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Lenten Meditation 2016 i

A PREFACE TO THE LENTEN MEDITATION – 2016 It is with great joy that we invite you to participate in the Lenten meditation for a period of 40 days. One may get confused for using the word ‘Joy’ for the period of Lent. Lent is the period the Church celebrate the suffering, the death and the resurrection of Jesus. Though generally people consider this period as a time for mourning and weeping, we would like to introduce this period as a ‘joyous period’. It is true. The Church introduces this period to her faithful as a period of ‘Grace’. This is a period that we are awakened to the ‘Gift of Salvation’. Therefore, we can introduce the Lenten period as a period given to us by our loving Father to be well aware and to experience the Salvation and the Grace brought to us by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the Annunciation when the Angel Gabriel said ‘Rejoice, full of Grace’ to the Blessed Mother, it is because it was this virgin that the Lord had chosen to be the Mother of our Saviour. Thereby she was filled with ‘Grace’. Lent is a period filled with God’s Grace. Therefore, we can certainly rejoice during this period. Grace is not something given to us by the world. It is a heavenly gift. If this is the case then, the Lenten period should definitely be a very special period of time. This is a period where the promise given by the prophets of the Old Testament bore fruit through death of Jesus on the cross. The people were looking forward for the coming of the Messiah or the Saviour and this is the time their thirst was satisfied. This is the period we once again are getting ready to celebrate, the suffering, the agony Jesus went through on the cross by shedding all His precious blood and bringing salvation to mankind, and the resurrection. “But when the fullness of time is come, God sent His own Son. He came as a son of a human mother and lived under the Jewish Law to redeem those who were under the Law, so that we might become God’s sons. To show that you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son in to our hearts, the Spirit who cries out, “Father, my Father”. ii

So then, you are no longer a slave but a son, and since you are His you are all one in union with Christ Jesus, you are no longer a slave” (Gal 4:4-7) In and through the abundant grace that we received and in and through the Paschal Mystery, the suffering, the death on the cross and the victorious resurrection, we received back the lost inheritance. We received back the lost son-ship. Since losing the great inheritance, no man was able to call God, ‘Father’ in the whole of human history. Therefore, Lenten period is a time for us to experience the Sonship of God and call this Great God “Abba – Father’. With this great revelation during the Lenten period let us be opened to God’s mysterious love and experience ‘Sonship” of God.


The Mercy of God the Father is abundant

Lent is a period of time that we can experience the mercy of Jesus in abundance. Yet another special calling during Lent is God’s invitation to experience His unconditional forgiving love. God is calling every sinner, irrespective of the type of sin, to come back to the loving Father: “Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord. Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; Though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool”. (Isaiah 1:18-19)


The Lord is ready to show us His unlimited, unconditional forgiving love. The one who is caught up with this Merciful love of God and experience the salvation of the Lord can truly get into a joyful period, a joyful experience. What is important here is not man’s sin, but the mercy of God that is manifested to the one who returns to God. Therefore, Lent is a time the broken relationship with God is renewed. It is a time to get into the experience of the ‘sonship’ of God the Father. It is a time of Grace and Mercy. Therefore, our invitation to all our dear people is, in this year of Mercy, to experience God’s Mercy and inheritance won back to us by our Lord with great awareness.



The first experience of our Charisma is to gaze upon the experience of the Blessed Mother. It is the Blessed Mother who can help us to journey up to the foot of the cross. Let us during these 40 days be aware of the presence of the Blessed Mother in our homes. Let us share with one another the great signs we see in the life of the Blessed Mother; Let us gaze at her experience of emptying. Blessed Mother was always aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in her. Meditating on her prayer life, the great love shown by her towards the Word of God, the manner in which she allowed the love of God to flow in to her life through the living Word of God, will certainly help us in living the Lenten period more meaningfully. She is the one who treasured the Word of God in her. She is a treasure. One of the most special characteristics seen in the life of the Blessed Mother is Her “silence”. The beautiful words taken from iv

the book of Psalms 46:11 “Be still and know that I am God” must have been Her daily bread. She must have meditated on these words daily. Therefore, she was different to any other woman. (She was never seen gossiping. She is never recorded as a person sitting by the side of the well gossiping). Therefore, as a people in the Pubuduwa, let us be like the Blessed Mother during this period of time. Let us be still. Let us too during this period meditate on the Word of God, treasure it and grow in God’s Wisdom. Therefore, be aware of the presence of the Blessed Mother in your home at all times. To the extent we unite with the Blessed Mother, we will be able to walk up to the foot of the cross. If we can be like the Blessed Mother not only whilst we are going through joyful experiences, even during times of pain, shedding tears, loneliness, and even hard moments such as when we cry out ‘My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me’, like the Blessed Mother, stand straight in faith, hope and love and make every situation a Paschal experience. This will help us to come close to the heart of God, our Father. Therefore, our invitation to the Pubudu Community is to stay close to the Blessed Mother during this period of Grace.


In order to make the Lenten period more meaningful, let us gaze upon Jesus Christ as the Son of God. There are many significant features in the Sonship of Jesus Christ. Out of all it was very clear that Jesus was also fully ‘Son of Man’. He became fully a human being like any one of us. Jesus was fully aware of His human limitations. Therefore, as a human being Jesus was totally aware that He would need the guidance of the Holy Spirit in His journey. What did Jesus do then? Jesus became aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit continuously. Jesus was seeking the Will of God through the help of Holy Spirit at every situation and Jesus obeyed the Will of the Father shown to Him by the Holy Spirit. The greatest experience Jesus had at the River Jordan was the realization that ‘I am the Son of God. I am the well beloved son. I am the well pleasing son’. Jesus had the most powerful and the majestic experience of receiving the revelation that God is my Father. Never before in His life Jesus had such a powerful experience. After such a rich experience Jesus yet allowed the Holy Spirit to lead Him. The Holy Spirit drove Jesus to the desert. One can ask the question, 'why to the desert'? As scripture tells us it is to be tempted by the devil. As per the Biblical v

language desert is also compared to the place where the devil dwells. It is noteworthy to realize that after such a mighty experience it is the Holy Spirit Himself who leads Jesus to the desert to be tempted by the devil. Holy Spirit is fully aware that the devil will go all out to rob the experience of ‘Son-ship’ Jesus just had. Therefore, the Holy Spirit wanted to teach Jesus the way to defeat Satan, protect the son-ship and come out victoriously. Jesus had to face 3 major temptations which man generally has to face. They are power, wealth and pride. When man has a lot of power he thinks, I do not want God. Once a President in our country said “I can do anything through my power, except making a man a woman, and a woman a man”. In other words he is trying to say that 'I am all powerful. I am like God'. This is because of the power vested to him through the Constitution. So goes with wealth and pride. The more man has power, wealth and pride he begins to think that he can do all things through his power and drifts away from God and also refuses to obey God. During these 40 days the Holy Spirit was teaching Jesus to pray without food or drink, without any loved ones, all alone in the desert. The Holy Spirit was teaching Jesus to walk up to the cross as the Son of God, to submit totally to the Father’s Will as the Son of God, to defeat the power of the devil as the Son of God and bring forth God’s Kingdom in to this world and come out victoriously and bring salvation to mankind.


When we gaze upon the prayer life of Jesus it was totally different to the prayer life of any Jew or any other human being. As the scripture teaches, during these 40 days Jesus prayed, fasting, without any food or drink, all alone in the desert learning to fight against the devil and defeating the devil. The Holy Spirit was the teacher of Jesus. The Holy Spirit taught Jesus to pray in a different manner than the normal Jewish prayer style. Holy Spirit taught Jesus to communicate with God in a different manner. We see the Jews standing at the temple wall and praying hitting their heads on the wall. The Jewish teachers were wearing long garments and they also taught the people to pray. Jesus was lead by the Holy Spirit when He prayed. vi

The disciples of Jesus realized that the way Jesus prayed was totally different to the Jewish Rabbis and the rest of the people. Therefore, they asked Jesus to teach the way He prays. Jesus said when you pray say: “Our Father in heaven, Holy be your name”. The first words that came out from the lips of Jesus were “Our Father in heaven”. Whenever we say “Heaven” we look up. God is in a higher place, much higher place than the earth. A place where man cannot enter easily. However, He also says “Our Father”. Father is with the child. The child is in the Father’s bosom. Father and the Son are very close to each other. Jesus brought the heaven so close to us. He also said we are God’s sons. Jesus also does not stop at that; He continues to say: ‘May Your Name be held Holy”. In His prayer Jesus saw the Father as the one who is much higher than us, yet as the one who comes down to the earth, as the one who is close to us, as the loving Father who is ready to keep us in His bosom. Jesus also in His prayer realized that the word ‘Holy’ could be used only for God.


God is not equal to any other. God cannot be compared to any other. Many a times we compare ourselves to another. When we say God is Holy we have to remember that we cannot compare God to any other. When we say God is Holy, we also have to remember that there is no evil in God. There is no sin in Him. How is Jesus praying? The one without sin, has become sin for us. He looks at God and says “May your name be held Holy’. No man has ever made such a prayer to God. Jesus looked up to the Father and said: “Do not change the plan you have for me. May your plan for me be held Holy”. As the 2nd Person in the Holy Trinity, Jesus is without any sin. The one who knew no sin, became sin for our sake. He went in to the River Jordan for water baptism taking the sins of all mankind upon Him. Another example was the prayer at Gethsemane. Realizing His agony, Jesus first prays to the Father saying, “Father take away this cup from me’, but the next moment He was lead by the Holy Spirit to pray: “No, not my will, let your will be done in me”. May Your name be held Holy. This was a very special prayer of Jesus during His suffering period. Jesus did not pray for His own will. Jesus, as the Son, every moment prayed vii

for God’s plan for Him to be done. Jesus was the only young Jewish man who prayed to God in this manner. In the whole of Jewish history, or in the history of mankind, we cannot find any other who prayed to God in the manner Jesus prayed. We invite our dear people in the Pubuduwa, very specially during this Lenten period to gaze upon the prayer life of Jesus, very specially, to experience God’s Holiness. Whilst experiencing God’s Holiness, let us remember that God is different to man. He is also without sin. He has no evil in Him. Let us pray as Jesus prayed. The climax of Jesus’ prayer was on the cross when Jesus cried out “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”. (Mathew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Psalm 22). We invite you to read Psalm 22 everyday if you can. This became the greatest prayer of Jesus, because it was the moment Jesus united Himself with the whole of mankind. Many today misinterpret this prayer of Jesus simply because they try to look at the human meaning of the words, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When we read Psalm 22 meditatively we will realize that this is a prayer of a man who was suffering severely under the custody of his enemy. It was a cry of a man who could not receive salvation in any way. When we go deeper in to the prayer of the Psalmist we will realize that this is a prayer of a man who is seeking the help of God and God alone. It is very clear that he has come to the realization that man cannot in any way help him in this trial and tribulation. It is a prayer of a man who is seeking God’s salvation and grace to face his difficult situation. Jesus reaching the climax of His prayer life hanging on the cross, abandoned and lonely is making use of the prayer of the Psalmist to firstly unite with the suffering man and secondly with the suffering people of God. The greatest pain we see in the prayer of the Psalmist is that he feels that God has abandoned him. He does not see God is with him in this hour of pain. So is the experience of the people of God. Jesus hanging on the cross makes this His own experience and lift up the prayer of the people to God. By this, Jesus opens God’s heart for man, which means for all of us. Jesus opens God’s heart for the cry of man. God opens His heart to receive the prayer of His Son, Jesus. This is Holy Love. A Holy Prayer.



A time for the preparation of the Paschal Mystery means it is an invitation to gaze upon the Sonship of Jesus, to gaze upon how God loved man in a total different manner, (His love is Holy) To gaze upon the prayer life of Jesus. Once again the prayer life of Jesus was Holy. Does the prayer of Jesus on the cross “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me” depict a fallen faith? No, not at all. If Jesus did not make this prayer, His prayer life would have been incomplete. Jesus would not have been able to open the heart of God the Father to the prayer of abandoned man and the abandoned people of God. By this man today is able to receive God’s Mercy in abundance. There may be many times you and I make this prayer to God: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”. Each time I make this prayer heaven will touch the earth. God the Father will come close to me. Father’s heart opens to us and we can enter into His heart! This is what the prayer of Jesus has done for us. The most difficult experience for man and the people of God is to experience that God has abandoned us. Jesus loved us so much that He brought the grace of the Father to us. Jesus not only united with our prayer and the suffering experience, but He also opened God’s heart to us that we may enter in to the loving heart of God the Father. The final words of the prayer of Jesus prove the strong faith Jesus had in His Father: “It is finished” (John 19:30) & “Into Your hands I commit My Spirit” (Luke 23:46) (Psalm 30:5). What an amazing prayer? This is not a prayer of a man who lacked in his prayer, but prayer of a man who had perfect faith in God. This is the prayer of the Son who showed total obedience to God the Father and completed the task given to Him. “Father into your hands I commit my spirit” is a beautiful and a strong prayer. It is the prayer of great hope in the Father. It is a prayer that teaches us that we can anchor our hope only in God. We do not need any other anchor. It is a prayer that lead us to the experience that we can receive salvation only from God. When this prayer becomes a community prayer, a prayer of God’s people, when it becomes the prayer of one heart and one spirit, it is speaking from one heart to another. The Son is talking to the Father. What should we do then? More the danger we face, more our hope should increase. In other words we should make God our Hope. Hanging on the cross Jesus makes ix

God the Father His only hope. He makes this prayer not for His sake, but for all mankind. Therefore, this becomes the prayer of a Son who was rich in hope in God, the Father. We invite the Pubudu Community as a whole to make a change in our prayer life. For this to take place we ask of you to gaze upon the Sonship of Jesus. With great concern gaze upon the prayer life of Jesus in the desert, during the period of agony, the prayer at Gethsemane, from the time He was taken by the soldiers at Gethsemane up to the death on the cross. We invite every one of you to gaze upon Jesus, how He looked at God not only as His loving Father, Abba but also as the Holy God and to enter in to the same experience with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Looking at only the love aspect, we see in today’s society sons smoke cigarettes in the presence of the father. They consume liquor together. These were not seen in our society before. We witnessed worse things recently when young women after consuming liquor at a night musical show removed their under wears and threw them at the singer who had come from abroad! At a time when the civilized culture of our society is changing from bad to worse with great concern we call upon the Pubudu Community during this Lenten period to gaze upon how Jesus experienced the Holiness of God. With what respect Jesus stood before God, the Father. We see when Peter distracted Jesus when He spoke of His death on the cross how Jesus re-acted and said ”Be gone Satan” and rebuked the evil power that worked in Peter. Having realized God’s Plan for Him, and also realizing it is a death on the cross, Jesus still submitted to God’s plan and did not make any room for any person and anything to take Him away from this plan. When we pray we see many a times we pray for our own needs. Lord, give me this, Lord give me the other is our frequent prayer. During this period let us pray ‘Lord may Your Will be done in me’. May Your Holy Will be done in me’. Make no changes to Your Will, Your plan for me, my family, our children, Pubuduwa . May Your Name be held Holy. Let us make this period a time to take care of the needs of the others, very specially the poor, without praying for our own needs. Just as our Lord x

carried the prayer and the cry of all mankind to the heart of the Father, let us too carry the prayer of the Church, the Pubuduwa, our country, world and specially the poor and the abandoned to the heart of the Father. One of the significant features of the life of Jesus was His Prayer life, specially during the Lenten period. As a people who have accepted the invitation of Jesus ‘ Come Follow Me ‘ we have prepared this little booklet of 40 days meditation and invite all of you to enter deeply into the prayer life of Jesus. Let us make this time a time of a pilgrimage.


