15 minute read
Historic Preservation
BEN LOMOND ROSE GARDEN TEA Ages 10+ Celebrate the arrival of spring by spending a wonderful afternoon in the antique rose garden at Ben Lomond enjoying historic tea and garden themed treats. Price of admission includes tea, light refreshments, and a special talk about roses and spring flowers in one of the largest antique rose gardens in the Washington D.C. metro area. MUSEUM KIDS MONDAY!: MAKE PAPER SOLDIERS Ages 5-9 Take home your own paper army like children of past centuries used to make. Adults must be able to participate with children. Reservations are not required. Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre will host the second Monday of the month, Ben Lomond Historic Site the third Monday of the month.
Jul 18 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP22
MUSEUM KIDS MONDAY!: MAKE YOUR OWN FLAG Ages 5-9 Learn about the historical importance of flags and then make your own to take home with you. Adults must be able to participate with children. Reservations are not required. Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre will host the second Monday of the month, Ben Lomond Historic Site the third Monday of the month. Jun 20 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP23
MUSEUM KIDS MONDAY!: OLD TIME GAMES Ages 5-9 Play games of the past that children had many years ago, including games for inside the house and outside. Adults must be able to participate with children. Reservations are not required. Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre will host the second Monday of the month, Ben Lomond Historic Site the third Monday of the month. Aug 15 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP24
May 21 / 1p-3p Sat $30 280001 HP54
CIVIL WAR HOSPITAL WEEKEND All Ages After the Battle of First Manassas, Ben Lomond served as a field hospital to treat the wounded. Visit Ben Lomond near the 161st anniversary of the battle and learn from historians and Civil War living historians how soldiers were treated during the war and how the conditions of these hospitals differ from the hospitals we have today. The weekend will consist of demonstrations, tours, children’s activities, and more. Jul 23 / 10a-4p Sat FREE 280001 HP14
MUSEUM KIDS MONDAY!: LET’S GO FLY A KITE Ages 5-9 Kites have been around for centuries. Make your own kite and watch it fly! Adults must be able to participate with children. Reservations are not required. Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre will host the second Monday of the month, Ben Lomond Historic Site the third Monday of the month. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT COMES TO BEN LOMOND *NEW* Ages 5+ President Theodore Roosevelt was the bestknown visitor to Ben Lomond throughout the house’s history. Roosevelt was a good friend of the owners, the Rixeys, and traveled here to experience the outdoors and hunt, one of the President’s favorite pastimes. Listen to the President himself talk about his life, the time he spent at Ben Lomond, his adventures, hunting trips, and his work to preserve America’s natural heritage. Talks with President Roosevelt will take place at noon and 2 p.m. Special tours of the house and grounds will be offered at 11 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm.

SPRING PLANTING AT BEN LOMOND Ages 5+ Learn how gardens were prepared in the 19th century and see what is different between the Chinn’s garden at Ben Lomond and your home garden. From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., help prepare the garden for fertilizing and planting. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. dig your hands into the richly prepared soil to begin planting the vegetables and seeds which would have been grown to provide food for the main house and the slave quarters. Participants should wear appropriate clothing and closed-toed shoes for this event. May 7 / 9a-11a Sat $5 280001 HP36 May 7 / 11a-1p Sat $5 280001 HP37
YOU ARE THERE: THE PRINGLE HOUSE HOSPITAL IN THE AFTERMATH OF BATTLE Ages 10+ The lives of soldiers and civilians were forever changed after the Battle of First Manassas. Come to Ben Lomond and walk through the Pringle House General Hospital in the aftermath of battle. Talk to the soldiers and civilians who occupied the house at that time. Find out the ways their lives were forever changed. Jul 23 / 7p-7:45p Sat $10 280001 HP49 Jul 23 / 7:30p-8:15p Sat $10 280001 HP50 Jul 23 / 8p-8:45p Sat $10 280001 HP51 Jul 23 / 8:30p-9:15p Sat $10 280001 HP52 Jul 23 / 9p-9:45p Sat $10 280001 HP53
