Prince William Living January 2022

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prince william living January 2022

The premier lifestyle magazine of Prince William and Greater Manassas

How to Get a Great Night’s Sleep PAGE 4

Tips for Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine PAGE 16

Prince William Foodies, Meet EpiQ Food Hall PAGE 22


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table of contents January 2022 | Vol. 12 | No. 1

FEATURE STORY How to Get a Great Night's Sleep: Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle







FROM THE PUBLISHER Sleep Soundly in 2022


LIFELONG LEARNING Organizational Systems to Help You Tackle Home and Work Like a Boss


GIVING BACK Old Town Strong: Giving Businesses the Opportunity to Succeed During the Pandemic


FAMILY FUN Tips for Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine


DESTINATIONS Find a New Way to Unwind in Prince William


ON A HIGH NOTE Victor Rook: In Search of Good Times


LOCAL FLAVOR Prince William Foodies, Meet EpiQ Food Hall





prince william living January 2022

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prince william living Rebecca Barnes




PHOTO EDITOR Amanda Baity CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Amy Falkofske, Jennifer Halter, Haley Huchler, Rena Malai, Rachel Nohe, Erin Pittman, Jorge de Villasante, Bennett Whitlock



Prince William Living, the premier lifestyle magazine of Prince William and Greater Manassas, is published monthly by Prince William Living, Inc. The opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Prince William Living. © Copyright 2022 by Prince William Living, Inc. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced or translated without written permission. Visit the Prince William Living website at for reprint permission.

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January 2022 prince william living

from the Publisher Sleep Soundly in 2022


hile everyone else is talking about hardcore exercise and dropping all the pounds, we here at Prince William Living want you to usher in the new year committed to sleeping more. Yep! Sleeping! Sleep affects all areas of our lives, making it ever-important not to skimp on shuteye. This month’s issue is packed with tips and resources to improve your sleep habits for your most restful and healthful year yet. Start with our feature for all-around education about the importance of sleep, activities and habits that can hinder it, and where to turn to improve your sleep hygiene. Next, check out Destinations for activities and spots in Prince William that can help you turn down the stress and improve your sleep quality. Want to turn your bedroom into a haven for rest? Our Home and Hearth section is filled with suggestions to do just that, while Health and Wellness reveals five habits that can make or break a good night’s sleep. Spread the improved sleep to all members of your family! Family Fun has tips for creating bedtime routines for kids and offers suggestions for just how many hours of sleep your kiddos need.

Feel like there are never enough hours in the day so you end up skimping on sleep? Maybe you need a new system. Our Lifelong Learning section offers options for home and work systems to improve your efficiency and reduce your stress. And if you’re craving a healthy, tasty meal before drifting off to dreamland, check out EpiQ Food Hall in Woodbridge for a variety of choices. Read all about EpiQ and the food hall concept in Local Flavor. When it’s time to settle down for bed, grab an alternative to screentime: a copy of local author Victor Rook’s book In Search of Good Times. Get the details in On a High Note. Finally, this month’s Your Finances offers education on the differences between budgeting and financial planning and how the two work together for a positive financial future. Now that’s something that can help you rest easy! We wish you a stress-free, rest-filled 2022! All the best,

Rebecca Barnes Publisher

prince william living January 2022


Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle

How to Get a Great Night's Sleep By Erin Pittman


here aren’t too many things powerful enough to affect every single area of your life. Attitude, finances and your mother may come to mind. But this time we’re actually talking about sleep. The quality of your sleep can really make or break your day. Didn’t sleep well last night? Staying focused in that three-hour webinar on the latest standard operating procedures is likely going to be brutal. Slept like a queen for eight straight hours? Bet your four-mile run this morning was a breeze. You know some days it takes three cups of coffee to get your body moving, and other days you pop out of bed greeting the day like you’re the lead in a Broadway musical. If you’d rather that lead be more Annie than Mrs. Hannigan or Sandy than Rizzo, improving the quality and duration of your sleep may just be the ticket.

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Our Publisher, Rebecca Barnes, is no stranger to insomnia — so much so that she created the 3 a.m. club. “Years ago, I started having trouble sleeping and found myself up in the middle of the night. I would post roll calls for the 3 a.m. club on social media. And lo and behold, all these friends would also be awake and ‘attending.’ It’s been a long-running joke in my circle,” she said. Insomnia is a widespread, puzzling issue affecting millions of Americans.

Sleep Basics Most adults need an average of seven hours of sleep each night. But it’s not just about the length of time you spend in

bed, it’s also about the quality of that sleep. You’re aiming for uninterrupted sleep that occurs on a regular schedule. (You don’t have to rush yourself with the same urgency you usher your kids into bed so you can stream the latest episode of Squid Game. But aim for roughly the same half-hour window each night.) Why is sleep duration and quality so important? Both for your mental and physical health. (Remember the mother comment? It touches everything!) Quality sleep helps balance your mood and emotions. Poor sleep can lead to increased anxiety and depression. Physically, focusing on sleep hygiene helps you maintain a healthy weight, avoid diseases, keep your immune system strong, reduce your risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, and balance your hormones. And even if you’re not truly interested in that webinar on standard operating procedures, you’ll find it much easier to stay alert and focused with a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Hindrances Putting together the pieces of your sleep puzzle first means discovering what’s hindering your snooze fest in the first place. Some of the most common sleep disturbances include: n Sleep apnea n Snoring n External stimulation n Disruption of circadian rhythms n Caffeine n Inability to settle your mind or body n Anxiety n Alcohol n Temperature n Eating too much before bed n Napping during the day

Sleep Apnea and Snoring “Sleep disorders can have various symptoms that can manifest in day or night. Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, nonrestorative sleep at night or daytime sleepiness, poor memory, poor concentration and moodiness in daytime are just some of these symptoms,” said Behnam Goudarzi, M.D., FCCP, FAASM, DABSM, Medical Director of the Sentara Sleep Disorders Center of Woodbridge. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Those with sleep apnea may snore loudly, wake up with a dry mouth, gasp for air while asleep, be excessively tired and have difficulty focusing during the day, have a hard time staying asleep and experience increased irritability.

“Snoring is a very common sign of a very common sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. At times, we suspect sleep disorders from comorbidities. For example, about 2/3 of patients, who had a heart attack have OSA and on the other hand, significant OSA increases chance of heart attack or stroke 3 times. OSA is one of the most common disorders that can affect other organ systems and, in a way, it can be rather dangerous,” Goudarzi said. Not everyone with this disorder snores. If you suspect you may have sleep apnea, speak to your doctor about a sleep study. According to Dr. Goudarzi, if left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can affect other organ systems. Doctors can prescribe medications and equipment to treat sleep disorders.

