Lent Meditation 2019 "Let There be Light"

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An Introduction for Lent – 2019 During Lent we cannot forget the wilderness experience of Christ. It was the Holy Spirit who led Christ to the wilderness. Throughout the forty day period in the wilderness the Holy Spirit was His teacher. (In symbolic language 40 days is a long period of time.) Certainly the Holy Spirit must have guided Christ throughout this period to convince Him of His experience at baptism in river Jordan, the fact that the Almighty God is His Abba – thaththa, Abba – amma. On the other hand, Jesus willingly experienced the consequences of sin, hunger, loneliness, lack of love, injustice, indiscrimination, alienation etc. The Holy Spirit who led Him to the wilderness thus thrusting Him into the deepest pain, struggle and suffering of man does make Him experience them deeply. He also experiences a deep inner freedom, amidst every issue that a normal human being would be subjected to as well as fall victim to. Through His answers to the devil during temptation we could see how much inner freedom He has claimed for Himself with the realization that the Almighty God my abba – thaththa, abba – amma dwelling in me will accomplish something new. When we glance at His behavior since coming out of the wilderness after this specific experience we see that His eyes are directed not towards St. Joseph His foster father or Mary His mother but His Abba – Father. However much He was filled with the mother/father God, blasphemy was the main accusation the religious leaders directed at Him in order to condemn Him to death. In the Old Testament we see that the conviction of the Jews was that God is a supreme being whom man is not deemed worthy even to address Him by name. As such, the word Yahweh, the term assigned for God was expressed in four letters (Y H W H). In this context where God was considered a super being far ii

above man, addressing Him Abba Father by Jesus was an apt accusation for Jewish religious leaders to condemn Him to death. The season of Lent is a time to prepare for the solemn celebration of the paschal mystery, that is suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. Through the man Jesus Christ God accomplished something new on earth which is opening for the entire humanity the access to divine inheritance. We received the blessing of experiencing the all powerful God as Abba through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. How conscious are we of experiencing the divine son-ship thus won for us? Do we experience this precious inheritance with thankful hearts? This 40 day period is an acceptable time for us to reflect on it. We should never forget that Christ was a true man. As much as He was and is the Son of God, He was also the son of man with flesh and blood bearing human limitations and vulnerability, a man who had the same feelings of pain and suffering, drowsiness and weariness, hunger and thirst. The devil was planning devices to tempt Him in order to root out His divine son-ship in an attempt to stamp out the redemption of mankind destined by God. It is most significant to ponder on how in face of the attacks of the triple enemy, the flesh, the world and the devil, Christ responded surrendering Himself to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Gazing at Jesus we should meditate on how in order to conquer the temptations of falling victim to power and position, greed for money and self pride, Christ makes use of the weapons of prayer life, Word of God and being awake to the Holy Spirit. Amidst all these trials and temptations, He bears witness as the beloved Son of God. Actually, even though the evangelists record the temptations of Christ within a frame work of a forty day period, Christ did walk through them throughout His life and we see how He overcame them. Even when He was hanging on the cross, the iii

people around challenged Him and mocked Him saying, if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross. Although He was fully equipped with power to do so, His only desire was to obey God. Jesus Christ was so enticed by God that He was loyal to His Abba Father, till the last minute on the cross. As such, during this Lent if we too are to address God the Almighty as Abba thaththa, Abba amma, we should deeply adhere to His divine son-ship. We should conform ourselves fully to the Son and His word and stand loyal to Him. United with our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, we should conquer the power of the devil. Realizing the gravity of sin, we should dispose ourselves to receive the saving power of our Lord Jesus in order to triumph over our greed for power, positions and possessions, capital sins, inner wounds, compulsions and addictions. Dearly beloved, during Lent the Church is inviting us to let go of the old and enter into a new life. However much we desire and will, we are sure to realize that on our own this becomes impossible. We take decision after decision but fall every time. And finally we come to realize that it is a pure gift from God. The ability of experiencing freedom, power and leading a life full of abundance is simply bestowed on us by God. Yet, there are pre-requisites to enjoy this gift fully: i.

Our desire


Our corporation


A great passion similar to St. Paul’s to belong to Christ (1989 Lenten message of Swami thaththa)

“My only desire is to belong to Christ and to be united with him.” iv

If we follow this journey, we will also be able to hear the words of the Father with which He addressed the Lord Jesus at river Jordan, “You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.� We pray that during this Lent, the entire Pubudu community may come to experience this great blessing. Divasi Ekathuwa Kithudana Pubuduwa


An Aid for Lent The prophetic gathering decided to provide an aid for the people of Pubuwa for a meaningful Lent.

Forty day reflection As usual we intend to present to you the forty day reflection for Lent.We request you to enter into reflection in small groups as much as possible failing which you could enter the experience personally.

Fasting One could question as to why we should fast. Those who use the Word of God solely for their benefit could say if the bridegroom is with us there is no need of fasting. Yet when we look at the second experience of our Pubuduwa Charisma gazing at “Christ the Son of God” we realize that He fasted for forty days which means He was without food and drink for a long period of time as the Gospels testify. “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast”(Matthew 9:15). vi

Lent is the season that reminds us of the “bridegroom” taken away from us, subjected to terrible torture and crucified. He was betrayed, brutally attacked, scourged, terribly tortured, mocked and nailed to a cross between two thieves and put to death. Through the fast, Holy Mother the Church is inviting her children to join in Christ’s agony and death on the cross. St. Ignatius has said, “My beloved has been nailed to the cross, therefore I have no desire for material comforts and luxury. Lent is a time of invitation for repentance. There is also a close affinity between “fasting” and “repentance.” Repentance spiritually draws us closer to God. “Let us eat and drink and rejoice” is a natural desire evident in a human being. Yet the person who repents possesses a greater desire to get out of it in order to renew his broken relationship with God. Glance at the life of John the Baptist. Fasting is a great gift bestowed on us to voluntarily deny the thirst for food, drink and enjoyment to enter into Christian values. One of the Church Fathers has stated “If our life is a ship, the wheel that steers it is fasting.” Fasting is very Biblical. The people of the Old Testament did fast. Christ fasted. And we shall not discuss further on this issue. Yet, there is an invitation extended to all our beloved people of Pubuduwa to enter into fasting.

A few suggestions on fasting *Children and elders over 60 years and the sick are free from fasting but they can avoid deserts and other extras. *For the others we suggest skipping one meal. If it is very difficult you can be contended with half of your normal meal. *Avoid in between food, deserts etc. vii

Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving The Church invites us to engage in the above threefold acts. We believe that you engage yourself in your personal prayer (My Hour) as expected of us, the Pubudu people daily. We suggest that you set apart more time for this than usual. For example: One who spends ½ an hour could extend it for an hour. Lessen the time allotted for watching television and increase the time allotted for prayer. If possible you can limit it to watching news only.

Almsgiving “Prayer is good when accompanied by fasting, almsgiving, and righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than much with wrongdoing. It is better to give alms than to treasure up gold. For almsgiving delivers from death, and it will purge away sin. Those who perform righteous deeds of charity and righteousness will have fullness of life” (Tobit 12:8-9). St. Augustine has once said, “Fasting and almsgiving are the two wings of prayer.” Doing good, avoiding evil and forgiving the wrongs done go hand in hand with sharing what you have with others.

Fasting Tobit 12:8 - Prayer is good when accompanied by fasting, almsgiving and righteousness. Exodus 34:28 – We can see through this that one’s faith, humility and total dependence on God is expressed in fasting. viii

1 Kings 19:8 – In preparation for a special task Jeremiah 14:11, Isaiah 58:2-11 – Fasting cannot be separated from prayer and performing righteous deeds. Above all, prayer and fasting invite us to turn from sinful ways. The prophets point out that vain is the fasting if no change occurs in us. The ancient church fathers awakened the people to the fact that fasting prepares us for smore important food than the normal food.

Special Word for this Lent We would like to draw your attention to a few words of the unique love of God that has been offered to us. 1. Let there be light! 2. In accord with the “Year of the Word of God” (in the Archdiocese of Colombo) to give precedence to the Word of God. 3. Pope Benedict XVI has declared 2012/2013 as the Year of Faith. 4. Showing love and respect as well as safeguarding the creation, the nature. 5. “Start from today.” During this Lent we have paid special attention to the above five words of love.

01. “Let there be Light!” This is a word of love that we received at the beginning of the year itself from Swami thaththa at mid-night Mass. ix

“In the beginning …the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep… And God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light” (Gen. 1:1-3). When we turn to ourselves, whether we are aware of it or not, we see how darkness is slowly creeping into our lives. Now, at the precise moment we come to this realization we have been instructed to proclaim, “Let there be light!”. We have already started to live and move in the light. When we reflect on the wilderness experience and the passion of Jesus we see how the darkness is making attempts to triumph. Yet Our Lord did not succumb to any. Let us pay special attention to the luminous experiences of Christ in our Lenten reflections. Let us invite and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us too with light. And may this word of love be our experience not only during Lent but throughout the year.

02. The Word of God Pubuduwa is a community having close contact with the Word of God. We all possess a Holy Bible and we meditate on it every day. The year 2011/2012 has been declared the Year of Faith by the Diocese of Colombo. Accordingly we should pay more attention to the Word of God and entering into the “new discoveries” we should allow the Word to transform us day by day. Of course, we cannot stop at that. And we request you to make a special commitment toward the spread of the Gospel. Jesus Christ is the Word Incarnate. Yet in His life, there was a special place allotted for the Word of God. Please x

carry the Word to your relatives, neighbours, friends, office and school. Those who can afford, donate a Bible to those who do not have one. As a community start a programme in your parish to distribute Walk in the Spirit to every family.

03. Faith Pope Benedict XVI, with the promulgation of the Apostolic Letter “Porta Fidei” declared the year 2012/2013 as the Year of Faith (Acts 14:27). What it contains is very close to us as the Pubudu community. It is easily comprehensible and energizes our life as Christians. If Pubuduwa does not constantly renew itself, the salty flavour will be lost and then what use can it be? To preserve the taste we should be in constant awareness of the Holy Spirit. Here we do not intend to translate the apostolic letter “Porta Fidei” as it is but wish to share the most important facts very simply in order to renew our life experience and to make it more fragrant. Entering through the gate of faith is starting the journey toward Eternal Life for which we were called at Baptism but since we were then infants we did not grasp the real meaning of it. One fine day all of us acknowledged Jesus Christ as our only Lord and Master wherewith we felt as if we have rediscovered our faith journey. Great joy and enthusiasm emerged through the Christ encounter made us feel a new light dawning on us. Now, we would like to pose a question. Do we still possess the same desire of offering others the joy, enthusiasm xi

and the light of the Gospel, in other words Jesus Christ Himself? In this Letter the Holy Father reiterates the words “Rediscover your faith,” and “Rediscover Jesus.” According to the dictionary it is to become aware of something, to find something that was hidden, a revelation or to find some information about something. Rediscover means to find something again that had been lost or something that is revealed anew, a new revelation. If so, what should we do? We should renew our vocation again and again and renew our faith journey as well. Then, through new discoveries and new revelations on the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the joy, power and vigour pertaining to our life of faith will be made manifest and we will be enabled to bear witness to Christ. This apostolic letter is an invitation for such witnessing. Based on the Year of Faith, Holy Father the Pope has presented a beautiful theme - “The new evangelization for the transmission of the Christian Faith’’. The word ‘new’ means mostly a new life. It is an invitation to enter into an extremely new friendship with Christ, an invitation to be filled with the immense love and life breath of Christ. If we enter into a very close, intimate relationship with Christ all anew, no doubt we would come to experience a beauty so ancient and ever new, an experience that surpasses every other earthly experience. Then, naturally others, all whom I come into contact with would encounter Christ through me. This is an invitation extended to you to enter into such an experience. If we start on it from this moment, how many others would come to attend the Pentecost Rally because of us? xii

