18 minute read
Historic Preservation
EVERY DAY FULL OF WORK: THE AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE AT BEN LOMOND Ages 6+ Before the Civil War, enslaved men and women lived and worked at the Ben Lomond farm. Visitors will be able to explore the historic home and the original slave quarter to learn about the daily life of African Americans and can visit spaces not ordinarily open to the public. Additionally, visitors can experience the interactive virtual reality exhibit in the Ben Lomond Slave Quarters. Tours are offered at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m.
Sep 3 / 11a-12p Sat $5 Sep 3 / 1p-2p Sat $5 Sep 3 / 3p-4p Sat $5
FARMING THE FALL HARVEST All Ages Help us harvest Ben Lomond’s two kitchen gardens. Learn about the types of vegetables and plants that would be grown in each garden and harvested. Bring gloves and wear appropriate clothing and shoes. Yes, you will likely get dirty. Visitors may come and go as they please and stay as long as they want to. Oct 22 / 11a-4p Sat $5 380001 HP21
CAMPFIRE GHOST STORIES OF BEN LOMOND Ages 10+ Ben Lomond has a diverse and grim history as a Civil War hospital, a farm, and a private home. Over the years, many local residents have claimed to see ghosts and other spooky happenings at the site. Is Ben Lomond haunted or not? Join us for an eerie evening around the campfire to hear some of the ghost stories associated with the historic site. Bring your own chair and flashlight.
Oct 28 / 7:30p-9p F $5 380001 HP12 CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS IN BACK OF THE BIG HOUSE All Ages There have been many illustrations providing a glimpse at Christmas traditions in plantation homes of 19th century Virginia, but little when it comes to the enslaved. This unique program will explore what this holiday was like for enslaved men and women living on Southern plantations and farms. Come dressed appropriately for the weather. Dec 10 / 11a-4p Sat $5
CRIME & PUNISHMENT TOURS AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE Ages 6+ As Prince William County’s seat for 70 years, Brentsville’s courthouse and jail were the focus of law and order in the community. Take a tour of the Brentsville’s public lot and learn about the laws, crime, and punishment of the 19th century while you hear about some of the high-profile cases that were tried on-site.
Sep 10 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP18 Sep 10 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP19 Sep 10 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP20
BRENTSVILLE BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL Ages 6+ For hundreds of years, the Brentsville Public Lot has been a place of entertainment and festivities and we are continuing that tradition into today! Bring your chairs, kick up your heels, and enjoy some Bluegrass, antique cars, and food trucks at Brentsville! Enjoy three bands throughout the day, explore the historic site, and enjoy hands-on activities for the kids. Food and beverages will be available for purchase on-site. Advanced tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased online at www. pwcparks.org/bluegrass. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $15.
PREPARING A 19TH CENTURY THANKSGIVING DAY MEAL Ages 8+ Take advantage of this unique opportunity to help prepare a holiday meal using techniques and equipment commonly used in the 19th century. From roasting meat and dressing using a reflector oven, to baking bread and desserts, boiling vegetables in cast iron pots, learn how food was prepared in the days when wood fires and Dutch ovens were the normal way to prepare dishes using authentic Victorian recipes. Come dressed appropriately for the weather.
Sep 17 / 12p-6p Sat $10 380001 HP06
STRANGE TALES CAMPFIRE Ages 2+ Prince William County and Northern Virginia abound with tales of unusual happenings and strange sights. Whether it’s monsters in the woods of Independent Hill, unknown lights in the sky near Manassas, or a logger’s lament in the Bull Run Mountains these stories are a bit outside the realm of regular ghosts or hauntings. Join us at Brentsville Courthouse around the campfire to roast s’mores and hear all about these strange tales. Sep 24 / 7p-8p Sat $5 380001 HP88
Takea Sip of History:
Grab a pint and join us for our next “Take A Sip of History”! Prince William County has a diverse and dramatic since its creation in 1731. In those nearly 300 years, many unusual and tragic events have happened, and many say that spirits of the unquiet dead still linger at the places they knew in life. Civil War soldiers, unknown creatures, duels, killers, victims, and more at least inhabit the memories of PWC’s people. Grab a pint and kick off the Halloween season with a night of ghost stories from throughout Prince William County’s history. Admission is free, donations are welcome. This a joint program with Water’s End Brewery and will take place at their Lake Ridge location. For more information, call 703-365-7895.
