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Novedades / Newproducts
Sodeca aporta purificación y desinfección del aire con filtración HEPA H14
Sodeca continúa desarrollando soluciones para ofrecer seguridad a los clientes y al mismo tiempo, satisfacer los requisitos de tratamiento del aire de cada habitáculo. Las unidades de techo UPT purifican y desinfectan el aire de aquellos componentes nocivos que quedan suspendidos. Unos equipos de filtración y desinfección de los espacios interiores que se adaptan a las necesidades de cada proyecto, con o sin una instalación de ventilación previa. Gracias al filtro HEPA H14, se recogen las partículas de más de 0,3 µm de diámetro, con una eficacia del 99,995%. Por otro lado, la cámara germicida UVc inactiva los componentes suspendidos en el aire como bacterias, virus, moho, esporas y otros patógenos. Destacan por ser unas unidades de bajo consumo (con motores EC Technology) que reducen el impacto visual, son de fácil instalación y mantenimiento y no requieren una instalación de ventilación previa. Como explica el vídeo al respecto (http://ow.ly/Mtfl50Ha7UP), las fases de la circulación del aire son: 1. Aspiración del aire contaminado 2. Desinfección y filtrado 3. Impulsión del aire limpio 4. Distribución por todo el habitáculo 5. Recirculación del aire. Gracias al efecto Coanda, el aire se adhiere al techo consiguiendo así una distribución uniforme del aire purificado. Las unidades de techo UPT son ideales para oficinas, escuelas, centros de salud, gimnasios, bibliotecas, etc. ◆

Nabertherm launches Controllers Series 500
Today we present you an innovation in the field of furnace engineering. Get to know the controllers of the new 500 series with us. They are a real eye-catcher: appealing design, a touch display, colored representations and simple symbols. The innovative design includes the well-known high-quality Nabertherm technology “Made in Germany” and yet can do so much more than its predecessor. For example, the controller works in 24 languages and is a globetrotter by nature. Replacing the old buttons and turning switches, the controller impresses above all with one thing: intuitive operation. The graphical display of temperature curves of the selected program, the precise temperature control, the program status display with the expected end time and date, various user levels and the integrated help menu make the controller a device that makes the control and process monitoring so easy. The WLAN capability as well as USB interfaces for reading out service information and documentation of firing curves ensure the possibility of full integration into digitized production processes – independent whether in the studio, laboratory, dental sector or industry. In addition, control parameters and the configuration can be set in such a way that it may be used in any production environment and with most furnace families. In order to round off the overall package and to explore the firing information from everywhere, at Nabertherm they have developed the associated “MyNabertherm-App” for download free of charge with every new controller. With the app, the current process data of one or more Nabertherm controllers

Squadra Dry Vision: BMR combines sustainability and digitization
Sustainability and digitization are highly topical issues for the international economic system and have heavily influenced the business fabric: just look at the position taken by the ecological transaction and digital transformation within the Euro Next Generation EU plan. The same is true in Italy, which has allocated over 30% of the resources provided for in the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) to the green revolution, for the development of hydrogen energy and digitization. After all, the EU objectives set for 2030 to combat climate change are stringent: -55% of greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990, -32% of energy consumption, and the use of renewable energy for 32%. Therefore, polluting is ever more costly. BMR has always directed a large part of its investments into R&D as a commitment to the green economy, monitoring water and energy consumption, those of raw materials, and supporting the reuse of waste in the production process. The first step in this green evolution was the "Dry" technology, already presented in 2010 as part of squaring with Squadra Dry and now also applied to all other treatment, cutting and splitting machines. A radical change for the ceramic plant sector, which has been able to take advantage of increasingly productive and efficient technologies and, at the same time, capable of inducing significant water, energy and economic savings, as well as improving the quality of work of the operators. Dry technology has undergone various evolutionary stages over the years, becoming increasingly dependable and digital, and today it has reached a new generation: Squadra Dry Vision. ◆

can be read out live. As a result, you can keep an eye on your processes from anywhere, analyze them or just watch the progress of the firing with excitement from home. And just in case, the app informs you directly via push notification about a fault that has occurred. The app can then be used to contact Nabertherm service directly. As you know: good service is one of Nabertherm’s quality features. Because all of this is so new and exciting, they decided to create an own chapter on their website to the controllers. On this page you will find all the highlights, information and tutorials on the various new functions of the controller, as well as the download option for the MyNabertherm app. ◆