The qb, the voice of Queensland Baptists

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The voice of Queensland Baptists October 2012

God of adventure Let’s finish what we started Words of wisdom

Print post approved ISSN: 11323-7829 The Queensland Baptist - first published in 1890. This series Vol 10 Issue 5.

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BapLink … a ministry of Queensland Baptists






In this issue Comment: David Loder Speaking out: John Sweetman Baptisms Around the regions Milestones Intentional ministry series QB Conference 2013 Persecution brief Reviews Fun zone Classifieds

QB ministries The end of an era (QB Archives) Think orange (QB kids & their families) God of adventure (QCCC) Hearts are stirring (QB Women) A fruitful partnership (QB Youth) Launch—A gap year with a difference (Malyon College) The workers are few (MTQ) Words of wisdom (QBC)

05 06 08 09 16 18 20 39 42 45 46

22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

QB partners What’s in the box?(Global Interaction)


Articles Small church—big ideas Let’s finish what we started This is the way... Thank you

14 38 40 43

Our cover: There was something for every woman at She is... conferences held around Queensland recently. Read more in QB women: Hearts are stirring.

31 October 2012


News, views & issues

From the Editor John Sweetman spoke yesterday at QB’s combined devotions, held monthly on the Gaythorne campus for staff and visitors from Queensland Baptists, Queensland Baptist Care, and Malyon College. Drawing on Paul’s letter to the Phillipians, John spoke about the Christian walk consisting of parallel, and often seasonal, journeys: the ‘depth journey’ and the ‘strength journey’—strength as in achieving big things for God, and depth as exemplified in our disciplined spiritual walk, and our participation in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. It was an encouraging talk and I was reminded of it today as I looked at the inclusions in this issue. The QB Board has been on a depth journey recently as they met to consider the focus for Queensland Baptists in 2013 (Comment). Their retreat was bathed in prayer as they acknowledged that ‘prayer is not a substitute for action, it is an action for which there is no substitute’. Over the years, camping (God of adventure) has given many of us the chance to experience a depth journey, as we retreated to meditate on God’s Word. And when Carey Baptist Church, Balmoral celebrate their 150th anniversary and formally close their doors (The end of an era), they can reflect on a long history, filled with seasons that were deep or strong. I suppose that it’s not surprising that we find many examples of strength journeys in the following pages: The Gap Baptist Church dreamed a big dream with wonderful results (Small church—big ideas); the youth at Sunnybank District Baptist Church ‘Turn on the tap!’ (Around the regions); and as a denomination we are growing, surely—as John Sweetman argues— because we have ‘maintained a strong commitment to the authority of Scripture, the truth of the Gospel, and the need to be relevant’ (Speaking out).

The qb is a member of the Australasian Religious Press Association, published bi-monthly by Queensland Baptist Services Group in February, April, June, August, October and December. Editor: Robynne Milne Advertising: Emily Twible Design: Shell Graphix Print: Printcraft This magazine is printed with soy based inks and paper from sustainable forest plantations. We welcome reader feedback and opinions about our articles. Remember to include your full name and postal address. Articles and advertising in The qb express the opinions of the authors, not necessarily the editor or publishers. Every effort is made to ensure the correctness of facts and information however we cannot accept responsibility for errors. The publishers reserve the right to accept or decline any advertising.

Enjoy this issue of The qb.

Deadline for advertisement and copy: 10th of the month prior to the month of publication.

Robynne Milne Editor

PO Box 6166 Mitchelton Qld 4053 Ph (07) 3354 5633 Fax (07) 3354 5646

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October 2012

Advertising rates are listed at - follow the links to qb magazine. Prices are also available on enquiry and advertising packages can be tailored to suit your budget. Reduced contract rates apply to three bookings within a 12 month period. Please contact us for details. A limited number of inserts are also accepted. Copyright © 2003 by Queensland Baptist Services Group. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.

ISSN: 11323-7829

53 Prospect Road, Gaythorne Qld 4051 PO Box 6166, Mitchelton Qld 4053 Ph (07) 3354 5600 Fax (07) 3354 5646 E


Loving God ... BETTER—Intentional Ministry

You are part of God’s plan ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart’ Jeremiah 1:5. I am writing this article basking in the news that our ninth grandchild has just been born! This brings the total count to three granddaughters and six grandsons. Fantastic! I love being Pa! I never cease to be amazed and wonder at reproduction: what an impressive testimony to our great God! For me, it is easier to believe that behind this world and its inhabitants is a Creator God than it is to believe that all of this happened by chance. God’s words to Jeremiah were not words of chance but state forethought and intentionality: ‘Before I formed you I knew you’ and ‘before you were born I set you apart’ (1:5). These are great words of affirmation. Jeremiah was assured that he was a part of God’s plan. You are too! And not only you, but also your church; and not only your church, but also our movement called Queensland Baptists. The great mystery is why does God choose to use us? There is no answer to that question except to say that he has, and our role, as followers of Jesus, is to walk the journey in obedience. That’s an intentional choice! Ministry Matters: Board Retreat Our Board met over the weekend 3–5 August for their Annual Retreat. It was a great time of waiting on the Lord, discussion and planning

together. For the first time we asked a number of folk to pray for the Board in the lead-up to the weekend and to join us for a few hours to pray together. Sincere thanks to those who dedicated themselves to this task. Again we state our conviction that ‘prayer is not a substitute for action; it is an action for which there is no substitute’. QB Board Focus 2013 Many people joined us for our Focus Dinner where the Board’s theme for next year, ‘Loving others … WIDER—Extending God’s Kingdom’ was presented. This included some specific ideas for 2013, including: • Every Baptist sharing their faith with four people who are not yet followers of Jesus • Every church ‘adopting’ a ‘least-reached’ people group—subculture, suburb, town or city, and/or country • At least one church in each of our 19 regions making specific plans to sponsor the planting of a new faith community by the end of 2013, resulting in a minimum of 20 new plants by the end of 2014 • Recruiting four new long-term staff from QB churches to serve overseas with Global Interaction. I encourage you and your church to consider these matters seriously. Remote Area Ministry Recently I visited our Cooktown Church. Peter and Christine Coates and the church people are doing a great ministry job in the far north. Sometimes we think that most blessing is found where there are greater numbers and more resources. The reality is the place of blessing is right where God wants you to be: big or small, city or country, populated or remote. It would be a shame if people missed out on the best God has for them by having a wrong understanding of success! Go where God wants you to go! State Leaders I met with my counterparts recently. God has really blessed Australian Baptists with quality leaders of the Baptist Unions in the various States! Each has a heart for God and his mission, and they are supportive of each other and willing to share of themselves and their resources. We recognise that we are all in this together, for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Finally… Yes, I believe God has a plan for your life—as an individual and as a church. I wonder what it is for you? May you know the Lord’s pathway for you in the journey of life, and may he grant you the grace and the courage to walk in obedience to him! David Loder General Superintendent, Queensland Baptists October 2012


Speaking out

God is building his church The 2011 Census Data and Queensland Baptists May I apologise to those who don’t appreciate statistics. This is my second article about statistics (see also The qb, August 2012). The problem is that I have a fascination for statistics and studied stats at University. I think that the census data is fascinating, but I promise that there will be no more articles on statistics this year!

The Census Statistics

The recently-released census figures show that there has been 6% real growth (on top of population growth) over the last five years among people in Queensland who call themselves Baptist. The average growth (2006-2011) of Baptists throughout Australia is 3%. The number of people who called themselves Baptist in Queensland (87271) is second only to NSW (99876, -2.1% drop) and is ahead of both Victoria (77857, 4.1% increase) and Western Australia (41672, 13% increase). I have not yet seen the NCLS statistics. They may paint a more accurate picture of the church situation. But, overall, the census results are encouraging and show that most Australians who call themselves Baptist actually have had, or do have, some link with a Baptist church. We are bucking the Australian trend of a diminishing church in real terms. Philip Hughes (Pointers 22/3 Sep 2012, 3) said, ‘One surprise is that Baptists grew more rapidly than the Pentecostals over the last five years’.

We are seeing ‘Baptists more as

Of course, we must not rest on our laurels. Our numbers are still small when compared with the population of Queensland. But we are at least making an impact or, more accurately, God is at work building his church and is choosing to use us to make a difference.

a network.

Reasons for the growth of Baptists in Queensland

I have not had a chance to do any careful research as to the reason for these figures, although I do hope that Malyon faculty will look at them in greater detail (along with the NCLS data) at some point in the future and produce some researchbased insights into what God is doing. But let me offer some guesses as to the factors that may be assisting our growth. 1. We have maintained a strong commitment to the authority of Scripture, the truth of the gospel and the need to be relevant. We are not ashamed of the gospel that Jesus is the only way to be right with God, and we hold to and teach the truth of Scripture. Yet we also worship and minister in ways that are relevant to ordinary Australians. The denominations that have compromised their stance on the Bible and theology and the denominations that have lost contact with Australians in their forms of worship, continue to go backwards, according to the census.


October 2012


Baptists 2006

Baptists 2011

New South Wales









Western Australia



South Australia






Northern Territory



Australian Capital Territory 4276





Speaking out

2. Our ethnic churches and numbers of immigrants in many of our local churches are growing considerably. The largest sources of immigration in Queensland were New Zealanders, including many Pacific Islanders (50,000), British (33,000), Indians (19,000), Chinese (15,000), and South Africans (13,500). The South African influx, along with other Christian groups from Africa, Polynesia and Asia, may account for a significant proportion of our growth. Not all suburbs have these more recent immigrants, but many do. It has been exciting to see how churches have adjusted so well to these changes and have opened their arms to people groups from throughout the world now living in Queensland. Many ethnic Christians are finding a home among Baptists. I’m sure this is greatly helping our growth. In discussing the growth of Christian groups in Queensland, Hughes (2012, 7) says, ‘The flows of immigrants from the Pacific Islands via New Zealand and from South Africa have added to the strength of the evangelical churches’. 3. Most Baptist churches are serious about reaching out to their community. I know that this is slow work and I’m not aware of any church being flooded by a stream of new converts from the community, but almost every church I visit is doing things in, and for, their community. We are building the reputation of Christ, and people who have no understanding of the gospel are being reached. Our churches are looking beyond their own needs. Hughes (2012, 4) comments, ‘It may also be that the growth of Baptists … reflects their greater emphasis on evangelism and that they are using more effective means of evangelism’. 4. Most of our churches are relatively healthy. While churches will always face problems (just look at the New Testament churches), as I move among church people I have generally noted support for, even enthusiasm for, their church. This is usually a sign of good, godly leadership. I think the health of our churches is partly due to the strong pastoral work of David Loder and the Regional Consultants, who are effectively supporting pastors and churches and are providing resources and advice. I hope that Malyon College has also had a part in this, through both the strong theological and practical training of new pastors and the work of the Leadership Centre in networking and developing pastoral leaders. If we can maintain health, growth will come. 5. We are seeing Baptists more as a network. Those born post-World War II tend to see denominations as institutions that restrict and control, rather than support and empower. Therefore if the brand ‘Baptist’ is to be seen in a positive light, it must be seen as a network of churches that are encouraging, equipping and supporting each other. While we still have some way to go, I think that this is happening.

