l i v e m a g a z i n e April 2009

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WEBSITE WWW.LIVEINVICTORY.ORG EDITORIAL ADDRESS 8923 EARLY APRIL WAY, Suite C COLUMBIA, MD 21046 ISSN: 1945-5178 LIVE Magazine is a monthly online publication, supported by our advertisers. For advertising information contact us at marketing@livmagazine.com. Permissions: LIVE Magazine requires written permission for use of any published article. Upon written approval “Used by permission of LIVE Magazine” must be used. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.






ave you truly taken the time to figure out and determine why you are here on earth? Have you dared to dream? Dared to create a vision for your life? Dared to tap into the creativity embedded within you to reach your destined place of purpose? Have you taken the first steps to finding your purpose? Just think that very thing you are passionate about could be the catalyst for finding your purpose. Over the past few months I have been hearing a number of individuals say they don’t know their purpose. They don’t know why they are on this earth at this appointed time and place. Some have stated that they have no desire to invest their time, resources and energy to finding their purpose, maximizing their potential and igniting the passion within them! I am hoping that you are not at this place in your life; however, if you are then you are reading this at the right time. Now is the time for you to invest in you. You may have spent a number of years, an enormous amount of resources and endless hours working toward something that is not germane to your purpose and destiny. But take the time to think about that thing in your life which makes you sing. That thing you begin to talk about it people can see the twinkle in your eye and the glow in your countenance. Follow your passion. My husband says that when I talk about LIVE he sees a glow and a passion from me that he gets such enjoyment from. Whenever I talk about LIVE Magazine, its mission and purpose I find myself not only talking about the magazine but sharing my purpose. LIVE Magazine is not my purpose. It is a tool used to facilitate my purpose in life which is to impact people with the message of victory. To share and let individuals around the world see and read that you too can live a victorious life in your health, finances, career, relationships and in your lifestyle. That is my purpose. But let’s take the focus off me and put it on you. Do you know your purpose? Are you working toward your life purpose? Have you taken time to assess where you are in your road to destiny? Here are a few simple steps to help you on your quest for purpose. 1) Discovery: Take time to pray and seek God regarding your purpose. He knows for what purpose you were created and why. During this discovery phase as you receive direction you will begin to identify your area of purpose. Throughout this process make sure that you deal with yourself. The discovery phase is not just about finding your purpose, but it will also help in becoming a better you in the process. 2) Design: Once you have determined your purpose do research and preparation. Your life purpose may have nothing to do with your formal education. It may be in an area where you are not appropriately equipped which would require training, certification, etc. Work to become the expert in your purpose. There are people waiting to hear what you have to say and can only receive if from you. 3) Destiny: This is the application part of purpose. There are many people in the world who need you to provide effective solutions for their problems. Make yourself available. God has not taken the time to create you with purpose and prepare you for purpose for you to keep everything for yourself. Your purpose is designed to impact lives for the better. You were created on earth. Designed for purpose. Destined to impact.

Cheryl A. Pullins Cheryl A. Pullins Founder/Editor-in-Chief 4


Revitalize Your Home For Spring Real Life Connections How to Connect with Introverts Relationship Coaching Doing the Work Alegra Hassan A Woman Walking in Wisdom


liveliterature NOT IN MY HOUSE! ByAndre Butler

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His Point of View It’s Graduation Time


Road to Healthier Living with Coach Collins Goals vs Outsomes Jaguar XK: 21st Century Luxury

17 Experience Home with Devi Titus 5


6 7 9 12

APRIL 2009



inter can be dark and cold, but spring is a time for warmth and light. Few things will brighten your mood as much as transforming your home to greet the season. Even inexpensive touches can have a big impact. Some simple spring redecorating will lift your spirits as much as spotting the first returning robin.

find them ready-made and inexpensive. At least, buy new pastel throw pillows which will quickly upgrade a room and give it a new look. Don't forget to arrange fresh flowers in bright vases from the craft store or in your own pretty crystal. Spring flowers growing in your garden are free and, for city dwellers, choose the least expensive bouquets at the corner market. These flowers don't know they're not prize orchids, and will give their all to lift your spirits.

