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Index Keyword: Innovation Welcome of Mr. Alessandro Franzoni, Chief Executive Officer of SuperJet International

Green Thinking Farnborough Airshow 2010 SSJ100: Flying with low environmental impact

Programme Update: Latest Achievements SAM146: a top-quality engine SSJ100 engine successfully completed certification tests SaM146 regional jet engine certified by EASA

Major Steps in the Customer Services A Customized SAP System

Ready for Training SJI ATC (Aviation Training Centre) obtains by RosAviaciya the authorization to proceed with the delivery of the first RRJ95 Type Rating Course SJI Training Center is ready to provide the first Type Training Course for Cabin Crew

Events SJI attends RAA 35th Annual Convention

July 2010


Keyword: Innovation

Alessandro Franzoni Chief Executive Officer SuperJet International

I am pleased to introduce this new edition of our Newsletter. It is already time for the n. 6 issue containing more news about SuperJet International’s activities and milestones. 2010 marks an important step for our Company. SJI is approaching the crucial phase of the SSJ100 aircraft and our team is preparing to provide the most competent support for Sukhoi Superjet 100. The recent economic crisis damaged the aeronautic business, creating difficulties especially in the civil aviation sector, but it encouraged businessmen to be more innovative. SuperJet International is working to find an additional way to be innovative, providing relevant information and news, increasing the brand awareness and demonstrating its values. On May, during the regular appointment with Meet the CEO�, SuperJet International inaugurated a smart web marketing campaign and launched the new website layout with the opening SJI network channels. The goal is to place SJI at the same level or even exceeding the web presence of its competitors. The web campaign started on the 14th June and it has already achieved positive results. The digital marketing campaign allows us to talk about SJI life, the Company and the product, mixing links to the website, uploading pictures, videos or any viral stuff. We believe that the implementation of the web campaign would give us a considerable advantage to the competitors. Thanks to this new web campaign, we expect to approach additional customers, to socialize with


them, and encourage discussions among

the Communication Department directly

them. For example, blogs offer a unique

involved in the web project.

opportunity for aircraft enthusiasts to post news, updates, and to start some conversation

Nowadays more and more companies are

or dialogues.

using social network with a specific purpose for business. SJI has also realised that social

At the beginning, our web project was

networks represent an outstanding

supported by Cimba, the Consortium Institute

opportunity for business development.

of Management and Business Analysis, located in the Region of Veneto, with the

We firmly believe that a Company’s reputation

contributions of different SJI departments.

also depends on its skills to communicate

Cimba representatives analysed the various

properly. If you want to succeed, it is not

marketing methods for the innovative

enough to offer a good product, but it is of

promotion of international brand awareness

utmost importance to be professional

using the web. The first step considered the

communicators and to reply Customers’

study of SuperJet International’s competitors

questions in a prompt manner. This is what

and how these companies are effectively

SuperJet International is trying to do: satisfy

promoting themselves using various web

Customers’ specific needs and ensuring the

channels, which topics they introduce, and

full success of the SSJ100 in the world.

their frequency in updating the several channels. Since the start-up process all the digital material has been supervised and updated by


Farnborough Airshow 2010: Green Thinking Farnborough Air Show is approaching and SJI

Everything will be green at SuperJet

team is very excited. The exhibition will be held

International’s chalet: the furniture will be

from July 19th to the 25th 2010 in London.

made of recycled material, as well as the floor.

The last edition featured 165 aircraft in static

Also the gadgets will be also made of recycled

displays and spectacular flying shows

material, such as the paper bags, the

attracting on the public weekend a staggering

carboard pens, the bamboo caps or the

153,000 visitors.

organic cotton tees.

We are sure that Farnborough Air Show 2010 will represent another important occasion to

In order to make the visitors more curious

present the SSJ100. This edition will provide

about the project, they will be involved in a

thousands of aviation professionals, visitors

specifically created 3-D visual, which will allow

and enthusiasts with the unique opportunity to

them to appreciate SSJ100 performance in

appreciate the SSJ100 aircraft characteristics

natural surroundings.

both in static and flying displays. SuperJet International will amaze the visitors with an original and green chalet, based on the mix of Green and Technology. A big green

SSJ100: flying with

wall of 2220 plants will go through the chalet.

