2 minute read
First Tee®
from Leisure Winter 2023
by pwcdpr
First Tee® Prince William County began providing First Tee® curriculum in the summer of 2002. In our Certification Programming, we have reached over 5,000 unique youth within the Northern Virginia area. In addition to our certification programming, First Tee® School Program is currently implemented in 36 elementary schools servicing over 25,000 youth in Prince William County on a yearly basis.
■ FIRST TEE - INTRO TO GOLF Ages 7-17 In addition to learning the fundamentals of the game of golf and the golf swing, First Tee teaches young people life skills and character education through the game of golf.
Feb 11 / 10a-10:45a Sat $5 122901 V01 Mar 11 / 10a-10:45a Sat $5 122901 V02
■ LIL SWINGERS Ages 4-6 Specifically designed for the younger golfer. Having fun and becoming comfortable on the golf course and with others is what we do. Consists of an overview of both Life Skills and Golf Skills utilizing First Tee curriculum.
Apr 29-May 20 / 10a-11a Sat $85 130001 L01 FIRST TEE GOLF CLUB Ages 7-17 Golf is one of most diverse and inclusive sports out there; join in the fun this season. All kids from 7-17 are welcome, regardless of previous experience. Based on your skill level we will: cover the basics of golf, rules and etiquette, solid impact and distance control, course management and on to more advanced golf skills. First Tee also places a premium on core values such as honesty, respect, confidence and judgment. These values help build social skills, deal with peer pressure and how to self-manage through most situations.
LAKE RIDGE GOLF COURSE Apr 3-6 / 9:30a-12a M-Th $175 130008 L01 Apr 18-May 16 / 4:30p-5:30p T $125 130008 L02 Apr 18-May 16 / 6p-7p T $125 130008 L03 BULL RUN GOLF COURSE Apr 20-May 18 / 5p-6p Th $125 130008 BR01 PRINCE WILLIAM GOLF COURSE Apr 19-May 17 / 4:30p-5:30p W $125 130008 P01 Apr 19-May 17 / 6p-7p W $125 130008 P02 FOREST GREENS GOLF CLUB Apr 17-May 15 / 4:30p-5:30p M $125 130008 F01 Apr 17-May 15 / 6p-7p M $125 130008 F02
Location Key
■ Lake Ridge Park ■ Veterans Memorial Park & Community Center
P r i nce William Compost Awareness D a y
For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food … Compost!
FREE Event
Saturday, May 6 10 am–1 pm Composting and gardening information. Compost samples and facility tours Balls Ford Road Compost Facility 13000 Balls Ford Road, Manassas www.pwcva.gov/trashandrecycling