External Disruptions Drowning out external stimulation to allow your mind and body to relax is essential for a good night’s sleep. Invest in a sound machine, cell phone app, fan or air purifier for white noise. Black out curtains and eye masks are great options for blocking light. Experts recommend cooler temps for sleeping, as well, so save yourself some money on energy while also getting better sleep. Turn that thermostat down to the mid to upper 60s for the best snoozing temps. And check out our Health and Wellness section for more tips from our experts.

Internal Choices Our daily choices can greatly affect the quality and duration of our nightly rest. Are you guzzling caffeine to make it through the workday? Sneaking in a nap on your lunch break now that you work from home and are only a few steps from the couch? It’s time to bust those bad habits! (continues on page 6) prince william living January 2022


(continued from page 5) First, if you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, limit your caffeine intake and try to keep it to before noon. No matter your age, caffeine can have an affect on your ability to drift off to dreamland. (Some of you may just now be learning why grandma was always so insistent on decaf at restaurants.) Second, our bodies have a natural rhythm. Tapping into that circadian rhythm (a.k.a. your internal body clock) and living in harmony with it will make our sleep patterns come more naturally. And you guessed it … daily naps for average adults aren’t a part of that natural flow. Instead, think of rising and going to bed with the sun … though maybe not quite at 5:30 when the sun is currently setting. If you’re a night owl who stays up past midnight, turn in a little earlier each night until you’re getting those seven to eight hours each night. Then make it a habit. “One should avoid heavy meals and drinking close to bedtime, avoid exercise late at night and avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks close to bedtime,” said Goudarzi. Just as you aim for regular bedtimes and wake-up times, try to set regular mealtimes. Avoid eating large meals at least two hours before you go to sleep. And while you may think an alcoholic drink or two may help you fall asleep, they will typically have you up and running to the restroom a few hours later. Don’t count on alcohol for a solid night of rest. It’s better to avoid alcohol before bed, as well.

Sleep Helpers We’ve defined many sleep hindrances, but what about things to help? “A warm bath and a bedtime routine can be helpful, as well as avoidance of lights like TV and computer/cellphone screens at bedtime,” said Goudarzi.

Adjust Your Screen Time Information about how screentime disrupts sleep is popping up everywhere. Electronic devices emit blue light, which has been shown to reduce or delay the production of melatonin, a hormone that plays a key role in sleep. This can have an especially strong impact on children. One might say “Can’t I simply supplement with melatonin?” but what is actually happening goes back to disrupting that natural circadian rhythm, of which melatonin is only one key part. It’s best to cut the screens an hour before you intend to go to sleep. Read a book, practice yoga, listen to music or meditate instead. If you absolutely cannot tear yourself from your device, use blue light blocking glasses and use the blue light reducing setting on your phone, tablet or computer.

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Settle Your Mind and Body The pace at which we live our lives can make it very difficult to settle ourselves down each night. No sooner does your head hit the pillow than you remember 12 things you forgot to take care of. Try these tips for relaxing mind and body before bed: n Keep a notebook and pen beside your bed. When those thoughts pop up as you try to fall asleep, quickly jot them down to take care of tomorrow. Knowing you won’t forget them will put your mind at ease and allow you to relax and nod off. n Practice restorative yoga. Check out our Destinations section for locations in Prince William to take a class online or in person. Niecia Bullock of Rooted Yoga in Woodbridge offers a few of her favorite poses you can try out tonight to relax body and mind. Yoga poses can also relieve pain and symptoms from conditions such as restless leg syndrome. n Meditate. Download an app like Calm or Headspace and explore their sleep sections. You’ll find music, sleep stories, meditations and soothing sounds to help you unwind from the day, as well as meditations specifically designed to reduce

Soak Up the Sun Get out in the sunshine — yes even in the winter. Here we go with those body rhythms again. Let your body know when the sun is rising, shining and setting, and soak in its energy. Take a walk at lunch or after breakfast. Stand outside while you take a call. Soaking in those rays will help your body regulate hormones and produce plenty of vitamin D, a key role player in numerous bodily functions and — yep, you guessed it — sleep, too!

Evaluate Your Mattress and Pillow If you’re waking with aches and pains, it could be that it’s time for a new mattress or pillow. Memory foam, hybrid, Purple®, Sleep Number®, the options are endless — as are the price points. From a couple hundred dollars on Amazon to thousands in specialty stores, there is a mattress out there for everyone.

anxiety and stress, and aid a number of other specific needs. You can also pop your headphones in and use these tools if you find yourself ready to attend 3 a.m. club with Rebecca! While she’d love to hear from you, she’d love to hear you got a good night’s rest even more. n Take time to unwind. This may mean a trip to the spa. (You’ll also find some great spots to try in our Destinations section.) This could mean knitting, taking a walk after work, fishing, catching up with a friend or snuggling with your dog. Carve out time for you, doing something you WANT to do to help yourself unwind. Life should include pleasure and fun!

Exercise Thirty minutes of moderate exercise each day has been found to positively impact sleep. Aerobics, walking and jogging are all great options. Most experts recommend not working out within one to two hours of heading to bed, as moderate exercise releases endorphins and increases heart rate, both of which tend to keep you awake. However, some recent studies indicate this may not be the case for everyone. Experiment with workout times and intensities to determine what works best for you.

The same goes for pillows. You can reduce neck, back and jaw pain by choosing the right pillow. The options can be overwhelming, but start by thinking about which position you most often sleep in. Are you a side, back or stomach sleeper? Next think about support level. Do you like softer, plush pillows or firmer memory foam? Do an online search for options that fit your criteria. There are even thinner options for shorter people and thicker options for those with longer necks. And there you have it: the pieces to put together your sleep puzzle. You don’t have to implement it all at once. Try one new thing or take away one sleep-inhibiting habit each week until you find yourself sleeping like a baby. May 2022 be your most restful and successful one yet! Erin Pittman ( is Editor in Chief of Prince William Living. She loves dogs, kids, books and all of those things piled in her lap on the couch.

prince william living January 2022


lifelong learning Organizational Systems to Help You Tackle Home and Work Like a Boss By Haley Huchler


t’s just a fact: Your days run much smoother when your home and work life are organized. But both things can be hard to achieve, especially on your own. Here are some of the most popular organizational tools and systems to keep your outer and inner spaces calm and collected.

resources for those wishing to declutter their home, including a course, books, a podcast and free printables. To learn more, visit

Organization for Work Getting Things Done®

Organization for the Home

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” - David Allen

KonMari™ “Life truly begins only after you have put your house in order.” - Marie Kondo

David Allen established the personal productivity system Getting Things Done® in 2001 after publishing a book of the same name.

Many people know Marie Kondo and her magical organizational system through her Netflix series, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. On the show, Kondo helps clients reduce clutter by using her KonMari Method.

The Getting Things Done® methodology begins by encouraging people to “collect what has your attention.” This means to write or record everything that is taking up your attention. Then, break these into actionable steps you can accomplish.