Just as Christ did, we should endeavour personally as well as communally to bring to light those engulfed in darkness, living in the wilderness as victims of the devil, the world and the flesh. Through this we would be able to direct them to Christ, who is life, and make them friends of His experiencing His ‘tremendous life force.’ Like the Samaritan woman even the people of today could journey to the well to hear the voice of Christ where they would receive his invitation, “Believe in me, whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst” (John 4:14). We should rediscover the new taste that would be ours in “eating” and “drinking” His word. The power of His word would flow down to us even today with the same force. “Do not labour for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life” (John 6:27). Rediscover the divine revelation that emerges through this and let the Holy Spirit to enrich you with this new revelation. We have to rediscover the “new flavor,” “new life,” and the power generated through consumption of His word. Those who listened to His word asked the Lord,“What must we do, to be doing, the works of God?” (John 6:28) We too will ask the same question and the Lord will reply, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” (John 6:29). xiii

How much do we believe in Him? Trust in Him? Resolve to renew yourself through life events, at weddings and life struggles. At this moment, surrender your life again to the Lord. “Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Master.” If Pubuduwa, the renewal movement to be worthy of that name the people should constantly renew themselves and be a set of people who are being renewed every day. A renewal would take place only when we allow Jesus Christ to be the Lord and Master of our life, when we totally submit ourselves to Him. This cannot only be limited to a few words but it should overshadow every area of our lives practically surrendering ourselves to Christ. A Christian is called to make the truth of the word shine out through one’s life witness, life style, life existence and through the same attitudes as that of Christ (Hebrew 7:26, Hebrew 2:17, 2 Corinthians 5:21). Holy Father directing us to 2 Corinthians in his letter states, “Charitas Christi urget nos.” Jesus is love. He fills our hearts with His love. This love motivates us for evangelization, to give Christ to the world. As in the past, even today, He sends us forth to take the Gospel to the nations (Matthew 28:19). Through His love Jesus is gathering together a new generation. In every age He commands to take the Gospel to those whom He has called. These commands are ever new. Even today and always, the immense joy and the need for sharing this faith with eagerness are made quite clear. Holy Father reiterates the word “Rediscover” in his letter. In an attempt to explain it we could say, how much joy did we experience on the day that we acknowledged Jesus Christ as our Lord and xiv

Master? It was simply because on that day we came to know Him in a new way than we had never been before. We were overjoyed and started proclaiming Christ wherever we went. Yet, what is our inner state today? He says, rediscover Christ. Life force and power emerging through this relationship renewed daily will never fade away. There are two occasions through which faith makes its progress. a. When we start living the experience of love we have received from Christ. b. When we start sharing that experience as an experience of grace and joy. This makes us fruitful since it widens the sphere of hope in our hearts making us life giving witnesses. Certainly it opens the hearts and minds of the hearers helping them to submit to the word of God to be his disciples. The best way to guarantee our faith is to surrender oneself to the hands of God. And this love will be in constant progress since its beginning is God alone. Here we would like to draw your attention to a few words that are very familiar to the people of Pubuduwa. “Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). As such, how important it is to create space for the word to be heard. On the other hand, how can a person bereft of a deep relationship with Christ preach the Gospel? “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be xv

saved” (Rom. 10:9). Accordingly, it is very important to confess with our lips that Jesus is Lord. Commenting on this the Holy Father says, that a significant characteristic of our faith is proclamation and commitment. An authentic Christian will never consider his faith “a private affair.” The Pope states that faith is a decision taken to live and move and have our being in the Lord. Moreover, since faith is certainly “an open process” we also have a social obligation on what we believe. The heavenly vision is made clear by the Church through the proclamation of their faith with much clarity and courage on the day of the Pentecost, a clear presentation of every Christian to take one’s faith to each and everyone in society. Here we should not forget the fact that the Holy Spirit alone will make us bold witnesses. For this mission to be accomplished we should adhere to the 2nd experience of our Charisma of “gazing at Jesus Christ Himself, the Son of God.” “Looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…..” (Hebrew 12:2). Jesus Christ is our role model. Thus, we should glance at Him in everything. When we look at Jesus we come to realize that the solution for suffering and pain is to forgive the wrongdoer. For every suffering and struggle of man there is a solution to be derived from the mystery of the incarnation of Christ. The void in man through death will come to fullness through the resurrection, that is experiencing eternal victory. Christ Jesus conquered death, the greatest evil that man has to overcome. We cannot stay without looking at Mary, the first experience of our Charisma. Not only did she fully believed the Word of God xvi

but willingly gave herself to be a handmaid of the Word (Luke 1:38). The song Magnificat makes obvious the fearful respect and the great joy in believing the Word of God through which she offered immense praise to God believing in His mighty deeds. Filled with faith she walked precisely to the foot of the cross where storing everything in her heart embodied within herself the victory of the cross and His power through the eyes of faith. Further, she shared what was stored in her heart in the upper room. Thus, when we talk of New Evangelization we cannot simply be without talking of our Blessed Mother.


To love, respect and safeguard nature “In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet spring up – for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the ground.” (Gen. 2:5). The author of creation when he had created everything entrusted all to man, his highest creation. As such it is our responsibility not only to love and respect but also to safeguard and develop nature and then to hand it over to the next generation. We will receive in return the same love and respect we show to our nature. Thus if we attack it, we will also receive the same treatment in return. Who else other than a Christian can love nature so much? One who loves God will naturally come to love nature since the Christian is fully convinced that He is the creator, xvii

owner and authority over all creation. We request from Pubudu communities starting from this Lent to pay special attention to nature. Where there is no foliage, trees and clean water man will succumb to death. God has expressed His immense love to us Sri-Lankans through nature. How much are we conscious of rivers, fountains and springs, trees and shrubs, forests and fertile land, birds and animals existing in our surroundings. *Please do not waste water. Take every precaution to save every drop. *Do not let food go waste, not even a single grain of rice. *In your garden plant vegetables and crops as much as possible, at least some plants such as green chillies, curry leaves and rampe. *If you have a home garden be conscious of its beauty. *Before you set out from home to participate at the Family Day on 1st of March please plant a tree in your garden.

05. “Start doing” There is no use in talking about what went wrong in the past and of things that will never be accomplished. The word we receive is “Start” what should be done. What we should start is not whatever we think but “the word of God,” “the will of God.” Start discerning and also make it a point to carry out the word xviii

Lenten Reflection Even though it is more appropriate to do the Lenten Reflection as a community it can be done even individually. We suggest the following guideline and 11/2 hours could be allotted for this.

Suggested Method 1. Worship and praise to the Trinity (about 15 minutes) 2. i. Paying attention to the environment and environmental sounds ii Breathing Meditation (about 5 minutes) 3. Day’s Gospel i.

Reflection Sharing of experiences based on the previous day Gospel (about 15 minutes)


Sharing the Gospel of the day (about 40 minutes)


Invoking the power to live out the Gospel message of the day engage in praise for a little while. (about 10 minutes)


Forty Day Lenten reflection First Day

“Repent: this is the acceptable time” 01. Orientation: * Today is Ash Wednesday with which we start the season of Lent or the Acceptable Time. The invitation of Prophet Joel is “to rend hearts and not garments and return to the Lord.” This will be an acceptable time only if we reflect on our past life and come back to the Lord realizing in repentance that we are mere dust and will one day return to the same. Therefore reflecting on ourselves is a must. *Invitation at the opening address of our Lord who overcame the temptations He was subjected to alone in the presence of the Father during His forty days in the wilderness after the baptism of the Holy Spirit at river Jordan is “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Repentance or conversion is the gate of returning to the Father realizing the impermanency and the reality of life. *On the day of the Pentecost the proclamation of St. Peter before a crowd of nearly three thousand people after receiving the Holy Spirit was, “Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). Moreover, at the Beautiful gate of the temple in front of more than five thousand people what He proclaimed with the healing of the leper was, “Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be 01

blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus” (Acts 3:19-20). This makes it obvious that inviting the first Christian community for repentance had been a primordial factor. *This Lent would be an acceptable time when we enter into a deep relationship with the Lord. Realizing that we are dust and also the transient nature of life let us open ourselves to reality, deeply reflect on ourselves in repentance and turn back. As shown by prophet Isaiah, let us loosen the bonds of wickedness, undo the thongs of the yoke, let the oppressed go free, share our bread with the hungry and enter into a fasting pleasing to God.

02. For Discussion:

What is your idea of being dust and the impermanency of life? Discuss.

03. For Practice: Are we keeping anybody in the bonds of some kind of oppression? Let us reflect and resolve to set them free. If we realize that we are guilty of such an act, let us take steps to free them either personally or as a community.

04. Final Praise The Hymn: “Harena pinisa…..”


Second Day

“To be reconciled not only with God but also with our brother” *“So if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:23-24). *As mentioned in the 16th Chapter of Leviticus of the Old Testament, the beginning of the Israelites’ reconciliation with God was through fasting and acts of repentance. In the New Testament, people enter into reconciliation with God and man through Jesus Christ. He is the Mediator and the role model of living in peace and harmony with God and man, the brother and the neighbor. One who denies his brother denies God and His love radiating through Christ. One who acts thus cannot bear witness in his family, society and community as a Christian. Through hatred, anger, revenge, vengeance etc. we cause darkness to engulf us. Even psychology points out that breaking down of relationships is harmful for mental health. A life experience: In 1981, at St. Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul II was subjected to an assassination attempt through which he fell into a critical condition due to severe internal bleeding. Yet, after some time his answer to the questioning of the reporters on his visit to the assassin in prison was, “Both of us forgave each other, and we experienced great joy.” 03

Conduct a short discussion i.

Based on the act of reconciliation of the Holy Father let us come to recognize where we are.


With eyes closed reflect for a moment –

*Are you not on good terms with anybody within your family, society and village? Are there people who reject you? Calling to mind all of them, pray for their wellfare. *Resolve to build up broken relationships.

Final Praise Hymn: Pubudu Gee No. 112


Third Day

“It is God who takes initiative for repentance” Last two days we shared the importance of repentance. When we glance at the overflowing love, mercy and compassion of God throughout the Bible we realize that it is God Himself who takes the initiative for repentance.

01. Read Luke 15:11-32 in common. Today we shall reflect on the parable of the “Prodigal Son.”

02. Sharing in small groups:



Reread Luke 15:11-32 in small groups.


Share with others the thought occurred in the heart of the prodigal son to return to the Father, his action, Father’s mentality and action. If possible note down your ideas. What made the son come back was that he knew the merciful heart of the Father very well. He was fully convinced of his Father’s acceptance on his return. He had a great trust in the Father who treated his servants so well providing them enough to eat and drink and that he would not fail to accept him, his son. At the same time he was terribly hungry that he had no inclination of restoring his lost son-ship.


Let us focus on Luke 15:17 05

‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger.’ Yet, we reflected on the way the father welcomed his son. He was awaiting his return. While the son was yet at a distance the father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. iii.

Read Luke 15:21- Pause for a moment- And then read

Luke 15:22-24. Though the son disinherited his son-ship through his own fault, for the father he was still his son that he welcomed him as such. (Symbols – the best robe, a ring on his hand, shoes on his feet, the celebration) Read John 3:16 The love of the Father was well reflected even through the Son. “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). The nature of this loving mercy of God coming down through the Old Testament saw its fulfillment in the death of Christ. iv.

Read Isaiah 1:18 Here the initiative for repentance is by God the loving Father. He sets before us the invitation “Come.” For us who are in the New Testament this invitation is more meaningful since our impure blood has been purified 06

by the blood of Jesus Christ. Now God sees us as

“white as snow and wool.” 03. Discussion

Can we just stay without responding to the invitation of God, “Come”? Take a decision now itself to return to the Lord.

04. Conclude with praising God from the depth of your hearts. 05. Final Praise Pubudu Gee – No. 185


Fourth Day

“Christ Abandoned” (Inner loneliness of Christ) 01. *Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go yonder and pray.” And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. “Then he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.” …Then he came to the disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand” (Matthew 26:36-38, 45-46). *Consequence of sin was so great that the sorrowful experience of Christ in Gethsemane was not only physical and mental but also a terrific experience of inner suffering. Let us focus on the fear, fright, and suffering of Christ at this moment of terrific pain. Christ became sin for the sake of whole humanity. God did despise sin because He is holy. This is a terrific experience of inner suffering and death. At His baptism in river Jordan, the internal voice He heard was, “You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Accordingly, Christ was in deep relationship with the Father at every moment of His life. Yet, what has happened now? It is as if the Father – Son relationship has been broken. He experiences a great loneliness, abandonment and helplessness. “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death.” At this moment even 08

though the Father was ever close to Him it was as if He did not feel His presence.

