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Edgar R. Mendoza
McBride, Christia. 2020. Cabaret Cards: The Law Police Used To Keep Musicians Of Color Off Stage | JAZZ NIGHT IN AMERICA. June 3. NBCBLK. 2015. Young, Gifted and Black : Conductor Damien Sneed. May 20. Accessed December 23, 2020. O'Dell, Adam. 2020. "Racism and Privilege in Music, Part 1: Gatekeeping and Appropriation." Youtube. June 11. Russ, interview by Genius. 2020. Russ Talks Fear of Death & Racism In The Music Industry (January 31). Shadle, Douglas. 2018. Systemic Discrimination: the Burden of Sameness in American Orchestras. February 8. Tcioulcas, Anastasia. 2020. Classical Music Tries To Reckon With Racism — On Social Media. July 29. Accessed January 4, 2021. UK Libraries. 2017. African American Women Play Musical Instruments: Flute. April 4. Accessed December 23, 2020. VICE Staff. 2020. How To Fix Racism in the Music Industry, By People in the Music Industry. October 21. Accessed January 6, 2021.
Dynamic Algorithms for Time-to-Event Processes Edgar R. Mendoza
Mentor: Emmanuel Appiah Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Mathematics
Introduction: In the survival and reliability data analysis, parametric and nonparametric methods are applied to estimate the hazard/risk rate and survival functions [4, 6]. A parametric approach is based on the assumption that the underlying survival distribution belongs to some specific family of distributions (e.g., Page 123 normal, Weibull, exponential). On the other hand, a of 3
nonparametric approach is centered around the best-fitting member of a class of survival distribution functions [5]. Moreover, Kaplan-Meier(KME)[5] and Nelson-Aalen [1, 8] type nonparametric approach do not assume either distribution class or closed-form distributions. In fact, it just depends on the data. The Kaplan-Meier and Nelson-Aalen type nonparametric estimation approaches are systematically analyzed by the totally discrete-time hybrid dynamic modeling process in [2]. In the existing literature [4, 6], the closed-form expression for a survival function is based on the usage of the probabilistic analysis approach. The closed-form representation of the survival function coupled with the mathematical statistics method (parametric approach) is used to estimate both survival and hazard/risk rate functions. In fact, the parametric approach/model has advantages of simplicity, the availability of likelihood-based inference procedures, and the ease of use for a description, comparison, prediction, or decision [6]. The goal of this research project is to develop new mathematical models and computational tools for time-to-event dynamic processes in biological, engineering, financial, medical, economical, and social sciences.
Materials and Methods: Algorithms developed will be validated by applying them to real-world data sets.
Conclusion(s) or Summary: In this work, we hope to attempt the following: (a) develop an innovative alternative dynamic modeling approach for time-to-event processes. (b) introduce time-dependent covariates (external and internal) in the developed models and consider more complex timeto-event dynamic studies (c) introduction of the discrete-time dynamic intervention process (d) formulation of continuous and discrete-time interconnected dynamic system (e) introduction of conceptual and computational state and parameter estimation procedures (f) exhibit well-known results are exhibited as special cases in a systematic and unified manner.
[1] Odd Aalen. Nonparametric inference for a family of counting processes. The Annals of Statistics, pages 701–726, 1978. [2] EA Appiah and GS Ladde. Linear hybrid deterministic dynamic modeling for time-to-event processes: State and parameter estimations. International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 5(6):32, 2016. [3] David W Hosmer, Stanley Lemeshow, and Susanne May. Applied survival analysis. 2011. [4] John D Kalbfleisch and Ross L Prentice. The statistical analysis of failure time data, volume 360. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2011. [5] Edward L Kaplan and Paul Meier. Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations. Journal of the American statistical association, 53(282):457–481, 1958. [6] Jerald F Lawless. Statistical models and methods for lifetime data, volume 362. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2011. [7] Ganesh Malla and Hari Mukerjee. A new piecewise exponential estimator of a survival function. Statistics & probability letters, 80(23):1911–1917, 2010. [8] Wayne Nelson. Hazard plotting for incomplete failure data. Journal of Quality Technology, 1(1), 1969. [9] Olusegun M Otunuga, Gangaram S Ladde, and Nathan G Ladde. Local lagged adapted generalized method of moments and applications. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, pages 1–34, 2016.