Designing for the future ― Science and Technology

Contents Introduction ― 4 Selected Projects ― 10 3

We know what it means to take pride in your work Skillful, deliberate delivery of high quality design and innovation can help companies flourish in their research spaces, and retain key talent. We've been designing buildings in which the world's most successful companies have called home. ― Science and Technology 5
Our Science andSciencepracticeTechnologyandTechnology

Words we live by are conducting practice-informed research for a practice.research-informedFromdeveloping a tool to help project teams quantify a zoned approach to reducing energy intensity in laboratory buildings, to using a robotic arm to measure ability for precision and automation in construction—we aim to break the mold and provide realworld insights.
The technical demands of today’s science environments require the highest standards of design and expertise. Our active benchmarking tool allows us to not only understand singular building parameters, but also to create custom comparative analysis scenarios, provide the ability to include building performance analysis, and represent the data in easily understood graphic formats.
With 25 studios worldwide, we have an expansive network of people available to you. Our expertise serves clients in nearly every corner of the globe providing a creative knowledge base and industry-specific experience from people who are truly excited about the scope of work. With a staff of leading lab experts and in-house scientists we are able to connect with researchers and they technical users to design facilities that inspire innovation, accelerate discovery, and enhance energy performance.
Global Reach Research Labs Benchmarking
Evolving Technology Technology and information systems are integral to sophisticated research. A strong technological infrastructure must support computational research, bio-informatics, core laboratories and imaging equipment. Planning must ensure the integration of current and future technologies seamlessly linking the laboratory, the office, the interaction, the academic and the clinical environments.
Our architects, lab planners, and interior designers share knowledge and expertise across the firm so we can create innovative spaces that fit each of our client's unique needs.
Science and ResearchTranslationalTechnology
Building design can be the functional and experiential bridge between scientific and clinical acceleratingcommunities—theevolution of scientific discovery into clinical applications and of clinical observations into further research exploration. The continuum of physician, scientist and patient can be facilitated by strong campus connections, meaningful interaction spaces and places that foster interdisciplinary dialogue.
Flexible Efficiency In order to respond to the remarkable pace of technological, medical and scientific change, research facilities should have extremely flexible physical organization— allowing for future changes in programs, technology, equipment, systems, laboratory configuration, bench arrangement and research teams, as well as allocations of wet and dry research space.
AdaptabilityDynamic A wide range of space planning strategies and room prototypes should be explored to support current and future needs. Fixed walls or furniture should be minimized to allow adaptation for just-in-time response to changing needs. The building structure should be imagined as a “dance floor” or “smart frame” to serve a myriad of needs over the life of the building.
InteractionMeaningful Planning and design should support interdisciplinary, teambased multiplemeaningfulloungeequipment,wellverticalsocialengagingforthatadjacencies.spontaneousintellectualcollaborationresearch—encouragingandstimulatingexchangethroughinteractionsandPublicspacesfosterasenseofplacetheresearchcommunity,interiorandexteriorspaces,andcelebratedcirculation—asassharedcomputer,educationandfacilities—allsupportinteractionatscales.
NeighborhoodsResearch Defined neighborhoodsresearchlink office, laboratory and shared facilities—while still maximizing flexibility and optimizing lab modularity. This approach balances research efficiency with a strong sense of research community—bringing together scientists in a true sense of place and shared enterprise. Research neighborhoods can join multiple floors, integrate wet and dry investigators or simply interlock lab, lab support, workstation and office.
Learning spaces, research spaces and incubator spaces should be based on a consistent module that is transferable from floor to floor.
Selected Projects Environments that inspire innovation, connect research, and accelerate discovery. ― Science and Technology11
Client: Biomed Realty Trust, Inc. Size: 150,000 square feet Completion Date: 2019 Center for Novel Therapeutics La Jolla, California

The University of California, San Diego is one of the top 15 research universities in the world. Situated on the Western edge of the University's Science Research Park, the new Center for Novel Therapeutics seeks to support the successful formation, funding, and growth of private biotech companies, particularlystart-ups.
new facility for start-ups engaged in research interventions.diagnostics,ofdevelopmentandtherapeutics,and

labs to outdoors.the Center for Novel Therapeutics 15
This is an environment where intellectual collisions happen between the private researchers and the surrounding University researchers, accelerating results by cross-polinating people and ideas. the an enclosed atrium greets visitors to the park and serves as a central collaboration space with the
Located at the heart of
views through