low environmental impact

The risk of increasing environmental impact due to regional traffic is marked. The regional traffic with its high number of departures and landings of regional aircraft contributes to increase the pollution around airports. Taking into consideration these factors, all aircraft built today are required to comply with some more stringent rules than the previous ones. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 represents a very innovative and ambitious project. Its state of the art technology aims at the reduction of fuel consumption, pollution and external noise. Fuel efficiency is secured by the third generation supercritical airfoil wing and excellent local aerodynamics. Thanks to its unrivalled aerodynamics, the SSJ100 is able to reach unsurpassable performance during the take off and landing operations. Nowdays aircraft are required to comply with the ICAO engine certification rules. These



rules establish limits for gas release in terms of oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and other unburned hydrocarbons. Thanks to its new SaM 146 engine, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 is compliant with existing gaseous emission regulations and has a large margin with regards to ICAO–CAEP4 (Committee on Aviation Environmental protection) emissions requirements or future more rigorous restrictions. The engine (SaM 146), produced by PowerJet, a joint venture between Snecma and NPO Saturn, features a modern architecture and meets the most stringent environmental standards in terms of both emissions and noise. It is the only engine designed and developed from the start for a regional aircraft. Competitors only offer products which are

Programme Update: SaM146, a Top-Quality Engine May 26, 2010 SSJ100 engine successfully completed certification tests With the last medium bird ingestion test passed on May 26th 2010, PowerJet has completed 100% of the certification tests for its SaM146 regional jet engine. Sukhoi Superjet100 is powered by two SaM146. Throughout the certification test program the engine has matched or exceeded expectations. To date the SaM146 has accumulated 7,000 hours of testing, including 3,500 hours in flight.

either derivate or not well adapted to this fast-evolving market. Compared to the other regional aircraft the SSJ100 has an overall direct cost (DOC) advantage of more than 10-12%. The Sukhoi Superjet 100 also provides its passengers with a more appealing, quiet and spacious widebody cabin comfort in a singleaisle aircraft with unmatched features in its class. Our aircraft is designed with a simple philosophy: to deliver a superior experience to its valued Passengers, Operators, Crew, and Environment. In comparison with the current aircraft in its category, the SSJ 100 guarantees more comfort for passengers, more profitability for operators, more convenience for crew, and a more greener embrace for the environment.

June 23, 2010 SaM146 regional jet engine certified by EASA Franco-Russian joint venture PowerJet has formally been awarded European type certification for its SaM146 engine. Patrick Goudou, Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), presented the type certificate for the SaM146 engine to Jean-Paul Ebanga, Chairman and CEO of PowerJet, during a ceremony in Cologne. “This certification shows that the SaM146 engine fully complies with EU safety regulations. It marks the first certification of an aircraft engine jointly designed and produced in France and in Russia. PowerJet will provide a state-of-the-art engine right from service entry of the Sukhoi Superjet 100” said PowerJet CEO Jean-Paul Ebanga. Validation of the EASA approval by Russian authorities will “come very soon”, said EASA Executive Director Patrick Goudou.


Major Steps in the Customer Services

warehouse managed by Lufthansa Technik Logistik (LTL), permits to properly manage all types of spare parts requests (Sales, Standard Exchange Pool access, Loan, etc) and to optimize the delivery lead times. Real-time

SuperJet International Customer Care Center

“track and trace” as well as “on-line” access to technical and shipping documentation relevant to each spare part are offered to operators worldwide to enable outstanding service levels.

Owing to a more distinct after-sales support

The CCC is equipped with a Contact Center

for SSJ100, SuperJet has recently established,

Software which is already operational and

on its Venice premises, the Customer Care

permits to manage all the communication

Center (CCC).

channels. All Operator’s requests will be handled through a user-friendly Web Portal and assisted by a dedicated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, designed to coordinate the SJI internal and external business processes allowing CCC to monitor and measure the performances response time to Customers. The CRM modules are personalized and based on the specific users’ profiles. Through the Web Portal Customer will have access to the following functionalities: •

Browsing catalogues (Spare Parts

CCC is strategically located at the center of

Sales & Repair Catalogue, Training Services

Customer Services Department, which allows

Catalogue, Customer Services General

an easy and fast interface with Commercial,


Engineering and Spare Technical Services


(for information, quotations, orders, claims)

The CCC will be operational 24/7 with a unique

throughout the organization

point of contact to support customers

worldwide and composed by multilingual

and spares issues in real time,

technical specialists who are capable to

effectively answer to both spares request and

availability, warranty conditions and contract

technical/engineering queries. The CCC will


be in connection as required with Vendors and

All the Web Portal resources are continuously

with Type Certificate holder (SCAC) relevant

updated and available to the Customer in real

department fully integrated with the technical

time, increasing the level of visibility, allowing

support department to provide troubleshooting

improvement of performances and quality,

and technical engineering support expertise

and aiming to fulfill Customer expectations.

through a single point of contact. A customized SAP system, implemented with a direct connection to the Frankfurt


