Premier David Eby and your BC NDP MLAs wish you and your family a Happy Vaisakhi.
Premier David Eby
ivsfKI iewk aijhf iqAuhfr hY jo ivÈv Br dy pMjfbI BfeIcfry leI bhuq swiBafcfrk aqy aiDafqimk mhwqv rwKdf hY, aqy kYnyzf vI ies qoN apvfd nhIN. asl ivwc, kYnyzf iewk ivÈfl pMjfbI BfeIcfry df Gr hY, aqy dyÈ Br dy keI ÈihrF aqy ksibaF ivwc ivsfKI bhuq AuqÈfh aqy DUmDfm nfl mnfeI jFdI hY.
kYnyzf ivwc ivsfKI mnfAux dI mhwqqf nUM axizwT nhIN kIqf jf skdf. bhuq sfry
pMjfbIaF leI, ieh iqAuhfr isrÌ afpxy swiBafcfr aqy prMprfvF nUM mnfAux df smF
nhIN hY, sgoN ieh afpxIaF jVHF aqy ivrsy
nfl juVn df mOkf vI hY. kYnyzf ivwc ivsfKI mnfAux nfl pMjfbIaF nUM afpxy sfQI
kYnyzIanF nfl afpxy swiBafcfr nUM sFJf
krn aqy iviBMnqf leI smJ aqy siqkfr
nUM AuqÈfihq krn df mOkf imldf hY.
hfl hI dy sflF ivwc, kYnyzf ivwc ivsfKI dy jÈn vwzy aqy vDyry jIvMq ho gey hn.
bhuq sfry ÈihrF aqy ksibaF ivwc ngr
kIrqn huMdy hn, ijs ivwc rMgIn Plot, rvfieqI pMjfbI pihrfvy, aqy sMgIq aqy zFs pRdrÈn huMdy hn. iehnF ngr kIrqnF
ivwc hr vrg dy lok Èfml huMdy hn, aqy ieh kYnyzIanF nUM pMjfbI swiBafcfr aqy prMprfvF bfry jfxn df iewk Èfndfr mOkf pRdfn krdy hn.
ies qoN ielfvf, ivsfKI vI iewk aijhf smF
hY jdoN pMjfbI kYnyzIan afpxI kimAUintI
ivwc dfn krdy hn. bhuq sfry gurduafry aqy BfeIcfrk sMsQfvF ies iqAuhfr
dOrfn Bojn zrfeIv, KUndfn kYNp aqy hor cYrItybl smfgmF df afXojn krdIaF
hn. ieh syvf dI Bfvnf nUM
iDafn ivc rwKdy hoey hY jo iswK Drm df ainwKVvF
aMg hY, aqy ieh dieaf aqy
Audfrqf dIaF kdrF-kImqF
nUM drsfAuNdf hY jo pMjfbI
swiBafcfr dy idl ivc hn.
kYnyzf ivwc ivsfKI mnfAuxf pMjfbIaF dy ies dyÈ
leI pfey Xogdfn dI Xfd
idvfAuNdf hY. kYnyzf ivwc pMjfbIaF df iewk lMmf ieiqhfs hY, 1900 dy dhfky dy ÈurU ivwc jdoN Auh pihlI
vfr rylmfrgF aqy lwkV imwlF ivwc kMm krn leI kYnyzf afAux lwgy sn. AudoN qoN, pMjfbIaF ny kYnyzIan smfj dy vwK-vwK KyqrF ivwc mhwqvpUrn Xogdfn pfieaf hY, ijs ivwc KyqIbfVI, vpfr, dvfeI aqy klf Èfml hn.
ivsfKI kYnyzf ivwc pMjfbI BfeIcfry leI iewk mhwqvpUrn iqAuhfr hY, aqy ieh pMjfbIaF nUM afpxy swiBafcfr nUM mnfAux, afpxIaF jVHF nfl juVn aqy afpxy Bfe-
IcfiraF nUM dfn krn df mOkf pRdfn krdf hY. kYnyzf ivwc ivsfKI mnfAux nfl iviBMnqf, smJ aqy vwK-vwK swiBafcfrF leI siqkfr nUM vI AuqÈfihq kIqf jFdf hY, aqy ieh ies dyÈ leI pMjfbIaF dy Xogdfn dI Xfd idvfAuNdf hY. afE ivsfKI nUM KuÈI aqy AuqÈfh nfl mnfAux leI iekwTy hoeIey, aqy pMjfbI swiBafcfr dy kyNdr ivwc rih rhy dieaf, Audfrqf aqy syvf dIaF kdrFkImqF nUM awgy vDfAuNdy rhIey. ivsfKI dIaF sB nUM mubfrkF!
pMjwbI p`iqRkw
Chief Editor/Publisher : Dr. Andy Sidhu |
General Manager : Dave Sidhu |
mu`K AYfItr/pRkwsæk: fw: AYNfI is`D jnrl mYnyjr: dyv is`DU
Punjabi Editor
Adver tising Executive
Graphic Designer
Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Paramjit Singh Kanda
Ekam Banipal
Gurmeen Banipal
Gurjeet Kaur Muhar
Administration Assistant : Brahmjot Kaur
Administration Executive: R onnie Sidhu
AYfiminstrysæn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI is`DU
pMjwbI AYfItr
AYfvrtweIijMæg mYnyjr
lyAwaUt fIjæweIn
gRwiPk fIjæweInr
gurdIp isMG gryvwl
prmjIq isMG kMfw
eykm bYnIpwl
gurmIn bYnIpwl
gurjIq kOr muhwr
AYfiminstrysæn AisstYNt : bRhmjoq kOr
School food programs get historic investment to help feed kids
More children and youth will have access to healthy meals and snacks at school through the Province’s new Feeding Futures funding, which invests in building and expanding local school food programs.
“As busy parents deal with global inflation, school food programs can help reduce the pressure on their wallets while tackling student hunger,” said Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care. “Working with local schools to make sure our kids are fed
and ready to learn will make a real difference for families and communities.”
Through Budget 2023, the Province is investing $214 million over three years so school districts can create or expand local food programs in schools throughout B.C. The funds will be used for purchasing food and hiring dedicated staff to co-ordinate providing meals and snacks to students. This is the largest investment in school food programs in the Province’s history.
The Ministry of Education and Child Care will work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to include the Feed BC program in school food programs. Feed BC will support schools building strong community partnerships with local growers and food producers to include more B.C. food in schools and invest in local economic growth.
“Healthy minds and bodies begin with fresh, quality food,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “I am thrilled to see this funding go to schools across the province, where it will be used to help students get more nutritious food grown right here in our province. Together with our farmers and food businesses, we are helping to feed the minds of the next generation of British Columbians.”
The Feeding Futures program will address the immediate need of feeding students and builds on the progress made with the Student and Family
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C: 778.840.8618
Affordability Fund to help reduce the challenges of rising food costs for families who need it most.
“The new Feeding Futures funding will benefit many families in communities across B.C., including Richmond,” said Aman Singh, MLA for RichmondQueensborough. “Our government is reducing costs for people and supporting the well-being of students to make sure they are ready and prepared to learn.”
Non-profit organizations, donors and parent advisory councils will continue to play a vital role alongside schools to address student hunger, as it reflects the larger issue of community-based food insecurity.
Do you know how much information you share online?
(NC) Whether shopping online, signing up for a newsletter or taking a virtual course, you’ve undoubtedly been asked to share personal information. Be aware of what personal information is and why you might be asked for it.
Personal data includes anything someone could use to identify you - a phone number, date of birth or mailing address, for instance. As the name suggests - it’s personal. Online transactions do require you to provide some information, but it’s important to know how to maintain control over your own personal information.
Here are four key tips: Avoid fields not marked with an asterisk (*). Only fields marked with an asterisk are “required”. Required fields are usually your name and email address, plus address and payment details if you’re making a purchase. Before entering any information in a non-required field, always ask yourself why the organization is asking for it and if you’ll benefit from disclosing it.
You can withdraw marketing consent at any time. Did you sign up for a mailing list but you’re not interested anymore? No problem. Canada has stringent consumer privacy protection legislation, under which organizations need your express consent to send you marketing material – this is why so many stores ask for your email at the checkout. That consent only lasts for two years, and then it needs to be given again
Additionally, marketing emails must have an “unsubscribe” option. Know your rights as a consumer and always make sure you’re only getting communications you actually want to receive. Find out how companies are using your data. Look for an organization’s privacy page to find out more about how they’ll use the data they handle. For example, in addition to its privacy commitment (policy), Telus has a Trust Model and a privacy centre that outline how it respects data. Clearly communicated privacy practices can be indications that an organization is working to be transparent and more worthy of your trust.
ipClI idnI bI[sI[ sUby dy bhuq hI suMdr
sLihr vYnkUvr ivKy knyzf hfeI skUl
rYsilMg cYNpIanisLp krvfeI geI. ijs
ivc knyzf Br qoN vwK vwK skUlF ivc
pVHdy lVkIaF qy lVky pihlvfnF ny bhuq
hI AuqsLfh nfl Bfg ilaf ijs ivc gurU
goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy Ausqfd bUtf
isMG ZINzsf dI agvfeI ivc gurU goibMd
isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfnF ny bhuq
hI AuqsLfh nfl BfgilaF kOmI mIq gAux
qoN bfad “Ps gey kuMZIaF dy isRMg.” mYzlF
df vyrvf ies pRkfr hY.
PRIstfeIl U15- gursLfn kfhloN 52 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl
mnjoq DflIvfl 68 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl
hrvI gryvfl 62 iklogrfm Bfrvrg islvr mYzl
myhr idAul 68 iklogrfm Bfrvrg islvr mYzl
U 15 grIko romn- gursLfn kfhloN 52 iklogrfm Bfrvrg brfAuNjL mYzl
mnjoq DflIvfl 68 iklogrfm Bfrvrg islvr mYzl
myhr idAul 68 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl
hrvI gryvfl 62 iklogrfm Bfrvrg
islvr mYzl
pfnv iswDU 57 iklogrfm Bfrvrg brfAuNjL mYzl
rUp GuMmx 41 iklogrfm Bfrvrg brfAuNjL mYzl
PRIstfeIl U17- jgrUp ZINzsf 110 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl
mfeIkljIq gryvfl 92 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl
mihqfb rfey 125 iklogrfm Bfrvrg
golz mYzl
mnrfjL rMDfvf 110 iklogrfm Bfrvrg
islvr mYzl
U17 grIko romn- jgrUp ZINzsf 110 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl
mfeIkljIq gryvfl 92 iklogrfm
Bfrvrg golz mYzl
mnrfjL rMDfvf 110 iklogrfm Bfrvrg islvr mYzl
mihqfb rfey 125 iklogrfm Bfrvrg islvr mYzl
jobn johl 65 iklogrfm Bfrvrg brfAuNjL mYzl
U17 PRIstfeIl aqy grIko romnqyjvIr ZINzsf 92 iklogrfm Bfrvrg brfAuNjL mYzl aqy grIko romn golz mYzl
ruipMdr kOr johl 80 iklogrfm Bfrvrg golz mYzl aqy grIko romn golz mYzl
Xfd rhy pihlvfnF ny U15- U17 ivwc PrI stfiel aqy grIko romn ivwcoN krmvfr 2-2 PsvIaF ijwqIaF hn.
klwb dI jfxkfrI leI Pon krnf:
blvIr isMG shoqf: 604-807-6455
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn
quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn
blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk
gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfnF ijwqy golz mYzl
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
Minimum wage increases to $16.75 per hour on June 1
On June 1, 2023, B.C.’s lowest-paid workers will get a pay raise with the general minimum wage increasing from $15.65 to $16.75 an hour.
“Having a minimum wage that keeps up with inflation is a key step to prevent the lowest paid workers from falling behind,” said Harry Bains, Minister of Labour. “These workers and their families feel the impacts of high costs much more than anyone else. We are maintaining our policy of tying the minimum wage to inflation.”
The 6.9% increase in minimum wage rates reflects B.C.’s average annual inflation rate in 2022. The adjustment reflects government’s commitment to tie annual minimum wage increases to inflation. The same increase will apply to wages for residential caretakers, live-in home-support workers and camp leaders. On Jan. 1, 2024, piece rates for 15 hand-harvested crops will also increase by 6.9%
“Elevating the minimum wage is a necessary response to inflation. The
inflation we are experiencing now in B.C. is driven by profits, not wages,” said Jim Stanford, director, Centre for Future Work. “It is unfair to expect the most vulnerable workers to give up some of their non-discretionary income because of record high inflation. By ensuring fairer compensation for our lowest-paid workers, we will reduce inequality and foster a more inclusive society.”
The increase will positively affect approximately 150,000 workers who earn less than $16.75. Many are food service staff, grocery store workers, retail workers and others who were essential workers during the pandemic. Government has made regular, gradual increases to the minimum wage to provide certainty for workers and predictability for businesses. Overall, B.C.’s minimum wage has increased from one of the lowest in the country to one of the highest. The minimum wage was $10.45 per hour in 2015.
Health Employers Association of BC reaches tentative agreement with Nurses’ Bargaining Association
The Health Employers Association (HEABC) has reached a tentative agreement with members of the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) under the Province’s Shared Recovery Mandate.
The NBA Provincial Collective Agreement covers approximately 51,500 registered, psychiatric and licensed practical nurses in B.C. The majority of the nurses in the NBA are represented by the BC Nurses’ Union, and by the Health Sciences Association, the Union of Psychiatric Nurses, the Hospital Employees’ Union, and the British Columbia General Employees’ Union. Nurses work predominantly in hospitals, but also in long-term care, community and public health, home support and mental health throughout the province.
Negotiations under the Shared Recovery Mandate support government’s key priorities to improve public services
and the health-care system, while supporting the Province’s continued economic recovery for all.
These negotiations also included agreement on significant policy-based initiatives as part of the Ministry of Health’s overarching Health Human Resource Strategy. Specific details about the agreement will be available after the ratification process is completed by the parties.
More than 500,000 people work across the provincial public sector in the core public service, at Crown corporations, in health, community social services, kindergarten-to-Grade 12 public education, and at post-secondary institutions and research universities.
Of those people, approximately 393,000 are unionized employees paid under collective agreements or professionals paid through negotiated compensation agreements.
Parliamentary Secretary’s statement on Sikh Heritage Month
Mable Elmore, Parliamentary Secretary for Anti-Racism Initiatives, has released the following statement to mark Sikh Heritage Month:
“April is Sikh Heritage Month, an opportunity to celebrate the significant contributions that Sikhs have made to British Columbia. April is a particularly important time in Sikhism as it marks the occasion of Vaisakhi, the beginning of spring harvest and the start of a new agricultural year.
“In the late 19th century, the first Sikh settlers arrived in British Columbia to work in lumber mills, the logging industry, on farms, and the railway with Chinese migrants.
