Xocia Chocolate
Blake Burnett- Student Pharmacist, Spring 2022 Background Xocia chocolate is made from unprocessed all natural cacao. It’s Scientific name is Theobroma cacao. It is typically known by the brand name of Xocia. The Aztec’s came up with a way to ferment the cocoa bean in order to get rid of the bitter taste, but xocai chocolate skips that step and is a product that has recently hit the market and is said to have a lot of antioxidant benefits. This idea of unprocessed chocolate was originally designed in Europe. It is said to be better than normal chocolate due to being all natural and not having any sugar or other products added to it. It is also thought to be diabetic and vegan/vegetarian friendly. It is also said that you can purchase this product with omega-3 fatty acids. This comes from being mixed with flax seeds and acai berries. Benefits and dosage forms It is said to be a great tasting alternative to the chocolate products we are used to consuming. It is said to be high in antioxidants. It has also been shown to have various cardiovascular benefits. These benefits come from its ability to create nitric oxide therefore causing vasodilation effects. These antioxidants are said to support your body’s natural defense system by fighting the effects that free radicals can have on your body. Another formulation comes with Omega-3 fatty acids which can help lower lipids and decrease cholesterol. One formulation comes with probiotics to aid in digestion and overall immune health. Another formulation comes in an on the go form which comes in a powder form that can be mixed in a beverage of your choice and provides antioxidants and in some products an energy boost. The last formulation is specifically created to help with weight loss. It is called Xocai high antioxidant meal replacement. It is designed to help you lose weight and provide a lot of antioxidants. The weight loss aspect is covered by the zero sugar content and the idea adding in exercise.