Numerical Growth

Baptists % Growth

State % Growth

Real Baptist Growth





































These are only my guesses. I would be keen to hear what factors you think are contributing to our growth. I do believe that we are only at the beginning of what God could do. If we can continue to develop godly, able leadership across the church and work together to increase our church planting, these could be powerful times for Baptist churches, and, more importantly, God’s kingdom. John Sweetman Principal, Malyon College October 2012


Baptisms We encourage you to pray for those baptised in all our churches around Queensland, including: Bethel Romanian Matthew Oros Jonathan Pacuraru

First Matu baptism at Mansfield Baptist It was a very special time for the Matu Christian Church when they celebrated their first baptismal ceremony in their new home—Australia. QB Regional Consultant, Emil Rahimov, conducted the baptisms of ten young men and women, and Matu church leadership were joined by members of Mansfield Baptist, who kindly offered their church for this very special occasion. Mansfield church deacons, Allan Goldsworthy and Ian Sganzerla, joined the prayer and set up the church for the baptisms. At the end of the ceremony, the Matu church leadership expressed their gratitude to the Mansfield Baptist congregation and leadership, communion was celebrated and then lunch was shared. Matu Christian Church was recognized by Queensland Baptists around a year ago. The church consists of Matu people from Burma who were persecuted by the government there and had to escape and await resettlement in Malaysia and India. By God’s grace, some families were resettled in Brisbane and now the church is a vibrant congregation with a deep commitment to the Lord Jesus. They hold their services every Sunday afternoon in Woodridge. Please pray for the newly-baptised believers who have made their commitment to follow Jesus faithfully. On a spiritual journey together It was a great time of celebration at Bowen Baptist Church on Sunday 9 September when five people made a public declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ, and took that wonderful and important step of obedience through the waters of baptism. Young people—Gabrielle Stace, Travis Phillips and Kylie Phillips—and young couple, Peter and Billie Acreman, spoke about their journeys of faith in front of a church full of their family and friends. ‘Bowen Baptist has had a mini spiritual boom over the past twelve months and the baptisms were a testament to the spiritual journey that we are on together,’ Leanne Folling said. ‘Our church purpose statement is, “God’s people working and worshipping together to make Christ known”, and it is exciting to be a part of what God is doing as he continues to equip us with dreams and visions for reaching our community, and beyond. Praise be to our God!’

Images: L to R


October 2012

Bowen Peter Acreman Billie Acreman Kylie Phillips Travis Phillips Gabrielle Stace Browns Plains Isaac Biggs Brian Gretch Pam Gretch Lynn Mathers Aidan Thompson Caboolture Steve Tuckerman Carey Beryl Wright Matu Rebecca Dinpui Muan Hlui Elizabeth Lawmzual Merry Malsawmkim David Malsawn Jacob Muanpui Miriam Napluen Sharon Napluen Sawmkim Thanmawi Taringa Megan Pang Jiaan (Ryan) Wang


Around the regions

A heart to change the world Janice Hovey, Wynnum Baptist Missions Committee member, writes: We have had a very busy few months at Wynnum Baptist. The children of our church presented the Psalty musical ‘Heart to Change the World’ in May. This was an excellent production with 30 children, ranging in ages from 5–13 years, dressed in national costumes and singing and dancing. The audience of over 300 proud parents and friends were impressed by the quality of the musical and the wonderful message it portrayed. The production was followed by an ‘International Dinner’ including food from South Africa, Korea, Philippines, New Zealand, USA, China, and more. It was a wonderful time of fellowship in the church hall which was decorated with flags and artifacts from several nations. In June, we launched a ‘Talents Scheme’ based on the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). The Missions Committee gave $10 to anyone who wished to use their God-given talents to multiply the amount over a two-month period. Eighty people used their $10 in creative ways, e.g. hosting dinners, making cakes and biscuits, child-minding and lawn mowing. Some of our younger kids busked at our monthly church markets, while some families potted plants and sold various crafts. One little boy (in Year Two) raised over $200 by being sponsored to ride his bike! It was terrific to see the creative ways that people found to raise more than $7,000 for missions. Half of the funds were sent to Andrew and Julia Stoff who are working with Pioneers in Togo, Africa, and the other half was allocated to a Symbiosis Project in Bangladesh.

In focus Pastors and key leadership from QB churches met in August to hear General Superintendent, David Loder, present the QB Board’s theme for 2013. Building on the themes of previous years, next year’s focus will be: ‘Loving others WIDER—Building God’s Kingdom’. October 2012


Around the regions

Abandoned, abused and at risk Debbie Brennocks, co-founder and director of Kidz Kan Zimbabwe—home of the Sandra Jones Centre (SJC)— visited the Nanango Baptist Church recently to share about the centre’s work and her vision for the future. The SJC is an interim care facility for babies, children and teenage girls who have been abandoned, abused or are at risk. Over the last 10 years, they have seen over 800 children come through their doors, many of whom have now been reunited with family. They currently have 70 children in their care. The current location of the SJC, 30 km from Bulawayo, is no longer available to them; so Debbie was in Australia to raise funds towards the purchase of ‘Hotel Rio’, a disused hotel complex on 18 acres of usable land much closer to Bulawayo. At the new location they can become more selfsustainable, and they will be able to care for up to 120 children and girls who can attend regular schools and church, and have much greater access to medical and telecommunications facilities. Over the last 12 months, they have raised $170k to pay the deposit and be able to move in; however, they still need to raise a further $330k to fully own the property. Nanango Baptist Church raised over $2000 to support this work. For more information, visit

On the move • • • • • • • •


Pastor Andrew Botha has accepted a call as Assoc Pastor to Bundaberg Rev David Daniels has accepted a call as Interim Pastor in Ulverstone (TAS) Rev Frank Lyle will conclude at Tugun-Tweed (effective Dec 2012) Rev Graheme Monteith will conclude at Leichhardt (effective Feb 2013) Pastor Neil Parker has been appointed as Assoc Pastor (Church Planting) to Toowoomba Community Pastor Nick Riley has accepted a call as Associate Pastor to Enoggera Rev Daryl Rossow will conclude at Silkstone (effective Nov 2012) Rev Graeme Rouillon has been appointed as Chaplain at PA Hospital

October 2012

Turn on the tap! Leona Conwell, Sunnybank District Baptist Church (SDBC), writes: SDBC’s youth group, Infusion, has been studying the book ‘Do Hard Things’, which challenges teenagers to rise above the community’s often-held low expectations of them. At the same time, the kids were made aware of the Samaritan’s purse ‘Turn on the Tap’ appeal, which directly targets communities without access to clean drinking water by providing wells, rainwater harvesting solutions, BioSand Water Filters, health and hygiene programs and training. Spearheaded by one of our enthusiastic youth leaders, Matthew Foord, the kids were inspired to help ‘turn on the tap’ by being sponsored to carry various amounts of water over various distances. This project raised significant funds for developing countries, and afforded our youth the opportunity to develop an appreciation of the conditions endured by many people in other parts of the world. The group’s fund raising target was $5000. Funds raised currently stand at over $6000, and we will soon be forwarding a cheque to the Samaritan’s Purse ‘Turn on the Tap’ appeal.

Around the regions

Fathers and sons At a special dinner for fathers and sons at the Leichhardt Baptist Church, guest speaker, Ian Meyer, spoke about responding to the call of God to serve with International Nepal Fellowship. At the time, Ian and his family were Image: farming in the Horsham area of Victoria. They L to R Ian and Chris Meyer were involved in the local church and were content with what they were doing for the Lord. Their world was turned upside down when they felt God’s call, and subsequently Ian went to work as an agriculturalist at the Green Pastures Leprosy Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal. The dinner, organised by the Men’s Ministry and held on Father’s Day weekend, attracted 35 fathers and sons who had a great night of fellowship and came to understand a little more about the joys and difficulties of working cross-culturally.

Thanking ‘the locals’ Pastor Adrian Iles, Agnes Water/1770 Baptist Church, writes: The local community has been so generous over the years to the church that, as a gesture of thanks, we held a Pig-on-a-spit evening. It was another opportunity for the generosity to flow with ‘Babe’ donated by the Agnes Water Butcher, fruit and vegetables from Olly’s and 1770 Marina Cafe, gas donated by Sekoan, bread from the Agnes Water Bakery, patio heater by First Point Café, and many hours in the kitchen by the church congregation and guests.

On Father’s Day, Max Littleford, Director of Men’s Ministry, led the service and spoke about the responsibilities and joys of being a father. Guest speaker, Chris Meyer, highlighted some of the difficulties he meets as a chaplain to the Rodeo Circuit and the opportunities he has to show Jesus’ love. Chris, who is Ian Meyer’s son, has three daughters and a son. He also spoke about the importance of making sure they know that he loves them and is proud of their accomplishments. Chris based his message on the story of the wedding at Cana (John 2:1–11). He spoke about how important it was for the father of the bride to have everything go well for the wedding, but they ran out of wine. He had not provided enough for the wedding feast, but Jesus ‘saved the day’ by turning water into wine—the best wine of all. Chris and his wife, Georgi, sang ‘Something beautiful, something good’ to bring the service to a close.

We ate our meal sitting around the campfire entertained by our local Awsum Ukulele Club, and the Fire Twirlers who evoked spontaneous ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ from the crowd. What a great evening—the town is still talking about it! The event was another opportunity to lift the positive profile of the church in this community and encourage folks to come together. October 2012


Around the regions

Life cycles It was the culmination of seven years’ effort when Girls’ Brigade won first prize in the Youth Fruit and Vegetable competition at this year’s Royal National Association Show (the Ekka) in Brisbane. Using 20 different types of fruit and 21 different types of vegetables, the young people put together a vibrant display featuring the life cycle of the monarch butterfly—from caterpillar to beautiful orange butterfly. The designers of the display were able to combine the competition theme, ‘Our Farmers, Our Future’, with the Vision Statement of Girls’ Brigade, ‘Girls’ Lives Transformed, God’s World Enriched’. The exhibit took 12 months of planning and five days to set out at the Ekka Pavilion.

Girls’ Brigade is part of the ministry of 20 Baptist churches throughout the State. It offers a relevant and dynamic program to girls from Prep to age 20 that includes successful training programs for High School girls and the annual Leadership Development Course, which is not restricted to Girls’ Brigade members but is open to high school aged girls and young adults from the wider community. Boys’ Brigade conducts similar programs. For more details contact Girls’ Brigade Queensland, ph 3849 4129 or and Boys’ Brigade on 3374 3224 or

A church on the move South Redland Baptist (formally South Redlands Christian Community) is growing and beginning to reach out into the community. The church meets at 9 am in the Redland Bay State School and is strategically placed to minister to the local school community. To raise money for chaplaincy at the school and to become better known in the area, the church is staging Talent@Redlands on 20 October (3.30 – 5.00pm). This is a family variety concert featuring acts from children at the school plus invited guest artists and celebrities. A special attraction for music lovers will be world renowned violinist Attila Sautov. Please pray for the church and especially for the concert. For more information contact 0423 983 657 or Image: South Redland Baptist church family


October 2012

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Small church—big ideas Mandy Colledge from The Gap Baptist Church (TGBC) writes: What happens when you take 25 ordinary Australians (half of them under 21) from a small suburban church and transplant them into the Facebook free zone of mainland China?

Christian Action, undertakes humanitarian projects within this remote area. They provide winter homes for nomadic peoples, rural health clinics, schools and scholarships and co-manage with local authorities several children’s homes. Xining Children’s Home is home to 100 orphans, 90% of whom have either a physical or intellectual disability. The Rehabilitation Centre provides rehabilitation and special education services to children from the home and wider community.

