February 2023 - Purrfectly Pagan Magazine

Page 43

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden of "Psychics & Swears"




M A G A Z I N E V O L . 2 I S S U E 2 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3

In This Issue:

Letter from the Editor

Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother: Love Spells Are Trash

Mindful Paganism: Mindful Eating & My Weight Loss Journey

The Witches' Corner: Embrace & Savor the Journey

The Devil's Advocate: Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place

within My Magickal Works

Pagan Group Listings

Speaking to the Dead is my Favorite Thing to Do

Love from the Other Side

Herb of the Sun: The Ancient Remedy

Interview with Psychics & Swears

Magick is a complicated thing, and no results are guaranteed. No medical or income claims are made in this publication. This publication may contain adult language.

There is a wide array of views expressed in this publication. Read at your own risk. Perform any spells or rituals at your own risk.

If you open some creepy portal or summon an uncooperative demon, it's not our fault.

Dear Reader --

When I lived in the South, February was a time of Spring (in temperatures, not the calendar). The weather was usually warm, with definite hints of soon-to-be-blooming flowers and greenery in the air.

New England is my home now, and has been for a number of years, but I am still not used to Winters here The days are so short and grey

But the cold weather does keep me indoors and mulling things over, which might be why a theme of "journeying" is in my articles this month.

There is also an interview with Holly & John (two of our writers) this month, telling us all about Psychics & Swears, their business.

By the way, speaking of writers, I am looking to add another writer to our eclectic crew! If you might be interested in writing for Purrfectly Pagan Magazine, please send me an email at ladyshay@purrfectlypagan.com

Letter from the Editor ---Lady Shay Bygul

P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying me a coffee? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/ladyshay

Love from the Other Side

Have you ever felt a warm Feeling like an invisible hug or kiss? Well, that is a loved one on the other side sending you their love. Spirits have a simple way to communicate with us since they can’t use words, so they send us hugs and kisses. Our loved one may be gone physically but they are still with us each and every day

That’s not the only way spirits communicate. They can protect us from harm or even enter our dreams. This communication is a way to let us know they are still there for us. This is also so we never forget them.

On a personal note, I still get hugs and kisses from my dear James, and I cherish them dearly. He pops in and kisses me at night and hugs me when I’m feeling down. He pops into my dreams and constantly tells me he loves me to the moon and back. He has even told me he misses me so much and he wants to be here with me again. He has even protected me from some danger.

I was at a doctor's appointment and was listening to my music, I was about to cross the street to catch the bus in a designated crosswalk with a stop sign

Suddenly my paperwork was blown out of my hand and as I bent down to pick it up a car blew through the stop sign without stopping. If I didn’t pick up my papers, I would have been hit very hard by an SUV. After I stood up, I felt a warm hug and knew it was my James who protected me.

So if you feel these symbols of love this Valentine’s Day, say out loud to your loved one who has passed that you love them!

About Nikita Le Femme

Nikita is a psychic medium and demonologist from Worcester, Massachusetts, and a direct descendant of Reverend Ralph Wheelock who came from England on the Mayflower.

Nikita has studied witchcraft and spells to keep demons at bay and to protect self and loved ones. She is also an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church and can perform hand fasting ceremonies.

To contact Nikita, please email her at Nikita.le.femme83@gmail.com

https://www.zazzle.com/store/purrfectlypagan Please visit our store and support our magazine!


Embrace & Savor the Journey

I didn't plan on writing 2 articles about journeys, but I guess my brain had other ideas. (My Mindful Paganism article is also about a journey.)

My journey on this planet has lasted 55 years so far. A lot of them have been rough, to say the least. There were nights I cried myself to sleep. Days where I didn't want to get out of bed. Times where I wished I could either go back in time and change some decisions or leap ahead so I could skip over whatever crisis I was dealing with at the time.

Sometimes I would write letters to Future Me, detailing whatever was going on so that I would remind myself that I was strong enough to get through pretty much anything.

Reading those letters always would bring tears to my eyes. They were some really hard times, but I am glad that I learned to embrace and savor what life brings.

Embracing, not fighting or wishing it was over. It comes with the understanding that there will be difficult times along with good ones. Sometimes you get a lot of one or the other. Sometimes you feel like you are getting way too much of the difficult (and maybe you are). But eventually there will come some joy, even if it's a small joy.

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P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying a "coffee"? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/ladyshay


Embrace & Savor the Journey

Savoring - taking time to savor moments & victories. It's difficult, especially when times are rough. I've had to choose between paying for diapers or groceries. I've had to beg a landlord not to evict me. I've had figure out how to keep my lights from getting shut off.

Those are the times when it's so hard to find a speck of joy, but those are the most important times to find joy, in the nooks and crevices of your life.

This is what helps to keep your Magick alive. It fuels your soul. It helps you keep on

Embrace and savor your moments. Because you are a Magickal delight, full of power, energy, and sparkles. Even on your darkest days, never forget that your Magick is within you, not found outside of you.

