11 minute read
Los rodamientos NSK con recubrimiento cerámico benefician a los usuarios de VSD
NSK ha desarrollado una serie de rodamientos de bolas de de rodamientos de bolas de ranura profunda con un recubriranura profunda con un recubrimiento cerámico optimizado miento cerámico en el anillo exterior. El efecto aislante del reque beneficia a los usuarios de sistemas con transmisión de cubrimiento detiene la transferencia de corriente y, por convelocidad variable (VSD) y motores eléctricos. El efecto siguiente, evita daños en los rodamientos. aislante del recubrimiento evita la transferencia de corriente Basándose en una extensa serie de pruebas, NSK ha mejorado eléctrica, lo que no solo prolonga la vida útil del rodamiento, el recubrimiento cerámico utilizado hasta ahora, decisión que sino que evita daños en los componentes de transmisión ad- ha permitido disfrutar dos ventajas principales. En primer yacentes. Los variadores de velocidad de bajo consumo de lugar, el efecto aislante del recubrimiento es hasta 10 veces energía son cada vez más populares en una gran cantidad de mayor. En segundo lugar, la resistencia al impacto de la cemáquinas, sistemas y equipos industriales. El uso de VSD es rámica, normalmente muy frágil, es ahora más de tres veces particularmente económico cuando se requieren diferentes mayor que la de los recubrimientos cerámicos que se encuenniveles de potencia en respuesta a tran en los rodamientos convenciouna demanda variable. Sin embargo, nales. Los rodamientos consiguen la regulación de frecuencia requiere alcanzar de esta forma una vida útil rodamientos que se ajusten a un bastante más larga. conjunto diferente de requisitos, en Otra ventaja es que el recubrimiento gran parte porque siempre existe el cerámico optimizado proporciona una riesgo de que una corriente parásita mejor disipación del calor generado llegue a los componentes a través por el rodamiento a medida que se del eje del motor y los rodamientos. produce la rotación, contribuyendo Esta corriente puede provocar daños (de nuevo) a una mayor vida útil. en los rodamientos por fenómenos La gama de rodamientos de bolas de como la formación de ondulaciones ranura profunda con recubrimiento y la fusión de las superficies de ro- cerámico de NSK se describe en un dadura. El funcionamiento y la vida nuevo catálogo titulado Rodamientos útil de dichos componentes también para motores eléctricos, disponible pueden verse afectados por el paso en papel o en formato PDF que se de la corriente eléctrica. puede descargar en: Los ingenieros de diseño pueden NSK ha optimizado el recubrimiento cerámico de sus rodamientos http://www.nsk-literature.com contrarrestar estos problemas, rela- de bolas de ranura profunda que anulan los problemas de la co- /es/industrial-motor-bearings/ ◆ tivamente comunes, mediante el uso rriente eléctrica parásita cuando se utilizan en VSD
Each DreaM invents world’s first true non-combustible fiber reinforced plastic that cleared ISO-1182
Japanese company Each DreaM Company has successfully developed a non-combustible FRP, a long-standing problem in the industry, and has cleared the ISO 1182. They also have the non-combustible heat insulation created during the developing process, which is the only known heat insulation to have cleared the ISO1182 as well. This product is patent pending. This link leads to a simple video demonstrating the product quality: https://youtu.be/EIcD3XGqg2E In the video, the company doused an FRP box containing ice with kerosene and set it on fire. Not only is the box unburnt but the ice inside is still frozen as well. Strictly speaking, it is an FRC (Fiber Reinforced Ceramics) reinforced with basalt cloth. But since it has the same quality and nature as FRPs and could be used as such, they call this material next-generation FRP for convenience. This new material will withstand a 1,500 °C ( 2,732 °F) fire, has low heat conductivity, is poison gas free, and can be easily recycled. FRPs are applied in general vehicle interiors but this nextgeneration FRP not only is non-combustible but, its formaldehyde emission rate is 0.0 mg/L, meaning it is odour free. Apart from the pre-existing FRP, it is expected to be applied in houses and
El Observatorio Tecnológico del ITC presenta nueva web y nuevos contenidos
El Observatorio Tecnológico del Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) presenta nueva web, nuevos contenidos y nuevas secciones que se adaptan a las nuevas demandas, necesidades y retos en la industria, abordando, por ejemplo, temas como el big data, la economía circular, edificios y ciudades, energía, materiales, medioambiente, artículos científicos de interés, procesos industriales innovadores, patentes o principales tendencias tecnológicas, ofreciendo multitud de ejemplos y casos de éxito y de estudio sumamente reveladores y de gran ayuda en la toma de decisiones estratégicas. Así, la remodelada web (https://observatoriotecnologicoceramico.es/) alberga una importante y relevante calidad informativa gracias a los esfuerzos realizados por el equipo de expertos del Observatorio Tecnológico, que, junto al Observatorio de Mercado y el Observatorio de Tendencias del Hábitat, conforman la gran plataforma del Observatorio Cerámico creado en 2006 por el ITC, configurado como un importante servicio avanzado, parte de la Unidad de Inteligencia Competitiva, que el ITC consideró necesario crear a fin de suministrar información selecta procedente de grandes cantidades de datos y fuentes privilegiadas a las que tiene acceso este sistema, que cuenta con el apoyo del Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para el desarrollo de algunas de sus actividades a través de una línea nominativa. Así, este sistema de observación, análisis y gestión de información especializada, diseñado y estructurado para potenciar la capacidad de detección de cambios tecnológicos de interés para el sector cerámico, llega con una imagen y contenidos renovados y adaptados a los nuevos desafíos que ya se están abordando, ofreciendo puntos de apoyo clave para poder afrontarlos con éxito por parte del mundo empresarial. ◆