Many early Sikh settlers arrived in Golden to work at the local lumber company. In 1905, Sikhs in Golden built North America’s first Gurdwara, which was destroyed by fire in 1926.
for people to warm up and sleep safely. This is just one example of how Sikhs have stepped up to help others.
“While this is a month to celebrate, we can’t pretend the hate and discrimination many early Sikh settlers experienced isn’t still very much alive today. Last month, a Sikh international student was brutally attacked in Kelowna in a suspected hate crime. Incidents like these are horrifying and unacceptable. We must come together in solidarity to support each other, embrace our differences and defend everyone’s right to live as themselves.
“Our government is working to make our province more inclusive and welcoming for everyone. Through the Anti-Racism Data Act, we’re working to identify the barriers Indigenous and racialized people face when accessing government programs and services. To
Today, North America’s oldest, operational Gurdwara, built in 1911, is located in Abbotsford.
“Throughout the ensuing decades, Sikhs were denied the right to vote, subjected to hate and violence, and kept from their families through unjust immigration policies. Despite all of this, the Sikh community persisted – being strong advocates for equality, social justice and service to others in neighbourhoods across B.C.
“The term “sevā” means selfless service that is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it and is a main tenet of the Sikh faith. During the snowstorm last December, a group of volunteers with the Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar in New Westminster demonstrated sevā by opening their temple to motorists who were trapped overnight on the Queensborough Bridge. The volunteers provided food, hot tea and a place
improve equity throughout the public school system, we launched the K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan, and through the Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network we’re supporting community-led efforts to address hate and support antiracism initiatives.
“There is more work to do to dismantle systemic racism and we’re committed to leading this important work in honour of the many early settlers who didn’t have a chance to see the advances we have made to improve equity so far.
“This Sikh Heritage Month I encourage all British Columbians to learn more about the incredible and selfless contributions that Sikh Canadians have made – and continue to make – in shaping our province. By taking the time to celebrate and learn about the diverse communities in our province, we can make B.C. a more inclusive and welcoming place for everyone.”
hrjIq ny cfeIN-cfeIN tonI dy ivafh dy nvyN Cpfey kfrzF df bMzl myjL AuWqy ilaf
itkfieaf aqy mnjIq nUM kfrzF dI CpfeI, rMg afid bfry Aus dI psMd puwCx leI afvfjL mfrI. awKF nfl hI mnjIq df AuWqr AuzIkx lwgf.
mnjIq ny hfly kuJ nhIN sI ikhf, Auh Pyr boilaf, “lokF nfloN vwKry hI bxvfey hn. sfry kMmF ivwc pYsf nhIN vyiKaf jFdf. puwqF dy ivafh qF krmF vfilaF dy ihwsy afAuNdy hn. lokIN ieMzIaf qoN vI kfrz Cpvf ky lY afAuNdy vyKy aY. imhrF ny AuWpr vfly dIaF. jwt awgy ipwCy vwjx vflf nhIN. gwj vwj ky sfrf kfrj krFgy.” hrjIq qoN ijvyN KusLI sFBI nhIN sI jf rhI.
mnjIq ny iewk kfrz kwiZaf, rMg, CpfeI
aqy idK vyKx dI QF kfrz AuWqy iliKaf
pVHn lwg peI. tonI dy mfqf-ipqf dy nfvF
dy nfl-nfl dfdy-dfdI aqy nfny-nfnI df
nF vI Cfpy hoey sn. pr ikMnI dyr mnjIq dI
njLr ipqf dy nF vfly Kfny `qy jf ky atkI
rhI. hrjIq nIJ lf ky hrjIq dy hfv
Bfv inhfrdf irhf. Aus ny soicaf mnjIq
sLfied ipMz rihMdy svrgI bfpU df nF pVHky
Bfvuk ho geI hovy. bfpU poqy dy ivafh nUM
AuzIkdf kuJ mhIny pihlF pirvfr df sfQ
Cwz igaf sI. afpxy afp nUM ies siQqI qoN
pfsy krn leI mnjIq ny vI qur gey bfpU df hI shfrf ilaf, “krmF vfly dfdy hI poiqaF dI brfq cVHdy hn.’ Aus ny afK
hI idwqf. hrjIq nUM kfrzF leI DMnvfd ikhf qy afpxy ichry df rMg bdlx dI
koisLsL kIqI. hrjIq qF Kfxf Kf ky dosqF
ivwc kfrz vMzx clf igaf pr mnjIq
dIaF awKF awgy AuhI kfrz dy awKr GuMmdy rhy. ijvyN tonI dy ipqf df nF sunihrI moty awKrF ivwc Cipaf hoieaf sI. mnjIq
dIaF awKF awigAuN sfrI bIqI khfxI iPlm
vFg awgy lMGx lwgI. jd Auh pihlI vyr
ivnIpYWg eyarport `qy jhfjLoN AuWqrI qF
lMmy sPr df QkyvF sI. soicaf sI prvfr smyq hrjIq sfhmxy Kloqf bysbrI nfl
AuzIk irhf hovygf. imlygf qF sPr df qF
hI ipCly pUry sfl dI iekwl df QkyvF vI
Auqr jfvygf. pr Aus dIaF nIJ lf ky vyKdIaF awKF nUM hrjIq ikDry nf idisaf. sws ny ghu nfl nUMh dIaF awKF nUM piVHaf
aqy bnfAutI hfsy nfl mnjIq nUM prcfAuNdI hoeI kihx lwgI, “DIey hrjIq qF ipCly hPqy df kYlyPornIaf leI quiraf sI. AuQoN kihMdf torFto df loz buwk kr ilaf. asIN qF prsoN dy AuzIkdy rhy hF. vfr-vfr Pon
krdf irhf hY. vyly isr puwj jfx bfry dwsdf irhf hY. pr DIey ieh trwkF df DMdf. kdy loz nhIN imilaf, kdy loz nhIN Auqiraf.
kdy tfier Krfb, kdy koeI mkYnIkl pRfblm, trwkF vfilaF dI qF DIey pirvfrF nfloN trwkF nfl sFJ vDyry ho jFdI hY. iewQy qF kMmF nfl hI rotI qurdI hY. kihMidaF sws ny mnjIq nUM afpxy klfvy ivwc lY ilaf. sws dy ipafr nUM vyKidaF mnjIq ny vI afpxy awQrUaF ivwc hfsf imlf idwqf. “koeI nhIN mF jI, kMm nhIN krFgy qF KfvFgy ikwQoN.” asIN ikhVy zflr Jolyy Brky ieMzIaf qoN afpxy nfl lY ky afAuNdy hF.” mnjIq ny sulJy lPjF ivwc AuWqr idwqf. rfqF dIaF isLPtF idn dIaF isLPtF, idn rfqF dI dUhrIaF isLPtF, vwzy vwzy Gr, vwzIaF vwzIaF bYNkF dIaF dyxdfrIaF aqy ies sB leI imwtI nfl imwtI huMdy prvfr, iKMzdy-tuwtdy irsLqy ies vwzI dOV Bwj ny
irsLiqaF nUM rol ky rwK idwqf hY. pqI Gr hY qF pqnI Gr nhIN, pqnI Gr hY qF pqI
lMmy sPr qy igaf hoieaf hY. pqI dy mFipAu dy pypr Brny hn. pqnI dy mF-ipAu qy BYx BrfvF nUM swdxf hY. afmdn pUrI krn leI koeI kflf bYl vI iewQoN dy vrg dI rIs nhIN kr skdf. srkfr dy tYksF df hI Qfh nhIN. irsLiqaF nfl pUry Auqrn leI afpxy irsLiqaF nUM kurbfn krnf pYNdf
hY. irsLqy bx qF jFdy hn pr irsLiqaF df inwG iehnF ivcfry lokF dy ihwsy Gwt hI afAuNdf hY. iehnF dI ijLMdgI ivwc irsLiqaF dI aihmIaq hI gvfc geI hY. iewQy prvfrF nUM iekwiTaF krn leI kurbfn ho rhIaF nOjvfn muitafrF afpxI JolI KflI leI iPrdIaF hn. bwcy ho jfxgy qF vDyrI afmdn ikwQoN afvygI? bwicaF nUM sMBflidaF kMm nhIN kIqy jfxgy. Pyr afmdn df muwl qfrnf pAU? AuDr ieMzIaf ivwc isafxIaF swsF afpxIaF nUMh nUM vrHf-do vrHy bwcy dI AumIdvfrI nf hovy qF vYdF hkImF dy leI iPrdIaF hn. iewQy swsF afpxIaF nUMhF nUM bwcy nf jMmx dy ZMg qrIky dsdIaF hn. “DIey, aOKy sOKy sMjm rwKidaF cfr vrHy, dwbky kMm kro. Gr bx jfxgy. sfrf twbr rl ky bYTFgy. rl ky bYTy twbr ivwc Pyr bwcy sFBxy vI suKfly ho jFdy hn. Pyr sfrf kuJ TIk ho jfAU suwK nfl.
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“kyhI cMdrI DrqI hY, iewQy af ky sB socF hI bdl jFdIaF hn.”
mnjIq dy aMdroN hOl ijhf AuWiTaf. pr afly-duafly vwl njLr mfridaF aMdr hI dwb ky rih igaf.
“ikvyN irsLiqaF dI BMn qoV krky qfeycfcy, mfmy-BUaf dy prvfrF nfl PrjI irsLqy isrjdy hoey lok afpxI Aumr dy Auh vrHy gvf bYTdy hn jo Pyr ijLMdgI df ihwsf nhIN bx skdy. afpxI phuMc qoN vDyry dfj dy ky DIaF nUM prdysL qordy mfpy soc lYNdy hn, “sfzI DI rfxI bxky jhfjL ivwc cVH geI hY” pr AuhI DI icwTIaF ivwc aqy PonF `qy afpxf duwK mfipaF nfl jdoN sfJF krdI hY qF mfpy isrP afpxI byvsI `qy JUr hI skdy hn. hwQ pwly kuJ nhIN afAuNdf iewQy
aYm[aYs[sI[ aqy aYm[iPl dI izgrI vflI
DI anpVH Kyq mjLdUr pqI nfl idn vyly
Kyq mjLdUrI krdI hY qy rfqF vyly storF
dIaF iblizMgF dI sPfeI krdI hY. jdoN
dI iewQy AuWqrI hY kdI rwj ky nhIN suwqI aqy afpxy ivhVy ivwc Kyzx vfly bwcy leI qrsdI rihMdI hY. mnjIq df irsLqf lYx leI mnjIq dI ivwidak Xogqf, rMg rUp aqy Aumr dy nfl nfl Aus dIaF iqMn BYxF df vI sOdf hoieaf sI. AuhnF ivcfrIaF nUM vI ibnF hIl hujq kIiqaF axjoV muMizaF nfl ivafihaf igaf sI. iewQoN dI dOV ivwc sLfml hox leI ieho ijhIaF kurbfnIaF aksr krnIaF hI pYNdIaF hn. mnjIq jdoN
iewQy nvIN-nvIN afeI sI qF hrjIq jldIjldI Gr muVn dI koisLsL krdf bYNkF dIaF pymYNtF ipwCy rih jFdIaF. Pyr vwzIaF pymYNtF dyx leI lMmy sPr nUM inklxf pY jFdf. hPqy df rfsLn mukf ky Gr muVdf. byhf qbyhf Kf ky loVF dI hnyrI ivwc gvficaf rihMdf. mnjIq kol idn rfq df kMm huMdf aqy jF iPr Pon rfhIN hrjIq df suwK sunyhf puwjdf rihMdf.
mOjF AuzIkidaF nUM mOjF vfly idn kdy nf imly. Pfrm ivwc kMm krn vfly Aus idn grmI vDyry hox krky hflo byhfl ho rhy sn. iewk bwdlI lihMdy vwloN AuWTI qy ikximx hox lwg peI. pRIqm jo iewQy riPAUjLI bx ky rih irhf sI. mnjIq jo afpxy idl dy aMdr cfa ismt ky bYT geI sI, Qwky tuwty afpxy-afpxy duwK sFJy kr rhy sn. iekwTy kMm kridaF aijhI sFJ aksr hI ho jFdI hY. “riPAUjLI qF nrk dI ijLMdgI hMZf rhy hn iewQy” lMmy smyN qoN prvfs df sMqfp Bogdy pRIqm ny hOkf ilaf. ‘nf qF pirvfrk sFJF rhIaF aqy nf hI srIrk suwK” Gr jf ky vI mnjIq nUM pRIqm vwloN khy srIrk suwK dI gwl Xfd afAuNdI rhI. srIrk suwK qF iewQy prvfrF ivwc bYiTaF
nUM vI nhIN iml irhf. mnjIq vfr-vfr
pRIqm dI qsvIr vyKdI rhI. agly idn
Pyr mINh ipaf. pRIqm mINh ivwc iBwjI
mnjIq vwl vyKdf irhf. mINh ivwc iBwjI
mnjIq ivwcoN iek KusLbo pRIqm vwl vDI.
iek qVp, iewk hOkf ikx imx aqy vwqrI DrqI dI mihk. AuhnF srIrk suwK dI qMd joV leI. mnjIq jF pRIqm qoN ho hoieaf Auh krnf nhIN sn cfhuMdy. pRIqm afpxy afp nUM iDrkfrdf irhf. mnjIq afpxy afp nUM lfhnqF pfAuNdI rhI.
hrjIq ivcfrf qF prvfr dy suwK leI
PkIrI mwlI iPrdf sI. nf idn nUM afrfm nf hI rfq nUM cYn. mnjIq AusI dI dyxdfr sI. Aus ny afpxy PrjF qoN pfsf vwitaf sI. Auh afpxy afp nUM dosL idMdI rhI. pr ies sB leI hflfq ijLMmyvfr sn. ieh soc ky mnjIq ny mn nUM Zfrs dy rwKI sI. tonI pYdf ho igaf. Gr bUtf lwg igaf. nUMh rfxI df ruqbf AuWcf ho igaf. nUMh rfxI df mfx-snmfn vD igaf. gurduafriaF ivwc lMgr lwgy. vwzf hfl buwk krvfieaf igaf. dUr-durfzy qoN irsLqydfr swdy gey. iewk do irsLqydfr ieMzIaf qoN vI ies smfgm dI afV ivwc vIjLf lY ky sLfml ho gey. awDI rfq qIk rMg rfg dIaF mihPlF lwgIaF pr mnjIq nUM pl-pl Aus df aMdrlf iDrkfrdf irhf. pUry vIh sfl Auh afpxy ies glq PYsly leI afpxy afp nUM ksUrvfr mMndI rhI aqy afpxy ies gunfh df aihsfs Aus dy aMdr KOrU pfAuNdf irhf.
tonI ny grYjUeysLn kr leI. “koeI kMmkfr sLurU kr idMdy aF puwq nUM” hrjIq afKdf. “bhuqIaF pVHfeIaF ivwc vI kI ipaf hY.
byloVy Krcy hn. XUnIvristIaF dy.” mnjIq afKdI.
iewk idn tonI ny ikhf “mYN qF nOkrI krUMgf. afpxy kMmF ivc vkq hI ikwQy aY. mYN zYzI dI hflq vyKdf irhf hF. ikDry mfnisk aqy srIrk sMqusLtI nhIN.” srIrk sMqusLtI vflf lPjL mnjIq dy klyjy ivwc ktfr vFg vwijaf.
tonI dy irsLqy dI gwl vI qurI. lVkI vyKI geI. irsLqy dI gwl pwkI ho geI. mnuwK leI kfrobfr vI jLrUrI hY. pr pirvfrk sFJF nUM kfiem rwKx leI vkq vI loVINdf hY. ‘Coty ijhy Gr dy gfrzn nUM vI jy bxf sMvfr ky avysly ho jfeIey qF blYk bYrI dy bUty AuWg afAuNdy hn. KflI jLmIn ivwc qF bIj ny ikrnF hI huMdf hY. ieh bIj hvf ivwc AuWz ky vI af jFdy hn.