P.S. If you are enjoying this magazine, would you consider buying a "coffee"? It's just $3, but it would help a lot and be very much appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/ladyshay

Please help spread the word! Subscribe for FREE and support your fellow Pagans & Witches! www.purrfectlypagan.com/magazine.html

Love Spells Are Trash

To be clear, I am not talking about manifesting love. Manifesting love is doing a spell, prayer, chant, or ritual that brings love to you. It is not about a specific person. It is about bringing someone to you who would love you and choose to be with you When manifesting love, you are allowing love to be drawn to you. You are not binding a person to you against their will. I will do manifestation spells all day long. As awesome as it would be to have Jason Momoa doting on me, I would never want to have him be with me if he wasn't into it. Manifestation spells are awesome! Love Spells are trash! Let me explain.

Over the years I’ve had many conversations with my mother about love. She and my father have been together since they were teenagers, so I figure she knows the secret of long-lasting love. They got together in high school. The way it happened is unclear, as the story changes depending on who you ask. It’s not clear as to whether my dad introduced himself to my mom by knocking a guy out for being rude to her, or whether he saw her from across the ‘soda fountain,’ and just had to talk to her. Either way, they’ve

been stuck like glue ever since But how?

When asked how to make love last, my mom often answers by saying, “Love is a choice. It’s a choice that we make every day, and sometimes several times a day.” She says that every day she wakes up and makes the decision to love my dad and vice versa. She also says that some days are more difficult than others to make that choice as she and my dad are both human and therefore fallible. I mean who goes on a 1st date and thinks, “Wow, I just cannot wait to hear this person snore in my ear every night and argue with them over whose turn it is to wash the dishes.”

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from the Faerie Godsmother

Love Spells Are Trash

No one In the beginning, it’s all about figuring out the other person and seeing if you even like them. It’s about having fun on dates and enjoying the best side of the person before you get to see all of the annoying little habits that they have and showing them yours. Those of you that think you don’t have any annoying habits, you’re either in denial or you need to do a serious inventory of yourself. We all have annoying habits. Period. Anyone that chooses to love us, is choosing to accept those habits. I am also convinced that we all have our own brands of crazy.

Mine is my incessant need to always be doing something. Even while I’m trying to relax. I relax by watching TV and crocheting. I cannot… I repeat… CANNOT… sit and do nothing That is my crazy Oh, and my need to leave the house early to go everywhere John, my partner in love, life, and business, has a totally different brand of crazy. For him, it’s random nihilistic thoughts that flow ever so gracefully from the giant pit of destruction he has deemed to be his soul. These thoughts often come out first thing in the morning or just before bed. We choose to accept each other while (*ahem*) encouraging each other. Sometimes this encouragement is often wrapped up like nagging, but I digress.

Since love is a choice, it depends on free will. Free will is incredibly important to me. I will never do a love spell for a client because of my deep seeded belief in Free Will. When you do a love spell on someone you are essentially taking away their right and ability to choose to be with you. You’re tricking them into being with you. Who would want that? Besides, that wouldn’t be love. That would be obsession. No thanks!

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Love Spells Are Trash

I would never want to be with someone that I had to trick into being with me I want my partner to be with me because they genuinely love me and want to be with me. I would constantly be wondering if they would profess their love to me if I had not made them drink that tea, or whatever the “love spell,” required. It would eat at me. And if they didn’t really love me, then am I preventing the both of us from finding someone that’s better suited? Perhaps being with me is making us both miss an opportunity for real love.

Also, doesn’t taking away someone’s Free Will go against the tenet of, ‘harm none, do as thou wilt?’ This is a tenet that many types of Paganism use, but it’s most famous for being a Wiccan tenet. What’s truly bizarre to me is that I find love spells all over the place Often times they’re listed directly under the tenets on websites or in the very next chapter of books on witchcraft. I’m pretty sure caging someone’s heart is harmful. It’s possessive and toxic. Again. No thanks.

Am I perfect? Abso-freaking-lutely not. Is my partner perfect? Oh Hell no. But, we did choose each other a few years ago, and every day, we still choose each other. We choose each other, even when he’s snoring and I toss and turn and nearly hurl him right off the bed. We choose each other even when my yarn ends up in his hair. We choose each other even when he’s running late. We are always choosing each other. We choose each other, even when the car breaks down, we are stuck at home and don’t have much money. We choose each other as partners in love and business because there is no one that we would rather travel with along this bumpy road called, “Life.” We choose each other because we get each other's eccentricities and there is no one better to handle our specific brands of crazy

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Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother

Love Spells Are Trash

Had I done a “love spell,” on him a few years ago when we first started talking, I would never trust that he really loves me. I would never trust that he was making decisions based on what he really wanted vs what he thought I wanted. I am glad that he and I choose each other every day He is the most creative, handsome, stubborn, intelligent, musical, tough, loyal S.O.B. I’ve ever met in my life, and my heart melts every time he says, “I love you.” Every time he says it, I know that he means it because he has made the choice to do so, and that melts my cold black little heart.