The main goal of the KonMari Method is to put an end to overflowing possessions by slowing down and choosing to keep only what “sparks joy.” Her method stresses carefully choosing every item you keep in your home.

The two main pillars of GTD® are control and perspective. Allen suggests that by removing everything from the mind to an external system, one can gain control. Being able to control stress levels brings forth the ability to have a better perspective on life. Allen believes that by gaining control of everyday tasks, individuals will then be able to free up their minds to explore bigger picture goals. To learn more, visit

Instead of cleaning and organizing room by room as most people might think to do, Kondo encourages people to tidy by category instead, beginning with clothes, then moving to books, paper, miscellaneous possessions, and finally sentimental items. Each item should be evaluated based on the criteria: Does it spark joy? Kondo says, “Joy is personal, so everyone will experience it differently.” She believes by only allowing items in your home that you truly love, you’ll create an environment that is easy to maintain and brings you happiness. To learn more, visit

Clutterbug® “Organizing isn’t one size fits all, there are four different organizing types. I call them Clutterbugs.” - Cassandra Aarssen Cassandra Aarssen created the Clutterbug Organizing Philosophy based on the idea that everyone has different styles of organizing their belongings. Organization is not one size fits all and believing that prevents people from achieving their organizational goals. ®

Aarssen identified four different organizing styles. After taking her online quiz, you will be identified as either a Bee, Ladybug, Cricket or Butterfly. Once you know your type, you can create a personalized plan that works best for your organizational style. On the Clutterbug® website, Aarssen offers a multitude of

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The Pomodoro® Technique “One day we will be more creative, more productive and yet more relaxed.” - Francesco Cirillo. The Pomodoro® Technique is a time-management method created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. The premise is so simple and versatile that anyone can implement it quickly and easily. The idea is to use a timer to break work in 25-minute intervals, interspersed with 5-minute breaks. The method is called Pomodoro, the Italian word for tomato, because Cirillo used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer when he was a student. The Pomodoro® Technique aims to cut down on distractions. By setting aside 25 minutes specifically for work, you commit to focusing until the 25 minutes is up. Cirillo claims that by using his technique, users can “transform time from being an enemy to being an ally in order to achieve your goals.” To learn more, visit Now you’re armed with options for optimal organization and productivity. Cheers to your best year yet! Haley Huchler is a contributing writer for Prince William Living. Reach her at


A Natural Choice

Nestled in its own wooded enclave, Westminster at Lake Ridge is surrounded by the historic beauty of Occoquan. Explore the trails and capture the wonder throughout the 62 acres, from butterfly gardens to honeybee hives. Opportunities are just as grand inside with a new 30,000-sq.ft. Center for Healthy Living, including a modern fitness center and indoor saltwater pool. Naturally, we added a new bistro with wine bar—come see it for yourself! LIVING AT ITS BEST—MODERN. INSPIRED. ALWAYS ENGAGING. INDEPENDENT LIVING | ASSISTED LIVING | SKILLED NURSING SHORT-TERM REHABILITATION | HOME CARE


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Women’s Wedding Network is the premier network for wedding industry business owners and professionals in the D.C. metro area, where you’ll leave well-fed, well-connected and wellenergized! Join us on the second Wednesday of every month. Visit for complete details.

prince william living January 2022


your finances Guardrails and Vision: The Difference Between Budgeting and Financial Planning By Bennett C. Whitlock III Whitlock Wealth Management


udgeting and financial planning are two terms that are easily confused. Both apply to personal finances and both are activities that can help you be financially successful now and in the future. Yet, while the two go hand-in-hand, they are not the same. Here are ways they differ and how they can work together to help you accomplish your goals.

Budgeting Sets Guardrails for Your Spending

The goal of budgeting is to help people live within their means. A budget predetermines how much you can spend during a certain length of time based on your actual income. Individuals who follow a budget are better equipped to avoid overspending. To create your budget, you divide your income across your expenses for a given timeframe. This timeframe is typically tied to your pay schedule, whether that be weekly, biweekly or monthly. Fixed expenses, such as rent and child care, take priority. After accounting for fixed expenses, spending parameters are set for necessities that vary in cost, such as food, transportation and clothing. Remaining dollars can be allocated for discretionary spending, such as dining out and entertainment. A budget may also include a rainy day or vacation fund. Remember that budgeting is an active process. To be successful, you need to track your spending and be prepared to adjust. A budget that offers some flexibility is generally easier to follow. Budgeting can help you spend within your means. However, you can budget forever and still not reach the type of longterm goals financial planning is designed to help you achieve.

Financial Planning Provides a Roadmap for Your Financial Future

Unlike budgeting, financial planning is not limited to the present. Your financial plan considers where you are now, as well as where you want to be in the future. It requires vision. The purpose of a financial plan is to formulate action steps to help you afford your life goals. It charts your course to reach milestones, such as becoming a homeowner, starting a family, completing higher education and retiring. Like budgeting, financial planning is a dynamic process that benefits from both regular review and adjustments. A financial setback, windfall or other shifts in your life circumstances will affect your financial plan.

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January 2022 prince william living

A certified financial planner or a financial advisor who offers financial planning services can help you create a tailored financial plan. This professional can be a resource for objective advice about financial decisions going forward. Your comprehensive financial plan will likely utilize insurance and investment products to help you protect your assets and grow your savings.

Budgeting and Financial Planning Work Well Together

Following a budget can help you manage your money and avoid debt, but a financial plan can help you achieve your long-term financial goals. Talk to a financial professional today to learn how you can benefit from both important financial disciplines. Bennett C. Whitlock III, CRPC®, is a Private Wealth Advisor and Managing Director with Whitlock Wealth Management, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. He offers fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 22 years. To contact him call 703.492.7732 or visit his website at Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC.

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prince william living January 2022

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giving back


Giving Businesses the Opportunity to Succeed During the Pandemic By Rachel Nohe


ommunity is not something the city of Manassas takes for granted. Residents enjoy gathering at local bars and restaurants and attending the First Friday Festival at the beginning of each month. Shopping at their favorite local businesses on the weekends and socializing in Old Town Manassas bring a unique camaraderie that cannot be quantified. “Although we are so close to D.C., Old Town kind of has a small-town mentality,” says Allison John, co-founder of Old Town Strong.

New Beginnings As the pandemic forced local businesses to shut down, residents lost that sense of community. What was once a time to network and socialize with others, now became a time of quarantining and isolation. The members of Old Town Whiskey Club recognized this phenomenon and wanted to do something about it. Greg Cook, president of the club, and a few others came up with the idea for Old Town Strong. Not long after, they reached out to Allison John to execute this idea. The team then began creating t-shirts with the organization’s name. “I said if you give me the design, we can figure it out from there,” said Allison John. “They came up with an amazing design. We made some shirts, and we kind of just created a marketing campaign to get it out to everybody that we could. We all pitched in our own money…and it took off.” With plans to donate the proceeds, the first campaign exceeded the founders’ expectations significantly. “We wanted to sell 100 shirts, and we [ended up selling] 1400,” says John.