Let us take the first 3 verses of the Lord’s prayer for our meditation. When we pray ‘Our Father in heaven, may Your name be held Holy’ let us experience the Holiness of God. In and through this prayer, let us enter in to the heavenly experience as well as the closeness of God, the Father to us. When we pray ‘Your Kingdom come', Let us gaze upon Jesus how He lived for the sake of the Kingdom of God. When we pray ‘May Your Will be done’ let us submit our will to the Will of the Lord. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to help us live these 3 verses during the Lenten period. After teaching this beautiful prayer, in the last verse He said ‘Deliver us from evil’. Every time we say the Lord’s prayer we ask the Father to deliver us from evil. Jesus was fully man living in the desert. He realized the temptations of the evil one. Jesus experienced the great extent the devil was trying to rob the inheritance of Sonship, the grace of God. The devil is the liar and thereby the liar was trying to tell Jesus ‘it is not true what you believe, you are not the son of God’. Through His own experience Jesus realized if Satan is trying to rob the Sonship of Jesus, how much more he will tempt the rest of the people. Therefore, we ask of you, when you pray the ‘Our Father’ and say ‘Deliver us from evil’ be very conscious of this prayer. Repeat as many times as you can with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to deliver you from the evil. What is evil? Firstly he will tell us that we are not sons of God the Father. He will try to rob the unity among us. We meditated earlier on Gal 4:4-7. The old serpent, the devil will go all out to convince us that what we believe is not true. If we get caught up to the liar, then we also get caught up to the world. Then Satan xi

will have the victory. Let us gaze upon an experience of Jesus. Satan used Peter, whom Jesus has chosen to be the rock, one of closest and most loved disciples to deviate from God’s plan, In other words to rob God’s plan. Jesus was always lead by the Holy Spirit. As a result Jesus reprimands Peter. He rebukes Peter. When Jesus said 'Be gone Satan', Jesus really wanted to chase away the evil one in Peter. Evil is brought by Satan, the evil one. Satan planned to rob God’s plan for Jesus. During the desert experience Jesus must have murmured this prayer often: "Father, deliver us from evil”. Let us pray: Lord deliver us from the evil of not meeting You in unity, Deliver us from the evil of not building united families. Deliver us from the evil of hatred, the greediness for money, power and fame etc., These are just a few examples. You may pray according to your own experiences as led by the Holy Spirit. It is very important to be aware of the tempter and the temptations. We may be of the opinion that we are good people and thereby the devil will not come to tempt us. Remember, if Satan tempted Jesus, the One who knew no sin, God who became Man, will he not tempt sinners like us, who are born with sin! How much more will he try to draw us to sin! If we are to come out victoriously against the actions of the evil one, there is only one way and it is to cling on to the hands of Jesus who defeated the powers of Satan and came out victoriously. Therefore, let us make this Lenten period a time of clinging on to the hands of the Risen Lord. Even whilst Jesus was hanging on the cross the devil was trying to rob the Sonship of Jesus. The devil kept on challenging Jesus and said “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross and also save us”. Satan was trying to defeat Jesus. However, until His last breath Jesus experienced the loving Sonship of Abba Father. Therefore, what actions will Satan take to defeat us by abandoning the sonship of God! We call upon all of you to make this Lent a victorious period. A time of defeating Satan. Every day should be a day of victory. To that extent we will be able to experience the power of the victory of Jesus.


Fasting played a major role in the prayer life of Jesus. Therefore, we should gaze upon the prayer life of Jesus and how He fasted. The xii

scripture tells us that Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights without any food or water. Fasting is a sign of clinging on to God and understanding one's limitations. It is a sign of total dependence on God. It is only God who can help me. We saw how Queen Esther prayed, fasting. In the Old Testament we can see how Abraham and Moses prayed, fasting. During this period Jesus was alone in the desert, without the Blessed Mother, the disciples nor friends, clinging on to God, Abba Father. We see fasting and prayer taking hand in hand in the prayer life of Jesus. When we look back at our own fasting, we see we are satisfied by skipping one meal a day. Many are self satisfied by doing this and also sharing it with others. This year however, we invite all of you to look at our own fasting in a new way. It is good for those of us who can fast to skip one meal every day during Lent as a way of dependence on God. Those who are sick, over 60 years of age, even young if you are under medication may refrain from fasting. Yet all of us can like the good Samaritan get in to a deep fasting. He took the suffering man to a hospital, spent on him, showed him above all love and he was healed. When talking of prayer and fasting we can be like the poor widow. Unlike the rich man she gave all what she had to God. When you give alms let not your right hand know what the left hand is doing. Jesus said when they shout out their good deeds, they have already received their reward. But when you give alms, when you fast, do it silently and your Father who sees this will reward you. Therefore, we invite all of you to give serious consideration to the teaching of our Lord when you fast and give alms.


Coming out from the desert the first teaching of our Lord could be found in the Gospel of St. Mathew 4:17. “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand�. Repent; or rather, render your heart to me. Let us read Joel 2:13. What God is asking from us is our hearts and not our garments, for gracious and merciful is He. Therefore we can say the Lenten period is a time we repent, a time we give our hearts to God. Heart is the most precious place in our body. It is a time to return to God whole heartedly. It should not be like the normal confession that one makes generally, repeating the same sins as done in the previous confession. xiii

We may be repeating the same sins perhaps confessed during our first confession. Let us during this Lenten period help one another to make a true repentance as taught by Jesus. Let us repent like Zacchaeus. Let us repent like the sinful woman. Let us repent like the Centurion at the foot of the cross accepting Jesus as the Lord of our lives. Let us build a very close relationship with Jesus, the Risen Lord and help others too to come to this experience. If your community is visiting a Pubudu Aramaya for Lenten meditation as a pilgrimage, we invite you to look out for the poor and needy and help them financially to receive this spiritual richness. Share with them the money you have saved to cover their transport cost and food, but remember not to let your right hand know what your left is giving. Let the receivers not be embarrassed but experience the love of Christ manifested in you. We ask you not to misinterpret the Word of God. When one does not want to fast we see a tendency of saying “Oh! Why should we fast when the bridegroom is near? Therefore, we should eat and drink and make merry”. Such mentality and words will bring down the power and grace that fasting could bring us. We invite all of you to gaze upon Jesus who was in the desert without any food nor drink fasting and praying. Just in case this night your husband or a beloved family member is taken away by terrorists and you have a rich meal laid on the table, will you be able to enjoy the meal? Undoubtedly, your answer will be ‘No’. On Holy Thursday night our Lord was taken away from us like a thief, a criminal, chained. After becoming a man for our sake and after showing us God’s love to this extent and whilst we are meditating on His suffering and the death on the cross can we enjoy rich food? Showing solidarity for Christ our Lord, let us stop consuming rich and grand food during the Lenten period. Just in case somebody yet wants to enjoy, we urge you not to tempt the rest of the people. Jesus became poor for our sake in order that every human being could receive God’s love and mercy. All the gold mines were His. In short the whole world belongs to Him. “All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be” (John 1:3) Being God He let go everything for our sake. Therefore, let us during this year of mercy firstly receive God’s Mercy and then in turn show mercy to others. xiv

We would like to close up the preface quoting St. Gregory from a passage written by him on Lent: Quote Behold the Cross! Let us imitate the passion by our sufferings; Let us reverence the Blood by our blood; Let us be eager to climb the cross; If you are Simon Cyrene, take up the cross and follow. If you are crucified with Him as a robber, have the honesty to acknowledge God. If He was numbered among the transgressors because of your sin, you must become just because of Him. Adore Him who hung on the cross through your fault, and whilst He is hanging there, draw some advantage even from your own weakness. By salvation by His death, If you are Joseph of Arimathia, ask the executioner for the body; Make your own expiation of the world. If you are Nicademus, the man who served God by night, prepare him for the burial with perfumes. If you are Mary, Salome or Johanna, shed tears in the morning. Be the first to see the stone removed, and perhaps the angels too, and Jesus Himself. Unquote In the Liturgy of Holy Thursday, the Church recalls two symbolic actions performed by Jesus on the last night; He washed the disciples’ feet, and He gave Himself to them as their food and drink in the bread and wine of the Holy Eucharist. The Lord will be therefore, with us until the end of times in the Holy Eucharist. xv

What should we do then? During this period of grace let us joyfully respond to the calling of our Lord: “Come, let us discuss” This invitation is given to us by God Himself. (Isiah 1:18) “Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; Though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool”. (Isaiah 1:18) Let us remember that this transformation is done through the precious blood of the lamb and thereby be thankful to God the Father at all times. Let us wash the feet of one another. Wipe the feet and Kiss the feet. Let us forgive one another just as Jesus has forgiven us. If I have done wrong to another, let me ask for forgiveness. Let us receive Holy Communion as much as we can. Let us also not forget to walk up to Jesus who is present in the Holy Eucharist waiting for us. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) During this Lenten period let us make this word of God our food. Let us also not forget the fact that our dear Pope Francis has declared this year as the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Let us experience the Mercy brought to us by our Lord Jesus Christ in and through the suffering, death and the resurrection and show the mercy of God to one another. We wish our Pubudu Community as a whole and every one who use these xvi

meditations and the rest who do not, a blessed time of grace. We pray for all for a great pasch over. BEHOLD THE CROSS BEHOLD THE MAN LET US EMBRACE THE CROSS God Bless you The Prophetic Assembly


“BEAR THE CROSS AND FOLLOW ME!” “Return to me with all your heart” (Joel 2 :12) Wednesday, February 10th – (DAY 1) 01.

Invitation to the Holy Spirit Today is the first day of the season of Lent. Let us ask for the power required to turn to God with the guidance of the Holy Spirit during this blessed starting today. Hymn No.01. “Pubudu Geethanjali”

02. • • • 03. • • • • 04. • • •

Let us experience stillness Set the physical posture and fix your gaze on it As an aid to becalm the mind, pay attention to the sounds in the environment Distinguish the sounds from near and far. Name them Focus your attention on one particular sound Gaze on Self (guide to a meditative thinking) Have I said that the people who live with me are a ‘burden’ to me? Do others say that I am a ‘burden’ to them? Though the Lord’s death on the cross is a symbol of salvation and blessing, the way we give meaning to same is poor. Let us be alert, identify instances where we tried to fulfill our egoism, likes and aims …. to get others to ratify them Share in groups Gaze on the Blessed Mother The way the Mother of God bore witness to and her experiences in saying ‘no’ to selfishness – Share Wasn’t the great gift of emptiness she experienced a way to bear the cross every day? How did losing everything for His sake (Luke 9:24) help her to be ‘greatly blessed’? Share with the person next to you 1

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Gaze on Jesus Read Mathew 6:1-6, 16-18 aloud What is real prayer and fasting according to this text? It was Jesus’ experience that His prayer and fasting were pleasing to the Father Turning to the Father was an experience, where the external and internal life became one Didn’t His persistent prayer always give him a new birth? Every moment He turned to the Father, He was filled with the Father’s life Throughout the day Is our prayer and fasting only an outward activity? Has my/our prayer and fasting helped to experience a real turning What we always possess is a hindrance to experience a wholehearted turning point. Let us sincerely share. Let us be alert to the Holy Spirit who shows us our (unseen) latent sin and repent Write down the sins you have committed but never shared with another, burn the paper. Take a sincere decision to turn away from sin. Practical: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the sins you cannot see. Final Prayer God Almighty, save us from the inner urge to rationalize sin and the slavery to sin through the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lead us not into temptation we urge Thee. Amen.


“DENY SELF”…..” (Luke 9:23) Thursday, February 11th (DAY 02) 01. • • •

Invitation to the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymnal Hymn No. 07 Let us recite a litany to the Holy Spirit to grant us the grace required during this holy season Share the experiences of yesterday in small groups

02. • • • •

Experience stillness Arrange the body posture and be silent Pay attention to the sounds Distinguish the sounds from near and far Pay attention to one particular sound

03. •

Gaze on myself Be alert to the various facets of egotism in my human nature? Share. Have you identified the ways through which one is lured to get one’s plans, likes and thoughts bear fruit Is there an inner urge to reach our purposes in the pretext that some things are for common good? Sincerely accept and share

• • 04. • • • •

Gaze on the Blessed Mother Read Luke 1:38, 48 Based on the above reading share the emptiness our Blessed Mother experienced. She became so humble as to say “I am the handmaid - slave of the Lord” In every life situation she magnified the Lord Isn’t it for this reason that she says “He has remembered me, His lowly servant”. Let us pray to God to grant us the divine grace Our Lady experienced in her lowliness.


05. • • • • • 06. • • • • 07.