Happy Anniversary Handsome.

Wisdom from the Faerie Godsmother

About Faerie Godsmother

Owner of Holly Be Healing, a business dedicated to energetic and spiritual healing. While the business, Holly Be Healing, is only a few years old, Holly’s dedication to helping people has been a lifelong mission and her talent for intuitively knowing what people are feeling and how to help them heal is as skill that Holly has honed over the years Holly taught Shaolin Chuan Fa for 10 years and Yang Style Tai Chi for 5 years. While doing and teaching the martial arts she discovered her love of energy work and started focusing a lot on meditation. She became a certified Chakra Meditation Specialist and certified health coach in order to help people clear their chakras and heal physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Holly has been reading Oracle Cards, and tarot for 26 years privately and just recently added it to the services that she provides through Holly Be Healing. Holly Be healing offers Chakra Meditation sessions, Moving Meditation sessions, and Oracle Reading sessions to clients of all types. Holly has read for all types of people, schoolteachers, massage therapists, stay at home moms, jewelry designers, and even radio stars. She has lead meditation sessions with black belts, teachers, local artists, IT specialists, world renowned artists, and countless others.

Holly is also the co-creator of a unique and fun podcast, "Psychics and Swears," where she and her cohost enjoy doing 5-minute fun readings and interviewing our favorite intuitives. Holly and her partner John Shäden are also the creators of the amazing fragrance, "Moon Owl Moon Water."

To learn more, please reach out to Holly: 475-329-8997


Mindful Paganism

Mindful Eating & My Weight Loss Journey

It's February, so that means that if you made any New Years Resolutions, you've probably broken them by now. Most New Years Resolutions don't even last until the end of January, so don't feel bad.

I loathe New Years Resolutions. They set people up for failure. If you "break" your Resolution, you've failed. Period. There is no forgiveness, no room for error.

Paganism is all about cycles of rebirth and renewal. We have multiple chances to make changes. It's not an "all or nothing" scenario. Every New Moon we have the opportunity to set our intentions and manifest our dreams. We can strive for change without feeling condemned if we stumble.

It's February, so that means that if you made any New Years Resolutions, you've probably broken them by now. Most New Years Resolutions don't even last until the end of January, so don't feel bad.

My Mindfulness Journey has been one of discovery and trial and error, but I don't fret over that

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Mindful Paganism

Mindful Eating & My Weight Loss Journey

I've taken a Mindful approach to eating, as well. I've lost over 50 pounds so far. (I have a long way to go, but I know I will get there.)

I tried diets and whatnot. They showed quick results, then fizzled.

Then I decided to apply Mindfulness to my eating It's not racing towards a goal It's a journey. I'm not rushing. I'm trusting the process. It's one day at a time, one meal at a time, one decision at a time. I set myself up for success (planning meals, planning for eating out, etc.) and then follow through.

If I stumble, that's okay. I weight myself when I feel like it, usually when I feel my pants getting looser or a "feel" lighter. (Once my pants nearly fell off in a parking lot when I put my keys in my pocket! Whoops!)

I celebrate those milestones, not just what the scale says. The scale is for informational purposes only.

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Mindful Paganism

Mindful Eating & My Weight Loss Journey


So all of my rambling is to say this: if you are trying to get healthier, Resolutions aren't really the way to go.

Make small changes. Take small steps. Take one meal at a time and trust the process.

You can do it

If you want to learn more about Mindful Eating, be sure to sign up for the mailing list at MindfulPaganism.com.

I will be sending out more info next week (on 2/18/23) about upcoming classes and memberships!

About Lady Shay Bygul

Lady Shay is a Unitarian Universalist Pagan and an eclectic witch. She feels her purpose is to serve the Pagan community.

Shay is the owner and Editor-InChief of Purrfectly Pagan Magazine. She started the magazine in January of 2022 to help her fellow Pagans.

Shay is a Mindful Paganism coach and practitioner. Mindful Paganism is the practice of connecting Mind, Body, & Spirit in order to relieve stress, find our purpose, and rediscover Joy.

Shay can be reached via email at ladyshay@mindfulpaganism.com

Available on Amazon! Order your copy today! Enjoy a selection of articles from our January 2022 - June 2022 issues!

Purrfectly Pagan Marketplace

Herb of the Sun

The Ancient Remedy

Are you one of those people who have a notebook for everything?

I am. Guilty as charged, lol. Opening a new notebook for each stuff that interests me is like opening a new chapter, starting a new day, and it always brings some juicy feeling. Now that I've shared with you that I have a whole library of notebooks, let's get to the point...