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Members of Old Town Whiskey Club

Community Collaboration After the first three to four rounds of production, the team began collaborating with local print shop Hard Hits. OTS also partnered with Sinistral Brewing Company to create a pale ale named after the movement. The proceeds from the beer went to supporting businesses through Historic Manassas Inc., as well as the Safe Haven Room Project at the Social Service Building. “[The Safe Haven Room] is where kids go when they get split up from their families,” says John. The room looked a bit muted and needed to be updated. “So, we had a local artist come in and donate her time to the mural. We raised money and bought new furniture, rugs, lights, books and games.” Recently, OTS partnered with four businesses that funded its new monthly happy hour events. Residents from Prince William

visit various restaurants to network and eat food at a reduced price. In addition, the organization has partnered with Calico Jack’s to sell Old Town Strong shirts in their local shop, meaning the money raised in Manassas goes directly to Historic Manassas, Inc. to help promote the city. It is a self-perpetuating promotional opportunity. “[Historic Manassas Inc.] runs all of the First Friday events, they coordinate parades and street festivals,” says John. “Their main mission is to bring business engagement and boost the economy in the city of Manassas.” Since April 2020, OTS has raised around $40,000. Although Old Town Strong has created its own campaigns, the organization’s focus is to collaborate with existing fundraisers. John says, “We like to find existing campaigns in Manassas and see how we can put our team together to either amplify the message or share it on social media.” For example, New City Fellowship Church collaborated with Georgetown South Housing Community to provide tutors to students attending virtual school during the pandemic. “We partnered with them one Wednesday a month and brought dinner and dessert for 60 kids while they had tutoring,” says John. “We provided [dinner] once a month from September to January. We are looking to do the same in some capacity… whether it’s with something similar or it’s partnering with them to adopt a couple families at Christmas time.” For folks interested in getting involved, Old Town Strong is working on creating more volunteer opportunities for the public.

“In-person events have been a bit different, [there have been] a lot of restrictions, especially on volunteers. So, I don’t think we’ve had the ability to utilize volunteers like we will be able to in the next year moving forward,” says John. “The way people could really get involved is to engage and to share our content online… People sharing on social media is a lot more powerful than they think.”

Help Us Help You Old Town Strong is all about networking and reciprocity. John says, “We want to make sure that local people are the ones getting those opportunities instead of someone just blindly going to Google. If there’s anything going on in the community, the way people can help us is to let us know and give us the tools to help promote it.” “[We] appreciate every single person who has supported Old Town Strong, the City of Manassas, the restaurants and the shop owners. It has just reassured us that this is an amazing place to be. We’re so grateful for that.” To learn more, visit their website at or contact for more information.

Rachel is a senior Media Arts and Design major, concentrating in Creative Advertising, at James Madison University. In her free time, she enjoys game nights, spontaneous jam sessions and restaurant hopping with her friends.

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health & wellness 5 Things That Might Be Affecting Your Sleep Make sleep a priority this New Year Provided by UVA Health


e’ve all been there: downing cup after cup of coffee to stay awake after a bad night’s sleep. Whether you stayed up too late binging Netflix or the kids wound up in your bed after a nightmare, life can sometimes get in the way of those precious zzz’s. However, if you are struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep night after night, you might have bad sleep hygiene. “Sometimes the reality of life doesn’t allow us to prioritize sleep the way we should, but good sleep hygiene and a regular routine can help you feel better and improve your overall health,” said Richard Swift, MD, a pulmonologist and sleep expert at UVA Prince William Medical Center’s Sleep Lab. According to the Sleep Foundation, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night to avoid the damaging effects of sleep deprivation, which can include high blood pressure, weight gain, poor recovery, weakened immunity, mood changes, memory issues and trouble concentrating. Swift reveals five habits that could be affecting your sleep and how you can improve your sleep quality.

Electronic Use

Interacting with electronics before bed can have damaging effects on your sleep because LED screens emit blue light. This includes televisions, smartphones, tablets and laptops. “Watching TV, working on a laptop, even reading a book on a tablet right before bed can keep you from falling asleep or staying asleep,” said Swift. Blue light filtering glasses also don’t stop LED screens from suppressing the body’s release of melatonin, which keeps you from falling asleep naturally. Ultimately, Swift recommends keeping all electronics out of the bedroom if you’re having trouble sleeping.


Although daily exercise can improve sleep for many, strenuous exercise too close to bedtime can have negative effects. This is because exercise raises body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. “Exercising too hard before going to sleep can also make it hard for your body to recover properly,” Swift noted. Try to perform intense exercise at least two to three hours before bed so your body can have ample time to wind down. Alternatively, Swift said moderate exercise (e.g., walking, yoga and functional weightlifting) shouldn’t negatively impact your sleep or recovery.

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January 2022 prince william living


Eating a heavy meal before bed can affect your digestion. If you eat too much too close to bedtime, your body isn’t allowed sufficient time to digest the food before lying down. This can cause heartburn or indigestion, even if you don’t experience these regularly. “A good rule of thumb is to eat heavy meals at least two to three hours before bed to allow food to begin digesting and move into your small intestine instead of sitting in your stomach,” said Swift. “If your schedule doesn’t permit this, a small meal without heartburn-inducing foods before bed is fine.” He also pointed out that not eating enough at dinner can disrupt sleep, as you may wake up hungry and need a midnight snack.


Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night trying to cool down? Or do you tend to wake up in the middle of the night to find a second blanket? It’s important to channel your inner Goldilocks and create a sleep environment that’s just right. The Sleep Foundation says the best bedroom temperature for sleep is 65°F, but Swift recommends keeping your thermostat set to anywhere between 60°F and 67°F. He also suggests optimizing your bedroom for sleep and freeing it of any distracting light and sound.

Alcohol Use

It’s often believed that alcohol promotes sleep, as it can cause feelings of drowsiness. However, alcohol can disrupt your sleep as it metabolizes. On average, it takes one hour for one serving of alcohol to metabolize. Research has shown that the sedative effect of alcohol does help you fall asleep faster but only lasts through the first few hours of sleep. As the night goes on and your body works to filter out the alcohol, it can cause frequent waking during the latter part of the night. “Heavy drinking can actually affect your sleep for up to one week,” Swift noted. “I typically recommend waiting at least three to four hours after your last drink before heading to bed.” If you’re still having difficulty maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, speak with your primary care provider or consult a sleep specialist. For more information about sleep health and services at UVA Prince William Medical Center, visit services/sleep-health.

