4 minute read
James S. Long Park
4603 James Madison Hwy Haymarket, VA 20169 (703) 792-5180
STATE LICENSED DOCUMENTS REQUIRED STATE LICENSED Your camper will spend the summer exploring, investigating, and interacting with the world around them. By participating in a wide variety of hands-on activities, built around our weekly themes, children will discover the wonders of plants, animals, and nature in both indoor and outdoor settings. This is a state licensed program. Children must meet the age requirement by the first day of camp. Campers’ Registration Form, Parental Agreement, School Entry Health Form and Age Verification (Birth Certificate or other accepted form of documentation must be validated by staff) are required to be on file and uploading to ePACT on week prior to the start of camp. All participants must be potty trained. Licensing Paperwork requirements: Camper Registration Form, School Entry Health Form, Immunization Records, Verification of Birth Certificate, Sunscreen/Bug Spray/ Poison Ivy, and Parental Authorization Form. 207019 JA M-Th Jun 14-17 Fabulous What is Flight? Learn how bees, dragonflies, birds, seeds, and other things in nature use 9a-12p Flight flight to survive. $93
207019 JB M-F Jun 21-25 9a-12p Bugs Life What can lift 20 times their body weight? What is the fastest flying insect? Join this camp to find out and learn interesting facts and the importance of our little friends, the bugs! $116
207019 JC M-F Jun 28-Jul 2 9a-12p Going Green Green is the most wonderful color! Come experience all things green from recycling to insects to plants! $116
207019 JD T-F Jul 6-9 9a-12p 207019 JE M-F Jul 12-16 9a-12p
207019 JF M-F Jul 19-23 9a-12p 207019 JG M-F Jul 26-30 9a-12p 207019 JH M-F Aug 2-6 9a-12p Nature Detectives Animal Planet
Art in Nature Heroes Among Us Fantastic Forests Who ate Who? Or What? Search for clues to solve the mysteries of the forest.
The world is full of amazing animals of all shapes and sizes. Come to experience them all from amphibians to mammals. Activities include games, crafts, experiments, and special guest! Use nature's textures and colors for inspiration, making unique one-of-a-kind masterpieces. The trees, plants, rocks and water encourage creativity as we interact with nature. Heroes work and live among us every day. Who are these Heroes? Join us for camp and learn about our emergency workers and the jobs they do. Use all of your senses to discover the amazing forest around you. Absorb the smells, textures, tastes, sounds and sights of this amazing ecosystem. $116
Your camper will spend the summer exploring, investigating, and interacting with the world around them. By participating in a wide variety of handson activities, built around our weekly themes, children will discover the wonders of plants, animals, and nature in both indoor and outdoor settings. Children must meet age requirements by the first day of camp. Required forms must be uploaded to ePACT one week prior to the start of camp: Camper Registration, Parental Agreement, Sunscreen, and Code of Conduct. 207011 JA M-Th Jun 14-17 Fabulous What is Flight? Learn how bees, dragonflies, birds, seeds, and other things in nature use $93 1p-4p Flight flight to survive. 207011 JB M-F Jul 12-16 1p-4p Nature Detectives Who ate Who? Or What? Search for clues to solve the mysteries of the forest. $116
207011 JC M-F Jul 26-30 1p-4p 207011 JD M-F Aug 2-6 1p-4p Heroes Among Us
Heroes work and live among us every day. Who are these Heroes? Join us for camp and learn about our emergency works and the jobs they do. Bugs Life What can lift 20 times their body weight? What is the fastest flying insect? Join this camp to find out and learn interesting facts and the importance of our little friends, the bugs! $116
AGES 6-12 The stage is set for rock artists everywhere! Art Rocks combines fun music and energetic art for a wildly creative adventure. Campers will make musical instruments, learn about rhythm and create some music of their own! They’ll design a poster promoting a concert, as well as a unique label for a new CD. These rock artists will create their own rock art, design mystifying paintings to music and try their hand at melodic action painting. So come into the spotlight for a rocking good time!! 207199 JA M-F Jul 19-23 / 1p-4p $185
AGES 6-12 Creative masterpieces made with recycled materials. Green Kids care about the environment and we do, too, with Abrakadoodle®! Our Green Kids create French Santons statues inspired by peasants from the Provence region of France, CD art in the style of Piet Mondrian, Chilean Rain Sticks, and more! We will learn about fine artists! Each work of art is a masterpiece made with recycled materials that both decorate our world and help to keep our environment clean! We use many, many colors, but our emphasis is on GREEN! 207005 JA M-F Jun 28-Jul 2 / 1p-4p $185