GoalHouse Business Plan

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gunnar_madeGunnarMade.com B Y G U N N A R M A D E
Customized Training Cold Plunge, Sauna, Compression Boots, Red light therapy Grab and Go Meal Prep, Smoothies, Juices GoalHouse
Social Media 70,000+ followers @gunnar_made
GunnarMade Stats Time in business 4+ years Celebrity training, online training worldwide Waitlist GunnarMade Waitlist-In person training 494 as of 10/16/22 Exclusivity 35 client roster AVG $520 per client per month Book out schedule 4 weeks in advance Online Training 4000+ online programs sold since 2020 Gross sales: $266,106 See next page for graphics
1) 494-Waitlist 2) Shopify: Sales since March 2021 3) Kajabi: Offers sold since October 2022 4) Kajabi: Sales since October 2022 GunnarMade Stats


QConsulting Services Ashley Pearson CFO TheCalebPearson Team Caleb Pearson CEO THecalebPearson Team oard of Directors TimChurch Fitnessand Consultantfor30+ years MarkMcGuirt Ceo McGuirtStrength 30+years Consultingand MarketingTeam TimBratz CEOandfounderof Cleveland-based LegacyWealth Holdings,
Whoop Carbon Thorne S U P P L E M E N T C O M P A N Y Synchronicity R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R KOR Medical CBD COMPANY Trifecta M E A L P R E P C O M P A N Y W E A R A B L E T E C H N O L O G Y N U T R T I O N C O A C H

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GoalHouse Business Plan by Q Consulting - Issuu