“FREEDOM TO THE FREE”: THE FREEDMEN’S BUREAU AT BRENTSVILLE Ages 6+ Following the Civil War, with the 13th Amendment and 14th Amendment the nation was faced with a crisis. While the law had ended slavery, it provided no support for the millions of African Americans now left facing a difficult future. Visit Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre for special tours in honor of Juneteenth to learn more about how they made new lives with help from the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Jun 25 / 11a-12p Sat $5 280001 HP01 Jun 25 / 1p-2p Sat $5 280001 HP02 Jun 25 / 3p-4p Sat $5 280001 HP03
MUSEUM KIDS MONDAY! Ages 5-9 Bring your child to Brentsville Courthouse this summer to explore history through sight, sound, smell, and touch through hands-on activities and crafts! Topics will vary each month and include subjects such as farming, archaeology, or 19th century toys. Adult must be able to participate with children. Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre will host the first Monday of the month, Ben Lomond Historic Site the third Monday of the month. Please contact the site to learn about the subject of the month. Reservations are not required. May 2 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP17 Jun 6 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP18 Jul 4 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP19 Aug 1 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP20
PRINCE WILLIAM HISTORIC PRESERVATION LECTURE SERIES: THE NEWBY FAMILY’S FIGHT FOR FREEDOM Ages 10+ Dangerfield Newby was the first of John Brown’s raiders to be killed in their raid on the Federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in October 1859. Newby not only fought for the freedom of his race but also for the freedom of his family who were enslaved in Prince William County. Historian and author Jon-Erik Gilot will share the Newby’s story and their local connection to Brentsville. This program is free; donations are welcomed.
May 26 / 7p-8:30p Th FREE 280001 HP26

SECOND MANASSAS CAMPAIGN BUS TOUR *NEW* Ages 13+ Cover the ground that soldiers of both armies covered prior to the Battle of Second Manassas during the 160th anniversary of the campaign. This tour will visit battlefields and camp sites. Advanced registration is required. Lunch and transportation are provided. Aug 20 / 9a-5p Sat $70 280001 HP35
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC PRINCE WILLIAM TOWNS: BRENTSVILLE Ages 2+ Join local historians once a month this summer for a special walking tour of historic towns in Prince William County. For July, visit Brentsville, the 4th County seat of Prince William County and explore parts of the town outside of the historic area. Tour will depart from Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre located at 12229 Bristow Rd, Bristow, VA 20136. Jul 15 / 7p-8p F FREE 280001 HP39
160TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF KETTLE RUN Ages 5+ Join Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park staff and volunteers on the 160th anniversary of Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson’s capture of Bristoe Station and the Battle of Kettle Run – the opening round of what would become the Second Battle of Manassas. This August 27th battle, while small, was bloody and took a heavy toll on the regiments that fought there. Visit the park on the actual anniversary for specialized walking tours that will make this forgotten battle come to life. Aug 27 / 11a-4p Sat $ 280001HP04
BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD HERITAGE PARK TOURS Ages 10+ Bristoe Station Battlefield staff and volunteers will provide guided tours of this hallowed ground that contains camps, cemeteries, and battlefields. Learn about Camp Jones and the battles that took place in 1862 and 1863. Tours begin at 11 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm and depart from the kiosk in the parking lot on Iron Brigade Unit Avenue. The last tour leaves at 3 pm. Please dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Insect repellent is encouraged. No pets please. May 14-15 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP06 May 28-29 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP07 Jun 11-12 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP08 Jun 25-26 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP09 Jul 9-10 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP10 Jul 23-24 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP11 Aug 13-14 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP12 Aug 27-28 / 11a-4p Sun,Sat FREE 280001 HP13
LIFE OF THE CIVIL WAR SOLDIER: FOOD, CLOTHING, AND SHELTER *NEW* All Ages Civil War Soldiers spent more time in Camp than any other activity. Come to Bristoe Station Battlefield and see the types of tentage used by both armies during the war. Help prepare and taste some of the Campaign foods soldiers made to keep from being bland. See and feel the types of cloth and uniforms worn by soldiers on campaign during the Civil War. Wear appropriate clothing and closed toed shoes for this activity. Jun 18 / 11a-4p Sat $5 280001 HP56 RAIDED: A REAL-TIME WALKING TOUR OF “STONEWALL” JACKSON’S RAID AT BRISTOE STATION Ages 10+ Stand on the ground of Bristoe Station Battlefield 160 years to the moment that “Stonewall” Jackson’s forces raided Bristoe Station and changed the course of the Second Manassas Campaign. Walking is involved, please wear proper footwear. Aug 26 / 7p-8p F FREE 280001 HP27