I found one where I was collecting every piece of information that's related to my research of various herbs. Long before I even thought that my Tea business would happen. Now I am so grateful for those notes, they really serve me well in this journey. Especially the ones with edits like 'This and this herb taste good together', or 'Nobody except me likes this taste', or 'This one is toxic - do not use it!', 'This one smells like magic'... and so on.

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Herb of the Sun

The Ancient Remedy

In there, I found some interesting pieces about the Chamomile herb and that's what I wanted to share with you.

We all know that chamomile has a long use for relaxation. It calms the nerves and promotes a warm, welcoming feeling in the body. It does smell nice, but what I like to do is add a bit of vanilla, just for the magic touch. It makes me sleep like a baby!

It's also very good for skin rashes and other skin issues. I talk a little bit more about that in my last book 'Herbal Baths'. Yes, it's great to make an herbal bath, or even add herbs to bath bombs!

Further on, chamomile can be used for hair, as well. If you're blond, this is your rinse friend. Brew some tea, let it steep and cool a bit, then, after you wash and rinse your hair regularly, rinse again with tea. This will lighten the color if that's what you're looking for.

But here are other interesting uses of chamomile flowers that I thought will be fun.

To old civilizations, this herb was related to the energy of the Sun. It was held that drinking chamomile tea brings positive energy to the body and the mind So it's a vital beverage during various ceremonies and rituals. Since it was believed that it was Sun's herb, it was reserved usually for Sunday (Sun's day).

But the magic doesn't stop there. This Sun's herb has the power to 'heal' other plants, too! Therefore it was planted near other herbs to help them rejuvenate & grow healthy. Amazing, right?

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Herb of the Sun

The Ancient Remedy

In some cultures, it was ritually used for different kinds of manifestations, as well. But I can't really trust that, honestly, although I've never tried them. If you find yourself enthusiastic about this one and actually do it, please let us know if it works, lol

Here's what it is:

> Burning chamomile each day was believed to bring wealth from the work.


> Washing your hands with chamomile before gambling should bring you luck. How fun it would just be!

But let's get to the more grounded stuff about this herb, the ones that actually do work

Chamomile's name comes from a Greek word, meaning 'ground apple'.

'An apple a day keeps the doctor away', you heard that one before, right? That's chamomile tea in the Tea World.

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Herb of the Sun

The Ancient Remedy

Its antibacterial properties can help fight the cold. This can apply to most herbal teas if not all. But what chamomile does better than the rest is soothing the stomach aches. Yup, whatever may be troubling your belly, this herb will repel.

As I mentioned above, it works wonders for your stress level If you find yourself nerve-wracking, go on, steep some chamomile tea, sip, and watch the magic happen!

This is the most loving tea for kids and pets, as well.

Enjoy the Sun as much as you Enjoy the Herbs. Merge them into the magic moments.

Wishing you Calm & Magic.

About Lily Maya

Lily discovered her desire for writing at an early age. She asked her granny to buy her a notebook and waiting for no teacher, she start waving words on paper, with passion and in awe.

In her 20's she gathered some pieces of her work and publish them, becoming an author of the 'Ruthless Silence' poetry book.

She then continues to feed her soul through various art forms. Today, as a founder of the Black Rabbit Tea brand, she runs a successful soul-led business and mentors others on their way to building this dream for themselves.

We are looking for Pagan Businesses to Feature! Are you a Pagan Business Owner? We might want to feature your business in an upcoming issue! Please contact Shay and tell her a little bit about your business! https://www.purrfectlypagan.com/contact.html
Purrfectly Pagan Marketplace Advertise your Business here! Contact Shay for Rates: https://www.purrfectlypagan.com/contact.html
Purrfectly Pagan Marketplace Advertise your Business here for $25! Contact Shay for Rates: ladyshay@purrfectlypagan.com or https://www.purrfectlypagan.com/contact.html

Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do

Some people have a passion for video games. Others like to play sudoku in order to challenge their minds. And yet others like to escape in a good book. What does this witch like to do in her spare time? There is nothing more challenging and more exciting to me than to speak to other people’s loved ones.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been hooked on taking every class, every mentorship, every practice circle and every gallery to learn mediumship. It all started years prior in 2018 when I took a Reiki two class.

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Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do


The three of us were asked to bring in photos of our loved ones, and then swap them. We had no idea that this would be the first time that we would experience mediumship, through psychometry, for the first time. We were told to take a couple of deep breaths, concentrate on the photo, and then write down anything that came into our heads, no matter how strange or silly it might be. What happened next blew all of our minds.

One of the women, who was a stranger to me at the time, had my grandmother’s photo and told me “Your grandmother loves the flowers you put at her grave, but wants you to stop crying for her ” What the hell? How did she know that I visited the cemetery every few months and did just that? It was not on social media, nor did anyone else know except my family. Then it was my turn. I started to read the list I had created with the photo of the man I received with no expectation that it would be relatable to anyone. After about the 15th word, I looked up, and saw that the woman who owned the photo was in tears. It was completely accurate! I had tapped into her father, who had passed the year before. I could even smell his “Old Spice” aftershave. I was hooked!