“DrqI qF mF huMdI hY. hvf ivwc Auzdy bIjF nUM sFBx dI smrwQf DrqI ivwc afid kfl qoN hY.” mnjIq nUM ikcn gfrzn dI sMBfl krn leI afpxy bfp dy khy lPjL Xfd afey. kfrzF df vwzf bMzl myjL AuWqy ipaf hY. kuJ kfrz mnjIq awj vMz ky af jfvygf. mnjIq afpxy byty dy nF nfl sunihrI awKrF ivwc iliKaf nF hor bycYn kr irhf hY. Gr dy gfrzn dI KflI peI nuwkr ivwc iek blYk bYrI df bUtf AuWg afieaf hY. mnjIq dIaF njLrF Aus bUty `qy hI lwgIaF hoeIaF hn.
The Patrika Auto Review: 2023 Mazda3 Sport Turbo AWD250 Horsepower pocket rocket!
By Veeno DewanThe Mazda3 is an award-winning car, much loved by Canadians for its sporty looks, refined interior, and sprightly performance, the Mazda3 arrives as either a hatchback or a sedan.
the model lineup at a price of $36,000. While base Mazda3’s come with frontwheel drive and a naturally aspirated four-cylinder engine, the Turbo gets all-wheel drive and a much more po-
For 2023, all models get rear side airbags, and the with the middle GS trim, the 2.5L engine is replaced with the 2.0L on front-drive models. The 2.5L gets cylinder deactivation and a boost from 186 hp to 191 hp.
The base Mazda3 GX is equipped with the efficient Skyactiv-G 2.0L four-cylinder that delivers 155 hp and 150 lb-ft of torque and is paired with a six-speed manual transmission, frontwheel drive, and G-Vectoring Control Plus. There is the option of six-speed automatic transmission with manualshift mode and sport mode.
Model choices include the Mazda3 GS is available with either front-wheel (2.0L) or all-wheel drive (2.5L). The GT comes with a 2.5L four-cylinder with 191 hp and 186 lb-ft of torque.. The topline AWD GT Turbo is powered by a turbocharged version of the 2.5L four-cylinder delivering 250 hp and 320 lb-ft of torque on premium 93 octane gas, and 227 hp and 310 lb-ft of torque with regular gas.
Also of note is the availability of the Mazda3 Sport with the option of All Wheel Drive via an i-Activ AWD system for the first time. This is a significant development. Previously there has been little choice in this sector of sedans.
We tested a 2023 Mazda3 Sport Turbo AWD, hatchback the top Mazda3 in
tent turbocharged 2.5-liter unit with a hefty 250 horsepower and 320 lb-ft of torque that allows the turbo 3 to run the 100 km/h dash from a standstill in just under 6 seconds.
Sadly, that engine can only be mated to a six-speed automatic transmission, but nevertheless performance is till excellent with the six-speed auto box. You also gain features such as G-Vectoring Control Plus, LED headlights and daytime running lights, advanced keyless entry (proximity and ignition), and navigation system. Also featured was a power-operated glass moonroof with interior sunshade, tilt-up ventilation feature, 18” alloy wheels power adjustable driver’s seat, heated seats, and steering wheel, 8.8-inch color display for Mazda Connect, HMI Commander, Apple Carplay and Android, plus a rear-view camera with 7” LCD display. Also, on the safety front there is Advanced Blind Spot Monitoring, and Mazda Radar Cruise Control with Stop & Go function, windshield-projected colour Active Driving Display, and a host of other equipment. The interior is exemplary with a sporty, neat driver orientated cockpit. Fit and finish is extraordinary with premium materials and thoughtful design throughout. The Premium package option model delivers outstanding leather seating and trim that would not be amiss in an Audi! The dash features an 8.8-inch infotainment
display situated higher up and set angled towards the driver. The “Commander” control knob on the center console, for the infotainment system is simple to use and quick in reaction. The new design is much appreciated for less eye distraction. In front of the driver is a configurable screen showing a speedometer, fuel economy information, or active safety info. Premium models get a proper head-up display with featured speed and navigation data. The cabin also features specially designed seats and ergonomics that make the driver feel as if they are at one with the car, the front cabin is roomy enough, although it’s a squeeze to fit three large adults in the back. Cargo capacity is rated at 566 liters (1,330 liters total with rear down.)
On the road, the 2023 Mazda3 Turbo offers smooth drive dynamics and an exceptionally quiet cabin, and it all carries an air of luxury befitting a much more expensive vehicle. A distinct advantage with its superior grip and well-balanced torque delivery is had with the help of Mazda’s G-Vectoring
Control Plus stability control system – which uses an imperceptibly light drag on the outside front brake to aid in cornering. Despite the softer ride, the Mazda3 still remains fun, sporty, and engaging to drive. The 2.5-liter L4 Engine never runs out of steam and is a lively willing performer with smooth quick gear changes. Not a lot to complain about, fuel economy is rated at 10.2/100 km (city) / 7.3L/100 (highway) / 8.7L/100 km (combined). The 2023 Mazda3 Sport Turbo offer drivers of all stripes a fun-to-drive sporty performance car that will put a smile on everyone’s face. Highly recommended.
2023 Mazda3 Sport Turbo: Base priced from $36,300. Plus, options and delivery
More info at
New action plan delivers more homes for people, faster
The Province’s new housing plan will speed up delivery of new homes, increase the supply of middle-income housing, fight speculation and help those who need it the most.
The Homes for People plan will deliver more homes people need in a shorter timeframe and build more vibrant communities throughout B.C.
“If you’ve scrolled through rental listings or seen the prices of homes in your community, you know how tough it is to find an affordable, decent place to live,” said Premier David Eby. “Even though our province is currently building more housing than ever before, it’s just not enough to meet the need. This plan will take us to the next level with unprecedented actions to tackle the challenges head on, delivering even more homes for people, faster.”
Focused on four priorities – unlocking more homes faster; delivering better, more affordable homes; helping those with the greatest housing need; and creating a housing market for people, not speculators – the actions in Homes for People include:
delivering more middle-income smallscale, multi-unit housing that people can afford, including town homes, duplexes and triplexes through zoning changes and proactive partnerships;
offering forgivable loans for homeowners to build and rent secondary suites below market rates to increase affordable rental supply quickly;
building thousands more affordable homes for renters, Indigenous Peoples on and off reserve, women and children leaving violence, and building thousands more on-campus student housing units;
delivering thousands of new homes near public transit, and launching BC Builds to use public land to deliver affordable homes for people;
introducing a flipping tax to discourage short-term speculation;
providing an annual income-tested tax credit of up to $400 per year for renters;
providing more homes and supports for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness;
streamlining and modernizing permitting to reduce costs and speed up approvals to get homes built faster; and strengthening enforcement of shortterm rentals.
“We are in urgent need of more housing throughout British Columbia, which is why we are taking strong steps through our Homes for People strategy to close the gap between supply and demand,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing. “We are working with our partners to unlock more homes across the spectrum of housing faster than ever, so everyone in our province can have a safe, secure and stable place to call home.”
Building on major new investments to build affordable housing in the past five years and measures to reduce speculation and protect people in an overheated housing market, Homes for People tackles persistent permitting and zoning challenges, facilitating the delivery of the housing people need, faster. The plan unlocks more homes by creating the conditions to encourage faster housing construction and reduce development costs, including changes in regulations and zoning, less red tape, more incentives, and a focus on targeted types of housing.
Homes for People also delivers more housing people can afford to rent or buy, including more homes within reach for first-time homebuyers, and protects renters. It supports those who need it the most with more housing for those experiencing homelessness and helps more people afford to find a place to call home. Actions in the plan also aim to build a housing market that puts people ahead of profit with measures to crack down on speculators and profiteers and get the proceeds of crime out of the real estate market.
Alongside Homes for People, government is implementing Belonging in BC, a plan to prevent and reduce homelessness. The plan adds 3,900 new supportive housing units and 240 complex-care spaces provincewide, and creates multidisciplinary regional response teams designed to rapidly respond to encampments to better support people sheltering outdoors to move inside.
Funding helps women get free family law services
To help more low-income women and gender-diverse people access the free legal services they need to keep their families safe and healthy, the Province is providing $1 million in funding to Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
“Going through a separation or divorce can be very challenging and if you are low-income and experiencing
“It’s imperative that survivors of gender-based violence have the necessary supports to help them through the emotional and psychological trauma that they have experienced,” said Kelli Paddon, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity. “Free legal and educational resources will also help prevent others from becoming victims in the future.”
intimate partner violence, taking that step can seem incredibly daunting,” said Niki Sharma, Attorney General. “This funding will help make it easier for more women taking this critical step to get the supports they need.”
Across Canada there was an increase in intimate partner violence during the pandemic and gender-based violence remains prevalent in B.C. Often people are reluctant to pursue legal action against an abuser or leave an unhealthy relationship because they don’t know their legal rights or that there are free resources available.
Rise provides free in-person and virtual legal services for protection orders, divorce or separation, parenting arrangements, and spousal support to more than 1,700 women and genderdiverse people each year. They also provide training and support for other anti-violence and community support workers and conduct research to inform policy and systemic change in the family law system. Rise works with clients provincewide and collaborates with community partners in more than 30 communities.
The funding will support Rise initiatives such as:
recommendations that were outlined in the report Creating Safety in BC Courts;
offering legal advice services and supports to family law advocates and support workers; and assisting counsel in complex cases or conflicts of interest.
“Many women come to us during the worst time of their lives,” said Kim Hawkins, executive director, Rise Women’s Legal Centre. “This funding will help us help more women get the resolution and support they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.”
This funding supports ongoing work to increase access to family justice for victims of intimate partner violence and their families and make the province more equitable, fair and just by improving access to justice for everyone.
klfs ivc : aMgryjLI BfsLf, kMipAUtr, nOkrI d Bfl aqy jIvn hunrF dI isKlfeI
UFV XUnIvristI qoN srtIiPkyt : gRfhk dI syvf (Customer Service), afiPLs Pfst trYk (Word, Excel, etc), kMipAUtr sMbMDI muZlI isKlfeI (Digital Literacy), ikwqfmuKI zfktrI shfieqf (Occupa-
PrI pRogrfm
pRvfsIaF leI nOkrI pRogrfm (JCI)
gRfhk syvf aqy irtyl ivc kYrIar sLurU kro
ies pRogrfm ivc 10 hPLqy dI tRyinMg klfs ivc aqy 2 hPLqy pRYktIkl plysmyNt hovygI. pRvfsIaF leI nOkrI df ieh PrI pRogrfm quhfzI mwdd
kr skdf hY :
• afpxy gwlbfq krn dy qrIky nUM suDfrn ivc
• prYktIkl plysmyNt dy nfl nOkrI pvfAux ivc
• rojLgfr ivc pihcfx bxfAux ivc
• AudXog dvfrf mfnXqf pRfpq srtIiPkyt lYx ivc
hor jfxkfrI leI, sMprk kro : ruipMdr, mfrkIitMg spYsLilst
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zf rfj slfrIaf MBBS, DOMP, mYnUal EstIEpYQI nfl sMprk kro. (Bfrq qoN PYimlI iPËIÈIan- 15 sflF qoN vwD df qjrbf) mfeIgryn, isr drd, grdn dy drd, ipwT drd, IBS, PfeIbromfeIaflgIaf, Qkfvt isMzrom, qxfa, icMqf afid leI dvfeI-mukq srjrI-mukq EstIEpYiQk ielfj leI hor jfxo:
PYmlI iPËIÈIan rYPrl dI loV nhIN hY.
Inner harmony manual osteopathy services are recognized by Insurance companies under extended health coverage. For more details, please check
Inner harmony mYnUal EstIEpYQI syvfvF nUM ivsiqRq ishq kvryj aDIn bImf kMpnIaF duafrf mfnqf idwqI jFdI hY. hor vyrivaF leI ikrpf krky dyKo
Advance Myofascial Release
jl-rxnIqI srvyKx
asIN quhfzy qoN suxnf cfhuMdy hF!
aYbtsPorz aYkuaYitk rxnIqI (Abbotsford Aquatic Strategy) sfnUM sfzy Èihr dy pfrkF ivwc aMdrUnI aqy bfhrI pUlF, sprya pfrkF, splYÈ pYzF, aqy kudrqI JIlF vfsqy sfzIaF
vrqmfn aqy BivwK dIaF loVF df inrxf krn ivwc mdd krygI.
aijhf krnf ies gwl nUM XkInI bxfvygf ik pRogrfm aqy syvfvF BfeIcfry dIaF
loVF dI pUrqI krdy hn; ijs ivwc mOjUdf aqy sMBfivq qOr 'qy nvyN buinafdI
ZFcy ivwc loVINdy invyÈ Èfml hn.
awj hI aOnlfeIn srvyKx kro!
eyQy afpxf Xogdfn pRdfn kro.
Cranio-sacral Therapy
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Address: The Healing Oak 2632 Pauline Street #111, Abbotsford BC, V2X 1S2 (Wed, Sat,Sun) 0800-1630
The Healing Oak- 101-7408 Vedder Road, Chilliwack , BC, V2R 4E6 (Tue, Thu , Fri) 0830-1700
Warm Vaisakhi Greetings
To All From The Patrika Media And University Of The Fraser Valley!
The Patrika pMjfbI
May this joyous occasion of the birth of the Khalsa bring peace and prosperity to all.