02. Discussion *Have a discussion on the terrifying inner suffering and death caused by sin and its consequences. *�Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times� (Matthew 26:34).

O3. Final Prayer

Hymn No. 37.


Fifth Day

“Christ Abandoned” (The external loneliness) 01. "For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or comeliness that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hid their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not” (Isaiah 53:2-3). The physical suffering of Christ, the terrific sorrow and death was not simply a life event or an experience of Christ but a manifestation of the plan of salvation being carried out. From head to foot it was one single sore but His physical pain and suffering was under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. “I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard; I hid not my face from shame and spitting” (Isaiah 50:6). Son of God thus became the sin for the sake of humanity and suffered terribly because our God is the God of love. “I am a worm, and no man. Scorned by men and despised by the people….all my bones are out of joint” is how the psalmist refers to Christ. Amidst so much physical suffering and while pouring out blood He did not open His mouth. Neither did He blame anybody and project His pain on others. The result of rejecting the love of God is suffering and death. At the same time, the experience of external suffering of Christ in the love of God was life giving. Just as in Old Testament the blood of the animals 10

split in two was offered as sin offerings and burnt offerings for the remission of sin, in the New Testament Christ becomes the victim, the sacrifice as well as the High priest. 02. *Practical step to be applied throughout the day (Read the Scripture passage given here and apply it to yourself.) *Isaiah 53:1-10 *Salvation is wrought through suffering. By uniting our sufferings with the suffering of Christ we could participate in the saving action of God. Christ gave meaning to suffering and made it sacred. *We could gain new life through consuming the body and blood of Christ.03. Final Prais Pubudu Gee 150.


Sixth Day

“Christ Abandoned” (The mental loneliness that experienced) 01. *”Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, for this purpose I have come to this hour. Father, glorify thy name” (John 12:27-28). *My soul is very sorrowful even to death….He began to be troubled and sorrowful…. These words of Christ well reflect the mental agony of the Son of God. Christ who entered into His exodus through forty days in the wilderness experienced severe mental agony, a consequence of human selfishness that is, rejection, abandonment and helplessness. Subjected to similar suffering throughout His life, even before sitting down for the Last Supper could He not have had the same experience? “I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!” (Luke 12:50) is Luke’s version. Christ is facing a mental struggle. Another struggle was started at Gethsemane to finish what was started in the Garden of Eden and it ended on the cross. The greatest suffering that Christ underwent on the cross was utter abandonment. It is the most wretched condition a man could succumb to. The same Son who addressed God as Father cried out on the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” which proclaims the severe mental agony He underwent and the abandonment 12

He experienced in it. This was to experience loneliness as a consequence of sin and to be in solidarity with the loneliness of the people, to eradicate the suffering of man through abandonment and loneliness which is precisely the mystery of the love of God.

02.*Throughout the day – Read the following scripture verse and own it for oneself. Come to know the loneliness of Christ and be united with him. (Matthew 25:35-36)

03. Final Prayer *Hymn – Pubudu Gee 293


Seventh Day

“And God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light (Genesis 1:3). 01. At the beginning of the year Pubudu community received a powerful word and that is, “Let there be light.” During Lent too we shall focus once again on the same wording.

God is light. Where there is light there occurs new birth dispelling the slavery of darkness. The image of light bears the closest resemblance to God. He alone is the “illumination,” enlightenment,” or light. 1 John 1:5 refers thus: “God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.” In creating the universe, what He created first was light and He did not create darkness but separated light from darkness. The book of wisdom states a very significant revelation:

“He created all things that they might exist, and the generative forces of the world are wholesome, and there is no destructive poison in them” (Wisdom 1:14). God created light and saw that it was good and if so, light supports life. He did not create darkness and if so, there is deadly poison in it. When we look around the world we come to realize the truth of this. Wherever we look we see destruction, deadly poison and darkness. Read a news paper and see how many crimes of murder and abduction are taking place. Parents put their children to death and vice versa. We hear 14

the voice of gossip, suffering and mourning all over. Yet amidst all this we should remember well that God did not create darkness and therefore it is not good.

02. Gazing at ourselves : (Sharing) 1. Constantly we are thrust into experiences of suffering and difficulty. In such moments, very often we move toward darkness and dwell in it. Sincerely share such experiences. 2. Now, close your eyes, recall such moments and pray aloud saying, “Let there be light!” This is commanding the darkness to go away. Envision through the eyes of faith how amazingly darkness is being dispelled. 3. Own and embody “light” and give praise to God.

03. Throughout Tomorrow: During the next 24 hours reciting the word of God “Let there be light,” constantly, let the light that is in you to flow out to others.

04. Final Praise Kithunu Gee No. 51.


Eighth Day

“The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world” (John 1:9). 01. i. Today we shall reflect on Christ the true light. People of

the Old Testament considered Torah, the Law of Moses, as the channel through which the light of God was flowing down to the earth and the human race. They believed that the Law (light) does separate light from darkness, good from evil as well as points a way to a life that is true. The most powerful meaning of this was that “Torah” or the Law is what leads man to love by means of the truth guiding him along the correct path. Therefore, the people of the Old Testament paid great respect to the word derived from the Law. (Light from the law)

“Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). Torah, the Law, describes through Psalm 19 how the glory and the light of the Lord is being manifested through creation, how with the rising of the sun the world is enlightened proclaiming glory to God. ii.If so, how much of true light is being manifested through the Word Incarnate? Christ is not the created but the Creator (John 1:3). Christ is the most powerful and perfect Word of God. He is the Second Person of the Trinity. The people of the Old Testament believed that the true light the man is in need of is the word of God. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that light. a. Read Isaiah 9:2. 16

Through the sin of Adam and Eve the world once again moved into darkness. Yet with the Incarnation, once again light dawned on the world lost in darkness. b. Jesus said, “I did not come to abolish the Law, but to bring it to fulfillment.” There were enough and more lapses in the Law of Moses. “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” is one small example. Jesus proclaimed, “Turn the other cheek to the one who slaps you.” c. Christ is the only person who could exclaim, “I am the light.” If so, what must we do? Isn’t it our task to encounter Jesus Christ, the truth and light, more and more? If we do not come into contact with Him, if we do not relate with Him, we would blindly move into darkness. There isn’t any darkness in Jesus Christ. If we are willing to live as children of light we should build up a very close relationship with Christ, the Light. Today, it is not “Torah” but Christ who shows us the way. Pubudu Gee 18

02. Gazing at us: 1. Share what you experienced yesterday. How many times did you recite “Let there be light”? How much were you able to live and move in the light?

03. For tomorrow: 1. From now onwards, take steps to be united with each other in order to welcome Jesus in your midst. 17

2. Let Light flow through you to others.

04. Final Praise Pubudu Gee 222


Ninth Day

“Dispelling darkness Christ rose from the dead.” 01. We should not see darkness the same way as we see the

night since Christ supersedes all time and space. He is the true light capable of transforming the dark. He is the “New Man.” With the resurrection from the dead He was endowed with the power of being omnipresent. He is present everywhere in the whole universe at one and the same time. The sun is not capable of giving light to the whole world at the same time. On the other hand, since He is God, the light of the risen Lord can never be equated to the sun, created by Him. John 1:3 states, “All things

were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” i.

Light is symbolically equated to “fire.” Fire gives out light. Where there is light (fire), there is brightness and warmth. Fire has the power to transform itself into warmth and brightness. Similarly, “Truth and love go hand in hand.” Cross and resurrection cannot be separated from one another.


Light is generated through the total self giving of Christ on the cross. Through this light true brightness radiates on earth. We have access to the true brightness always, everywhere and at all times.


This night was brighter than the night in creation at the beginning. The first man created by God walked once again in darkness. Yet, Jesus Christ “the new creation,” totally accomplishing the will 19

of God, undergoing pain as the suffering servant was obedient to the Father until death on the cross. What was the result? Read Philippians 2:6-11. The light that Adam disinherited was once again dawned on the earth. The second light is more powerful than the first because this is God himself. The night of His resurrection is the most noble night in the whole of human history since form then onwards he has made his abode in and among us to remain till his glorious second coming on the final day.

02. Towards myself: (Sharing) i.

Share your experience of encountering Christ during the course of yesterday.


“I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). What would the Lord have meant by the words “will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”?


Accordingly, stay awake not to walk in darkness, but to receive the light of life from Him who is light. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. Move on the path shown by the Holy Spirit.


Come prepared to share your experiences tomorrow.

03. Final Praise Pubudu Gee 115


Tenth Day

“I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). 01. This is a statement that no one on earth could proclaim

from the beginning to the end of the world. Christ who knew very well where he came from and where he was headed to proclaimed of himself, “I am the light of the world.” St. John starts his Gospel with a very significant revelation. Read John 1:1-9. Read 1:4-9 once again. St. John repeats the word ‘light’ over and over. Once Jesus stated that John the Baptist is the greatest prophet. Yet, St. John the evangelist gives out a very significant revelation on both John the Baptist and Christ. John the Baptist came only to bear witness to the light (John 1:7).

“The true light that enlightens every man is Christ (John 1:9). “The word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father” (John 1:14). The Vatican II Document “Lumen Gentium” states thus in the first verse itself: “Christ is the light of humanity.” If so, it has already been revealed and manifested to the whole world that Jesus Christ is the light of the entire humanity.

02. Discussion: a. Read John 1:4-9 once again. Share how much we have become aware of Jesus 21

Christ being the light. Count how many times the above verse refers to the word ‘Light.’

03. The Message 2nd part The Lord who said, “I am the light of the world,” is also inviting us to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). His desire is that we act and behave differently than others. “A city set on a hill cannot be hid.” If so, our lives should shine before men and that could only be possible if we live and move and have our being in the sphere of light. Have those at home, neighbours, friends and Pubudu community been able to praise God seeing the light of Christ through me in the way I live, and respond to life issues daily? Looking at your village community do the others come to praise God? This is the opportunity to reflect thus on ourselves.

A Life experience – Once, a mother of the Pubudu Community was diagnosed as having breast cancer. No doubt the journey was extremely painful but when we visited her in hospital we found her praising God full of joy. After two years she was diagnosed of cancer in the other breast too and was compelled to undergo surgery. Yet she is a mother who committing herself to the Lord serves Him with a heart full of joy. Though she is assailed with many problems in life she never questions God. We don’t see or hear her mourning and grumbling but only appreciation, admiration and praise of God come out of her. Certainly, she is a child of light shedding the light of Christ over many. 22

04. Exercise: Sharing a. In small groups, read Matthew 5:14-16. What is the message of Christ? What does he request of us? b. Share your experiences with each other. 05. Throughout tomorrow: a. Gaze on Christ as the light of the world. b. Encounter him in unity, in being together. 06. Final Praise Kithunu Gee 54.


Eleventh Day

“Enlighten me O Holy Spirit, the lover of my soul.� (Our task today is to enter into a prayer of giving access to the Holy Spirit.) During the past reflections we saw that there exists an unalienable relationship, a deep love between Christ and the Holy Spirit. Similarly, the most precious gift we have received from Christ is also the Holy Spirit and it is he who baptizes us with the Holy Spirit. Today, first of all we shall enter into a prayer pleading with the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit anew. Sing the Hymn: Wadinna, wadinna While at prayer share the word of God. Read John 14:15-16 and pay special attention to verse 16. With eyes closed prepare yourself for a guided meditation. (Please come prepared to share the word and help others enter into the experience.) a. Close your eyes. Several times breathe deeply. Become aware of the Holy Spirit dwelling within at this precise moment. Believe in him and open up to him. - The Holy Spirit who was with the Father and the Son even before the world was made is now within me. - The Spirit who enlightened Christ is now dwelling within me. 24

- The Spirit who taught and guided Christ is now dwelling within me. Waken up to him. b. As such, there should be a great power capable of dispelling the darkness within and it is in my possession. Address the Holy Spirit, pray to him. O Holy Spirit, eradicate the darkness reigning in me of which only you are capable. Enlighten me that I may be led along the way of Christ. Now in silence talk to the Holy Spirit. Share the state of darkness you are engulfed in. Holy Spirit is a person. Let him work in you and help you. Share the prayer of Cardinal Mercier meditatively as the word. “O Holy Spirit, Beloved of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do; give me your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me and to accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know your will. Amen. One who is guiding the meditation should read this prayer once again meditatively so that the others would make it their own. Then, with the participation of everybody make a litany to the Holy Spirit based on this prayer and enter into a deep prayer session. If possible enter into a song of praise to conclude the session. Exercise: Share with others your experience during this prayer. 25

Throughout tomorrow: a. Today, we meditated on the prayer of Cardinal Mercier. Compose a prayer to the Holy Spirit based on your experience for tomorrow. b. Throughout the day, open up to the Holy Spirit in earnest that you may not fall victim of darkness but remain in the sphere of light.

Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalie Old Edition No. 356

New Edition No. 381


Twelfth Day

“Blessed Mother is a shining guiding star that never fades away.” 01. Orientation Read Ephesians 1:4. Before the foundation of the world, God the Father chose Mother Mary as the most suitable pure virgin for the task of bearing Christ in preparation for the incarnation of His Son Jesus Christ. The Father made her worthy by way of the Immaculate Conception, in accord with the teaching of the Living Tradition of Holy Catholic Church. How holy, pure and beautiful is the womb that bore Christ incarnated, the Savior of the world who fully conquered sin! How much the outpouring light of the Immaculate Conception would enlighten and illumine the world? Whom can she be compared with? When we recite the Creed we confess our belief ‘in the resurrection from the dead and the life everlasting.’ Christ was and is the first person to rise from the dead. Sharing in the same suffering and participating in His resurrection Mother Mary who was assumed into heaven without her body being decayed is also a teaching from the Living Tradition of the Church. If so, how much light is shed through her assumption? Great is our hope when she is being seated at the right hand of her son as “the Queen of Heaven.” She is instrumental in preparing us too for the same resurrection and eternal life. 27

To attain this noble state she had to undergo terrible suffering, pain and suffering that surpasses what any human being would face on earth. Let us glance for a moment at the Annunciation. “I am

the handmaid of the Lord let it be done unto me according to thy word.” Every time man bows down to the word of God, light shines forth dispelling darkness. There is no other person in the whole of humanity who adhered to the word of God than the Blessed Mother. As such we can definitely call her, “you are the mother of light.” In the manger of Bethlehem, when she wrapped the infant to whom she gave birth in swaddling clothes, warmed him in her lap, kissed and suckled him she believed that he was God. Let us now focus on the experience at the foot of the cross. Darkness has enveloped the whole world. The Sun is darkened. In this terrifying experience Mother Mary did not succumb to the prevailing darkness. There were no dark thoughts lingering in her mind. Neither curses nor harsh words or lament came out of her mouth. In her, the light of the Holy Spirit is shining forth. In great faith she was alive with hope believing that God will accomplish something out of this chaos. The Lord hanging on the cross, entrusted her to all of us saying, “This is your mother.” Take her home with you. If this noble mother is at home with us, there would certainly be light and love.

02. Discussion: Read Luke 1:41-45, 23:44-49 in small groups. Imagine as to what would have been the experience of the Blessed Mother and share it with others. 28

03. Througout the day: i.

Throughout the day sing the hymn ‘Let us be like Mary� or at least the chorus from time to time.


We shall now attempt translating a Latin hymn sung by the ancient Church. Hail Mother the foundation of faith, Hail Mother the shining symbol of grace, Hail Mother the key to the kingdom of Christ, Hail Mother of hope, the bringer of joy everlasting, Hail Mother the bringer of heavenly joy, Hail Mother the link that joins heaven and earth in song.

04. Final Praise Pubudu Gee No. 229


Thirteenth Day

“Light experienced by Christ in the wilderness” 01. Orientation Jesus Christ was taken to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit at the precise moment He entered into a very powerful life experience.

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the God Almighty. He was not simply a son but the beloved Son of the Father. If an earthly king uttered these words to his son what would he have felt? Think for a moment. How great would have been the power, glory, majesty and the internal thrust to rule against his opponents? The Holy Spirit is well aware of the opposition that would be raised by the devil, the flesh and the world to hinder the hour dawned for the fulfillment of the plan of God the Father. And the Holy Spirit, as soon as He was baptized in river Jordan led Him to the wilderness. – Matthew 4:1, Luke 4:1, Mark 1:12. Instead of the word ‘led” Mark uses ‘drove.’ As a man fully human, although Christ could have resisted this word He did not do so. Rather, He fully submitted Himself to the call of the Holy Spirit. Christ had a very deep relationship with the Holy Spirit, a great intimacy and love. He was very fond of the Holy Spirit as 30

His ‘teacher,’ and the bringer of the Father’s word to Him. Every moment He accomplished the Will of God the Father, His light shone through Christ. Varied references in the Old Testament show forth that the wilderness is a meeting place with God (Hosea 2:14) as well as a spiritual struggle and a battle against the temptations of the devil. Ex. Exodus 32:1-6, 1 Cor. 10:7-10. It was as if Christ went into wilderness to have the same experience as that of the people of the Old Testament. Yet, the response of Christ fully differed from theirs. The Holy Spirit helped Christ in the wilderness to face the temptations successfully, all that He would encounter from the start to the end of his mission for which purpose the Spirit taught Christ to take the Word of God and prayer as weapons in fighting with the devil. The result was that Christ throughout this terrific, long term experience allowing the Spirit to lead Him hanging on to His hands. In other words, He fixed His gaze thoroughly on the face of God the Father. When we come to the Gospels we realize that the wilderness is a place where the devil inhabits and wanders on. (Eg. Luke 8:29). On the other hand, the wilderness is extremely hot in the noon-tide while being very cold in the night and at the same time the lack of food and water common in dry season causing death to man. It is not at all possible for a human being to live under such circumstances and yet Christ was compelled to be there in solitude. It was a solitude that brings death to man. Yet, amidst all this, Christ fixed His eyes on the Lord, discerning his will while totally depending on Him in which He experienced light throughout. 31

02. Exercise: Read Matthew 4:4-11 i.

Share how the Israelites in the wilderness in hunger reacted to the situation and compare it with the response given by Christ in a similar situ.


Reflect on what is happening in our country. Share how the politicians are handling power and the way Christ faced the temptations as the son of God.


Reflect on your life. Recall instances where you offer idol worship and share them if you wish to. Share how you maintain contact with Christ.

03. Throughout the day: Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you fully. Always bow down to the Will of God channeled through the Spirit. Fully depend on God at moments of difficulty and then the light will shine through you as well.

04. Final Praise Pubudu Gee No. 227


Fourteenth Day

“In varied situations, Christ responded with luminous answers.” 01. Orientation Yesterday our reflection was on the wilderness experience of Christ. In the same way, the risen Lord empowers all who have contact with Him to respond with luminous answers in facing desert experiences. “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). An experience: Let us listen today to a similar experience shared by a mother of a Pubudu community. She joined the Pubudu Journey after five years since her marriage. At the age of 30 she was a mother of two sons. By then, her husband had gone abroad for foreign employment and was involved in an extra marital relationship. After 20 years he came in search of his wife once again and asked forgiveness. By that time she had turned 50. She shared with us, though it was really a great wilderness experience how she was filled with the light and power of the living Lord in bringing up the two children amidst different forms of slander and rebuke as well as trials. It was really praiseworthy. It was not that she was devoid of strong emotions and temptations when young at age. Yet with the support and help she received through Pubuduwa she was equipped with the ability of radiating the light of the Lord to her children, relatives, neighbours, villagers and finally to her 33

husband and that most powerfully. Such forgiveness on her part is quite praise worthy.

Towards your life: Even you may have passed through various wilderness experiences. In sickness, financial problems, struggles, loss of employment and in many other life stances were you able to radiate light to others? If so, praise the Lord. If not come to awareness now and start from today to act differently.

Word for the day: Christ’s response to every incident of His life from birth in the manger of Bethlehem until death on the cross was unique in nature. Reflect for a moment the situation when He got lost in the temple of Jerusalem at the age of 12. Especially He started a new lifestyle from the time of Baptism at river Jordan. Embodiment of the word of God and prayer, discerning and accomplishing the Will of God perfectly, total dependence on God and adherence to the guidance of the Holy Spirit were significant characteristics of His life. God created man to His own image and likeness. The sin of man brought death into the world. Yet because of the righteous action of Jesus Christ the new man, light dawned on earth once again. While the first man’s origin was on earth Christ came down from heaven. Thus, man inherited darkness and death due to the disobedience of Adam and Light, Life, Divine son-ship and eternal life through Christ.


02. Sharing: 1. Share the responses of Adam and Christ. 2. Prayer that we too may be channels of light.

03. For Tomorrow: 1. Read John 8:48-59, Luke 23:26-29. 2. Reflect on the luminous responses given by Christ in different situations.

04. Final Prayer Kithunu Gee: 51


Fifteenth Day

“The Light shines in the darkness� (John 1:5). 01. Orientation Christ incarnated lived among us, emptying oneself of divine power, majesty and glory and clothed in a weak human body same as ours. Therefore, Christ was compelled to face every temptation common to man. Yet, nothing could destroy His divine son-ship. Sin, temptation, untruth, power and the devil could never invade the light that was in Christ. Through Him poured forth the love of the Father to all alike and that without any distinction. Let us focus on events in which darkness was dispelled: i.

Sinful woman to be stoned to death (John 8:1-11). Here, there was a moment that Christ and the woman were left alone. Yet, what happened to the sinful woman? She was raised up to the state of holiness by the love of God. Think for a moment of the light emanated from Christ.


The Samaritan Woman (The guide should come prepared having read the whole chapter of John 4.) Even here, Christ was left alone in the afternoon with the woman near the well. Even the disciples who knew Jesus very well and loved Him felt suspicious. Yet, what did Jesus say? 36

“My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work” (John 4:34). The result was the whole village coming to accept the Good news. Christ before Pilate: Pilate then said to Jesus, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to release you, and power to crucify you?” (John 19:10). A normal human being would definitely fall into the darkness because there is nothing more terrifying than facing death. Let us meditate on the responses given by Christ before Pilate. “You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from; therefore he who delivered me to you has the greater sin” (John 19:11). Read John 19:1-3.

02. Discussion in groups : Read Matthew 26:63-68. “My kingship is not of this world” (John 18:36). Share your ideas concerning the behavior of Pilate and Jesus. Praise God for the nature of Jesus in being obedient to the Will of God without succumbing to the forces of darkness. Thus, at every life phenomena Jesus conquered darkness. The devil was aiming at instigating in Jesus an attitude of self pity for which he tried his best making use of every opportunity. The very people, whom Jesus loved and healed, shouted in chorus 37

to put Him to death. The twelve disciples betrayed Him. Peter denied Him thrice. Yet it was not possible for darkness to invade light. We see on the cross the highest point of His love. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” With these words He breathed His last (Luke 23:4546). The centurion seeing what happened praised God saying, “Truly, this is the Son of God” (Read Mark 15:39). Let us allow the Holy Spirit to touch our hearts. Enter into a session of deep praise for the eternal victory obtained. Proclaiming once again that Jesus is our Lord and Master let us renew our commitment.

03. Throughout tomorrow: Reflecting on the words of the Lord, “I am the light of the world,” always overcome darkness. Live as children of light.

04. Final Praise Pubudu Gee: No. 294.


Sixteenth Day

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). 01. Orientation i.

Holy Scriptures refers to the Second Godhead of the Trinity as the Word. If we try to explain how perfect is the word of God this word is a person. This person or being is God himself. St. John says that without him was not anything made that was made. In the beginning when God said, ‘Let there be light’ it was this word that made the light. Therefore the word is the creator.


When we refer to the history of salvation God at different times has revealed his word to the people through various men. Thus this revelation has been accomplished through the patriarchs, prophets, kings and many others. Yet none of these have been the full revelation of God. Since all these revelations have come through man they have been presented with certain limitations.


Out of his unending love and mercy God intended proclaiming his word fully. Thus, full revelation of God was made manifest through the word incarnate. ‘The word became flesh and dwelt among us.’ Every word intended to reveal to us is contained in this word incarnate. Hence Jesus Christ is the Perfect word of God. Therefore, if we are to know God we should focus on Christ. 39

02. In groups Read John 14:8-11 i.

Philip addressing the Lord says, “Show us the Father and we shall be satisfied.”


