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Martial Arts
■ AIKIDO Ages 14+ Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art designed for defense against larger, armed and multiple opponents. This art is based on ancient Jujitsu fighting styles. Practice of Aikido also leads to fitness benefits and personal growth. All experience levels are welcomed. Class will meet Saturdays 8:00am-9:00am and Sundays 9:30am-11:30am. No Class December 24 & 25.
Sep 3-25 /8a-9a Sun,Sat $95 312351 DA Oct 1-23 /8a-9a Sun,Sat $95 312351 DB Nov 5-27 /8a-9a Sun,Sat $95 312351 DC Dec 3-31 /8a-9a Sun,Sat $90 312351 DD
Location Key
■ Sharron Baucom Dale City Recreation Center
www.pwice.com 703-730-8423
Public Ice Skating Learn to Skate Lessons Learn to Play Hockey Figure Skating Youth & Adult Hockey Group & Private Lessons Birthday Parties Fundraising Events Snow & Story
For more information contact Maureen at mbrennan@pwice.com
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