Vicente Lázaro Magdalena, responsable de la Unidad de Inteligencia Competitiva del ITC Jose Planelles Aragó, investigador del equipo del Observatorio de Mercado del ITC Imagen de entrada a la nueva web del Observatorio Tecnológico del ITC

wooden high-rise buildings. Also, as it can resist a 1,200 °C (2,192 °F) torch despite being 0.8 mm (0.031 inch) thin, it could replace aluminum, its melting point being 660 °C (1,220 °F) depending on its use. Added, they also have a fire proofing liquid that was developed alongside the next-generation FRP. They believe it could have greatly contributed on preventing the fire from spreading and engulfing the mountains in California last year. This liquid will not hinder trees from growing and is safe for animals as it can be rinsed off with water. On 2021, January 23, Saturday, he company demonstrated the quality of this non-combustible next-generation FRP. The event was held in Kihoku-cho, Mie Japan, in the factory premise of the charcoal craftsman; Mr. Tsumura Toshiharu. Mr. Tsumura's Binchotan charcoals are very popular for its high quality and are in high demand around the world. ◆

Think Black: The new black pigment by Colorobbia
Gruppo Colorobbia, this year celebrating one hundred years of history, produces in its modern manufacturing plants located all over the world, a large quantity and variety of pigments (for ceramics, sanitaryware, glass, metal, plastic, etc.) with its own know-how in all production processes. The range of pigments for ceramic use, as always, responds to the market demands and to its customers’ requests, offering multiple solutions for every need. It includes a wide range of items, which can be customized according to the technologies and the desired result. The family of pigments for ceramic use includes those employed for colouring gres porcellanato bodies, which today is considered one of the most interesting product segments thanks to the wide range of uses and proposals available. This series of pigments is used to obtain an infinite number of coloured bodies (black, orange, red, brown, blue, etc.) from soft to more intense tones. Depending on the layout of the customer's plant and the resources available within the wet and/or dry colouring process as well as the characteristics of the final tile, Gruppo Colorobbia offers the pigments of one of the following series: the 6 series for wet dispersion colouring, the 7 series for dry dispersion colouring and the 7x7 series for dry dispersion colouring for high mechanical resistance. A key aspect to highlight is the growing demand for this type of pigments for the mass colouring of large-format slabs, mainly intended for floors and walls. These formats are becoming more and more widespread and are included in proposals for not very conventional uses, outside of traditional ceramics, such as worktops, tables, walls and doors, ventilated façades, etc. To meet the specific needs of the production of large masscoloured slabs, Gruppo Colorobbia has recently introduced the 6 series black pigment PG 64125 in its catalog, which combines technical and colorimetric performance to obtain a wide spectrum of neutral tones in the range from grey to intense blacks of the mass-coloured support, without compromising degassing and dimensional stability, with a low pyroplastic deformation index during the firing temperature phase (1,180-1,220 °C) and keeping constant the water absorption range of the finished tile, regardless of thickness (from 6 to 30 mm). Taking into account the importance of the surface finish of large format slabs, it can also be said that this pigment allows to obtain a coloured substrate on which to develop 100% digital decoration proposals (Full Digital) directly on the support. For all these reasons, PG 64125 is the ideal solution for colouring the black mixtures used in the production of large format slabs. Gruppo Colorobbia, relying on international