Jesus says, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me?”


He also says, “He who has seen me has seen the Father.”


It is as if the Lord is posing a challenge at the disciples. He says that the disciples have not yet recognized him whereas every word coming out of his mouth is from God. He also says, “I am in the Father and the Father in me.”

03. Exercise: Before coming for the meditation tomorrow read the word of God set for tomorrow meditatively. Pray for the power of the Spirit to learn of God by focusing on Christ. Share with another the revelation received through gazing at Christ.

04. Final Praise


Seventeenth Day

‘The Word of God in the Holy Scriptures’ 01. Orientation i.

From the beginning of humanity God has revealed to man many things. It is quite evident that throughout the salvation history man has received divine revelations. The Bible or the Holy Scriptures contains the word of God revealed to man in written form. Although the Bible consists of many books written by different authors during a long period of time it is considered as one single book since it is based on one central theme of how the man determined for destruction and finally to death could achieve redemption. The answer or the solution given for this significant question is that this redemption would be a reality through coming into relationship with God. The Biblical word for this God-man relationship is covenant that comes to its fulfillment in Christ.


Even though the Holy Scriptures is written by different authors the task has been performed simply through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which explains the reason for the title given as Holy Scriptures. And we acknowledge that it contains the word of God. 41

There are two sections in the Holy Bible namely the Old Testament and the New Testament. While the Old Testament fall into the era before Christ the New Testament falls into the period started with the birth of Christ.


Since the Holy Bible contains the word of God we pay reverence to this book and make it our daily nourishment.


The Bible is not a history book. Even though there are historical facts in it, it is a religious book. As such the contents of the book cannot be interpreted to the whims and fancies of each and everybody. The final word on the interpretation of the Bible rests with the Holy Catholic Church.

02. Exercise: i.

Every day let us read a section of the Bible and make it our day’s nourishment.


Be eager to have a Bible of your own.


Let us take precautions to keep the Bible in an appropriate place at home.

O3. Final Prayer


Eighteenth Day

“Christ and the written word of God� 01. Orientation i. Jesus Christ is truly the word of God in peson. Yet, in reading the Gospels it is made obvious that as a human being he made the Holy Scriptures his daily bread written hundreds of years prior to his birth. Can you recall few instances where Christ made use of the Scriptures? If so, share it with a few others close by. ii.Read Lukde 4:16-27. In reading the above proclamation it is quite clear that Christ was profoundly knowledgeable of the Scriptures. At the same time He had embodied the words it contained. In the Synagogue at Nazareth what was handed over to Him was the Book of Isaiah. Though it contained sixty six chapters He could select the section He wanted with no difficulty whatsoever because He was familiar with it to that extent. i.

This verse shows that He had made the word in the book of Isaiah His life bread.


We could see that Christ had claimed for Himself the fact that what Isaiah states here is about His own person.


A. About the famine during the time of Elijah and sending him to a widow of Zarephath in Sydon is given in 1 Kings Chapter 1. 43

B. The cure of Naman the Syrian leper during the time of Elijah is referred to in 2 Kings Chapter 5. The Lord refers to both these incidents which convince us of the profound knowledge the Lord possessed concerning both these books. iii.In reading Luke 4:1-13, we come to realize that during the triple temptations He was faced with He is quoting Scriptures to answer the devil. i.“Man does not live on bread alone” (Deuteronomy 8:3). ii.“You shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve” (Deut. 6:13). iii.“You shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (Deut. 6:16). Christ makes use of the word of God in driving out the devil come to test Him. iv. There are many instances in the Bible that we find the Lord handling the word of God as a person who had made it His own. We hope you too have made some of the Scripture passages your daily bread. Make it a habit to share them with others when and if the opportunity arises.

02. Exercise: *Before coming for the session tomorrow read Luke Chapter 4. *Make at least one of his words your daily nourishment. *Make it a habit to use the word of God to overcome temptation when it creeps at the door of your heart.

O3. Final Prayer 44

Nineteenth Day

“Word of God bears fruit” 01. Orientation Read Isaiah 55:10-11 It says that the word of God will not go back without bearing fruit. It is like the earth soaked with rain bringing forth seed to the sower and bread to the eater. The salvation history throughout refers how the word of God has borne fruit. The word of God i.

Has motivated in adhering to the will of God.


Has provided strength to accomplish what one feels impossible to perform.


Has brought about repentance and conversion of hearts.

02. Read Genesis 12:1-5. i.

When Abraham received the word of God he was seventy five years old. It is not an easy task for a man of that age to leave behind his own country and nation to go and reside in a foreign land. Yet, the word of God bearing fruit in him motivates him to make the journey.


Leaving behind one’s kith and kin, country and nation was like journeying into darkness. Yet, the 45

word of God enables him to do so totally depending on the security of God. He did not pay attention to the would be lack of food, water and attacks of the enemy since the word made him immune to worry making him totally dependent on God.

03. “Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10). These are the words through which God chooses and appoints Moses to go to Pharaoh in order to save Israelites from slavery. Moses hesitating to accept the word of God questions, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” Not being satisfied with God’s assurance, “I will be with you,” pointing out his inadequacy in speech Moses says,

“Oh, my Lord, send, I pray, some other person.”

Even then, the word of God would not go back without bearing fruit and as such Moses is being encouraged to accomplish the task entrusted to him. 04. People of Nineveh receive the word of God through Jonah who says that Nineveh would be destroyed in forty days. Word of God bears fruit in the people of Nineveh and God’s expectations come to be realized. Entering into a fast, the people from the king to the lowest citizen in the country repents in conversion. Thus, God’s desire comes to be fulfilled in the people of Nineveh. 05. Even the word of Christ bore fruit. When He commanded the sea, the storm was stilled and the dead were raised when commanded to rise.


02. For Discussion i. How has the word of God borne fruit in you? If the word has had some impact on you, share your experience with a person near by. ii. In many instances the word of God has borne fruit in my life too. In writing this one such incident comes to my mind. iii. Once I was thoroughly disturbed by a word uttered by another. I was hurt and disappointed. When I entered into prayer that day the word I received was Matthew 10:26-31. This paragraph had such an impact on me that my attitude changed. The passage was, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s will. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” iv. Let us get into the habit of reading the word of God daily. It increases our faith, motivates and encourages us to lead a life of joy depending on God alone.

03. Excersice : Read the word of God for the day and embody the word that has an effect on you.

O4. Final Prayer


Twentieth Day

“The living tradition too contains the word of God.” 01. Orientation i.

God has revealed many things to man of oneself as well as of man. They have been revealed throughout the salvation history. Many revelations prior to the birth of Christ are in the Old Testament in written form. God has fully revealed Himself through Jesus Christ the Word Incarnate. Yet, everything concerning Christ is not given in writing in the New Testament. As stated in the Gospel of St. John, “There are also many other things

which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (John 21:25).


The Holy Bible contains the word of God in writing. There are many other revelations that have not been recorded or written. Even though the mind of God was fully revealed in Jesus Christ, human weakness and limitations has not allowed full comprehension of the facts due to which we could say that the revealing of the mind of God is still in process. The living tradition contains the revelations the Holy Mother the Church has received through the Holy Spirit from its inception to this day. Only the Church could determine or 48

decide on the revelations in the living tradition and we call this the teaching authority or the Magisterium of the Church. iii.

Many truths are present in the living tradition of which some are still in the form oral tradition. If these revelations are promulgated by the Holy Father as received by the Church we are obliged to accept them as doctrinal truth. Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother is one such dogma that the Church has proclaimed. Similar doctrine promulgated by the Church we do acknowledge since we honour and respect the magisterium of the Church.

02. Exercise: Acknowledging the dogma concerning the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother let us recite the “Hail Mary..� several times today.

O3. Final Prayer


Twenty First Day

“Every event contains a word of God.” Hymn: Pubudu Gee 58.

01. Orientation It is our conviction that the word of God is being revealed through every event of our lives. There is a word of God presented to us through all that we see and hear at every life event big or small. This word is made known to all those who awaken themselves deeply to the Holy Spirit. When we take it in common, in everything (that is through every incident) God works for their good. Let us make the above wording ours.

02. Read Luke 2:41-52 Blessed Mother and St. Joseph confronted a painful incident that would have disturbed both. May be it was so painful that the Blessed Mother said, “Son, why have

you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been looking for you anxiously”

What comes out of the Lord’s mouth is the word of God revealed through this incident. “How is it that you

sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” According to Luke His parents did not understand the saying. Yet, His mother kept all these things in her heart. The Mother received the word of God revealed through the incident from her Son Himself. 50

03. Many are the incidents that we experience in our life journey. While some make us happy and joyful others cause sorrow and disturbance. Whatever situation we are faced with through it all there is a word of God revealed. a. Through every such incident God who loves us works for our own good. Let us accept this in faith and be convinced of the truth it carries. b. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to overshadow the condition erupted due to the relevant incident. c. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit to make clear the word of God concealed in the event. d. Acknowledging in faith that God does speak through every life phenomenon let us wait in openness.

04. Exercise: Owning to the fact that through every incident we encounter today God is speaking to us and is going to turn everything to good, let us thank and praise Him.

05. Final Praise


Twenty Second Day

“God’s word in creation” Hymn – Pubudu Gee 55



i. “Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse” (Rom. 1:20). The whole universe and everything in it is made by God. Seeing the created He saw that it was good. God is pure goodness and beauty and hence everything created by Him too is good and beautiful. There are divine characteristics made visible in what is created by God. Only those who look with openness will be able to discover many issues pertaining to God, of God and who He really is through creation because it contains a word from God. ii.

People of the ancient times, devoid of a clear revelation of God happened to worship what had been created such as trees, rocks, sun, moon and stars for the simple reason that they too realized an unexplainable power stored in it. As Catholics we pay homage to God alone. When we come to realize some power being manifested through creation we give praise only to God the creator. Creation speaks of God. Gazing at creation let us sing to Him as follows. From Pubudu Gee No. 55 52


The hidden word of God in creation points us to the Holy Spirit. For those who awakening themselves to the Holy Spirit invoke his aid will see and hear the word of God being revealed through creation.


A. Rising up early in the morning and offering praise to God I shall open up to the Holy Spirit. As I get up some days I come to hear the sweet singing of birds. Isn’t it God who wakes them up early in the morning? Isn’t their sweet melody an offering of praise to the Lord? It is the Holy Spirit who creates such thoughts in my mind. And so, who can ever deny that God reveals himself through creation? B. One day I went to the beach all alone and started gazing at the ocean. It is so vast that one cannot see the other side. There was a strong wind coming from the sea. Waves went high up. Oh! The power it contained. The sea is extremely deep too and terrific that one who falls into would not escape easily. I opened myself to the Holy Spirit. Thousands of thoughts came to my mind. If the sea has such tremendous power what about God! How many fishermen would have got drowned in the sea? I too will succumb to the same fate one day. I felt God speaking to me through the ocean. Definitely, even the sea contains a word from God.

02. Exercise: Throughout the day awakening oneself to the Holy Spirit keep gazing at creation. Listen to the word of God it brings. 53

Twenty Third Day

“Indwelling of word in the Blessed Sacrament” 01. Orientation i.

“Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” The word that was with God from all eternity came down on earth and was conceived in the womb of the Blessed Mother. And He lived among men on this earth as a human being for thirty three years. Though He ascended to heaven forty days after His Resurrection, He promised the disciples to be with them always (Matthew 28:20). While this promise is being fulfilled in varied ways, His sacramental presence in the Eucharist is a powerful way of manifesting His presence with us.


Read 1 Cor. 11:23-26. On the night He was betrayed Christ instituted the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The three evangelists Matthew, Mark and Luke report this incident. It is as if the great sacrifice of the Lord on Good Friday had been brought in advance to the dinner table on the previous day. Even today when the priest celebrates the Eucharist using the same formula, the sacrifice offered on Calvary on Good Friday is brought to the altar as a mystery. The word takes His dwelling in bread and wine and therefore, when we receive communion what we take in is the word that is the Lord Himself. 54

iii. There is no Blessed Sacrament without the Eucharistic Celebration. The Eucharistic Celebration is the most sublime prayer-worship, thanksgiving and sacrifice one can offer to God for His glory, the reason being that at the Eucharistic Celebration the Lord offers Himself to God as a sacrifice. As such, the most sublime prayer-worship and praise one can offer to God is to participate at the Eucharist and receive Communion. iv.