― WHAT IT IS A newcollaborativeworkplace to complement Illumina's start-up mind-set. Client: BioMed Realty Trust, Inc. Size: 360,000 square feet Completion Date: 2017 Sustainability: LEED Silver ® Illumina Foster City Foster City, California

Illumina is a meeting-intensive company, so conference room space was a huge priority. Each building has themed conference rooms that include warm-up or cool-down spaces outside of meeting rooms for groups to use before and after meetings. The meeting rooms have a curved design to symbolize the company’s work with DNA and organic materials.

Illumina Foster City 18

A global genomics leader, Illumina provides comprehensive next generation sequencing solutions to the research, clinical, and applied markets. Illumina technology is responsible for generating a large majority of the world's sequencing data. WHAT MAKES IT COOL
The campus focuses on synergistic work and lab spaces- a feature many traditional life science buildings do not have.

EmeryStation West
This project is Wareham Development’s first high-rise structure and is a prominent addition to their campus and the City of Emeryville.
The curvilinear design was inspired by the form of movement, wind, transportation elements and as a response the block forms of previous buildings to appear more graceful. The lobby was inspired by the clients’ desire to achieve simple elegance with natural reclaimed materials and landscape elements. Design elements that support active waiting— mobile computing and access to wireless internet—also figure prominently into the lobby.
Emeryville, California
Client: Wareham Development Size: 336,000 square feet Completion Date : 2018 20
EmeryStation West is a core and shell project consisting of 336,661 gross square feet of office, laboratory, clinic spaces, and a 700 car parking structure. The base of the project will serve as an intermodal transportation center for Emeryville which will link local bus routes with regional train service and parking.

EmeryStation West Sculptures and murals were commissioned to reflect the history of Emeryville and the important work of all our tenants at the EmeryStation campus. 21

Confidential Size: 360,00 square feet Completion Date: Ongoing 22
Perkins and Will completed a site capacity analysis, master plan, and Concept Design for a 4-acre Bay Area life sciences development. The resulting facility is a 360,000+ square foot life sciences building designed for a single or multiple tenant use. Various laboratory test fits were executed to validating program compatibility based on lab planning modules, lab to lab support, and office workplace scenarios. An independent parking structure addresses parking needs in addition to that provided in the lower level of the science building (570 spaces total). Schematic Design is slated to begin mid-2020.
― WHAT IT IS A speculative 360,000 square foot life sciences building designed for lab planning and support, as well as office Client:withenvironmentsworkplaceamenities.
East Bay Area, California
Lab & Life Sciences Project
This concept features terraced view levels surrounding the focal courtyard with sightlines to the feature court as well as out to the street corridor to the south. The court terraces act as extensions of the buildings common spaces and can potentially be used by multiple tenants—thus enhancing the workplace community. The massing consists of two interlocking forms that contrast materially to create a sculptural play between solid and transparent.

Confidential Lab & Life Sciences Project 23

Client: Alexandria Real Estate, Inc. Size: 216,000 square feet Completion Date: 2019 Sustainability: LEED Gold ® Certified The Seattle,AtriumWashington

The material and color choices reflect the industrial maritime character of the lake front with the use of darker, ipe wood, steel and concrete. facility some of leading biotech companies.
― WHAT IT IS A flexible lab and office

The central atrium space glazingskylight,andmotorizedfeatureswindows,expansiveandverticalsystems. "I have to say [The Atrium] is shaping up to be one of the most attractive architectural buildings in Seattle, and perhaps on the west coast. I am so impressed how it is coming together. The scale, architecture and materials are simply outstanding." —RIC ANDERSON, WASHINGTON HOLDINGS The Atrium 26

Client: Alpine Immune Sciences Size: 22,000 square feet Completion Date: 2020 Alpine Immune Sciences Headquarters Seattle, Washington ― WHAT IT PublicISspaces for collaboration become the front door for this company.