Wonderful things! In the June/July school holidays, literally half of The Gap Baptist Church embarked on a mission trip to Xining, the culturally diverse capital of Qinghai province, high on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. As well as helping the poor and disadvantaged within their own city, the Hong Kong based organisation,


October 2012

TGBC After many months of planning, praying, changed plans and more planning, we were there at last. This was a totally new and, at times, confronting experience. For some it was a long-held dream and for others an unexpected opportunity. But nerves or uncertainty faded away as we spent time with the children.

Rain squashed plans for a day at the zoo, so music and song bridged the gap. A dance-off between children from opposite ends of the world left everyone laughing. ‘Caring for the carer’ was a new concept, so we took

One particularly moving interaction involved watching a teenager, who had undergone open heart surgery as a child, feeding and cuddling a child who was waiting to grow strong enough for her heart operation. It brought home the reality of how our lives are impacted by where we live: something over which children have no control. Then, playtime outside: soccer, ‘chasey’, slides and swings, children in wheelchairs being taken for walks around the garden. Children all over the world just want to have fun. Several of our team had specific skills that were put to good use. A paediatric physiotherapist, with the help of our photographer, left detailed care plans and instructions about beneficial positioning and exercises. This was a wonderful opportunity to make an ongoing difference. Staff attended a talk on dealing with difficult behaviour from a doctor who specialises in cognitive behavioural therapy. Some people enjoyed stepping outside their professional roles and using other talents.

more than 40 staff on a day trip to Qinghai Lake. Although the lake is only 100km west of Xining, for most it was their first visit. Nomadic Tibetan herders beside the lake led many on their first horse ride. Huge desert sand dunes border the lake providing an opportunity for some sand tobogganing and a high altitude game of volleyball. Everyone, at some stage, stepped out (or was pushed out!) of their comfort zone, whether by travelling overseas for the first time; being separated from family; confronting different environments, living standards and communication barriers; or through disability. Yet the most important things in life are universal, like the love people have for their children. There was genuine love and compassion for the children; you could see and feel it. And we were very proud of our children as they totally demolished teenage stereotypes and engaged with, and loved, the children.

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We saw the most basic of human needs in action—the desire to communicate and connect with each other. No one has returned untouched by the experience. It was our desire to put our beliefs into action, and we are hopeful that we have been a small part of something much bigger. We have been way out of our comfort zone and I am sure God wouldn’t want it any other way. Plans are underway for our next trip in 2014! October 2012



Celebrate the past: look to the future The year 1862 is a long, long time ago! It was just three short years after Queensland became a separate colony and Brisbane was declared a municipality—with its own local government. It was a pioneer town! Some years prior, in 1849, James Johnston and his wife came to Queensland. They were Presbyterians but became Baptists in the late 1850s. They owned 70 acres (28 ha) at Bulimba, fronting the Hamilton Reach of the Brisbane River, and they opened their home for church services. When their house became too crowded, a chapel was built on part of their farm land. So, in 1862 the new work was established, and after more than 100 years it was relocated and then merged with the 30-year Norman Park church to form what is known today as Carey Baptist Church, Balmoral. On 28 October 2012, the church will celebrate their 150th anniversary. They will also mark the occasion as the conclusion of services and closure of the church. Subsequently, Queensland Baptists will facilitate the development of a new planting team who will steer the ministry to the local community into the future. Max Horton has contributed information for an article on the history of Carey Baptist Church, Balmoral which appears in this issue (see QB Archives).

You are invited to attend the 150th Anniversary of Carey Baptist Church, Balmoral Sunday, 28 October 2012 9 am Service (Speaker: Rev Barry Forrest) followed by a Fellowship Lunch Please RSVP for catering purposes to Estelle, ph 3393 5263 or Brenton, ph 3899 1119.


October 2012

Image: L-R Graham Phillips & Steve Twible

God is faithful! A celebration service was held on 4 September in Moranbah, Central Queensland, to welcome the Moranbah Christian Fellowship into the Queensland Baptist family of churches. This church has faithfully served God in the mining town for many years, and, at the celebration service, stories were told of how people have come to faith through the congregation. Their testimony was that God is faithful! Steve Twible, Regional Consultant for North Queensland, officiated at the service and other QB representatives present were Chris and Jane Ganter (Rockhampton), Jock Whittaker (Mackay), and James Baker (MTQ). There are many huge challenges when it comes to ministry in mining communities like Moranbah! Every week thousands of mine workers fly, or drive, into Moranbah to work their shifts. After each shift they sleep in miners’ accommodation, and after each series of shifts, they fly Image: The church family and or drive home for a few days visitors after the service off before starting all over again. Other challenges in mining towns are housing shortages, high rentals, and living with the fluctuating price of coal and its flow-on effects. Please pray for the Christian families who live and work in mining towns. Pray also for those who fly in and out of these communities. Pray for workers to go into this harvest field. If you have any skills or qualifications that enable you to live and work in mining communities, why not seek to move and settle down in these communities and support God’s work in extending his Kingdom.

RiverLife celebrates While planting new churches is an important part of our DNA and vision as Queensland Baptists, there seems to be another parallel trend emerging as some small Baptist churches amalgamate with other (usually larger) neighbouring Baptist churches. RiverLife Community


Church is a result of this trend. RiverLife celebrated its first birthday on 12 August. The church came into existence as a result of a merger between North Shore Baptist Church and Bli Bli Community Baptist Church. Both churches were conducting Sunday services in rented facilities only about 8 kms apart. Initially, it was proposed that the two churches come together for the Sunday service only—thus making one larger worship gathering that could create more synergy and save on the considerable manpower and costs associated with conducting two services so close to each other, every Sunday. But the trial run proved so successful and pleasing to all, that a new proposal was put forward for a complete merger of the two churches. As one of the churches was struggling without a pastor, this proposal was also viewed positively by the Queensland Baptists’ leadership. But, in order to make it work well (which it has), a new start was needed: a new church and a new name. The congregation wanted to avoid any feeling of ‘they joined OUR church’ or ‘that’s OUR property or equipment that they are now using’, or similar thoughts. By closing two existing churches and opening one new church, none of that happened. Everyone is new to RiverLife! And while the church currently meets in the Bli Bli school hall, they have land at Pacific Paradise and hope to build a facility of their own in the near future. Rev Bob Rogers said: ‘The name “RiverLife” came from two sources. The first is geographical. The Maroochy River flows through the heart of the Sunshine Coast and our church’s area of ministry responsibility: Bli Bli, Maroochy River, Pacific Paradise, Twin Waters, Mudjimba, and Marcoola. So “river” had to be part of our new name. And, of course, where Christ and his Church are present, there is “life”. ‘But the name also came as a result of a word from God to me from Ezekiel 47, where the prophet sees a river flowing from God’s temple that totally

transforms the landscape. As a church, we want to be like that river because “where the river flows everything will live” (v9) and “fishermen will stand along the shore … spreading nets” (v10). Hopefully that, too, describes us, because RiverLife is a missional church. ‘As a pastor, I am so proud of the wonderful people who call RiverLife their spiritual home. Their commitment to our church and importantly to our local community is inspirational. Happy first birthday, RiverLife!’

Multicultural ministries are thriving Toowong Baptist Church is the oldest Queensland Baptist church building that is still being used for services; and the ministries there are flourishing! On 25 August, Gwen Paterson—one of the oldest and long-standing members, as well as Deacon Emeritus—cut the ribbon to officially open a new ministry centre. The new facility is two stories, housing offices and a variety of flexible meeting spaces. Murray Lean, QB Area Coordinator for Brisbane City, brought a message and words of congratulation on behalf of Queensland Baptists on this special occasion. The church is multicultural, growing and thriving in this Brisbane inner suburb. There are three congregations: Cantonese, Mandarin and English and the pastors ministering there are Andrew Teo, Charles Byrne, Melody Ting and Russell Matthews.

It’s dinky di! All the hard work has finally paid off with the grand opening of the Agnes Water/1770 Dinky Di Men’s Shed. A huge crowd from the community gathered at the shed on church grounds to witness the culmination of months of hard work by a team of dedicated volunteers. Gladstone Regional Council’s Mayor Gail Sellers cut the ribbon to declare the Shed open!

The project was fully funded by the community and included a donation of $18,000 from the local

RSL sub-branch. October 2012


Intentional ministry series

Intentional ministry series

Sending a clear message Over lunch in the Brisbane CBD, QB Regional Consultant, Emil Rahimov, spoke with David Toma, Pastor at the Bethel Romanian Baptist Church in Kingston, Brisbane. The church has recently made significant changes to their ministry in order to be more intentional in reaching their community. ‘David, you were born in Australia of Romanian parents and now you are pastoring a Romanian church. Are you more Romanian or Australian?’ ‘Definitely Australian. We spoke English at home, and I grew up in this country. Romanian is certainly a strong part of my heritage, and it was within the Romanian community that I heard the call of Christ and answered his call to ministry. I love the Romanian community, but I am more Australian. In fact, I have never been to Romania and Australia is my home.’ ‘But you preach in Romanian?’ ‘Yes, I do. But native Romanian speakers easily recognise my accent (and my many grammatical errors) when I speak Romanian. However, I mainly preach in English since we introduced English services in our church.’ ‘Tell me a bit more about that? How come you preach in English in a Romanian church?’ ‘Well, the church was originally founded to reach out to the Romanian community in Brisbane. There are lots of people in Brisbane who are of Romanian background, but as children in Romanian families are raised here in Australia, English is becoming the dominant language for the younger generation. Our ability to effectively minister to the younger generation was limited by holding services only in Romanian.’


October 2012

‘So what happened?’ ‘We decided to have evening services in English. Firstly to minister to the Romanian youth whose first language is English, but also so we could invite our friends and community. We have tried to ensure that we don’t use English only as a means to maintain our own, but as a means to extend the kingdom.’ ‘How is that going now? Can we say that the English service is the integral part of Bethel Romanian?’ ‘Yes, it is an integral part of our church, and all our evening services are in English. I still have sweet memories of the day when we presented the plan to introduce English services to the membership, and the plan was accepted unanimously. There certainly are challenges, such as how to maintain a Romanian identity as we seek out Romanians in Brisbane. However, God’s surprise to us was that since we started this ministry, the number of Romanians worshipping at our church has also increased. Romanian families whose children are English speaking see the value of coming to a church where they can worship in Romanian but also enable their children to be part of English speaking services. In addition, Pastor Albert Nihot and his wife Maureen were, and still are, very helpful in working with us to make the English service more effective. We now have people from different ethnic backgrounds coming to our church. As a result of this ministry, a Sri-Lankan couple joined our church and they are active in ministry.’ ‘You also minister with the Vietnamese community?’ ‘Yes, Vietnam Grace Church uses our facilities to reach the Vietnamese community in the area, and we are glad that we can facilitate this ministry.’ ‘What are the main challenges of this kind of model in the church?’

David Toma

‘Transiting from a single-ethnic church to a multi-ethnic church is an exciting journey, but it is not without challenges. The key challenge is how to build one united church that worships in two languages. We still want to be able to attract Romanians to our church and see them transformed by the power of the gospel. At the same time, we want to reach people from other nations, and don’t want our Romanian identity to hinder our ability to reach out to them. So the challenge is having an identity that targets a specific group but which, at the same time, is inclusive of all groups. We want to be a church that is active in making fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, regardless of their ethnic background. No doubt, as we continue to grow there will be other challenges. But so long as we maintain unity, Christ’s love, and share the same vision for the glory of Christ in all things, for the joy of all people groups, I believe that we can overcome any challenges.’

