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Table 16. Manager´s Perspective – Chemical Company
Case studies | 101
The leadership style is a mechanism that supports both the management of the relations with regulators and the investments in communities to introduce new products by achieving win-win deals.
“We support transparency and accountability and, therefore, commit ourselves to annually report our progress and challenges, in line with the sustainability strategy, which seeks to strengthen the economic and competitive growth of the company while promoting the social development of communities. This is managed under strict control of environmental impacts […]” (CEO’s statement about sustainability, 2016).
Finally, CEO adds in relation to the type of initiatives to be supported:
... “The other aspect is social responsibility ... Everything we do in our operation is intended to have good relations with our neighbors, employees and the communities that buy products from us… and to have a good relationship with our shareholders […]”
Table 16 presents a summary of the influencing sub-factors and environmental practices associated to the manager´s perspective of the firm.
Table 16. Manager’s Perspective – Chemical Company
esa factor category
Manager’s perspective
Profits and transactional leadership style * Support participation of employees in voluntary programs related to environmental education. * Support Eco-efficiency and process redesign practices. * Rewarding communities in exchange for reputation management
main features
• Adoption of the environmental strategy at the Chemical Company.
Chemical Company under the influence of public pressure, parent company and authorities adopted an environmental strategy focused in compliance and green processes, supported by a dynamic business model and a manager´s profits perspective (See Figure 10). Main practices at Chemical
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Company corresponded to the implementation of end of pipe technologies, environmental communication campaigns, social projects for rewarding communities, cleaner production and commitment to voluntary initiatives and industry standards.
Regulation influenced Chemical Company in regard to the implementation of waste water treatment plants, while its parent company drove the adoption of pollution reduction practices (i.e., cleaner processes and operational efficiency). Finally, public concern about the safe disposal of plastic products and the toxicity of their main components influenced the adoption of environmental practices in order to achieve social license (i.e. environmental communication campaigns and social projects for rewarding communities).
A dynamic business model was observed in Chemical Company when it exploited new products and market opportunities to maintain its current position as the first largest company in the plastics sector. The dynamic business model favored the adoption of efficient and innovative ways of conducting business, thus triggering process improvements and product innovation.
Chemical Company supported its dynamic business model with technological capabilities related to cleaner processes and operational efficiency. For example, Chemical Company has made an effort to adopt energy efficiency initiatives in conjunction with water and waste management practices to gain efficiencies, save resources and be profitable. Additionally, the Company has performed collaborative R&D investments through own and partners’ research centers, in order to develop new products for climate change adaptation (i.e. pipe solutions). Firm has capabilities for establishing and managing long and reliable relationships with stakeholders (e.g., associations, boards of certifications, utility companies and authorities) which have allowed Company to apply standard product settings and lead the market.
In relation to the manager´s perspective towards ESA, his profit focus supported the investment in product innovation and state-of-the-art equipment to increase productivity. Likewise, the CEO supported the development of water efficiency solutions, which have resulted in innovative products and processes. The CEO´s perspective fostered the initiatives related to business efficiency, in order to close the loop of materials and perform horizontal integration. Business efficiency was assumed among complementary businesses to manage product lifespan and gain efficiencies along the value chain.
In addition to the CEO´s profit focus, he has been attentive to discretionary activities to reach out people in the communities and establish a