SUNRISE AT BRISTOE STATION: SETTING THE STAGE FOR THE BATTLE OF KETTLE RUN REAL-TIME WALK Ages 10+ Join park staff to watch the sunrise and learn about the opening movements of the Battle of Kettle Run 160 years ago to the moment that they occurred. Walking is involved, please wear proper footwear. Aug 27 / 7a-8:30a Sat FREE 280001 HP38
WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD: “THEY WERE NEVER MORE FIRM AND STEADY UNDER FIRE”: THE 1ST MINNESOTA AT THE BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION Ages 10+ The 1st Minnesota Regiment is best remembered for its costly charge down the slope of Cemetery Ridge at the battle of Gettysburg on July 2, 1863, where the unit sustained upwards of 82% casualties. Despite their losses, however, the war did not end there for the men of the unit. During the battle of Bristoe Station on October 14, 1863, the veteran regiment helped open the fight, defended the railroad, and captured several enemy guns and scores of prisoners. “They were never more firm and steady under fire,” reported Major Mark Downie, the commanding officer, after the action. Join us on this Wednesday Walk and follow in the footsteps of one of the Civil War’s most legendary units. This event is free; donations are welcomed. May 4 / 7p-8p W FREE 280001 HP43
WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD: FARM FIELDS TO NATIVE MEADOWS Ages 10+ Many times, when walking through fields and even timbered areas, the vegetation you see can help tell the story of bygone days if one looks hard enough and is able to recognize plant growth patterns. This walk will look at some of the fields and trails at Bristoe Station Battlefield and learn to identify the clues presented by the flora at Bristoe Station.
Jun 1 / 7p-8p W FREE 280001 HP44
For up to date information about our historic For up to date information about our historic properties, hours and events visit our website: properties, hours and events visit our website: www.pwcva.gov/history www.pwcva.gov/history

WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD: THE 82ND NEW YORK INFANTRY AT THE BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION Ages 10+ This tour follows in the footsteps of the 82nd New York Infantry, which fought the North Carolina Tar Heels of Kirkland’s Brigade on the far right of the Union line at Bristoe Station. Raised in 1861 as the 2nd Regiment, New York State Militia, the 82nd would participate in all the major battles in the East from First Manassas to Petersburg. At Bristoe Station the bravery of a young Irish immigrant in Company E by the name of Michael Emmett Urell would be recognized with the award of the Medal of Honor. Private Urell would return to service during the Spanish American War with the District of Columbia National Guard 35 years later and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Aug 3 / 7p-8p W FREE 280001 HP45 JUNETEENTH AT LUCASVILLE SCHOOL Ages 1+ Join us at Lucasville in honor of Juneteenth to learn about the celebration marking the emancipation of enslaved African Americans throughout the South. Visit the one-room schoolhouse to learn about the development of freedmen communities throughout Prince William County and the progression of education throughout Prince William County throughout Reconstruction and the Jim Crow Era. Jun 18 / 11a-5p Sat FREE 280001 HP15
PRINCE WILLIAM FORREST PARK Ages 2+ Join local historians once a month this summer for a special walking tour of historic towns in Prince William County. For June, visit the historic Cabin Branch mine and its historic community today located in Prince William Forest Park. This joint tour with the National Park Service will depart from Parking Area D on the Scenic Drive in Prince William Forrest Park. Please dress appropriately and bring water. This hike is considered in place to be moderately difficult and will be approximately two miles. Call 703-365-7895 for more information. For more information, please call 703-365-7895.
WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD: THE GRAY GHOST RAIDS THE RAILROAD Ages 10+ The importance of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad made it a target for opposing armies during the Civil War. Mosby’s Rangers constantly targeted the railroad and attempted to damage the Federal war effort. Learn the stories of these raids and the countermeasures taken to protect the railroad while walking near the historic O&A tracks.