Intentional ministry series

group of Christians in Egypt who wished to reach out to the Muslim community during Ramadan. As they prayed, a young man suggested they display a poster for all in the village to see—‘We are Christians and we love Muslims’. At first this seemed to be an inflammatory remark, but as they considered it further, it seemed God was confirming that this was what he wanted them to say. They had a large banner made and displayed it in the village square opposite the mosque. They waited nervously, not knowing the reactions the banner would cause. The Christians were pleased and surprised to see smiles break out on faces as the Muslims came out of the mosque. Folk greeted them, shook hands with them and took photos. Even the Imam was pleased with what he saw. Far from being inflammatory, the banner proved to be a real ‘God-send’ in building positive relations between the two religious groups.

‘David, tell us a bit about your family.’ ‘I am married to Corina, who is also of Romanian background. She is a great support to me in my ministry. We have one daughter, Chloe Evangeline.’ ‘Thank you for your time, David. God bless you, your family, and your ministry.’

Being one in Christ Jesus Rev Bob Rogers writes: At Stafford Heights Baptist we have a several former Muslims and some Christians still married to Muslims among our Sudanese friends. We also have a family from Iran joining us each Sunday morning. It has always been our concern that the media often portrays all Muslims as violent and extreme. Instead, we are finding that the Muslim people we mix with simply want to get on with making a new life in Australia. For them, family comes ahead of fanatical religious observance. We wondered how, as a church, we could make a worthwhile statement to Muslims in our community during the month of Ramadan, which is a most important month on the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting and extra prayers and giving to charities. In 2012, Ramadan fell between Thursday 19 July and Saturday 18 August. I had read an article in the Barnabas Fund magazine about a

As you can see, we felt the statement should also be made to our community, expressing not our fear of Muslims, but that the love of Christ is also available to them. Our Sudanese friends were particularly pleased with this initiative. They told me it gave them the opportunity to share with Muslim friends and family how they truly felt—not enmity, but a genuine desire to get along. In fact we had only positive reactions to the sign. We trust this gesture went some way towards sharing with our wider community that God is love. The church continues to discover ways to reach out into their local community. Bob adds: More than 25 nationalities are represented at Stafford Heights Baptist, including three larger groups of folk from the Nuba Mountains, Sudan, Chin state in western Myanmar, and Karen state in eastern Myanmar. Culture and language can often cause barriers to warm fellowship, but the church is making intentional efforts to work through these challenges as we seek to be ‘one in Christ Jesus’. The church provides meaningful ministry through English classes, seniors’ groups, home fellowship groups (including several in easy English), separate and combined church services (including One Youth Church), combined leadership meetings, a thriving Thrift Shop and FoodMart, as well as more traditional ministry activities. We are conscious that our wider community is watching all we do, and we are keen to be known as a friendly and welcoming church. Bob Rogers Stafford Heights Baptist Church October 2012


‘... look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest (John 4:35).’



Save the date!

wider Extending God’s Kingdom

Date claimer: Plan now to attend QB CONFERENCE 2013 at QCCC Mapleton Incorporating QB Pastors & Spouses Retreat (2-5 April) Guest speaker: Keith Jobberns, National Ministries Director, Australian Baptist Ministries QB Leadership Day (5 April) QB Convention (5-7 April) Guest speaker: Allan Meyer, Careforce Lifekeys

ARCHIVES The end of an era

The original chapel on Johnston’s donated land.

The church known today as Carey Baptist Church, Balmoral will celebrate its 150th anniversary on 28 October, and will officially close.

was an outreach of the Jireh Baptist church by three families—Beaumont, Poole and Laurens—and the Sunday School was conducted in the Masonic Hall in Norman Avenue. In 1967, the two fellowships (Bulimba and Norman Park), which were both pastored by the Rev Brian Shirley, decided to merge, under the name ‘Carey Baptist Church, Balmoral’. In 1969, a constitution was drawn up and the church became independent, thus ceasing to be a Home Mission work after so many years.

Bulimba The historical background of this quiet suburban church, established 150 years ago, is quite remarkable, going back to the foundations of Queensland as a colony. Of course, the Carey Baptist Church’s present site on Lytton Road, Bulimba, is not the original site where the work Pastor G raham E commenced. dga

During 1970, the Rev B. Shirley was farewelled, and the Rev Frank Williams was called. He remained until the Rev Alan Burgess commenced in January 1972. In 1974, former members, Ben and Ruth Aldridge, returned home from missionary service in Africa. Ben became Interim Pastor and was followed by Pastor

r & famil

In 1849, Dr Dunmore Lang organised the arrival in Brisbane of three ships, the ‘Fortitude’, ‘Chasely’ and ‘Lima’. One of the passengers on the ‘Lima’ was James Johnston who settled in the area now known as Bulimba. The 70 acres he occupied was the first ‘scrub farm’ to be established fronting the Brisbane River. Johnston, who became a Baptist in the late 1850s, soon opened his home for services. Then, in 1862, after the services grew too big, a chapel was built on land donated by the Johnstons in Henderson Street. This original old building was replaced by a larger church in 1886. The work at Bulimba was overseen, at different times, by Jireh and City Tabernacle, and then by the Baptist Union using people from the Preachers’ Society to conduct the services (along with several other small churches around Brisbane). South Brisbane and Rosalie were also involved at various times. The work was also under the Home Mission and was linked with Coorparoo for many years as a circuit, and then later with Norman Park included as well, which ultimately led to a merger. Bulimba was not constituted as a church until 1940. The first pastor of the constituted church was the Rev F.J.C. Stone who became General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Queensland. In 1960 the church took a great step forward when it moved to its present site in Lytton Road, using a relocated Housing Commission building for worship. This also led to closer cooperation with the Norman Park Church. Norman Park In 1931, Sunday School began in Norman Park, and this was followed by the constitution of a church in 1943. The church


October 2012


Graham Edgar. Church secretary, Les Ross, was transferred with his work to Maryborough. The fellowship was greatly indebted to him and his wife for their contribution to the life of the church. During their time at Carey, a Girls’ Brigade company was formed and Mrs Ross as Captain, with a team of workers, saw the work flourish among girls in the district. Wes and Ethel Caddy took up the ministry at Carey in 1980. Pastor Caddy had worked with the Aborigines Inland Mission for many, many years. During his ministry, Mark Kickett, an indigenous Baptist College student, assisted him. To accommodate Pastor Kickett and his wife, the fellowship purchased the house next to the manse. The work flourished during this period, and the debt on the manse was cleared. Several pastors followed Wes Caddy, including: Bob May, Mel Williams, Peter Plummer, Peter Horrell, Colin Fowler and Brenton Minge. In recent years, the strength of the church has declined, due to an ageing congregation, so a decision has been made to ‘close the doors’ to make way for a new, invigorated work to commence with support from ily Queensland Baptists. fam & r Col Fowler


The Baptist Archives, Phone 07 3878 3178, 07 3354 5642, 07 3256 8897 The Baptist Archives, QB Centre, PO Box 6166, Mitchelton Q 4053

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QB kids & their families

Think Orange There are two significant influences in the life of a young person, the home and the church. On average the church has 40 hours per year with a young person compared to 3000 unstructured hours at home. In a nutshell, this is the Orange philosophy, as developed by Reggie Joiner from North Point Community Church, Atlanta. Julie Terry, Associate Pastor at Hervey Bay Baptist Church and member of the QB Kids’ team, recently attended the ‘Engaging Orange Conference’ in Melbourne. She came away with a clearer understanding of the importance of the church partnering with families in the spiritual nurture of our children and young people. ‘I heard about the Orange concept a few years ago, and knew people that headed off to the Orange Conference in America, but had not really understood what “orange” was all about. The recent conference in Melbourne helped me to crystallize some thoughts and concerns I have had about our church’s ministry to children and families. It has made me think more deeply about our responsibilities as a church, and the responsibilities of the family, in providing a spiritual foundation for the children in our care.


October 2012

‘Statistics show that many of our children and young people are walking away from their faith—the key exit points are at ages 12 and 18. Joiner states, “There is too much at stake to let this generation get disillusioned, discouraged, stuck and lose their faith. They need leaders and parents who are determined to help them MOVE forward spiritually … that is our responsibility”. ‘How best can we provide a strong spiritual foundation in the children and young people in our congregations, and encourage them to move forward to become spiritual champions? Many parents see the spiritual nurture and discipleship of children as the church’s responsibility, but we, as children’s workers, know that we have so little time with the children, and we ask ourselves, “Are we really making a long term difference for the Kingdom?” ‘George Barna states in his book Revolutionary Parenting, “Churches alone do not, and cannot, have much influence on children. In fact, the greatest influence a church may have in affecting children is by impacting their parents [p xviii] … the spiritual nurture of children is supposed to take place in the home. Organisations and people from outside the home might support those efforts, but the responsibility is squarely laid at the feet of the family [p12]”.

QB kids & their families

‘Reggie Joiner states: “Church has believed that parents probably won’t assume responsibility for their own children’s growth, so they have tried to become a parent substitute. This, in turn, has fostered parents to adopt a ‘drop-off’ mentality. Maybe the greatest gift a church can give parents is the confidence and courage to do what God has wired them to do.” ‘Deuteronomy 6 and Psalm 78:4-7 clearly lay out that the spiritual nurture of children should take place in the context of community. It reminds us of the adage “it takes a whole village to raise a child”. ‘Technically, anything that a ministry does for the family could be called family ministry, but that’s actually part of the problem. There is a difference between doing something FOR the family and doing something WITH the family. Family ministry should not be another program you add to your list of programs. It should develop the process that drives how both the church and the home combine their efforts to influence the next generation in their faith and character. If you really believe that nothing is more important than someone’s relationship with God, it makes sense to combine the influences of the home and church.’

Think Orange: Imagine the Impact When Church and Family Collide… By combining the critical influences of the light of the church (yellow) and the love of the family (red) we get the Orange Strategy. God’s heart is to combine the influences of home and church to effectively nurture and disciple children in their faith. The impact on the child will be far greater when the family and church are working together. The Orange strategy starts with preschoolers and moves right through to young adults—building on what has gone before to help the child move forward in their discipleship journey. We need to help our young people see God for who he is and see themselves the way God sees them, so they can love others the way God does by unfolding the plans he has for their lives. The child will move through the following stages and levels of understanding: 1. Incite wonder—to help children to trust an infinite God 2. Provoke discovery—to help children value themselves, and be encouraged into a personal relationship with Christ 3. Fuel passion—to move children to care about others and step into God’s plan by serving and loving others. Want to find out more? Visit: JulieTerry Associate Pastor—Hervey Bay Baptist Church & member of the QB Kids Team

‘If you really believe that nothing is more important than someone’s relationship with God, it makes sense to combine the influences of the home and church.’ October 2012



God of Adv ent ure


October 2012

A pastor recently asked: ‘Where in the Bible do you find camping culture mentioned?’ Well, I’m glad he asked because I’ve been reading an excellent book by Bruce Dunning called ‘God of Adventure’ which establishes the biblical validity of ‘Christian Adventure Learning’, arguing a case that liminality (conscious awareness) and adventure learning combine to be one of God’s principle tools to connect with his people, challenge them, and have them participate in his redemptive purpose for his creation. The book takes the reader through more than one hundred biblical examples of adventure learning and camping. For example: The biblical narrative of redemption through the establishment of the Hebrew nation begins when Abraham demonstrates trust in God by taking the risk to relocate from his contextual urban existence into a nomadic experience, far from home. (Principles of challenge, relational trust and risk also happen to be the vital platforms of any successful adventure learning program.) The wilderness features heavily throughout the biblical narrative as a life-changing experience. Think of the biblical luminaries who saw their lives changed or their ministry empowered through wilderness experiences. Here’s a few—Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist and Paul. Even Jesus sought the reflective qualities of the wilderness immediately after his baptism and came away from the experience declaring, ‘The time has come at last—the kingdom of God has arrived’ (Mark 1:15).