Your secret weapon is color. The vibrant colors of spring will brighten otherwise ordinary home decor. Let nature lead you to your color palette: delicate pink cherry blossoms, lavender blue hyacinths, sunny yellow forsythia and the pale green of new leaves. Do you smile when you see a basket of tulips? Why not take your cue from nature and be surrounded by those beautiful colors? For inspiration, take an early spring walk in the park. Breathe the softer air and study the scenery. When a color makes you happy, that's the one to choose for your home.

"In any room, hanging botanical drawings, framed or unframed, is another way of bringing nature into your home, says Elizabeth Polish, interior designer and instructor at The Art Institute of New York City, If you don't want to buy original drawings, cut images from magazines, and mat and frame them yourself." Freshening the bathroom is also easy. Change the shower curtain and towels and you have an instant new look. Look for sales on bathroom accessories to complete the picture.

You can easily and inexpensively change a room by buying a couple of gallons of paint and doing the job yourself. For years, white or ecru were the standard wall colors, but no longer. Be daring and choose a color that makes you feel good, and a little "out there." If you don't like it, you can always paint over it.

About the kitchen, Polish says, "Even if you can't redecorate, start an herb garden on your windowsill. Grow fresh dill, chervil, and mint. Watching things grow brings you in tune with the season of rebirth. And be sure to use the herbs to spark up your meals."

Take down heavy drapes. They may have made you feel cozy in the cold months, but for now, get them cleaned and put them away for next year. For spring, the word to keep in mind is light, as in airy fabrics and sheer curtains that let natural light into your home.

Bring on the spring. You will be ready with a home that has been refreshed, revived and renewed.

Slipcovers are an age-old way of changing the look of a room from winter to summer. You might be able to

Courtesy of ARA Content


How to Connect With Introverts in Your Women’s Ministry Group


etting a group of extroverts to interact positively does not take much skill; but it takes a real pro to turn an introverted bunch into productive participants. The next time your extroverts are out-of-town on meeting day, employ these tactics.

4. Provide a Silent "Buffer" Zone. Introverts have at least as many great ideas as extroverts; it's just that they are far less willing to share them. In most meetings, the extroverts in attendance respond so quickly and frequently that the input of the introverts gets lost in the mix. So, if your extroverts are absent, take the opportunity to dig for hidden treasure! Give each person a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Provide time after each question for them to jot down their ideas before you open up the item for general discussion.

1. Recognize Your Responsibilities. Your role as leader gets bigger and more challenging in direct proportion to the lack of extroverts in your group. Before introverts will get verbal, they need to 1) trust the leader; 2) trust each other; and 3) trust that they have the correct answer to any given question. While extroverts are not ruffled when their verbalization misses the mark by a mile, introverts insist on accuracy before they are willing to make a peep. They will not speak until they are sure they are correct and safe, and even then, they prefer a good-sized margin for error. Build their trust.

5. Build Trust. If your group is very shy, start the discussion time by counting them off into groups of two. Ask the first question and provide the followup question. Then, A) Give each individual time to write down a few ideas; B) Verbally tell them to share their answers with their partner; C) Randomly request that one person share their partner's answer; and D) Require them to quickly find a new partner before you start the process again. After a few rounds, have them move into teams with three to five partners and then continue. Finally, bring the larger group together for a few questions.

2. Plan Ahead. The less you feel your group will participate, the more prepared you will need to be: Come with lots of questions, follow-up questions, examples of answers, and funny stories with which to carry the silences. When asking questions of a quiet group, each should have an "obviously right" answer, and should be followed with an open-ended “personal� question like why, or what would you have done in that situation, or what other options did this situation provide, etc. Be prepared.

6. Tackle the Talkers. It seems like there is always at least one extrovert who is bent on the avoidance of silence at any cost. This person may resort to ridiculous lengths to maintain a steady stream of chatter. If you have noticed this in advance, come prepared with breath mints or some other individually wrapped candies. Whenever someone makes a notable contribution, toss them a candy. If someone is getting "all the candy," make a verbal joke about it and, if it persists, request that they let others have a chance at it.