During the pandemic, Zoom exploded. World famous classes that were once only available in person were now able to enter your living room with the tap of a keyboard. Individuals who lived all over the world suddenly wanted to be your practice partners Gallery readings that were once only available in a spiritualist church were now free and online. The mediumship world was my oyster, and it felt great! This was something that not only challenged me, but tapping into the dead quite literally made me feel alive. My husband has even pointed out that when I do a reading, I have a “glow” about me that he cannot explain. And I made new friends!

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Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do


After a few years of doing this, I have realized that despite what some mediums believe, I am not special. I have found a new mentor who has explained through various studies the science behind mediumship. Bottom line is, I truly believe ANYONE can do this! You don’t have to have a touching “I used to speak with the spirits when I was a child” story (I certainly don’t!).

Psychometry with a photo is a great place to start, just as I did. Another way to challenge yourself is through “blending”, a technique where you invite the spirit to come into your space, in order to feel their energy Most mediums do this in order to perform an accurate reading. And you can do this too!

Pick a loved one in spirit that you were close to and trusted (it could even be a beloved pet). Sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, and invite them to come next to you. Ask them to go to your left side, then your right side, then in back of you, then in front. You should be able to feel their energy in your auric field. (For me, it's a tingly type of feeling in my crown and body, but your senses may be different). Ask the loved one to then blend with your hands and have your hands “become” their hands. Then do the same with their feet-their feet “become” your feet. You may pick up on other sensations that they felt in life, such as their smell, their physical pain, or their characteristics.

The most important thing here is to enjoy the experience, not fear it! Spirits are just people without a body There is nothing to fear They are here with us, just in a different dimension. And your loved ones want you to feel good, not uncomfortable! It’s the most amazing feeling when you connect again.

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Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do


Mediumship is something available to all of us, and it's addictive. Helping others and giving them the comfort they need that their loved one is OK is one of the best highs I will ever experience in this lifetime.

It is truly a gift from spirit. Challenge yourself to give it a try. You may become addicted, too!

About Michelle Pellin

Michelle began her spiritual journey when she was a child after a family trip at age 6 to Salem, MA. After being introduced to the world of the occult, Michelle became obsessed with witches and ghosts, using tarot and ouija to communicate with the spirit world, performing magic for friends and family, reading endless books about the witch trials and ghost encounters, watching endless hours of “Bewitched” and “Charmed”, and even writing her high school senior thesis on poltergeists. Halloween did not go by without Michelle dressing up as a witch, except for the year she was Casper the friendly ghost!

When Michelle entered college, got married, had a full-time job, had children, did foster care and had multiple pets (and somehow kept her sanity in check through it all), things came to a halt for over 30 years. During this time, Michelle continued to use her gifts of clairsentience and claircognizance without realizing it, as she was often labeled “too sensitive”, and was told “you seem to have someone looking out for you”. In 2014, Michelle gained her professional mental health counseling license, and in 2018, she was led by spirit to a holistic healing center in Durham CT called “The Red Barn in Durham”, where she left her full time social work job to have her own holistic private practice. This led Michelle to have a spiritual “breakdown” of her ego, also known as a spiritual awakening!

Michelle’s world was turned upside down, as she was raised Roman Catholic, as she was taught that they were the one “true” religion. Michelle began to question everything, obsessively research, and challenge herself to let go of the guilt, shame and limiting beliefs that attaches itself to anyone who follows this religious path. Michelle felt terrified and exhilarated all at the same time while she was pulling away from a belief system layered in fear, and at times, thought she might be going crazy…

Michelle then joined a spiritual support group, which helped her connect with others who were going through the same process, and also helped her connect to a community of like minded individuals. Relief was on its way, as Michelle learned that others were having the same experiences as her! Michelle’s first mentors were Stephanie Rosally-Kaplan, Reiki Master/teacher/psychic medium, and Jennifer Gaylord, psychic medium, the leaders of the support group. Stephanie and Jennifer helped Michelle connect with her gifts, her ancestry, and her healing abilities. Within a few months, Michelle became a Reiki Master, and was able to use this ability to help others heal on a physical and emotional level.

In 2019, Michelle then met Paul Rice, psychic ghost worker (NOT hunter-Michelle does not believe in hunting people, or animals for that matter!), who would be her next mentor. Paul was teaching a class on how to tap into your psychic abilities in order to help ghosts move onto the light. Paul believed that there were many reasons why souls didn’t move on, and it was up to us to guide them, facilitate healing, and move them on to their version of heaven. Michelle developed her gifts, and realized that she could add clairvoyance to her spiritual resume! Paul was also teaching Michelle how to psychically protect herself, which is absolutely necessary for this type of work (although Michelle believes that humans are MUCH more scary than ghosts!). In 2021, Paul gave the group a formal name entitled “SHONE-spirit healers of New England” in order to continue his legacy (on FB and IG). When Paul retires and moves out of the country in 2023, Michelle will co lead the group, as her passion for rescue mediumship has soared.