Jesus’ strategy of discipleship is heavily dominated by an approach that looks like an expeditions program. Eleven men changed the world after spending three years on the road and sharing many meals around a roadside fireplace with their Rabbi. As John the apostle suggests (John 21:24-25), the totality of Jesus’ deeds means there would not be room in the whole world for all the books that would have to be written (he was writing in the preinternet age, of course). No doubt a lot of what was spinning around in John’s head when he wrote this came from the fireside conversations shared with Jesus after a long day’s walk. The much-quoted example of the First Century church in Acts 2:43-47 is far removed from our modern day experience of privatised suburbia but it does seem to include a lot of what makes camp programs so powerful; even today. Their fellowship was marked by day after day meeting with common consent, breaking bread together and sharing meals with simple joy. Bruce Dunning is the Camp Director at a Canadian campsite called Medeba, a facility I visited last year and whose ethos is now having an influence on the Baptist camping ethos at QCCC. All decisions made at Medeba are processed through one vital grid—how can we make this decision one that maximises community? It is now a question that arises frequently in our planning at QCCC. A lot of campsites have fallen into the habit of promoting their programs as ‘temporary community’. It’s almost something of a mantra in Christian camping circles. It’s not one we subscribe to. We think groups who go on camp already have community and when they leave, they’ll still have it. What matters is whether the camping program has enhanced their community, strengthened it and made the returning model better than the one that arrived. It also takes a lot of pressure off us to ‘create something’. The whisper of the Holy Spirit resides in each guest before they arrive and will last long after they go. Bruce Dunning suggests, ‘It is not our responsibility to transform people; rather it is our responsibility to try and create an environment that makes change more likely to happen’. This brings me to the results from the recent National Church Life Survey. A few questions

were asked about the validity of camping to church health and they’re worth examining. The first question was ‘have you attended a camp/ conference/retreat in the last two years?’ In the latest survey, 15.6% of Baptists said they have ‘never’ done so. Another 35% had not attended in the last two years. 20% had—once; 22.8% two or three times, and 6.7% had been to four or more (champions!). Another question asked was, ‘Is church camping very important to strengthening my Christian faith?’ Amongst Baptists 68% say they totally agree, 6% totally disagree and 25% said they were unsure. If allowed to take some statistical license, I’m inclined to discount the unsure result as it closely resembles the numbers saying they have never been on camp, or at least not recently. So perhaps they didn’t feel qualified to comment. Taking this group out leaves more than 90% of Baptists participating in camping programs who see it as very important to strengthening and nurturing their faith. That’s compelling! Out of interest, for the question of participation in camping, ‘all church denominations’ answered this way: 39.1% never, 29.1% not in the last two years, 13.7% once, 13.3% two or three times and 4.8% multiple. Clearly Baptists have a stronger involvement in, and commitment to, camping, but I think we should still be very concerned that more than 50% of our people have not been on a camping program in more than two years. The same pastor asked if I believe that a church that is not spending money on going camping is not a healthy church. I’m sure a church can be healthy without camping, but I think it’s the wrong question to ask. The NCLS suggests people identify camping programs as an important part of their spiritual formation. Therefore the questions we should be asking include, ‘How great can we be with regular participation in camping?’ Or ‘Is the church that doesn’t camp missing out on something important?’ Andrew Grant Director of Camping Queensland Conference and Camping Centres October 2012


QB women


are stirring


October 2012

I’m a big fan of stats ... I love a good set of numbers, pie charts and graphs. So I thought I’d share a few interesting statistics from the last few months of She is... The She is... team travelled 21,014 km to bring God’s message of love. In five different locations around Queensland, over 1200 women gathered. We ate 712 lollipops and 472 cake pops; we hung more than 150 metres of bunting, five times; we released 3.5 kgs of confetti from 35 massive balloons— and spent eight hours cleaning it up! We drank 3,728 cups of tea and coffee and then used 36,000 metres of toilet paper! Twenty women gave their lives to Christ, and countless women were challenged to show God’s love to others. Through their incredible generosity, the women who attended She is... raised an amazing $27,598.75 to help support the work of Freeset in Kolkata, India, in partnership with Baptist World Aid. In Biloela, women from across Central Queensland travelled many hours to join together with a beautiful sense of unity to hear God’s word—just for them. In Townsville, under the teaching of Naomi Reed, we worshipped together, blessed one another and were encouraged deeply. At the Sunshine Coast Camp, the weekend was full of moments of both depth and hilarity as we shared our hearts. Karen Wilson challenged us and spoke of standing firm in God’s releasing love. We were blown away by the response of the Gold Coast women who gathered with such passion and excitement for their first She is... conference. Many hearts were ministered to, and many lives were impacted. In Brisbane, we were all so blessed by the sense of momentum and expectation of God’s words for each of us: truly a blessed day, with thanks to Suzie Botross for her ministry to us. I want to say a big thank you to the churches who hosted us, the teams who worked with us and to those who attended. I’m personally so thankful to the She is... team who travel long distances, volunteer many hours and are sold out and passionate for this ministry—thank you, girls.

Go shopping! Due to popular demand, She is... now has an online shop! For all the super savvy girlfriends, She is... Essentials is now open if you want to pick up any of the gorgeous bags, tees, iPhone cases or jewellery seen at She is.... DVDs of the Sunshine Coast camp and Gold Coast conferences are also available. Head to and get shopping! Why not do your Christmas shopping early this year! If you haven’t already, LIKE our Facebook page at She-Is/137262996336898 and check out the beautiful photo albums of the conferences and camps.

Already our hearts are stirring with ideas and plans for 2013. We’re looking forward to the new plans God has for us, and listening to his leading and guiding. Stay tuned for more details at I would love to see you again, or for the first time, in 2013.

Sue Peters State Director, Qld Baptist Women

Images (top left, bottom right): Gold Coast conference, Young women, Suzie Botross in Brisbane, Coffe with friends, Over lunch at the Gold Coast. October 2012


QB youth

A fruitful partnership Working well together: chaplaincy and youth ministry One of the great joys and fundamentals in church-based youth ministry is being able to work alongside chaplains in local high schools. I know that if the partnership with our local chaplain didn’t exist, our youth ministry would not have seen much of the fruit it has seen over the past 10 years. As this is such an important relationship, I thought I’d sit down with our chappy, Long (pronounced Lom) Bradley, at our local coffee shop. I wanted to ‘grill him’ on what he thinks is important for a healthy working relationship with youth ministries. ‘Long, tell us about yourself.’ ‘I’ve been a Christian since I was 13 and have been active in church ministries for a long time. I felt called to overseas missions in 1983, did my BMin and applied for missions but was knocked back. Following that, I came to the Gold Coast and in 2000 became the chaplain at Helensvale High, and in 2006 at Helensvale Primary. So, in one sense, I became a missionary after all!’ ‘What is one of the joys you have experienced from a healthy youth ministry/chappy relationship?’ ‘It is exciting to see students being channelled into youth ministry activities, then meeting Jesus, and growing in Jesus. We’ve seen many over the years: some now serve as leaders in the youth ministry and volunteer time in the school— amazing!’ ‘From your perspective, how can a chappy work well with a youth ministry?’ ‘I think that getting to know the youth pastor/leader is important. It’s critical that we understand each other’s heart, e.g. as chappies we need to understand how youth pastors do ministry, rather than simply assuming that they will do this, or that. Frustrations and breakdowns occur between us when we make assumptions.


October 2012

‘Also, I think taking time out-of-hours to get involved in local youth ministry/s is really important so that the youth pastor knows that you’re interested in what they are doing and the youth know that you’re interested in them, outside of school. We’ve seen a lot of youth connected strongly into the youth ministry where I’m involved. If chappies are able, I encourage them to become leaders in their local church ministries—it works really well.’ ‘How can a youth pastor/leader work well with a chappy?’ ‘It’s important that a youth pastor has a kingdom mentality when going into a school. We chappies work with many churches, not just one, so it is great when youth pastors are prepared to work with other churches, rather than in competition with them. This helps us a lot. ‘They also need to be prepared to “do the hard yards” in getting to know the students. My advice to youth pastors is to walk around the school, run weekly programs, but whatever you do, be prepared to do it over a period of time, as consistency and authenticity are key! So count the cost before you come in.’ I thank the Lord for the work chaplains do in our local schools. If you’ve not already connected with your local chap, I would strongly encourage you to do so, as many amazing stories of transformed lives await. If you currently work with a chappy, when was the last time you prayed with them, had a good, honest conversation about your relationship and expectations, or simply encouraged them and got to know them better? Strong and healthy relationships between youth ministries and school-based chaplaincies make for many profoundly impacted lives. Stefan Maslen CrossLife Helensvale

Global Interaction

What’s in the box? Would customs ask questions about the rather large box we trollied through, together with our two suitcases? When we left Australia, the weight hadn’t been a problem; the total came in under out allocation. I’d decided what to say if questioned: just tell the truth. The authorities wouldn’t prohibit entry. Maybe they’d just charge import duty. Lyn and I were making our first visit to Cambodia. Steve and Lisa WestNewman, Joel, Emma and Noah were delightful hosts for our week in Phnom Penh. Visiting the children’s school, Steve’s work place, markets and shops were features. We saw crowds of people; masters of traffic flow like you must see to believe. There are many cross-cultural workers in this city of 1.5 million, yet significantly fewer in the north of the country. There are many opportunities for a holistic Christian presence, and Global Interaction is recruiting staff for the future. In fact, another family from Queensland had recently arrived. We enjoyed accompanying them on a few outings. Scott and Janelle Windus, Rosie and Isaac were familiarising themselves with local culture—such as checking out the local food, historical sites and amateur theatre productions and learning how to negotiate the chaotic traffic. It was a dramatic change for them; we had farewelled them from Australia just a few days earlier. In the 1970s, Cambodians suffered one of the worst horrors of the twentieth century at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. About two million people died from executions, starvation and disease. It has left the country with a huge humanitarian and re-building task. The environment is Buddhist—about 85% of the population: how many are committed devotees is not immediately apparent. Buddhist belief includes ‘Committing good, receives good. Committing bad receives bad’. Hence, motivation is low to assist those with disabilities.

Scott and Janelle are fully into learning the Khmer language. Please pray for them. The prospect of meaningful conversations with locals spurs them on. Steve is a physiotherapist and he has trained about 50 locals—now he’s taking many of those trainees to a higher level. The need for their skills is significant; many of the population have some sort of physical disability—from war injuries or as a result of poverty. This is where the box in our luggage came in. The customs inspector did ask me what was in the box. ‘A skeleton’, I said. It was full-sized. A bit more information was warranted, I thought. ‘It’s plastic. We’re bringing it for a friend who is a physiotherapist here in Cambodia. His mother gave it to me to bring. He is involved in training Cambodian physiotherapists.’ ‘Oh, that’s okay,’ and he signalled us through. We were grateful to be able to make a small contribution to assist Steve as he works with his trainees and demonstrates what it is to be in a relationship with Jesus. We spent a brief time with some others in the team—John, Karen and Kathryn. Lisa is currently the Team Leader. I am praying for others to see this opportunity to serve God in another culture. Will you pray for four additional workers to emerge from Queensland Baptists in 2013 as we focus on extending God’s Kingdom? Here is a quality resource for your congregation in 2013: MOVED – Check it out Geoff Cramb State Director, Queensland Global Interaction October 2012


Malyon College


Gap years are becoming increasingly popular among young Australians. With the pressures of high school behind them, up to 25% of school-leavers are taking the opportunity to relax, travel and learn more about themselves. During this unique time of life, a gap year can also present the opportunity for Christian youth to clarify their life’s direction and build a solid Christian foundation.