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prince william living January 2022

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family fun

Tips for Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine By Jennifer Halter


oes your child get enough sleep each night? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, school-aged children (those ages 6 to 12) should be getting nine to 12 hours of sleep within a 24-hour period. For teens, ages 13 to 18, that number drops to eight to 10 hours. With school, extracurricular activities and just being busier in the evenings, healthy sleep habits are often put on the back burner to ensure everything else gets done. This can cause issues with behavior, school/work performance and the ability to focus. Establishing good sleep routines in your home may seem like a daunting task, but it’s not impossible and is so important! Here are a few tips to help get you started.

Make a Plan

First you need to create your plan. Include your children in the planning so they understand the steps and you have their buy in. Discuss their expected bedtime and why it is necessary. Change can be difficult for anyone, so explaining this is to help and not punish them can help with the transition. Once you have set a bedtime, work backwards to list out all tasks that need to be completed prior to lights out. This can include picking up and putting away toys, bathing, changing into pajamas, washing their face or brushing teeth. Figure out an estimated amount of time needed to complete the tasks so you will know what time to start your

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bedtime routine. For example, if bedtime is at 8 p.m. and you need 45 minutes to work through your list, you will need to begin the process at 7:15 p.m. Knowing this time will also help with the rest of your evening plans, such as homework, dinner time and any other activities.

Create a Peaceful Environment

Settling down is always easier in a comfortable and quiet room. What small changes could you make to create a snooze-worthy spot? Investing in something new or moving something special into their room may also help children accept the new routine. Consider comfy blankets and pillows for their bed or roomdarkening curtains for their windows. Aromatherapy sprays or diffusers can also help relax your child — lavender and chamomile are great scent options. Room temperature is also important. According to, the best bedroom temperature for sleep is approximately 65°F, a little warmer for infants at 69°F. If you live in a home or area that experiences more outside noise, a white noise machine or a fan in your child’s room can mask distracting sounds. You may also choose to play soothing music during your routine to create a calm space.

Power Down Early

Just like we've said for adults, electronics of any kind can stimulate children's brains and make it more difficult

to wind down before bedtime. Limit screen time and power everything down at least one hour (preferably more) before you start your nightly routine. Instead of electronics, you can encourage more relaxing activities to fill the time before you start your bedtime routine, such as reading, coloring or drawing.

Mindful Eating

It’s important to limit the consumption of certain foods and drinks before bedtime. Avoid things with caffeine, sugar and even some carbohydrates, as they provide energy your child doesn’t need at the end of a long day. Focus on providing a balanced meal with veggies and protein that will help keep your child feeling full much longer. Depending on the age and needs of your child, you may also want to think about limiting liquids prior to starting your evening routine. Midnight potty breaks can definitely be disruptive to a good night’s sleep.

Stick to the Plan

It’s not always easy to start a new routine and in the beginning, you may find it difficult to get your child on board with following it but stick with it. Consistency is key. However, allowing yourself (and your child) grace

is also vital for finding your flow and having long-term success. If you find that going “cold turkey” with your child’s bedtime is too tough or creates battles, try adjusting it by 10 minutes at a time. For example, if your child is used to going to bed at 9 p.m. and you want them in bed by 8 p.m., start by setting a goal to have them ready for sleep by 8:50 p.m. for the first week, 8:40 p.m. the next week and so on until you get to your desired time.

Keep It Positive

Keeping bedtime as a positive time is key to reducing resistance. Try not to use being sent to bed early as a punishment, because your child may equate it with something negative. Make this new routine fun, positive and something you participate in with your child. They will likely enjoy having more special time with you, and the benefits of getting more sleep will make everyone feel healthier and happier.

Jennifer Halter is the Publisher of Macaroni Kid Woodbridge and Macaroni Kid Gainesville/Manassas, free online calendars and resources to help you find your family fun all year round.

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Find a

NEW WAY TO UNWIND in Prince William By Erin Pittman


ur PWL sleep issue wouldn’t be complete without some hot spots in Prince William designed to help you relax and unwind. From yoga to meditation and acupuncture to spas, Prince William is full of destinations to explore to achieve your most Zen year yet.

Acupuncture Getting poked with needles might not sound like the most relaxing technique, but those who receive regular acupuncture treatments will frequently attest to the general peace and relaxation that comes during and after sessions. And an article in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine citing research studies backs them up. These studies show that acupuncture appears to be successful in the treatment of insomnia — and delivers results without the side effects of common sleep medications.

Acupuncture involves the use of very thin needles inserted into specific points throughout the body and to various depths. The stimulation of these points is said to balance a person’s energy, or chi, which in turn leads to balancing and healing within the physical body. Acupuncture is most well-known for the treatment of pain but is increasingly being used for overall wellness and to reduce stress. In Prince William, try Health Healing Hands in Manassas (, Gainesville Acupuncture ( and Back to Health Chiropractic and Acupuncture in Dale City (

Spa Day A day at the spa sounds heavenly on its own, but specific spa treatments can improve your sleep even more. Husband and wife, Walt Kuhn and Colleen Quintana, Owners of Woodhouse Day Spa in Gainesville, have a variety of Woodhouse Rituals designed for those who are working to achieve better sleep. These rituals include a series of services including soaks, massages, dry brushing, scalp massages and aromatherapy. Guests can choose their package based on the amount of time they wish to stay. They also offer a specific sleep massage. “Our Woodhouse Signature Restorative Sleep Massage helps our guests to enjoy a deep relaxation and restful sleep. A blend of essential oils guide this highly restful, therapeutic massage that encourages more fulfilling sleep and helps to get your sleep back on track,” they said. Massage can potentially improve the quality of your sleep in two ways: by reducing stress and decreasing pain in the body.

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Photo provided by Woodhouse Day Spa

When practicing yoga for sleep, Bullock recommends remembering to keep the movement gentle, take long inhales deep into the belly and slowly exhale through the nose or mouth. Consider inhaling for a count of five, then exhaling for six. “Before bed, I like to move through Cat and Cow poses using this breath. After repeating 4 to 5 times, I rest in Child's Pose and continue to breathe until my mind and body feel calm. It's good stuff!” she said. Often, people feel a bit intimidated by giving yoga a try, but Bullock focuses on community as much as the practice of yoga within her studio. She also emphasizes just how many benefits there are to taking up a practice.

Woodhouse Gainesville Duet Room

Massage affects hormones within the body, specifically reducing cortisol, the stress hormone, and increasing serotonin and dopamine, the hormones that stabilize mood. When we’re able to feel more even keel, it’s easier to settle down and drift off at bedtime. Additionally, when our bodies aren’t in pain and it’s easy to find and stay in a comfortable position, the quality and duration of sleep may improve.