In 2020, the pandemic hit, and doing things online suddenly exploded. Many famous mediums who were inaccessible suddenly were available at the request of a Zoom link. During this time, Michelle connected with mediums all over the world, and started doing practice circles and gallery readings that challenged her abilities (and scared her to death!). Michelle’s next mentor would be Kay Reynolds, an Arthur Findley college trained medium who was previously an elementary school teacher, and can work with others in a gentle and encouraging way (which is what Michelle needed!). Kay taught Michelle to develop her gifts even further, and the gift of clairaudience began to develop. Michelle continues to challenge herself, and will be working with more talented mediums in order to gain professionalism, and to learn how to perform trance mediumship.

In 2021, Michelle decided that the witchcraft had been put on a shelf for much too long! Michelle then began her year and a day training with Stacy Salpietro-Babb, an animist village witch who showed Michelle how to forage, craft spells, create sigils, perform tarot readings, read astrology, create self care items, perform rituals, tap into familiars, honor deities, and more! Most importantly though, Stacy showed Michelle how to be proud of who she was, and how to stand in her own truth. Michelle had finally come full circle!

Today, Michelle spends most of her days running her fully remote holistic telehealth practice from her home, encouraging people to be their true authentic selves. Michelle also runs ghost field trips that are open to the public, attends her mediumship and year and a day training classes, performs tarot and mediumship readings in private and at events, and spends time with her family, friends and her cat Loki. Michelle has her own blog entitled “Ghost and Spiritual Musings” on Facebook, where she shares her extraordinary experiences within the ghost and mediumship world. Michelle has also written for various publishings, such as CWPN (CT wiccan and pagan network), and writes ritual and spellwork for her groups.

Pagan Groups

Pioneer Valley Witches & Pagans - Western Massachusetts

Pioneer Valley Witches and Pagans group is for Pagans and Witches in the Pioneer Valley, Western Mass, and nearby areas to get together, chat, network, and socialize.

We have Meetups every two weeks. I'm trying to plan some more interesting outings and activities, set stay tuned! You can find us at:


and for those not on Facebook: https://meetingplace.io/PVW

Fitchburg Pagan Group in Fitchburg,


Merry Meet! This group is for Pagans of all types (wiccan, neopagan, Celtic, etc.) in or near Fitchburg, MA, to meet and socialize.

It's also a welcoming place for those who are curious about paganism. We have online gatherings for those who are not local.

Join here: https://www.meetup.com/fitchburg-pagan-meetup-group

List your Pagan group here for free!

Contact Shay for info:


The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works

RealMisanthropesarenotfoundinSolitude,butintheworld:sinceitisanexperienceoflife &notphilosophy,whichproducesrealhatredofmankind.”




It's been said that if you scratch the surface of a cynic, underneath you’ll find a disappointed idealist. I honestly don't know whether that's the truth or if I sold myself a fable a long time ago. Hell, I’m not even sure if I was the person I remember. Were talking 15+ years and a few critical head injuries ago. It could all be a dream….. Or a nightmare. The worst nightmare. The nightmare you awake from thinking everything is fine, covered in icy beads of sweat and clinging to deep anxiety-drenched gasps of air as the illusion burns off only to realize you're still in the dream. Yes, your humble narrator, at one point, many moons ago, did in fact have faith in humanity.

I know, give yourself a moment to let that ghost pepper vomit feeling sink back into the pit of your meatsuit. It’s appalling to even think I could've been so debased as to actually think that this self-cannibalizing parasitic biomass actually stood a chance…

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The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works


I know what you're thinking, and I appreciate the single bullet you are leaving me to take the easy way out. But I will relinquish such drama and flat-out accept responsibility. Drugs, no matter how much and how hard, are no excuse for a delusion of such epic, behemoth proportions. Beyond sheer youthful naivety, I have zero excuses. I was simply and utterly stupid. Humankind has been a sort of grotesque abortion from the jump. Chicken or egg, god/s or cold evolution or both, it's been a shit show. Besides the few fleeting moments of decency or dumb luck, the equivalent of the old “a broken clock is right twice a day” miasma, humanity has been a pillaging, raping, slaughtering, torturing, and hysterical clusterbomb of fear, intellectual famine, and unequivocal failure. I could fill this entire magazine with a “greatest hits of our species” gag reel of bloopers, boners, and practical jokes. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I am on a time crunch and need to act accordingly.

Even at my most belligerent and ignorant, deep down in the swamps of my soul, I have always been a Misanthrope. A Misanthrope is defined as one who has a great dislike, distrust, and disgust of humans and/or society. Yep, that's me in a nutshell. Since I was a young child, I have always had a distrust of people. And any time I would let my guard down people took absolute carte blanche with my emotions, my physical person and possessions, or worse, forced their nonsense onto me without any consent at all. Like a leech, people would inject some numbing agent and then siphon off any and all lifeblood.