The human mind cannot comprehend God the creator and protector of the entire universe, the Word dwelling inside a small host. Yet nothing is impossible to the love of God. It is purely out of love for us that He makes Himself present inside a host as food for our nourishment.

02. Discuss:

What about the honour, respect and devotion we pay to the Blessed Sacrament? How often during the week do you make it a point to visit the Blessed Sacrament? Do you take interest in participating at Mass other than on Sundays?

03. Excercise:

Create opportunity to participate at Mass other than on Sunday. In passing the church go in to pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament present in the tabernacle. Resolve to prostrate yourself before the Blessed Sacrament in worship. Sing a hymn expressing your faith in the Eucharistic Presence.

O4. Final Prayer 55

Twenty Fourth Day

“Powerful is the word of the Lord incarnate” 01. Orientation Read Luke 7:1-10 In small groups discuss on the power of the Word. i.

A centurion is a commanding officer of hundred soldiers in the Roman Army. There was power in his word. Those under him carried out his orders to the letter. When he said, “Go” to one, he went; and to another “Come,” he came. The centurion was well aware of the power his word carried.


May be he also knew of the mighty deeds, the miracles performed by Jesus. He believed that Jesus was no ordinary man but a person of power and hence He was capable of commanding the sickness of his servant and cure him without ever coming to his house. Therefore, he sent friends to Jesus saying, “Lord, do not trouble yourself,

for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; therefore I did not presume to come to you. But say the word, and let my servant be healed.”


Jesus marveled at the faith of the centurion concerning a mere word of His. I think it is an opportune moment even for us to question ourselves as to if we too possesses that much of faith in His word. Do you respect the word of God? Do you own His word in faith? Do you believe that the solution to your problem lies in the word of God? 56

Get used to the habit of reading the word of God when you encounter problems, pain and anxiety. An experience: In 1987 I was called to serve as a full time worker for the Kingdom of God. At that time I was an employee in a well known company. Although I had a deep desire to respond positively to this calling, since I was married, thought of consulting my wife. She did not answer immediately. She was a teacher and we had 4 daughters and one son which made a quick decision difficult. During this time, in our parish church novenas had been started for the annual feast. All of us participated at the second novena and the Gospel that day was Matthew 6:25-34. The word of God through this Gospel passage is not to worry about the future since the Heavenly Father who feeds the birds of the air and arrays the lilies of the field with flower, values us much more than any of them. The Lord says, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” This word had such an effect on my wife that as soon as we came home after the novena what she said was, “God will take care of our future. You had better resign from your job and commit yourself for full time service to the Lord.” The word of the Lord incarnate is powerful. It transforms lives and helps us with important decisions in life providing power and strength. Throughout the day: Murmur these words throughout the day. “Lord I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, only say a word and I shall be healed.”

O2. Final Prayer Hymn: Pubudu Gee 301 57

Twenty Fifth Day

“Hearing the word of God with fear and respect and sharing it with others is new evangelization.” 01. Orientation Read 1 John 1:2-3 In reading the above section do you feel the Lord speaking to you of new evangelization? Be silent for a moment and open up to the Holy Spirit. Share the light you received with someone near by. i.

John’s proclamation is of the Lord who was with the Father but made visible to them in the eternal living being.


What he proclaims is what he saw and heard.


There is a purpose behind this proclamation and that is, to make others too participants of the common life style the author is experiencing.

02. In speaking of new evangelization the above phrase provides a model for us. i.

What is proclaimed in new evangelization is not simply a word but the person Jesus Christ, God’s eternal and living Word. Thus, what we proclaim is a person, a being.


We have encountered the risen Lord. Even today we have contact with Him, have heard the proclamations of God, the word has had an effect 58

on us, transformed our lives, and has strengthened us in times of helplessness. There is nothing else that could support us more than the word of God. iii.

The Lord invites us to be witnesses of what we have seen and heard and to make disciples of all nations. If so, keeping what we have heard and experienced hidden is a great wrong. Proclaiming them to another is the same as proclaiming Christ. Thus we are able to activate the gift received at baptism to be a prophetic nation. If we keep the experiences bestowed on us by the Lord to ourselves, the consequence will be the same as that of the person kept in hiding the talents given to him.


As expressed by St. Paul, “The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart that is, the word of faith which we preach. …If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord…….you will be saved” (Rom. 10:8-9).

Proclaiming the word received with our lips is very important. It is witnessing. “Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). What is made clear through the above words is that it is very important to evangelize using one’s own words and experience. One would turn to God as well as comes to belief in the Lord based on the word proclaimed. Therefore, proclaiming to another our faith experience in word is important.


03. With the idea of bringing a person closer to Christ share your experience with others for the greater glory of God. Similarly, share the words that have had an effect on you. When attending the Holy Spirit Rally 2019, discuss with your community leaders and take steps to bring along with you a few others whom you have evangelized.

O3. Final Prayer Hymn - Pubudu Gee 49


Twenty Sixth Day

“The prayer life of Jesus” 01. Orientation “The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him that is weary. Morning by morning he wakens, he wakens my ear to hear as those who are taught” (Isaiah 50:4). The greatest challenge Christ had to face by coming to the world in the form of a weak human being emptying Himself of the majesty, power, glory and the rights and privileges of God is to love not merely as a human being but just as the Father loved the weak and the vulnerable. It was not an easy task to reveal the Father whose love is unconditional, unlimited and whom he addressed as Abba Father. In order to proclaim through his life the Father who is love, every morning he opened his inner heart to the source of love. Thus being filled with the Holy love of God, he loved men and women with the same love as that of the Father. For Christ, prayer was his life. His whole life was one single prayer which means at every moment and in everything, opening oneself to the love of the Father, and channeling this Holy love to others through his whole being. This was His prayer life, His constant prayer. Moreover, His experience was specifically enjoying and delighting in the life of the Father. That is, in his holiness, righteousness and beauty and always being at the disposal to receive the Father’s Will and His desire when revealed. It was making space for the love of the Father and enjoying the same even in physical, mental and spiritual pain. The result of being open to the mystery of love throughout His 61

life was being resurrected from death by the Father Himself.

02. Discussion: Discuss the special qualities of the prayer life of Jesus.

03. Throughout the day: Whenever possible awaken to the love of God. Open yourself to His love.

O4. Final Prayer Hymn: Pubudu Gee 150


Twenty Seventh Day

“Our Prayer Life” 01. Orientation “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). i.

Christian prayer is this. Once we had been used to different forms of prayer. Not that they are wrong but if we are to pray properly Christ should join us in prayer. Prayer is not something that we do or accomplish but something that God does in us which means to love us through Christ. During my hour, when I join with my family and others and pray in communion, God the Father fills us, His children and our minds and hearts with His love.


If so, what is our role in prayer? What are we really doing when we say, ‘I am praying,’ or ‘Let us pray?’ It is simply to stay open to receive the Love of our Heavenly Father when He does bestow on us His love through His Son. It is making access for the love of God to enter into our hearts. When we look at it from this point of view, it is not I who pray but Christ who does the praying in me. Accordingly, when we dispose ourselves for the love of God through Christ, we are being raised to divine son-ship in a deeper way. Therefore, prayer is a solemn act and the time engaged in prayer is a sacred moment.


Thus, the grace received to be filled with the Holy Spirit as a son and daughter of God and to address God as Abba Father is a Gift. Prayer life is always to be delighting in the gift of prayer. The image of Christ reflected in and through us is the result of the life of prayer.

02. Discuss: i. Share your prayer life with others. ii. Let us take a decision to witness to our life of prayer experiencing the love of God daily in situations and life conditions we are faced with in our family, society and community.

O3. Throughout the day: Restart your prayer life or take steps to renew it.

O4. Final Prayer Hymn: Pubudu Gee No. 48.


Twenty Eighth Day

“Our witness to prophetic life” 01. Orientation “Then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to plant” (Jeremiah 1: 9-10). i.

A prophet is a person who has received a special vocation, chosen and anointed by God Himself. Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are the three Major Prophets that we come across in the Old Testament. The main task of a prophet is to speak on behalf of God. The above passage points out that a prophet should act as the mouth of God. Also he has been called to serve among the people. More often he is guided by the Holy Spirit to engage in his mission even most unwillingly. A prophet can be feeble and sinful in nature but God empowers him for the task.


For a period of 40 years Pubuduwa has been called to accomplish a prophetic mission for the Catholic Church as well as our country. Amidst different obstacles and challenges they proclaimed the Will and the Message of God living in and among them as a community. Many are the instances they raised opposition against injustice and wrong done in the country and were responsible in working for the welfare of the nation. Thus Pubudwa remains to this day a prophet for the sake of the Kingdom of God. 65

02. Discuss: i. How do you respond to your vocation as a Pubudu community, family and as an individual. ii. The difficulties and pain encountered in carrying out your mission. iii.Whether the decisions taken such as to wear white for the Eucharistic Celebration, White-gold ring marriages, avoiding beef being put into practice. iv.Share your experiences and pray for empowerment.

O3. Final Prayer Hymn: Pubudu Gee No. 314 of the New Edition No. 329 of the Old Edition


Twenty Ninth Day

“Faith is a Gift.” 01. Orientation: 01. It is difficult to believe in something that shows no sign of it being realized in whatever form. We don’t need faith to believe in something that makes visible the prerequisites necessary for its fulfillment. If we keep our trust or believe in something of that nature it is not faith, which makes it clear that faith cannot be achieved through human effort. It is a gift, a grace from God, a gift of the Spirit. i. God spoke to Abraham when he was 75 years old and said, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation” (Genesis 12:1, 2). Trustingly, Abraham was able to act according to the word of God leaving behind the security and safety of his motherland, relationships with his kith and kin and all that he had inherited from his earthly father only because of his faith in the Lord. ii. When Abraham was 99 years old, God gives him the promise of a multitude of descendants as that of the number of stars in heaven. “He brought him outside and said, ‘look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be’” (Genesis 15:4-5). Since he accepted the above word of God in steadfast faith, he was able to believe for sure that the promise would be fulfilled through Sarai who was well past the age of child bearing. Simply because of his faith, God gave the gift of a son, Isaac to the couple Abraham and Sarai after a lapse of hundred years. 67

iii. God had immense love for His chosen people. In order to protect them securely and to rule over them fittingly He appointed kings. And David was one such king chosen. He was a shepherd from birth and knew nothing of reigning but a person with deep faith in God. When appointed to the throne this was his prayer to God. “My God, my rock, in whom I take

refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; thou savest me from violence” (2 Samuel 22:3). Such was the faith he had in God. Through this faith David, the shepherd boy received the gift of being the most successful king to accomplish the will of God.


A young girl is first secured by the mother and secondly to move further in life, she hopes to gain the security of a husband. The young girl Mary, who was in a similar condition, faced a situation that could not be fathomed with the human mind. Thus, surrendering the full security of her life to God and simply believing that she could conceive without a husband, received the gift of being the mother of the redeemer. Blessed Mother kept her faith in the words of the Spirit, “Blessed is she

who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” And

thus she was became worthy of the title of not only the Mother of God but also the Queen of Heaven. 02. For Discussion: Get into small groups and meditatively read 2 Samuel 22:3. Based on it compare and contrast your faith with that of those called by God, how they accomplished their mission in life trusting in the Lord. 68

03. Practical Steps: i. Reflect of the gift of faith you have been endowed with. ii. Recall a moment that you stepped forward in faith facing great uncertainty and accepting it as gift from God. Share your experience with two or three others.

O4. Final Prayer


Thirtieth Day

“Faith should be proclaimed.” 01.Orientation: i. Today we wish to reflect on several stages of faith. Faith of our Lord, Faith that could move mountains, Faith at the foot of the cross – while we intend reflecting on theses stages on the days to come today we wish to focus on the Faith that we normally proclaim. The starting point of this faith is the faith of the people in God. The Creed used by Christians today is the result of the faith proclaimed by Christians in the past. ii. Let us all stand up, recollect ourselves and recite the Creed. With closed eyes let us recite the phrases one by one with great concentration. Really what is our faith with regard to its content? It is very easy to merely recite the words but how much of it do we proclaim through our life? Let us ponder this for a while.