Let us celebrate the values of community, equality, and service that are the pillars of the Sikh religion.Wishing you a happy and blessed Vaisakhi!
piqRkf mIzIaf aqy XUnIvristI afP PryËr vYlI vwloN sfiraF nUM
ivsfKI dIaF ÈuBkfmnfvF! Kflsy dy jnm df ieh ÈuB avsr sB
leI ÈFqI aqy KuÈhflI lY ky afvy. afE BfeIcfrk, smfnqf aqy syvf
dIaF kdrF kImqF df jÈn mnfeIey jo iswK Drm dy QMm hn. afp jI
nUM ivsfKI dIaF lwK lwK vDfeIaF!
As we celebrate the birth of the Khalsa and the harvest season, I am honored to extend my warmest greetings to all those who observe this auspicious occasion. Vaisakhi is a time to reflect on the values of community, equality, and compassion that are at the heart of Sikhism. It is also a time to recognize the contributions that the Sikh community has made to our city, our country, and our world. As your city councillor, I am proud to represent a diverse and vibrant community that includes Sikhs and people of many different cultures and backgrounds. Together, we are building a better future for all of us, and Vaisakhi reminds us of the importance of coming together to celebrate our differences and our shared humanity.
I wish you all a joyous and prosperous Vaisakhi. May this special day bring you peace, happiness, and blessings in abundance.
ivsfKI iswK Drm dy ivwc BfeIcfrqf, smfnqf aqy dieaf dIaF kdrF-kImqF nUM drsfAux df smF hY. ieh smF vI hY ik iswK kOm ny sfzy Èihr, sfzy dyÈ aqy sfzI dunIaF leI jo Xogdfn pfieaf hY, Aus nUM pCfixaf jfvy.
quhfzy istI kONslr hox dy nfqy, mYnUM iewk vMn-suvMny BfeIcfry dI numfieMdgI krn 'qy mfx hY ijs ivwc iswK aqy bhuq sfry vwK-vwK siBafcfrF aqy ipCokV vfly lok Èfml hn. iekwTy iml ky, asIN afpxy sfiraF leI iewk ibhqr BivwK df inrmfx kr rhy hF, aqy ivsfKI sfnUM afpxy mqBydF aqy sfzI sFJI mfnvqf nUM mnfAux leI iekwTy afAux dI mhwqqf dI Xfd idvfAuNdI hY.
mYN quhfnUM sfiraF nUM KuÈhfl ivsfKI dI kfmnf krdf hF. ieh Kfs idn quhfzy aqy quhfzy pirvfr leI ÈFqI, KuÈIaF aqy BrpUr asIsF lY ky afvy. ivsfKI dIaF lwK lwK vDfeIaF!
Dr. Andy Sidhu Chancellor, University of the Fraser Valley Publisher, The Patrika Media andy@patrika.cazf: aYNzI iswDU
cFslr, XUnIvristI afP PryjLr vYlI sMpfdk, pMjfbI pwiqRkf
Dave Sidhu City Councillor, Abbotsford dyv iswDU aYbtsPorz istI kONslr
Vaisakhi Greetings
EPro consultants is a team of experienced engineers headquartered in Abbotsford, BC with an emphasis on electrical, mechanical and energy modelling design solutions. Specializing in Energy Modelling, EPro offers futuristic solutions while working closely with the client’s requirements and expectations. We provide MEP services across a variety of sectors including residential/mixed use, commercial, industrial/manufacturing, retail as well as healthcare. Together, EPro team brings you over 10 years of experience in design, innovation and services.
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GURJOT BRAR, P.ENG. PRESIDENTgurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr
30640 bilAU irwj
zrfeIv aYbtsPorz
siqgur nfnk prgitaf imtI DuMD jgu
cfnxu hoaf!!
ijAu kir sUrju inkilaf qfry Cip aMDyru ploaf!!
Kflsf pMQ dy sfjnf idvs
aqy ivsfKI dIaF
lwK lwK vDfeIaF
gurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr 30640 bilAU irwj zrfeIv aYbtsPorz dI pRbMDk kmytI aqy sMgqF dy sihXog nfl pihly pfiqÈfh gurU nfnk sfihb jIdy pRkfÈ idhfVy aqy Kflsf sfjnf idvs nUM smripq
imqI 14 apRYl 2023 mUl nfnksfhI klMzr anusfr 1 ivsfK 555 nUM bhuq hI AuqÈfh aqy srDf nfl
mnfieaf jf irhf hY ijs anusfr imqI 12 apRYl 2023 ( 30 cyq 555 ) idn buD vfr nUM gurUGr dy myn
hfl ivwc 10:00 vjy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy aKMz pfT afrMB hoxgy aqy 14 apRYl 2023 ( 1 ivsfK 555 ) idn Èukrvfr svyry 10-00 vjy Bog pfey jfxgy AuprFq myn hfl ivwc hI dIvfn sjfey jfxgy.
sMgqF nUM hum humf ky hfjrIaF Brn leI apIl kIqI jFdI hY.
iqMny idn hI gurU kf aquwt lMgr vrqfieaf jfvygf.
jfrI krqf pRbMDk kmytI klgIDr drbfr sfihb susfietI aYbtsPorz
leI sMprk nMbr 604 504 5530 aqy 778 908 1570
Mission Gurdwara Gursikh Society
apRYl: 29 nUM anMd kfrj dI rsm hY.
apRYl: 08 sLnIvfr, sLfm lMgr dI syvf ipRqpfl isMG rfey pirvfr vloN.
apRYl: 09, aYqvfr, svyry lMgr dI syvf blkIsL kOr igwl pirvfr vloN.
Kflsf sfjnf idvs aqy ivsfKI dy sLuB avsr qy smUh
sMgq vloN afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI 12 apRYl idn buwDvfr sLfm 4 vjy aqy Bog sRI aKMz pfT
sfihb jI 14 apRYl idn sLuwkrvfr sLfm 4 vjy AuprMq rfq 9 vjy qwk kIrqn idvfn sjfey jfxgy.
apRYl: 12, buwDvfr, sfrf idn lMgr dI syvf sRI suKmnI sfihb jI dI smUh sMgq vloN.
apRYl: 13, vIrvfr, sfrf idn lMgr dI syvf sRI syvk pirvfrF vloN.
apRYl: 14, sLwukrvfr, sfrf idn lMgr dI syvf sMgm svIts dy mflkF vloN.
apRYl: 15, sLnIvfr, svyr suKmnI sfihb dy pfT lMgr dI syvf bYNs aqy DflIvfl pirvfr vloN.
apRYl: 16 aYqvfr, svyry sRI sihj pfT Bog qy lMgr dI syvf suKijMdr isMG Kihrf pirvfr vloN.
apRYl: 16 aYqvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf sMDU pirvfr vloN.
apRYl: 23, aYqvfr, svyry sRI sihj pfT Bog qy lMgr dI syvf bljIq isMG idAul pirvfr vloN.
apRYl: 29, sLnIvfr, sLfm suKmnI sfihb qy lMgr dI syvf suKmMdr isMG brfV pirvfr vloN.
32086 Lougheed Hwy., Mission, BC 604-820-1344
ivsfKI 'qy, asIN iswK Drm dIaF kdrF-kImqF aqy prMprfvF df snmfn krdy hF, aqy aYbtsPorz dy amIr
ieiqhfs leI iswK BfeIcfry dy Xogdfn df jÈn mnfAuNdy hF.
ivsfKI vfZI leI DMnvfd krn, bsMq dI afmd aqy jIvn dy nvInIkrn df jÈn mnfAux df iewk Èfndfr mOkf hY.
awj df jÈn mnf rhy sfry lokF leI, asIN quhfnUM ipafr, ÈFqI aqy KuÈI nfl Bry jÈn dI kfmnf krdy hF.
aYbtsPorz istI kONisl
The Significance of Khalsa
Vaisakhi is not just a festival of joy and celebration but also holds immense religious significance for the Sikh community. The day marks the birth of Khalsa, the community of baptized Sikhs, and is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. The Khalsa was founded by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, who called upon his followers to come forward and dedicate their lives to upholding the values of the Sikh faith at Anandpur Sahib.
The Khalsa was created as a way of uniting the Sikh community and giving them a sense of purpose and direction. The initiation ceremony involved the Amrit Sanchar, a process of baptism, where Sikhs were required to undergo a rigorous discipline and take an oath to live their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Gurus.
The formation of the Khalsa was a significant moment in Sikh history and marked a turning point in
the struggle against oppression and tyranny. The Khalsa was formed as a community of warriors who were prepared to fight for justice and defend their faith. They were committed to living a life of discipline, humility, and service, and to standing up for the rights of the oppressed and marginalized.
Today, the Khalsa remains an important part of the Sikh community and continues to play a vital role in upholding the values of the faith. The Khalsa is a symbol of the Sikh community's resilience, strength, and commitment to justice, and is celebrated every year on Vaisakhi with great joy and pride.
ieh aMdfËf lgfieaf igaf
hY ik lgBg cfr imlIan
kYnyzIan guridaF dI ibm-
frI qoN pIVq hn, aqy hr
sfl indfn kIqy gey lokF dI
igxqI lgfqfr vD rhI hY.
ipCly ds sflF ivwc aMqm
pVfa vfly gurdy dI ibmfrI, ijsdf koeI ielfj nhIN hY, nfl jI rhy lokF dI igxqI ivwc 30 pRqIÈq qoN vwD vfDf hoieaf hY.
“bhuq sfry lok socdy hn ik gurdy dI ibmfrI isrP AunHF lokF nUM huMdI hY ijnHF nUM Auwc joKm vfly kfrk huMdy hn, ijvyN ik
ÈUgr aqy hfeI blwz pRYÈr. ikznI mrIË aqy zonr alfieMs dI pRDfn sUËn mYkkyNËI
kihMdI hY, jo Èfied AuhnF nUM aihsfs nf hovy ik ieh ibmfrI iksy vI ivakqI nUM
pRBfivq kr skdI hY, ijs ivwc bwcy aqy
ikÈor vI Èfml hn jo iblkul qMdrusq aqy iPwt jfpdy hn, iswiKaf nUM ÈurUafqI ielfj aqy rokQfm dI kuMjI bxfAuNdy hn.
ikAuNik ikznI dI ibmfrI ibnF iksy iDafn dyx vfly lwCxF dy awgy vD skdI hY, bhuq sfry kYnyzIan ies gwl qoN axjfx hn ik
AuhnF nUM koeI smwisaf hY jdoN qwk sQfeI nuksfn nhIN ho jFdf aqy jIvn bcfAux vflf ielfj ËrUrI hY.
AunHF leI jo ibmfrI dy bfad dy pVfvF ivwc hn, zfieliss ielfj hY. ieh aksr
mrIËF aqy pirvfrF nUM srIrk aqy Bfvnfqmk qOr 'qy hfvI kr idMdf hY. ies ivwc
ielfj dy cfr qoN Cy GMty Èfml ho skdy hn, mrIË dy bfkI jIvn leI hÌqy ivwc iqMn qoN Cy idn, aksr duKdfeI mfVy pRBfvF dy nfl. ieh ivafpk ielfj ishq sMBfl pRxflI qoN mhwqvpUrn sroqF aqy zflrF dI vI vrqoN krdf hY.
"mrIËF leI jo kfÌI ishqmMd hn, trFsplFt nUM ielfj dy pihly ivklp vjoN soicaf jfxf cfhIdf hY, jdoN ik hor shfieqf, ijvyN ik zfieliss, nUM mrIËF nUM tRFsplFt krvfAux leI vrqy jFdy pul vjoN dyiKaf jfxf cfhIdf hY," mYkkyNËI kihMdf hY. vrqmfn ivwc, imRqk dfnIaF qoN guridaF leI AuzIk smF cfr sfl jF ies qoN vwD
hY, Bfv iËafdfqr mrIË tRFsplFt pRfpq krn qoN pihlF hI mr jFdy hn.
“pr gurdy dI ibmfrI dy mrIËF smyq iËafdfqr kYnyzIanF nUM ieh nhIN pqf ik jIvq aMgF df dfn sMBv hY, ik quhfnUM mYc hox leI pRfpqkrqf nfl sbMDq hox dI loV nhIN hY, jF ieh ibmfrI df sB qoN vDIaf ielfj vI hY. "
jy quhfzI koeI zfktrI siQqI hY jo ik gurdy dI ibmfrI dy quhfzy joKm nUM vDfAuNdI hY, qF afpxy gurdy dy kMm dI ingrfnI krn bfry afpxy zfktr nfl gwl kro.
We provide training for Class 1 Driving License and Automatic Truck
We also provide Air Brake course training every weekend.
Gurbachan Singh Dhatt
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What is Vaisakhi?
Vaisakhi is an important festival for Punjabis around the world, and it holds a special place in our hearts. This festival is celebrated every year on April 13 or 14, and it marks the beginning of the harvest season in Punjab. It is a time when the Punjabi community comes together to celebrate, dance, and enjoy the abundance of nature.
bhangra dancing, and giddha performances. The streets are decorated with colourful lights, and the aroma of delicious Punjabi food fills the air. Apart from its cultural and religious significance, Vaisakhi also has a deep agricultural significance. This festival marks the beginning of the harvest season, and farmers in Punjab start harvesting their crops. The festival is
How is Vaisakhi Celebrated?
Vaisakhi is a vibrant and significant festival celebrated by the Punjabi community around the world, and Canada is no exception. The festival marks the beginning of the new solar year and is celebrated on the 13th or 14th of April every year. In Canada, Vaisakhi is an occasion for the community to come together and celebrate their culture, traditions, and faith.
The significance of Vaisakhi can be traced back to the year 1699, when the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, established the Khalsa Panth. On this day, he gave a new form to the Sikh community by baptizing five Sikhs and making them the first members of the Khalsa Panth. This event is considered a turning point in Sikh history, as it gave birth to a new era of spiritual and social revolution.
Today, Vaisakhi is celebrated not only by Sikhs but also by Hindus and other communities in Punjab. It is a time when people come together to share their happiness and joy. The festival is marked by processions, kite flying,
a time when farmers thank God for a bountiful harvest and pray for a good monsoon season.
In recent years, Vaisakhi has gained global recognition, and it is celebrated by Punjabis around the world. It is a time when Punjabi communities come together to share their culture, traditions, and values with the rest of the world. This festival has become a symbol of Punjabi unity and pride.
In conclusion, Vaisakhi is an important festival for Punjabis around the world. It is a time when we celebrate our culture, traditions, and values. This festival has a deep spiritual, cultural, and agricultural significance, and it brings people together from all walks of life. On this auspicious occasion, let us come together to celebrate and spread joy and happiness. Happy Vaisakhi to all!
The festivities in Canada are typically centered around the Gurudwaras or Sikh temples, where large processions called Nagar Kirtans are held. The processions are led by the Sikh holy scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, and accompanied by traditional music and dancing. The streets are lined with colorful decorations, and the air is filled with the aroma of delicious food, including traditional Punjabi dishes like samosas, pakoras, and jalebis.
