chaco and was born with malnutrition that after many treatments and blood transfusions was able to survived, but it left both mental and motor effects, that make him need a wheelchair to mobilize. The family consists of his mother, a widow with 7 children, of which 3 are motor disabled and a little girl has intellectual disabilities. For this reason, before receiving this chair donated by CILSA, Blas had an old chair which shared with two of his brothers. Today, thanks to these donations of the Free Wheelchair Mission, all 3 Muñoz brothers have their own wheelchair to get around. With this new chair called “Gen 2” Blas will be able to get out of his house, roll around the gravel path and dirt roads that when it rains becomes muddy and difficult to roll with a thinner wheelchair. In addition, it’s going to help his mother to take him to the doctor, due to his treatments and medication that little by little are improving his health.
Historia de vida Carlos Sánchez 24 years
In Pampa del Indio, the team of the “Further, to reach more” Campaign made the deliveries of wheelchairs going “door to door” to the homes of people with disabilities who needed those devices to mobilize. When they reached the house of Carlos Saúl Sánchez they realize the story of a family that needed a lot of help and that that day received some relief. Carlos is 24 years old, was born with mental and motor disabilities, and never received treatment. His mother, a widow with 12 children lives in a borrowed house, given that hers was uninhabitable. Carlos never went to school or received medical care. Before CILSA’s arrival he had a wheelchair, also borrowed, but in which he usually fell, due to his convulsions. For that reason, his mother left him on the floor so he won’t hurt himself. The chair he received is much better, because it has a lap belt that holds and gives him safety when he convulses and so he is not at risk of falling and hurting himself. Also thanks to the dynamics of the chair, it can be washed, which was not possible with his previous chair that living in a country area was always dusty.
Release results July 2012 - july 2013
2012 La Rioja
26 repercusiones
San Juan
12 repercusiones
San Luis
7 repercusiones
46 repercusiones
17 repercusiones
34 repercusiones
2013 R铆o Negro
42 repercusiones
La Pampa
26 repercusiones
33 repercusiones
TOTAL = 243 repercusiones en medios masivos de comunicaci贸n