The new headquarters offers an lab and office workspace for the first company to design an approved treatment.
cancer immunotherapy

Alpine Immune Sciences Headquarters ― WHAT MAKES IT COOL Inspired by topographytheof Seattle's surrounding mountains the design concept of the “crevasse” is portrayed through the geometry of the ceiling details and floor patterns. 31

Client: Sana Bio Size: 18,000 square feet Completion Date: 2019 Sana Bio Tenant Improvement Seattle, Washington ― WHAT IT IS A flexible workplace that offers choices for different types of work. 32


― WHAT MAKES IT COOL Research is on display through the use of transparent glazing. Sana Bio Tenant Improvement

Client: University of Washington Size: 1.4 million square feet Completion Date: Ongoing Awards: One of the Top Projects in the Northwest, Real Estate and Construction Review, 2006 Project of the Month, AIA Seattle, 2009 Award of Honor, AIA Washington Council Civic Design Awards, 2009 Award of Merit, AIA Northwest and Pacific Region, 2011 Award of Merit, ASLA, 2012 P3 Innovation Project Award, National Council for Public-Private Partnerships, 2014 School of Medicine, South Lake Union Seattle, Washington

The School of Medicine Campus involves researchers, communitystudents,patients,andthewanttobe. An academic research facility that brings research and clinical care into one urban campus.
seven buildings constructed over five phases, resulting in an environment where

School of Medicine South Lake Union
We have been working with closely with the University from the beginning, starting with the master plan in 2003 to the programming and design of each phased building. With a focus on communication, interaction, and education we designed a campus that welcomes the community to engage with university and that encourages cross collaboration between researchers.
The buildings are organized around a central courtyard that creates strong pedestrian and functional connections.


Client: City of Tacoma Size: 51,000 square feet Completion Date: 2010 Sustainability: LEED Platinum ® Certified Awards: Green Roof and Wall Award of Excellence, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, 2012 Project of the Month, AIA Seattle, 2012 Award of Excellence Finalist, Urban Land Institute, 2011 Public Project of the Year, National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, 2011 Civic Design Merit Award, AIA Washington Council, 2008 What Makes it Green Award, AIA Seattle, 2008 Center for Urban Waters Tacoma, Washington We designed the Center for Urban Waters to be a beacon on the water, an icon that can be seen from the downtown core, and an example of using building and site sustainable strategies for all future projects in the City. ― WHAT IT IS A shared research facility for City of Tacoma, University of Washington Tacoma, and Puget Sound Partners.


Client: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Size: 177,000 square feet Completion Date: 2012 Awards: Visionary Award in Energy, Seattle 2030 District, Technology2014 and Life Sciences Development of the Year, NAIOP Washington, 2012 1100 Eastlake Tenant Improvement Seattle, Washington ― WHAT IT IS A consolidationcreative of the diverse programsresearchonthe Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center campus. A user-driven lab design incorporates large, shared open laboratories surrounded by dedicated lab support functions in collaborative zones. 42


― WHAT IT IS A research institute dedicated to the integration of Client:Seattle,Corporateandcomputation,technology,biology,medicine.HeadquartersWashington Institute for Systems Biology Size: 120,000 square feet Completion Date: 2011 Sustainability: LEED Platinum ® (CI) Awards: INmass Design Award, IIDA Northern Pacific Chapter, BIM2011 TAP Honorable Mention in esign Innovation, AIA National, 2012

first floor houses a large seminar space and adjacent cafe/ meeting area, while the above floors house several labs, lab support spaces, core facilities and office. The institute shares space with a variety of startups in an open and collaborative lab environment. 45

Client: BioMed Realty Trust, Inc. Size: 600,000 square feet Completion Date: 2017 Sustainability: LEED Platinum ® (core+shell), LEED Gold ® (interiors) Awards: Meets the 2030 Challenge Honor Award, AIA San Diego, 2019 Award of Merit, The Structural Engineers Association of California, 2017 Judges Award, American Concrete Institute, 2016 i3 SanCampusDiego,California

offers a variety of unique spaces offering choice and flexibility to suit individual working styles and preferences.
― WHAT IT IS i3 is a new life sciences campus in the University Towne Centre area of San Diego, developed as a destination for life science innovation.
The campus design
provides 100 percent wireless access to support Illumina's 'work anywhere' concept. The

Three buildings form a large outdoor courtyard that is interconnected to create a workplay experience unlike any other research park environment.

By inverting the traditional planning approach of suburban research parks, the i3 project was created to be an icon, innovative, and inspired environment.