Gaze on Jesus Read Luke 9;22-25 aloud Share Jesus’ inner experience when you read this Gospel text How encouraging was His relationship with the Father to get rid of ego? He who overcame the inner urge to fulfill selfish wooed he cross with love. The curse of the cross became the doorway to redemption He showed us what is in store for those who live for the Father by losing his life for the Father Throughout the day Let us be alert to life situations where the thought I, me, mine take precedence in our activities. Let us be alert to egoism that controls us in our family, work places, public transport systems, our community, parishes etc. Let us pray that we be made vigilant of this sin and to avoid this sin with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit Practically – Be alert to daily activities, and how we are controlled by egoistic actions and thoughts. Final Prayer Abba Father, You who kindled Your Will like an inextinguishable fire in Your Son, fill us with Your divine love to see who we are and to kill the ego.


“REAL FAST” (Matthew 9:15) Friday 12th February 2016 (DAY 03) 01. • • •

Invitation to the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 5 Let us experience the Holy Spirit and enter into praise (singing) Share yesterday’s experiences in small groups

02. • • •

Experience stillness Arrange body posture and be still Listen to the singing of the birds in the environment Identify the different sounds of the birds and name them if possible Set mind on them

• 03. • • • 04. • • • 05. • •

Gaze on myself Read Isaiah 58:6-7 According to the text what is real fast? Share in small groups, acts in thoughts, words and deeds that one can engage in real fast As we are unable to take steps alone, let us ask for the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Gaze on the Blessed Mother (Share in small groups) Did the Blessed Mother, example of deep lowliness, engage in fast? Isaiah 58:6-7. If she was aware of it, how did she engage in fast? Is Mary’s Song of Praise a result of that experience? Gaze on Jesus Read Matthew 9:14-15 What experience about fast does Jesus Christ share with us? While Jesus did not approve the fast that was done for show, he encouraged the fast engaged in willingly and for the good of the soul. 5

• • • • 06. • • • 07.

Lord Jesus Christ came to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to establish the New Testament He says when the time comes for Him to depart, they will fast because of the deep sorrow Christ identifies Himself as the bridegroom and the day He departs is shown as fast. Let us identify the experience that Christ is the Bridegroom who invites us to a life with Him Throughout the Day Let us fast in order to deepen our bond with the Risen Lord Let us pray in fast so that we will be witnesses to the proclamation of the Good news in the New Testament Pray in fast or take steps as the message of the Kingdom of God has not been proclaimed to the poor and the oppressed. Final Prayer That ways be available to us to proclaim the Kingdom of God to eradicate the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, let the oppressed go free, share food with the hungry and open homes to the homeless. For this we pray to the Lord.


“WHEN YOU PRAY …..” Saturday 13th February 2016 (DAY 04) 01. • • • •

Invitation to Prayer Pubudu Hymnal, Hymn No. 48 “Thattu Karami…..” Praise the Father with the Holy Spirit Worship Him Share yesterday’s experiences in small groups

02. • • •

Experience Stillness In correct body posture we will listen to sounds Of the sounds, identify human voices Set mind on them


Gaze on Myself Very often it is my sin that has a consequence on what happens in my life. We often say,” it is my own way” The response I give as a result of acting in my own way, often hurts others. Let us call to mind these unintentional weaknesses. Identify such failures If you can call to mind one such occasion, share with the person next to you. Ask for pardon

• • 04.

Gaze on the Blessed Mother From the moment she responded to her mission she developed a deep bond with the Father. Her daily activities, behavior and the way she responded clearly showed the divine love that touched her interior. This divine bond led her to be alert, love and commune with many. Let us pray that we be empowered to avail ourselves of her experience of divine love.


05. • • • • • • 06. • • • • •

Gaze on Jesus Read the First Proclamation for today (Isaiah 58:9-14) According to this Proclamation, when we pray, on which of our reactions does God answer our prayers? Our Lord Jesus’ attention may have been focused on this. Therefore His prayer was one that touched the very source of divine love. Isn’t inviting the Pharisee to follow Him (Luke 5:27-32) an expression of this Love? He looked at the society, the lowly, widows, tax collectors and the sick with a heart full of love Participating in a meal is exalting the person who extended the invitation. Is this a human response? He wished to see not only Himself but also those who are called, to be filled with the source of love. Throughout the Day Let us look at our ‘prayer’ life Is it just a habit or an activity? If not, do we take it as fulfilling a duty? Is there an inner urge/awareness to a ‘Prayer life’? Have I understood its exterior revelations through my responses and reactions.? According to Isaiah 58/7-14, what should be done as an aid to be with the Lord in the wilderness? Practical: Prepare a list of absentees (to the Novenas) and take steps to go in search of them.


Final Prayer: Abba Father, grant us the Holy Spirit that we may see Your mind clearly when we pray “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven” Enrich us with the ‘Prayer life” that leads us to the divine sonship.


“GOD’S MESSAGE IS NEAR YOU, ON YOUR LIPS AND IN YOUR HEART” Sunday, 14th February, 2016 (DAY 05) 01. • •

Invitation to the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No.10 “Shuddathmayaneni Wadinu Mene” Let us praise the Holy Spirit that grants us the Word Share yesterday’s experiences in small groups

02. • •

Experience ‘Stillness’ Pay attention to the sounds in the environment Pay attention to the sound of machinery which you hear in the environment. Identify and set your mind on same

03. •

Gaze on Myself Be open to the words I use and hear in the environment I live in Are these an aid or a hindrance to a life in Christ? Do these words control my daily life? How far am I controlled by these words instead of the Holy Spirit?

• • 04.

Gaze on the Blessed Mother From the moment she responded to her mission she developed a deep bond with the Father. Her daily activities, behavior and the way she reacted clearly showed the Divine love that touched her interior. This divine bond led her to alert, love and commune with many. Help us to avail ourselves with her experience of divine love. (to make it ours)

05. • •

Gaze on Jesus Christ Read the First Proclamation for today. (Isaiah 58:9-14) On which of our reactions does God answer our prayers? Our Lord Jesus Christ’s attention may have been focused on this. 9

• • • • 06. • • • • •

So His prayer was one that touched the very source of divine love. Isn’t inviting the Pharisee to follow Him (Luke 5:27-32) an expression of this love? He looked at the society, the lowly, widows, tax collectors and the sick with a new look Eating with the invitee is making him feel great (accepting him), Is this a human response? He wished to see not only Himself but also those who are called to be filled with the source of Love. During the Day Let us turn to our ‘Prayer ‘ life Is it just a habit or an activity? If not, do we consider it as fulfilling a duty? Is there an inner urge to a ‘prayer life’? Have I really understood its manifestations through my response and reactions According to Isaiah 58:9-14, what should be done as an aid to be with the lord in the wilderness? Practical Abba Father, we who pray that Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, grant us the Holy Spirit that we may discern Your Will. Enrich us with the blessings of a ‘Prayer Life’ that leads us to the divine sonship…. For this we pray to the Lord.


TO BE IN A STATE OF HOLINESS (adapted from Levi 19:1) Monday 15th February 2016 – (DAY 06)

“Towards Divine Fulfilment” (Adapted from Mathew 6:7 – 15) 1. • • • • • • 2. •

• • • 3. •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn – “Come Holy Spirit I need thee” Let us praise the Spirit Who makes us holy. Let us share our experiences in small groups Lets experience a time if Silence of our body. Let us become aware of the sounds coming from the environment surrounding us. Let us focus our attention on the sound made by the wind which at times blows aloud and at times a soft breeze. Gaze at Myself Let us realize that the main problems we face in loving each and every person are the biased paradigms we have of them. Therefore let me bring to mind those individuals whom I don’t like, whom I avoid meeting, whom I don’t like to associate with and acknowledge my weakness. Let us engage in the exercise of uniting with people using the “five finger” technique. Let us resolve to take steps to unite with each category. Let us create within us a desire to receive the Sacrament of reconciliation and make an opportunity to do so. Gaze at the Blessed Mother: No doubt she always lived her life obeying the commandments and hoping on the fulfillment of the divine promises like any other young woman who lived during the Old Testament times. Therefore she would surely have presented herself before the holy name of Creator God like the rest of the chosen people of old. With the Most High God addressing her in person she began to experience His holiness in the subsequent unfolding of events in her life as especially directed towards her. 11

4. • • • •

5. • • • • 6. •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read Mathew 25:31 – 46 aloud in small groups and direct them to share their insights in gazing at Jesus Christ relevant to the passage. Jesus Christ Who experienced the love of God unites in communion with all concerned with the sole desire of sharing that love with them. Therefore He was able to equally love those who were marginalized from society due to poverty, illness and other reasons. He who proclaimed that “ those who see me see the Father Who sent Me” made it possible for those who were subject to each and every action of his, the experience of holiness in the presence of God . Holiness in action was achieved not only through conforming to the Commandments but also through the experience of the holiness of God the Father through His life experiences. Throughout the day tomorrow Could we not see the experience of God’s holiness in the life of the Blessed Mother and Jesus Christ our Lord as a challenge and a light? God our Creator places holiness as one purpose for our life. Let us become aware of the secret sins which have become obstacles to achieving this goal. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit in small groups asking Her to make us holy. Practically: Let us remember to become aware of the Holy Spirit in the seven moments during the day Final Prayer Abba! Father, Pour forth Thy Holy Spirit upon us so that we may experience the Holiness of Divine love. And as we have been called to a life of holiness, grant us the grace to be in constant awareness; to recognize the obstacles to this life and the power to be in total submission to Your mystical presence. Amen. 12

“TOWARDS DIVINE FULFILMENT” (Adapted from Mathew 6:7 – 15) Tuesday 16th February 2016 – DAY 07 1. • • • 2. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Sing the first two verses of Hymn No.150 in the Pubudu Geethanjali Let us praise the Holy Spirit Who calls us to a divine life. Share your experiences of the day before in small groups. Let us experience a time of silence Let us become aware of our bodies from the top of our head to the soles of our feet. Focus your attention on the beat of your heart. Place the palm of your left hand on your chest as an aid to the exercise. Pay attention exclusively to the beat of your heart.


Gaze at myself “ Your Father knows what you need even before you ask Him” Mathew 6:8. Do I have the freedom to accept what the Father Who knows what I wish for gives, when I ask Him for what I need? What would be my reaction if I do not get what I ask from the Father?


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother who broke with all ‘traditions’ prevalent at that time in society obeyed the word of God and committed her whole life to the Father for the sake of the “kingdom of God”. A person who experiences the kingdom of God will have two things to say: May thy kingdom come and thy will be done. The blessed Mother spent her whole life being a ‘mother for the kingdom of God’. Let us gaze at the various events in her life and how she responded to them.

5. •

Gazing at Jesus Christ Let us read Mathew 6: 7 – 15 in small groups and share what the Holy Spirit taught regarding the inner experience of Jesus Christ. The Lord prayed on different occasions. (John 17:1-25) This is 13

6. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

found in several places in the Gospels. We could state that the prayer related in today’s Gospel could be described as complete (all inclusive). In that day none at no time addressed the Creator God as Abba (Father). Neither was there a wish to establish His kingdom on earth. The understanding of the will of God was the obeying of the law of Moses. While the meaningless social norms were being contravened by the Son of Man, a new meaning and a new vision to life was presented at the same time. This was the “radical” answer that surfaced through our Lord. Though being the Son of God He lived relying totally on God His Abba and conscious of the need to fight the temptations of the Evil one. Throughout the day Tomorrow Let us pay attention to the seven things that are included in short in the ‘Lord’s Prayer’. Our Father. Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done Give us this day our daily bread Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Lead us not into temptations How has this prayer challenged you life? Share. Throughout the day speak softly the words “Deliver us from evil” Become conscious of the times you are ensnared by the Evil one and sin in thought word and deed and take the initiative to receive the Sacrament of reconciliation . Practically: Pray as a son of God. Become conscious of your divine sonship through obedience to the leadings of the Holy Spirit


Final Prayer Abba Father! Guide us to pray to You as Your son. Let us accept all that You give us because of Your love, and the power to submit to Your Will in all circumstances. 14

“TOWARDS THE WORD ……” (Adapted through John 3:1 – 10) Wednesday 17th February 2016 – DAY 08 1. • • 2. • • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Sing “Come Holy Ghost! Creator blest …..” Let us praise the Holy Spirit who enriches us with the divine wisdom Let us share our experiences of the past day. Let us experience a time of silence Take a comfortable posture keeping the back straight. Let us pay attention and identify the sounds emanating from the surrounding environment. Name the sounds: voices of people, sounds of vehicles, chirping of birds, sound of the breeze. Choose one of those sounds and focus your full attention on it.


Gaze at Myself: The word of God comes unceasingly to man. Let me recognize the obstacles which prevent me from hearing it and acting upon it. Is the person proclaimin0g the word of God who is the obstacle? Where I am supposed to take the word of God and the fears and preconceived ideas of the problems I may face in the process are obstacles.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother: In the Old Testament the patriarchs, the people, kings as well as prophets took steps to proclaim the word to the people without fear. They their part listened to the word of God and changed their lives accordingly. It is the Son of God who came proclaiming the Word of God in the New Testament. It was Mary who first received it on behalf of mankind. She protected the word permitted it to grow within her and manifested it to the world. She also listened to her Son who was the Word of God. 15


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6. • • • 7.

Gazing at Jesus Christ Read the Gospel proclamation for the day in common. Luke 11:29 – 32. Share the insights received through gazing at Jesus. Jonah foresaw the difficulties he will face in carrying the word of God to Nineveh and began to devise ways and means to avoid them. But his ultimate obedience to God became a ‘sign’ for all people. Jesus Christ became a sign for the people of the New Testament through His words and deeds. He as true man went through experiences of deep suffering, loneliness, rejection and ultimate death and thus became the sign of salvation for the people of the New testament. Throughout the day tomorrow Share your experiences of suffering you went through in taking the word of God to your family, community and parish. Make a decision to experience throughout the day “the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the sign of salvation”. Take steps to share The Word of God who is with me with another person. Practically: Take possession of the divine promises and experience the Word of God. Final Prayer O God Almighty! We praise Thee for loving us to the extent of granting to us The Word of God Who is Divine Wisdom itself. Thy Holy love is being manifested amongst us making us marvel. May we be always guided to submit to this Divine wisdom. – Amen.


