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Children’s Programs
ARCHERY - NOCK IT, AIM, SHOOT! AGES 8-15 Learn the safe and effective way to handle and shoot recurve and compound bows, while understanding the differences between them. Training provided by National Archery Association certified instructors. 309100 VA Sat Sep 19-Oct 10 / 9:30a-11:30a $93 309100 VB T,Th Sep 22-Oct 1 / 5p-7p $93 309100 VC T,Th Oct 6-15 / 3:30p-5:30p $93
BIG SHOTS & LITTLE SHOTS - INTRO TO ARCHERY AGES 7+ NOCK IT, AIM & SHOOT!! Bring your friends and family to learn about the sport of Archery. Learn the fundamentals of the bow and arrow and take aim at the bullseye! Enjoy this introduction to Archery and test your skills! 309100 VD Sat Sep 12 / 11a-1p Parent w/ Child $20
POPSICLES & PAINT AGES 8-17 Let’s paint! We will provide the cool treats and the colors; you bring your creative eye. Weather permitting, we will venture outdoors and be inspired by the world around us. Canvas, paint and brushes will be provided. 348001 VQ M Sep 14 / 4p-6p $20 348001 VR W Sep 23 / 6p-8p $20 ABRAKADOODLE PRESENTS: MINI DOODLERS AGES 3-6 This popular art program helps kids stretch their creative muscles and exercise their right brains in action-oriented classes filled with color, texture, shape and fun! Our art lessons are carefully crafted to promote uniqueness and imaginative thinking as kids create their own masterpieces through drawing, painting, cutting, molding and exploring various materials. 310301 VA T Oct 6-27 / 10:45a-11:30a $70 ABRAKADOODLE PRESENTS: TWOOSY DOODLERS AGES 1½ - 3 YEARS This special parent and child class is a highly recommended first Toddler Art Class. Twoosy Doodlers develop their sensory skills as well as fine and gross motor skills. They learn about color, texture and more while experimenting with new, engaging materials. Twoosy Doodlers develop fine and gross motor skills, language, and social skills. ALL while having FUN 310301 VD T Oct 6-27 / 9:30a-10:15p $66
ART EXPLORATION FOR BEGINNERS-TO-INTERMEDIATES AGES 8-15 This 6-week “drop-off” paint class will introduce your child to famous artists while expanding their art vocabulary, exploring new techniques and experimenting with different art media to discover that many objects can be used to create art. At the conclusion of the course we will have an Art Show to display their creative talents. Space is limited; register early. No class Nov 26th. 310301 DA Th Sep 17-Oct 22 / 6:30p-8p $95
GREAT PUMPKIN PARTY AGES 3-6 Bring your child for a super fun pumpkin-y party! We will have Halloween themed games, songs, crafts & your child gets to take home their own decorated pumpkin. We will be celebrating outdoors, weather permitting. Costumes encouraged and small refreshments will be served. Register early, space is limited! 310191 DA F Oct 16 / 1p-2p $28
GREETING CARD MAKING PARTY AGES 5-12 During this super fun parent-and-child party we will be creating unique greeting cards for use throughout the year. You and your child will have a snack and use a variety of art supplies to create 12 cards themed for each month. Your creations will be great gifts for parents, grandparents and friends! Register early. 310191 DB W Sep 23 / 6:30p-8p $22
HOMESCHOOL ART HISTORY AGES 7-12 During this “drop-off” class your 1st-5th grade student will learn artistic problem-solving as well as art history by studying the work of the masters. Each class, students will be given an image of a historical piece of art with a brief history lesson. Your child will replicate the artwork using their own creativity and style. Most weeks, the student will complete & take home their work.
310303 DA T Sep 22-Oct 27 / 1p-2p $85 LEARNING IS FUN Get your little one prepared for preschool class learning with this super fun 6-week class. We focus on art and play, following directions, and transitions. Each class includes ABC’s, 123’s, projects, sensory activities, weather, calendar and gross & fine motor skill development. Let’s get your little student ready for their next big step in education! We will be outdoors for part of each class, weather permitting. 310301 DI Ages 2-3 F Sep 18-Oct 23 / 9:30a-10:30a $80 310301 DJ Ages 4-5 M Sep 14-Oct 19 / 9:30a-10:30a $80
NEW! WE’VE GOT RHYTHM AGES 3-6 This is a 6-week drop-off class, where children will learn and explore musical concepts through activities that include singing, chanting, movement, musical games, exploring musical instruments and storytelling. Must be able to separate from guardian. Potty training required. 310191 DF Th Oct 15-Nov 19 / 10a-10:45a $75
NEW! FEEL THE BEAT FOR HOMESCHOOLERS AGES 7-12 This school-aged program will give children the opportunity to learn about instrument families, playing instruments, singing, expressive movement and develop their appreciation for music. The class fee includes a recorder. This is a 6-week drop-off course. Registers early, space is limited. If you bring your own recorder you will receive a $10 reimbursement at the end of the session. 310191 DE F Oct 16-Nov 20 / 10a-10:45a $75

MINECRAFT MODDING In this class, students will learn how to create their own custom gameplay items and elements using MCreator and Minecraft. Students will learn how to create artwork for various items, and implement them into the game with custom behaviors. Design your own custom blocks, weapons, food, biomes and more! Does your child spend hours at a time playing Minecraft? Have them learn how to improve their gameplay experience, and create your own custom mods to take home today! Software: MCreator Skill Level: Beg.-Int. Topics Learned: Texture Design, Custom Events, Game Modification Skills Gained: Problem-solving, Design Skills, Keyboard confidence 310304 BB AGES 6-9 W Sep 16-Oct 21 / 6p-7p $139 310304 BC AGES 10-14 W Sep 16-Oct 21 / 7:30p-8:30p $139
ROBLOX, IMAGINATIVE GAME DESIGN AGES In this course, students will learn how to use coding fundamentals to strategically engineer an immersive, imaginative cosmos for one of the fastestgrowing gaming platforms in the world. “Roblox, Imaginative Game Design” provides students with hands-on experiences in innovation and the underlying mechanics of 3D gaming. This is the perfect course for any student looking to advance their skills in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). Do not miss your chance to publish, share, and play games with your friends. Software: Roblox Studio Skill Level: Beg. 310304 BD Ages 6-9 Sat Sep 19-Oct 24 / 9a-10a $139 310304 BE Ages 10-14 Sat Sep 19-Oct 24 / 10:30a-11:30a $139
Science in the Park
education to meet SOL’s

Information contact: Chris Eckart CEckart@pwcgov.org
Programs for Elementary Students (K-5) Let us teach lessons using our fields, forests, streams and ponds as your classroom. Our curriculum topics are based around the 2018 Science SOL's and the hands on activities can be tailored to complement what is being taught in distance and home learning. James S. Long Regional Park • Lake Ridge Park Locust Shade Park • Neabsco Regional Boardwalk • Silver Lake Regional Park