The QB Magazine - Jan/Feb 2020

Page 12

Around the regions

City Prayer Gatherings 2020 Brisbane and Ipswich More than 750 people attended the annual City Prayer Gathering in Brisbane, organised by Riverlife Baptist Church on Sunday the 5th January. The event was held in King George Square to pray for the city and enjoy worship together. Prayer was said over the City of Brisbane and Australia, asking that God would bless and guide our leaders in the year ahead. Our nation needs more prayer than ever with the bushfires, droughts and natural disasters heralding 2020. It was wonderful to see so many Christians come together in worship and petition. As one participant said “It was so encouraging!!! Thank you for taking the initiative in organising. Prayers for our city will be heard and answered!” Ipswich area churches, including Kruger Parade, Silkstone and Leichhardt Baptist Churches joined a Prayer Gathering held in D’Arcy Doyle Place on the same Sunday, to open


the new year in praising God, and many people from all denominations joined together to share words of encouragement and worship. It was powerful to unite and uplift each other to face the challenges which the residents and businesses may encounter in 2020. Oikos Café Ipswich also opened its doors and welcomed everyone for coffee and toasties after the prayer gathering. One of the worshippers said “A big ‘thank you’ to all who came along and participated in our time of worship and prayer in D’Arcy Doyle Place, and to all who helped make it happen, particularly Pastor Phil Monteith from Silkstone Baptist Church and the music team. It was a really special time... A fresh expression of God’s Church in the heart of our city!” Amen!

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