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Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center
13025 Chinn Park Drive Prince William, VA 22192 (703) 792-8600
STATE LICENSED DOCUMENTS REQUIRED STATE LICENSED Arts & Crafts, music, movement and games. Wednesdays are outside water play and Fridays are pool days. Child must meet entrance age requirements by the first day of camp. Copies of Camp Registration Form, Authorized Parent Agreement, School Entrance Health Form and Age Verification (Birth Certificate or other document must be validated by staff) are required to be on file one week prior to the start of camp. Required documents can be downloaded online (www.pwcparks.org/campforms) or be picked up at Chinn Aquatics and Fitness Center. Potty training is required for this camp. Licensed Program. 207019 CA 3-5 M-Th Jun 14-17 / 9a-12p We Love Science Creating potion books and doing experiments. $120 207019 CB 3-5 M-F Jun 21-25 / 9a-12p Wild Wild West Pan for gold and ride out for an adventure. $150 207019 CC 3-5 M-F Jun 28-Jul 2 / 9a-12p Winter Wonderland Let's stay frozen with whimsical winter wonder. $150 207019 CD 3-5 T-F Jul 6-9 / 9a-12p Party in the U.S.A. All-American Week. No camp July 5th. $120 207019 CE 3-5 M-F Jul 12-16 / 9a-12p Jungle Jamboree A week of animal antics in the Amazon. $150 207019 CF 3-5 M-F Jul 19-23 / 9a-12p Fun with Food Little chefs will bake and create a recipe book. $150 207019 CG 3-5 M-F Jul 26-30 / 9a-12p Space Explorers Blast off for a week of intergalactic fun. $150 207019 CH 3-5 M-F Aug 2-6 / 9a-12p Pirates of The Potomac Set sail for a week on the high seas. $150 207019 CI 3-5 M-F Aug 9-13 / 9a-12p Pint-sized Picassos Create 4 art projects and host an art show. $150
A camp that covers the skills necessary to help improve overall performance to include: shooting techniques, form, and defensive and offensive tactics. 207018 CA Ages 6-9 M-Th Jun 14-17 / 6:30p-7:30p $52 207018 CB Ages 10-13 M-Th Jun 14-17 / 7:30p-8:30p $52 207018 CC Ages 6-9 M-F Aug 2-6 / 6:30p-7:30p $65 207018 CD Ages 10-13 M-F Aug 2-6 / 7:30p-8:30p $65
A preview into the fundamentals, basic skills, and techniques of lacrosse. The class will be held in the gym if there is inclement weather. 207018 CE T-F Jul 6-9 / 6:30p-7:30p $65
Pass your child the opportunity to learn football fundamentals, and further their techniques and knowledge. The program will be held in the gym if there is inclement weather. 207018 CF M-F Jul 19-23 / 6:30p-7:30p $65
A camp that covers the skills necessary to help improve overall performance to include: shooting techniques, form, and defensive and offensive tactics. 207018 CG M-F Jun 28-Jul 2 / 6:30p-7:30p $65
AGES 10-13 Kick it with us to learn fundamentals, and improve overall performance. The program will be held in the gym if there is inclement weather. 207018 CH M-F Jul 12-16 $75 6:30p-7:30p
Serve your child the opportunity to learn volleyball fundamentals, and further their techniques and knowledge. 207018 CI M-F Jun 21-25 / 6:30p-7:45p $70 207018 CJ M-F Jul 26-30 / 6:30p-7:45p 207018 CK M-F Aug 9-13 / 6:30p-7:45p $70 $70
Extended Day Care Option Available 6–9am Before 5–7pm After See inside cover for details
DANCE SAMPLER Come spend your summer with us! Sports, crafts, and camp games are just some of the fun we will have. Bring a bagged lunch, two snacks, a swimsuit and towel each day. Be ready for tons of fun!
M-Th Jun 14-17 9a-5p Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii! We will explore the wonderful and colorful state of Hawaii through various crafts and games! $168
207222 CB M-F Jun 21-25 9a-5p Cartoon week! Come join us for cartoon week! Campers will be able to recreate their favorite cartoon characters though crafts and play camp games centered around their favorite character! $210
207222 CC M-F Jun 28-Jul 2 9a-5p 207222 CD T-F Jul 6-9 9a-5p 207222 CE M-F Jul 12-16 9a-5p 207222 CF M-F Jul 19-23 9a-5p 207222 CG M-F Jul 26-30 9a-5p 207222 CH M-F Aug 2-6 9a-5p 207222 CI M-F Aug 9-13 9a-5p Love the 90's! Jump back in time as we go into the 90s to see old school characters and much more! Chinnlympics! Our take on the Olympics. With tons of traditions and games, campers will be able to try and take home the gold! Hero's vs Villain's Its a battle for good vs evil! Which side are you on?
Space Exploration! Come join us as we explore the galaxy. $210
Medieval Times! Come join us as we visit ancient times where kings and queens ruled the land. $210
Into The Jungle! Come join us as we take an adventure into the rain forest. $210
Under The Sea! Campers will be able to play tons of water games while looking for buried treasure! $210
Come spend your summer with us! Sports, crafts, and camp games are just some of the fun we will have. Bring a bagged lunch, two snacks, a swimsuit and towel each day. Be ready for tons of fun!
207223 CA M-Th Jun 14-17 9a-5p Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii! We will explore the wonderful and colorful state of Hawaii through various crafts and games! $176
207223 CB M-F Jun 21-25 9a-5p Cartoon Week! Come join us for cartoon week! Campers will be able to recreate their favorite cartoon characters though crafts and play camp games centered around their favorite character! $220
207223 CC M-F Jun 28-Jul 2 9a-5p
207223 CD T-F Jul 6-9 9a-5p
207223 CE M-F Jul 12-16 9a-5p
207223 CF M-F Jul 19-23 9a-5p 207223 CG M-F Jul 26-30 9a-5p 207223 CH M-F Aug 2-6 9a-5p 207223 CI M-F Aug 9-13 9a-5p Love The 90's! Jump back in time as we go into the 90s to see old school characters and much more! $220
Chinnlympics! Our take on the Olympics. With tons of traditions and games, campers will be able to try and take home the gold! $176
Hero's vs Villain's Its a battle for good vs evil! Which side are you on? $220
Space Exploration! Come join us as we explore the galaxy. $220
Medieval Times! Come join us as we visit ancient times where kings and queens ruled the land. Into The Jungle! Come join us as we take an adventure into the rain forest. Under The Sea! Campers will be able to play tons of water games while looking for buried treasure! $220