Ghost Stories of Prince William County Oct. 5
6:30–8 p.m. FREE

www.pwcva.gov/history HistoricPreservation@pwcgov.org Connect with us on social media! Instagram: PWC History www.facebook.com/pwhistoric Twitter: @PWHPF
Water’s End Brewery
in Lake Ridge 12425 Dillingham Square Lake Ridge, VA 22192
Historic Preservation
HISTORIC CEMETERIES OF BRENTSVILLE WALKING TOURS Ages 6+ In the nearly 200-year history of the community of Brentsville, many cemeteries have sprung up in the area. Unfortunately, some of these burial grounds are now lost to history. However, others are still marked today. Kick off the Halloween season with a special walking tour of historic Brentsville as we explore some of the area’s little-known cemeteries. Oct 1 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP22 Oct 1 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP23 Oct 1 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP24
HISTORIC CEMETERIES OF WESTERN PRINCE WILLIAM CAR CARAVAN TOUR Ages 6+ Join local historians as we venture off the beaten path to explore three local cemeteries around Brentsville. Every cemetery is unique, and the tour will detail the rich history and hidden stories within each location: Cedar Run Cemetery, White Hall Presbyterian Cemetery, and finally, Moor Green. This tour will meet at Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre to receive directions and will then caravan between cemeteries. Please dress appropriately and bring water; advanced registration is required.
Oct 22 / 9a-12p Sat $10 380001 HP25
SPIRITS OF BRENTSVILLE HAUNTED HISTORY TRAIL Ages 6+ In 1822, the small, unassuming town of Brentsville opened as the County Seat. For over 200 years, the town was the site of trials and triumphs. From trials, war, and murder to depression, pranks and more. The sprits of Brentsville have awakened and eager to meet you. Participants will want to watch their backs as they take a walk through Brentsville’s most terrifying moments in history complete with ghost stories and surprises. Advanced registration is recommended for space is limited. Groups leave every 20 minutes. Tickets can be purchased in advance online at www.pwcparks.org/ historicprograms or over the phone at 703-365-7895.
Oct 21 / 7p-8p F $15 380001 HP80 Oct 21 / 7:20p-8:20p F,Sat $15 380001 HP81 Oct 21 / 7:40p-8:40p F $15 380001 HP82 Oct 21 / 8p-9p F $15 380001 HP83 Oct 21 / 8:20p-9:20p F $15 380001 HP84 Oct 21 / 8:40p-9:40p F $15 380001 HP85 Oct 21 / 9p-10p F $15 380001 HP86 Oct 21 / 9:20p-10:20pF $15 380001 HP87
For up to date information about our historic properties, hours and events visit our website: www.pwcva.gov/history

“INTO THE WOODS” WALKING TOURS Ages 6+ For Native American Heritage Month in November, join us for a walk along a nature trail as we rediscover Prince William as a colonial frontier. “Into The Woods” explores the mystical power the woods held over both the Europeans and Eastern Woodland indigenous peoples of the American continent in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Learn how mutual fear and respect for the endless forests dictated complicated rituals and delicate treaties that were mediated by a wide range of characters, the go-betweens and negotiators that thrived in this dark, formidable wilderness.
Nov 5 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP01 Nov 5 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP02 Nov 5 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP03

BEFORE THE BENCH AT BRENTSVILLE Ages 13+ The criminal justice system is a difficult topic to discuss. There are few easy solutions, and many difficult cases. In this program we will take a step back into a different era, with different rules, and a very different system of laws, to put you in the shoes of participants in a real case taken from the historical record! Will you find a different verdict than the original trial? Will the same issues that confronted those courts of long ago weigh on your decisions? Only one way to find out. Court cases may include subjects not appropriate for young children. Advanced registration is suggested for space is limited. Nov 12 / 7p-8p Sat $10 380001 HP05
HISTORIC HOLIDAYS & CHRISTMAS CONCERTS AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE Ages 2+ Experience the holidays of years past at Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre as you explore each of Brentsville’s historic buildings decorated for the holidays. Learn how locals celebrated the holidays and how they enjoyed the winter weather through the years through crafts and activities. Get your picture taken with Santa and have some hot cider as you enjoy a musical performance by the Brentsville District High School Choir. Dec 10 / 5p-8p Sat FREE
Historic Preservation
WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD: “MOWED DOWN LIKE GRAIN BEFORE A REAPER”: THE 15TH NORTH CAROLINA AT THE BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION All Ages Follow in the footsteps of the 15th North Carolina Infantry during the Battle of Bristoe Station. Raised in northeastern North Carolina, this regiment fought in many of the war’s major battles. At Bristoe Station, they lost over 100 men. Learn about the soldiers who comprised this regiment and how the Battle of Bristoe Station affected them.