Launch GAP Year—building a biblical foundation

This growing trend and the vision of helping young people build a biblical foundation for their lives led Malyon College (with CALAM Training) to introduce ‘Launch’, a gap year program designed for 18 to 25 year olds. ‘There are many options out there for young people who are considering a gap year, but we want to be intentional about assisting young people to build their lives on a solid, biblical foundation,’ says Andrew Carnell, the program’s coordinator. ‘This is a unique opportunity, not only to develop a biblical basis for young people’s lives, but also to help build character and provide principles that will give them every chance for success in the future.’

A gap year with a difference

Launch is a multi-faceted program that includes theological education at Certificate, Diploma or Graduate levels; practical experience in ministry settings; weekly leadership training; personal mentoring; and a mission experience. It is certainly not a gap year that can be seen as a ‘year off’. ‘We want to see young people experiencing God and being 32

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…this experience has illustrated to both churches the power that is present when churches unite to celebrate and serve their God together.

changed through this program. The study and ministry experiences really stretch the students, but we want to get the best out of them,’ Andrew explains. ‘Students are given every opportunity to grow through their study and their practical ministry experiences, and they are supported through weekly Launch meetings and one-on-one mentoring.’

A hunger to know more

While the lectures and ministry experiences have led to a deeper understanding of God and his Word, the fellowship of their peers has contributed to each student’s personal growth and they have been able to process their experiences, and to support and encourage one another. ‘The friendships that I have made through Launch are relationships founded on a desire and hunger to know God more,’ says Launch participant Aidan Thompson. ‘We strengthen, nurture and encourage each other’s faith by building on the experiences, failures, successes, strengths and weaknesses of one another.’

Student experiences

Students with different aspirations and from various backgrounds enter the Launch program. Courtney entered after completing year 12 at Mueller College. She was attracted by the opportunity to experience Bible College and build a biblical foundation for her life as she considered her future direction. The program has also helped her prepare for her tertiary education next year.

Trisha, on the other hand, was already heavily involved in her church’s international ministries but had a passion to be equipped and to grow in her knowledge of the Bible. ‘It is so much fun!’ she says. ‘It is challenging and immensely rewarding! I feel like I’ve been changed. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet people who are serious about getting to know God better, and be encouraged and equipped to bear the name of Jesus in this crazy world.’ Ben is completing the Launch program at a graduate level, having finished his first degree and planning to study medicine. The chance to delve deeper into the Bible, while being involved in church ministry, attracted him to the Launch program.

Malyon College

Malyon—2013 TRAINING YOUNGER LEADERS Summer Christian Leadership (Intensive Jan 14-17) UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE UNITS—SEMESTER 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Old Testament Foundations Jesus and the Gospels New Testament Greek A Leadership in Christian Ministry Guided Spiritual Formation Reformation in Europe & Britain Jeremiah Fourth Gospel (Greek) Grace and Eschatology Mission Perspectives Evangelism Children’s Ministry Chaplaincy in Educational Settings Foundations for Youth Ministry

MA UNITS David has a growing sense of call to serve as a school chaplain and he wants to be better equipped for this ministry. He has been able to take Malyon’s chaplaincy subjects and also work alongside a chaplain as part of the practical component of Launch.

Launch Outcomes

By the end of this year, these students, who come from different backgrounds and who are fulfilling different calls on their lives, will have gained: • A solid year of Christian ministry experience under the guidance of a supportive mentor • Strong biblical foundations, having worked right through all the Old Testament and New Testament books in four college subjects • A deeper understanding of Christian leadership and mission • New Christian friends with a similar passion and heart for God and ministry • Study skills and experience in tackling tertiary study.

Most Launch program students will also achieve a diploma of ministry (the first year of a theological degree).

Launch in 2013

The Launch program will be offered again in 2013. Study at Diploma and Graduate level is fully covered by Fee Help and the course is Austudy approved. Further information is available at or email

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Theology and Practice of Church Planting (Intensive: Feb 18-22) Evangelicalism: Its Nature, Spirituality and Significance (Intensive: Mar 11-15) Advanced Pastoral Relationships (Intensive: Mar 18-22, and Distance) Critical Issues in Paul (Intensive: Jul 8-12) Ministering in the 21st Century (Distance) Theology and Practice of Local Church Evangelism (Intensive: Aug 19-23, and Distance) Baptist History and Principles—for Ordination candidates (Distance only candidates)


• Launch (Gap Year) One year program for 17-23 year olds • Graduate Diploma of Divinity • Bachelor of Ministry • Bachelor of Theology • Master of Divinity • School Chaplaincy Training • Master of Arts (Christian Studies) • Master of Arts (Min or Theol) • GradDipMin or GradDip Theol • GradCertMin or Grad CertTheol • Master of Theology • Doctor of Ministry Email: Ph 07 3354 5656 October 2012



The workers are few Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’ (Matthew 9:35-38). I have been reflecting lately on how, as Baptists, we have a strong commitment to supporting missions. Many churches ‘tithe’ their offerings for missions giving. This money is predominantly given to overseas mission work, but some is allocated to support mission in our state. However, we can be less generous when it comes to our people resource, where the emphasis is mostly on how their gifts and abilities can be used more effectively in their own local church. I wonder what the impact on kingdom growth would be if we were to ‘tithe’ our people for missions? What if we intentionally trained people to be sent out into the mission field, both in our state and beyond? How many great church planting teams could be formed, and how many unreached people groups and communities would be transformed? At the recent Vision 100 Church Planting Day, keynote speaker, Joshua Avia, challenged every church of over 200 people to give away five families, every year, to support new church plants.


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It is one thing to ‘ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field’, but are we willing to be the answer to that prayer and be the ones who are sent? We need to be generous giving churches when it comes to sending out workers: there are so many church planting opportunities in our state, and so few people putting up their hands to be involved.

Steve Twible and I recently visited several central Queensland mining towns to explore how we can more effectively reach those communities with the good news about Jesus. We have struggling churches in some of them— Blackwater, Tieri and Moranbah— all of which could be so much more effective if they had a few more gifted people and leaders. They are thinking creatively about how to reach their communities but lack the people to implement many of their initiatives.

places to intentionally be part of a church or new plant? There are also many coastal towns and regions in the South East corner that need mission-focused churches, of all different models, to effectively reach them.

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Matthew 9:35-38

There are other places in the region where churches could be planted, e.g. Middlemount, Dysart and Claremont. These are great communities to live in, especially for young families. Have you thought about spending two, five or 10 in one of these

The QB board theme for 2013 is ‘Extending God’s Kingdom’. How do we go about this? One practical suggestion is for each regional cluster of churches to work together to assist at least one of their churches to plant a new faith community in 2013. This, alone, would result in around 20 new churches, and there are some regions where several churches could be planted. Will your church start praying about being the answer to Jesus’ prayer, and become a generous giving church with its gifted people? Will you start seeking God and asking if there is somewhere he wants to send you to be a worker who brings in part of his harvest? I would love to hear from you!

James Baker Leader of MTQ Coordinator of Church Planting mob: 0418 124 862 October 2012



Words of wisdom We are proud to have 14 centenarians living in our Queensland Baptist Care aged care centres. They have managed to defy the statistical odds, and blow out 100+ candles on their milestone birthdays. Nearly all of our centenarians are women (only one man makes the list), and 106-year-old Evelyn Vigor may be our oldest resident, but she still retains a youthful zest for life. This optimism seems to be a common trend among the group, coupled with living an active, healthy life and a strong faith in God. Having lived for over a century, this special group have picked up a few words of wisdom along the way. Some shared their secret to a long life with Queensland Baptist Care’s PR Officer, Mary Earls.

She also enjoys listening to the radio and taking part in activities and social events at Hilltop Gardens. She was married and although she did not have children, she is surrounded by family and friends. Elefteria Banos: aged 102 – Wishart Village Born of Greek descent in Egypt, Elefteria speaks five languages fluently: French, English, Greek, Arabic and Italian. She loves parties and cross-stitching and only moved into Wishart Village at age 101. She was married and did not have children but has an ‘adopted family’ and lots of friends who visit her often. Elsie Flor: aged 100-Colthup Home Elsie maintained her flower beds and vegetable patches and kept ‘chooks’ up until the age of 96. She was married with one child and still has a niece and four granddaughters who visit her regularly, along with other relatives and friends.

Evelyn Vigor: aged 106 – Clifford House Evelyn was believed to be Queensland’s oldest voter when she cast her ballot in this year’s State Elections and she hasn’t missed a voting day since she was 21. She was married with three children and What’s most important in life? still has lots of grandchildren who love visiting her at Clifford Evelyn: ‘You should stick up for the things you believe in. If you House and really look after her. do what’s right, you always come out on top. I’ve tried to—all Elsie maintained her flower beds and vegetable patches and kept ‘chooks’ up until the age mychild life.and Butstill wehas allafall down on our morals sometimes. of 96. She was married with one niece and four granddaughters who visit We just Phyllis Norcott: try and do the best we can. I have always gone to church and her regularly, along with other relatives and friends. aged 101 – Brookfield Village lead a Christian life, though, and this helps you when you come Originally from Bristol in England, Phyllis to the rough places.’ most important in life? still enjoys reading, What’s crossword puzzles Beryl: ‘Family and friends. My years volunteering with Meals Evelyn:residents ‘You shouldand stick up for things you believe If youofdothe what’s right, you alwaysexperiences and chatting with staff, ontheWheels were most rewarding come out on top. I’ve tried to—all my life. But we all fall down on our morals sometimes. her family at Brookfield Village. Phyllis in my life. That’s where you learn what life is really all about— just try and do the can. Itimes, have always to church leadIajust Christian was married with fourWechildren and stillbest wegood sad gone times, funny and times. reallylife,loved helping though, and this helps you when you come to the rough places.’ has one son living in England and four grandchildren, lots of out in the community.’ Beryl: ‘Family and friends. My years volunteering Meals Wheels were also one of great grandchildren and one great, great grandchild, here in Elefteria: ‘Being with happy andonpositive.’ the most rewarding experiences in my life. That’s where you learn life isattitude really allto life.’ Australia. Elsie: ‘Having faith in God andwhat a good about—good times, sad times, funny times. I just really loved helping out in the community.’