One of the most significant events during Vaisakhi celebrations in Canada is the raising of the Nishan Sahib, the Sikh flag, at Gurudwaras. This flag symbolizes the Sikh faith and is raised with great pride and ceremony.
In addition to the Nagar Kirtans, various cultural programs, fairs, and exhibitions are also held across the country. These events showcase the rich Punjabi culture and heritage through music, dance, and art. The celebrations bring people from all walks of life and different communities together, fostering a spirit of unity and camaraderie.
Vaisakhi is not just a cultural festival but also has great religious significance for the Sikh community. It was on Vaisakhi in 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, formed the Khalsa Panth, a community of Sikhs who had committed themselves to upholding the values of their faith. This event is celebrated as the birth of the Khalsa and is an important part of the Vaisakhi celebrations in Canada.
In recent years, the Canadian government has officially recognized Vaisakhi as an important cultural and religious festival. The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has also participated in the Vaisakhi celebrations, further highlighting the significance of the festival in Canada’s cultural fabric.
In conclusion, Vaisakhi celebrations in Canada are a vibrant and colorful affair, bringing together people from all communities to celebrate the rich Punjabi culture and heritage. The festival is a testament to the diversity and inclusivity of Canada and serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural and religious celebrations in promoting unity and harmony.
Vaisakhi signifies love, multi-faith harmony and equality.
Baisakhi or Vaisakhi. Vaisakhi got its name from the month of Vaisakh of the Bikrami year in India. It is celebrated in Punjab and several other northern states on 1st day of Vaisakh which usually coincides with 13th day of April.
Harvesting Festival. Vaisakhi is the time when the most important and major wheat crop is harvested providing hope for lot of money coming home for a joyful future for all. People are in joyous mood and express their happiness by eating, dancing, arranging get together, and exchanging good-wishes and also enjoy community fairs and Nagar Kirtans (Sikh Parades) at several places. It has been the tradition since ages. Vaisakhi is also celebrated in other parts of India having different significance. In Bengal it is celebrated as the New Year day or Naba Varsha. It has great significance in Buddhist faith as its founder Lord Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment on this very day.
Vaisakhi of Sikhs. For the Sikhs, Vaisakhi has for more meaningful and revolutionary significance. It was on this day in 1699 that Guru Gobind Singh created Khalsa through a specially arranged huge gathering at Anandpur Sahib in Punjab. From among the huge gathering the Guru most dramatically selected FivePiaras (Beloved Ones) one by one, who were willing to sacrifice their life for the Guru. These Five-beloved ones belonged to low and high castes. They were baptized through a special ceremony and made to drink the specially prepared Amrit (nectar) from the same vessel turn by turn.
Universal Brotherhood. By creating Khalsa brotherhood Guru Gobind Singh gave a practical demonstration of equality of the mankind where there is nobody high or low on the basis of religion or caste and there by ushered in an era of equality, universal brotherhood and dauntless sacrifice for righteousness. As the Khalsa has already given his life to the Guru so he is never afraid of
rendering service to the mankind and dying for righteousness. And it is due to this spirit that the Sikhs has always been in the fore front to make sacrifices for righteousness and any humanitarian cause.
Sikh & Khalsa. Any person who believes in Sikh tenants is a Sikh. When a Sikh is baptized he becomes a Khalsa. Technically a Sikh is not a Khalsa but a Khalsa is a Sikh. But generally the term Sikh or Khalsa is used for the Sikhs as a whole. Anybody may become a Khalsa if he agrees to go through the Amritceremony and follow the code of conduct which includes keeping of Five Articles of faith: Kes-unshorn hair, Kirpan-sword, Kachhehraunderwear, Kanga-wooden comb and Kara-steel bracelet and also not to dishonor hair, engage in adultery and use tobacco and intoxicants.
Universal teaching. The essence of celebrating Vaisakhi lies in grasping the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh seeking the well being of entire mankind and not in merely performing some rituals. The Guru says, “Treat the entire human race as one”. Stressing upon loving and serving the people he says, “It is only through love that you can obtain God. Never be afraid of doing good deeds.” Emphatically rejecting meaningless rituals, outward show and hypocrisy, the Guru says, “I like a Sikh who lives by code of conduct, I don’t like a hypocrite.” Therefore, the true message of Vaisakhi celebration is to spread the message of love, equality, oneness of God, oneness of human rare, service to mankind, to forget differences of caste creed and color, hatred, hypocrisy, business in the name of religion and exploitation of ignorant masses by showering on them false religious blessings, etc. United Nations. It is wonderful that the United Nations Organization too resolved on October 20, 2010 to celebrate the first week of February every year as the “World Interfaith Harmony Week” to seek peace and harmony all over the world. More-
over, our great country Canada is having a policy to preserve and enhance the multicultural heritage of all people, while working to achieve the equality of all Canadians in economic, cultural and political life of Canada.
Universal Peace. In this context it may nicely be said that Guru Gobind Singh’s message of “Mannas ki jaat
sabhe eko pehchanbo- Treat the entire human race as one,” may prove very effective in promoting all the more peace, equality and interfaith harmony in Canada. Therefore, all the Sikh organizations must make more exerted efforts to spread the universal message of Vaisakhi and let the world know that even in our daily prayer we always pray for universal peace and well-being of the entire human race.
BC Premier David Eby speaks to CIVL’s Surjit Atwal regarding future plans for healthcare
British Columbia Premier David Eby views the recent deal between Ottawa and the provinces, pledging nearly $50 billion in health care support over the next ten years, as only the beginning of how the federal government can help taxpayers make up the gap in health care availability. While Eby says the funding comes from meetings that his NDP government has been pushing forward for over two years, the former BC housing minister and attorney general emphasizes non-financial ways the family doctor shortage can be addressed.
“The money is just part of it. A big part of our healthcare system is whether healthcare workers can work in different parts of the country without changing their licences or checking in with different regulatory bodies. Whether or not you can take your health care records with you across the country,”
Eby said after appearing in Chilliwack to make a $5 million flood protection funding announcement this month.
“It’s about whether we can save money, and buy drugs by working together, and getting bulk deals on buying prescription drugs,” he said. “There are so many things we can do at a national level that actually involves saving money and being more efficient, so we’re going to have those conversations as well. It’s just a start. It’s a foundation for those talks.”
More efforts be made to spread the universal message of Vaisakhi
afm krky ivsfKI 13 apRYl nUM hr sfl
mnfeI jFdI hY pr ‘iswK qvfrIK’ lyKk
hrijMdr isMG idlgIr anusfr ieh swc
nhIN hY. Auh ilKdy hn mfrc dy sLurU ivwc
gurU sfihb ny sfry iswKF nUM hukmnfmy Byj ky
ivsfK mhIny dI pihlI qfrIK (29 mfrc
1698) dy idn anMdpur sfihb phuMcx
vfsqy afiKaf. kuJ somy ies kOqk nUM 29
mfrc 1699 nUM aqy kuJ 1695 ivwc hoieaf dsdy hn. pr mYN 1698 nUM vDyry shI mMndf
hF. drasl agly sfl hI ivsfKI (29
mfrc 1699) dy idn anMdpur sfihb ivwc
1698 qoN vI vwzf iekwT hoieaf sI qy ies
idn vI hjLfrF iswKF ny pfhul leI sI. ieh
BulyKf ies qoN hI sLurU hoieaf hovygf. iek
sI 1695 ivwc kysDfrI hoey qy kVf pfAux df hukmnfmf jfrI hoieaf sI. iksy ny BulyKy nfl ies nUM hI pfhul nfl joV idwqf hovygf.
sMqoK isMG ny ‘sUrj pRkfsL’ ivwc ies df koeI sfl nhIN idwqf. 1699 sfl dI gwl sB qoN pihlF igafnI igafn isMG ny 1891 ivwc pMQ pRkfsL ivwc kIqI sI. (pMQ pRkfsL Cfpf aYzIsLn 1891, sPf 309) bfkI sfiraF ny iesy glqI nUM qvfrIK bxf idwqf. gurU dIaF sfKIaF ilKx sfr 1798 ivwc qfrIK 1698 hI idwqI hoeI hY. Bwt vhI BfdsoN prgnf Qfnysr ivwc vI 1698 df sfl idwqf hoieaf hY. Aus idn hjLfrF iswK gurU dI ngrI anMdpur
ieiqhfsk-hvfilaF ivwc iGrI ‘ivsfKI’ hrBjn isMG ‘mFgt’
sfihb ivwc puwjy. Aus idn svyry rbfbIaF ny gurU bfxI df kIrqn kIqf. kIrqn qoN bfad BfeI mnI rfm ny iek sLbd dI kQf kIqI. ies dy nfl hI gurU sfihb KVHy ho gey. afpxI ikrpfn imafn ivwcoN kwZI qy afiKaf ik “mYnUM iek isr cfhIdf hY.” gurU sfihb dI gwl sux ky sfry pfsy cuwp Cf geI. gurU sfihb ny iqMn vfrI iehI gwl afKI. qIjI vfr afKx qoN ipwCoN BfeI dXf rfm KVHf hoieaf. gurU sfihb qKq qoN AuWqry qy Aus nUM PV ky nyVy lfeI iek hor gVI qy gwzy hoey qMbU ivwc lY gey hux ieh qMbU vflI phfVI vjUd ivwc nhIN hY. kuJ plF bfad gurU sfihb KUn nfl ilbVI ikrpfn lY ky bfhr afey. ies vfr gurU sfihb ny iek hor isr dI mMg kIqI. ieh kOqk gurU sfihb ny pMj vfr duhrfieaf. pMjvyN iswK vloN isr Byt krn qoN kuJ icr mgroN gurU sfihb sIs Byt krn vfly pMj iswKF nUM nIly
bfxy ivwc pMzfl ivwc lY ky afey. gurU sfihb ny afp nIlf bfxf pihinaf hoieaf sI. gurU
dIaF sfKIaF sfKI 59 mihmf pRkfs, sPf
825, gurdfs isMG dI vfr (BfeI gurdfs
dI pfxI vfr vjoN CfpI hoeI) ies sbMDI
Bwt vrI BfdsoN prgnf Qfnysr ivwc iewk
aMdrjL ieMJ imldf hY.
gurU goibMd isMG mhl dsm bytf gurU qyg
bhfdr jI kf sfl 1795 mMglvfr ivsfKI
ky iehI pFc isKoN ko kFzy dI pfhul dI isMG kfm rfKf. ipRQmY dYaf rfm somqI KqrI
bfsI lfhOr af Klf hUaf. pfCY mohkm cMd CINbf bfsI svfrkf sfihb cMd nfeI bfsI ibdr jqgbfd DrmcMd jvMdf jft bfsI
hsqnfpur qfmq cMd JIvr bfsI jgnfQ
bfro bfrI Kly hUey. sb ko nIl aMbr pihnfieaf vhI bys apfn dIaf. hUkf, hlfl, hjfmq, hrfm, itwkf jMJU DoqI kf iqafg krfieaf. mIxy DIr mwlIey rfmgeIey isr guMm msMdF kI vrqn bMd kI. kMGf, krdf, kysrI, kVf, kCihrf, sb ko dIaf. sb kysfDfrI kI ey. isr Byt krn vfly pMjF iswKF (BfeI dieaf rfm BfeI muhkm cMd, BfeI sfihb cMd, BfeI Drm cMd, BfeI ihMmq cMd, dy ichry qy vwKrI iksm df nUr Jlk irhf sI. jdoN gurU sfihb dIvfn ivwc phuMcy qF AuhnF nUM pMzfl ivwc pMj hor iswK KVHy njLr afey ieh sn dyvf rfm, rfm cMd, tihl dfs, eIsLr dfs qy Piqh cMd. gurU sfihb ny AuhnF nUM puwiCaf ik qusIN ikAuN KVHy ho? qF AuhnF jvfb idwqf ik asIN vI isr Byt krn vfsqy hfjLr hF. gurU sfihb ny AunHF nUM ikhf mYnUM isrP pMj isr cfhIdy sI. pr ikAuNik qusIN isdk idlI nfl hfjLr hoey, ies krky quhfnUM pMj mukqy krky jfixaf jfeygf. gurU sfihb ny afiKaf ky awj qoN ienHF pMjF mrjIviVaF nUM “pMj
ipafry” afiKaf jfieaf krygf. jdoN qwk cMd sUrj kfiem rihxgy gurU dy isr Byt krn vfly pihly pMj iswKF df nF dunIaF Br ivwc kfiem rhygf. jdoN vI kVfh pRsLfd dI dyg iqafr hoieaf krygI. iehnF df CFd (ihwsf) sB qoN pihlF kwiZaf jfieaf krygf. gurU sfihb KMzf Pyr ky afp pfhul iqafr krn lwg pey mgroN ardfs kIqI qy jYkfry Cwzx mgroN ‘KMzy dI pfhul dyx dI rsm sLurU kIqI’ gurU sfihb ny KMzy nfl pihlF afpxy mUMh ivwc pMj bUMdF pfeIaF qy iPr pMjF ipafiraF nUM KMzy dI pfhul idwqI, (pMj ipafiraF nUM KMzy dI pfhul dyx ipwCoN afp AuhnF koloN pfhul lYx dI khfxI mgroN GVI geI jfpdI hY).
bhuq kvIaF ny ivsfKI bfry rcnfvF kIqIaF hn.
pr awj nf dfqIaF hn nf koeI lwCI vfZIaF krdI hY. kMbfeInF df Xuwg hY. msLInF ny bMidaF nUM vI msLIn bxf idwqf hY. iksfn dI jo qrfsdI awj hY Auh sfnUM sB nUM pqf hY. aMq qy afpF afpxI pnIrI ‘bwicaF’ nUM ivsfKI dy arQ smJfeIey qy afpxy klcr siBafcfr nfl joVIey. pwCm klcr dI hnyrI koloN afpxy aflHxy bcfeIey…
pMjfb dy iksfn leI ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sB qoN mhwqvpUrn hY. kxk df iswtf Brdf hY. ivsfKI vfly idn dy afs-pfs kxkF
vwZIaF jFdIaF hn. dfixaF dy aMbfr lwgdy hn. Pyr dfixaF dIaF trflIaF Br ky iksfn mMzI jFdy hn. mMzI jFidaF sfr
kxk ivk nhIN jFdI. keI-keI idn aqy
rfqF afpxy bohl dy isrhfxy bYTxf pYNdf
hY. afpxI kxk dI rfKI krnI pYNdI hY. srkfrI aiDkfrI nKry krdy hn, ihwsf
mMgdy hn, pqf nhIN kfhdf ihwsf? BUry
lfl Jony ivc iswl qy kfloN kwZdf hY aqy
kxk ivwcoN GuMzIaF aqy kFigafrI. iksfn dy ichry AuWqy ivsfKI dIaF KusLIaF gfieb
hn ikAuNik iksfn jfxdf hY ik DIaF vFg
pflI-posI kxk dI ies vfr vI bykdrI ho skdI hY.