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The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works


In my teenage years, I got politically literate and got involved in politics Nothing will turn you cynical of humankind faster than the political arena.

People will always try to sway you by saying things like “so you hate your family and friends?” This silver bullet strawman is the manifestation of arrogance passing itself off as intelligence. Their view of how I feel is so shallow it is almost embarrassing. Obviously, I love. I love my friends and family. I'd kill and be killed for them. My views are with the glut of humanity, not particularly with individual humans. No, they must earn my love or loathing. My views are of such (for the record I'm only speaking for myself. This is my Misanthropy. Some other misanthropes may feel differently. And that's on them)

1) My Misanthropy deals with the species as a whole

2) I treat all people with a decent level of respect at the beginning Whether they gain or lose said respect depends on their actions and that alone.

3) Forgiveness is a luxury I can seldom afford.

4) My memory is a bear trap with interest.

5) Humanity as a whole is a plague. I am but a single-cell organism among the contagion.

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The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works


I understand this might come off as very cold, jaded, and conceited ‘Who the f*ck are you?’ you may say. Well, I am a man who is flawed. I have made a lot of mistakes and I know my future is a proverbial minefield of errors and blunders. But I do have my principles, and I follow these principles directly to the grave. Also, and I say this whilst I ask for no quarter, if you had been through the minefield in my jump boots, maybe you would feel a bit different. Maybe not.

When I started exploring the deep dark caves of the Left Hand Path, one of the main Principles that permeated all Currents was the philosophy of Misanthropy and the idolization and reverence of the Individual. Held in such high esteem, as if it was a holy relic. The separation of the practitioner from the shepherd's flock was a true and glorious revelation. Even in the dark Orders, Lodges, and Covens, the individual was the important part outside the forces being called upon. These teachings and practices taught me an insurmountable plethora about myself, what I was capable of, and how far I was willing to go. It taught me that confidence and arrogance are not the same thing and that confidence in oneself is not a dirty, sinful activity like I was taught. It taught me that I am so much stronger, both in body and spirit, than I ever could have pictured. It also taught me that most people not only cannot do what I do but are terrified at the very idea of wielding such power. They're not just content as serfs, they relish the thought. It gives them comfort like a newborn baby suckling at their mother’s t!tty. It is what Friedrich Nietzsche referred to as ‘Slave Morality”.

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The Devil's Advocate

Utter Contempt for the Human Race: Misanthropy & Its Place within My Magickal Works


Well, I find that idea repugnant and though if asked most would say the same, it simply is not the case. Otherwise, the world would be a much different place. I guess just as the world needs heroes and villains, the world needs wolves and sheep.

My morality comes from no solid philosophy. It comes from me after filtering through different ideas I have encountered over the years as well as my own I have my own code. My own views. My own justice. For me, it's the only sensible way to live. I spent my youth having people tell me how things are going to play out. I will spend the rest of my days, no matter what may come, living by my law and keeping humanity at a distance.


About John Shraden

John Shaden was born on a leap year in 1988. He is a musician, black magickian, and a chaos gnostic satanist John has had a keen interest in the occult and left hand path since as early as he can remember. He was born and raise Catholic, John found himself spiritually crippled and in his late teens decided to look into the darkness for answers and he found them. Through ritual magick and in communion with the divine, John has been able to sharpen his skills as a psychic and practitioner of the black work.

John founded an occult order known as the, “Order of the Oblivion,” in which he and his fraternal brother work with other occult organizations in forwarding their goals of gnosis, strength, and apotheosis in 2018. Along with his spiritual path, John has been the front man for the black metal band, “CARNIVOROUS STORM,” since 2018.

John has been a writer since he was a young boy, taking inspiration from authors such as Hunter S Thompson, E A Koetting, Michael W Ford, Charles Bukowski, and Sun Tzu. He has been published on many online forums and websites along with publishing his own work on Brilliantbias.com and various other websites over the course of the last 15 years.

Holly Broderick and John Shaden have teamed up to create an amazing psychic duo, in 2022. They call themselves, “Psychics and Swears,” and have helped numerous people with all kinds of issues They have assisted several families get closure in 4 different cases of murder. They work very hard to be sure that their clients know that they are cared for, treat them with dignity and are important to their work all the while using cheeky language and humor.

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

This month I had the pleasure of interviewing Holly Broderick & John Shaden - two of my writers and the team behind "Psychics & Swears"!

Let's see what makes them tick!

Please describe your business.

We help our clients by reading oracle cards for them. We speak to their dead loved ones. We bring them answers and point them in the right direction.

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Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")


When and why did you start your business?

Holly started Holly Be Healing about 7 years ago to help people of all kinds find answers to life's deepest questions. She's been a psychic medium since she was young and became a meditation specialist about 7 years ago. When meeting John two years ago, she knew right off the bat that he would be an excellent addition to her existing business but felt that it needed a name that was better suited to the energy they create together. So Psychics and Swears was born.