Sep 7 / 7p-8p W FREE 380001 HP91
BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD HERITAGE PARK TOURS All Ages Bristoe Station Battlefield staff and volunteers will provide guided tours of this hallowed ground that contains camps, cemeteries, and battlefields. Learn about Camp Jones and the battles that took place in 1862 and 1863. Tours begin at 11 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm and depart from the kiosk in the parking lot on Iron Brigade Unit Avenue. The last tour leaves at 3 pm. Please dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Insect repellant is encouraged. No pets please. Sep 10 / 11a-4p Sat FREE Sep 11 / 11a-4p Sun FREE Sep 24 / 11a-4p Sat FREE Sep 25 / 11a-4p Sun FREE Oct 8 / 11a-4p Sat FREE Oct 9 / 11a-4p Sun FREE Oct 22 / 11a-4p Sat FREE Oct 23 / 11a-4p Sun FREE
CIVIL WAR RAIDERS OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA BUS TOUR Ages 10+ One of the most famous figures to emerge from the Civil War was John S. Mosby. Operating behind Federal lines in Northern Virginia, Mosby created a legacy that still resounds today. However, Mosby was not the only band of guerillas in the area; other bands of soldiers from Virginia and South Carolina also operated here. Join historians from Prince William Historic Preservation for a special bus tour that will not only visit Mosby sites, but also other guerrilla sites in Northern Virginia. Bus departs from Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park.
Sep 24 / 9a-5p Sat $80 380001 HP17 WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD: DECISIONS AT BRISTOE: LEADERSHIP IN THE 1863 BRISTOE STATION CAMPAIGN Ages 6+ Leadership on a battlefield is one of the most important factors in determining its outcome. The split-second decisions made by generals can decide the fate of countless men’s lives as well as shape the course of history. Join Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park staff for this Wednesday Night Walk that will analyze the decisions made in the fall of 1863, the reasoning behind them, and how they shaped the course of Robert E. Lee’s last offensive of the Civil War.
Oct 5 / 7p-8p W FREE
BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION ANNIVERSARY HIKE Ages 10+ Walk the grounds of Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park to learn about the Battle of Bristoe Station on its 159th anniversary. This hike will be about two miles long and will be led by park historians. Wear appropriate footwear and bring a flashlight.
Oct 14 / 6p-8p F FREE

BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND All Ages Commemorate the 159th anniversary of the Battle of Bristoe Station with guided tours and living history demonstrations. Tours are offered at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. while living history demonstrations will take place at noon and 2 p.m. Oct 15 / 11a-5p Sat FREE Oct 16 / 11a-4p Sun FREE
BRISTOE STATION LUMINARY Ages 6+ Tour the Bristoe Station battlefield at night to see nearly 1,000 luminary candles for every soldier who died at Bristoe Station during the Civil War. Living history vignettes will be located across the battlefield and guided tours will lead visitors to meet the men and women who made history here. Guided tours depart at the top and bottom of each hour. This program is free with a $5 suggested donation.
Oct 15 / 7p-7:30p Sat FREE Oct 15 / 7:30p-8p Sat FREE Oct 15 / 8p-8:30p Sat FREE Oct 15 / 8:30p-9p Sat FREE Oct 15 / 9p-9:30p Sat FREE

Historic Preservation
CHRISTMAS IN A CIVIL WAR CAMP All Ages The Civil War did not pause at Christmas time. There were still battles to be fought, though camp life consumed most of the soldiers’ time. Experience how soldiers spent the holidays away from their families. Living history demonstrations and a visit from Civil War Santa Claus will accompany each tour. Nineteenth-century Christmas crafts will be available for children. Please come dressed for the weather.