ivsfKI vfly idn 1699 eI: nUM gurU goibMd isMG jI ny anMdpur sfihb ivKy Kflsf pMQ
dI nINh rwKI. sLuwD aqy swcy Kfls mnuwK
dI isrjxf kIqI. KMzy dI pfhul Ckf pMj
ipafry sfjy. aMimRq pfn krn vfly pMj
ipafry. pMj vwK-vwK DrmF, jfqF aqy
ielfikaF ivwcoN hn. jfq pfq df Byd Bfv
imt igaf. sfry AuWcy-nIvyN iewk smfn ho gey.
sFJIvflqf dI mflf ivwc proey gey. dsmysL ipqf shI arQF ivwc Drm-inrpwKqf,
lok rfj aqy smfnqf dy hfmI sn. ivsfKI idhfVy qoN sdf pRyrnf imldI rhygI ik sfnUM Poky krmkfzF, jfq-pfq, iPrkfpRsqI aqy sOVI ielfkfpRsqI qoN AuWpr AuWT ky smuwcI mfnvqf dI ibhqrI leI socxf cfhIdf hY. sMgq pMgq aqy sFJy lMgr dI pRMprf kfPI purfxI hY. lMgr dI pRMprf gurU nfnk dyv jI vwloN krqfrpur qoN afrMB kIqI geI sI. afnMdpur sfihb qwk phuMcidaF ies pRMprf dy smfjvfdI arQ hor vI prpwk ho cuwky sn. sMn 1699 dI ivsfKI qwk phuMcidaF ies pRMprf ivwc mfrsLl siprt pRvysL kr cuwkI sI. ikrq krnf, vMz Ckxf, sMjm ivwc rihxf qy sMgq nUM gurU df drjf dyxf, pMjfbI smfj ivwc awj vI kfPI hwd qfeIN dyKy jf skdy hn. ivsfKI eykqf aqy BrfqrI Bfv df sMdysL idMdI hY. sB dy duwKsuwK sFJy ho gey iBwt-Bfv, CUq-Cfq dIaF nINhF ihwl geIaF, ‘mfns sBo eyk pY anyk ko pRBfv hY.”
jilHaFvfly bfg aMimRqsr ivwc ivsfKI
vfly idn
13 aprYl 1919 inhwQI aqy
puramn rYlI AuWqy mfeIkl Ezvfier aqy
jnrl zfier dy hukmF anusfr aMnHyvfh
golI clfeI geI sI. sYNkVy byksUr lok
mfry gey sn.
13 aprYl df idn ies krky vI Xfd krn
Xog hY ikAuNik iesy idn krIb ZfeI hjLfr
sfl pihlF mhfqmf buwD nUM boD gXf dy sQfn AuWqy, igafn dI pRfpqI hoeI sI. awj ivsfKI dy mOky asIN vyKdy hF ik ‘iewk smUh leI aqy smUh iewk leI’ AuWqy aDfrq
sfzf swiBafcfrk KMizq hY. pihlF iksfn qy sIrI kfmy ivwc sFJ huMdI sI. duwK-suwK sux suxf lYNdy sn pr hux ipMzF ivwc Kyq
mjLdUr dI ikrq qkfq vI iewk ijxs bx geI hY. ikrq vycx leI (bolI) huMdI hY. Jonf lvfeI aqy kxk ktfeI vyly ieh bolI vwD jFdI hY. hux sFJI KyqI nhIN huMdI. mMg
pf ky sFJy ibjfeI, guzfeI aqy kZfeI df
kMm hux iksfn nhIN krdy. svfrQ hr pfsy pRDfn hY. afpo-DfpI hY. vfrI-vfrI rl
iml ky kMm krn krvfAux df swiBafcfr
hux nhIN irhf.
ivsfKI df iqAuhfr ikrq dI mhwqqf df
iqAuhfr hY. sMGrsL krnf hwQIN ikrq
krnf qy iPr rl-iml ky bYT ky Kfxf aqy
BwuiKaF nUM KvfAuxf. kdI pMjfb pRqI jIa
afmdn ivwc Bfrq `c sB qoN AuWpr sI.
sfry sUibaF nfloN vwD trYktrF dI vrqoN
hflI vI pMjfb dy iksfn krdy hn. vwzy
iksfnF leI srkfr ny itAUbvYWl ibjlI
pfxI muPq kIqf hoieaf hY. Pyr vI iksfnI
hyTF nUM jf rhI hY.
CotI iksfnI krijLaF dy boJ hyTF dwbI
peI hY. aMndfqf iksfn afriQk qMgIaF
df npIiVaf hoieaf afqm-hwiqaf vrgy aiq bujLidlI kdm cuwkx qwk cilaf igaf hY. pMjfb dy ipMzF dy ijLMmIdfr/jgIrdfr, sLihrF ivwc AusfrIaF afpxIaF ivsLfl koTIaF ivwc rihMdy hn pr Coty iksfn, byjLmIny iksfn aqy Kyq mjLdUr dy DIaFpuwqr imafrI pVHfeI aqy CotIaF-motIaF nOkrIaF leI dr-dr Btk rhy hn. nOkrI pRfpq krn leI Auh kuJ vI krn nUM iqafr hn. pMjfb df Cotf iksfn afpxy byty nUM AuWc iswiKaf idvfAux qy nOkrI df pRbMD krn leI bYNkF pfsoN krjLf lYNdf hY. nOkrI iPr vI nhIN imldI, nf hI ilaf hoieaf krjLf vfps muVdf hY.
sfrI srkfrI msLInrI, afVHqIey, bYNk, puils, aPsrsLfhI grIb iksfn duafly Gyrf Gwq lYNdy hn. pMjfb vrgf gurU dI imhr vflf sUbf vI aiq lfcfr qy mjLbUr ho jFdf hY. dUjy pfsy, iewk irport anusfr kOmI bYNkF pfsoN, isafsI srpRsqI vfly vwzy
AudXogpqIaF aqy kfrKfnydfrF vwloN krjLy dy rUp ivwc ley iqMn lwK kroV, vwty Kfqy pf ky Kqm kr idwqy hn. afs krdy hF ik KusLIaF BrI ivsfKI vI jLrUr afvygI, jdoN iksfn nUM afpxI imhnq df pUrf muwl imlygf, jdoN aMndfqf qy aMn dI bykdrI nhIN hovygI. iksfn dy ichry AuWqy KusLI hwsygI.
kOm sLyrF dI
ajYb isMG ilwdV
idn ivsfKI vfly
siqgurU, kIqI gwl ipafrI sI
iewk iewk krky isr
jd mMigaf, sB nUM
lwgdI gwl inafrI sI
1699 dy ivwc siqgurU kOm sLyrF dI sfjI sI
iewk iewk krky isr
jd mMigaf
ichry AuWqy ajb sI lflI, rUp ielfhI lwgdf sI
hwQ ivwc PVI sLmsIr dyK ky, sMgqF nUM zr lwgdf sI
jo sn afey dyKx mylf, Bwj gey Cwz ky QfvF nUM
1699 dy ivwc siqgurU kOm sLyrF dI sfjI sI
iewk iewk krky isr jd mMigaf
ies vfrI jd bfjF vfly, ivwc pMzfl dy afAuNdy ny
pMjF isMGF dy bMn dsqfrF, lY ky sMgq dy ivwc afAuNdy ny
isr dy ky ijhnF lY leI iswKI, Auh jnm nUM sPl bxf gey ny
1699 dy ivwc siqgurU kOm sLyrF dI sfjI sI
iewk iewk krky isr jd mMigaf
sMgqF dy ivwc af ky pMjF, pMj jYkfry Cwzy sI
idsUgf lwKF ivwc KVHf ieh vwKrf, bfjF vfly sLbd Audfry sI
svf lwK d nfl lVU iewk, siqgurU eysI pfx cVfeI sI
1699 dy ivwc siqgurU kOm sLyrF dI sfjI sI
iewk iewk krky isr jd mMigaf
jfq pfq df Byd imtf ky, inafVy vfilaf isMG sjfey ny
khy “ajYb” Ckf ky aMimRq, nf dy ipWCy isMG lgfieaf sI
pMj kkfrF dy DfrnI rihxf, siqgurU ny hukm suxfieaf sI
1699 dy ivwc siqgurU kOm sLyrF dI sfjI sI
iewk iewk krky isr jd mMigaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf
mulK rfj bjfj
qfnfsLfh jLflm aOrMgjLyb ny kIqf nOvyN gurF ‘qy vfr
jLulm, awiqafcfr qoN, dsvyN gurF cuwk leI qlvfr
svf lwK sy eyk lVfAUN KLflsf pMQ sjfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
30 mfrc 1699 idn ivsfKI gurF afnMdpur zyry lfey
lwKF dI qfdfd isMGF ‘coN pMj inwqr ky afey
KMzy bfty df ipaf ky aMimRq igwdVF qoN sLyr bxfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
ipqf vfiraf kOm qoN puwq kIqy kurbfn
vfh vfh guru goibMd isMG qyrf DMn ijgrf mhfn
afpy gurU afpy cylf, aMimRq pIqf qy plfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
holf mhwlf qy ivsfKI gurUaF dy myly lgdy BfrI
dysL ivdysL qoN sMgqF afvx lwKF nr qy nfrI
srovr ivc iesLnfn kr sMgqF guru nUM sIs Jukfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
lfzlI PLOj nihMg isMGF dI ivc myly dy afeI
gwqky jOhr idKf lokF nUM rOxk KUb jmfeI
QF QF lMgr lf isMGF ny syvf df PLl pfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
skUtr, kfrF, trYktr rfhIN jwt myly ‘qy afey
kxk vwZ, dfxy kwZy, pYsy vwt, jybF Br ilafey
vfr vfr ky suwtx not, BMgVf ijnHF pfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
awj ivsfKI idvs dI ‘pRymI’ dyvy vDfeI
bfxI gurF dI rt lE, nsLy Cwzo BfeI
igafrvF gurU gRMQ sfihb sB iswKn ko mnvfieaf
idn ivsfKI nUM gurF ny iswKI df bUtf lfieaf.
ivsfKI Bfg-1
bldyv suKI ‘rozy’
hr sfl ivsfKI dy rMg bdldy gey, ijvyN ijvyN KyqI dy ZMg bdldy gey.
sLfied hux vfZI leI dfqI dI loV nf, kMbfeIn Qwly dfqI dy dMd bdldy gey. dMdy kwZdy imsqrI dI ryqI guafc geI, grfeINzr ny hr sMd dI qkdIr bdl ‘qI. gwzy dy phIaF dI cIN cIN vI muwkI, ryVHy dy tfierF ny gwzy dI qsvIr bdl ‘qI.
ipVF ivwc gfhux vfly PlHy hn ikwQy, mhIinaF dy kMm idnF dy rih gey.
krky qrwkIaF dysL vDdf igaf awgy, krijLaF Qwly db ky iksfn BuMjy lih gey.
krijLaF ny CfpIaF aKLbfrF ‘c qsvIrF, ijvyN dysL Bgq hox PFsIaF nUM cuMmdy. nihrF dy jflLF ‘coN imldIaF jo lfsLF, dwsdIaF ny mjLbUr jwt ikwQy ny guMmdy. qrsdy inafxy miTafeI dy suafd nUM, byby nf bxfey hux Gry kdy ipMnIaF. guV vfly cOlL imwTy, aDirVky dy Guwt, CMny Bry syvINaF dy iGE dy ivc irMnHIaF. cfqirk dy jwt vflI sMmF vflI zFg suwkI, sLfied hux ssqy ho gey ipsqOl ny.
pihlF jo ivafKI dyKI hfly vI hulfry dyNdI, hux qF ivsfKI bfry soc pYNdy hOl ny.
JwKV hnHyrIaF ny PslF ivCfqIaF ny, awDy JfV ivcoN dws Kfx kI hMZfx kI.
bhuqy pfV pwtxy dI jLrf vI guMjfiesL nhIN, rIJ ivwcy rhI ‘suwKI’ ivsfKI nUM mnfx dI.
ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sdIaF purfxf iqAuhfr
hY. purfqn smyN qoN hI ivsfKI sfzy swiBafcfr df iewk ainwKVvF aMg rhI hY. ieh
iqAuhfr ivsfK dy pihly idn Bfv ivsfKI
dI sMgrFd nUM mnfieaf jFdf hY. ikrsfnI
jIvn nfl ies iqAuhfr dI atuwt sFJ hY
ikAuNik ies idn kxk dI vfZI sLurU ho jFdI
hY aqy iksfn afpxIaF PslF pwkx dI KusLI
ivwc BMgVy pfAuNdy afpxI KusLI df iejLhfr
krdy hn. pr hOlI-hOlI purfqn BfeIcfrk
sFJ vflI ivsfKI dy nfl ies dy ieiqhfsk
sFJ vflI ivsfKI dy nfl iesdy ieiqhfsk
aqy Dfrimk pwK vI juV gey. hux vwzy pwDr
`qy ivsfKI dy mOky-dysLF ivdysLF ivwc dIvfn
sjfey jFdy hn, ngr kIrqn kIqy jFdy
hn. iswK BfeIcfrf smUihk rUp ivwc iekwTy
ho ky ieh ‘Kflsf pMQ’ dy sfjxf idvs nUM
mnfAuNdf hY. dUroN hI ieh Kflsf pCfixaf
jFdf hY. pr svfl AuWTdf hY ik iswKF nUM iewk
vwKrI pihcfx dI loV ikAuN peI.
gurU sfihb dI sLhIdI Kflsy pMQ dI sQfpnf
ivwc iek hor mhwqvpUrn kfrn bixaf, jdoN anykF hI hor iswKF, ihMdUaF AuWqy jLulm
Zfhy gey. gurU goibMd rfey ny kOm aqy Drm
dI rwiKaf leI iehnF juLlmF ivruwD afvfjL
bulMd kIqI. ies mhfn sLkqI ny pfp, ainaF aqy JUT ivruwD jnqf nUM jfigRq kIqf. ihMdU Drm dI Kfqr ipqf jI nUM sLhIdI dyx leI idwlI qoiraf. iswKF ivwc bhfdrI aqy
dlyrI vrgy gux pYdf krn leI iswKF nUM jQybMd krnf sLurU kIqf. AuhnF ivwc afqmivsLvfs pYdf krn leI iswKF nUM iewk vwKrI pihcfx dyx bfry soicaf. gurU sfihb ny ivsfKI df mOkf hI sB qoN ZukvF smiJaf
ivsfKI-BgqI aqy sLkqI df sumyl
aqy iswKF nUM anMdpur sfihb (kysgVH sfihb) ivKy iekwTy hox leI ikhf. 30 mfrc, 1699 dI ivsfKI nUM kysgV ivKy iewk BfrqI
iekwT hoieaf ijs ivwc gurU sfihb ny lokF
AuWqy ho rhy awiqafcfr ivruwD avfjL AuTfeI
aqy pMj sIsF dI mMg kIqI. kuJ smF sMnftf
Cfey bfad pMj iswKF ny AuhnF dI cuxOqI nUM svIkfr kIqf aqy afpxf sIs Byt krn leI vfro-vfrI awgy afey. gurU sfihb nUM
iehnF pMj iswKF nUM srb loh dy bfty ivwc iqafr kIqf KMzy bfty df aMimRq Cwk ky isMG df iKqfb idwqf aqy AuhnF nUM pMj ipafry
Qfipaf. bfad ivwc AuhnF pMj ipafiraF qoN afp aMimRq Ck ky isMG sjy. vfhu-vfhu goibMd isMG afpy gur cylf df sMklp ilaf. Kflsy nUM vwKrI pihcfx dy ky kOm ivwc nvIN rUh Br idwqI. iswK nUM aMimRq Ckf ky sMq ispfhI bxf idwqf. BgqI Bfv afqimk guxF krky sMq aqy sLkqI Bfv bIrqf dy guxF krky ispfhI bxf idwqf. dIn-duKIaF dI rwiKaf leI BgqI aqy sLkqI df sumyl
krky AUc-nIc, grIb-amIr df Byd-Bfv
Kqm kr idwqf. so ieko bfty ivwc aMimRq
Ckf ky sfrIaF jfqF, brfdrIaF Kqm krky iewk BfeIcfrk sFJ vflf Kflsf pMQ iqafr kIqf,
‘mfns kI jfq sbY eykY pihcfnbo..’