Beryl Underwood: Elefteria: ‘Being happy and positive.’ Tell me something about life in the old days: aged 100 – Hilltop Gardens ‘I remember Elsie: ‘Having faith in God andEvelyn: a good attitude to life.’ the day that the very first ambulance was Beryl, who is now completely blind, still introduced to Laidley. I was about eight years old and this enjoys meeting up with her six nieces and contraption came down the road with big bicycle wheels, a Tell me something about life in the old days: nephews and their children, along with stretcher suspended between them, and a hood to cover the Evelyn:and ‘I remember the day that the very first ambulance introduced to Laidley. I was some great, great nieces nephews. occupant. I recall askingwaswhy two men had to pull the cart,


October 2012

about eight years old and this contraption came down the road with big bicycle wheels, a stretcher suspended between them, and a hood to cover the occupant. I recall asking why two men had to pull the cart, instead of using a horse. I also remember riding a horse to school in Laidley. After I finished school I worked in the telephone exchange, before it was

instead of using a horse. I also remember riding a horse to school in Laidley. After I finished school I worked in the telephone exchange, before it was automated in the 1930s. I loved the work because I was always a talker, and I can still remember that when people called we used to have to say “number please” before we connected them.’ Phyllis: ‘I laugh when people ask me are there any foods I don’t like. You had what you were given in those days, and you often went hungry. So there’s no food that I wouldn’t eat because you were raised to eat whatever you got. I had a lovely childhood growing up in Bristol though, out in the fields playing all day during the summer holidays. I still remember the delicious roly-poly pudding with dates that my mother used to make as a special treat when I was a child. There was no messing about and it was a simpler time. But I worked hard all my life, in canteens and hotels and in an aircraft factory during the war.’ Do you have any words of wisdom for us? Evelyn: ‘You just have to stay positive and try to enjoy life. I’m the last one left in my family as my three children and husband have all passed on. Yet I’m still here. It can be very sad to outlive your children, and I miss them so much. I try not to be depressed about it. Being positive and having a sense of humour about life helps you through. I also have lots of grandchildren who really look after me.’

Beryl: ‘Everyone should appreciate their mothers. I had a wonderful mother who shared the same birthday as me, and I still miss her terribly. I was born on her birthday, 8 June, and she always said that it was “our special day”. She used to say it was a lovely birthday present to have had me on that day. We were such good friends and my times spent with her were some of the happiest of my life.’ What’s your secret to a long life? Evelyn: ‘I’ve no amazing secret but I’ve always tried to take care of myself by eating healthily and not drinking or smoking. You don’t have to be drunk to have fun. It’s also important to remain optimistic because there’s always something around the corner. I always believed that tomorrow will be better.’ Phyllis: ‘I worked hard all my life and ate plain home-made meals. I didn’t need to exercise because the work kept me fit.’ Beryl: ‘You just never give up hoping and live one day at a time.’ Elefteria: ‘It’s important to be happy with life and happy as a person.’ Elsie: ‘I worked on the farm all my life, and times were hard, so maybe that has helped me live a long life. Everything was done by hand in those days. I also taught Sunday school at the local church. My motto is to have faith in God and never give up.’ October 2012


Micah Challenge Australia

Let’s finish what we started ‘What does the Lord require of you? Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God’ Micah 6:8. Hundreds of Christians from across the country joined politicians at Parliament House on 21 September as they added their photos to a giant 2015 puzzle—a symbol of Australia’s commitment to halve global poverty by 2015. Former PM Kevin Rudd, Labor MP Peter Garrett, Greens’ Senator Lee Rhiannon and Independent MP Rob Oakeshott were among those who added their faces to the 2015 puzzle. They were joined by a group of anti-poverty campaigners, including Baptists from all over Australia, who were in Canberra for Micah Challenge’s annual Voices for Justice event. The campaigners have been urging politicians to finish what Australia started when the Government signed on to the UN Millennium Development Goals in 2000. One of the campaigners was Jessica Clarke of Baptist World Aid Australia. She said BWA was a strong supporter of Micah Challenge and this year’s Voices for Justice was an exciting time to come together with other agencies and Christians all over Australia to encourage our government to provide more and better aid and to commit to finishing the race to halve global poverty. ‘When it comes to advocacy, Baptist World Aid chooses to work in coalition with others wherever possible, because we know that by standing together we are stronger than we are on our own,’ she said. According to Micah Challenge’s National Coordinator John Beckett, significant progress is being made towards the Millennium Development Goals in every country that receives Australian aid, which is why it is crucial to keep global poverty on the political agenda.


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‘It is great to see our political leaders come out in strong support of such important goals: goals which have, in some cases, already been achieved. In other cases, many inroads have been made,’ John said. ‘In the top ten Australian aid recipients, child mortality has fallen from between 30 to 70 per cent since 1990. For example, in one of our closest neighbouring countries, East Timor, one in every six children was dying, but that number is now one in every 20. Worldwide, five million more children are living to celebrate their fifth birthday than in 1990, and aid has played a significant part in that progress. We know that aid works. ‘But we are still off track when it comes to the Millennium Development Goals that target hunger, education and health. Our campaign is about getting the message on poverty back on the agenda and back into the minds of our decisionmakers. We know that aid is effective for saving lives, and yet we currently give just 0.35% of national income to overseas aid—or 35c in every $100— which is still a far cry from the UN target of 0.7%.’ Anti-poverty campaigners held around 100 private meetings with MPs and Senators to encourage all parties to support an increase in Australia’s overseas aid. Micah Challenge and Make Poverty History launched a new report on Millennium Development Goal progress at the Voices for Justice event, and all MPs and Senators were asked to pledge renewed commitment to the international goals. Voices for Justice is an initiative of Micah Challenge, a global movement of aid and development agencies, churches, schools, groups and individual Christians who want to influence world leaders to meet their commitments to the Millennium Development Goals. See

Image: Micah Challenge: Baptist World Aid Team 2012

Persecution brief

Please pray INTERNATIONAL Pray for Christians in countries where violence has erupted during Islamic protests over a YouTube trailer for the US-made film, Innocence of Muslims. The film has been deemed insulting to Islam, as it portrays Muhammad as fraudulent and depraved, and it has sparked protests in around 20 countries that have led to violence. Although Christian groups have been quick to denounce the film, local Christians are concerned that Islamic anger over the film is also being turned against them; they are already vulnerable to attack in many of the affected areas and are so often seen by Muslims as allies of the ‘Christian’ West. Pray that the Lord will bring peace to Christians already affected by the violence. Pray that continuing Islamic anger in Egypt and other countries will soon abate, and that it will not lead to further targeting of Christians. Ask also that the Lord will give world leaders wisdomas they respond to the violence, and that the millions of Christians in the affected countries will not be put further at risk. KENYA Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Mombasa, Kenya, which saw two days of violence in late August. Rioting by Muslims broke out after the radical Muslim cleric Aboud Rogo Mohammed, who was suspected of links with the violent Islamist group al-Shabaab, was killed on 27 August. His killers have not yet been positively identified. Al-Shabaab responded to his death by calling for Muslims to ‘take the matter into their own hands’ to protect their religion at all costs. Five churches were attacked and torched in the violence that ensued, as Muslim youths clashed with police. One person was killed. Give thanks that two Muslim groups in Kenya, the National Council of Muslims and the National Muslim Advisory Council, have condemned the violence, with the chairman of the latter saying that ‘using the killing of the preacher to burn churches, destroy property and kill innocent people is criminal.’ Row, Coventry, CV1 5EX. Email SYRIA Lift up to the Lord Syria’s 2.3 million Christians, as they continue to suffer intensely in the civil war there. Conditions across Syria have greatly deteriorated: food, water, electricity SOURCE: Barnabas Fund,

and petrol are in short supply. Christians also continue to be the target of violent attacks by opposition fighters, who believe them to be government supporters. Pray that the Lord will protect Syrian Christian refugees as they risk desperate measures to find a safe haven. They are beginning to flee their country; for example to Lebanon, Jordan and Greece. Hundreds of Christians are putting their lives in the hands of human traffickers in order to get to Greece, via Turkey. Uphold in prayer all who undertake such journeys, and ask that the Lord will keep them safe. Pray also for those who remain behind, that all their needs will be met as conflict continues to ravage Syria. INDONESIA The official campaign against churches in West Java, Indonesia, shows no signs of relenting. Lift up to the Lord the congregation of GKI Yasmin, and also two other congregations in West Java whose church buildings were sealed off in the last few months. Officials are thought to be bowing to pressure from Islamists in making these decisions. Pray that the rights of Christians in Indonesia to religious freedom will be upheld, and that churches there will be able to meet without danger of official harassment. BURMA (MYANMAR) Despite the praise that Burma (Myanmar) has attracted this year for its recent reforms, the Christian minority there continues to be persecuted. A new report has shown that the government is still pursuing its agenda to assimilate the mainly Christian Chin ethnic group into a Buddhist national identity. Lift up to the Lord Christians in Burma, and ask that he will protect them from this on-going campaign, and that they will be able to stand strong in their faith. Pray that the Lord will comfort those who have been the victims of this persecution, and ask that the Holy Spirit would enable them to forgive and love their persecutors. Pray for Christian children in Burma, that the Lord will be a shield around them so that they will grow up firm in their faith. ‘Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge’ (Psalm 62:8, NIV). October 2012



This is

the way… Sincere Christians recognise the need of God’s constant guidance, and earnestly desire it, because they rightly judge that the issue of guidance is no minor matter, and they are sensitive of their own frailty and proneness to error. It’s important to realise that God not only wants us to seek his counsel (e.g. 2 Kings 1:3; Isaiah 8:19), but views very unfavourably his people’s failure to do so. Through the prophet Zephaniah, he reprimands ‘those who have not sought the Lord or inquired of him’ (Zephaniah 1:6). Saul was condemned because he ‘did not seek guidance from the Lord’ (1 Chronicles 10:13–14). For those who long to receive God’s guidance, there is great comfort to be found in the knowledge that he wants us to seek his will so much that he is upset if we fail to do so. How does God guide his people? In the past, he has used a variety of means, including sending his prophets and giving dreams and visions. Under the New Covenant, we are told that God’s people are led by the Spirit who indwells them (Romans 8:14). Jesus promised that the Spirit ‘will guide you into all truth’ (John 16:13). This and other statements in John 14–16 clearly establish that the Holy Spirit is a guide and instructor to Christians. So, though God continues to use other methods as well, one of the major ways he now guides Christians is by his indwelling Spirit. How does the Spirit speak to those in whom he lives? This is an important question because different answers have been proffered, and they have caused confusion and uncertainty in people’s minds. 40

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The Spirit leads by working through the understanding, and also by implanting impressions in the mind. Often Christians find that where they were confused and uncertain about how to proceed in a matter, after prayer the way forward becomes clear. At other times ideas, and sometimes words, are implanted in their minds. These impulses may come unexpectedly, though they will often occur during a period of prayer and seeking God. This very means of guidance was foretold in the book of Isaiah: ‘Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”’ (Isaiah 30:21). Note that the devil can (and sometimes does) counterfeit this inner leading of the Spirit. Because these false impressions are discerned as proceeding from a source other than the person’s own mind, they have often been trusted. As a result, that person has been misled into thinking that they were guided by the Spirit when they were not. Does this mean that we should regard all impressions on the mind as invalid means of guidance? No, to reject all such impulses just because Satan counterfeits them would lead us to quench the work of the Holy Spirit. Instead, we must examine these influences cautiously to determine their origin. How do we distinguish the genuine from the spurious? It is my view that when the Holy Spirit influences the mind, Christians are aware of gentle inclinations; there is nothing hurried or forceful about them, and usually no audible voice is heard. He acts so delicately in our minds that our actions remain spontaneous and free. In fact, these impressions can


be so gentle as to be almost imperceptible; especially if we are preoccupied.

servant is listening’ (1Samuel 3:10). It is deeply encouraging that God promises to guide his people. In Proverbs we read: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths’ (3:5–6). As a result, we can safely put our reliance in him to guide us.