Learn more at Looking for a class closer to you? Try Bedrock Yoga in Manassas (bedrockyoga. net) or Soaring Spirit Yoga, originally in Occoquan, now online ( Erin Pittman is Editor in Chief of Prince William Living. She loves dogs, kids, books and all of those things piled in her lap on the couch. Reach her at Photo provided by Rooted Yoga

And essential oils seem to be popping up everywhere these days. In body care, candles, and definitely in spas. So, what benefits could you reap from their use? Look for deeper relaxation and a greater sense of calm, reduced anxiety, a decrease in muscle tension and more, depending on the oils used.

“There are so many beautiful benefits of yoga, improved sleep being one of them. Others include less anxiety, lower blood pressure, increased strength, increased mobility, and better ranges of motion. Be encouraged to give it a shot — you're worth it!” she said.

From massages to facials, soaks to aromatherapy and simply to escaping the noise of the everyday, a trip to the spa can allow the mind and body to relax and unwind, granting you the peace and tranquility you need for more restful sleep. In Prince William, try the Woodhouse Spa in Gainesville (, Dansk Day Spa in Occoquan (, Tranquility Day Spa and Salon in Haymarket ( and Escape Salon and Day Spa in Manassas (

Yoga You don’t have to be an accomplished yogi or a contortionist to reap the benefits of yoga. Everyone can benefit from gentle, restorative yoga practices. “Often, sleep issues are due to the inability to slow our minds down. We go to bed ruminating on our to-do lists, thinking about work projects, worrying about loved ones, etc.,” said Niecia Bullock, Owner & Business Manager of Rooted Yoga in Woodbridge. “Yoga, also known as moving mediation, draws your full awareness to your body and requires focused attention on the breath. Deep, slow, steady breaths signal the parasympathetic nervous system to relax. When your brain and body are relaxed, it's much easier to fall asleep.”

Yoga for sleep includes slow movements and holding relaxing poses, often supported by pillows, blankets and bolsters for deep relaxation. prince william living January 2022

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on a high note

VICTOR ROOK In Search of Good Times By Amy Falkofske


ou might say Victor Rook does it all. Not only is he a beloved local author, but he’s also a book designer, editor/ publisher, web designer and an award-winning filmmaker. In Search of Good Times, one of several of his published books, was just re-released as an audiobook, voiced by Andrew Pond.

In Search of Good Times follows the cross-country adventures of Joseph Manley, “Joe for short,” who’s recently become unemployed during the 2009 economic recession. Joe is suddenly convinced the characters from the two TV sitcoms, All in the Family and Good Times, are real and he needs to find them. So he sets off from Idaho to visit Chicago (where the Evans family lives) and New York (where the Bunker family lives). Along the way, he discovers lots of interesting people and places and even picks up a beagle!

Inspiration for In Search of Good Times

Author Victor Rook

The Story Rook said he was inspired to write In Search of Good Times after watching an episode of Good Times. “One night, after watching an episode of Good Times, I got on Google Street View to locate the exact building in the Chicago Cabrini-Green projects where the opening shot zooms into JJ’s painting. Then, somehow, the story idea came to me of a man who believed the two fictional sitcom families from Good Times and All in the Family were real,” he said. From there, the story developed. “I knew one show was set in Chicago, and the other in New York City. So I closed my eyes and pointed to a map somewhere out west, far away. My finger landed on Rigby, Idaho, which is where Joe lives and begins his road trip,” said Rook. Rook discovered an interesting fact related to his story.

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“Surprisingly, Rigby is actually known as the ‘birthplace of television,’ because a graduate from a school there created the first blueprints of a television and later developed the vacuum tube television display,” he said.

The People and Places Reading In Search of Good Times, you might be impressed with the level of details about the different places Joe visits between Idaho and New York and the different kinds of people that Joe meets. Rook talked about the research that went into the book.

“I mapped out Joe’s entire route on Google Street View, and most every place he visits is accurate. So there was a lot of research on terrain, city landscapes, street names, etc. There was a lot of character and history research too, like WWII battles and Amish customs. A blue jay taps on Joe’s window in Idaho in the beginning, so I had to make sure Idaho even had blue jays,” he said. Asked who inspired the main character, Rook said Joe is the “what if” version of himself. “What if I were to go on this trip to see what I’d find? I wrote the book so the reader could feel like he or she was on the trip with Joe and discovering interesting people and places along the way,” he said.

The Influence of Good Times and All in the Family While reading In Search of Good Times, you see the influence of the two beloved TV sitcoms Good Times and All in the Family, in Joe’s life starting from his childhood. These shows also had an impact on Rook. “I was Michael’s age when Good Times aired. I have an older brother and sister who always fought. And after my parents divorced, my mother raised us as a waitress. So I could relate to the ‘keeping your head above water’ lyric in the opening credits. All in the Family was also a childhood favorite. It’s a story that anyone can relate to, even if they haven’t watched those two shows,” he said.

A Surprise Ending Does Joe find the Evans and Bunker families? You’ll have to read the book to find out, but it’s a guarantee the ending will surprise you. “As Joe travels across the country, you learn that there may be something in his past that propels him to make this journey. There are subtle hints along the way. It is definitely one of those ‘I didn’t see that coming’ type stories. But all the pieces come together at the end in ways you would have never imagined,” said Rook.

Rook’s Success as an Author Rook has received favorable responses from readers about In Search of Good Times. “One woman told me it was her favorite book of all time. Another reader, who told me he usually watches movies instead, said he couldn’t put the book down while flying on a trip,” he said. Rook has published six other books in addition to In Search of Good Times. His most successful book is People Who Need To Die, a collection of satirical horror short stories where “a fed-up society chooses to eradicate its most despised” like bad drivers, internet trolls, horrible bosses, Black Friday shoppers and more. To get your copy of In Search of Good Times in print, Kindle or audiobook, visit To learn more about Victor Rook and the publishing and design services he offers, go to

Amy Falkofske is a freelance writer and photographer. She has a Master’s degree in Film-TV with a concentration in screenwriting. She lives in Bristow with her husband, two boys and two Beagle dogs.

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The Audiobook Rook shared what making an audiobook is like and why he wanted an audio version of In Search of Good Times. “I feel that In Search of Good Times is one of my best books. Knowing that a lot of people don’t read these days, I wanted them to have the option to listen to it as well. I auditioned close to 40 narrators before choosing Andrew Pond. He did an excellent job with the dozens of character voices. It was a lot of work and preparation. I described each character’s attributes as I saw them in my head so he’d know how to approach their voices,” he said.

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prince william living January 2022

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local flavor Prince William Foodies, Meet EpiQ Food Hall

By Rena Malai


oday, going out to eat is so commonplace that it’s often seen as a necessity rather than a treat. But that doesn’t mean it’s always an easy task. There are food decisions to make, picky eaters to placate and sometimes large numbers of people to accommodate. Finding one restaurant or even one type of food to please everyone can sometimes feel impossible.