Kflsf pMQ dI isrjxf ipwCoN gurU goibMd isMG jI dI soc sI ik hkUmq df tfkrf isrP kOmI eykqf aqy qfkq nfl hI kIqf jf skdf hY. gurU sfihb ny pMQ dI isrjxf krky AuhnF lokF ivwc afmq ivsLvfs pYdf kIqf jo kdI afpxy-afp nUM dwby-kucly,
byvws, inqfxy jF lqfVy hoey smJdy sn. gokl cMd nfrMg ilKdy hn:
‘gurU goibMd isMG dy asr hyT aijhy mnuwK vI rx-Kyqr dy sUrmy bx gey, ijhnF kdI qlvfr nUM hwQ nhIN sI lfieaf.”
gurU goibMd isMG jI nUM Kflsf pMQ dI sQfpnf qoN bfad vI bhuq duwKF qklIPF ivwcoN gujLrnf ipaf. vwzy sLfihbjLfidaF nUM cmkOr
dI gVHI ivwc sLhId krvfieaf aqy Coty
sfihbjLfidaF nUM ijAuNdy kMDF ivwc icxvf
ky vI sI qwk nf kIqI. mfqf gujrI jI TMZy
burj ivwc sLhId ho gey. sfry pirvfr nUM
kOm leI kurbfn krn vfly gurU goibMd isMG jI srbMsdfnI bx gey. jykr asIN
ieiqhfs vwl njLr mfrIey qF dyKdy hF ik
kuwJ ivrly mnuwK hI huMdy hn jo afpxf afp
kurbfn krky kOm dI sucwjI agvfeI krdy hn. afpxI sucwjI soc aqy isafxp sdkf hI iewk afdrsLvfdI, pivwqr qy iensfPL
meI mfrg nUM apxfAuNdy hn. aijhy hI
AuWcy adfrsLF dy mflk sn gurU goibMd isMG jI. afpxy iehnF AuWcy-suwcy iKaflF sdkf
hI iewk afdrsL mnuwK dI isrjxf kIqI. loV hY awj sfnUM AuhnF dy asUlF qy pihrf dyx dI. AuhnF duafrf idwqy gey AupdysLF nUM prcfrn dI. dOlq rfey sfihb ‘sfihb ey kmfl gurU goibMd isMG jI ivwc ilKdy hn ik “gurU goibMd isMG jI ny iswK Drm df pRcfr krn leI afpxI mF bolI vrqI. Auh smJdy sn ik Drm AupdysLF nUM afpxI mfq BfsLf ivwc nf dyxf, nf kyvl aXog smJdy sn, blik bhuq hfnIkfrk qy Kqrnfk vI pRqIq krdy sn.”
svrgvfsI zf: dlIp isMG igwl dsmysL pMjfbI skUl aYbtsPorz
jy asIN AuhnF dI kurbfnI nUM hmysLf Xfd rwKxf hY qF sfnUM afpxI mF-bolI df siqkfr kfiem rwKxf pvygf qF ik asIN afAux vflIaF pIVHIaF nUM afpxy swiBafcfr nfl joV skIey. mF-bolI Kflsy dI afpxI pihcfx hY. ivdysLF ivwc afpxI mfq-BfsLf pMjfbI nUM siqkfr idvfAux vfly asIN pMjfbI hI hF jo ies nUM bxdf siqkfr idvf skdy hF. aprYl 6, 2013 dy toiePf pRogrfm ivwc vI vfr-vfr pMjfbI BfeIcfry aqy pMjfbI BfsLf dI gwl kIqI geI jo ik sfzy swiBafcfr dy lokF dI bhu-igxqI hox df sbUq hY. Kflsf akfl purK dI POj hY. ies dI pihcfx nUM sfzy BfeIcfry ny hI kfiem rwKxf hY.
hwk-swc aqy sFJIvflqf df pRqIk ivsfKI df iqAuhfr
sB qoN pihlF vYsfKI df mylf BfeI pfro jI ny gurU amrdfs jI dI afigaf lY ky afrMB
kIqf sI. BfeI pfro jI zwlf nyVy sulqfnpur dy rihx vfly sn. zwlf invfsI BfeI
pfro jI jo sRI gurU
aMgd dyv jI df
iswK hoieaf aqy
sRI gurU amr dfs
jI dI syvf krky
AunHF gurU jI pfsoN prmhMs dI pdvI
pRfpq kIqI, qIjy
gurU jI ny ienHF
nUM pRcfrk Qfp ky
mMjI bÉÈI. gurU
hirgoibMd sfihb
jI df shurf nfrfiex dfs iesy vMÈ ivcoN sI.
Éflsy df jnm
idhfVf ivsfKI.
ies idn iswK kOm
dI hoNd dy qVk
svyry ny dsqk dy
ky apxI rOÈnI dIaF Éfls-ÈuwD pivwqr ikrxF nfl Bfrq dy hnHyry nUM dUr kridaF mfnvqf df, sFJIvflqf df sMdyÈ idwqf.
ieh iqAuhfr keI prMprfvF aqy swcfeI
dIaF buinafdF nfl juV ky apxI ivlKxqf df sbUq idMdf hY. ies iqAuhfr nUM PslF df iqAuhfr vI mMinaf jFdf hY.
sUrj dy ihsfb nfl ivsfK df pihlf idn.
gurU drÈnF leI ivsfKI vfly idn dyÈivdyÈ dIaF sMgqF df iekwTy hoxf Bfv ivsfKI df mylf. Éflsf pMQ df jnm idn. iswKF df ieh mhfn iqAuhfr hY.
hwk-swc aqy sFJIvflqf df pRqIk hY ivsfKI df iqAuhfrl pMjfbIaF ny ÈhIdIaF, kurbfnIaF dI buinafd ’qy qrwkI kIqI hY.
hwk-swc nUM siqnfm-vfihgurU df afsrf lY
ky pUrf kIqf, hwk-swc df sMklp siqnfm sRI vfihgurU jI dI Et sdkf hI sMpUrn huMdf hY. iensfnI kdrF-kImqF dI hkIkq hY iswK ieiqhfs. mfns jI jfiq sBY eyk hI
blivMdr bflm gurdfspur ENkfr ngr gurdfspur pMjfb mo[ 98156-25409
pihcfnbo:- ieh pMkqIaF iswKI dI agvfeI krdIaF hn.
ivsfKI df iqAuhfr Ëulm df nfÈ krnf, swcfeI aqy mfnvqf dI ijwq df pRqIk. awj df idn Bfrq dy ieiqhfs ivc cmkdy sUrj vFg rhygf.
awj dy idn hI sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny
ivsfKI vfly idn 1699 nUM qÉq sRI kysgVH sfihb sRI afnMdpur sfihb ivKy pMj ielfhI aimRq bfxIaF df pfT sIs dyx vfly pMj ÈrDflUaF nUM isMG sjf ky Éflsf akfl purK dI POj dI isrjnf kIqI. ieh Ëulm dy ivruwD tfkrf krn leI iqafr kIqI geI. bfdÈfh drvys gurU goibMd isMG ny Kud vI ienHF pMj isMG sfihbfn qoN aimRbfty dI dfq pRfpq krky AUnHF nUM mfnvqf aqy Éfls mfnv dy isrjnhfr bxf idwqf aqy bhuq hI Auc pwDr dI bfxI ivc
bfkI pMnf 57 'qy
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
ivsfKI dIaF lwK-lwK vDfeIaF
52.11 acres of blueberry farm in Cloverdale. The field is professionally maintained and is currently planted in four blueberry varieties, with 17 acres of Duke, 8 acres of Elliot, 18 acres of Bluecrop, and 6 acres of Rika.
1197 Lone Pine Drive Kelowna
Incredible home in Black mountain.You can relax on the rooftop patio and enjoy the amazing view of the lake. Modern, bright, open-concept floor plan. House offers unobstructed views of Okanagan Lake, city, and mountain views.
A Stunning, just-completed Renovated on near Tyson Elementary school field. Total of 5 beds/ 3 baths with brand new moldings & finishing.
14733 108A AVENUE *North Surrey*
CLOSE to GUILDFORD MALL!! This house sits on 7690 SQ FT lot area with 66ft Frontage. Fully renovated 6 bed & 3 baths available for you.
5 bed/ 3 Bath/ 3 Living Room
ATTENTION INVESTORS, VIEW SEEKERS, AND ACREAGE ENTHUSIASTS!! OVER 20 ACRES of BLUEBERRY FARM with a House + Barn. This fantastic farm has approx 18 acres of planted berries with the production of 218,000 lbs (2020) and 163,000 lbs (2021).
Additionally, house interior design had been fully modify to 5 Bed/3 Bath and 3 Living rooms.
This 8.56-ACRE farm is zoned A-1 providing unparalleled roadside viewing opportunities. The land is now rented to a local farmer year-to-year and is planted with 10-year-old Raspberries. The house is a well-kept 5-bedroom rancher with a basement entrance through the garage. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime chance to buy this precious piece of real estate.
58.6 Acres of Blueberry Farm with 2 Houses & 3 Barns located in prime Abbotsford location. Near Highway and close to town. High production! high income!
21 7140 132 STREET SURREY
This 3-level townhouse for a family offers 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in the West Newton area. The main floor includes a spacious Family room, dining room, living room, and breakfast nook. Two bedrooms and a Master bedroom with an en-suite on the above floor.
Mountains & Lake View lots 9134 & 9158 HATZIC RIDGE DRIVE MISSION
OVER 29,000.00 SF LOTS
Fully Serviced Lot in Hatzic Ridge. Unobstructed views of mountains, lake, river, valley. Ready to build city water, Sewer and storm. This is the place to Build your custom house - Premier Subdivision. Endless possibilities to build your dream home!
4210 Gladwin Rd Abbotsford
Info.- 5.13 acres in front of golf course North Shore Mountains View!! 2022 Nicely Renovated!! Rare opportunity to own this good solid Split level home situated on 5.13 acres. This amazing home offers 4 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms which include a Massive master bedroom with a beautiful 4-piece en-suite.
This awesome C5 zoning commercial building lot is centrally located in beautiful Abbotsford with close proximity to Abbotsford City Hall, shops, restaurants, schools, and so much more! BIG LOT AREA 12090 sqft. has a present and future development potential of 5 story Commercial Building. This is a well-maintained property with a 5 Bed & 5 baths house rental income of $3650 per month and the Store can be leased at $8,000 including triple net.
3 STOREY HOUSE 5Bed/4 Bath
2 Bedroom Basement Suite
The home has an open floor plan, high ceilings, and large windows making this home a suitable place for settling. This home includes a great room, dining, laundry, and an amazing kitchen.
30414 Sandpiper Dr. Abbotsford
Call for details
2 Storey House - Lot Area of 6550 Sq ft!! A total of 6 bedrooms & 4 full bathrooms with the feature includes a new floor, roof & patio deck, and replaced fence. Additional 2 Bedroom suite with separate entrance, kitchen, and laundry.
13339 70B STREET TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE in Suncreek Area 13339 70B STREET
A rare & tastefully decorated townhome in Suncreek is well maintained. Total of 3 beds/2 baths close to all amenities like Restaurants, Schools, Shops, bus stops.
An amazing Custom Home in the prestigious neighborhood of Eagle Mountain. Building plans include a spacious 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom home.
An amazing under construction Home in the prestigious neighborhood of Eagle Mountain. Building plans include a spacious 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom home.
Simple steps to refresh your kitchen
(NC) A complete kitchen renovation can be hugely expensive when you factor in the cost of replacing the appliances, flooring and countertops. But there are some DIY options to spruce up the busiest room in your home that won’t break your back or your budget. Try wallet- and workfriendly updates to these areas:
Cabinet colour
Replacing your cabinets is pricey and messy. But you’ll amaze yourself with how much personality a fresh coat of paint can add to your kitchen. Brighten up dark doors to create a bright, clean and airy feel. Take plain white cabinets and drawers, and paint on a layer of mahogany sophistication. Feeling bold? Paint with a bright accent colour like red or blue to really let that part of your kitchen pop. Switch out the hardware to a new metal and you’ll end up with completely new cabinetry.
The lighting
The great thing about swapping your lighting setup is that it will enhance all your other DIY choices. Go with a central hanging light for a classic feel, or a set of track lights to put the spotlight exactly where you want it. Many kitchens have an unused light fixture in the ceiling, so you can even add a second set of lights without having to worry about rewiring or tearing into the ceiling.
Your faucet
DIY that makes an impact doesn’t have to mean everything but the kitchen sink. A new faucet is easy to install, and it can make a surprising difference to the feel of your kitchen. Look for one that matches form with function: a pull-down faucet will let you more easily keep the sink pristine, and if it uses Delta’s Touch2O technology, you can turn it on with a tap anywhere on the faucet and avoid messy handles during meal prep. A timeless design with a modern feel can fit into just about any kitchen.
ikhf, Éflsf myro siqgurU pUrf] Éflsf myro sjn sUrf. Éflsf myrf ipMz mhfn] Éflsf
myrI jfn kI jfn aqy Éflsf myrf rUp hY
Éfs, Éflsy mYN hoN kroN invfs.