Dec 3 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP13 Dec 3 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP14 Dec 3 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP16 RIPPON LODGE HISTORY WALK ON THE BOARDWALK Ages 5+ Learn history along the Neabsco Creek Boardwalk. This history walk, “Humanity and the Environment in Neabsco Creek” explores how people affected this natural creek over the centuries. (The group will meet at the Neabsco Creek Parking Lot on Blackburn Road under the picnic shelter.) Leashed pets are welcome to join, but not all parts of the hike are accessible for wheelchairs. Space is limited. Advanced registration. Guests should wear sunscreen and bug spray, plus bottled water. Sep 24 / 9a-10:30a Sat $10 380001 HP76
SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION: LUCASVILLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Ages 2+ Are you excited that school has started again? Going to school was very different a hundred years ago than it is today. Visit the one room school at Lucasville to learn about the different ways that students learned in a segregated society. Try some of the tools used to teach students in school, the games they played and even make a craft to take home!
Sep 10 / 11a-4p Sat FREE
RIPPON LODGE DECO GAME DAY Ages 6+ Shall we play a game? Discover what games the Ellises played during lawn parties at Rippon Lodge. Croquet, badminton, and bache ball are three fun lawn games for groups of three or more. Guests are encouraged to play, and dressing up in period fashion is welcomed. Space is limited. Advanced registration recommended. Sep 3 / 11a-1p Sat $5 380001 HP74
“DECADES OF RIPPON LODGE”: A PRINCE WILLIAM HISTORIC PRESERVATION FOUNDATION GALA Ages 18+ Join the Prince William Historic Preservation Foundation for a Garden Party Gala celebrating the many decades of Rippon Lodge! Enjoy an afternoon of lawn games, period entertainments, a buffet luncheon, historic desserts, and a silent auction on the beautiful grounds of Rippon, overlooking the Occoquan. This event, hosted by the Prince William Historic Preservation Foundation, supports the restoration and preservation of Prince William County’s historic sites. Tickets are $75 per person and can be purchased at www.preservepw.org. Sep 24 / 1p-4p Sat $75 / purchase at www.preservepw.org MURDER AT RIPPON LODGE Ages 12+ Just when everyone at the party is having a grand time, something goes array. A cast of suspects, and one had murder on their agenda. Who did it? That’s up to you to discover. Join Rippon Lodge Historic Site for the return of a live production of Murder at Rippon Lodge! Advanced registration required. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. SUBJECT MATTER IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.
Oct 8 / 4p-5p Sat $10 380001 HP70 Oct 8 / 6p-7p Sat $10 380001 HP71
THE DUEL-A RIPPON LODGE TALE Ages 12+ There are many stories and legends tied to Rippon Lodge Historic Site. Some are amazing while other are tragic. Join us for the live action retelling of one incident involving the Blackburn family and the political dynamics surrounding the death of Col. William Baylis. Advanced registration required. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. SUBJECT MATTER IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.
Oct 29 / 4p-5p Sat $10 380001 HP89 Oct 29 / 6p-7p Sat $10 380001 HP90
275 YEARS-RIPPON LODGE HISTORIC SITE All Ages In 1747, construction began on Rippon Lodge, one of the area’s oldest homes. For this anniversary celebration, Rippon Lodge Historic Site welcomes you to experience a day full of colonial living history demonstrations and impressions, military encampments from European and North American regiments, civilian and enslaved life in Virginia, tours the lodge, crafts, games, and more. Lodge tours limited to 15 people at a time. Nov 5 / 11a-3p Sat FREE 380001 HP04

Historic Preservation
RIPPON LODGE GAME DAY Ages 6+ Shall we play a game? Come play both period and holiday games in the last of Rippon Lodge’s Game Day series. Charades and a scavenger hunt with a pre-holiday twist are scheduled for enjoyment. Groups of four or more are encouraged join in the family fun. Space is limited. Advanced registration. Activities may not be suitable for children under 5.