3. Provide Advance Notice About Their Role. State clearly and early on during the meeting that you look forward to hearing from each participant at some point. Further clarify that you will be calling on people to respond to the different questions. Be aware that many introverts are retro-processors: Their reluctance to answer stems from their need to think through things before being able to respond with confidence. 7

Cheryl A. Pullins

By embracing the unique needs of your introverts, you will turn an apprehensive assembly into a gracious group of team players. By the end of your meeting there will be free-flowing conversations that will most likely spill into the hallways afterward.

live magazine Founder/Editor-in-Chief Co-author of Amazon Bestseller

The Queens’ Legacy

Upon the return of your chatty constituents, build on the confidence you developed during their absence. Retain the safety nets described above, at least until there is a high level of trust between all of the leaders and participants. In addition, continue using the format of a safe question with a follow-up discussion question. This will not only keep your introverts involved, but will also teach your extroverts the value of answering correctly the first time. In addition, they may be shocked at the untapped wealth of wisdom sitting right beside them, whenever they choose to be quiet long enough to listen! Marnie Swedberg is the leadership mentor and web hostess of www.WomenSpeakers.com, a site which trains, promotes and connects Christian women speakers and church women’s ministry leaders.







A Woman

Walking in Wisdom


legra Hassan, affectionately known as “Lady A” raised in Edison, New Jersey in a neighborhood where front doors didn’t have to be locked. Thinking she was going to be a missionary Alegra found herself with a government internship working for Senator Arlen Specter (PA) during the summer. Moving to DC with $600 Alegra was hired to work for Senator Specter for about nine years. With a high stress level and working 14-16 hours per day, being on call 24 hours a day and surviving an anthrax hit in her office, Alegra knew it was time to call it quits. Alegra says, “I would sing God is my refuge and anoint the doors of my office. I returned to work three months after the hit, anthrax was all in the office except my suite.” Alegra began working for Christian Broadcasting Network as a guest booker for the newly created news division. Since then she has become a producer. Her role is to “feel the heartbeat of what people want to know about and create stories around that. As producers we find the talent, create the story, interview guests and find the footage.”

But there is another side to this oft times very soft spoken yet powerful woman. In 2000 Alegra started Women Walking in Wisdom as a retreat. Starting in Berkley Springs, West Virginia ( a little town with one stop sign and each house has its own hot spring). “I invited women from a former church in Pennsylvania”, says Alegra. “I really thought it would be a one time thing. Then we started an online newsletter. Following that we began with monthly meetings which we currently continue.” Since Alegra has a background in broadcasting Women Walking in Wisdom has a professionally produced show called Living Wisely. CBN has allowed Living Wisely to be viewed on 9-10 stations and in the short term the Inspiration Network wants to broadcast the show, as well. Through her quiet spirit but powerful ability to connect, Alegra is impacting the lives of women around the world. There are plans to expand the ministry to other parts of Maryland and branch out to other states. Alegra says there are three things which must be in place. “God’s direction, resources and local leadership.” Recognizing and understanding God’s call on her life Alegra on is on the course to guide and assist women to walk in wisdom! For more information about Women Walking in Wisdom visit www.walkinginwisdom.net


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ith the enemy raging an all out assault on the family, meet Devi Titus, one of the most intriguing women I have had the pleasure of interviewing. Devi has a passion for “home” like none I have encountered. Her passion is to restore in women’s minds the “dignity and sanctity” of the home. She considers home the “foundation for human society”. How to organize it for peace and love is not only her passion, but her message.

interiors and family. The publication included Christian articles for women with truth, fun and creativity. The young women who worked with the magazine were saved out of the hippie movement…they were the “braless generation.” Devi published Virtue magazine from 1978 to 2001. Virtue is now known as Today’s Christian Woman Magazine. Devi Titus says that we now have a “generation of women that don’t know how to create a home based on peace and love”. Devi shares that “when God created the human heart it was made so that it is essential to receive love and peace. People who grow up without love are subject to feeling rejected along with not feeling loved. Everyone seeks to have peace. The home is the institution where the heart is formed. It has either been hardened, hurt or hindered; or has become soft, sensitive and secure. A home is to be the safe place, not where people are afraid. The value of the home has been reduced to a place to sleep, re-dress and take-off.”