AunHF Éflsy nUM afpxI iËMd jfn apxf sB kuJ ikhf. AunHF kOm ivc iek nvIN kRfqIkfrI
ÈkqI df afmgn kIqf. pMj kwikaF dI Koj
pUrvk hoNd pYdf kIqI. ieh hoNd dunIaF dy
iksy kony ivc nhIN imldI. Éflsf akfl
purK dI Poj dunIaF qoN ivlwKx hY. ijs dI
pihcfx dUr qoN hI ho jFdI hY. ies idn
Éflsf pMQ dI nINh rwKI geI aqy ÈuwD dlyr, swcy Éfs mfnv dI isrjnf kIqI.
Éflsf akfl purK dI Poj dy pMj ipafi-
raF dy nFa sn: BfeI dXf isMG, BfeI Drm isMG, BfeI ihMmq isMG, BfeI sfihb isMG, BfeI mohkm isMG jI aqy ies idn
sFJIvflqf df surK svyrf sdf-sdf leI
cVH igaf. ijs dI rOÈnI rihMdI dunIaF qk rhygI.
sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny Drm inrpKqf, lok rfj, smfnqf, smfjvfd dy nfl-nfl cwlx df XQfrQ rUp ivc AupdyÈ idwqf-
dyhurf msIq soeI, pUjf aO nmfË AuhI, mfns sBY eyk, pY anyk ko pRBfv hY. aqy awlh aByd soeI, purfn aO kurfn EeI, eyk hI srUp sBY eyk hI bnfv hY afid.
gurU jI ny apxf pirvfr, mfqf-ipqf sihq dyÈ dI Éfqr kurbfn kr idwqy aqy dunIaF ivc iensfnIaq dI jXoqI pRwjvl kr ivKfeI.
13 apRYl ivsfKI vfly idn 1919 nUM hI jwilaF vfly bfgR aimRqsr ivKy mfeIkl aYzvfier aqy jnrl zfier dI sYnf ny ÈFqmeI rYlI krdy lokF Aupr aMDf-DuMd
golIaF clf ky anyk lokF nUM ÈhId kr idwqf sI. zfktr sYPUdIn ikclU aqy zfktr sqpfl dI igRPqfrI df ivroD krdy lokF
Aupr aMgryËF golIaF clfeIaF. ieh idn hwk aqy swc leI jUJx dI hkIkq ibafn krdf hY.
ivsfKI df iqAuhfr sfry Bfrq ivc hI nhIN blik ivdyÈF ivc vI DUm-Dfm qy ÈrDf
nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. ivdyÈF ivc ijwQy
vI pMjfbI rihMdy hn, ies iqAuhfr nUM vwzy
pwDr ’qy myly dy rUp ivc KuÈIaF, sDrF,
family by owning a restaurant franchise. This store is well kept and located in the Fraser Valley Very busy location in a free-standing building with a low lease. Need to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to get location information.
cfvF nfl mnfAuNdy hn. sB Drm iml ky ies iqAuhfr nUM mnfAuNdy hn.
imwtI df, DrqI mfqf df iqAuhfr ivsfKI. pMjfb (Bfrq) dy KyqI pRdfn dyÈ hY. ivsfKI df iqAuhfr iksfn-iËmIdfr Zol-Zmwky, BMgVy, igiDaF aqy irÈiqaF dI sFJIvflqf
vflI imTfs nfl mnfAuNdy hn. PslF pwk ky iqafr ho jFdIaF hn. sony dI cmk vfsI
kxk dI Ìsl pwk ky apxy suMdr jobn
dI dfsqF kihMdI hoeI iksfnF, mËdUrF nUM mflF-mfl krdI hY. ÌslF hsdIaF hoeIaF
JUmdIaF hn aqy qrwkI df sMdyÈ dyNdIaF hn. Puwl apxI KuÈbU nfl iPËf ivc jMnq
Auqfr idMdy hn. aMbF dy bUitaF qy ipaf
BrpUr bUr KuÈhflI df BivwK. lihrFdy suMdr-idlks KyqF ivc sroN dy pIly kcUr
Puwl iksy swjI-DwjI dulhn vFg lgdy. cfr
cuÌyry bhfrF df Cxkftf.
GrF ivc prMprfvfdI aqy afDuink pkvfn-imÈTfn. mihmfnF dI afmd
irÈiqaF ivc Èihd vrgI imTfs CzdI. gurduafiraF ivc sMgqF hI sMgqF dUr dUr qwk. kIrqn df aiDafqimk rUhfnIaq afnMd. pkdy lMgr dI KuÈbo. joiVaF dI
syvf df Éfls nËfrf. sFJIvflqf dI hoNd. gurUaF df afÈIrvfd. sMpUrn ihridaF df inwG ivsfKI.
ivsfKI df iqAuhfr iswKF dy, mfnvqf dy mhfn swc KMz pivwqr sQfn sRI hirmMidr sfihb, aMimRqsr ivKy ieMtrnYÈnl pwDr ’qy DUm-Dfm aqy ÈrDf ivc hËfrF-lwKF sMgqF nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. sfrf drbfr sfihb dIpmflf nfl susijwq apxI ÈoBf dI ivlwKx pirBfÈf kihMdf hY.
ivsfKI gMgf-sfgr bMgfl ivc vI mnfeI jFdI hY. ihmfcl pRdyÈ dy lgBg sfry mMidrF ivc vI ivsfKI df iqAuhfr mnfAuNdy hn.
ies idn sUrj Auc rfÈI ivc pRvyÈ krdf hY jo ÈuB mMinaf jFdf hY. ies idn mfDv mfs df bVf mhwqv hY. ikAuNik kudrq df cfry pfsy afnMd huMdf hY.
Éflsy df jnm idhfVf ivsfKI. KuÈIaF df prfeyvfcI. afAu asIN sB Bfrq vfsI awj dy idn Éfls mfnv bxn dI koiÈÈ krIey aqy irÈvq, byeImfnI, DoiKaF qoN Aupr AuT ky swc df pihrf dyeIey.
Farm Workers Wanted
Farm Workers needed for MANDAIR FARMS LTD.
Work will be starting on February 2023- November 2023 Duties include picking, sor ting, weeding, pruning, tying, packing, unloading trucks, etc. Must be productive and self motivated as work is physically demanding and will be outdoors in all weather conditions. Farm work experience would be an asset. 45-60 hour/week. Worker Wages $15.65/hour
Please call at 604 849 5252
889 Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford B.C V2T 5X2
kfimaF dI loV
hfrvuwz lMbr ilmitz (myplirwj) vfilLaF nuM imwl ivwc
kMm krn leI kfimaF dI loV
hY| kMm bhuq hlkf hY aqy aOrqF vI kr skdIaF hn|
pwkf kMm, sfrf sfl cwlygf, cMgI qnKfh idwqI jfvygI| aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD
hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-615-5801
lFgrI dI loV
gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy
iewk lFgrI (cook) dI loV hY.
kMm Puwl tfeIm hovygf, qnKfh Xogqf anusfr vDIaf idwqI
jfvygI. irhfiesL df pUrf pRbMD hovygf.
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro jI.
igafnI suKdyv isMG
rfijMdr isMG gryvfl (jnrl skwqr)
Huge Selection of Flowers
We’re a local Abbotsford, British Columbia florist delivering courteous, professional service and the highest quality flowers in Abbotsford. We pride ourselves in an inviting shop. Our experienced designers can create floral arrangements that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery to all local funeral homes and
kYnyzf dy nfmvr pMjf-
bI pwqrkfr aqy cYnl
pMjfbI dy pRogrfm
‘afvfË-ey-pMjfb’ dy
myËbfn zf[ gurivMdr isMG nUM ‘ihAUmn
rfeIts jrniljLm
aYvfrz’ nfl sn -
mfnq kIqf igaf hY.
ieh avfrz adfrf
‘rYzIkl dysI’ vwloN
zf[ gurivMdr isMG dI mnuwKI aiDkfrF nUM
smripq pwqrkfrI dy mwdy-nËr idwqf igaf hY. gurduafrf suK sfgr Kflsf dIvfn susfietI inAUvYstminstr vwloN ÈhId
BfeI blvMq isMG Kurdpur nUM smripq
ivÈyÈ smfgm dOrfn ivcfr sFJy kridaF
zf[ gurivMdr isMG ny ikhf ik awj dy smyN
sfnUM isMG sfihb igafnI blvMq isMG
Kurdpur smyq, smUh gdrI bfibaF aqy
mnuwKI aiDkfrF dy alMbrdfrF dy pfey
pUrinaF ‘qy cwlx dI loV hY, ijnHF ny smyN
dIaF srkfrF dy iKlfP afvfË bulMd kIqI aqy mnuwKI hwkF leI jfnF kurbfn kIqIaF. adfrf ‘rYzIkl dysI’ dy zfierYktr gurpRIq isMG ny ikhf ik awj jdoN sYNsriÈp aqy srkfrI DwkyÈfhI rfhIN pwqrkfrI nUM dbfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI jf rhI hY, aijhy smyN zf[ gurivMdr isMG vrgIaF ÈKsIaqF
df, sQfpqI nUM jvfbdyh bxfAux leI snmfinq kIqf jfxf bxdf hY. ies mOky ‘qy Kflsf dIvfn susfietI suKsfgr inAU vYst imnstr vwloN ÈhId igafnI blvMq isMG Kurdpur dy ieiqhfsk idn ‘qy ivsqfr pUrvk ivcfr crcf hoeI, ijs ivc zf[ gurivMdr isMG aqy gurpRIq isMG qoN ielfvf BfeI hrdIp isMG nfgrf aqy BfeI sulwKx isMG soZI ny ivcfr sFJy kIqy. susfietI vwloN gurpRIq isMG nUM bulfry vjoN Èfml hox ‘qy snmfn icMn ByNt kIqf igaf. smfgm ivwc kYnyzIan jMmpl iswK bwicaF dI hfËrI AuqÈfh pUrn rhI, ijnHF ny Èbd kIrqn qoN ielfvf ieiqhfs aqy pMjfbI bolI nUM smripq ivcfrF dI sFJ pfeI.
qsvIr: rYzIkl dysI vloN zf[ gurivMdr isMG nUM ‘ihAUmn rfeIts aYkitivËm aYvfrz’ nfl snmfnq kIqy jfx df idRÈ.
kYnyzf siQq Bfrq dy hfeI kimsLnr sMjy kumfr vrmf qy vYnkUvr siQq
BfrqI kONsl jnrl sRI mnIsL vloN BfrqI hvfeI sYnf dy AuWc aiDkfrI rhy
96 sflf joigMdr isMG gryvfl df ivsLysL snmfn kIqf igaf
pfieaf igaf |
puryvfl bilAUbyrI Pfrm-iptmIzoj, bI sI kYnyzf dy
mflk qy puryvfl
BrFvF sR: crn isMG
puryvfl qy sR: gurjIq isMG puryvfl dy
vwzy Brf surgvfsI
sR: mlkIq isMG puryvfl jo afpxI
sMsfirk Xfqrf pUrI
krky ipCly sfl
swcKMz jf ibrfjy, AunHF dI afqmf dI sLFqI
leI smUh puryvfl pRIvfr qy sfk sbMDIaF
vlo gurUdvfrf sRI nfnksr sfihb ipMz
hkImpur, ijlf-s:L Bgq isMG ngr ivKy
aMiqm ardfs aqy nimwq pfT dy Bog pfey
gey| gurUdvrf sfihb dy hYz grMQI mfxXog
BfeI blivMdr isMG inhMgisMG dy rfgI jwQy
vlo jo sLfndfr nIly bfxy ivc sjy hoey sn, afpxI mDur bfxI nfl vYrfgmeI rfgF
ifvc kIrqn kIqf igaf| ielfky dy nfmI
amrdIp isMG sLyrigl mY: kflj, mukMdpur dy sfbkf ipRsIpl qy Kyz sfihq dy nfmI
lyKk srdfr srvx isMG jI ny ivCVI rUh
nUM sLrDFjlI Byt kridaf sR: mlkIq isMG puryvfl jI dy jIvn, Kyz pRfpwqIaF qy sPl
blIAUbyrI kfrobfr bfry sMKyp jfxkfrI idMidaF vfihgurU jI awgy ardfs bynqI
kIqI ik surgvfsI sR: mlkIq isMG puryvfl jI nMU afpxy crnF ivc invfs bKsLx aqy ipCy puryvfl pRIvfr qy sfk sbMDIaF nMU Bfxf mMnx df bl qy ihMmq pRdfn krn| puryvfl pRIvfr nfl ies mOky ipRsIpl sR: srvx isMG, sR: gurcrn isMG sLyrigl, sR: avqfr isMG smfDBfeI-pRlj grup, pihlvfn gurmyl isMG ZyrI-luiDafxf, bhfdr isMG sLyrigl-XU ky, gurnyk isMG puryvfl-XU ky, avqfr isMG puryvflskftlYz, BfeI kulqfr isMG puryvfl, mfstr jogf isMG dosFJ, imMtU puryvfl, nItU puryvfl aqy ielfkf hkImpur-jgqpurmukMdpur dI sMgq sLfml hoeI| gurUGr ivKy afey mihmfnF nUM guru kf lMgr afquwt vrqfieaf igaf|
amrIkf’c 8500 zflr dI ivkI kbfV vflI kfr
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) amrIkf dy AuWqrI kYrolInf sUby’c iewk
jMgfl lwgI kfr 8500
amrIkn zflr ivwc ivkI hY. 1990 mfzl dI akurf
aYn[aYs[aYks kfr sMn
2003 ivwc corI ho geI sI
qy 20 sfl bfad kuJ idn
pihlF hI ieh kfr AuWqrI
kYrolInf dy Xfzikn diraf
coN imlI sI qy puils ny kfr
asl mflk dy hvfly kr
idwqI sI. ieh kfr 20 sfl
pfxI ivwc KVHI rhI ijs
krky Aus nUM jMgfl lwg
geI qy hflq pUrI qrHF
Ksqf ho geI sI. kfr aMdr
imwtI Br geI qy Gfh AuWg
igaf. kfr vycx vflf qy
KrIdx vflf dovyN KusL hn.
kYnyzf dy nfmvr pMjfbI pwqrkfr zf[ gurivMdr isMG
‘ihAUmn rfeIts aYvfrz’ nfl snmfinq
surgvfsI sR: mlkIq isMG puryvfl-kYnyzf dI aMiqm ardfs qy nimwq pfT df Bog hkImpur-pMjfb ivKy
30355 Automall D riv , Abbotsfor , BC V2T 5M1
All prices, Details , Pictures & Description may change .
“All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details” Some ter ms and conditions apply
Jasbir Bhogal
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-300-2885
Rushal Chawla
Financial Services Manager
Phone: 604-300-7015
Sunil Desai
Sales Manager
Phone: 778-868-5757