ASK FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT Thursday 18th February 2016 – DAY 9 1. • • • 2. • • • 3. •

• • 4. • • • • 5. •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: “Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Come with Your Fire” Let us enter into a time of profound praise experiencing the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Share the experiences you had yesterday. Let us experience a time of silence: Let us get into a comfortable posture and listen to the sounds coming from the surroundings. Close your eyes, hear and listen to the sound of the trees, their leaves and vines swaying in the wind. Focus your attention on those sounds. Gaze at Myself “ Do unto others that which you would like them to do unto you.” Do I deal with those whom closely associate with – my family, close friends, those with whom I don’t agree, in the way that I would like them to deal with me? Don’t I enjoy a sense of fulfillment through dealing with others in a selfish manner? Let us pray that we may be given the desire to do unto others what we like done unto us. Gaze at the Blessed Mother Read Luke 1:35 This powerful word comes alive at the Lord’s incarnation. From then onwards she became the spouse of the Holy spirit and submitted to Him always. Let us call upon the Holy Spirit Who always overshadowed the Blessed Mother to overshadow us too in the same manner. Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read Mathew 7: 7 – 12. Whatever a son may as a father he will only give him only what is good for him. 17

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The Lord Jesus understood the heart of the Father completely. The good that the Father gives is the Holy Spirit Herself. The Father Whilst granting all that is good to the Son also gave Him the power to defeat all evil. Therefore let us at every moment share the good that the Lord received from the Holy Spirit with others. Let us praise the Lord Jesus who has promised always to gift us the Holy Spirit . Throughout the day tomorrow: What are the things that we expect to have in our daily life? What are the things we have done based on the simple faith we have? (eg. Lighting candles of different lengths, novenas the various saints). How many times have we given up on the journey of faith when our devotions didn’t work? We always enthusiastically pray to the Holy Spirit who gives us only that which is good. The Holy Spirit is the very first gift given us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Practically: Praise God recalling all the good that God has done in your life. Final Prayer: Abba Father! Source of all that is good. Bless us so that we may recognize the fullness of goodness being fulfilled through the Holy Spirit gifted to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. May only Thy Will be fulfilled in our life. Amen.


“TURN AROUND AND COME” (Ezekiel 18:21 – 28) Friday 19th February 2016 – DAY 10. 1. • • • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit : Pubudu Geethanjali Hymn No. 227 “Harena Pinisa….” Enter into a short time of praise. Share yesterdays experiences in small groups. Let us experience a time of Silence: (Samatha Bhavana) Become aware of the noisy commotion around us. Make an attempt to recognize and become aware of the ‘noise’ within the noise. Let us concentrate on that ‘noise’ within the noise only.

3. •

Gaze at Myself Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord GOD, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? (Ezekiel 18: 23). Should I not experience a true “turn around” or repentance within myself? There are so many obstacles to a true repentance. Today let us take steps to become aware of the compulsions within us. Share the compulsions that you recognized within you with another.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother who gave her whole attention on God Most High, focused her eyes, mind and heart on Him and received Jesus Christ in His fullness. (She thus became fulfilled); she experienced salvation in full. Let us empty our selves like her and experience filling with the love of the Lord.


Gazing at Jesus Christ Read Ezekiel 18:21-28 and share the insights received with a small group. Share the insights regarding the mind of the Lord regarding the sinner and the wicked. Jesus Who understood the mind of God regarding those who acknowledge and accept their sin and “turn around” realized the 19

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true meaning of righteousness. • Read Mathew 5 : 20 – 26.  It is the desire of God that the sinner realizes his wrong doing, turn around/ repent.  Reconciliation with your adversary and how to make a proper offering to God.  What does it mean when the accused is supposed to take the first step in reconciliation?  In the salvation of the sinner and the weak God takes the first step. 6. • • • • 7. •

Throughout the day tomorrow Do we have a thirst to turn sincerely to God? ( Share in small groups) Original sin, capital sins, past memories, addictions and habits are the things that take us away from God. Let us consciously decide not to permit anything to have control over our life. Repent. Let us consciously and willingly permit the Holy Spirit to direct our life during the course of the day. Practically: Let us from time to time go into an experience of silence and listen to the still small voice within the noise FINAL PRAYER: Abba Father we praise You for treating those who turn to You in sincerity with mercy. Save us from the great sin of not trusting Your love for us which we see as the main cause of our nonrepentance. Search and know my heart yearning to repent and pour out thy Holy Spirit so that we may enter into a true repentance. Amen


TO WALK IN HIS (GOD’S) WAYS. (DEUTERONOMY 26:17) Saturday 20th February 2016 – DAY 11 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: No.24 – Pubudu Geethanjali “Samata palamu dev rajaya soyau” Let us Compose and recite a litany to the Holy Spirit. Share your experiences of yesterday.


Let us experience a time of silence: Let us quieten our minds and focus our attention on the taste that we feel on our tongue. Eg. Bring to mind the taste you experience something you ate or drank. Focus your attention on one taste.

3. •

Gaze at Myself Whatever the teachings that were stated in the Old Testament, Jesus in the New Testament expects those who associate with Him to submit totally to the will of God. According to the revelation brought about by Jesus our Lord the Christian disciple is required to have the freedom to love as well as to give and receive forgiveness Let us recognize the obstacles to this way of life. Let us share them.

4. • • •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother Read Luke 1:38. The Blessed Mother totally submitted to the will of God. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to submit to God in all circumstances in the same way that the Blessed Mother did.

5. • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ Read in common Mathew 5:43 – 48. The Love of God which over flowed from the heart of Jesus was manifest in all of His words and responses. The Old Testament was directed towards uplifting of humanity through laws and commands. But Jesus the Son of God who considered LOVE as the foundation for everything, shows that 21

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there is no comprehensiveness without love. Being Love personified God does not lay down different conditions for good and bad persons when He extends His love. Throughout the day tomorrow: How eager are you and I to fulfill the will of the Lord our God? How much have I come to know the mind of the Lord and experience a thirst to listen to His “voice”? Or do we prefer to live in our own small worlds and choose to travel on our own paths rather than the path shown by God? PRACTICALLY: Let us be fully conscious of the taste of the food we consume. Let us have at least one meal in silence. FINAL PRAYER: Abba Father! We accept the calling You have given us to bear witness to the image of Your Son. Be Gracious O God to show us the weaknesses which prevent us from carrying out the mission you have given us. Grant us O God a heart sensitive to understand your will and a listening heart to hear what you are saying to me. Do not give us anything other than that which is in accordance with your will. Amen.


“THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, LISTEN TO HIM” (Luke 9: 35) Sunday 21st February – DAY 12. 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn – Pubudu Geethanjali No.298 “Podi Putha…..” Let us compose and recite a litany in praise of the Holy Spirit. Share yesterdays experiences.

2. •

Let us experience a time of silence: Let us compose our body into a appropriate posture, and your attention on your mouth. Focus your attention on the wetness you feel in your mouth.

• 3. •

Gaze at Myself To what extent does the desires within me direct my life? Realize the extent to which we are ready to suffer in order to get what we desire. Accept the fact that when the desires within me are directly influencing my behavior I even neglect my duties and responsibilities. Let me recognize the good and the bad desires within me. Let us take steps to direct our behavior to please God.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother was a pleasant daughter. She behaved in a way that was pleasing to God in all that she experienced in her life. She who permitted the will of God to unfold in her life made use of her time of prayer to listen to the voice of God. The angel who appeared to her from the Lord stated "Hail, full of grace, * the Lord is with you!" and ….."Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God”(LUKE 1:28,31) How did God deal with her as the one “blessed amongst women” and “full of grace”


5. • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ Read Luke 9:28 – 36 and share your insights with a small group. The Lord always listened to the voice of God. Therefore He was able to discern the will of God. Elijah and Moses were leaders of the people of Israel. Moses was a leader who liberated the people of Israel from slavery and led them to the Lord God. Elijah represents the prophets. Therefore it is Jesus Christ who in His mission brought to completion the task given to both, Moses and Elijah. Clouds symbolize the presence of God. Therefore the voice that came through the cloud was definitely from God. And what God proclaims is that Jesus Christ is His beloved Son. Therefore He tells all who can hear to listen to Him.

6. • •

Throughout the day Tomorrow Read Luke 9:35 and share with a small group. The Lord invites us also to carry the good news of salvation to others. Are you and I a son/daughter pleasing to the Father? If so let us resolve to take steps to carry out the mission entrusted to us by God.

7. •

Final Prayer: Abba Father! You are inviting us to carry Your good news. Let us listen to that call. Pour forth the power of Your Holy Spirit enabling us to set aside our weaknesses and inabilities and follow Christ in proclaiming the Kingdom of God.


“YOU ARE THE CHRIST” (Mathew 16:16) Monday 22nd February 2016 – DAY 13 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn Pubudu Geethanjali No. 11 “Sudathum Magulai” Let us praise God having a thirst to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Share your experiences of yesterday in a small group.


Let us experience a time of silence Let us take a few deep breaths. (fill your lungs) Breath in and breath out consciously several times. Focus your attention only on the breath moving in and out.

3. •

Gaze at Myself I am a person who has come to know Christ. I, as a renewed Christian, have given the lordship of my life to Him. How much do I consciously relate to Him on a daily basis? Are my attitudes, thoughts and ideas influenced by this relationship? Let me reflect on who I am.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: The Blessed Mother lived with her small community Eg. She was with the Holy family; with her relatives; at the foot of the cross, in the upper room, she was with the relevant small community supporting them. She was with them consciously to guide them to where they should be.

5. •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to reveal the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ and read Mathew 16: 13 – 19. (Let us share our experiences) It was the Father who revealed to Jesus Christ Who He truly was. But why did Jesus want to know who He was from the disciples who were with Him? Was it not to see whether people had recognized who the Father was through the way He was carrying out His mission and thus realize the true image of the Son of God? 25

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The way to know Jesus’ true identity is only through becoming aware of the revelation about Him coming from the Father above. It would certainly not be through looking whether he is conforming to the way the messiah and the Son of God should work. Nor is it through the awareness of those who were closely associated with Him.

6. •

Throughout the day tomorrow: For Peter Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Who is Jesus for you and me? (share within a small group) We need to recognize Jesus in the lives of each one of us. We are also called as disciples by Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is to look after and feed the flock He entrusts to us. Let us begin at home. Then move out to go in search of those who have moved away from the discipleship community, the parish community, and be witnesses of the good news to them. ( Go in search of one person/ one family today) PRACTICALLY: Desire to be filled with the breath of the Holy Spirit throughout the day and thus live in Him.

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• 7.

Final Prayer: O Lord! Do not let us treat frivolously the vital mission we have received to feed, protect and guide Your flock, Your people. Grant us guidance and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to carry out this crucial task. Amen.


“IF YOU ARE WILLING AND OBEDIENT” (Isaiah 1:19) Tuesday 23rd February 2016 – DAY 14 1. • • • • 2. • •

INVITING THE HOLY SPIRIT: Hymn: PUBUDU GEETHANJALI NO 1. “PIYA PUTH SUDATHUM ….” Let us ask the Holy Spirit to purify us as we praise Him. Let me be ablaze with the Fire of the Holy Spirit – Let me be aglow in the Light of the Holy Spirit. Share yesterdays experiences with a small group. LET US EXPERIENCE A TIME OF SILENCE: Let us focus our attention on our breathing in and breathing out and thus enter into a state of silence of the mind. Let us become conscious of the sensations felt from the top of the head to the area of the chin and then keep our attention focused on that area.

3. •

GAZE AT MYSELF: Let me become aware of the way I live. I become aware of any discrepancy between what I declare and what I do. The criterion of my “greatness” is my inclination towards being a servant in the Lord.

4. •

GAZE AT THE BLESSED MOTHER: The Blessed Mother listened to God. Therefore she states thus: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38) She willingly submitted to the voice of God, she obeyed. Amen.

5. •

GAZING AT JESUS CHRIST: Read Isaiah 1:16 – 20 and share your insights about the inner experience of the Lord. The Lord shows what sin and its consequences are. He also tells us what repentance is and obedience out of free will is. Our first parents disobeyed out of free will and we are suffering from its consequences. Jesus our Lord knowing the consequences

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6. • • • • • 7.

of sin freely obeys and thus draws the whole of humankind and creation to receive and experience the love of God. The new nature or the legacy of purity that the Lord Jesus Christ offers is the grace given to those who obey replacing of the polluted nature of sin. Realizing that the precious blood of our lord Jesus Christ takes us closer everyday to the legacy of holiness, let us journey with enthusiasm towards claiming that experience. THROUGHOUT THE DAY TOMORROW: “To obey Thy will this very moment , …… right now, …… right now Impel me to ask again and again To ask what is Your Will For me right now, right now” Pray that we be given the grace to accept the Will of God whatever it be. Let us be in submission to God’s Will Let us find time for prayer during the day. Final prayer: May we be given the grace and strength to say “Our Father Who art in Heaven! May Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Amen.


“NOT TO BE SERVED BUT TO SERVE …..” Wednesday 24th February 2016 - DAY 15. 1. • • • 2. • • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn : Pubudu Geethanjali Hymn No. 277. “MAHOTHTHAMA SAMINDANANEY …….” Experiencing the anointing of the Holy Spirit let us pray for a fullness in Him Share your experiences of yesterday with a small group. Let us experience a time of silence: Become aware of the sensation felt on your face (warmth, cold, tingling, …) and go into a state of silence of the mind. Focus your conscious mind on what you feel Gaze at Myself: In every human being there is a desire to be accepted, praised for what we achieve, to be recognized and valued. Do we have the same wish for others also?

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord” (Luke 1:38). The Blessed Mother in uttering these words renounced her just rights as a young woman and a mother. She became a ‘servant mother’ and participated in the mission of her Son in the establishment of the Kingdom of God.


Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read Mathew 20:17 – 28 and share your insights with a small group. The Lord Jesus suffered for the sake of the whole Universe. Although He was the Son of God, He became like unto a servant and was truly a suffering son. This servant carried out the will of the master. The Lord desired to carry out the mission entrusted to Him by the Father to the letter. Not only faced with humiliation, persecution, rejection but also a cruel death He endured till the 29

last to fulfill His mission. His was a servant leadership for which He received the strength. He was clear about the mission for which He came into this world. The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve; for the salvation of many….. He committed himself to this task; He gave Himself totally to serve God His Father. 6. • • • • 7.

Throughout the day tomorrow : Do you and I exercise servant leadership? (Share your experiences) Think! Whom do I serve? Do I serve for monetary benefits? …. For self satisfaction? ….. to receive acclaim praise and plaudits from others? The Lord has called us to be servants of the good news without a promise of awarding honors, rewards or accolades. So let us step out today to win one more for the kingdom of God. “One more for Jesus” should be our motto. FINAL PRAYER: Abba Father! Awaken us: to serve rather than be served, and act in accordance with the mind of Jesus Christ our Lord. O Lord empower us all to be servant leaders and fulfill the Will of God in humility. Amen.


“BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO PLACE THEIR TRUST IN THE LORD” (Jeremiah 17:07) Thursday 25 February 2016 - DAY 16 01. * * *

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 07: ‘Sudath Surindune” Let us awaken to the Holy Spirit and break into thanks and praise appreciating Him in the manner you feel right now Discuss in small groups the experiences relating to previous day’s meditation

02. * *

Experience Stillness focus on the mouth feel focus on that experience totally


Gaze at self Thoughts spring up constantly in our mind, both good and evil 'The heart is more devious than any other thing, and is depraved; who can pierce its secrets? "I, Yahweh, search the heart, test the motives, to give each person what his conduct and his actions deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10) Let us identify the thoughts that spring up in the mind, because evil thoughts will pull me down to hell, and good thoughts will raise me up to heaven.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother had a deep faith in God the Father throughout the Lord’s journey from the moment of conception to the death on the cross. In the words of her cousin Elizabeth, as stated in Luke 1:45, “Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.” The Blessed Mother was the Mother of Faith.


Gaze at the Lord Jesus Christ Please read Jeremiah 17:5-10 and discuss in small groups Reading the above scripture passage let us reflect how the heart and soul of Lord Jesus Christ was filled with the awesome Love 31




06. -


of Abba Father Based on Jeremiah 17:7-8, let us see the faith life of the Lord who was constantly connected with Abba Father The Lord experienced the deepest depths of faith in all that He faced throughout His Life journey being constantly connected to the spring which is Abba Father Wasn’t it through being connected to the spring of faith that He was able to see light when faced with the deepest darkness, wilderness, conflicts, and challenges, and even when the Father’s presence seemed void The Lord Jesus acted with complete transparency in the presence of the Father. Because it is only the Son of God who knows the Father and fully understand His Will. Hence He hastened to declare and preach the Kingdom of God with the fullest faith in Him Throughout the Day What is the extent of my / our faith? Do people still seek auspicious times, go after devil dancing, casting of spells, etc.? Let us repent and turn back To go into the presence of the Lord, Faith is a key Faith is a door Faith is a bridge Faith is power Let us claim all of the above Final Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, grant us a drop of Your faith. Grant us the power of the Holy Spirit necessary to see Your presence with us even when going through difficult trials and tribulations


“LIVE FOR THE KINGDOM AS GENUINE FARMERS” (in relation to Mathew 21:33-46) Friday 26th February 2016 - DAY 17 01. * * *

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 10: ‘ShuddathmayaneniVadinu Maney’ Let us break into powerful praise allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us Discuss in small groups the experiences relating to previous day’s meditation

02. * * *

Experience Stillness identify the various tastes experienced by the tongue name them focus totally on the experience of taste


Gaze at self The true owner of our life is Almighty God. Therefore our uniqueness is for Him. The ‘measure’ of goodness in any meritorious acts carried out by us and any other goodness is the Lord. Let us awaken to the self-glory experienced subtly by us, and expectation of appreciation of the good that we do. Let us instead awaken to give glory to God for any good that we are able to do.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother bore the Lord in her womb and delivered to the world. The Mother who delivered the Word to the world was the foremost disciple of the Lord. She who carried out the Will of God, continuously supported God’s Kingdom mission of the Son.


Gaze at the Lord Jesus Christ Please read Mathew 21:33-46 and enter into the Lord’s experience. When we look at the actions of the owner of the vineyard and its heir in this parable of the vineyard related by Lord Jesus, it reveals the depths of patience and compassion demonstrated by the owner and the heir 33



Share the Lord’s mind demonstrated in the phrase 'He will …. lease the vineyard to other tenants who will deliver the produce to him at the proper time.' as given in Mathew 1:41a Those who have failed to understand God’s purpose, and those who do not work for God’s Kingdom as required, The Lord hastened to sacrifice Himself in order to fulfill God’s Will


Throughout the Day Are we also confined to only observing the religious traditions? Share in small groups. We have been called to a Royal, Priestly, and Prophetic role. We have to respond appropriately to this onerous calling in order to be fruitful in the vineyard. We Christians, disciples of Lord Jesus Christ, are the farmers of the New Testament. Therefore let us not shirk our responsibility. Let us win people for the Lord.


Final Prayer Abba Father, help us to understand that Your Kingdom is within and around us, and grant us the necessary power to carry out our mission towards God’s Kingdom. Grant us Holy Spirit’s grace to be disciples of Lord Jesus Christ to build God’s Kingdom. Amen!


“LET US BE RECEPTIVE TO RECEIVE THE GIFT OF GRACE” Saturday 27th February 2016 - DAY 18 01. * * *

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 126: ‘Shuddathmayaneni…………….’ Let us be filled by the Holy Spirit and shout out in Praise Discuss in small groups the experiences relating to previous day’s meditation

02. *

Experience Stillness keeping the body in a comfortable posture, focus on the act of inhaling and exhaling focus totally on the experience of inhaling and exhaling, through the mouth

* 03.

Gaze at self I will receive grace from above to go through whatever the experience I am currently faced with. The Lord Himself will grant us this grace. Let us raise to the Lord the situation that I / we are faced with. The Lord will then become our strength.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother was able to stoically withstand all the trials and tribulations she had to face in her life, from the moment of conception of our Lord Jesus in her womb, till His death on the cross. Theologians refer to her as “Starbat Mater’ as she was able to stand straight even at the foot of the cross. Doesn’t one need a special power to be able to do so? That power is the gift of grace received from God Almighty.


Gaze at the Lord Jesus Christ Please read Luke 15:11-32 and engage in discussion in small groups regarding the revelation contained therein about our Lord Jesus Christ The Lord sought the sinners and called them to an honest repentance and turning back. Lord Jesus Christ shows how much sin distances




man from God, but says man can liberate himself from his slavery to sin and experience God’s Love. He shows that in order to receive God’s Love man must make a full U turn back to God. Symbolism is used, the best robe – restoration as an heir, putting sandals on his feet – freedom from slavery (slaves were not allowed to use sandals), celebration by having a feast – respect and acceptance, etc. to show the full restoration given effect. That is, our Lord Jesus Christ affirms that God will unconditionally receive those who make a complete U turn. You will be merciful to us once again. You will trample our sins underfoot and them to the bottom of the sea” (Micah 7:19)

06. -

Throughout the Day Resolve to take steps to cross over from my hitherto sinful life Identify my sinfulness. Repent, and turn back to God


Final Prayer Abba Father, grant me the power to overcome the sinful life I have led thus far. Show me the areas and addictions that I am unable to surrender. Give me the power to make an honest clean break and experience a true cross over this Easter. Amen!


“THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE STANDING FIRM HAD BETTER BE CAREFUL THAT THEY DO NOT FALL” (1 Corinthians 10:12) Sunday 28th February 2016 - DAY 19 01. * * *

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 03: ‘Ah Enumaney…………….’ Short Praise Discuss in small groups the experiences relating to previous day’s meditation

02. * *

Experience Stillness focus on the warmth you feel in your mouth be still for a little while, focusing totally on this experience


Gaze at self It is an onerous duty cast on each and every one of us to win at least one person to God’s Kingdom. We are called upon to not only intercede by prayer for his/her soul, but to bear that person’s weaknesses in this journey. How much is my inner self ready to accept and love each other, in carrying out that mission? Discuss with the person next to you.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother submitted herself to carry out God’s Will by saying, “You see before you the Lord's servant, let it happen to me as you have said”. Thereby she committed her life fully to be an active participant in the redemption of the whole of Creation. She also stayed in the presence of God Almighty on behalf of the first Christian community by remaining with the disciples on the upper floor. She was able to stand firm in her faith in the face of all the pain and challenges she had to undergo in carrying out God’s Will in her life. 37

05. -


Gaze at the Lord Jesus Christ Please read Luke 13:1-9 and engage in discussion in small groups regarding what the Holy Spirit reveals about our Lord Jesus Christ The Lord invites people to correctly interpret God’s ‘Voice’ conveyed to us through incidents that happen around us and use them as a cue to repent and mend our ways lest we die as sinners “unless you repent you will all perish as they did” It was the Lord’s foremost experience to live a fruitful life by carrying out God’s Will as assimilated through listening to the voice of God and the message/s contained therein It is a similar meaningful response that the Lord expects from us

06. Throughout the Day do we awaken to the voice of God that speaks to us through various incidents? do we awaken / listen to the Love that flows from God’s Word as conveyed through God’s Voice? do I have a thirst to live, act, and remain in God’s Love transmitted to me through my senses? Discuss and decide to constantly experience God’s Love as conveyed to us through our senses/incidents Practical step: focus and mindfully experience the warmth or coolness of what we drink 07. Finale Let us awaken to the sin of not becoming aware of God’s ‘Voice’, failing to listen and live by the message of Love contained therein, that flows to us through God’s Voice transmitted through our senses and through various incidents Repent and turn back Pubudu Hymn No. 101: “Niranthara Obe Nuwan Me Apakere….”


“GOD’S WISDOM IS UNFATHAMABLE TO MAN” (in relation to Luke 4:24-30) Monday 29 February 2016 - DAY 20 01. * * *

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 05: ‘Gnana Veerya Shakthi Denuma…….’ Short Praise Discuss in small groups the experiences relating to previous day’s meditation

02. * *

Experience Stillness focus on the taste/s experienced by the tongue be still for a little while, focusing totally on this experience


Gaze at self God speaks to us in numerous ways. Today, let us awaken to our inability at times to comprehend God’s Voice conveyed to us through our senses and incidents, and at times our inability to accept and comply with what is conveyed as God’s Word/Voice, and /or our unwillingness to trust / believe what is conveyed to be God’s Word. The hindrances at times comes from the flesh, and at times comes from the world. Be aware of these negative forces. Beware!


Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother correctly understood God’s Voice when it came to her, and accepted and believed it as God’s Word. The result was that she became the mother of God. Accordingly she received the praise due to her “Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.”(Luke 1:45)


Gaze at the Lord Jesus Christ Please read Luke 4:16, 24-30 and engage in discussion in small groups The people could not fathom God’s mysterious ways as related to



06. 07.

them by the Lord using incidents from the Old Testament Therefore all those present became angry and hustled him out of town and intended to throw him off the cliff Those who opposed Him were unable to stop Him from achieving His purpose Throughout the Day: (discuss and arrive at decisions) The Holy Spirit is God’s ‘Voice’. The Word that comes to us through the ‘Voice’ is our Lord Jesus Christ Therefore let us be receptive to receive God’s Word that is conveyed to us through God’s ‘Voice’ Let us bear witness to the Word by accepting, claiming, and living it Final Prayer Almighty God, Abba Father, enable us by Your Holy Spirit to identify / understand Your Voice and bear witness to Your Holiness (Other-ness) through our lives and actions. Grant us the Wisdom to comprehend that Your manifestation / expression bathes us with Your Love and also challenges us. Amen!


UNLESS YOU EACH FORGIVE YOUR BROTHER FROM YOUR HEART” (Matthew 18:35) Tuesday 1st March 2016 – DAY 21 01. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Geethanjali (New edition) 334 (old edition 310) Short praise Sharing personal experiences connected to previous days guidance

02. • •

Experiencing Stillness (Samatha meditation) Gaze at an image you are visualizing at this moment Focus your total attention on that image


Gaze at myself Why we are unable to forgive others is due to the past memories we accumulate and harbor within us about them. Our memories are often a reflection of the things that direct us. Inability to forgive often leads to mental and physical illnesses. Therefore, let us identify past memories that are creating barriers in us to forgive. Share with someone near you.

04 . •

Gaze at Blessed Mother What was Blessed Mother’s inner experience when she had to watch Jesus undergoing suffering? When Jesus was being accused falsely, at the moment of scourging, when Jesus was carrying the cross, watching the nails driven into His body, when she watched his resurrection while on the cross. (Share in small groups Blessed Mother’s experience throughout these moment)


05. • • • • • •

06. • • • • • 07.

Gaze at Jesus Matthew 18:21-35 (Read together the passage and then discuss as small groups) Peter’s question was “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?” Lord’s answer to this question was “No, not seven, but seventy times seven” In saying this Jesus’ opinion is that there no limit to forgiveness. To explaining Jesus’ view on this through a parable, he finally concludes the story by saying “Unless you forgive from your `heart” By means of this statement, isn’t the Lord trying to convey his own experience, what he will have to undergo during the time of his suffering and death on the cross? Throughout the day Lord invites us to accept and forgive each other. Let us awaken now, is there anyone that we are unable to forgive. Share with someone near you. Grace to forgive comes from Jesus. Let us take a decision. I/We are going to forgive at least one person whom I have not been able to forgive so far. Take an initiative to receive the sacrament of reconciliation Final Prayer Abba father, give us the grace to forgive those whom we are binding with hatred and contempt. Help us to free them from the forces of anger. Make me an instrument in Your hand to fill them with divine love. Amen! 01. Inviting the Holy Spirit 02. Experiencing Stillness 03. Gaze at myself 04. Gaze at Blessed Mother 05. Gaze at Jesus 06. Throughout the day 07. Final Prayer 42

AS NEAR AS YAHWEH OUR GOD IS TO US WHENEVER WE CALL TO HIM (Deuteronomy 4:7) Wednesday 2nd March 2016 –DAY 22 01. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Geethanjali No. 6 Engage in an inner conversation with the Holy Spirit Sharing personal experiences connected to previous days guidance

02. •

Experiencing Stillness Focus your mind to an image from your present surrounding or could be something you have seen before Close your eyes and recollect/recall the image in your mind

• 03.