02. Share in small groups what you claimed for yourself. i. More than 70% of the population in Sri-Lanka is Buddhists who do not believe in God. The founder of Buddhism is a great teacher, a scholar, a Rishi. Christians have their faith in God whom they believe to have created heaven and earth and the entire universe and everything in it - meaning trees and foliage, fountains and springs, rivers and seas. The creator of the whole universe is none other than Abba Father. Christians also believe that all are children of God. Thus they boldly proclaim this divine son-ship. ii. The first Christian community and the disciples acknowledged and proclaimed boldly Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Master. In the Roman Empire, the ‘Emperor’ was accepted as the Lord 70

of the people. Since it was their conviction and acknowledgment they imposed it on people all over the world. Yet, Christians rejected this. They simply proclaimed that none other than Jesus Christ would be the Lord of their lives. On account of their faith they had to sacrifice their lives. They were made prey to lions. Some were publicly tortured and killed. Although martyrs like St. Sebastian were brought to the point of death twice, they weren’t ready to transfer the Lordship of Jesus Christ to human rulers like Caesar. They were capable of such heroic behavior only because they had that much of faith to believe that Jesus Christ had been raised from death which made their lives as Christians very meaningful. Also, they had firm faith in the eternal glory they would inherit after a short span of their life on earth which they proclaimed publicly in unflinching belief and trust. At the moment of being stoned to death St. Stephen cried out in a loud voice saying, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56). It was a simple proclamation of the faith they possessed. iii.

Similarly, the first Christian community acknowledged the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Mother Mary which they proclaimed unhesitatingly. Whenever their faith was attacked they courageously defended and affirmed their belief. Since the very beginning even before it was promulgated by the Holy Mother the Church as a doctrine of faith contained in the living tradition of the church, they believed it.


Recite all together the Creed from, “I believe in God the Father,….till the Holy Catholic Church” and lead a prayer of praise.


03. For discussion: *How much in favour are you with the magisterium of the Church and how much faith do you have in the living tradition of the Church?

04. Practical Steps: *Reflect on the martyrs whom you know. Try to gather information about them. *When you get together tomorrow, share in small groups what you have gathered.

O5. Final Prayer Hymn – Pubudu Gee No. 294


Thirty First Day

“Blessed is she who believed” (Luke 1:45). 01.Orientation: i. According to the words proclaimed by Elizabeth under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord” (Luke 1:45). Mother Mary has already won the crown of being called, “Blessed” for the simple reason that she had already claimed for herself the divine promise of being conceived as a virgin, a promise contrary to the norm prevalent since the beginning of the world. Accordingly, bearing the good news received she hastened to the home of Elizabeth believing in the message given to her of her cousin considered a barren woman by the entire society being with child in her old age. Certainly, through this encounter, the words exclaimed by Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit astounded the Blessed Mother and confirmed the whole issue. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy” (Luke 1:42-44). Through this incident, the message delivered by angel Gabriel in the Name of God, has already been fulfilled and proclaimed. Her faith was so powerful that not only the people on earth but John the Baptist, the child not yet born but with a special anointing leapt in her mother’s womb with delight. 73

ii.The multitude of grace our Blessed Mother received through faith in God generated out of her love for the Lord is almost unimaginable that she sings His praises with great joy. iii.Sing the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) as a song of praise. Through the sacred reading help the contents to be internalized. As soon as we become aware of our being present before the sacredness of God we realize our lowliness. Though she won the favour of God what she realized was her emptiness, unworthiness. “He has regarded the low state of his handmaiden” (Luke 1:48). With her emptiness she becomes conscious of the fullness of God. “He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name” (Luke 1:49). iv.She praises the Lord with the words, “He has helped his servant Isarel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our father, to Abraham and his posterity forever” (Luke 1:5455), through which her great faith is made visible in whatever she might have to face when Joseph to whom she was betrothed and her parents and relatives get to know that she is with child and even in facing the possibility of being stoned to death in accordance with the Law. Immense was her faith in believing that God is her only security and was certain that God will always work for the good of everybody even if one might have to go through difficulty and obstacle.

02. Discussion: i. Share what you can with regard to taking action in faith in family matters. ii. Are you open to the community in receiving help in taking action in faith? Do you have recourse to them and do they help you in such matters? 74

03.Throughout the day: i. Be conscious of areas that you do not act in faith in family issues. ii. The community should provide an atmosphere of posing a challenge to your faith journey. Are you ready to take up the challenge?

O4. Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalie No. 229


Thirty Second Day

“The faith of Mother Mary as great as to move mountains’’ 01. Orientation: i. She believed that the ‘infant’ whom she gave birth to, suckled and brought up was the “Son of God.” There was no such faith before her nor there will be in the future. The faith of Mother Mary was that deep. Even though there was no sign of assurance of her wish being realized, she held on to and defended the faith that it had already been manifested according to the Will of God. ii. Wedding at Cana makes obvious the firm faith Mother Mary had in the Son of God. With regard to others, whether they accepted or not the fact that Jesus was the Son of God as declared by him, Mother Mary well knew that it was so. At the wedding feast of Cana what she became aware of was the helplessness of the inmates. She wanted to get them out of this plight that she approached her Son because of the faith she had in Him. And with great determination she tells Him, “They have no wine” There was no assurance on the part of the Son and His answer was despairing. “O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come” Yet, the answer didn’t shatter the faith of the Blessed Mother and neither did she get discouraged or disappointed. Seeing through her eyes of faith that her request would be met with she instructs the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” The servants filled the jars with water and the Lord says, “Now, draw some out, and take it to the steward of the feast” (John 2:8). Thus, the tremendous faith of the Blessed Mother was capable of bringing in the Lord’s hour that had not yet dawned. 76

iii.Though hidden from everybody, Mother Mary through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit knew that the child she brought up amidst many a trial and hardship was none other than the Son of God. From the beginning whatever persecution from the Jewish authorities and high priests the Son was subjected to, she had within herself a faith large enough to move mountains that in spite of every attack Abba Father would safeguard His Son.

02. For Discussion: *What is your idea about the request of Mother Mary being fulfilled at the wedding feast of Cana?

03. Practical step: i. We too are a people of faith. Ponder on the incidents that occur throughout tomorrow and see how your faith bore fruit. ii. Note well the moments you collapsed being unable to have faith and repent for such failings.

O4. Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalie Hymn No. 131


Thirty Third Day

“Faith of Mother Mary at the foot of the cross” 01.Orientation: i. Get the people to sit quietly. Present the following events picturesquely so that they could visualize them mentally through meditation. ii. On Golgotha three people have been nailed and hanged on the cross. On the middle cross is a youth, his whole body wounded by scourging and is disfigured as if he is about to die. At the foot of the cross there’s a woman gazing on at the cross. Although without any lamentation, no tears running down her cheeks, nor striking her breasts with her fists, fighting inside her is a multitude of thoughts. One moment, she raises her eyes to the heavens and then to the person on the cross, at another time she keeps her head bowed down as if in great contemplation. She is no other than the woman, the only woman on earth who knows well of the one who is hanging on the cross. This is the mother of the Son of God who has been crucified. Pause for a moment to be with her. See her inner self and enter into praise with her, the partaker of the world’s salvation. ii.”He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:32). “Therefore the child to be born will be called Holy, the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). Even though there is no external sign of the promises of God fulfilled, in this sacrifice on the cross with no visible victory, it is as if the Blessed Mother has won over everything because even the beginning of God man relationship was marked with an event unbelievable, within a process where there was no sign of anything spectacular happening 78

and through a strategy of a woman conceiving a child without knowing a man that was quite contrary to the law of nature. In this sacrifice on the cross though there was no sign manifested of the Son’s mission being accomplished she had already claimed for herself that everything had been accomplished. iv.The miracles her Son performed while on earth, raising the dead, healing the lepers, giving hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb and sight to the blind would have appeared before her eyes again and again as in a film. There was a deep faith in her heart that even though her son who journeyed along accomplishing the Father’s Will was put to death, Abba Father would never abandon or forsake her Son. May be she could accept that even her Son’s sacrifice on the cross was not an accident but was in conformity with the Will of God because she could remember the words, “The son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day” proclaimed to the disciples and she kept them in her heart pondering over them in hope that the Will of God would be fulfilled. v.In seeing the Son who since the day He set out from home for the cause of the Kingdom in constant company of His disciples and surrounded by crowds, now abandoned by everybody hanging alone on the cross, she would have been reminded of the words of prophet Simeon when the child was taken to the temple for purification “Behold this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against and a sword will pierce through your own soul too” (Luke 2:34-35). And pondering over these words in faith and hope of this divine message being fulfilled sees the Father through the Son.


02. For Discussion: If you were compelled to remain at the foot of the cross in solitude how would you accept it?

03. For practice: Think of the life incidents of the Lord that the Blessed Mother would have stored in her heart under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. During the day share them in small groups.

O4. Final Prayer


Thirty Fourth Day

“The Faith of the Lord Jesus” 01. Orientation The faith of our Lord in the words “You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11) received through the anointing of the Holy Spirit at river Jordan was tremendously powerful to instill the same trust in people inhabiting the earth till the end of times. Not only did He experience the beloved son-ship of God unflinchingly but proclaimed it boldly. When the Samaritan woman proclaimed what she said of Him, at her encounter with him as “I know that Messiah is coming he who is called Christ; when he comes, he will show us all things” His instant reply was “I who speak to you am he” (John 4:2526). Only the great faith and conviction He possessed of His identity enabled Him to give such an instantaneous response. i.

The Lord starts His mission with total dependence on the Abba Father. Even though this mission carried Him to the cross, His pleading with the Father, “Forgive them for they do not know what they do,” on the cross as well as at the gate of death while experiencing His divine Son-ship clearly proclaims the profound faith He held on to. What He always declared was that He also says and does whatever is said and done by the Father. “My Father is working still, and I

am working” (John 5:17). “Truly, truly I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing;” (John 5:19). And the above proclamations make it clear. Not only did He experience such relationship with the Father but also proclaimed it boldly. 81


Raising Lazarus from the dead is an incident that clearly shows forth the faith of Our Lord in the Abba Father. As soon as he heard that Lazarus had fallen ill the Lord saw it as a unique opportunity given by God to experience the faith he had in the Father. The words of the Lord, “This illness is not unto death; it is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by means of it” makes it clear. Four days has passed since Lazarus was laid in the tomb. When he raised his eyes to heaven on his arrival at the tomb filled with an odor, what he saw was the unending love of the Father that made him say, “Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.” Whatever thought and doubt was lingering in the hearts of the people around including the two sisters of Lazarus, showing forth his steadfast faith he cried with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus come out’ (John 11:43). Thus, his faith triumphed giving his life back to Lazarus once again.


The Lord was always compassionate towards the people who came in search of Him. There was great faith in Him of His capability of fulfilling their needs and desires which made Him tend to the fundamental needs of the people forgetting Himself and without seeking His own comfort that the Gospel records, “he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things” (Mark 6:34). Here the intention of the disciples was that since they were not in a position to supply the needs of the people they should be sent away.



“This is a lonely place, and the hour is now late; send them away, to go into the country and buy themselves something to eat” (Mark 6:35) makes it clear. Yet, at whatever risk, experiencing deeply the faith that the Father would never leave Him alone, He said to the disciples, ‘You give them something to eat’ which was a proclamation of the faith He possessed based on the full awareness of what He was going to accomplish.

02. Discussion: The life of the Lord was founded on the Father. Gospels record that He often spent time in prayer. May be this faith of His grew and developed by means of the Father – Son relationship.

03. Throughout the day: i. As a family or in groups of five ii. Recall how you handed over the authority of your life to Jesus willingly. Then think of the times that you took back this ownership to yourself. iii.What did you behave so? See and repent. iv.Let us make a promise to do nothing contrary to the faith we have placed in the Lord.

O4. Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalies No. 92


Thirty Fifth Day

“Faith of Christ on the Cross” 01. Orientation The Divine-Human Son who heard twice on His earthly life “You are my son the beloved” (Mark 1:11, 9:7), in spite of being nailed to a cross condemned as a criminal and hung between two others as a public spectacle, did not allow His faith in the Father to be crushed down. “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself” (Luke 23:37) mocking words of the soldiers are heard from the foot of the cross. On the other hand, the rulers were scoffing at him saying, “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen one” (Luke 23:36) while the people stood by watching. When one of the criminals who were hanged railed at Him saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!” what the other saw in Him was the true divine son-ship that made him plead, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). i.