Instantaneous forwarding of requests

Visualization of Operator’s technical Check of spares and courses

Ready for Training For the new Sukhoi Superjet 100 the SJI Training Center is developing a flexible portfolio of training services. The Company is committed to be a global training provider and made up of a team of International experienced instructors and pilots. Today, the SJI Training Center provides the most competent support for SSJ100 flight and maintenance training through an ever-growing range of certified courses for Flight Crews (Type Rating and Recurrent), Cabin Crews

SJI Aviation Training Centre is ready to deliver the first Type Rating Course on RRJ95, before the Type Certification. The course is going to be supplied to SJI Maintenance Personnel in accordance with a plan agreed between SJI Quality Manager and RosAviaciya, following Training Syllabi already approved by Authority on March 2010. The first course for Maintenance Personnel started on May 31st 2010. According to a previous agreement with RosAviaciya, this first course, thanks to a special permission, is delivered before the Type Certification to SJI selected Certifying Staffs having Russian or EASA License on Glass Cockpit Types with more of five years of experience. Also approved Russian instructors and examiners are participating to the course. SJI ATC Head of Training and Training Manager will maintain traceability of the configuration of the Training Material used in delivering course, in order to identify any requirements for additional courses when the RRJ95 Type will be approved.

(Transition and Refresher), Maintenance and Ground Operations personnel. SJI is developing a series of innovative training tools based on a virtual aircraft software, which is going to support the training programmes for pilots and maintenance personnel. The Customer will benefit of several advantages: a substantial reduction of costs for training of pilots and maintenance personnel, a flexible training schedule and a simulation of events and troubleshooting sequences otherwise impossible on the active aircraft.

SJI ATC (Aviation Training Centre) obtains by RosAviaciya the authorization to proceed with the delivery of the first RRJ95 Type Rating Course


A new “Certificate of Recognition” will be signed by SJI ATC Head of Training and Training Manager at the final successful completion of the training course and examinations to trainees. These certificates will be issued only after the RRJ95 Type Certification by Russian Authority. When it will be completed with Practical Training and OJT (On Job Training), and after the delivery of the necessary “delta” course, the RRJ95 Type Rating Course will allow the issue of new Personal Licences or the extension to existing Russian Licence of SJI Certifying Staffs.

SuperJet International Training Center is ready to provide the first Type Training Course for Cabin Crew. Committed to be a global training provider, SuperJet International, the joint venture between Alenia Aeronautica and Sukhoi Holding, is ready to provide the most competent support for Sukhoi Superjet 100 flight and maintenance training. The CEET (Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer) will be available at the SJI Training Center located in Tessera-Venice by the end of July. The Trainer is currently under acceptance at the EDM (Electronic Design and Modelling) facility in Manchester and it accurately reproduces a section of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 design in terms of features and size in order to provide the realism required during training. EDM is world renowned in the supply of emergency flight simulators and door trainers and it is specialized on simulators for emergency procedures.


The CEET is designed to train flight attendants and pilots in CRM (Crew Resources Management) in the best way for normal, as a Door Trainer, and emergency flight procedures. The system simulates several anomalies including, for example, the door’s jam, the door handle’s locking or the slide inflation failure. Simulation of hidden fire/blaze is provided with six smoke and fire generators and some extinguishers have been placed inside the simulator. The CEET is available for “Transition Course” starting from the end of July. It will include a joint training course for pilots and flight attendants personnel. The simulator is placed on a tilting platform support which simulates emergency evacuation with the Nose landing gear or one of the Main L.G. collapse. The CEET represents a further step forward in the implementation of training tools while waiting to start the SSJ100 entry into service.


A lot of aviation professionals and relevant people partecipated to the event. On Tuesday 25th May John Buckley, VP Sales North

SuperJet International attends RAA 35


Annual Convention North America is one of the main markets for SuperJet International. In May 2010 our Company attended the “RAA 35th Annual Convention” held in Milwaukee (Wisconsin). RAA represents North American regional airlines, and the manufactures of products and services supporting the regional airline industry.

America, represented SJI at the opening of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. SJI was present with its own booth, a model of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 providing also the sponsorships of the “Cell phone charging area” and the “Opening Reception” in Exhibit Hall. During the sessions the attendees expressed optimism about the future, suggesting the industry is well positioned for the next up cycle. Traffic demand in the 60-99 seat segment of the market continues to grow strongly. This year’s convention boasted a record number of attendees and exhibitors. SuperJet International found a lot of interest among US airlines.

See you in October with SJI newsletter issue #7 For more information on the progress of SuperJet International visit our web-site:


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