Gaze at myself Laws and commandments are either a medium or a way that leads us close to experiencing God’s love. Being in the habit of observing them consciously, could one become close to experiencing God’s love? However, if it is a drive to observe rules in my daily life, it can also be a hindrance to experiencing God’s love. Therefore, let us become aware of those attitudes that drive me to always observe all that is accepted as good.


Gaze at Blessed Mother Reflect on the way Blessed Mother was filled with an experience of God in her own life that she was able to lead her son Jesus to become the personality overflowing with the fullness of God’s love. Share with someone near you.


05. • •

• • 06. • • •


Gaze at Jesus Matthew 5:17-19 (Read together the passage and then discuss as small groups) Throughout Jesus’ mission, He promoted the Laws of Moses and the teachings of the prophets interpreting them with depth to reveal the fullness of those messages in which those messages need to be understood and lived. The New Testament that brought the Old Testament to the fullness was established by Jesus with a love that encompassed all. A completed commandment of love for the total creation was presented by Him. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” Through His sacrificial death, Jesus stood by this statement and gave his life to love to the whole universe. Throughout the day Similarly, are we also free to love just as Jesus loved? Don’t we have different yardsticks and measures to love one another? Share with someone near Therefore, we are compelled to change. Let us gaze at the world with the same vision of Jesus. Let us love each other with a Christ like love. Final Praise Dear Lord help us to love others as You did. Help us dear Lord with the light of the Holy Spirit to look at the world with a changed attitude. Amen.


LISTEN TO MY VOICE (Jeremiah 7:23) Thursday 3rd March 2016 - Day 23 01. • • • 02. • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Geethanjali No. 231 Using the melody of the start praising in song (in gifts of tongues). Continue to hum the tune Holy Spirit will assist you to start the praise in song. Sharing personal experiences connected to previous days guidance Experiencing Stillness Gaze at different colors you are seeing in your surrounding right now Identify those colors. Within one color there may be different shades. Identify them and focus your attention on it.


Gaze at myself I am always driven to look at every situation with preconceived visions, attitudes and perspectives. If it is explained further in a different way, my opinions and the way I accept people and issues is a barrier for me to understand God’s ways of action. Let us identify those negative attitudes.

04. •

Gaze at Blessed Mother “As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19) The way the blessed mother reacted to various situations in her life is a challenge to us. Her choice of reactions to those circumstances ultimately paved the way for her to respond with an “Amen” to God’s ways. (Share with someone near you)

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05. • • •

Gaze at Jesus Read Luke 11:14-23 with all. Share with the group the thoughts that the Holy Spirit reveal to you about Jesus. All that Jesus accomplished was a result of his obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit. In doing so, it was His aim to reveal the good news about the kingdom of God. Good News about the kingdom of God was fulfilled in Jesus through word and deed. There was no necessity for any signs or other miracles. Signs of God’s kingdom and its miracles were revealed powerfully in Jesus. To see them in its perspective, one needs an enlightened belief

“No, it is rather by means of God’s power that I drive out demons, and this proves that the kingdom of God has already come to you” (Luke 11:20) (Reading Matthew Sinhala translation is incorrect) This statement results from His submission to divine action.

06. •

Throughout the day (Share with someone near) From the beginning until the end of the day till sleep, do we listen to the voice of God in and through our thoughts, our words and our actions? Let us make a decision to the concept “Awaken to the promptings of the Holy Spirit” while engaged in thought, words and actions.

• 07.

Final Prayer Dear Holy Spirit and dear Lord Jesus, please teach me the way to live in awareness of our total being in the presence of God while thinking, speaking and working.


“THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IS THIS” (Mark 12:29) Friday 4th March 2016 –DAY 24 01. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Geethanjali No. 112 Enter into a praise awakening to the leading of the Holy Spirit Sharing personal experiences connected to previous days guidance

02. • • •

Experiencing Stillness Recall a beautiful scene you have seen Can you close your eyes now and recall this scene Are you able to spend some time with this picture in your mind?


Gaze at myself Our concept of God’s love is limited by human boundaries which restrains in the manner in which we respond and act. When we step out of our own frame and begin to realize that the way we love is through a limited framework in comparison to the way God loves, we are led to repent. Today I open myself to see the limitedness within me, in the way I think, speak and act.


Gaze at Blessed Mother With the initial experience Blessed Mother had of God the father, she was able to enrich her son Jesus. It is a challenge for us to see the way in which she fulfilled this mission. (Share with someone near)

05. • •

Gaze at Jesus Read Mark 12:28-34 as a group. Then discuss in small groups. Love is the greatest commandment of all. Love is expressed in three ways: God, self and neighbor. All these aspects are part of the manifested mystery. The at the Blessed Mother treasure is Jesus Christ. There was a basis to the nature of God’s love that was in Jesus. Jesus allowed the richness of God’s love to overflow through His life. 47

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• • • • 06. • •


God being in Jesus, He revealed how love between man and neighbor the way it should be live. Loving God is equal to loving brother as you love yourself. Jesus lived it. Jesus was unable to live without loving, God and loving the neighbor as he valued Himself. “You are not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:34) Throughout the day May those who are wise understand what is written here, and may they take it to heart” “Lord’s ways are right” Righteous people live by following them, but sinners stumble and fall because they ignore them” (Hosea 14:9) Final Prayer Dear Lord, isn’t it Your expectation that we always love everyone to the fullest at all times? With that kind of love, we feel You bring us close to experiencing the kingdom of God in our daily life. Help us to understand this and help us to follow Your example.


“GOD BE MERCIFUL TO ME, A SINNER” (Luke 18:13) Saturday 05 March 2016 - DAY 25 01. * * *

Inviting the Holy Spirit Pubudu Hymn No. 34: ‘Samavuvamaney…………….’ Enter in to prayer / praise being filled with the grace given us by the Holy Spirit Discuss in small groups the experiences relating to previous day’s meditation

02. * * * *

Experience Stillness look closely at a real flower focus attention to its colour, shape, rays, etc. now try to picture it in all its aspects in your mind with the eyes closed be still for a little while, focusing totally on it


Gaze at self Man lives constantly beset with weaknesses although created in the likeness of God. To what extent am I ready to identify and accept the weaknesses/failings/sinfulness I am beset with in my life? Identify the various weaknesses I succumb to constantly, during a day, at this very moment. Admit/accept the sin.

04. *

Gaze at the Blessed Mother The Blessed Mother became filled with the experience of the Word becoming flesh (conception of the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit) with the ‘Annunciation’ declared by the Angel Gabriel She was humble/obedient to soon afterwards to hurry off to a town in the hill country of Judea on a visit to stay and help her relative Elizabeth who was with child (as revealed to her by the angel) what was it that enabled the Blessed Mother to undertake such a task? Discuss/share with the person next to you.

* * 05.

Gaze at the Lord Jesus Christ Please read aloud Luke 18:9-14 49


06. -



Engage in discussion in small groups as to what message the Lord was trying to convey through this The Lord’s inner experience was to live righteously in the presence of God Almighty His calling to us is to a righteousness exceeding that of the Pharisees and Sadducees His invitation to us is to experience true liberation attained through the close friendship between man and God Almighty granted by His grace rather than the restricted liberation that is obtained through the mere following of rules & regulations and religious observances It is an invitation to claim a new way of life of goodness and mercy received by grace as gifts through the close association with God The Lord invites us to a honest repentance and change of heart like the example of the tax collector’s confession “God be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13) True repentance / change of heart is the door to enter heaven Throughout the Day: (discuss and arrive at decisions) Let us honestly admit our true situation Let us awaken to our weaknesses, sins. Let us especially be aware of our tendency to boast of our declared perceived goodness and seeking self- glory. Discuss / share whether such feelings have acted as barriers to uniting with others During the following day, meditate on our sinfulness, especially in relation to the above two points. Let us develop a thirst to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the earliest opportunity Sing and meditate on Pubudu Hymn No 376 “Eithikaraganimi Mata dun thyagaya Obavahansege” during the remainder of the day Final Prayer “Our Father in Heaven,” …”Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”. Deliver us especially from our wish to seek self-glory on the misplaced boastful notion of our perceived sense of goodness. Grant us the guidance of Your Holy Spirit necessary for this task. Amen! 50

`FATHER, I HAVE SINNED AGAINST HEAVEN AND BEFORE YOU' (LUKE 15:21) Sunday 6th March 2016 - DAY 26. 1. •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No. 02 “Namo Namo Shuddhaathmayanani” Let us enter into a time of praise experiencing the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) Let us share yesterday’s experiences in small groups.

2. • • •

Let us experience a time of silence Let us gaze at a leaf inquiringly. See the pattern of veins spread out over the entire leaf. Close your eyes and see the above in your mind.

3. •

Gaze at Myself: A man cannot live without experiencing love. In the same way it is not possible for a son of God (a child of God) to live without experiencing God’s love. Have I been able to experience the love of God in all situations that I have faced? Let me become aware of the obstacles in me which prevents me from having faith in God’s love coming to me as a river flowing without running dry. We are invited to accept that our creator God loves us and everyone else equally.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: Bring to your attention the incident of Jesus being lost in the Temple. (Luke 2:48,49) "How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" Let us become aware of the Blessed Mothers thoughts and feelings when she heard these words. The Blessed Mother kept all these things in her heart. It is indeed a wonder the way in which the Blessed Mother, who shared in the work of salvation of her son , says “AMEN” before the Father (and the Son). 51

• • •

5. • • i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

6. • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read Luke 15:1 – 3, 11 – 32 Share your insights in the group. Why did they complain saying “He eats and drinks with sinners”. Share your thoughts. This is described as “The most beautiful short story”. What title would you give it. God the Father takes the place of the father in this story. Which character is more like you and me? The elder son or the younger? Share sincerely. What was the crucial moment at which the younger son, who rebelled and left home, come to his senses? (Luke15:17). What was the decision he took in that moment of grace? (Luke 15:18 - 19) What are the grounds on which the Father decides to celebrate? (Luke 15:24,32) * This makes clear the attitude that Jesus has towards the sinner. * What is revealed through the Son are the same attitudes and ways of treatment that the Father has regarding sinners. * Let us understand the mercy of God who takes the initiative through His Son to save humankind who lost their heritage through the flawed use of their freedom. Throughout the Day tomorrow: “I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and my sisters that I have greatly sinned …….” Let me decide to recite this prayer not as a ritualistic habit but as a practice borne out of a genuine experience like that of the prodigal son in the parable.

7. Final Prayer: • Abba Father! I always sin against You and my own brother. Give me a heart of repentance and the strength to turn around when temptations relentlessly pursue me. O Lord You who always search and know my innermost being and rejoice in the repentant sinner inspire me always to take the initiative to turn around and come back to You. Amen 52

“THEY ALL BELIEVED IN HIM” (John 4:53) Monday 7th March 2016 – DAY 27 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No.150. “Oben Thoravu …..” (First two verses).) Let us pray that the gift of faith received from the Holy Spirit may be set ablaze in our lives Share yesterdays experiences.

2. • • •

Let us experience a time of silence Imagine a beautiful scene of nature that you have seen. Be present in that scene for awhile. If thoughts and feelings disturb you gently come back to the scene and be present in it.


Gaze at Myself: It is necessary that something new happens in my life and in the life of my family and community. The change happening in me will influence the others. In order that the new change may occur in my life I consent to let go of the past, to empty myself of it. Thus I become aware of the past influencing my life during the course of the day. I become conscious of the fact that God forgets what is past. (Isaiah 65:17). We are called today to take steps to empty ourselves of the bad incidents of the past involving others and us.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother When the Blessed Mother heard the message of God brought by the Angel she was disturbed very much. She began to ponder and wonder as to the nature of the greetings brought by the Angel. Her problem was the feeling she had of her unworthiness to become the Mother of the incarnate Son of God. At the same time she was challenged to face the consequences of being a mother out of wedlock. She was able to face all these challenges because of her faith that there was a solution to all problems in God. Therefore she was able to say Amen. 53

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5. Gazing at Jesus Christ: • Read John 4:43 – 54. • Share in small groups the second miracle that Jesus performed at Cana. ( The facts given below will be of help) i. "Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe." What made our lord say this? Share. ii. Though the Lord was invited to come to the home of the sick child and heal him before he died, He performed the miracle from where He was. Why? The response of the official to the challenge that Jesus posed was the appeal for Him to come home before his son died. The Lord Who saw his faith performs the miracle even without going to the house. -

Consequently many embraced the faith. Therefore it is clear that Jesus’ motive was not to perform miracles but to gather people to the kingdom of God.


Throughout the day tomorrow: Let us take one step of faith in the Lord.


“GO AND SIN NO MORE” (John 5:14) Tuesday 8th March 2016 – DAY 28 1. • • • 2. • • 3. • • •

4. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No. 89. “Anduray Sangawunu ….” Let us enter into a time of praise experiencing the peace and the joy of the Lord bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. Share your experiences of yesterday. L et us experience a time of silence Let us experience a time of silence through becoming conscious of our body, its posture and the sensations therein. Take your attention from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Gaze at Myself: Let us share in groups the apparent sins that influence our behavior. What are the sins that only the Holy Spirit reveals to us? Let us become aware of the slavish habits that again and again incite us to sin and pray for the anointment of the Holy Spirit so that we may be freed. Gaze at the Blessed Mother Observing the way Jesus dealt with those who were labeled as sinners, the Blessed Mother would have understood the depth of God’s love. She truly became a gift and a treasure which enabled those who were around her to approach Jesus. Is it not the Blessed Mother who has always been the silent way which opened the door to those who have been abandoned, lost hope, in turmoil, to experience healing, freedom, and joy ?