On the other hand, any leading that is vehement, furious or impetuous is not from God: rushed urgings, which can be troubling and confusing, are usually from the devil. The Spirit’s voice is soothing, calming and produces a quiet joy. Above all, these impulses must always be consistent with the Word of God. The Holy Spirit will not lead us Above all, these to do anything that is contrary to the Scriptures, impulses must which he has inspired.

always be consistent

We often think that we are alone in the most inward parts of our beings. However, the Bible makes it clear that there is a Person and power within Christians who is separate from them. He is more intimately present there than we are, and has rightly been called ‘the soul of our soul and the life of our life.’ Just as the disciples approached Christ with all their concerns, opened their minds to him and confessed their fears, we may go to the Spirit at any time and ask him what we wish. Spurgeon made this comment: ‘You cannot see him, but he sees you, which is much better; you cannot hear his voice, but he hears your voice, nay, he hears your thoughts without a voice.’

It’s encouraging to hear that our Lord expects his with the Word of voice to be distinguishable from counterfeits. God. The Holy Spirit ‘My sheep hear my voice’ (John 10:3), he will not lead us to insisted. He was saying: ‘I speak to them, and do anything that they listen to and distinguish my voice from is contrary to the all other voices.’ Everyone is afraid of being misled—and rightly so. However, these words Scriptures, which he are quite explicit. The Saviour expects his people has inspired. to hear and rightly interpret his communications to them. We must conclude that, while it is possible for Christians to be deceived by false impressions, it is also possible for them to determine the origin of impressions Christians often become anxious and afraid that they may if they are carefully and prayerfully examined. miss out on discovering God’s will. However, if we take seriously God’s promises to guide us and rely on our inward What are our responsibilities when we seek God’s guidance? Teacher, trust will absorb worry. It is the law of God’s household that his children ask for what they need. We were cautioned: ‘You do not have because Jim Greenbury you do not ask’ (James 4:2). God loves to be consulted. So we should often call out with Samuel: ‘Speak, Lord, for your October 2012


B O O K S . DV D S . M U S I C

DVD: FLUX—a journey of constant change FLUX is a surf film with a difference. It documents the journey of a group of surfers, aged from 12-60, who come from different backgrounds and life-situations, but who share a love of surfing and a common faith. Director and Producer, Andrew Carruthers has gathered an eclectic group of people. ‘For a few years now I have been dreaming and talking about making a surfing movie: a movie that shows the diversity of surfers and our vast and different life experiences,’ Andrew said. ‘I wanted to marry the two great passions of my life—surfing and faith. ‘Surfing has shown me that unity does not mean uniformity. We can be different ages and sexes, have different backgrounds and life experiences, we can ride different surf craft, in different ways. But, despite these differences, we can have unity as a group—if we work at it. Faith gives us the framework to work through these differences together. ‘The 10 people in the movie start at one place as a diverse group of individuals and arrive at another—united; having grown closer together through a shared, common experience. Living together in New Zealand for 10 days, they share surf, laughter and conversation. Flux is a movie in two parts: FLUX ‘A Journey of Constant Change’ is a documentary detailing the journey of 10 surfers as they discuss together life, faith, creation and God, and FLUX ‘A Deeper Journey’, which is a short film that delves more deeply into the issues raised—faith, diversity and change. The movie comes with a 20-page booklet that leads people through the surfers’ journey. The movie is available for purchase online at Trailer and more information can be found at or contact Andy Carruthers 0412 222 370.

BOOK: Soul Friend Have you ever enjoyed an ongoing spiritual friendship with a wise, mature Christian who is prepared to walk beside you, believe in you, pray for you, encourage you and challenge you not to give up? Soul Friend is an honest and intimate portrayal of the author’s own journey with her wise, spiritual mentor and the warm, life-giving relationship that developed between them during their fifteen years of meeting together. This story is written in the hope that it will inspire many, not only to seek out such a spiritual friendship for themselves, but also to provide such a friendship for another. Jo-Anne Berthelsen is the author of five Christian fiction novels. Soul Friend, her first non-fiction novel, is available from for RRP $17.95.


October 2012

Several weeks ago I heard a few minutes of a religious program where the question was asked, ‘What do you expect of God?’ At around that same time, I had an unpleasant experience at work. I asked a colleague a question and got an answer spoken out of irritability, frustration and tiredness.

Prayer & praise

These two events prompted me to write the following prayer, which is based on my emotional, experiential view of God. ‘Jesus, thank you because you are never short tempered or irritable. You are not rude or abrupt. You are not unkind or unthoughtful, nor are you selfish or harsh, unfair or arbitrary. You are not inconsistent, disinterested or distant. You are not inaccessible or unpleasable. ‘I love these things about you. ‘All good things are found in you, Jesus. You are amazing beyond understanding. Thank you for being good, kind, gentle, caring, compassionate, strong, generous, just, merciful, forgiving, active, willing, involved, committed, tenacious, long suffering and persistent. Thank you because you overlook rudeness; you are not arrogant. ‘I’m so glad you are in charge and in control. ‘In you are light, and life, and health and restoration. You give direction and security. You accept me. You are constant, interesting and creative. You have solutions. You are wise and understanding. Thank you for loving me as you do. ‘Thank you for rescuing me. For adopting me into your family, for taking on the responsibility, expense and energy needed to be my father; thank you for your consistent, ongoing, committed love toward me. Thank you that your love is active in its expression, working for my good and growth. Thank you that your love is generous in all its expression, that you are constantly giving of yourself to me. Thank you for your salvation in the future, and in the now.

Thank you

‘Help me to get to know your character so that I can glorify you effectively by the life I live, the words I say, the things I do. Holy Spirit, help me to reflect Jesus.’ Brenda Klein worships with Caloundra CityLife Baptist Church October 2012


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- A gift in a will - A letter to beneficiaries - A gift from a Family Trust Telephone: 0400 795 302 Hope through Christ


October 2012

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Fun zone

LIKE A CHALLENGE? COMPLETE THESE TO WIN PRIZES! Sudoku Challenge Sudoku rules: Each row, column and block must contain one of the numbers from 1 to 9. No number may appear more than once in any row, column or block. When you’ve filled the entire grid, the puzzle is solved. Sukodu solutions to: QB Magazine, PO Box 6166 Mitchelton Qld 4053 Two correct entries will be chosen to receive a $30 Word bookstore voucher. Don’t forget to include your full name and contact details.

Congratulations to Aaron Gibson and Im Lam a $30 Word Bookstore voucher is coming your way!

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August 2012 solution:


Hey Kids, Look for Lucy!

Congratulations! To all those who found Little Lucy hiding on page 47 (August issue). Hey kids! Look for Lucy in this issue! Little Lucy is hiding somewhere. Tell us where she is hiding and snail mail your answer, or email

Creative Captions Win a Word Bookstores Gift Voucher Send your creative caption for their image to or mail to PO Box 6166 Mitchelton Q 4053. Don’t forget, if you have a great photo that needs a clever caption, send it to or snail mail.

Last issue: ‘Relax the body... stimulate the mind!’ Congratulations to Sheila Grant! October 2012


Subscribe to POSITIONS VACANT Order by phone: 07 3354 5633 Payment via credit card.

YOUTH WORKER PART TIME (2 DAYS/WK) Tent Hill Baptist Church (Situated in the Lockyer Valley – 10mins from Gatton / 25mins from Toowoomba)

OR Complete this form and post back: The qb Editor, PO Box 6166 Mitchelton QLD 4053 Australia Price: 1 Year $19.50 (GST inclusive) Personal Details Rev / Dr / Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss (circle)

Tent Hill Baptist Church is seeking an appropriate Christian person to develop and expand the congregation’s existing youth ministry. The suitable applicant will need to: • Relate well with teenagers both in the church and those in the local community. • Work well with a team of leaders towards agreed vision and goals. • Understand the needs and values of a rural ministry setting. For further information please contact Pastor Iain Russell on 5462 7253 or

Full Name




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This is a fulltime position and a comprehensive Role Statement is available from the Church.



Payment Details I have enclosed a cheque/money order for $19.50 payable to Queensland Baptist Services Group. OR Please charge my credit card Mastercard / Visa (circle one) Number

Expiry Date Cardholder’s Signature

Bundaberg Baptist Church is seeking to appoint someone to serve alongside our current Pastoral Team to oversee and continue to develop the above ministries.

Office: PO Box 3014 BUNDABERG QLD 4670 Ph 07 4151 8222 or Mr Adrian Landbeck (Church Secretary) Ph 07 4155 6858 (a/h)

Part Time Youth & Children’s Co-ordinator Tin Can Bay Community Church is seeking expressions of interest for the position of part time youth and children’s co-ordinator, to commence in January 2013. The role is to encourage and equip current leaders as well as to recruit for more team members. Tin Can Bay Community Church has significant ministry to children and young people in our community.


The position is part-time the equivalent of 1.5 days per week. For a full position description, terms and conditions contact John Van der Heijde on 54862055, or email Applications close on the 31st October.


Youth Pastor – Murgon Baptist South Burnett Region South Burnett Region Murgon District Baptist Church is seeking an appropriately mature youth pastor who is passionate and gifted in getting alongside teenagers and leading them into a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. The position is part time but the suitable candidate would be able to establish a full time position by including a chaplaincy role in the local High School. Murgon is three hours from Brisbane with many opportunities for spouse employment in health, social work, education etc. Murgon is 6km from the Aboriginal community of Cherbourg. The person: • You will have a vital and growing relationship with Jesus • You will be committed to prayer and the Word • You will be comfortable working within a multicultural environment (ie indigenous youth) The role: • • • •

Oversee and grow the existing youth group Pursue outreach opportunities in the community Be available as the “town youth pastor” Combine the Youth Pastor and Chaplain roles for effective youth ministry • Involvement in Baptist church services 1-2 Sundays a month

Accommodation CALOUNDRA: Seafarer Chase luxury 2 b/r holiday apartments on the Sunshine Coast. Ocean views, heated pool, BBQ, security parking, close to beaches, shops, cinema and bowling club. Contact Marianne/Martin Burton, phone/fax 5491 7155. CALOUNDRA - GOLDEN BEACH: Highset three bedroom holiday home. Weekends or weekly. Pets OK. Close to beach. Phone 0402 077 822 or CALOUNDRA - KINGS BEACH: Holiday unit, modern, pool, 100m from Kings Beach. From $390 pw. Phone Ray 0427 990 161. COOLUM: 3brm beach unit, new facilities, ocean views $270 w/e, $490 week *excludes holiday periods. Phone 0411 222 787, email

FOR HIRE Large Auditorium: Seats 290. Qld Baptists’ Centre at Gaythorne. Phone Claire or Emily 07 3354 5600 for more information or visit – venue hire.

GENERAL HOUSE SITTING: Newly retired couple available for short term House Sitting (1−4 weeks). Pets, pot plants okay. Pools will need instructions. References available. Phone: 0427 654 501 Email: WANTED: Small country church is seeking a donation of a Perspex lectern or similar. Will consider buying if the price is right. For more information please call Pastor Steve Henley, Minden District Baptist Church on 5426 8206.

A will to end poverty Contact: Stephen Gellatly. 0413 006 746, 07 4168 2426 or email

Do more than you ever thought possible by leaving a bequest in your will. Call us on 1300 789 991 or visit

INTEGRITY TRAVEL Book all your travel and holidays with Integrity Travel and assist missions. To obtain holiday ideas go to To make a booking please contact Norman on 07 3863 1007 or email: October 2012



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For more information or an application form contact BAPLink: Building 1, Level 2, 53 Prospect Road, Gaythorne PO Box 6166, Mitchelton 4053 Phone: 3354 5611 or 1800 650 062 (outside Brisbane) Fax: 3354 5605

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