Mind-Body-Spirit Pymble’s Mind-Body-Spirit Framework
Our Junior School Mind-Body-Spirit
is a multidimensional, holistic approach
Program is closely linked with our
to wellness and growth, encompassing
academic programs, with staff working
academic, social, emotional and digital
to develop in each student a feeling of
intelligence. Through the framework, girls self-worth, to recognise, articulate and gain the knowledge and skills to harness
regulate her emotions enabling every
their inner strengths and make positive
girl to achieve their individual potential.
choices in life. Our vision is to support our girls to develop into influential and
Through our Peer Support, Social
compassionate young women.
Development and Leadership programs, we foster the development of values
Pymble supports girls to realise their
such as commitment, self-discipline,
potential, learn to manage personal
co-operation and compassion.
success and challenge, and engage productively both at school and in the communities within which they live.
Junior School Handbook