Jul 6 / 7p-8p W FREE 280001 HP46
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC PRINCE WILLIAM TOWNS: BUCKLAND Ages 2+ Join local historians once a month this summer for a special walking tour of historic towns in Prince William County. For August, visit Historic Buckland, one of the bestpreserved 18th and early 19th industrial towns in Virginia. This is a joint tour with the Buckland Preservation Society and will depart from The Buckland Love Museum located at 6275 Vint Hill Rd, Warrenton VA, 20187. For more information, please call 703-365-7895. Aug 19 / 7p-8p F FREE 280001 HP40 Jun 17 / 7p-8p F FREE 280001 HP41

ANTIQUE IDENTIFICATION DAY AT RIPPON LODGE Ages 7+ Want to learn more about something you own? Local experts and museum staff will view vintage and antique pieces of glassware, clothing, jewelry, and memorabilia to provide more insight and classification of your unique pieces of history. This is not an appraisal nor a donation collection. Please do not transport larger pieces of furniture to the historic site. No loaded weapons-safety protocols in place. Required registration. May 14 / 11a-3p Sat $10 280001 HP05
RIPPON LODGE GAME DAY Ages 5-9 Shall we play a game? Come experience one of the many period activities the Blackburn’s would have to entertain guests. Shut the Box is a dice and math game played with two to four individuals. Groups are encouraged to join the fun while playing this popular parlor and tavern game. Space is limited. Advanced registration. Jun 4 / 12p-2p Sat $5 280001 HP28
RIPPON LODGE GARDEN TOUR Ages 7+ Explore the many wonderful, landscaped grounds of Rippon Lodge Historic Site. A closer look of what is growing and past and present landscaping practices to be discussed. Leashed pets are welcome to join but must be cleaned-up afterwards. Space is limited; may be warm and walking on uneven surfaces, bring water and comfortable shoes. Advanced registration recommended.
May 28 / 9a-10:30a Sat $10 280001 HP29
RIPPON LODGE MUSEUM KID MONDAYS! Ages 1+ Bring your toddler to explore history through sight, sound, smell, and touch. Programs include outdoor and indoor activities. Adults must be able to participate with children. Cancels in case of rain.
May 23 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP30 Jun 27 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP31 Jul 25 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP32 Aug 22 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP33
RIPPON LODGE MUSEUM KID MONDAYS! Ages 1+ Bring your toddler to explore history through sight, sound, smell, and touch. Programs include outdoor and indoor activities. Adults must be able to participate with children. Cancels in case of rain.
May 23 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP30 Jun 27 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP31 Jul 25 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP32 Aug 22 / 10a-11a M $5 280001 HP33
RIPPON LODGE WWII GAME DAY Ages 7+ Shall we play a game? Come experience some of the period games that were played at home and on the front during World War II. Groups are encouraged to join the fun. Space limited. Advanced registration. Jul 23 / 12p-2p Sat $5 280001 HP34 WORLD WAR II DAYS AT RIPPON LODGE All Ages Learn about daily life of soldiers in the European and Pacific Theatres from living historians portraying both Axis and Allied soldiers. See period military equipment, and vehicles, and medical care on and off the battlefield. Additionally, explore how citizens at home supported the war effort, and view original WWII artifacts. Indoor toursself guided, 15 at a time. Donations encouraged. Jul 9 / 11a-4p Sat FREE 280001 HP47 Jul 10 / 11a-3p Sun FREE 280001 HP48
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC PRINCE WILLIAM TOWNS: DUMFRIES Ages 2+ Join local historians once a month this summer for a special walking tour of historic towns in Prince William County. For May, visit Historic Dumfries, a bustling and diverse community founded on tobacco and witness to the American Revolution. This is a joint tour with Historic Dumfries Inc. and will depart from the Weems-Botts Museum located at 3944 Cameron Street, Dumfries, VA 22026. For more information, call 703-365-7895. May 20 / 7p-8p F FREE 280001 HP42
Location Key Addresses for each location are listed on pg. 8.