5. Gazing at Jesus Christ: • Read John 5:1 – 3, 5 – 16. • The Temple was the centre from where the love and power gushed forth. “The Temple” in which God the Father can be encountered is the very person of Jesus Christ. Incidents described in the Gospel bear witness to the fact that true life, healing, and liberation could be found in Him. Wherever the Lord Jesus Christ is present the fullness of forgiveness is received by man. It is only to the extent that we permit the Lord to enter into the habits of our body , mind and spirit that enslave us, that we begin to experience full liberation. • The Lord Who reveals the sins which are apparent as well as secret acts to destroy them forever. • The Lord Who cuts off the roots of sin, heals rather than restrict us in the way rules, regulations and traditions does. 6. •

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Throughout the Day Tomorrow: Let me create within me a need to become conscious of my memories, habits and addictions. Let us sincerely begin to see them. Am I ready to see my secret sins? Let me pray for the light of the Holy Spirit. Let us not avoid opportunities to forgive and the ask for forgiveness. Let us take steps to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.



Abba Father! Anoint us with the Holy Spirit, so that we may come to the realization that those who sincerely repent receive full pardon and healing from Your Son Jesus Christ. When sin makes us weak let the Lord Jesus Christ be our stronghold.


“I SEEK NOT MY OWN WILL ……..” (John 5:30) Wednesday 9th March 2016 – DAY 29 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn: PubuduU GeethanjaliI No. 314. “Obagey Kamaththe Itukarannata …” Let us hum this hymn and enter into a time of praise singing in tongues. Share your experiences of yesterday.

2. • •

Let us experience a time of silence: Bring to mind a beautiful scene you have seen. “gaze” at it with fervor, focusing your whole attention on it.

3. •

Gaze at Myself: God created man to live a life pleasing to Him . In other words to live according to His will. My inability to fulfill God’s will in my life is an obstacle to my attaining eternal life. Let me become aware of the instances when I was unable/ did not fulfill God’s Will and reflect on them.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” (Isaiah 49:15,16) When the Blessed Mother read these words in reflective prayer what sort of experience would she have undergone? Share with another close to you.


5. • • • • • • • 6. • • 7. •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 5:17 – 30. Share in community the insights you received on reading this passage. Other than the experience of Jesus Christ as the one who has come through the Father is there any other illustration that could describe the relationship between them? The Father does His will through the Son. The Son too willingly does what the Father tells Him; and what the Father shows Him totally. The Lord proclaims that “the Son can do nothing of his own accord,” Thus this unique relationship of the Father and the Son where there is giving – receiving and bonding is demonstrated. Throughout the day tomorrow: Though we say that we do everything for the glory of God , let us become conscious of our yearning to be appreciated, valued and accepted. Let us pray for the strength to do everything depending on the grace of God and only for His glory. Final prayer: Abba Father! Grant us the desire to consciously respond to the call of bearing witness to the life of communion existing in the Holy Trinity which has been shared by Thee with all of humanity and the whole of creation.


“THE FATHER WHO SENT ME HAS HIMSELF BORNE WITNESS TO ME” (John 5:36) Thursday 10th March 2016 – DAY 30 1. • • • 2. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethajali No..150 - “Oben Thorawu Maha Polawa …..” 1st and last verses. Together with the Holy Spirit praise the Holy Trinity. Share yesterday's experiences. Let us experience a time of Silence: Keep your body in an erect posture and become aware of the surrounding environment. Look around at the trees and the way the branches and leaves are arranged. Focus your attention on it

3. •

Gaze at Myself: How far removed am I from the calling of glorifying God through my life? Let me become conscious of my thoughts, words and patterns of behavior that are obstacles to that calling. Let me be open to the need to do everything for the glory of God.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother Luke 1:28 “ …. The Lord is with you.” When these words fell on the ears of the Blessed Mother what would have been her inner experience?

5. • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 5:31 – 47. Permit the Holy Spirit to reveal the inner experience of our Lord and share it in small groups. What is the ‘truth’ to which John the Baptist bore witness? (verse 5:33) What works did the Father expect the Son to fulfill ? (verse 5:36)

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6. • • 7. •

What was the witness the Father bore towards the Son? (verse 5:37) John the Baptist while preparing the way of the Lord bore witness to the Truth Who was Jesus Christ. (John 1:9 – 27 ) Whatever the Lord did and does in the future are all works that the Father entrusts to him. (5: 19) : The Lord says : “the works which the Father has granted me to accomplish, these very works which I am doing…..” (5:36) is the Father’s witness. He also stresses that He has come in the name of the Father (5:43) Throughout the day tomorrow Reflect on the way to bear witness as a father, mother, son, daughter. Become aware of the challenges which tempt us to give up our calling and conform to the world. Final Prayer: Abba Father! Give us the grace to live our lives in harmony with the calling and mission we received at the Sacrament of Baptism.


“HE WHO SENT ME, HOWEVER IS TRUTHFUL” (St. John 7:28) Friday 11th March 2016 – DAY 31 1. •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn Pubudu Geethanjali No. 190 “ Pas Induran Suwaya patha… ( first two verses ) ” Let us praise the Holy Spirit who guides us to the Complete truth. Share your experiences of yesterday.

2. •

Let us experience a time of silence Relax and hold your body light and take deep breaths many times and exhale Breathe in counting from 1 to 10. Thereafter exhale also counting from 01 to 10. Concentrate and keep your mind at it

• 3. •

Gaze at Myself: God our Creator talks to us, and His Word may reach us in many ways; at times very softly and sometimes in a powerful manner. How well prepared are we to receive His Word whatever the way it comes? And how well have I shared His Word or been able to testify for same?

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: The special anointing of the Holy Spirit received by the Blessed Mother gave Her a great Enlightenment to know the Lord of the Truth This Special Enlightenment led the Blessed Mother to see and understand each event that took place with Praise to God Almighty Let us unite with Blessed Mother and thank and praise God for each event that enabled us to experience the Absolute Truth in our lives too.

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5. • • • •

• • 6. • • • • •


Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 7:1 –2, 10 & 25 – 30. How did Lord Jesus respond and act in accordance with today’s Gospel reading. ? It is a challenge to our limited human mind the way Jesus, the Son of God sought God’s approval and guidance to carry out the Will of God . But the Absolute Truth revealed by Lord Jesus’ life was far beyond the understanding of the human mind. This was due to a powerful act carried out by the Holy Spirit who dwelled inside Lord Jesus. Accordingly Son of God had the full freedom to independently act on the Truth revealed to Him by God the Father. Let us worship Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the day tomorrow: When getting involved in various tasks within the society, how much cheating, deceiving, lying could be seen among us. Share in the groups . Man tends to hide the Truth in trying to fulfill his own intentions. But Truth will grant us happiness and inner freedom even in any unsuccessful occurrence. Share your experiences of any such events Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to receive proper guidance to testify for the Truth. Let us be awakened to instances where lying and deception could take place among us, as the Lord of the Absolute Truth dwells within us. FINAL PRAYER:

God Almighty, through Your Granting of Lord Jesus Christ to us as the Absolute Truth, enlighten us to completely offer our lives for Your Kingdom. Save us from temptations, in order to change the sinful practices of deceiving and cheating others, and spreading of lies, Amen.


“HE IS THE MESSIAH” (St. JOHN 7:41) Saturday 12th MARCH 2016 – DAY 32 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No.. 221 “Jesuni Samide ….” Let us worship Lord Jesus and pray to request the necessary guidance to worship Lord Jesus from our lives in the proper manner. Share your experiences of yesterday.

2. • •

Let us experience a time of silence: Let us keep our bodies straight and concentrate on breathing. Count 01 when taking a breath in, and 02 to exhale air and focus the mind on the way the breath in and exhale take place.


Gaze at Myself: As Human Beings our “Hope” will always be on the focus of our attention as to how we or mankind is going to live and survive. But, “ Hope” we have as a child of God should always guide us to focus in fulfilling the will of God and the plan of God. When I do not succeed in achieving this “Hope” in the manner I am expected, what thoughts or reactions could come up within me? Let us be awake and focus on our reactions that may come up; in facing or in accepting such situations.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: Discuss, what type of thoughts that could have come up within the heart of our Blessed Mother when she heard the message of implantation of the Lord of the Word within Her. Concentrate and read St. Luke 1: 31 – 33. How did she respond when she came to know who Lord Jesus Christ was? Was it only in her mind ? Let us join with Blessed Mother in worshipping Lord in silence.

• • •


5. Gazing at Jesus Christ: • It is the Holy Spirit who continuously guide us to get to know Lord Jesus Christ. Focus our attention on the Holy Spirit and read St. John 7: 40 – 53. • Son of God who preceded from God the Father could not be identified by anyone who blindly followed the Law. Accepted status symbols of the society prevented them from seeing who Lord Jesus was. • But, it appears that the Pharisee named Nicodemus had a different vision and hearing. This is an obligation for a person depending on the Word of God. • “Jesus Christ” OR the “Messiah” could be found by anyone who search for Him. • The Prime focus of Lord Jesus Christ, in all His responses, every Word He spoke and everything He did was done with the intention of fulfillment of the Will of God the Father and through such acts to disclose as to who He was. • Throughout the day tomorrow: • Through the powers of the Holy Spirit, let us be awakened that Lord Jesus Christ is with us. • Let us be aware that the Holy Spirit is present within nature, in the trees and in the leaves and in every act whether pleasant or unpleasant and let us request for the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit in order to properly carry out what needs to be done • I desire to get to know Lord Jesus Christ more and more through each experience I come across throughout the day. 7. Final Prayer: Abba Father! Anoint us and Grant Your Power for us to exercise the call received to be able to identify our Lord Jesus Christ everywhere and at any time. Also Grant us a new sight, new hearing and a new Heart to experience Your Holiness and to see the how Lord Jesus lived on earth.


“I MAY GAIN CHRIST AND BE COMPLETELY UNITED WITH HIM ” (Philippians 3: 8-9) Sunday 13th March 2016 – Day 33 1. • • • 2. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn: Pubudu Geetanjali No. 222 “ Obai Mage Dadi Balaporoththuwa….” Let us unite with the Holy Spirit who Lead us in accordance to the Will of God our Father and enter into a time of Praise. Share your experiences of yesterday. Let us experience a time of silence: Let us relax, make our bodies comfortable and focus our attention to breathing. Take a deep breath, hold it for some time, and exhale. Let us focus our mind only on breathing, inhale and exhale as above.

3. •

Gaze at Myself Risen Lord who defeated death is living in everything and in everyone. How far have we succeeded in identifying Lord Jesus Christ stranded alone within people due to various reasons, and then have acted in raising suffering Lord within such persons. Let us today draw our attention to the inner feelings that crop up when we see people experiencing various types of loneliness.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: From the time the Blessed Mother identified the special commitment entrusted upon her, she carried the Lord in her mind, in her heart, in her soul, and lived with continuous fellowship with the Lord Did she have any joy, happiness, other than being untied to him during every experience she had while attending to her daily activities. Let us ponder as to how she could join with and own Lord Jesus through everything that was experienced whilst on the path up to the Cross.

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5. Gaze at Jesus Christ: • Read John 8:1 –11 • After reading today’s Gospel proclamation, let us share what the Holy Spirit enlightens us with regard to how Lord Jesus acted towards the woman caught in adultery, His response, His words and His attitude. • Only the Will of God the Father was revealed through the Son who completely knew everything of the Heart of God the Father. • Lord Jesus, the Son of God who totally owned and connected to God the Father, eternally calls upon man to come into this overflowing experience. 6. • • • •


Throughout the day tomorrow: How do I react to the weaknesses of people who live around me, at School, at work place and at various other places . How much have we got involved in judging others or in discussing one another’s weaknesses whether openly or even in secrecy?. Is our ‘Sangaya’ a helping place for the weak in the ‘Sangaya’ and a place of refuge for the weak in the society. Let us get together and go in search of people handicapped in many ways and Guide them to receive relief through Lord Jesus Christ. Let us Love them and Pray for them. Final Prayer:

Abba Father! In the manner the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ displayed His Great Love towards human kind by embracing the weak, Guide us to make our ‘Sangaya’, a place where we can embrace each other and enjoy freedom, relaxation, Peace and Happiness , Amen


I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD ” (JOHN 8:12) Monday 14th March 2016 – DAY 34 1. • • • 2. • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No. 294 “ Gena Yanu Manavi Ma …. Let us enter into a time of praise for the Holy Spirit who eternally bestow upon us, Lord Jesus, the Light of our Salvation. Share your experiences of yesterday. Let us experience a time of silence: Let us concentrate on breathing and take few deep breaths. Relax and observe how the inhale and exhale breathing process takes place automatically. Focus your attention on this breathing process and Fix Your mind on it.


Gaze at Myself: Let us draw our attention to the way we live our lives as Disciples of Christ in response to Lord’s Words “Come follow me”. As a disciple of Lord Jesus, having confirmed that “Lord Jesus Christ i the only Lord of my life”, how have I, in following my normal pattern of life, and in facing life’s trials and challenges, succeeded in declaring without fear, that “Lord Jesus Christ is the only Lord in my life”?.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother: Read: St. Luke 2:28-33 What kind of experience regards the Lord would have taken place in the heart of the Blessed Mother when she heard these words?. She may have tried to identify the mission Lord Jesus has to carry out, according to the introductions given, as “Light for revelation to the Gentiles”, “Glory for Israel” . Let us join with the Blessed Mother and praise Lord for the way Blessed Mother completely allowed Divine Love to guide and enlighten her, about Lord the whole day, through what she saw, what she felt, what she had to bear and experience. 67

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5. • • • •

• 6. • • • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 8: 12 –20. Lord Jesus Christ, having introduced Himself as the Light of the world, showed the type of life enjoyed by persons living with the Light. The Light identified as Lord Jesus Christ exposes a new understanding about life and the world than the light we may see in mind or in body. Lord Jesus Christ is the only path of Light and life to reach God the Father. This Light which goes beyond all other lights displayed by way of law, traditions and practices, knowing God the Father guide to be subject to His overflowing Love and plan. Because of this Lord Jesus Christ is aware where He comes from and what should be done, and that the final aim is to know God the Father. Lord Jesus Christ who proceed from God the Father is the Life and the way for the world. Throughout the day tomorrow: Though we are on a voyage, having accepted Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord, don’t we most of the time act or be in darkness ? Let us be awake, to how we react, talk about and look at others. Shouldn’t We, who try to judge others think of how God would judge us. Let us pray to receive the power to look at, my family, “Sangaya” and people whom I associate, through the Holy Spirit.


