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Child Records and Registration
Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism utilizes an online system to maintain medical, emergency and participant information for all day camp programs.
ePACT is a system that is designed to create efficiencies for both customers and staff in maintaining confidential information in a secure and safe manner. ePACT maintains the same levels of security as online banking, and limits access only to the administrators who have been assigned privileges.
Through ePACT, you will be able to create/ update your own accounts, upload and complete the required forms giving DPRT the necessary information for your child(ren).
ePACT allows administrators quick access to pertinent participant information, contributes to more “green” programs by decreasing the need for paper copies, and provides staff with a variety of ways to communicate with parents/ guardians regarding program updates, alerts, and requests for information.
After registering for your desired program, you will be sent a link to access the ePACT system. Through this link you will be able to upload and complete forms including necessary medical information, emergency contacts and any special needs your child may have.
In order for your program registration to be considered complete and for your child to participate, you will need to:
• Make any payments related to the programs you have chosen
• Ensure you have received a receipt of registration.
• Create an account with e-PACT
STATE LICENSED Programs with this icon are state licensed and require copies of Health/ Physical form, Age Verification (original birth certificate) and vaccination records prior to child attend camp.
See online forms: pwcparks.info/2023campforms
• Complete and/or upload the necessary forms associated with the program you registered for
• Continue to make changes, as needed, to your family’s account
• Verify email and phone numbers
My son absolutely LOVED this camp. He had initial reservations but was SO sad when ended!! He came back so excited to talk about his time at camp. He even carried a leaf in his pocket from camp and it sits by his bedside as a reminder of the fun he had. What an amazing opportunity!!
We are committed to providing your child/camper a safe environment with caring and experienced camp counselors and fun filled days.
We hire those with a passion for play! In addition to the experience they bring, our staff receives in-depth pre-season training that includes topics on behavior management, customer service, camp activity programming, risk management, and child development.

All counselors must be 18 years of age or older and have, at minimum, 6 months of experience working with children.

In addition to this training, counselors are also required to be certified in CPR, First Aid and AED. They must pass a criminal background and Central Registry Check as well as attend sexual harassment, blood borne pathogen and daily health trainings.
Refund Policy
Please review the information regarding our refund policy for summer day camps. Please note there are no refunds for missed days due to changed work or vacation schedules, sick days or other non-emergency reasons. Within seven (7) days of the start of camp, refunds are given for only medical emergencies with doctor’s note received before camp begins.
The Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism is committed to serving the needs of everyone in the community through inclusive programming by providing an atmosphere in which persons with and without disabilities can interact, play, and socialize with their peers in an all-inclusive, supportive environment. Requests for modification must be received at least 21 business days prior to the start of the desired camp program in order to allow time for the modifications to be put in place.
If you are requesting any type of modification for your child, you must submit a written request form pwcparks.info/2023campforms.
If you have questions about the process or need more information, please contact
Veronica Laughman
ADA Coordinator for the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism at: vlaughman@pwcgov.org or call 703-792-8066.
• A seven (7) day notice must be given and confirmed. A $40 cancellation fee will be assessed, all other fees paid will be refunded.
• Failure to give proper notice will result in the forfeiture of all fees.
• Full Payment is due at the time of registration.
• A seven (7) day notice must be given and confirmed prior to the start of camp.
• A $10 cancellation fee will be assessed, all other fees paid will be refunded.
• Failure to give proper notice will result in the forfeiture of all fees.
• Customers seeking to transfer their child’s enrollment to another Parks and Recreation camp must submit a request, in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to their specific week of camp beginning.
• There are no transfer fees and all the fees paid will be transferred to new camp.