Client: Just Biotherapeutics Size: 32,800 square feet Completion Date: 2016 Office, Conference Room, Lab Warehouse and Manufacturing Facility Renovation Seattle, Washington ― WHAT IT IS A new headquarters and pilot manufacturing facility designed to align Just Bio's labs and workplace environment with a culture centered on fairness and equality.


Client: Omeros Size: 77,000 square feet Completion Date: 2012 Awards: Technology/Life Sciences Development of the Year Award, NAIOP Washington, 2013 Office and Lab Tenant Improvement Seattle, Washington

To create a collaborative environment, we designed the open and private offices, meeting rooms, and common spaces to wrap around the lab spaces to create a conducive and collaborative environment for this clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company.
― WHAT IT ExistingIS office space was converted into a state-of-theart research and development facility and headquarterscorporateforOmeros.

Client: Vulcan, Inc. Size: 270,000 square feet Completion Date: 2015 Sustainability: LEED Gold ® Awards: Lab of the Year, High Honors, R&D Magazine, 2017 Best of the Best Higher Education and Research, ENR, 2016 Allen Institute for Brain Science Seattle, Washington

The driving concept for the Allen Institute was to design from the inside out. The building is a reflection of the Institute’s science.bigprinciples—teamguidingscience,science,andopen ― WHAT IT IS A unified research lab that is breakscollaboration,encouragesflexible,anddownbarriers.

"I have never seen or been in a building that matches its functionality (and aesthetics). One sees conversations throughout the building, all of the time, we meet colleagues in the central stairwell and make connections that we had not anticipated, and the spaces work to support both personal and work interactions in indescribable ways. — RICK HORWITZ, ALLEN INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN SCIENCE 56

― WHAT MAKES IT COOL We broke the rules of conventional lab organization by arranging functional spaces around a central 6-story atrium to maximize connectivity on a preserved, historic site. Allen Institute for Brain Science

Client: University of California, San Diego Size: 189,000 square feet Completion Date: est. 2022 Sustainability: Targeting LEED Gold ® Franklin Antonio Hall La Jolla, California

― WHAT IT IS A place where students, professors, and industry leaders can exchange ideas and develop solutions to some of today's challenges.biggest
Thirteen large research facilities called "collaboratories" will make up the heart of Franklin Antonio Hall. Each collaboratory will house a collection of professor-led research groups from different but related disciplines. Together, these complementary research teams will pursue grand-challenge research in areas.

Client: BioMed Realty Trust, Inc. Size: 172,000 square feet Completion Date: est. 2021 SanAPEXDiego, California ― WHAT IT IS A speculative high-tech innovative scientific research building perched on the edge of a canyon.


― WHAT MAKES IT OperableCOOLfacades and outdoor terraces physically extend amenities and workspaces out towards the mesa. APEX

An assortment of amenities support the physical, mental, and emotional health of building users. This includes a fitness center, outdoor walking area, activity lawn, volleyball court and a game area for horseshoe and corn-hole.

This facility enables the advancement of high performance computing; and collocates computer scientists, mathematicians, computational scientists, and theoreticians into the same facility. Named after Shyh Wang, a UC Berkeley professor who did pioneering work in semiconductor research, Wang Hall houses one of the world’s leading supercomputer centers and serves scientists in the U.S. and abroad.
― WHAT IT IS This facility Client:NationalLawrenceDepartmentBerkeleyUniversityactivitiesandcomputationalpromotesscienceengineeringbetweentheofCalifornia,campusandtheofEnergy’sBerkeleyLaboratory. Lawrence
The project is configured as two architecturally interconnected buildings: the supercomputer equipment floor and the office tower. The equipment space’s contiguous floor is largely column-free in order to maximize flexibility in configuring future supercomputer arrays. The two office floors above provide a variety of general office, computer configuration and support, software support, videoconferencing, meeting, and visualization spaces. Fixed building areas and large, open laboratories are configured for flexibility to support the inevitable reconfiguration encountered in research facilities over their lives. Berkeley Laboratory Size
: 149,000 square feet Completion Date: 2015 Sustainability: LEED Gold ® 64
Shyh Wang Hall Berkeley, California

Clockwise from Top Left: Data Center; Classroom; Building exterior at sunset Shyh Wang Hall 65

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