In the late 1960’s early 70’s the women’s movement was in full swing, but Devi Titus chose a different path. During this time Devi was married to a young pastor and says that she “married into the vocation” and her role was to support her husband in his call. Because of her love for Jesus, Devi expressed that her desire was to see women live to their fullest potential, but most importantly in their relationships. While the women’s movement was staking its claim, many of the movement values were beginning to infiltrate the church. As a woman pioneer Devi became the first to publish a print Christian women’s magazine, Virtue, founded on Proverbs 31. Virtue was a magazine for the excellence of women which included special features, fashion, food, home

Devi’s mission is to elevate wisdom and understanding through knowledge (Proverbs 24:3). As a result Devi birthed Mentoring Mansion. Because of her passion for change Devi, assisted by Marilyn Weiher, uses the Mentoring Mansion to 14

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n this environment, women are trained in creative home management and vital relationship skills. While participating, women will experience the pampering of a spa, the spiritual renewal of biblical meditation, the culinary exposure of gourmet dining with simplicity of preparation, and expert instructors with practical demonstration and application. During the stay of only ten women at a time, Devi sings to them, wakes them up and cooks for them. For past intensives the Mentoring Mansion has been hosted in a brand new $4,000,000 eight thousand square foot home.

of Mrs. Bright’s passion to support pastor’s wives an empower them by providing resources” Devi is working to build a network to register every pastor’s wife in the world. She says, “It is my goal to identify them by name.” “Pastor’s wives are pearls scattered all over the world and GPWN is the strand. Pearls have individual value; however, stranding them together increases their value. GPWN gives pastor’s wives an opportunity to blend their gifts for a common cause.” GPWN supports twenty different forums with assigned mentors to check-in and contribute. There are free downloadable resources. Devi states that GPWN has “a global prayer network for pastor’s kids with first names only”. “It is through this prayer network that women globally will be praying for one another’s children. Many pastors are raising children who are not passionate about ministry. No blame, just prayer.” Devi gives credit to her those who came before her in the presidential capacity for the GPWN. She says that Dr. Lois Evans and Becky Hunter “did an excellent job laying the groundwork”.

The Mentoring Mansion resources are available through Living Smart Resources the distribution center for both Larry and Devi Titus. Devi realized that once the women left the Mentoring Mansion she wanted to continue the mentoring process. Devi’s Living Smart Journal continues speaking into the lives of the women who have attended the Mentoring Mansion intensive. These resources are all available through www.livingsmartresources.com. Aside from Mentoring Mansion, Devi was recently installed at the President of the Global Pastor’s Wives Network (GPWN). Founded by Vonette Bright (also co-founder Campus Crusade for Christ), Devi says “the Global Pastor’s Wives Network was created out

Devi ended our interview by saying that after 45 years of marriage her heart still sings with sustained passion for her husband, Larry and her adult children and grandchildren are music to her ears.





The world is in financial crisis. Banks are failing, companies are collapsing, the stock market is in a state of flux. Many are losing their homes, jobs, savings, and more. Many more fear they may be next. Not in My House reveals that you can choose to not participate in the world's financial trouble. It will keep recession out of your house and cause wealth and riches to be in your house instead! Could you be next? Here is a 28-day challenge, both practical and biblical, to help you thrive and prosper, even in tough economic times. Divided into four weeks, each week has seven days of readings to strategically help you prosper in a declining economy.



It’s Graduation Time by Zachary Pullins, Sr.


God. The scriptures says in James 2:19; Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. When does one graduate from believing in; to believing Him. When does the Bible become the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega?