When He saw from the cross how His disciples who were with Him, those who received His healing and teaching and evil possession chased away had deserted Him and the sight of the Blessed Mother and the beloved disciple standing some distance away, the faith he possessed was so profound that there was no room for self pity to creep in. Whoever had left Him, the faith He had in the Abba Father who did not leave Him alone in giving back the life of the son of the widow, in restoring life to Lazarus decaying in the tomb for four days with a stench hanging in the air, in volunteering to feed five thousand with five loaves and two fish was such that however much shameful was 84

this cross He eventually handed over His life to the Father. ii.

On His earthly life what He accomplished was the Father’s desire. He well knew the heart of the Father that He forgave sinners boldly proclaiming that what He does is what the Father does and what He says is what Father says. As such, when He pleaded with Him, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) it was with great faith that He offered this prayer that the Father would forgive even those who were blaspheming Him now after unjustly condemning Him to death as, “He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down from the cross, that we may see and believe” (Mark 15:31-32). Thus He entrusted them to the mercy of the Father.


Even in utter loneliness on the cross He never succumbed to it. Nor did He ever lose sight of His identity as the beloved Son. At a time there was no sign of success, however much dark forces might attempt attacking, trusting unflinchingly of the presence of God, He cried in a loud voice “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit,” leapt into the hands of the Father giving us a clear proof of the tremendous faith He professed.

02. Discussion Have you ever seen a faith in anybody else on earth that could be equated to that of the Lord? Discuss.


03. For Practice: Become aware of moments that those closest to you left you alone. In moments of abandonment by the family, community and neighbours how did you act or react?

O4. Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalie No. 31


Thirty Sixth Day

“Faith of our Nation� 01. Orientation i. Christians scattered in the coastal area of Sri-Lanka had to undergo severe persecution under the Dutch once the land was taken from the rule of the Portuguese. Practicing Catholicism was then a cause for punishment. Since there was no favour shown by even the English after the Dutch period, they were compelled to safeguard their faith facing much difficulty and hardship. Under these circumstances Christians even gathered for prayer in secrecy in places such as forests and caves and mostly at night. There were no religious to give instructions and even the priest was in hiding or in disguise. In a social contest such as this, while they were trying hard to safeguard their faith, one day at Mannar 500 Catholics assembled were murdered and buried in one single tomb that made them the first martyrs of Sri-Lanka, a clear proof of their heroic faith. Even in coming together they were compelled to take most difficult routes without any transport facility and assemble in secret while there were no means of communication. Yet none of these factors were effective in alienating them from their faith. It was during such persecution that Blessed Joseph Vaz from India disguised himself as a beggar and reached Mannar. From there he journeyed from village to village once in the attire of a Sannasi and at another time as a labourer getting together the Catholics and laboring to strengthen their faith. Even though we do not have proper records, many would have been martyred for their faith. He did not hold any conferences but he was capable of strengthening and securing the faith of about 300000 people leading them on 87

a journey of faith. Although he was once imprisoned suspected of being a spy in the kingdom of Upcountry, through his life in prison won everybody including the king radiating the love of Christ to whom he had given the authority of his life. Gathering together the Christians in utter poverty and posing a challenge to their faith he succeeded in building many churches in relevant places at a time there were no facilities. He also unhesitatingly appointed lay leaders among the people gathered and aided and abated them in increasing their faith. In a more advanced age as at present where there is enough and more facilities for existence can we see some depth and progress in our faith life correspondingly? While people in the past first and foremost sought developing their faith, what we request today in the first place is facilities needed for the task. In Mannar for 500 people to be martyrs how many more would have been gathered there? And can we think of any facility they were equipped with? Today in our villages while there is Eucharistic Celebration offered in many places on Sunday how many are the Christians who do not bother to participate in any? 01. Let us turn towards us i.

As a person called to follow the Lord for the cause of the Kingdom reflect on the tasks I am involved in concerning the task entrusted.


Share in small groups. What do you come to see through the faith of our ancestors?

03. Practical Steps: i. Try to participate in Mass today for the community and the parishioners. ii. If there was no opportunity at least spend an hour before the 88

Blessed Sacrament. iii.Pray for the canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz.

O4. Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalie Hymn No. 49.


Thirty Seventh Day

“New Evangelization in reflecting our faith” 01. Orientation: i. The faith of a Christian is active and thus it should reflect through every event of our lives. Faith that is not proclaimed through one’s lifestyle is dead. In order to radiate this faith to others our prayer life should be deepened. The vehicle of transporting faith is fueled by prayer life. For this purpose, we should develop our faith through the deepest relationship possible with God. What we should share with our brother is the love of God lavished on me through prayer and the deep relationship I have built up with God. This love of God should flow down to others through me. It may not be through one single medium and form. It can vary. At times it can be by word of mouth and at another time it could be through getting involved directly in life situations but everything should be done for the greater glory of God. ii.The most effective method of evangelization is taking to others the faith we experience and enjoy. Philip who received the call ‘Follow me’ while accepting it in faith did not confine it to oneself but communicated it to his friend Nathanael too. Thus, with the proclamation “We have found him of whom Moses in the law wrote, Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph” Philip let the light of faith he received to flow down to Nathanael.(see John 1:43-45). iii.The Samaritan woman engulfed in darkness developed great faith in the word received from Him through a personal encounter. Through this faith first she saw a great prophet and then sensing the possibility of Him being the Messiah to come, happened to believe firmly His declaration, “I who speak to you 90

am he” (John 4:26). With no further delay she went away to share the faith instilled in her with others. “So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city, and said to the people, ‘Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be Christ?” (John 4:28-29). She was successful in disturbing the entire village and bringing everybody to Christ. The nation thus called was a people holding strong grudges and who did not give even a drop of water to the Jews. The hatred between two nations could not triumph over her evangelization. Here, the most significant quality made obvious is her acceptance of herself and her condition as she was before the people with the statement, “He told me all that I did.” Thus her life witness was powerful enough to bring others to God. In varied ways we are engaged in evangelization. What we should use is the experience we have received through the life of faith. At the same time, the foundational strategy of our evangelization should be Christ alone. What should be proclaimed through us to others should not be, we the evangelizers but the Lord glorified and proclaimed in and through us.

02. For discussion: How do you perceive the evangelization efforts of Philip and the Samaritan woman?

03. Practical Steps: Decide to invite another to the Holy Spirit rally this year, one to whom you have reflected the light of your faith life. Plan from now on. Let us question ourselves often and stay alert to the steps I should take in introducing Christ to others. Pubudu Geethanjalie Hymn no. 57. 91

Thirty Eighth Day

“Let us love nature since the Creator dwells in it.” *”Let the faithful exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their couches” (Psalm 148:5) The earth does not exist from all eternity. There is a fixed time that it came into being and its birth was not through its own effort. It has been made by God. He created the world out of nothing. He did not make use of any element, instrument or the help of another for the purpose. He made everything out of nothing. He commanded and it came into being. Thus, God out of His own free will created everything. “In him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, and in him all things hold together” (Col. 1:16-17). The wonderful creation of God, the universe, nature and man are fundamental signs that reveal and affirm the existence of God. Everything has been created through the Son of God and for Him. Christ is incarnated and is in existence in all creation. The Creator loves the world He created and provides for its existence. His glory, wisdom and abounding quality of His love is shown through His creation. Everything belongs to the Creator and man has been endowed with the grace of enjoying His creation. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it” (Gen. 2:15). Creation has been entrusted to man to care and develop for the benefit of all. Bringing it to destruction once again is not His desire. Therefore, loving, caring, providing for its existence and 92

enjoying the beauty of nature with due respect is our responsibility. Throughout the day: i.

Man has entered into a process of destroying creation. Discuss its consequences of natural disasters and unexpected calamities.


Let us open ourselves now itself for the mission of respecting, loving and caring for nature.

Final Prayer Pubudu Geethanjalie Hymn No. 55.


Thirty Ninth Day

“Start now.” 01.”Behold, I make all things new. It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and the end” (Revelation 21:5-6). At the beginning of the first chapter of the Bible it is stated that in the beginning the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Yet, God started the work of creation. Since then, it is on a journey towards its fulfillment renewing itself from moment to moment. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Through Christ a new age was dawned upon earth. It was the Will of God that the whole creation would be brought to its fulfillment through the Word coming from the mouth of God. Word and Spirit working together have started the journey towards fulfillment. On this, Swami thaththa has expressed clearly in the Walk in the Spirit in the Aid for Prayer of which the quotation is as follows. *In January, a way is opened to know the unknown and to encounter those whom we have not. Thus the word “start” is heard in varied ways. Therefore, in travelling to different countries, even with no familiarity with the language, we could see that the word ‘start’ was beginning to flourish. We realize the need of starting in many different forms. Don’t you think there should be things to start in our life frequently? Even then aren’t we waiting for another to start? Since somebody has at one time or other taken an initiative the world is moving on and is progressing. It is significant that we engage in reflecting whether we are engaged in taking initiatives on the first of January itself. Therefore, start 94

awakening yourself to the Holy Spirit. Begin a deep prayer life. 02. Towards us: In the year appointed by God, there are many tasks we should accomplish for the cause of the Kingdom as Christ disciples. Let us reflect and see what initiatives we should take this year as a Pubudu community for the cause of the Kingdom on behalf of our Church and our nation. At the beginning of the New Year itself we have received through Swami thaththa a luminous wording “Start today itself.� If we open ourselves to this phrase from this moment, God will grant us the power needed. i.

This year has been declared as the Year of Faith by the Holy Father for the entire Catholic Church. Accordingly let us start from now onwards to witness to our faith. Through this let us allow the faith inflamed within us to radiate to others.


Similarly, the Archdiocese of Colombo has declared this year as the Year of the Word. A great treasure is the word incarnate among us and there are many resources hidden in it. Living and bearing fruit in the word let us start witnessing directly through our life existence.


At the beginning of the day, let us start to awaken ourselves to the Holy Spirit, to deepen our prayer life and to be at home with Him and in His bosom every moment.

03. Discuss: Discuss what should be started in your family, society and village. Pubudu Geethanjalie Hymn No. 110. 95

Fortieth Day

“Glancing at the Holy Week” “Behold, we are going to up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and deliver him to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day” (Matthew 20:18-19). *The acceptable time was started since Ash Wednesday in the Liturgical year of the Catholic Church. According to the invitation extended through Holy Mother the Church to come back to God not with garments torn but the heart we are engaged in an exodus journey throughout a period of forty days. 2000 years prior to this Christ coming out of the wilderness entered Jerusalem along with His disciples. We too are invited by Christ is to enter into this significant experience. *Holy Week is a very special period of time during which the Almighty God expressed His mysterious love through His Son – a time that Christ who did not know sin becoming sin for the sake of man gave Himself in total surrender to the holiness of God. Christ waited in great thirst for this hour to come. Suffering and death of the Son of God is a mystery. With Him the whole Universe passed over or crossed over to a new state through the Holy hour Christ spent during the paschal mystery of this holy week. Discuss in groups: i.

Discuss the inner experience of Christ during the Holy Week as a true Son of Man on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Reflect on 96

the way the Holy Spirit leads us into the experience of Christ during Holy Week even in our life journey. Share your experience. ii.

Enter into prayer based on the verse, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized” (Mark 10:39).


Take a decision to give our witness experiencing the joy of Resurrection we have inherited through Christ in every life event.

*Also, we invite you to participate in the Easter seminar. *If you have not yet received the Sacrament of Reconciliation do so without further delay. *In the coming week enter into the experience of washing of the feet. Pubudu Geethanjalie Hymn No.99. Sincerely, share your experiences *Now, close your eyes and recalling such incidents pray aloud saying, “Let there be light!” This is commanding the darkness and an order given to drive away night. Visualize through the eyes of faith how amazingly the darkness is being dispelled. *Internalize and embody “light” and give praise. Throughout tomorrow: Throughout the next 24 hours, reciting on and off the word “Let there be light” let the light that is in you radiate to others. Hymn: Kithunu Gee No. 51. 97

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