Enter the Food Hall Concept These are a few reasons why the concept of food halls has become a growing phenomenon across the country, according to Michael Kim, developer of EpiQ Food Hall in Woodbridge. A brand-new concept to Prince William, EpiQ is a neighborhood spot to gather together and partake in all kinds of cuisines from local establishments, says Kim. “EpiQ is a place right in the community offering a chef driven collection of individual culinary partners in a setting that is very expansive, comfortable and roomy so you can enjoy your food and not feel like you’re crowded in,” he says.

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At EpiQ, diners can take in everything from noodle bowls to southern comfort food and even soft serve ice cream. There really is something for everyone, says Kim, pointing out that one of the major driving forces behind EpiQ is community.

Gathering the Community Together It’s not only a place to eat, but a space for conducting meetings and events. Given the variety of options and space to spread, gathering groups together over meals becomes easier. Nonprofits and organizations dedicated to community outreach can enjoy free meeting space at EpiQ while having easy access to food and drink, he says. “We want to be a part of the community and there are so many great causes right in Prince William,” Kim says. “We’re excited to be a go-to space, and our belief is if we help to foster growth in the community, wonderful things can happen.” Anyone can book an event at EpiQ Food Hall in one of their private rooms — the Mezzanine, which seats up to 80 guests or

the Q Room, accommodating up to 40 people. Private rooms are great locations for birthday parties, receptions, meetings and fundraisers. For those interested in hosting an event at EpiQ, contact or book online at epiqfoodhall. com/events. Before EpiQ came to the area, Prince William residents would have needed to travel to Washington, D.C. to have a food hall experience. But Kim says Woodbridge was his first choice to open an EpiQ branch, as it’s an area that’s seen tremendous growth and boasts a dense and diverse population. “I didn’t think of anywhere else, but Woodbridge!” Kim says. “As a developer I have been associated with the area for many years. I kept thinking why there isn’t something like EpiQ in the area. We wanted to be right in the middle of the community, right in its backyard, so everyone can have easy access to great food.”

The EpiQ Food Hall Experience So, how does it work? Food halls are not really the same as food courts, because there aren’t the usual franchise fast food spots and huge mall crowds. Rather, the food hall is dedicated to kiosks individually owned by area chefs and eateries.

Kiki’s Gourmet Soft Serve & Taiyaki, Fish & Chips, Mr. Big’s Seafood, Nu Vegan Café, Oki Bowl, Pho Harmony & Grill, Southern Flare Soul Food, Stacks Signature Sandwiches and Teddy’s Tacos. In addition, diners will find live music on Saturdays, bingo on Mondays, trivia on Tuesdays and karaoke on Wednesdays. A scroll through their event calendar reveals DJ nights and movie showings, as well. And of course, all COVID-19 precautions are recognized and practiced throughout. Kim also says EpiQ will grow in the near future to include an event center, additional bars and cuisines, more entertainment, and even the wildly popular axe throwing. “We are drawing up plans to expand and acquire 20,000 more feet of space,” Kim says. “Stay tuned!” EpiQ Food Hall is located at 14607 Noblewood Plaza in Woodbridge. Visit to view full menus, their event calendar, catering information and their photo gallery. Rena Malai is a contributing writer for Prince William Living. She can be reached at

At EpiQ, their two-story space provides diners a wide variety of choices including Bonfire Chicken, Jammin’ Island BBQ,

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home & hearth Create an Ideal Bedroom to Promote Sleep By Jorge de Villasante


o you have a tough time falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you wake up cranky and tired? With a few tweaks to your bedroom, you may find you can greatly improve your sleep — and your mood! Having a setting that promotes sleep is an important part of your health and well-being. An ideal sleep environment enables quality rest which in turn improves your quality of life. If you feel your bedroom could use some improvements to promote peaceful sleep, try a few of these changes.

Choose the Right Mattress

Did you know most people spend approximately a third of their lives in bed? Because of this, it is essential to have a comfortable, quality mattress. If your mattress is uncomfortable, old, or poorly built, consider investing in a new one. Even though buying a new mattress can be expensive, it will likely greatly improve your quality of sleep. Should you decide to purchase a new mattress, make sure the support and firmness are a good fit for your body type and weight. Visit a few mattress stores where specialists can advise you and where you can try out a variety of mattresses. And remember to make sure your pillows are the appropriate height so your head and spine remain aligned.

Appeal to Your Senses

As you've read in our other sections, temperature, noise and light all play important roles in your sleep. So keep your bedroom cool and dark and find your perfect way to drown out noises. This may mean investing in blackout curtains, an eye mask, and a sound machine or fan and turning down the temperature. Consider playing soft, comforting music in your bedroom. Don't forget your sense of smell. You can turn your bedroom into a serene space with a few essential oils. Lavender is the number one oil to start with to help you drift to sleep. Try a pillow or linen spray or a few drops in a diffuser.

Keep It Serene

Another key to a room that draws you in to sleep is ensuring it's just for sleep. Don't be tempted to bring your work into the bedroom. No extra desk in the corner to sneak in work late at night or lap desks to finish up tasks before you turn in. Your bedroom should be your serene and sacred space just for rest or relaxing activities. Keep everything else out.


An inviting bedroom can be key to a good night’s rest. Reducing clutter, and maintaining a clean, cozy space is a great way to start. Excess clutter in the bedroom can create

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stress and even anxiety. Having a clean, clutter-free area can create the feeling of peace and control and make drifting off to sleep easy, instead of looking around at all the things you should be tidying up. Ensure your nightstand has clear, open space and only houses the items you truly need within reach. Create a designated space for those throw pillows when you take them off each night. "Everything in its place" truly is a wise saying. And when you get up each morning, make your bed. You'll be amazed at what a difference such a small task can make. Whether you decide to invest in a new mattress, adjust the lighting, keep the temperature cool, tidy up or make your bedroom comforting and inviting, changes that promote quality, restful sleep will enhance your quality of life and health. Jorge de Villasante is a multilingual writer and translator who enjoys traveling as much as he enjoys his home and caring for his two cats.

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prince william living January 2022

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calendar Making the Most of Prince William Living


Online – On Demand Are you an advertiser with Prince William Living or interested in becoming one? Now online, our publisher Rebecca Barnes will help you discover how to “Make the Most of Prince William Living.” Meet the people behind greater Prince William’s premier lifestyle magazine. Visit lunchwiththepublisher.

Dale City Farmers Market

Sundays | 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dale City Commuter Lot 14090 Gemini Way, Dale City The Dale City Farmers Market, run by the Prince William County Department of Parks & Recreation, has operated since 1987.

Ice Skating at Stonebridge Town Center Daily Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center 15201 Potomac Town Place, Woodbridge Weather permitting, Stonebridge’s ice rink will be opened daily through the winter. Visit for operating hours and ice conditions.