How did you get the idea for your company?

Holly got the idea for her original company while meditating during a Tai Chi class. She got certified as a chakra meditation instructor and started with meditation classes. During 2020, after being laid off for the third time, Holly was holding on her oracle cards in hand and asked the Gods if she should be using her cards for her business. The answer was a resounding YES.

Not too long after that Holly came across a handsome, tough, kind, sarcastic man named John. He didn't believe her and thought she was a sham... until he took her up on her offer to get a free reading from her She made him cry

A few weeks later when hanging out at his house, he held her ring, and did a reading for her. He was spot on with everything he saw and that was when she was 100% sure he needed to be a part of her business.

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Interview with Holly Broderick & John

Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")


What is the mission of your company?

Our company is all about helping the hopeless. We help people who cannot be helped by western practices and most religions. Most religions and western medicine would have us all believe that it's evil to talk to spirits and that trying to communicate with our loved ones after they've passed will only give you heartache What we have experienced is that talking to people that have passed away can and often does ease the mind, body, and spirit. We have found that receiving an honest to goodness message from loved ones helps people with their grief and gives them a sense of calm and hope. It allows them to feel less alone in the world and provides them with answers that they otherwise wouldn't get.

Holly and John have helped several family members figure out what happened to their loved ones who went missing, or were murdered. They have seen what kind of healing can happen when cases like that are solved.

What services/products do you offer?

We offer mediumship readings, oracle card readings, meditation sessions, pendulum readings. We do private readings and meditation sessions as well as group sessions and parties.

We also have handmade stuffed animals with healing crystals inside, and handmade healing crystal jewelry.

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Interview with Holly Broderick & John

Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")


What makes your business unique?

Buckle up buttercup. Put your seat belts on and keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times. You never know what kind of things are going to come out of the mouths of these two talented, hilarious, and extremely accurate psychics. They're both on point. Between John's psychometry and mediumship skills and Holly's clairsentience, mediumship, and clairaudient skills they are scary accurate.

Tell me about your business journey. How did you get to where you are today?

6 or 7 years ago the business started off as a side gig with Holly doing meditation classes at a local salt spa and online. When the pandemic hit Holly was laid off of her main job 3 times and the salt spa closed for several months, just as most other businesses did and Holly stopped teaching there. She was left to only doing meditation classes online and decided to add oracle card readings to her business after getting an incredible message from the great beyond to do so.

Holly started with doing free readings online, and met John at about that time. Quickly she realized that he had some amazing skills as well asked him to be a part of her business... begged really.

She quickly realized his flare for words of a specific variety and together they decided that the name of their "project," (they called it a project at the time) was to be Psychics and Swears.

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Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")


What do you wish you knew when you first started?

We wish we knew how to do all of the marketing and paperwork side of the business more efficiently back then. Also, wish that we knew what kinds of set up would actually work for us so that we wouldn't have had the experience of dragging heavy and often awkward equipment to various places

Does your business give back to the community (either your local community or the Pagan Community in general)? If so, how?

During the pandemic back in 2020 Holly was the founder of an organization that made and donated over 20,000 mask extenders. They went to medical personnel, schools, and essential workers. Holly Be Healing, the original company, has donated to several charities. Psychics and Swears doesn't generally donate to organizations (although we did give a sizeable one to Goodwill two years ago). We will often help people in need on an individual basis.

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Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

What is the best way for someone to learn more about your business? (Website, phone, email, etc.?)

The best way is to check us out on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/PsychicsandSwears

What else would you like the world to know about your business?

John and I are two entirely different people. As he puts it, "Holly's a hippy and I'm a nihilistic black hole of fun." We come from very different places but have the same goal of helping our clients to come out of the sessions they have with us feeling like they are in a much better place, mentally and emotionally than before the session started.

Don't miss our March 2023 Issue! Subscribe today! Visit PurrfectlyPagan.com

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Articles inside

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

page 47

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

page 46

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

page 45

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

page 44

Interview with Holly Broderick & John Shaden ("Psychics & Swears")

page 43

About John Shraden

page 41

The Devil's Advocate

page 40

The Devil's Advocate

page 39

The Devil's Advocate

page 38

The Devil's Advocate

page 37

The Devil's Advocate

page 36

Pagan Groups

pages 35-36

About Michelle Pellin

pages 33-34

Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do

page 31

Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do

page 30

Speaking to the Dead Is My Favorite Thing to Do

page 29

Herb of the Sun

page 24

Herb of the Sun

page 23

Herb of the Sun

page 22

Herb of the Sun

page 21

Mindful Paganism

page 16

Mindful Paganism

page 15

About Faerie Godsmother

page 14

THE WITCHES' CORNER Embrace & Savor the Journey

pages 8-13

Embrace & Savor the Journey

page 7

Love from the Other Side

page 4

In This Issue:

pages 2-3
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