branches located in the main ceramic clusters in the world, offers a complete service of technical and graphic assistance, customer care, R&D and innovation for the development of projects, and guarantees the most complete transfer of its technical knowhow during the industrial process of its high value added products within its entire customer network. Colorobbia collaborates with leading plant and technology manufacturers and plays a proactive role in testing and implementing new solutions at an industrial level. Gruppo Colorobbia, faithful to its commitment to respect for the environment and to prevent the health and safety of its employees and customers, continues its policy of continuous improvement in terms of reducing emissions and waste, minimizing use of hazardous substances and always respecting the most recent laws and regulations on the classification of substances. ◆

Buehler: Castable (cold) mounting of porous samples for metallography
SimpliVac™, the new castable vacuum mounting system by Buehler – ITW Test & Measurement GmbH, allows impregnation of porous samples or structures more efficiently by means of an automatic cycle control system. The system generates a vacuum – reliably, rapidly and efficiently, and without the need for an external pump. Thus, pores and cracks will be filled completely with epoxy resin, resulting in optimized edge retention for metallographic examinations. The system is also ideal for mounting delicate samples where preimpregnation before sectioning and/or grinding ensures samples are well protected. The number of cycles, the vacuum level and the time under vacuum can be set according to your needs. To optimize the mounting process, multiple cycles can be run without user intervention between cycles. Due to these special features, SimpliVac ensures consistent uniformity, even at high throughput, and reduces the time required to complete the mounting process. The large chamber diameter allows simultaneous mounting of multiple small samples. Alternatively, SimpliVac can also accommodate samples with larger dimensions. Its compact and small footprint allows more space on the lab bench. The new vacuum impregnation system offers cold mounting solution of test samples to both quality control and/or research laboratories. Examples include electronics components, thermal spray coatings, additive manufactured components and other specialty aerospace surface treated test samples. Technicians or metallographers will appreciate the ability to optimize sample impregnation in a faster, more automated way. SimpliVac is easy to use. A video showing its simple operation is available at https://youtu.be/5bphC-lyUxY When it comes to hot compression mounting, the equivalent of the new SimpliVac is the SimpliMet™ 4000 by Buehler, for quick and reliable use. It is ideal for demanding industrial environments, both in terms of sample throughput and mounting quality. Buehler – ITW Test & Measurement GmbH, Esslingen/Germany has been a leading manufacturer of instruments, consumables and accessories for metallography and materials analysis since 1936, and also supplies a comprehensive range of hardness testers and hardness testing systems. A dense network of branch offices and dealers means our customers can rely on professional assistance and service around the world. The Buehler Solutions Centers in Esslingen and Dusseldorf/Germany, Dardilly/France, Coventry/UK and elsewhere can offer all kinds of assistance with application questions or with devising reproducible preparation procedures. Buehler is part of the Test and Measurement Segment of the US company Illinois Tool Works (ITW) with some 800 decentralized divisions in 52 countries and around 45,000 employees ◆

SimpliVac is a compact vacuum impregnation system by Buehler – ITW Test & Measurement, for efficient and time-saving castable mounting of porous and
heat-sensitive samples in epoxy resin (© Buehler)