2 minute read

Central Traditions

Story by Karly Heitman, Design by Sammie Flippin

Catch them all! Traditions are a large part of what makes Central, Central! Recent years have been rough for traditions, but they’re coming back even stronger with the brand-new CWU Traditions Keeper App. It works not unlike a Pokédex, and is the best way to track what events you’ve attended, and which ones you have yet to attend.


Those who complete enough traditions will receive a medallion to wear at graduation! Show off how involved you were during your time at Central and start tracking your traditions today.

There are four tiers to complete and badges to earn. The first tier is completed by participating in at least 18 of the 91 total CWU traditions. Doing so will earn you a bronze lapel pin. The next level requires 36 and earns you a silver pin. 54 must be completed to take home the gold, and the Graduation Medallion can only be earned after completing 72 or more!

Don’t fret- it may seem like an arduous task but with traditions like “Declare your Major” and “Support a Local Business” you might find that you have already completed many. The app contains a complete list of all official traditions to help you decide which events or traditions you would like to complete.

There’s also a campus map and a social feed to keep up with what events clubs around campus are posting about. With the introduction of the app, students once again have the tools to remind them that the college experience can be found in many places.

Check out the back pages for even more ideas of events to attend and memories to make as you step toward your future as Wildcat Alumni.

Catch those traditions, Wildcats! We look forward to seeing a Traditions Keeper Medallion decorate your wardrobe on graduation day.


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