Nov 12 / 11a-1p Sat $5 380001 HP75
POTOMAC PEOPLE: INDIGENOUS TRIBES OF EASTERN PRINCE WILLIAM Ages 6+ Before Europeans came to the area now known as Prince William County, the Doegs inhabited the local region. For Native American Heritage Month, join us as we rediscover the Algonquian Nation during this special Boardwalk tour. Learn how they lived and thrived along the coastal plains of the Potomac and what happened to them after European Settlement. The group will meet at the Rippon Landing Parking Lot on Blackburn Road under the picnic shelter. Leashed pets are welcome to join, but not all parts of the hike are accessible for wheelchairs. Space is limited. Guests should wear sunscreen and bug spray, plus bottled water. Advanced registration. Nov 19 / 9a-10:30a Sat FREE 380001 HP72
HOLIDAY EVENINGS AT RIPPON LODGE All Ages Enjoy the ambiance of the season by viewing Holiday through the Ages tours at night. These special evening tours include music and period lights inside the historic home and along the grounds. No groups larger than 15 at a time. Advanced registration.
Dec 2 / 5p-6p F $10 380001 HP26 Dec 2 / 6p-7p F $10 380001 HP27 Dec 2 / 7p-8p F $10 380001 HP28 Dec 3 / 5p-6p Sat $10 380001 HP29 Dec 3 / 6p-7p Sat $10 380001 HP30 Dec 3 / 7p-8p Sat $10 380001 HP31
SANTA COMES TO RIPPON LODGE Under 12 Years You better watch out! You better not cry! Santa Claus is visiting Rippon Lodge for one afternoon only! Be on your best behavior and keep your name on the “Nice” list. Parents will be given special “Things Santa Should Know” cards upon arrival. Bring your camera for pictures and dress appropriately for weather as some activities are outside. With large numbers of excited tots expected, we ask parents bring plenty of snacks and extra activities for young children. Reservations only. Dec 10 / 12p-1p Sat $5 380001 HP77 Dec 10 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP78 Dec 10 / 2p-3p Sat $5 380001 HP79 HOLIDAYS THROUGH THE AGES All Ages Stroll through seasonal celebrations of the past at Rippon Lodge Historic Site. With interiors and exteriors richly decorated for the holidays, guests enjoy an in-depth exploration of seasonal festivities over the centuries. No groups larger than 15 at a time. Guests are advised to pre-register. Dec 2 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 HP32 Dec 2 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 HP33 Dec 2 / 3p-4p F $5 380001 HP34 Dec 3 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP35 Dec 3 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP36 Dec 3 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP37 Dec 4 / 11a-12p Sun $5 380001 HP38 Dec 4 / 1p-2p Sun $5 380001 HP39 Dec 4 / 3p-4p Sun $5 380001 HP40 Dec 5 / 11a-12p M $5 380001 HP41 Dec 5 / 1p-2p M $5 380001 HP42 Dec 5 / 3p-4p M $5 380001 HP43 Dec 9 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 HP44 Dec 9 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 HP45 Dec 9 / 3p-4p F $5 380001 HP46 Dec 10 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP47 Dec 10 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP48 Dec 10 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP49 Dec 11 / 11a-12p Sun $5 380001 HP50 Dec 11 / 1p-2p Sun $5 380001 HP51 Dec 11 / 3p-4p Sun $5 380001 HP52 Dec 12 / 11a-12p M $5 380001 HP53 Dec 12 / 1p-2p M $5 380001 HP54 Dec 12 / 3p-4p M $5 380001 HP55 Dec 16 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 HP56 Dec 16 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 HP57 Dec 16 / 3p-4p F $5 380001 HP58 Dec 17 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 HP59 Dec 17 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 HP60 Dec 17 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 HP61 Dec 18 / 11a-12p Sun $5 380001 HP62 Dec 18 / 1p-2p Sun $5 380001 HP63 Dec 18 / 3p-4p Sun $5 380001 HP64 Dec 19 / 11a-12p M $5 380001 HP65 Dec 19 / 1p-2p M $5 380001 HP66 Dec 19 / 3p-4p M $5 380001 HP67 Dec 23 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 HP68 Dec 23 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 HP69