The Bible opens with the following verse in Genesis 1:1. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. The western cultural mindset teaches us to question this entire opening verse. Worldly conformed minds ask; what is the origin of God? What material did God use to create the Heavens and the earth? Where did the material come from that God used to create Heaven and earth? Worldly minds would look at the next verse and ask where did the Spirit of God come from? The worldly untransformed mind has trouble embracing faith as a lifestyle and a way of life. The untransformed mind has little trouble with 1+1 equaling 2 or 2+2 equaling 4. They never question why C-A-T spells cat or D-O-G spells dog. These are the same people who turn on the water faucet and expect water and turn on the electric switch and expect light. The untransformed mind sits down in a chair and expects it to hold them. This is an example of the un-graduated mind, an example of those who believe in God but clearly don’t believe

The transformed mind begins with God as the Alpha and Omega as well as Jesus being the Author and Finisher of the faith. The transformed mind believes Hebrews 11: 6; But without Faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. The transformed mind believes verses 7 - 8 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. By faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. The transformed mind understands the scripture in Hebrews 11:1; Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Noah built an ark to prepare for an event never witnessed by anyone ever. Genesis 2:6; But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. In Noah’s time it had never rained. Rain was a foreign concept and I’m sure the world around Noah watched in amazement while Noah and his family prepared for an unimaginable event. Abraham and Sarah believed God despite the odds of an old

t has always seemed strange to me that there are so many Christian’s that have refused to graduate from believing in God to believing God. I know some of you maybe scratching your head because the difference isn’t just semantics but a shift in understanding as well, as the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:1-2 saysI beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your responsible service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.


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woman and very old man having a child, but God rewards diligence and longsuffering. It took Abraham and Sarah 75 years to give birth to Isaac, the child of promise.


elcome to the faith region where if God says it and you believe it then you can possess it. No, this isn’t blab it and grab nor is it name it and claim it. The zone I’m speaking of is the region of seeking first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all things will be added unto you. It means making the focal point of your entire existence. It means putting God first in all that you say and do each and every day. It means only doing what Jesus did and only saying what He said. We must remember that Jesus only did what He saw His Father do and only say what He heard His Father say. He was connected to the source at all times. He never said to His Father, I’ll be back, because he realized He was permanently connected to the Godhead. Just as a plant cannot say to the ground; I’ll be back later and the fish cannot say to the water; I’ll be back later. We cannot say to the God-head we will be back as if we can go somewhere God cannot reach us. He is omnipresent; meaning everywhere, omniscient; meaning all knowing and omnipotent; meaning all powerful. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Maturity isn’t easy, nor was it meant to be. We are to grow up into the head which is Jesus. Jesus was often seen walking along the shoreline; this is because He stayed connected to the Spirit of God. The sand on the shoreline is always wet; therefore walking along the shoreline was a natural location for Him because He was reminded of His connection to both earth and water. Jesus told us in Matthew 11:28-30; Come unto me, all ye that are heavy labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Meaning Christ and God the Father left behind the Holy Spirit to indwell, lead, guide and direct us into all truth. He also seals us unto the day of Christ’s return. The Holy Spirit is your teacher and will, if allowed, aide you as well as challenge you to become more like Jesus and direct your paths in the ways of God. It will require listening and being obedient to His leading and guidance. I oft times think back to a simple song I learned in Good News class. Faith is just believing what God says He will do, He will never fail us, His promises are true. If we but believe Him, His children we become, faith is just believing what God says He will do. Maturity begins and ends with this statement; God being Alpha and Omega, Jesus being the Author and Finisher of our faith. Welcome to your graduation, class dismissed. Until next month dear hearts, friends and loved ones; keep it real and keep it Christ.




Jaguar XK

21st Century Luxury The current XK represents the first step in redefining Jaguar for the 21st century. Although it certainly includes design details inspired by Jag's storied past, this is an all-new kitty. Even the interior doesn't sport veneered wood stretched across the dash. This newfound design direction is refreshing, but it's the competent and refined driving manners that make the 2009 Jaguar XK a serious player in the realm of sub-$100,000 luxury coupes and more than just a quaint fashion accessory.