Final Prayer: Abba Father! You granted us Lord Jesus Christ as the Light for our life. Anoint us with the Holy Spirit to look at every one and everything with Light , through Lord Jesus Christ. Grant us the Divine Light of Lord Jesus in order to save us from every evil, Amen.


“ I AM WHO I AM” (John 8:24) Tuesday 15th March 2016 – DAY 35 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No. 61 “ Nege Handak Hadin Ma…….” Let us enter into a time of praise, Inviting the Holy Spirit and enter into a melody. Share your experiences of yesterday.

2. Let us experience a time of silence: • Adjust your body posture and concentrate on breathing. Breath several times with effort, inhale and exhale. Focus your mind and watch air getting in and air coming out. Concentrate and Focus mind to the point between nose and the upper lip, point of air movement. 3. •

Gaze at Myself: Having received a call to a new experience to live a life as a child of God, How much attention being paid to look at the life of Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God. How far have I succeeded in accepting the challenges that I have to face as a child of God and to what extent these have helped us to take a message to the world around us.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother: Read St. Luke 2: 34 -35 What kind of thoughts would have come up in the mind of Blessed Mother when she heard these words. Likewise, would She have remembered the words “Like a sharp sword, will break your own heart” when She went through Lord Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion and death?. In order to be able to face all that took place, How She would have looked up to God the Father, and then to the Son, to rely on the Will of God.

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5. • • • • • • •

6. • • • • 7.

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 8: 21 – 30 Let us share with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. What did Lord mean by “You will die in your sins” ?. Lord said sin (8:24) is total rejection of the Lord or non acceptance of Lord, and divulged as to who He was. What did He mean by “I am who I am” Who is man, in the presence of Holy God. But, God accepted man to the extent of making man independent. “When You lift up the Son of Man” How Great is the Love of God the Father? Never forsake the Son who does His Will. But, Raise Him to Glory. Throughout the day tomorrow: Have all of us, who are called to live as disciples of Christ, accept that Lord Jesus Christ is God, through our own life experiences?. The more we accept Lord Jesus Christ as our only Lord, the more we are freed from our sins. Have you experienced this Truth in your own life? Let us enter into an experience of deep repentance, by believing that Lord Jesus, never forsakes all who believe in Him and that He takes steps to raise them up. “Lord,… Lord, …. You are our only Lord…” “Samide… Samide…Obmaya Ekama Samidun..” ( Let us renew our call ) Final Prayer: Abba Father! By daily prayer “Hallowed be Your name” we accept You as our only Lord and God. But, sin always acts to cover You from our eyes of Faith. As we know and Trust that You never ever forsake us, Please eternally call us up to the fountain of Blessings, Amen .


“THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE” ( John 8:32) Wednesday 16th March 2016 – DAY 36 1. • • • 2. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn : PUBUDU Geethanjali No. 190 – “ Pas Induran Suwaya Pathaa …. “ (1st And 3rd Verses ) Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to bless us with His guidance so that our lives may be raised to experience the freedom given by Him. Share yesterday’s experiences. Let us experience a time of silence: Focus your attention on your breathing: Breathing in and breathing out To facilitate the Focus your attention on your breathing; Breathing in and breathing above course of action let us place our hands on our abdomen. Pay attention to the abdomen moving in and out.

3. •

Gaze at Myself: To what extent and how often am I conscious of the truth about myself? There is a lot of truth about myself that my family, my friends and relatives observe. Therefore they treat me according to what they see in me. But only God the Father sees the REAL me. He sees me as His Son to the exclusion of all other identities given by others. How much of that true identity has influenced how others see me? Let me become aware of how my decisions,behavior and habits have contributed to others not seeing my true identity in God.


Gaze at the Blessed Mother: Luke 1:46 – 56 - The Magnificat of our Blessed Mother. How does the God that the Blessed Mother praises throughout the Magnificat, treat the poor and the downtrodden? This is indeed an expression of the liberative experience of the Blessed Mother in her life. The promise of God to those who were poor and oppressed was 71

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not confined to that age only but forever. The Blessed Mother was the first to claim this promise and she was rightfully addressed as “Blessed are you among women”. 5. • • •

6. • • • 7.

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 8: 31 – 42. How did Jesus understand “ continuing in His word” and “being a true disciple of His”? What is the Lord Jesus’ experience of the inheritance of a son? Let us adore the Son Who bears true witness to the heritage of divine sonship revealed through the relationship He has with God His Abba. Throughout the day Tomorrow: Do we powerfully experience the heritage that is ours as adopted sons of God in and through the incidents that we face in daily life? For us “Dharmaya” is the person of Jesus Christ Himself. What does it mean when we say we live according to the “Dharmaya”? Is there an openness to live only according to what the Lord says in our life? Final Prayer: Abba Father! We thank Thee for our Lord Who is the Word of Truth. We need to belong to Him totally so that through that TRUTH we will be made free to enjoy the heritage of being truly children of God. Fill us completely with Thy Holy Spirit so that we may be truly blessed with this experience. Amen.


“I KNOW HIM (THE LORD)” ( JOHN 8:55 ) Thursday 17th March 2016 – DAY 37 1. • • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit: Hymn: ”All over the world the Spirit is moving” Enter into a short time of praise under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Share yesterday’s experiences.

2. • •

Let us experience a time of silence: Relax your body and focus your attention on your breathing. Be mindful of the abdomen rising and falling as you breath and breath out.

3. •

Gaze at Myself: In your journey with Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, how far do others see you act as a person who knows the Lord? Do I experience and bear witness to the fact that His words are as a lamp to my feet and a light to my path? Let us reflect and share your experiences.

4. Gaze at the Blessed Mother: • God chose Abraham to establish His covenant with the people of the Old Testament. Let us gaze at the Blessed Mother who was called to participate in the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God establishing God’s covenant with the people of the new covenant. She received the strength and power to face the challenges in responding to that call from the deep relationship she had with God the Father. It was an opportunity for the Blessed Mother to reveal many secrets of God almighty to the world. 5.

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read John 8:51 – 59 • Among the words used by Jesus to address His Father the word “ABBA” took a very special place. It is a form of address that a small child used to call his/her father. The relationship between Jesus and His 73

Father was that of a Father –Son relationship. This relationship to which Jesus bore witness in His public life gave rise to a scandal amongst the Jewish community in that era. Jesus in contrast showed that He did not have any problem with this intimate relationship He had with the Father. This was borne out by the responses He gave to the many challenges He faced from the authorities. “Jesus answered, "If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing; it is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say that he is your God.”(John 8:54) • Share in small groups what the Holy Spirit reveals to you about the inner experience of Jesus Christ when He proclaimed that “I KNOW HIM (THE FATHER)”. • In the Old Testament Abraham received the call to become the father of a nation from God. In the New Testament Jesus Christ receives the call to lead the whole cosmos to a New Covenant as its savior also from God. We need to see the similarity of the strength received by Abraham in the Old Testament and the strength the Jesus received in the New Testament from God. • We observe in today’s Gospel that Jesus responds to His interrogators worrying only about bearing witness to His relationship with God Whom He called Abba. He was not concerned about how others reacted to His statements. 6. Throughout the day tomorow: • I was called to be a Christian through the Sacrament of Baptism. Today I take steps to bear witness to the relationship I have with Jesus Christ Who called me to be a Christian and to get to know Him more and more. 7.

FINAL PRAYER: Almighty God! We praise Thee and Thy Holy Name together with the Blessed Mother who embraced her calling. Together with Thy Son whom You gave us as a Light in order to know You, We pray for the grace to address You as “Abba Father”. Amen. 74


Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali No.38. “ Thattu Karami Dora Langa Sita Let me compose and recite a litany to the Holy Spirit comprising my current experience. Share yesterday's experience.

2. •

Let us exprience a time of silence Let me consciously, mindfully breathe in and out: Take a deep breath in . . . Hold it for awhile . . . . Breathe out . . . (repeat few times..)


Gaze at Myself: I have received a calling to experience divine sonship. Let me reflect upon my journey of life to see whether it is based on this calling. How much do I bear witness to my calling to divine sonship. Let me share with another my experience.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: In her role as the Mother of God the Blessed Mother always maintained a deep relationship with God the Father. This was the secret of her ability to face all challenges that came her way: helplessness, lowliness. Through all these She held on to the faith that God was with her. Let us pray that we may be touched with that same experience.

5. • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Gospel Proclamation: John 10:31 – 42. It is reported here that Jesus returned to the place where John was baptizing (John 10 /40). What would have been the inner experience of Jesus at this moment? Let us ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the inner disposition of Jesus. Share what the Holy Spirit reveals to you. 75

Jesus always kept His experience at the Jordon in mind. He was “God’s beloved Son”. He constantly held on to and enjoyed the honor of being the “Beloved Son “ of the Father throughout His mission. He experienced the presence of the Father with Him whatever the situation He faced. The only thing that Jesus wanted to do was to fulfill the Will of the Father. Therefore He was always open to the Father’s direction when He spoke and acted. He did not worry about how He came across to those who saw and heard Him. Let us fix our gaze on Jesus who acted in this unique way.

6. •

Throughut the Day Tomorrow: I become mindful and conscious of my thoughts, words and behavior as I face life. I become aware of the responses expected of me as a person called to live in Him.

7. •

Final Prayer Loving God our Father! Grant us the grace to become aware of Your presence within us. Let us also see You in others and the whole of the cosmos. Give us also the grace always to possess You and Your love for us. Amen.


“FOR ZEAL FOR THY HOUSE HAS CONSUMED ME” (Psalm 69:9) Saturday 19th March 2016 – DAY 39 1. • •

Inviting the Holy Spirit Hymn: Pubudu Geethanjali 365 – Nathida Mata Denne… Praise joyfully in the Holy Spirit. Share Yesterdays Experiences.

2. • •

Let us experience a time of silence Mindfully breathe in and out counting your breaths from 1 to 7. Now watch the process of breathing as it happens automatically… Breathing in …… Breathing out.

3. •

Gaze at Myself Let me become aware of the voice of God. Do I permit the Word of God to influence my life? When I act conscious of the divine sonship won for me by Jesus Christ do I enjoy the honor and self esteem that comes from being God’s child? Let us become conscious of the obstacles and weaknesses ( our inferiority complexes) preventing us from being in possession of our true identity of God’s sons and daughters.

4. •

Gaze at the Blessed Mother: From the moment the Blessed Mother said “Amen “ to the Will of God she experienced challenges as well as assistance from the environment as well as people she came across. Joseph to whom she was betrothed gave her immense help in listening to and obeying the Will of God. What she experienced through all this was the love of God; the security and protection of God. She was able to see God in everything.


5. • • • • • •

6. • •

Gazing at Jesus Christ: Read Mathew 1:16, 18 – 21, 24. Let us ask ourselves whether Jesus was able to know God through the experiences of St.Joseph who was called to obey the Will of God? Share with someone close to you. The people of the Old Testament hoped in the Messiah to come and save them. They believed that a new kingdom lasting forever would be established through this Messiah. Looking at Jesus they believed and knew Jesus to be the promised Messiah. Jesus on the other hand understood that He will have to suffer rejection, insults in order to save the People. The deep intimate relationship He had with the Father helped immensely in facing all of the above. Thus Jesus was able to reveal to the world the mystery of the deep relationship of love between Him and God the Father who created the whole world. THROUGHOUT THE DAY TOMORROW: Let us resolve to be mindful as we face the incidents of the day. Let us take steps to listen to the word of God that is revealed through each incident. If I am to listen and hear the voice of God there needs to be silence within me. Let me become aware of the noise that rules my mind. (share in small groups )


FINAL PRAYER: Almighty God! I thank You and praise You for calling me to a life of experiencing Your Kingdom. Lord let me always say “Thy Kingdom come” as I face life situations.



Inviting the Holy Spirit HYMN: Pubudu Geethanjali No.. 306. “ Samindanan Ganae Anaawaranaya ….” Let us praise making use of our bodies, our gestures (raising our hands) and postures (kneeling down, prostrating ). Share yesterdays experiences.


Let us experience a tme of silence

Consciously breath in and out focusing your attention on the breath moving in and out of your nostrils. 3. • • • • 4. • •

Gaze at Myself As I live as a disciple of Jesus Christ am I ready to face abuse and rejection that comes my way? Do the reactions and behaviors that I give in response to tha above prove that I accept them? Or else do the show that I wish to move away from those painful situations? Share with another close to you. Gaze at the Blessed Mother: The Blessed Mother gave up her Son as she was determined to obey the Will of God. Understanding the Will of the Father with regard to her son how did she cooperate in thought, word and deed to fulfill that Will. Let us recognize her role in the life of Jesus as He bowed down to the Will of God.



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Gazing at Jesus Christ According to the Gospel of St. Luke Jesus prepares for the feast of the unleavened bread not in the way the rest of the Jews did. He rather prepared to fulfill the will of God His Father and thus bring glory to Him. Gaze at Jesus and share the way the Jews prepared for the feast of unleavened bread. Discuss how Jesus recognized that He was the “paschal lamb” and how He prepared for the role. Although Jesus went to Jerusalem prepared to fulfill His father’s plan for Him the disciples failed to understand this. Their expectations and Jesus’ expectations were totally different. Contradictory. In this situation where nobody understood His inner struggle, feelings and emotions of pain and suffering He went into the Garden of Gethsemane and poured out His heart only to the Father, the only One who could understand. He handed Himself over to the father totally and through the cross triumphantly entered into the heavenly Jerusalem.


Throughout the Day Tomorrow The way of the cross for Jesus began from the moment He entered Jerusalem triumphantly. Focus your attention on how Jesus proclaimed the love of the Father through the way He faced each incident. As a disciple of Christ how do I face life situations? What are the challenges facing me in this regard? 7.

Final Prayer O loving Father! Prepare my heart to always say “Thy Will be done”. Fill our hearts with a love that will enable us to recognize God’s Will for our lives and resolve to make decisions to turn away from things that take us away from God’s Will. May only God’s Will be done in our lives. Amen.


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