Ice Skating at Harris Pavilion Daily Harris Pavilion 9201 Center St., Manassas Weather permitting, the ice rink at the Harris Pavilion will be open through the winter. Visit culture_and_recreation/ice_skating.php for operating hours and conditions.

Nights of Lights on the Fairground

Daily through Sun. Jan. 9 Prince William County Fairgrounds 10624 Dumfries Rd., Manassas A drive-through lights fest combined with a walk. There will be a synchronized Christmas around the world light show experience as well as the latest

technology in projection mapping. Visit for tickets and showtimes.

We the People: Portraits of Veterans Art Display

Daily | 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. National Museum of the Marine Corps 18700 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Triangle In 2010, artist Mary Whyte set out on an inspirational seven-year mission to paint fifty large-scale watercolor portraits of current-day American veterans. WE THE PEOPLE: Portraits of Veterans in America is Whyte's remarkable series depicting military veterans of all ages and in all walks of life. Images including a Missouri dairy farmer, Rhode Island lobsterman, Pennsylvania science teacher, South Carolina single mother, and 46 other moving portraits will be showcased together-culminating in a timeless portrait.

Winter Igloos

Daily Farm Brew Live 9901 Discovery Blvd., Manassas The igloos are 12 -foot heated domes located in the patio area of The Yard adjacent to the Pour House at 2 Silos Brewing Co. as well as on the decks of The Black Sheep Restaurant. Each reservation, which can accommodate up to eight guests comfortably, is allotted two hours to enjoy the space and includes a guest assistant for personal food and beverage service. Igloos will be available throughout the full winter season. To reserve an igloo, visit

First Day Walk at Bristoe Station Battlefield

Sat. Jan. 1 | 1 to 2:30 p.m. Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park 10708 Bristow Road, Bristow Bring in the New Year with a guided hike by local historians. You will start at the parking lot for a brief overview. Then walk down the 1863 Trail, and then via the 1862 Trail before walking back to the parking lot. This 90 minute, three-mile hike will start the new year on the right

foot! Pets are welcome to join, but the trail is not accessible for strollers. The parking lot is located off Iron Brigade Unit Avenue, Bristow. 703-366-3049.

Sunday Brunch at The Spot on Mill

Sun. Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 | 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Spot on Mill 406 Mill St., Occoquan Every Sunday, The Spot on Mill has brunch, served all day, or until they run out! Get your choice from a wide selection of breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, or waffle platters and bigger-than-life mimosa flights. They also have an amazing Bloody Mary that will definitely wake up your senses.

Dungeons & Dragons for Adults

Tues. Jan. 4 | 6 to 9 p.m. Online – Provided by Prince William Public Libraries Come play D&D! On the first Tuesday of each month, roll the dice and have adventures over WebEx. Whether you are new to role-playing games or a veteran looking for a new campaign, you are welcome to join virtually! Registration only:

The Ins and Outs of DNA Testing for Family History

Fri. Jan. 7 | 2 to 3 p.m. Central Community Library 8601 Mathis Ave., Manassas DNA is a very hot topic. Join Shannon Combs Bennett as she explains what DNA tests are, what they can and cannot tell you and how to read/analyze results.

First Friday Flights

Fri. Jan. 7 | 4 to 9 p.m. Aroma Wine Tasting 9249 Center St., Manassas On First Fridays, Aroma Wine Tasting in Manassas will offer their wine flight – four half glasses of wine – for $10.

Have an event? Visit to submit details to our online calendar.

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Manassas Mall Chess Exhibition

Sat. Jan. 8 | noon to 5 p.m. Manassas Mall 8300 Sudley Road, Manassas Here’s your chance to battle an International Chess Grandmaster in this Simultaneous Chess Exhibition. Fifty players will have the chance to simultaneously play against International Chess Grandmaster Rashad Babaev. Top three players will win prizes. Register to play: simultaneous-chess-exhibition/

Books on Tap @ Ornery Beer Company Sun. Jan. 9 | 6 to 9 p.m. Ornery Beer Company 8088 Flannery Court, Manassas Like books? Like beer? Books and beer pair perfectly in this beer book club hosted by Ornery Beer Company and Prince William Library. If you like to read and discuss books, especially over a cold pint of beer with friends, this is the club for you. The group meets meet monthly on the first Sunday of the month to discuss a monthly book selection. For more information contact jraghunathan@

10th Annual Prince William County Public Schools Student Exhibition Starts Tues., Jan. 11

Hylton Performing Arts Center 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas Featuring expressive and original works of art, this student artwork from Prince William County Public Schools represents the creative talents of students from elementary to high school. The visual arts program in PWCS prepares students to be visually innovative and to develop an awareness and appreciation of visual art. Visit for schedule.

Reading to Dogs: Saturday Edition

Sat. Jan. 15 | 1 to 2 p.m. Chinn Park Library 13065 Chinn Park Drive, Woodbridge Practice reading aloud while you make a new friend by reading to Macey, a therapy dog, at the library. Reading to dogs helps young readers improve their skills in a relaxed, friendly environment. Bring your own book or read one of ours. Grades K 5. Drop in.

The World of 1822 Tour

Sat. Jan. 22 | 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre 12229 Bristow Road, Bristow Two hundred years ago, Brentsville opened as the County Seat of Prince William County and would serve as the social, political, and economic center of the County for 70 years. Start off the Brentsville Bicentennial year by taking a look at events of 1822 in Virginia, the

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United States, and around the globe through this walking tour of the historic town center! 703-365-7895.

An Afternoon with Colonel and Mrs. Richard Blackburn

Sat. Jan. 22 | 2 to 3 p.m. Rippon Lodge Historic Site 15520 Blackburn Road, Woodbridge Meet Col. Blackburn and his wife, Mary, as they discuss living in 18th century Prince William County and Colonial Virginia. What was it like to immigrate to Virginia and start a new life in the largest and wealthiest of England’s colonies? View life through the eyes of a member of the planter class and county politician, and learn about their friends, family, neighbors, servants, and slaves. 703-499-9812.

Historic Preservation Lecture Series: Hessians in Dumfries Thurs. Jan. 27 | 7 to 8:30 p.m. Old Manassas Courthouse 9248 Lee Ave., Manassas Nearly 1,000 Hessian soldiers were captured during the American victory at Trenton, New Jersey, on Dec. 26, 1776. Some of the officers were imprisoned here in Prince William County following Washington’s famous crossing of the Delaware River. Historian Ross Schwalm will tell the story of these prisoners’ travels, how they lived in Dumfries, their impressions of Virginia’s environment, and where they went after they left Dumfries. 703-367-7872.

Your PWPLS Digital Library Audiobooks, e-books, music, movies, and more: all available on your devices, all free with your PWPLS library card.

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Dog Sitting

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Vintage Moving & Storage Moving Your Life’s Treasures


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