In a recent comparison test with the BMW, the XK coupe was ranked 2nd due to its higher price and relative lack of performance and practicality. However, the 2009 Jaguar XK and XKR should strike a chord among those seeking out high style and a certain type of heritage and prestige. Body Styles, Trim Levels, and Options The 2009 Jaguar XK is a luxury sports car available in coupe and convertible body styles. There are two trim levels that correspond with engine selection. Standard equipment on the regular XK includes 19inch wheels, adaptive suspension damping, bi-xenon HID headlamps, front and rear parking sensors, power folding mirrors, dual-zone automatic climate control with air-quality sensor, a power tilt/ telescoping steering wheel, 10-way power heated front seats with driver memory, leather upholstery, wood trim, a touchscreen control interface, Bluetooth and an eight-speaker surround-sound stereo (with subwoofer, in-dash six-CD changer, satellite radio and USB interface for digital music players). The convertible adds a power-operated cloth top and power rear windows.

The XK sets itself apart by boasting an all-aluminum structure and body panels that make it not only lighter than the XK8 it replaced, but also less portly than its competitors. Jaguar also claims that the aluminum structure adds body stiffness for improved handling, ride quality and crashworthiness. The lighter weight also pays dividends with the XK's pair of V8 engines. The XK is more of a grand tourer with the ability to casually tackle a curvy road. However, this year's new XKR Dynamic Handling Package should certainly narrow the gap with more athletic competitors, especially the BMW 6 Series.



Available on both the XK and the XKR, the Luxury Package adds 16-way power seats with four-way lumbar and adjustable seat bolsters, a heated steering wheel and upgraded leather upholstery and trim. Both trims can also be outfitted with the Bowers & Wilkins upgraded audio system. The XK's Technology Package adds active headlamps and adaptive cruise control. The latter is available as a stand-alone option on the XKR.

The Jaguar XK comes with front-seat side airbags (that provide both head and chest protection), whiplash-reducing front seats, traction control, antilock brakes and stability control. The standard XK's stability control system has two stages, one of which gives the driver more responsibility for the car's handling before the system activates. The setup is similar on the XKR, though its system gives the driver even more leeway and allows him or her to disable it completely if desired. All XK convertibles have two aluminum hoops that automatically deploy in case of a rollover accident.

The XKR Dynamic Handling Package adds 20-inch wheels, Alcon performance brakes and revised damper and steering settings. The XKR Portfolio Package includes the Luxury Package and the Bowers & Wilkins sound system, and adds unique paint, special interior and exterior trim and contrast-color leather stitching.

Interior Design and Special Features The 2009 Jaguar XK's interior is a pretty dramatic departure from the traditional Jaguar look, with a modern dashboard design and the availability of aluminum trim in place of wood. This serves to bring Jaguar into the 21st century. Unfortunately, the Jaguar penchant for down-market plastics continues, which contributes to an overall ambience that doesn't quite match its price tag. Also, the multipurpose touchscreen that controls audio, navigation and climate systems could use a little work. It's simple and intuitive in concept, but frustrating in practice, with a screen interface that's neither sensitive nor accurate enough. The transition between menu screens also takes too long. On the upside, Jaguar has upgraded the standard stereo for 2009, while adding the XF's thumping Bowers & Wilkins speaker upgrade as an option. Highly recommend.

The Alcon performance brakes and adaptive cruise control can be added to the XKR Portfolio Package.

The 2009 Jaguar XK is powered by a 4.2-liter V8 producing 300 hp and 310 pound-feet of torque. The only transmission is a six-speed automatic unit with manual shift control. In performance testing, the XK coupe went from zero to 60 mph in a tidy 5.6 seconds, while the convertible did the same sprint in 6.3 seconds.

While the XK has a rear seat, it's really only suitable for small children or emergency use. The convertible's soft top does an excellent job of noise insulation when up, and it disappears underneath a hard tonneau cover in only 18 seconds with the push of a button. The XK coupe's trunk can hold about 11 cubic feet of cargo. With the top down, the XK convertible can still hold 8 cubic feet. Source: Edmunds.com


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