1 minute read
by Chloé Francena Adams
The road to millions is a long one, but it’s definitely achievable. Millennials have always had an entrepreneurial spirit. That doesn’t necessarily mean becoming an actual entrepreneur, by the way. It means that we have learned how to create more resources for ourselves that will allow us to prosper financially as we go through life. Actually, according to CNBC, millennials are better with money. How can we prove it? Research by Charles Shwab tracked how 1,000 Americans ages 21-75 managed and used their wealth. Overall, Baby Boomers scored 49%, Gen X scored 45% (lower than average), and millennials came in at 51%.
Given the statistics, our question is, why do other generations feel like we can’t achieve that milestone nor keep up with the money? I mean, come on. We weren’t the ones that sent our economy spiraling into a recession. But that’s another conversation for another day.
Anyway! In our effort to debunk some of those stereotypes (even though the stats should’ve spoken for themselves), we decided to ask a few of our friends what they would do if they had a million dollars. Here’s what they said.
JW - “Invest.”
NB - “Give back!”
CA - “The Christian in me says “tithe.” Give it to Jesus first!”
AK -“Start a couple of businesses.”
EP - "I would buy a house.”
PA - “Help my family.”
KB - Buy my mama anything she wants.”
SJ - “Quit my job.”
CJ -“Pay Uncle Sam and get rid of this debt so I can do the things I want to do!”
I don’t know. Seems pretty responsible to me. What would YOU do with a million dollars?
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