5 minute read
Scout Programs
from Leisure Winter 2023
by pwcdpr
BOY SCOUTS Remember your blue card
■ SCOUTS BSA CYCLING #1 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Boy Scout Cycling Merit Badge. This is the first class in the series. In advance of class, complete and bring requirements 1 and 6, answer and be ready to discuss the questions. It is recommended to use the Cycling Merit Badge Workbook (http://www.usscouts.org/mb/ worksheets/cycling.pdf) to BE PREPARED. Dress to ride with appropriate gear for the weather including a day pack with the 10 essentials (https://scoutingmagazine.org/2013/02/ the-10-essentials/). Remember your blue card. Each Scout must bring a properly fitted bicycle in good working order, helmet (approved by Snell, CPSC, or ASTM standard), and eye protection. The second class will be 60 days later.
Feb 26 / 9a-1p Sun $22 413002 E01
■ SCOUTS BSA CYCLING #2 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Boy Scout Cycling Merit Badge. This is the second class in the series. In advance of class, complete and bring requirements 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, and be ready to discuss. It is recommended to use the Cycling Merit Badge Workbook (http://www.usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/cycling. pdf) to BE PREPARED. Dress to ride with appropriate gear for the weather including a day pack with the 10 essentials (https://scoutingmagazine.org/2013/02/the-10-essentials/). Remember your blue card. Each Scout must bring a properly fitted bicycle fulfilling required safety features, correctly fit helmet (approved by Snell, CPSC, or ASTM standard), and eye protection.
Apr 23 / 9a-1p Sun $22 413004 E01
■ SCOUTS BSA FAMILY LIFE #1 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Family Life merit badge. This is the first class in the series. In advance of class, complete all of requirements 1 & 2, prepare list of chores for requirement 3, decide on a project for 4, and plans for requirements 5 & 6. The second class will be 90 days later. Remember your blue card. Dress for the weather.
Jan 28 / 5p-7p Sat $22 413001 K01 ■ SCOUTS BSA FIRST AID Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Scout First Aid Merit Badge. In advance of class, do all of requirement 1 (bring signed handbook to class), complete requirement 5a (bring first aid kit to class) and complete certification for CPR/AED for requirement 7 (bring certification to class). Remember your blue card. Dress for the weather.
Apr 23 / 3p-5p Sun $22 413004 K01
■ SCOUTS BSA HIKING #1 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Boy Scout Hiking Merit Badge. This is the first class in the series. In advance of class, complete and bring requirements 1, 2 and 3 answer and be ready to discuss the questions. It is recommended to use the Hiking Merit Badge Workbook (www.usscouts.org/usscouts/ mb/worksheets/Hiking.pdf) to BE PREPARED. Remember your blue card. Plan to participate in a short educational hike: Dress to hike with appropriate gear for the weather, including a day pack with the 10 essentials (https://scoutingmagazine.org/2013/02/ the-10-essentials/). The second class will be 60 days later.
Feb 5 / 9a-12p Sun $22 413002 E02
■ SCOUTS BSA HIKING #2 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Boy Scout Hiking Merit Badge. This is the second class in the series. In advance of class, complete and bring requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 and be ready to discuss the questions. It is recommended to use the Hiking Merit Badge Workbook (www.usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/ worksheets/Hiking.pdf) to BE PREPARED. Remember your blue card. Dress to hike with appropriate gear for the weather, including a day pack with the 10 essentials (https://scoutingmagazine.org/2013/02/the-10-essentials/).
Apr 2 / 9a-12p Sun $22 413004 E02
■ SCOUTS BSA FAMILY LIFE #2 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Family Life merit badge. This is the final class in the series. Complete requirements 3 (carry out 90 days of chores & record), 4 (submit report of project done around home for family), 5 (submit results on project done with family) and 6 (report back on family meeting). Remember your blue card. Dress for the weather. ■ SCOUTS BSA PERSONAL FITNESS #1 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Scout Personal Fitness Merit Badge. This is the first class in the series. In advance of class, complete and bring requirements 1a (current physical) & 3 (answer and be prepared to discuss the questions). Dress to work out. The second class will be 90 days later. Remember your blue card.
Scout Programs
■ SCOUTS BSA PERSONAL FITNESS #2 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning your Scout Personal Fitness Merit Badge. This is the final class in the series. In advance of class, complete requirement 1b (dental exam with statement from dentist), 8 (keep 12 week log of physical fitness program), and 9 (explore 3 careers in personal fitness). Dress to work out.
Mar 10 / 6p-8p F $22 413003 D02
■ SCOUTS BSA PERSONAL MANAGEMENT #1 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning the Scout Personal Management Merit Badge. This is the first class in the series. Before the class, complete requirement 1(a, b1, c), 2a (prepare budget), 5 (all), & 8 (a & b). Remember your blue card. Dress for the weather.
Feb 11 / 5p-7p Sat $22 413002 K01
■ SCOUTS BSA PERSONAL MANAGEMENT #2 Ages 10-18 Join us in earning the Scout Personal Management Merit Badge. This is the final class in the series. Before the class, complete requirements 2 & 8. Do all of 7, 9, & 10. Remember your blue card. Dress for the weather.
Feb 4 / 5p-7p Sat $22 413002 I01 ■ GIRL SCOUTS-DAISY 5-7 YRS *NEW* Ages 5-7 Make the World a Better Place: This rose-colored petal is earned when a Daisy learns how to make the world a better place. This program begins with reading the “Rosie” story, followed by a troop inspired activity that puts this petal into practice. Includes art supplies and a printout of the Rosie story.
Feb 26 / 10:30a-12p Sun $10 413002 L02
Location Key
■ Birchdale Community Center ■ George Hellwig Memorial Park ■ Lake Ridge Park ■ Sharron Baucom Dale City Recreation Center ■ Silver Lake Regional Park

■ GIRL SCOUTS- JUNIORS 9-11 YRS *NEW* Ages 9-11 Drawing Artist! When you pick up your pencil, anything can leap from your imagination on to the paper. In this badge, you will explore using different materials, mediums, and perspective to create your masterpiece. Art supplies included.
Feb 25 / 10:30a-12p Sat $15 413002 L01
■ GIRL SCOUTS-BROWNIES 7-9 YRS *NEW* Ages 7-9 Bug Naturalist: Bugs help us in so many ways. Explore the world of bugs and learn about these amazing little creatures. Art supplies and bug discovery printout included.
Mar 19 / 10:30a-12p Sun $10 413003 L01
■ GIRL SCOUTS-CADETTES 11-14 YRS *NEW* Ages 11-14 aMAZE Journey: Grab your troop and register for the incredible aMAZE Journey. Scouts will discover how happiness plays a part in developing meaningful friendships, and how joy, fulfillment, and friendship go hand in hand. Scouts will create a “Peacemaker Kit” as part of this Journey in a day adventure.