We’re for compassion, Not for Profit.
god moments Drought DON MCLELLAN Starving stock and flocks of crows; ground like rock, “long paddock” droves; dusty yards, agistment fees, everything dying men and trees.
What is a drought to city folk? Parched yards and drooping flowers; dusty cars, four-minute showers; rising costs, expensive peaches, and look! The dams have all got beaches.
City folk should stop complaining, and pray for the bush till it starts raining.
What is a drought to country folk?
As not for profit funeral directors, we show compassion by actively investing back into mission, humanitarian and community work. So when you arrange a funeral with us, not only will your loved one be honoured, they will also leave a legacy of hope. To find out more, go to bethelfunerals.com.au or call us on 07 3219 9333
To the Firies KATHRYN RODGERS We’d like to say you’re doing well For protecting this great land; The fire brigades and volunteers Are a very special brand. You fight the fires all through the night – Even family men; But that’s the brand you are And we’re sure you’ll fight again. We trust the firies with our lives. They’re not just common men; We pray when you leave this earth You’ll be rewarded then. So thank you all the firies For the good work you have done; If you’re not rewarded now You’ll be by God’s dear son.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE YOUR OWN “GOD MOMENT”? It can be a poem, short story, testimony or quote. Please email your entries to marketing@qb.org.au or post to PO Box 6166 Mitchelton Q 4053. Every published entry will receive a $30 Koorong gift voucher.