Lower Back Pain and its Remedies in Melbourne | Ayurveda

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Lower Back Pain and its Remedies

The sedentary lifestyle which most of us have today is the reason for a number of diseases we have attracted towards ourselves. Back pain is an extremely common yet a very serious issue that is spreading in Melbourne. Sitting in a wrong posture continuously is detrimental for spine health. It can cause numerous spinal problems like herniated discs, stenosis, lumbar spine problems, etc. It is necessary to treat these problems quickly. Some remedies which may help with back p ain are: Ayurvedic Herbs: There are several herbs prescribed in Ayurveda which have pain alleviating properties. These herbs can be consumed orally or can be mixed with carrier oil and applied to your lower back for relief. Ayurvedic herbs are easily available at any ayurvedic clinic in Melbourne. Changes in Lifestyle: Small lifestyle changes like working out five times a week, improving your posture while sitting, not lifting heavy objects, taking proper nutrition, maintaining a daily routine can work wonders in improving your spinal health. Practicing Yoga: Yoga helps to improve your body’s posture and balance. Practice low impact yoga asanas which do not strain your back. Some low impact asanas for back include setubandh asana, bhujang asana, shashank asana, nauka asana, etc. yoga can be practiced in the comfort of your home without much hassle. Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy helps to strengthen back muscles. It includes, ice/heat packs, light massages, ultrasound, light exercises, etc. there are plenty physiotherapists and back specialists in Melbourne. Choose a back specialist who is reliable and makes you feel comfortable. Many people tend to neglect back pain but it can disrupt your daily life and cause discomfort. However, it should be treated as early as possible before the problem increases. Small lifestyle changes can help you to keep your spine in good shape and avoid future problems. Ignoring signs and symptoms of ba ck pain can only worsen your problems. If you see any symptoms of back pain, visit a back pain specialist at the earliest.

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